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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10363923 No.10363923 [Reply] [Original]

>Online Game Streaming Service
>in 1994
There’s no fuckin’ way bro.

>> No.10363927

ayo ain'' no WAAAAAAY lil bro din' know 'aht

>> No.10363939

if Sega channel is an "online" service then so was ordering a PPV in the 80s

>> No.10363943
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>literally the autistic screeching meme

>> No.10363948

>Sega on the cutting edge of
>rushing out unfinished games and selling you the "complete" game at full price later
>games that focus on cutscenes over actual quality

>> No.10363958
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>> No.10363961

>games that focus on cutscenes over actual quality
What delusion is this? I can't even think of a Sega game with cutscenes before Sonic Adventure

>> No.10364201

A friend of mine had Sega Channel.

>> No.10364215

I used to watch AOSTH on Sega Channel.

>> No.10364220

Wasn’t that one Garfield game exclusive to this service? Like it’s the only game that wasn’t sold retail anywhere until I think it got released on PC or something.

>> No.10364236

Sega CD FMV Shovelware. All cutscene, minimal gameplay.

>> No.10364412
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>online game renting service
>in 1983
>couldn't get any of the actual good games so didn't really take off
>American games market crashed in the same year
Very well timed too, the company behind this took inspiration from getting fucked and became AOL.

>> No.10364443

That will never catch on.
Who wants to pay for games and then not even own them?

>> No.10364959
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>Who wants to pay for games and then not even own them?
yeah, you must’ve been born after 9/11, I don’t think this board is for you, fag.

>> No.10365773

IIRC the only exclusivity about it is new sets of levels unavailable anywhere else

>> No.10365779

I assume he was taking a jab at the current state of digital game "ownership"

>> No.10365780

Only publishers and devs own the games

>> No.10365804

Neat thing, Sega Channel was basically proto cable internet and some of the tech that went in to it ended up in the cable internet standard DOCSIS.

>> No.10365810

So like the critically acclaimed PS4/PS5 games today? Just sounds like sega was ahead of everyone else as usual

>> No.10365817

Actual retard

>> No.10365820

I had it for a few years in the Denver area. It was cool, but you couldn’t save, and they always shit like Phantasy Star 2-4 on there.

>> No.10365823

FMV games are not even close to the majority of content on the Sega CD...

>> No.10366078

Research PlayCable, this was being done with 2600 and Intellivision games in the 80s

>> No.10366098

It wasn't streaming. You directly downloaded whatever game you wanted to play to the cart and could keep playing it so long as the cart didn't fail or you downloaded another game. This is why some games managed to get preserved. You'd know this if you did a couple seconds of research but you didn't and now you look like a fool. You're probably gonna get past the IP counter and go HURRR SAME SHIT to save face but it is in fact not the same thing and you will forever be a laughing stock in my memories of "Dumb newfags on /vr/ I have pwned" list. Good day. Mods.... do something about this thread because quite frankly it's an embarrassing thing to see on what was once a prestigious board for vintage video game discussion.

>> No.10366107

It's not streaming. The game is downloaded locally and then you play it.
PC gamers were downloading games in the early 80s.

>> No.10366138

Are those good games?

>> No.10366147
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>> No.10366153

>phantasy star
>can't save

And then zoomers claim "there was no such thing as leaning the console on for several days/nights in a row"

Did saving worked as long as you kept the console on at least?

>> No.10366169

And it was as good as you'd expect an online streaming service in 1994 to be.

>> No.10366264

didn't even have cable tv growing up, but a good friend had sega channel, and i was fucking glued to the tv even while shit was loading so i could read all the news briefs and stuff. i had never seen anything like it, it was insane to me as a 10-11 year old

>> No.10366278

I don't believe you.

>> No.10366290

Naw, he’s telling the truth.

What fucking sucks is that, because the news and games were streamed and because of the lack of tech at the time. They’re literally not a screenshot nor video of the news paged and what they were about. I used to see people on GameFAQs talk about games that were completely wiped from existence after the service was discontinued. My old brother said there was a Rambo game that was streamed that was played like Contra but better… literally no recollection of it on the entire fucking web.

>> No.10366302

Damn, can't say I've ever heard of that Rambo game. Sounds like it would have been good. I only really got to use the service a handful of times over the course of a summer, and most of the time we were playing 2 player stuff, and the big new releases that were coming out.
I know there's been some kind of work to bring it back to life in some form in recent years, but I don't know if it ever really went anywhere substantial.

>> No.10366325

Do you remember anything of what was streamed?

>kind of work to bring it back to life
I’m surprised they haven’t yet. I’m sure someone will.

>> No.10366342

I don't remember anything really specific, but there were mentions of contests you could enter, and upcoming games that were going to be downloadable.
We played 2p Outrunners a lot for some reason, Gunstar Heroes, MK3 (though it was in separate downloads with a few characters each). Think I played Vectorman on it for the first time. I don't remember if Wily Wars was on it around the time my friend had it. Getting to be a long fucking time ago.

>> No.10366412

Literally Intellivision Playcable but for the Atari 2600.

>> No.10366417

""critically acclaimed""
Yeah, more like paid to positively review it by SNoY

>> No.10366443

boomerchads i kneel

>> No.10366462

>>rushing out unfinished games and selling you the "complete" game at full price later
Truly ahead of their time.

>> No.10366570

Great games, but long enough that you need to be able to save to beat them…
It was like 1995, we had one tv in the house, and there’s no way my parents were gonna let me leave that shit on for weeks while I beat some video game. I got revenge years later though and beat all 4.

>> No.10366650

Sewer shark was awesome!

>> No.10366771

I had Sega Channel for a few years and saves worked on most games. The only one I remember it not working on was Rings of Power. Also if you even just loaded another game that used saves, whatever you had saved previously in other games was overwritten, so you had to be careful about that.
I've read that a lot of units had dead save batteries, so that's probably why people say saves didn't work even though the functionality was there.

>> No.10367467

>age dick waving
XMODEM bros...we just keep winning. [EOT]
Anyway they weren't very scalable, but that only became an issue for Playcable because it had modest success and lasted long enough to actually see bigger games get released. Still cool though.
Would've been cooler with the Colecovision, but they turned that into a pre-broken computer with a penchant for erasing your media when it did function instead.

>> No.10367551

One of the few genuinely functional ideas Sega had, only to be sabotaged by the rapacity of early-90s cable providers.