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10353806 No.10353806 [Reply] [Original]

Which Biohazard game do you like the most, and why

>> No.10353810
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The original

>> No.10353814

Man I am so fucking tired of this. It's the same every week:
>RE1 vs REmake threads
>RE2 is le overrated threads
>RE3 is le the best and le hidden gem threads

>> No.10353817

I think Resident Evil 2. It was long enough for me to have good memories with it, but not long enough to be a bother.

But since first one was released on DS - the double screen setup made it really accessible for me. It's a close call.

>> No.10353827

>Dual Shock Ver.
That version is so bad.

>> No.10353837

This isn't big enough to make a thread, but I just want to point out that Hard mode in Biohazard 3: The last Escape is easier than normal by a mile:

>shoot Nemesis a few times to get parts for the scoped handgun and lever action shotgun
>both have faster rate of fire
>these only drop in hard for some reason, meaning many/most players have missed them
>mix a bunch of gunpowders for handgun and shotguns enough until you get extra powerful ammo
>now you have fast firing weapons with extra boom

>> No.10353861

1 is the best. 2 has the most content. 3 is the hardest. Whichever you like best, I love you.u and respect your decision. Now get ready for nighty-night, anon, you have school tomorrow :)

>> No.10353873

idk because i haven't played them for a dumb reason that i detailed in the form of a question in another thread
so can someone answer that so i can get on that?

>> No.10353876

You can't use enhanced ammo with the upgraded handgun or shotgun.

>> No.10353927

STI eagle is probably my favorite weapon in the entire series, it just works for everything, from basic bitch enemies to nemesis encounters

>> No.10353972

You're wrong and you sound like you didn't play the game. Killing Nemesis enough times to get the weapons is the most difficult things in the game. The weapons he drops are also not useful against him (the Eagle crits him which makes him mad). By the time you get the 2nd shotgun it's already the last quarter of the game. Enhanced ammo isn't compatible with those weapons, and you can't get enhanced ammo until half way through the game at best that's if you know what you're doing.

Try to get the first weapon drop in front of the police station and then we'll talk.

Meanwhile easy mode makes the player start with enough ammo to carry him through the entire game.

>> No.10355348
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>Which Biohazard game do you like the most,

resident evil 3

>and why

- Re 3 is the one with the most variety of female zombies. Thats the most important point they missed in Re zero, Re remaster and Re code veronica. In RE Zero they had the chance of add some female scientists zombies with big breasts and big butts, but they wasted the chance. In RE remaster they had the chance could have add female zombies wearing maid dresses with short skirts and with gartebelts but they wasted the chance. In Re Code veronica they wasted the chance of add female zombies in ragged prisoner uniforms or military uniforms with cleavage but they wasted the chance. RE 2 has female zombies, but only one type and in total there are only like 5 of them in the entire game. RE 3 is the only wich did not wasted that chance of putting a great variety of female zombies in the streets.

- More weapons, that includes the mine thrower and the assault riffle.

- Now you can skip the boring dialogs by pressing the start button(too bad RE 1 and RE 2 did not had that advantage).

- Controls feels less clunky than RE 1.

So,for me, the best is RE 3.

>> No.10356090

2 by far
>iconic female zombie
>better story and presentation
>Mr. X "holy shit wtf" mechanics
>less ridiculous and way creepier than RE1 but also more stylish
>relatable city vibes
>school buses, stores, streets, etc. for the first time
>that insane helicopter scene
>the only game that tries to explain why the world is a puzzle maze
Hundred other reasons

>> No.10356608

>>less ridiculous
an entire lab built underground right below a police station isn't ridiculous? A police station with all those locks isn't ridiculous?

>> No.10356612

>an entire lab built underground right below a police station isn't ridiculous?

A common mistake. The tram is below the police station and it's quite a long ride to the actual Lab which is on the outskirts of town in the industrial section.

>> No.10356638

Post a good thread then anon

Re2 because it's fun

>> No.10356812

Bio Hazard for Sega Saturn.

>> No.10356814


>> No.10356825

Biohazard 1 Director's Cut Dualshock Ver. has probably the best cover in the series (aside from the PAL version of RE4 on the PS2 and the Wii) but man...

>> No.10357202

Outbreak Files 1 and 2
it was the first I played and actually felt like a screwed civilian most of the time.

>> No.10357317
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The clear winner of course.

No but seriously there had to have been a better way to make RE work on handhelds that wasn't this mess or just taking the RE1/New Nightmare approach.

>> No.10357381
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This. It's got golden tyrant

>> No.10357390
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There was, but it went unreleased. It's fully playable and would have been heralded as one of the best gbc games, if it was released.

>> No.10357392
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>> No.10357418
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>> No.10357734

>the actual Lab

Strange how in resident evil zero there were not surveillance in that area and both rebecca and billy did not found any security guard or scientists alive.

>> No.10357778

i'll take it over constant castlevania flamewar threads were faggots endlessly argue over rondo, bloodlines and super iv

>> No.10357901

I think RE 2 is the best. Controls and movement are more polished especially if you play the gamecube port. story has better pacing then 1 or 3. I think the Spencer mansion is still vasty superior to any other single area in the series though

>> No.10358036

For me, it's Gun Survivor 4: Biohazard: Heroes Never Die

>> No.10358041

Most underrated game in thte series and the link between 3 and 4. Too bad the skill ceiling is so low.

>> No.10358059

Playing this with the madcatz Star Trek phaser guncon is a trip
>"Captain to enterprise, there seems to be some kind of viral infection plaguing this civilization, we need to be beaned up immedi--... hello? Enterprise, come in! Ohhh crap!"