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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 363 KB, 1000x400, jetsetradio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1036390 No.1036390[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pick one and only one.

>> No.1036491

JSRF easy

>> No.1036526

Controls are better. Graphics are better with higher framerates. Everything felt freer...plus tagging was integrated as an arcadey action as opposed to half of the game...Plus it had Aisle 10 by Scapegoat Wax (such an awesome song).

>> No.1036547

JSRF for gameplay
JSR for everything else
I wish the mods would remove the gen rule so we can freely discuss Dreamcast

>> No.1036564

But...the Dreamcast launched in 98 in Japan and 99 in U.S. I've never seen a DC thread get taken down...

>> No.1036572

A few months after /vr/ was created, I made a DC thread that was taken off in 5 minutes for being 6th gen.
A huge debate between /vr/ and /q/ and/or the mods took place before moot said he'd consider it.
The bastard decided to not allow it due to it being "too recent"

>> No.1036579

I didn't see that thread or that discussion. That sucks.

>> No.1036578

It was already established in the last thread that the rule is contradictory and ambiguous. The only real problem is the people who come in and try to ruin the thread with shitposting or shouting "SEGAutists xD"

The majority of sensible /vr/ users couldn't give less of a fuck.

>> No.1036590

Even so, this thread is also about an Xbox game, which is obviously not retro.

Anyway, Future is by far the better game, with an explorable hub world, no time limits, multiplayer, more funky music, and improved controls. Only thing I miss was not having the custom graffiti tags that you could upload to your VMU and the internet, and doing combos while spraypainting large walls. No idea why SEGA hasn't ported JSRF to the PC yet...

>> No.1036594

Honestly, do these games even feel... retro to you guys? Dreamcast and the rest of the 6th gen are just way too modern for me, man, as good as they were.

>> No.1036621

Jet Set Radio is a Dreamcast game. It's not retro. Take it to >>>/v/

>> No.1036626

Well let's see they were quality games, innovate and imaginative. No DRM, no forced online bullshit, no patches, no kids shouting obscenities, no contrived narrative, no pandering to reddit-level politically correct audiences...
I'd say these games are a world away from modern games.

>> No.1036657

>I've never seen a DC thread get taken down...
Last week or the week before that there was a massive shitstorm when someone made a Sonic Adventure thread. For a good 3 hours straight in the middle of the night according to US time people were shitposting the whole "SEGAutists xDxDxD" spiel before it was deleted and a thread made on /q/. I'm really hoping it was just two guys circlejerking each other off because that was really unbecoming of /vr/.

JSRF 4 life mang

>> No.1036668

Dreamcast is not retro. Stop breaking the rules.

>> No.1036679


>Dreamcast is not yet retro. Stop breaking the rules.


>> No.1036685

No, it's not retro. Read the sticky.

>> No.1036687


It will happen.


>> No.1036695

>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier

DC launched in 1998 and is a retro console. Notice these trolls aren't even trying to point out the XBox as not being "retro". Not that it matters since JSRF was originally a DC game anyway and just got ported over when SEGA pulled the plug on hardware manufacturing.

>> No.1036692

No it won't. It had games made for it until 2007. It's no more retro than the PS3. Take your Sega butthurt back to /v/

>> No.1036701

And NES is still getting new games. Are you guys really this retarded or just jealous you were too plebe to buy a SEGA console?

>> No.1036702

Oh cool, it's the SEGAutist dude.

Report and ignore.

>> No.1036697

It's 50% retro, because games were made for it in 1998 and 1999.

However, JGR (2000) itself is not retro.

>> No.1036698

>Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro (including the Dreamcast).

Learn to read more than one sentence faggot.

>> No.1036706

And you faggots need to learn to read more than one sentence.
>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier
> any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier

>> No.1036705

Oh cool it's a Redditor who thinks sage is a downvote.

>> No.1036703

See >>1036698

>> No.1036707

>he thinks unlicensed/homebrew Dreamcast games made in the late 2000's means the DC actually lived that long!

SEGA killed it in 2001, like 1 year into the sixth gen. Face it, the DC is retro.

>> No.1036710

Not according to the rules of the board. Take your shitposting elsewhere. You're the cancer killing /vr/

>> No.1036712

>It had games made for it until 2007
Woah really?

>> No.1036713

Which applies to everything but 6th gen consoles. Nice try.

>> No.1036718

The only shitposters are you kiddies.

Favorite JSR OST track? Was just listening to it earlier today. I'd have to say mine would be a tie between Rock It On and Bout The City.

>> No.1036725

This thread violates the rules. It's shitposting.

>> No.1036720

Dreamcast is shitposting on /vr/. Why don't you try posting hardcore porn next?

>> No.1036721 [DELETED] 

>Sixth generation and later consoles are not considered retro (including the Dreamcast).

Yeah glad we cleared that up.

God Sega fans truly are cancer

>> No.1036723

No, you are. This thread had fine discussion until you started your crying.

>> No.1036731

When will Gamecube be considered Retro? 10 Years?

>> No.1036729

>Hurr anyone who doesn't like what I do must be a _drone

>> No.1036730

The discussion doesn't follow the rules. why is this so impossible to comprehend?

>> No.1036727

Reminder to report and ignore /v/ shitposters.

>> No.1036726 [DELETED] 



>> No.1036735

you are just as bad

>> No.1036736

Announcing reports is against the rules noob.

>> No.1036732

Never. It's 6th gen.
Or are all films made in colour retro now?

>> No.1036734 [DELETED] 

You really are that much of a loser that all you do is try to hate on people that enjoy games made by a certain company? You truly are euphoric.
*tips fedora and winks my monocle clad eye*

>> No.1036738

10 years from now or 10 years from launch? 10 years from now would make it older then than the N64 is now I think

>> No.1036743

Dreamcast isn't retro.

Sage for not retro.

>> No.1036739
File: 14 KB, 320x240, liigi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jet Set Radio
Played it for Dreamcast and PC.

Never played the xbox one.

Also isnt dreamcast not considered retro?

>> No.1036745
