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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 52 KB, 640x619, 234_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10356481 No.10356481 [Reply] [Original]

Totally not a stealth Nude Raider thread. No siree.

>> No.10356492

what's the nude code bros?

>> No.10356493
File: 3.33 MB, 704x384, 10416155761604.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To get this out of the way; these games have atrocious gameplay and controls

>> No.10356496

how is he pulling it anyway?

>> No.10356497
File: 383 KB, 704x678, skelle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These games smooth brain kino just like King's Field , I feel like a highly advanced lizard playing these games

>> No.10356498

ok but can we discuss how the game aesthetics are top notch due the fact that the artists themselves were the ones making the levels instead of just designing them and that the game inherent geometric design gave it a harmonic sense overall

>> No.10356501
File: 1.83 MB, 500x466, kings field reaper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patience issue

>> No.10356502

Anniversary is better

>> No.10356504
File: 82 KB, 286x263, that's bullshit but.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game inherent geometric design gave it a harmonic sense overall
I agree with you but you sound crazy right now

>> No.10356505
File: 51 KB, 570x664, toby gard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the creator look like a stereotypical coomer and why did he never make anything else that's good

>> No.10356508

did they ever implement the knife?

>> No.10356531

He was a major sjw before that was a thing. He left the company because they marketed Lara for coomers.

>> No.10356534

He only wanted Lara to be a cool chick and not a centerfold

>> No.10356535

Blatant case of the lady doth protest too much

>> No.10356607 [DELETED] 

This game should've been more influential, we live in the bad timeline where developers imitated legend of smegma instead and its shitty hallway simulator, players don't want proper exploration because it's too hard. I remember just before the unveiling of the atlantean centaurs there's this scary as fuck underwater cave that has all these vertical winding sections that can reward you or be a dead end you drown in. Playing with your anxiety and testing your nerves is something games are afraid to do today, but tomb raider like thief the dark project is on a different level entirely.

>> No.10356618 [DELETED] 

There are always a few nutters (You) that have incoherent and self-destructive thoughts.

>> No.10356643

Maybe I'm misremembering but running around the main character's house without having some obnoxious arrows or invisible walls is a lot of fun and adds a surprising amount atmosphere and even storytelling.

>> No.10356645 [DELETED] 

>legend of smegma
Are you Jewish?

>> No.10357794

I look like that

>> No.10357807

if you look at the texture theres a ring on the surface and im sure with "moderate" strength it would still slide due to low friction despite being a fuckin huge block of stone

>> No.10357824

no, no he kind of has a point, theres a reason theres yellow paint and birdshit on the ledges of all vertical platforming sections in 3d adventure games and it can only be argued that its because the audience of people that will buy it are largely among the "i dont have time to get stuck i have a JOB" type even if exploration was never supposed to get you "stuck" in the sense of the word but was the main activity.

>> No.10358040

Should have made her look like Serena Williams

>> No.10358541

Man, these animations are really goddamn impressive. I need to play these games at some point.

>> No.10358579

finished I and started II recently, I have to say, II is a MASSIVE upgrade over I and I only did the first two levels, it's honestly amazing

>> No.10358589

As someone who has played 0 (ZERO) Tomb Raider games, should I start with the first one or just go ahead and jump into the second one?

>> No.10358604

I had an oldfag tell me that 1 feels like a tech demo after you play 2, and it's looking to be very much true...
Having said that, I think 1 is worth a shot, the sense of discovery and exploration is very much present there, I thought it was fun, even if Lara's movement is archaic, I didnt have issues with it because I like tank controls, and levels are on a grid, so the platforming is very precise, some levels might be stinkers (ones that have to do with water), but the rest are pretty alright, one or two levels a day should be good so you dont get bored, the game is kind of slow after all
If you want to skip to 2 then I dont see an issue with that personally, I'm pretty sure the stories are not connected, unlike 1 and Unfinished Business

>> No.10358618

Good deal, I actually like seeing the progress games make between iterations so I guess I'll try TR1 first and see if I can stomach it.

>> No.10358738

Hope you like it, and it's the same for me, going from Dragon Quest I immediately to Dragon Quest 2 on the nes was incredible

>> No.10358930

this was one of his original ideas for Lara
>Game Character
>Lara Cruz - Main Character.
>Lara enjoys working with underprivileged children and the mentally disabled. She has a degree in needle work, and loves to travel. Lara’s one wish is to ski down Everest with Brian Blessed strapped to her back. The simple reason for having a main character as a woman is that if you are looking at a character all the way through a game, the more pleasing on the eye it is, the better. Plus psychologically, a male playing the game will be more involved with a woman character, in some macho protective little farty way.

>> No.10358949

Imagine defending this (unironically).

>> No.10358982

Most action adventure games had you push/pulling big boulders for puzzles, idk what the problem is, too slow? That's because your attention span is shot.

>> No.10358994

My pc doesn't run it. There's a message about shaders.

>> No.10359028


>> No.10359210

i hated how 2 had an heavier emphasis on combat that was really bad in the first place. even though it does some things better than 1.

>> No.10359213

Imagine sneedfending this

>> No.10359236

Pushing and pulling crates was just a thing back then, sort like the QTEs during the 360 era. Tons of games had them, e.g. Soul Reaver, Zelda and so on.

>> No.10359675


>> No.10359691

Only the jumping at the end looks bad. The rest looks like a normal 3D adventure game puzzle.

>> No.10359728

>a message about shaders
Syntax error, something about shader compilation
Does anyone know how to fix it?

>> No.10359731
File: 1.25 MB, 350x196, 1689079385678419.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have bad taste, and you should feel bad.

>> No.10359737

Because he was literally the definition of an "ideas guy", but he only ever had one good idea.

>> No.10360125

Are you using any patch or vanilla?

>> No.10360487

What exactly is good about 1998? Zero clue and waste of hours?

>> No.10360813

Whomever filtered the other ideas is the true hero here.

>> No.10360915

Funnily enough, it was a chick who did that.

>> No.10360917

That he's doing everything in the clip by himself, without auto-assisted magnetic platforming.

>> No.10360938

I've downloaded it from magipacks and it has some patches

>> No.10360948

I've recently replayed the first 3 games, 2 feels like it assumes you've got the fundamentals from 1, and 3 assumes you're an expert by then. Start with 1.

>> No.10360956


FIrst position Lara EXACTLY north...