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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 4 KB, 640x400, captain comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10351968 No.10351968 [Reply] [Original]

We had a pretty comfy pre-1987 PC gaming thread here some time ago. Let's try one that encompasses games up to 1993 just prior to Doom, which of course was a seismic shift in many ways. Everything from old-ass PC booters to DOS and Windows 3.x games, from CGA to VGA, from games using the charming little PC speaker to full-blown SB16, GUS and Roland support. Tandy is also welcome. Discuss the PCs and OSes that you had or used during these years, and what you use today to play these games, including PCem and 86box builds.

Starting with an old favorite.

>> No.10352057

I'm wanting to get into this era of PC games, since all I know about that time is limited to the NES, but the PC games seem harder to get into than arcade games of the era. What should I be focusing on, Apple II, C64, DOS?

>> No.10352061
File: 6 KB, 252x242, 1642305269506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get an old vga monitor just to use for old pc games
>both dosbox and 86box either have scaling artifacts or cut the screen off because apparently nobody ever thought anyone would want use those programs on an actual 4:3 display

>> No.10352064

You have to fuck with the config file.

>> No.10352113

My first PC was a cheap second-hand 286 bought in 1994 and it came with Captain Comic, Prince of Persia, GP Circuit and a few edutainment games. The problem was it only had 5"1/4 floppies so I couldn't get more games, which made me fumble with QBasic.

Second one was a low-end 386, and I had a blast playing Wolfenstein 3D, Dune, Volfied, Might & Magic 3, A-Train, Monkey Island, Links...
At a time where Doom 2 and Diablo were all the rage, my favorites were Dune 2 and, worst time-sink from that period, Civilization.

>> No.10352145

This thread is meant to be about IBM PCs and compatibles, not home computers in general, and in any case I only ever had those, so I can't speak to the first two. I can say early PC gaming can be a bit daunting if you've never used DOS, but usually emulators like DOSBox make the experience easier. You WILL want to look up the manuals for games, though, not just because that's what you want to do with old games in general, but because a lot of PC games have complicated controls and don't hold your hand in the slightest. This era is also prior to many conventions becoming standard, so if you try to play, say, Wolfenstein 3D like a modern FPS, well, it just doesn't. So yeah, if you want to become acquainted with this era of PC gaming, you'll have to do a bit of reading.

>> No.10352386
File: 35 KB, 640x480, warlords-ii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We had a pretty comfy pre-1987 PC gaming thread
I liked that thread too.

Warlords II was released right before Doom. Used to play a lot of hotseat matches of this with a friend back in the day.

>> No.10352396

Really digging the 16-color 640x480 graphics. Lovely aesthetic IMO.

>> No.10352967
File: 16 KB, 640x350, 9507583-timequest-dos-but-things-do-change-over-the-course-of-time-not-m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, 16 colors was right at the cusp of enough colors for detail but still few enough to look really crisp and neat.

>> No.10353125

>get tired of accidentally typing "dor" instead of "dir" and getting an error
>create dor.bat, it just contains dir and nothing else
>stick it in the DOS directory since that's considered system path
>forget about it
>accidentally type in dor again
>damnit, that's...going to work?
I am so smurt.

>> No.10353131

Really wish they would make OLED 4:3 monitors, I know it will never happen though

>> No.10353412

>accidentally typing "dor" instead of "dir"
somehow this happened way more than it should

>> No.10353473

What if you want dir /w or dir /p, though?

>> No.10353492

Then I'm not jamming d*r and hitting enter, I'm jamming d*r and when I go to type in the flags I notice the mistake.

>> No.10353629
File: 624 KB, 1920x1080, ss_9aec24f7dc797ffa931c576dc6dde311ea02830b.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a boomer but not a mega-boomer, so I didn't play many games that came out pre 1993, just when I was very young, too young to really remember much. I will say however that Sword of the Samurai is a really fantastic game that holds up even today, primitive as it looks.

>> No.10353793
File: 10 KB, 320x200, 1000083389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved the graphics of this game, but it was way too hard for me, I didn't even speak the language.

>> No.10354054

Kill yourself namefag.

>> No.10354308

sex with dave
Been meaning to try Legends of Murder.
Opinions on this game?

>> No.10354332

Crazy that you picked that. I saw that a few months ago and played it. I think it's concept is fantastic. You don't see games like this at all.

It's a Rogue like but plays like a point and click etc. I loved the multiple menus and HUDs.

>> No.10354365
File: 152 KB, 1280x960, 9507583-timequest-dos-but-things-do-change-over-the-course-of-time-not-m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to try to fix the aspect ratio, the compass rose not being round was bugging me. But it's difficult without the scaling looking ugly and losing the sharpness.

>> No.10354389
File: 503 KB, 1440x1080, SETUP-231025-220136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically a CRT shader might help here. It's a bit hard to get it looking ok for PC games, though, at least the ones that ran at higher resolutions than 320x200. Here's an attempt I tried last night, but I'm not quite satisfied with it. The idea is to emulate an early lowish pitch VGA monitor.

>> No.10354391

Oh, but if you want pure sharpness without any CRT effects, you can use a shader like sharp-bilinear. It'll get everything looking correct with maximum sharpness.

>> No.10355174

The medieval mystery concept is good and I like the way it looks, but the combat and random encounters drag it down.

>> No.10355802

Thanks, I usually just use the default dosbox filter (which I guess is normal bilinear?) with Fit to Original Ratio turned on. Though it seems a bit random how Dosbox handles the aspect ratios of the more unusual resolutions, like 640x350.

>> No.10355870

Real talk bros. I am debating building a reverse sleeper to put something like Linux Mint on it with every computer emulator imaginable on it like FS UAE, PCem, 86Box, etc, along with my actual CRT monitor.

Anyone else fuck with this kind of setup?

I find it fascinating that we can do this these days since I remember emulating fucking NES, SNES and GBA during Win XP era.

Would kill to get an Amiga though bros but I cannot find one that is not over priced as fuck. I keep seeing good deals on Facebook Marketplace for CRT TVs though.

Do you dudes think it'll be easier to just build a case and keyboard for an Amiga clone but AliExpress tier in terms of money spent?

I know Checkmate cases exist but yeah I want something cheaper to actually get the Amiga 1200 vibe instead of just using some dumbass SBC.

>> No.10355874

I forgot. t. Millennial.

>> No.10356176

DOSBox-X has the pixellate shader, which is almost as good as sharp-bilinear, but just a tad bit blurrier. I don't see sharp-bilinear, but maybe it's been added already, as the build I have installed is a bit old.

>> No.10356379

Friendly reminder for new DOS users:
>when it comes to CD-ROM drivers, shsucdx and xcdrom are drop-in replacements for mscdex and gscdrom that use far less RAM
>when it comes to Mouse drivers, CuteMouse is a drop-in replacement for Microsoft's mouse drivers that uses far less RAM
>when it comes to ANSI drivers, ZANSI.SYS is a drop-in replacement that uses a bit more RAM than ANSI.SYS, but draws the screen MUCH faster than ANSI.SYS and somewhat faster than NANSI.SYS(as well as using less RAM than NANSI.SYS)
Additional tips:
SmartDrive is a driver for speeding up HDD access by using a bit of RAM as a buffer that is enabled by default on a fresh install of DOS 6.22, and only has a use on real hardware only. Delete the line from your config.sys file if emulating to reclaim the RAM with zero downsides.
To see a brief summary of how much RAM DOS has available and used up, use the "mem" command. To see a more detailed listing of what is loaded where in RAM, use "mem /c /p".
Microsoft's DOS CD-ROM driver disk install program won't function without EMS386 or some other memory manager being loaded first. If using a 386 or better, just use "memmaker" to setup DOS with EMS386 before trying to install CD-ROM drivers through that install disk.
Want an input history like modern command lines? Just type DOSKEY at the command line, or add DOSKEY to the end of your autoexec.bat file. If you want to be able to insert text like with a modern command line, use the command "DOSKEY /INSERT" instead. There is a less-memory using version called Enhanced DOSKEY.

>> No.10356542

@echo off
dir %1 %2 %3

>> No.10356574
File: 20 KB, 640x400, PRIVRF-COCKPIT-MOBYGAMES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played too much Wing Commander. I bought every game and expansion pack. Funny thing was, I panned the cartoon series and by the time the theatrical film came out, I stopped caring. I gave all my Wing Commander stuff to some one I barely knew who was hyped about the movie. Things are funky and need to be fidgeted with for each game in the series is you use DOSbox, the later games are Windows games that aren't easy to setup right either. When I say not easy, I dont mean it is daunting, it isn't Plug and Play.

>> No.10356587

Is it correct to say the Sound Blaster AWE32 is a better Sound Blaster 16, which in turn is a better Sound Blaster Pro 2.0?

>> No.10357407

IIRC the first two games are mostly just speed sensitive. The first game wants a 25 MHz 386.

>> No.10357763

I needed to use loadfix in dosbox to eat up memory because the voice pack needed a certain amount of free memory, but not too much
Also this weird speed issue because it's one of those games that runs as fast as possible. Only the "intended" cpu speed isn't obvious because it's not 4.77mhz.

>> No.10358286

The thing I was having issues with was getting the CH FlightStick Pro working right, it felt like the axises maxed at 75%. I forgot what the fix for it was, but I did get it working.

>> No.10358317

Is there a dos demo scene?

>> No.10358395

I don't know much about it, but a cursory search reveals there's been demos going back to the 90's, and there's new ones being made to this day, so apparently yes. Here's one meant for use on the 8088 with CGA composite graphics:

>> No.10358797
File: 218 KB, 800x1078, frogger-dos-box-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which game needs the smallest amount of RAM to run? So far the lowest I've actually tried myself was the Frogger booter at 48k

>> No.10358903
File: 152 KB, 640x400, sr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think i ever beat Captain Comic. The space station stage was really hard i remember but I think i got past that. I got up to the cave bit I think

Street Rod 2 was awesome though. I used to play it heaps. I'd just do the aqueduct race for pink slips and then sell the car afterwards to buy heaps of shit and would just do that over and over buying all the cars and doing them up. I never finished that game either though. That mulholland drive stage was way too hard to control. If anyone wants to try it these people bought the copyright and you can download it for free here

>> No.10358910

does the name Second Reality ring a bell?

>> No.10358916

DONKEY.BAS, I'd assume. It's not much of a game but it is one of the very first to be released for the IBM PC.

>> No.10358929

It's quite literally the first PC game. It came bundled with PC-DOS for the original IBM PC.

>> No.10358941

Just download RetroArch and get all the cores you want, figure out the autistic layout of RetroArch, and then browse the game catalogues for whatever genre you like and find something that looks neat.

The C64 has a lively community that is still active and you can readily find recommendations for it from threads and websites, so I would start there.

>> No.10359596
File: 321 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-43368895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which, I tried to see how well Bio Menace ran on my 286 86box build (using EGA and a Sound Blaster 2.0), and it tells me it doesn't have sufficient memory for the music in-game. Now, it's running on DOS 6.22, so that takes a decent chunk, but still. And from reading about it, it seems this game was a bit of a pain to get running even back in the day. For what it's worth, it does seem to run relatively well as is, but most likely it does want at least a 386, which is to be expected given it came out in 1993.

>> No.10359773

Game loads next music track in memory without unloading the previous, making it take up more RAM the longer you play with music on. I think you need 580k free to launch with music, and more if you want to play more than a few levels before it crashes. It's doable on a 286 if you have a chipset that supports RAM over 640K. There's a few DOS programs for remapping some ram over 1MB to the 640+ block so you can get 700+K of conventional RAM available, which would probably work wonders here.

>> No.10359869

I loved both SR games. Didn't know about this website though. Thats awesome of them

>> No.10360415

Meh, seems like it'd just be easier to load it on a 386. It may run better, too.

>> No.10360683
File: 280 KB, 2142x1428, Intel_i486_dx4_100mhz_2007_03_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or it seems like there aren't really any notable speed sensitive games for the 286? Like it's a CPU that isn't worth checking out as much as 386 CPUs not just for games but general functionality too.
Plus what's cool with a 386 is that there's hybrid 386/486 motherboards, so with the same board and general configuration, you can go from a 16 MHz 386DX, to a 100 MHz DX4, which is pretty crazy considering the 486 architecture is about twice as powerful per clock. So if you start with a 16 MHz 386DX, that gives you the ability to upgrade to a CPU that's 12 times as powerful on the same board.

>> No.10360792
File: 343 KB, 535x312, jillofthejungle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Games that were a pain in the ass to get working because of memory?
>you need to have over 600kb of your 640kb of conventional memory free
>just make a boot disk bro

>> No.10360821

Weird. I can run it with 558432 bytes (545 KB) on DOS 3.30. I use the files from the GOG version in 86Box if that makes a difference

>> No.10360861

>Is it just me or it seems like there aren't really any notable speed sensitive games for the 286?
Yeah, seems like this is the case. There's games that only really work on a 4.77MHz 8088, and after that there's games that want a 25-33MHz 386. The 286 is only really notable in that a good chunk of early 90's games made well after it was in vogue still work perfectly fine on one (such as the CGA/EGA Apogee and id Software games, for instance).

>> No.10360941

>Delete the line from your config.sys
You mean autoexec.bat?

>> No.10361298
File: 41 KB, 1221x578, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shsucdx and xcdrom
Man, the difference is crazy. Goes from using 52K down to only 8K (also for some reason cutemouse shows up as that smileyface1 after running memmaker, dunno why. Still works perfectly though)

>> No.10361310

God damn, that is pretty good.

>> No.10361381

Yep, thanks to all the modern replacement drivers we have, we can get DOS tweaked in a way that would have had someone in 1992 willing to kill someone for. 610+K free conventional RAM? No problem. CD-ROM, Mouse, Sound Blaster, network, and SCSI card drivers all loaded in upper RAM with upper RAM still free for programs? Sure. We can even use hacks to steal some EMS/XMS RAM to add to the 640K to make DOS see, use, and report over 700K of free conventional RAM.
Hell, if that one Ultima game didn't demand it's own special snowflake memory manager, we could probably run that today without a boot disk. It's never been better to be a DOS gamer.

>> No.10361663

Retard here. How do I go about using these over the default drivers?

>> No.10361724
File: 130 KB, 600x800, 1676772423468223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy way for dummies is starting by installing this so it creates the proper lines in your autoexec.bat and config.sys

Once installed put shsucdx.com and xcdrom.sys in the CDROM folder that was created by the installation
Edit autoexec.bat and replace mscdex with shsucdx
Edit config.sys and replace gscdrom.sys with xcdrom.sys
Remember to keep the rest of the lines these are on the exact same

To check if the drivers are loaded type:
mem /c/p

>> No.10362424

Good shit, m8. Now, I suppose they should be able to be used with Phil's DOS startup menu, right? The one that allows you to choose a wide variety of startup options with various combinations of conventional, expanded and extended memory, along with mouse and/or CD-ROM support:

>> No.10363248

Yes, but the paths are going to be different. It's only a matter of putting shsucdx and xcdrom somewhere on your drive and editing autoexec.bat and config.sys to use them instead
I think Phil uses the mscdex that's already in the DOS folder with a fresh DOS 6.22 install

>> No.10363950

Cool, thanks for the tip. Now, I'm just trying to figure out a good 386 build to set this all up on using 86box. I'm thinking a 33MHz build with 4MB, a Cirrus Logic card, and a Sound Blaster 16 should do for most games up to 1991 or so.

>> No.10363982

I suggest using one of the boards that supports both 386 and 486 (not the IBM ones because they have MCA slots which is ass, in fact I suggest avoiding IBM machines after the 8088/8086 because they're often too much trouble for no good reason).
You can easily just swap just the CPU at any time and basically have a build that lets you play a decade of DOS games

>> No.10363987

Which is why I mentioned it.

>> No.10364073

Another good tip. Seems like the 386-only boards are a bit too old and can't even auto-detect hard drives, whereas the 386/486 boards can. I'm actually thinking of sticking to a Sound Blaster 2.0 for this build instead, whereas the 16 can go on a 486 build instead, together with a GUS, perhaps.

>> No.10364243
File: 160 KB, 2560x1440, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep Wolf3D on a 4.77 MHz 8088

>> No.10364842

What's the framerate like?

>> No.10365734


>> No.10365934

Since everything’s gotten expensive I have an excuse to churn through my DOS and micro backlog next year, I’ve been watching a lot of DOS YouTubers as well

>> No.10366662

I like the original civilization and simcity even though i'm awful at playing both

>> No.10366753
File: 6 KB, 320x200, Screenshot-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are having fun, then you are doing fine. There are so many sandbox games on PC, in that generation, you could just enjoy playing, for your own goals. A few years after Sid Myers Railroad Tycoon came Chris Sawyers Transportation Tycoon.

>> No.10367095

Alright, I finally finished setting up the 386 for the most part. I did end up going with a SB2.0 together with an MP-401 and MT-32 emulation combo as well (never heard Prince of Persia with that setup before, it's pretty cool) for maximum sound compatibility up to around 1992 or so. As for the video card, I saw the board supports VLB, so I thought to try the biggest and baddest VLB card on the list (the Tsenglabs ET4000), but it seems a few games freak out a bit with such a monster and require compatibility fixes or some such. Perhaps it's too much for such an old setup, I dunno. Might just revert to the ISA16 Cirrus Logic I had on there before, which was working perfectly fine. I don't think I'll bother installing a CD-ROM drive or Windows on it, either. I'll leave those for the 486 build.

>> No.10367529

So many games were being churned out even in that era. The highs, like Silent Service 2, and Dr Brain series that began in '91. The abject disappointments like the Terminator 2 pc game. And all the stuff in between like Temple of Apshai and Scavengers of the mutant World which were near impossible and often unfair but still wildly intriguing.

Supaplex, Airborne ranger and the top down Rambo game (first blood?) were pretty awesome too.

>> No.10367547

> IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 echo batch scripting will never die ¦¦ echo everything you ever loved is gone
Boot scripting your games for optimum results

>> No.10367558

Can't recall many drawbacks to the awe32 aside from the original card being long but I didn't come across any chassis that weren't made for that, being very early pentium era. Wavetable synth was a massive improvement if games used it. Sb2.0 was quite primitive, some sb16 had an 'asp' socket to add an audio dsp which seemed good in theory but never heard one... And I had the crappy 8 bit mono sb1 that still beat pc speaker by miles

>> No.10368134

Well yeah, anything beats the literal 1-bit PC speaker, even if some devs managed to make it do some cool things regardless. I kinda wish the CSM had come out a bit earlier. I quite like how it sounds, even if it's technically inferior to the Adlib. It's why I'm sticking to a Sound Blaster 2.0 for my 386 setup, as it retains compatibility with the CSM.

>> No.10368136

*CMS, fugg

>> No.10368386

CMS is neat, I wish more people tried supporting it

>> No.10369382

It got support in like 200 games or so, so that's something. Pretty crazy, though, how outside the Tandy, the PC got by on just the speaker.

>> No.10369837

This style hits you different

>> No.10370335

>nothing worse than PC speaker
Well there was Disney Sound Source. It actually sounds great in the 5 games or so that supported it. And the speaker was battery powered! Creative Labs was possibly the most supported brand by 386 era even if some other cards sound better so probably a good choice just for that reason

>> No.10370395

Did you end up sorting out the video issues in those games? The TLIs didn't support some operations, but you could might get lucky with the TLIVESA driver if you haven't tried that already

>> No.10370663

I may have exaggerated the problem. It's just EGA games flipping out a bit if you don't set them to SVGA compatibility (I forgot that could be an issue). Unless I encounter other problems with VGA games, I think I'll just leave the ET4000 in there. Wolfenstein 3D runs like a dream on this setup, though I'm sure Doom will make it buckle. Gonna see what else it can handle.

>> No.10370727

don't know about 86box but you can force pixel perfect scaling in dosbox staging

>> No.10371071

ExoDOS version 6.0 is out boys

>> No.10371097

It's rare to see Railroad Tycoon mentioned as RT2 and TTDX are more popular on the board. I still find the first one really charming and it laid the basics for the genre.

>> No.10371135

chromebook with the screen removed maybe

>> No.10371918

Pretty sure the key is to add the modelines that DOS used so the games display exactly like they should. I know that's what I did back when I still had a CRT monitor.

>> No.10372001

i played the shit out of this and the hugo house of horrors trilogy from an over 9000 in 1 disk i had

>> No.10373047

Any shitty office PC will do the job. Maybe something like those Dell Optiplex Micros or comparable Lenovo ThinkCentres.

>> No.10374834

last bump

>> No.10376854
File: 10 KB, 259x194, 2FB6A9ED-EBA4-4120-AE72-6ACC899B7B00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the first games I played as a kid was Thexder. You could be a plane or a robot. Pretty dope anyone else play this?

>> No.10376892

Haven't played it but the OST of the sequel is pretty good

>> No.10377216

If I just wanted to build a PC with the widest possible compatibility with DOS and early Windows games without regard to speed-sensitive games that require specific processors or frequencies or special snowflake sound card support, what would be ideal? Perhaps a Pentium MMX 233 with an AWE64 and an S3 Trio64 plus a Voodoo?

>> No.10377309

Correct. I fine tune the speed of my 233 MMX using a DOS utility called SETMUL. It lets you slow down the CPU by data and code caches, branch predictions, and v pipeline. Alone, you can slow down the MMX 233 to the equalvalent of a 486SX-25. Using slow ISA graphics cards will bring overall speed to 386 levels.

>> No.10377367
File: 66 KB, 544x390, 10401-3-microman[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Windows 3.x wuz here

>> No.10377480

Right, I've seen videos by Phil where he advocates for the P1 MMX for DOS gaming precisely because of this, though I was referring to a situation where you say fuck all that and just roll with stock speeds to play the widest possible variety of games, even if that results in some of them being rendered unplayable due to being too fast.

>> No.10378709

captain comic is bullshit developed in 1997, the first pc game with scrolling was commander keen. masters of doom said id was the first to figure out how to do this

>> No.10378870


>> No.10378892

Windows 3.0 came out in 1990 you dipshit.

>> No.10379754

This thread covers up to 1993.

>> No.10379928

scrolling on pc didn't exist before commander keen. read a book retard. masters of doom said id did it first because no one else knew how to do it.

>> No.10379962

my mistake, I saw "pre-1987" and jumped on that

>> No.10381065
File: 45 KB, 1000x1000, KAIE9fj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10381073

Smooth Scrolling. Carmac was annoyed that this feature was such an easy thing on consoles (because they were tailor made for this) but PCs had to spend a ton of resources to try to do it and look choppy anyways. So he sent out to make an engine that had nothing to envy the NES and such. It's why he started with a Mario test which he sent to Nintendo

>> No.10381081

captain comic is such a comfy game. first game i tried to hack, too.

>> No.10381483
File: 7 KB, 320x200, captain-comic-ii-fractured-reality_4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well in that case. . .
>you can almost *taste* the obvious SMB2 inspiration here

>> No.10382493

And even after Carmack, the scrolling of DOS games wasn't super smooth like on NES games, since they usually ran at a lower framerate, and it still hitches a bit. I could be wrong, but the first PC game that comes to mind with scrolling that's actually on par with consoles is Jazz Jackrabbit.

>> No.10383553
File: 1.43 MB, 480x292, 1666057139034.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10383595

Narrow that phrase a bit. The first sprite based 2d x86 DOS game with software based smooth 2d scrolling.

Wait wut. There were 1d smooth scrolling games on x86 PC DOS, ala NES without mappers. Of course, there were. There were also 3d games existed since inception too. Not to mention the non sprite based smooth scrolling 2d games. Of course, we are excluding all the non x86 DOS systems. I know it is complicated. But kids who weren't adults in this timeframe have to skitter from wiki to fandom.com to cobble together gaming history... Poor kids.

>> No.10383712
File: 12 KB, 320x200, 7939780-star-wars-x-wing-dos-i-see-enemy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna talk about DOS games in 93?

>> No.10384049

So, /vr/... FM or MIDI? What is your preference in DOS games that support both?

>> No.10384239

midi is a control protocol it doesnt make any sound

>> No.10384417

You know precisely what was meant.

>> No.10384426

I don't. There are a whole slew of MIDI devices out there.

>> No.10384492

it doesnt make sense, you can control a lot of things with midi nigga

>> No.10385094

>>10384426 >>10384492
Nta but if you don't know, just listen and maybe learn.

I couldn't afford the good sound cards until they started to become a standard feature in the atx era. The midi instrument set of early SB cards was ass and that's all I had. Having wavetable samples was way better and more cpu efficient, I imagine, but didn't play many games with it. Descent was great on awe32 though.

Arranged FM was king for me before red book for that reason alone. Honestly for the extra work making it, and the extra system resources used it probably still would win. Unreal / UT are good examples why.

>> No.10385187

Gaming's Original Sin was wanting more than 16 colours.

>> No.10385210
File: 369 KB, 685x338, Screenshot_20231107-000735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mechwarrior (1989)
The first 3D game I ever saw.

It blew my fucking mind

>> No.10385217

I can still hear "I am micro-mannnnn" in my mind. Damn bros, take me back to the times when I was just gaining sapience, exploring games and thinking that they were full of mystery and wonder

>> No.10385218
File: 246 KB, 673x395, Screenshot_20230904-064845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could be wrong

>> No.10385249

>Written by Bill Gates
>Extremely memory efficient
Something doesn't add up here...

>> No.10385260
File: 237 KB, 462x539, Screenshot_20230423-152936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a Dos Demo Scene?


>> No.10385268
File: 375 KB, 633x495, Screenshot_20231107-002103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Are we doing the pre-Keen four-way smooth scrolling thread again?


>> No.10385357
File: 48 KB, 474x325, th-2099259704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We used to have threads like these all the time before mods allowed Dreamcast/Gamecube/Ps2/Xbox. I'll never forgive them for that.

Anyway pic related was my favorite game on my Apple II C.

>> No.10385370

The Dreamcast was allowed pretty early on, way before the others, but yeah.

Also, this is an x86/DOS thread, friend.

>> No.10385392
File: 1.23 MB, 1555x1080, d9byeceicknlvfrkviql-492653790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad, You're right. I do remember Dreamcast. Also here's my favorite MS-DOS game from that era. I played through it last year and finally made a perfect city around the caldera of an extinct island volcano. pic not related.

>> No.10385410

Simcity 2000 was peak soul

>> No.10385667

I only ever played the Windows version way back when. Is there any reason to play the DOS original?

>> No.10385724

Having played both the Windows version is better. Has higher resolution and better UI

>> No.10386620

I should get it running, then.

>> No.10387007

>first PC game
Surprisingly difficult to define. Do you mean the first game on the IBM 5150?

>> No.10387015
File: 12 KB, 640x400, IMG_1945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artic Fox predates that. 1986

>> No.10387045

Years ago, a /g/entleman from the netherlands posted a picture of his room and had a really cool 5150 poster on his wall. We worked it out, and he took like 8 pictures close-up of various parts of the poster. I stitched it together and translated it to english. Here's a copy of the final product for you all, as this thread would appreciate it.


>> No.10387059
File: 231 KB, 766x1063, IBM Poster Sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here it is in low res. The linked file is suitable for printing a poster.

>> No.10387230

>implies im wrong
>concedes in his post that there are many devices controllable with midi that have different sounds
based retard

>> No.10387273

did this have online multiplayer
i remember getting online with a dos game that looked very similar to this
the level was some shitty underground maze tho

>> No.10387310

Elite on the Acorn BBC Micro, electron, and Sinclair ZX Spectrum say hi

>> No.10387731
File: 276 KB, 700x700, 1651302373333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I found out 86box actually lets you use a Pentium II clocked at 100MHz, which was never a thing (the lowest-clocked PII was 233 MHz). This is still pretty neat, however, because my laptop is kind of a potato these days and struggles to run a processor clocked any higher than that. After days of fucking about, I managed to install Windows 98 on it, together with a Voodoo 3 and an AWE32, and even managed to get the DOS drivers for the AWE32 working so I have fully functioning sound in DOS mode. Windows itself works well, with a teensy bit of slowdown at times (emulation-wise, that is). On DOS, 486-era games like Doom appear to work very well with this combo, as do a lot of older fare, though I'm sure speed-sensitive games are gonna throw a fit. Next I'm thinking of trying some Glide stuff and see how well that goes.

>> No.10387827

Geez deleted already. Is someone at IBM DMCAing this ancient poster?? This kind of thing has landed IBM where they are now.

>> No.10387832

Wut. Wrong anon bro.
I have used midi for game audio and music control since about 1992

>> No.10388317

It's gotta be some kind of autism.

>> No.10388327

Picrel good. Zelda II bad. The buffoonery of this board.

>> No.10388342

Presumably just too zoomy to have heard of PC games that used midi to play music using the internal instrument set of a sound card. Or to fucking read at that.

>> No.10388353

>bbbut muh animation
Other anon may be too quick to judge a game on <1 minute of play. Captain Comic was great for its time but was a little roughly animated and the status bar is pretty odd so could be dumped before it had a chance. Honestly it didn't grab me until I tasted that sweet blastola nectar through the first doorway.

>> No.10388361

This post deserves a you. Grats for successfully resurrecting a system like this!

>> No.10388393
File: 77 KB, 378x460, 1412318617001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish, anon. Read the post again. It's using 86box, not a real PC. I do have a couple old rigs that are pretty competent, but I moved very far away and left them at my folks', and I'm considering having them sell them off since they've been struggling for cash lately.

>> No.10388516

I’ll try another file sharing site tonight when I get home from work.

>> No.10389726
File: 11 KB, 230x219, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this reality is a simulation though, right? What is one more then

>> No.10389949

It is rather funny that people quote an Irish Brewery for facts. Not withholding that they are wrong so often. There is no reason to do another x86 smooth scrolling thread, the console warriors will just pop in and deny it and quote some flimsy source. Why belive your lying eyes?

>> No.10390006
File: 92 KB, 1200x879, How-to-get-paper-crown-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sir are the king. Here's your crown.

>> No.10390045

You're not wrong despite how often people will claim the contrary. Even into the Pentium era smooth scrolling at 60fps just wasn't a thing because simply copying all that data to the framebuffer tied up the CPU so much you were lucky to have any time left to do anything else. It wasn't until hardware assisted blits and directdraw became standard that 60fps 2D was "solved" on PC.
The games people bring up as smooth are usually half framerate. By PC standards that WAS smooth. Keen ran at 40fps for instance.
Later games could in THEORY run at 60/70 but it required RAM bandwidth that didn't exist in reality. Zoomers can achieve better than reality in dosbox and think that was normal. And boomers gaslight themselves into believing this was how they ran it "back in the day."

Similarly PC users try to gaslight console kids by claiming the NES could only scroll smoothly with mappers. This wasn't true. Without a mapper you had to update all tiles every 8 pixels scrolled, which sounds like a lot but it's just tile data so 32x28x2=1792 bytes which is a heck of a lot smaller than the 64000 for a full VGA screen. EGA/CGA was smaller, but the data format was abusive. The C64 was tighter at 40x25. Only PAL machines had enough CPU left for useful logic, NTSC had to scroll only part of the screen.

>> No.10390559

I do recall certain pinball games scrolling quite smoothly, though that's purely vertically.

>> No.10391115
File: 110 KB, 640x753, 1693213494643283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Not that Anon but for some reason a lot of people make shit up when it comes to retro PC gaming, probably because it's easier for your lie to sound plausible to the average normie with all the different hardware configurations and stuff. For example people lying about running Doom smoothly at full screen size on a 386, or people lying about running Quake at over 60 FPS at launch when even with the best CPU available (Pentium 200 MHz), the game would run in the mid 40s and only at the lowest resolution possible

>> No.10391535

You still butthurt about being caught making an idiot of yourself? On an anonymous board.

>> No.10391640

I get what you are saying. Being 25-35 years ago is, no doubt, a factor. I can say for certain a couple of people I knew in 1990-91 coded smooth wireframe 3d transforming polygons and a smoothly scrolling background and text- not game engines as such though. It isn't such a leap for me to to think it would have been possible for a game to scroll smoothly. I can't think of any though.

BTW I distinctly remember Doom benefited as much from having 8MB+ ram as it did from having a 486Dx to run on. ROTT too. Also I got really excited about testing the first Pentium 2 I saw with Quake. At top res (1024x768?) it was still unplayable!

>> No.10391851

Thank you Anon!
These tips will be very useful on my 486 I'm building
I'm only able to get about 566 k of the 640 free currently.
I'll have to try some of these out

>> No.10392313

For quake to be playable (15-25fps) on my p166 it was 320x240. After I got a k6-2 300 going to 640x480 was still terrible, it was better to gain the fps at 320x340. 640x480+ was the realm of 3d accelerators.

>> No.10393010

I know this is going beyond the scope of the thread, but what was the minimum CPU that could run Duke3D at 800x600?

>> No.10393021

Not sure. I never played doom or Duke. I was playing through ultima 7 and 8 I think.

I dunno it's a lot easier to render than full 3d like quake so probably okay on a p2 200 or something

>> No.10393489

>p2 200
It's an option they added in 86Box for slower hosts but it doesn't exist in real life. The lowest clocked P2 that actually exists is 233 MHz

>> No.10393501
File: 2.93 MB, 640x640, 1694236160092287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh. Why did mods bumplock the thread?

>> No.10393571

It's 2 weeks old. All 2 week old threads on /vr/ are bumplocked due to a spammer who was bumping old threads then deleting his post to create churn in order to knock threads off the board.

>> No.10393596

I see. I actually didn't realize the thread was this old

>> No.10393683
File: 10 KB, 327x173, 1645021458601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread. See you guys on the next one.

>> No.10393827

I'll set my multipliers and bus however I want, you can't stop me.