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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10357913 No.10357913 [Reply] [Original]

Man this game fucking sucks.

>The whole game is an ice stage
>Mario controls like ass
>The fucking pachinko level
>levels are exercises in frustration

>> No.10357918

>The whole game is an ice stage
What are you talking about? This game has very responsive controls.

>> No.10357932
File: 2.65 MB, 480x360, peak mario.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Mario controls like ass
Stopped reading there

Another Segoy shitposting thread

>> No.10357941

>posts a japanese speedrunner technique
Most of us here don't play like that. Mario is a slippery mess in this game.

>> No.10357948

Sounds like you just suck. None of the moves in that video are very hard.

>> No.10357954

Unironic skill issue. I was getting every shine in this game without much trouble as a little kid. Last time I did the pachinko level I did it first try in a couple minutes.

>> No.10357959

Post a video of you doing it then. I'm waiting.

>> No.10357961

Pachinko level is a meme, not that hard just janky.
The real problem with it is the utter lack of content and uninteresting levels.
Not to mention how FLUDD sucks to use

>> No.10357967

>None of the moves in that video are very hard
It's as if games are completely different when played casual vs when played speedrunning!

>> No.10357969

I hate 3D Sonic even worse. 3D Sonic are untested betas that were launched just like that.

>> No.10357981

You'll have to wait a couple months since I don't currently have access to a GCN, but I recognize that's a lame excuse. Which of the moves do you think are hard? He’s just chaining basic moves. Speedrunner tricks would be stuff like going into first person to turn while jumping.

>> No.10357985

>>Mario controls like ass
This is just not true

>> No.10357986

Not in this way though. You might not be able to string moves together that gracefully, but even on a casual level a decent player can pull off those moves individually. He's only doing basic moves.

>> No.10357989

Mario if he canine.

>> No.10357992

Again, I'm waiting your video proof.

>> No.10357993

Make this thread again around Christmas or New Year's.

>> No.10357997

Just be honest andsay you talked shit out of your ass just because.

>> No.10358006
File: 536 KB, 500x500, 1614798124701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was so disappointed in Sunshine, especially after Mario 64.

>> No.10358010

Believe what you want. It doesn't take a great player to do spin jumps and dives.

>> No.10358027

>Most of us here don't play like that
But everyone tries to because just trying is fun and very easy. That's why 3D Mario is so good, even the weakest one like Sunshine

>> No.10358031

Finally /v/ tier threads are allowed

>> No.10358035

based sega living rent free in anon's head

>> No.10358056

Everything gets archived, retard

>> No.10358135

Pachinko level actually has an oversight in its physics. Once you notice and get used to it it becomes easy.
The plunger would give the ball horizontal momentum through the curve. To simulate this the developers simply gave mario general momentum in the upper left half of the board.
The problem arises from the fact that they forgot to have that added momentum/speed turn off after he landed. He gats the momentum to the right CONSTANTLY as long as he is in the left half - UNTIL you pass the middle, THEN the momentum stops. That's what makes movement so difficult.
You landed, jump - and inexplicably get pushed to the right again. It also means you basically cannot really jump to the left unless you first go further to the right, then normal physics are restored. Instead you intuitively want to fight against the push.

>> No.10358137

Is that something that a romhacker could easily fix?

>> No.10358140

You're calling a game shit because it isn't perfect. Absolute cancer

>> No.10358147

i mean you're correct and based but this is clearly a TAS webm

>> No.10358162
File: 3.89 MB, 360x203, fuck this jank game.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except that even when you understand its jank it'll still fuck you in the ass.

>> No.10358163

It's clearly not. See 0:30. That would be easy to make faster.

>> No.10358581

and also the pachinko level, as well

>> No.10358704

>yfw nintendo did a 3D Sanic game better than Sega.
Sega can never catch a break.

>> No.10358707

Never played it and don't want to. It looks pretty shitty

>> No.10358716

It blow

>> No.10358860

>demands streaming videos from strangers proving conversational items
I try not to make it a habit to post like but I wanted to tell you that your attitude is really shitty. I'm sorry to make an also shitty comment and add to the mix with that but sometimes I wonder if people are actually autistic and need someone else to basically say it straight.

If you want the best for yourself you have to nurture your attitude because you have little power over other people and almost total power over yourself, so you gotta work with what you got to affect the world in a way that is advantageous for yourself. If you act like total shit you are actually total shit for the time you act that way. Without people to assault you in person basically, it trains your brain to behave in a way that will ensure your continued lifelong rejection by potential friends and mates.

Sorry to write forever about it. It's just that you remind me of a fat kid I hated in early memory. He caught me at a gas station like two years ago. He looked homeless and had a horrible open wound in his leg and wasn't fat anymore, and asked me for a ride and my phone number and I had to basically grit my jaw and tell him no and good bye. I kinda wonder, if he wasn't such a huge ass would someone have roomed with him, and employed him, and prevented the spiral that I assume went like MomDeath>CouchSurf>Drugs>NoLongerWelcomeOnCouches>StreetUrchin. Or maybe even no drugs, he may have just been unaccomodatable until the hobo aura locked in

>> No.10358863

The real reason Sunshine is so hated is because most Mario fans are spergs who want to play the exact same bing bing wahoo game over and over

>> No.10358872

There is nothing wrong with wanting the same thing to be refined generation by generation. It's not like they can't make different games, too. I'll always be sore about Paper Mario. Why not just continue to refine the core gameplay and take us to new lands and stuff.

>> No.10358946

It really does suck.
The control scheme is bizarrely shit and even inconsistent, I first noticed in Ricco Harbor that the controls would switch around depending on if you were walking, climbing on a wall, or hanging from the ceiling. All three had different buttons to do the same kinds of actions. How did they manage to fuck that up? Why?
The movement doesn't feel smooth or satisfying at all, it's like a bad early 5th gen platformer, which is especially painful considering the elephant in the room that it's the followup to motherfucking Mario 64. The hidden challenge sections just remind you that for most of the game you're using the piss shooter as a crutch and barely doing any real platforming. Annoying treks through uninteresting environments broken up by weird spikes in difficulty. Despite a gimmick strapped to your back for most of the game, there are still gimmicks galore which are generally (also) shit.
The roller coaster boss was a) unfun and b) the only time something on a screen has ever given me motion sickness. Not even real roller coasters make me nauseous.
I don't know where to start on design direction. Hub world is obnoxious, jumping into crayon-eating-dog shit is extremely lame and creatively retarded compared to paintings, which is odd because the baddy's weapon is PAINT. Constantly chasing around a paint phantom like a shitty cartoon villain gets old fast. The central way means of fighting bosses is CLEAN IT UP JANNY, possibly with annoying N64 zelda combat. The biggest challenge any level will throw at you is
>haha u fall now u have to do it again
Even this "peak" gameplay looks like a coked up walrus in an ugly unfun level. M64 speedruns shit all over this.

>> No.10358969

I'm not here to argue spergy mechanical details. Sunshine had an insane amount of character and beautiful environments that you kept wanting to come back to. Also you got to use Yoshi in 3D which was amazing.

>> No.10358990


>> No.10359025

Loved it and so did my bros. Never understood why it gets clowned on online

>> No.10359043

64 still is the best, but sunshine was okay control wise
Unlike the waggle shit that came after

>> No.10359067

>filtered by galaxykino

>> No.10359134


It's interesting and unsettling to consider how many people on this site might act endlessly prickly and mean, not because they're stable people who are just slumming a little and callously venting their irritations in a place where that seems to be accepted and free of risk, but rather because they're seriously messed up and on their way out of mainstream society (possibly never to return) like your fat kid presumably was.

Anyway, Mario Sunshine is okay I guess.

>> No.10359139


I tried it about a decade ago and kinda liked it but somehow it annoyed me enough that I quit playing and got rid of the disc, which is something I'd never done before with a Mario game. But now I can't remember why exactly. I know the collectathon thing bothered me, but otherwise, everything I remember about the game was fun or at least inoffensive. (I actually found the no-F.L.U.D.D. sections to be relatively boring, despite how much praise they seem to get, but I didn't hate them or anything.) I wonder whether I'm going to have to get hold of it again and remind myself of why I dislike it, or if I'm lucky then learn to actually like it. It seems like it SHOULD be a great game.

>> No.10359497

Sunshine shines in music, atmosphere, exploration, and only suffers a little in level design for the expense of trying new things with FLUDD. I adored it.

>> No.10359613

I feel like my estrogen levels are raising after watching this video

>> No.10359616

Mario Sunshine is the most Sega Nintendo Mario game

>> No.10359621

The river lilypad stage is worse.

>> No.10359635

>Mario is a slippery mess in this game
But enough about mario 64

>> No.10359637

The music is really bad in sunshine, the entire game manages to make a summer vacation feel fatiguing and unfun.

>> No.10359652

The control is alright but FLUDD offers such a wide diversion from what I want in a Mario game. The most satisfying Mario Sunshine gets is during the dark world areas, and those don't use FLUDD.

>> No.10359668

Mario is still waiting for the perfect sequel to Super Mario 64. A basic, 3D Mario platformer games that has perfect execution. Nintendo hasn't done it to this day

>> No.10359673

Doesn't the post-game force FLUDD on you even in those mini-stages?

>> No.10359681

Every secret zone has a secret Shine that you can get by going back to it after you beat it once. This time you enter with the FLUDD and have a red switch that makes a timed red coin collection challenge begin.

>> No.10359682

You can beat the red coin levels hoverless.

>> No.10359690

No Sonic game has that much vertical movement...

>> No.10359786
File: 31 KB, 720x480, g7yzin8wnk3b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was really funny that Mario went to jail and was treated like a known criminal the entire time. The central conceit of the story was hilarious.

>> No.10359836

This game really was just sonic adventure 2 with the whole mario/sonic getting in jail because of some faker.
This anon is right >>10359616 this is a mario game made by sonic team. Janky ass game but still soulful

>> No.10359863

Best soundtrack and visual style, worst everything else. This was the generation nintendo realized shipping half-baked entries in their best franchises was dangerous, a lesson the rest of the industry has struggled to learn to this day

>> No.10359876

>The final level in this game was guiding a boat through lava with zero platforming to get to Bowser.
Sunshine will forever be dogshit.

>> No.10359923 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 671x1024, zoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skill issue

>> No.10359937

reddit spacing

>> No.10359946

>muh estrogen
Women can't masterfully play video games like that, retard.

>> No.10359957

I think it's clear based on /vr/annie deleting posts in a console war thread criticizing the lack of moderation and this thread still being up that they really are trying to turn this board into a new /v/ before the cancer took over. This board is doomed.

>> No.10360002

Good. Those posts would be harder to read without line breaks, especially 10358860.

>> No.10360167 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 528 KB, 2048x1536, 1670681003766154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women can't masterfully play video games like that, retard.
Mmmm say again?

>> No.10360169

cause you need to GIT GUD

approach sunshine as a souls tier game that requires skill and full use of all of marios abilities

>> No.10360171

just look at any speed runner of the game and how they use the full move set to destroy the game.

then copy what they did,its not hard.

>> No.10362296

>The fucking pachinko level
This is a reddit meme right?
you don't even have to play that level to beat the game. And it always took me like what 3 tries max?

>> No.10362310

Zoomer revisionism. Many such cases.

>> No.10362315

Most people who shit on Sunshine have never even played it. They watch a Vtuber and then parrot it online, literally 90% of Reddit gamer posts.

>> No.10362318

This. Sunshine filters zoomers and that's why they hate it because it isn't linear hand hold shit like Galaxy.

>> No.10362323

Isn't Sunshine THE zoomer game?
I remember all the younger kids in my neighborhood getting Gamecubes and saying how great Sunshine was compared to Mario 64 while us big kids got Xbox for epic mtndewdoritos ultra macho fps games

>> No.10362354

It came out in 2001. Gen Z is 1997-2003. They were too young to experience it and grew up with Galaxy. Zoomers notoriously suck at video games and anything digital for that matter, so they're filtered by Sunshine thinking it's linear cinematic shit like Galaxy.

People loved Sunshine back in the day (it has a 93 on Metacritic for example), only when zoomers started their presence on the internet the 'Sunshine is bad' meme started. Same goes for Wind Waker.

>> No.10362369

last mario game i ever played. gave it maybe 2 hours.

>> No.10362373

>People loved Sunshine back in the day
anecdotally I remember it being a letdown compared to Super Mario 64. The game didn't feel complete or nearly as polished as the previous entries.
Gamecube in general was a letdown in the first couple of years. Luigi's Mansion felt like a cope for no Mario at launch. And I remember them pushing Pikmin SO hard as if it was going to be the next Mario-tier franchise but I never liked the game.

>> No.10362376

What pisses me off about this game more than anything else, is when I feel like replaying it, I have to sit through that stupidly long intro. Why the fuck did Nintendo make this unskippable.

I only play the GC version.

>> No.10362391

Sunshine is one of my favorite games ever, but the pachinko level sucks. That's a valid complaint.

>> No.10362479

Agreed. Sunshine is special. It's the patrician choice.

>> No.10362527
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It certainly clicked for me however.

>> No.10363035

Sunshine, 64, and Yoshi's Island are my favorite Mario games. I don't really have much interest in any others besides maybe the RPGs.

>> No.10363058

>The whole game is an ice stage


>> No.10363084
File: 163 KB, 584x798, DXXS4eoXkAEpFhA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you've calibrated your joysticks properly in Dolphin. Also, never use the switch's terrible joysticks; other than that, I can't relate to your criticism about Mario feeling slippery or having terrible controls.

>> No.10363108

and go play Super Mario Eclipse

>> No.10363113

OP is a fatherless bitch

>> No.10363119
File: 10 KB, 182x278, bitch lasagna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>The fucking pachinko level

>> No.10363125


Perfectly describes Galaxycringers obsession with a fucking slideshow

>> No.10363136
File: 31 KB, 190x190, diagonal_mario.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sunshine hate thread
I see that the /sthg/ autist sect, /smbg/, has dipped their toes into this board.

>> No.10363141
File: 87 KB, 525x750, Super_Mario_Eclipse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*makes 64 babs seethe*
*makes Galaxy zoombas froth*
Sunshine chads are eating fucking GOOD

>> No.10363213

God I hope nintendo doesn't take this down

>> No.10363529

This. Wind Waker was shit too. I was so fucking disappointed. It wasn't just teen edginess, either, because in a few years a fucking pop-up book named The Thousand Year Door came out and was one of the best games ever made

>> No.10363836

It costs money to authorize DMCAs
and they're not doing anything with Sunshine ever

So low chance

>> No.10363857

why DOES mario control so bad in this game? its like he takes an extra stumble. ive fallen off of platforms all the time and its never been in an issue in any other 3d platformer

>> No.10363863

samefagging is against the rules, filteredkun

>> No.10363867

It's not.

>> No.10363872

>Most people who shit on (game) have never even played it.
but enough about 4chan

>> No.10364127
File: 38 KB, 406x364, 0c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gen Z is [6 years]

>> No.10364149
File: 2.10 MB, 320x240, sunshine kino 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just suck at it by the sound of it. Sonic should be more for you

>> No.10364156

4chan was never good.
>shitty controls
>NPCs are fucking useless
>most of the bosses appear to be in God Mode
>quests are nonexistent; no quest = no rewards
>littered with annoying puzzles that can last for days and frequently leaves you dissatisfied when it takes too long to finish
>too many bugs that will cause the game to crash on you and you have to wait for days or months before you can go back to playing

There are a few fleeting good moments, but as a whole, it is a shitty retro online game.

>> No.10365520

>i suck at the game, why is it the game's fault?
Zoomer logic

>> No.10366180

After years of thinking this game was amazing and one of my favorite Mario games, I had assumed it was well liked. I'm kinda shocked to see how many people hate it online, it's got the best setting, unique mechanics and amazing graphics

>> No.10366424

It's a vocal minority. I think Mario is so well known everyone feels like they need to have an opinion on it. 64 and Galaxy are games that are universally agreed upon as one of the best games of all time, so for Sunshine it's hard to compete being between these two. Kinda like how FromSoft fans pretend Dark Souls II is a terrible game.

Sunshine is my favorite Mario game btw but I'm biased because I played and completed it as a kid. But I recently replayed it and was blown away with how unique and creative everything is, and how Fludd adds a whole new dimension to the jump/stomp goomba Mario was always known for.

I like how the Mario franchise keeps reinventing itself to this very day, just like other Nintendo franchises. I'm glad Nintendo doesn't play it safe and likes to experiment with their flagship franchises, always being confident they'll succeed (and they always do). If they'd have listened to the "internet fans" we'd have Super Mario 64 part 5 for the Nintendo Switch.

>> No.10366665

Announcing/Threatening reports is against the rules, doofus.

>> No.10368615

Line breaks are not reddit spacing just because reddit is older than you are. You might as well just admit you are scared of paragraphs i.e. line breaks infer a volume of text that is enough to intimidate little zoomie twitterbrain

>> No.10368619

Think it’s one of the best Mario games of all time

>> No.10368678

>someone asks for proof that you can do advanced speedrunner shit in this game that you claim is easy
>"noooo you have a bad attitude! Now, here's a gay story about my life"