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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10350250 No.10350250 [Reply] [Original]

I'll go first, the best pirate game of all time.

>> No.10350253
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soldiers at wat
>X-Com set in WW2

>> No.10350260
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>the best point and click adventure you've never played

>> No.10350264

Swashbucklers is unironically better. Almost the same but with better combat and on-foot exploration. Even better music and imo better sea fights

No idea why critics hated it

>> No.10350265
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better the Armored Core or Mech Warrior

>> No.10350271

Love the Xbox version of this game. Never played megadrive version. I wonder if it's as good?

>> No.10350273
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I'd say people have played this but it's the best vertical acroller I've played.

>> No.10350276
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>> No.10350280
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Goemon 2 thread

>> No.10350290
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>> No.10350295

never played it but loved Priates! so will check it out. Is it on GOG or abandonware?

OG Pirates! was good for it's time but hasn't ages well. Stick to the remake imo

loved this game as a child.

>> No.10350327

>never played it but loved Priates! so will check it out. Is it on GOG or abandonware?
PS2 emulator. Though don't get me wrong, it might be just me being weird or I haven't played the games long enough

From what I've played, though, the on-foot combat/duels in Pirates! can be easily cheesed with parries, kinda undermining that whole aspect of the game. Maybe that gets a lot harder to do later in the game, though? Not sure. Just seemed a bit easy to get a fleet and become overpowered and then just run between the ethnic cericatures and do quests for them

>> No.10350342

Willy Wombat on Saturn is kewl. Like a top down/isometric-ish Crash Bandicoot with a wannabe Sonic main character and some combat that feels like fighting enemy waves in Gauntlet.

>> No.10350392

I used to play the holy fuck out of Pirates.
>get hands on Royal Sloop ASAP
>outfit the fuck out of it with all the extras
>outrun all other ships in combat and wear them down with grape shot until they surrender or count gets low enough to board
>grab a bunch of galleons
>load up on crew
>convert a few towns away from spain to the nation(s) of your choice
>cruise the southeast portion of the world waiting to ambush the silver train
>sell off all galleons to lose crew over 140 when splitting treasure
>clear all pirates and pirate treasures, lost cities of gold, and family members
>take down the big bad
>retire as governor with duke ranking in the three non-spain nations
Only thing I could never do is the fucking dancing mini-game, so I never managed to get a governor's daughter's hand in marriage.

>> No.10350401

Wasn't this one of the best-selling games of that year?

>> No.10350410

This game is still good.

>> No.10350414

Unironically one of the greatest remakes of all time. God I wish that that's what Sea of Thieves was

>> No.10350424

Small Soldiers multiplayer was great
too lazy to find a multiplayer video so here's a longplay

>> No.10350428

Xbox or pc version? I cannot play this game on k+m.

>> No.10350516

>Only thing I could never do is the fucking dancing mini-game
Oh yeah that sucked too

>> No.10350519

This was fun but man this PS1 draw distance

>> No.10350527

I like OG Pirates but a lot of that might be nostalgia. I'd rather play the '04 remake than the Gold remake though.

>> No.10350545

>Only thing I could never do is the fucking dancing mini-game, so I never managed to get a governor's daughter's hand in marriage

I actually managed to charm one of the big tiddy governor's daughters and took her hand in marriage. For 14-year-old me it was a close proxy to actually having sex. Had a good fap over that one.

>> No.10350570

Is that Zork: Grand Inquisitor?

>> No.10350578
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I don't think Sid Meier's Pirates is that good. Way too simple and repetitive. I recommend modded Sea Dogs or Patrician 3.

>> No.10350593
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choose your governor's daughter, /vr/

>> No.10350598

Looks neat. What game?

>> No.10350606

PC, with a pirate copy. Arrr.

You'll be glad to know there is a mod for the PC version(or was) that let you replace their dresses with topless versions. I think there's another mod to make the barmaids topless. Sadly enough, most of the game is hardcoded so not much real modding is possible. We won't be sailing a different area anytime soon.

Your character's reaction speed during swordfights is tied to crew morale and age of your character.

>> No.10350607

I would love for a modern remake that allowed for same sex relations. It would really appeal to audiences today.

>> No.10350615

C64 version somehow looks the hottest.

>> No.10350663

>between the ethnic cericatures and do quests for them
Your kind should go back to /v/.

>> No.10350668
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>> No.10350717

That's Sid Meier's Pirates, right? I'm pretty sure I played that on gamecube or xbox. It was okay. Never got the sister back.

>> No.10350890

Tyrian 2000

>> No.10350901

You're just saying that because you're an oil driller

>> No.10350904

>Sadly enough, most of the game is hardcoded so not much real modding is possible. We won't be sailing a different area anytime soon.
Let's be real, if you want new Pirates content these days, you basically just have to play SoT. Don't get me wrong, I actually like SoT, but it's not the same.

>> No.10350920
File: 3.65 MB, 3264x2443, magic & mayhem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the creator and dev team of X-COM, models and cutscenes are claymation
you can summon tornadoes and lightning, turn people into stone, summon a ton of monsters, set places on fire with fire propagation. you can create an army of phoenixes to circle an enemy mage, chain electrocute them all to death and have them all explode into a ball of fire, all sorts of cool shit
use pcgamingwiki to get it running (just gotta rename a file or something), can be downloaded off of abandonware sites too

here's a good video on it:
also a great soundtrack from Afro Celt Sound System:

>> No.10350936

Ethnic caricatures is objectively the best way to describe those characters, you triggered fatass

>> No.10350948

>the hammer to break the glass is behind the glass

>> No.10350954

based heavy gear appreciator

>> No.10350959

Ok I'll bite

>> No.10350962


>> No.10351132


>> No.10351152

This game was my teenage years, man.

>> No.10351160
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everybody with a pc or Amiga played Tyrian ffs

>> No.10351210

>get hands on Royal Sloop ASAP
true patrician pirates use war canoes

>> No.10351223

>that's the joke

>> No.10351230
File: 150 KB, 256x328, 1677355033126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2004 all day
>Dutch are the hottest
also I lol'd when the French are black

didn't mandalore do a video on this?

played the hell out if this game when k was younger. I don't think you could ever win in skirmish mode tho which pissed me off.

did they tho? also you can play full game for free on your phone now. >>10350890 >>10350598

Best flying sim
>actual fun combat
>cool damage system
>cool progression system
>moving front lines
>made 1990
>pic related

>> No.10351248

really cool game. Kind of like a spiritual successor to Chaos and Lords of Chaos.

>> No.10351258

I loved this game. The puzzles were a bit easy (compared to things like Myst) but the cutscenes and ambience were fantastic. I wish there was an upscaled version out there.

>> No.10351278

there is a good version on GOG that plays well and is cheap enough.

>> No.10351313

This game is great although i've heard it's basically impossible to actually beat. Sailing around the Caribbean is comfy. I would cheese the shit out of everything in a sloop and just out manoeuvre galleons

>> No.10351324

The Gog version is just the old version with scumvvm's z-engine, videos still look like shit unfortunately.

>> No.10351586

I think pause scumming was the only way I ever succeeded at dancing, anyway never liked how you had to settle down eventually wanted to roam the seas forever.

>> No.10351823
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after playing sid meier's pirates it just made appreciate sea dogs 2 new horizons mod more than before

>> No.10352121

this game was fucking brilliant
couldn't get hg2 working because it kept crashing because of gpu support being so shit in the 90s

>> No.10352187

>This game is great although i've heard it's basically impossible to actually beat
Why, is it an insane grind or something?

>> No.10352335

>classic games
>it's a remake that came decades after the original

>> No.10352474

>almost 20 years old
>hurr durr not retro...

winning the game isn't hard and beating dancing mini-game is easy once you get the shoes. Watch your partners hand and time it with the beat of the music you casuals... you've never player Perapa the rappa?

you can't sail a canoe
>flag galleon FTW

>> No.10352514
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An amazing SNES game that I don't think anyone ever finished.

>/v/ or /vr/ play 19 year old games that sell well....

>> No.10352551
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>that 3rd person shooter where you can view yourself through the camera man behind you, but also shoot and kill him, but also turn into a devil woman and murder everything. And you're in a game show.

>> No.10352561
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An FPS/RTS hybrid where you can snipe enemies ans steal their vehicles....

>> No.10352835

I did however beat the PC-98 original version earlier today

>> No.10353391

I prefer the Royal Sloop over the War Canoe. First off, it's almost as agile as the War Canoe, so there is no real downside to upgrading. Second, it can hold far more crew than the War Canoe, making it quicker to have a successful boarding in combat, as well as quicker raising and lowering of the sails. Third, it can hold 20 cannon, allowing you to disable ships faster than the War Canoe, speeding up combat even more.
That's a lot of upsides for only a minor hit in agility and speed. You can still tack against the wind and dodge cannonball volleys in a Royal Sloop just as you can in a War Canoe. You gain cargo space, crew for boardings, and firepower, with no real downsides. War Canoes are for savages, not proper pirate admirals leading a fleet. A Royal Sloop is a proper flag ship for a pirate officer.

>> No.10353415
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It's basically cheating, nobody on here had a Mac. I could go on.

>> No.10353572

Nta but as someone who hasn't played 2004 Pirates, what's the game's big fuckoff ship that isn't fast but can reduce other ships to rubble with a broadside volley?

>> No.10353579

>Swashbucklers is unironically better
it really isn't though

>> No.10353697
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did you ever play Realmz??

>> No.10353698

ship of the line or flag galleon

>> No.10354850

Then that's what I'll use when I finally get around to playing it. I don't need to dodge, I just need to make sure I don't miss.

>> No.10354880

now i will hear the tricky music all day......

>> No.10354945


>> No.10355365

the main bad guy has a fully decked out one so you can capture that off him and keep that as your flag ship

>> No.10355514

No, he has a Flag Galleon, not a Ship of the Line. Ship's of the Line are rare and only appear when two nations are at war with each other, typically only from Wealthy towns, and never from the Spanish side. The only other ship that rare is the Mail Carrier, which only appears when a nation sends a peace treaty to another nation.

>> No.10356063 [DELETED] 

>actual combat instead of a Mario Party minigame
>no licensed game QTEs
>can actually walk around in tones
>awesome art
>better visuals during sea fights
>fun abilities to unlock
>a bit of a red thread and not just "do whatever you want"
Not sure what makes you say that besides the weird dub

>> No.10356068

>actual combat instead of a Mario Party minigame
>no licensed game QTEs
>can actually walk around in towns and more variety
>awesome art, making even loading screens fun to look at and helping the worldbuilding
>better visuals during sea fights
>fun abilities to unlock
>some PotC vibes
>a bit of a red thread and not just "do whatever you want"
Not sure what makes you say that besides the weird dub

>> No.10356072

Oh yeah, also no annoying wind mechanics slowing you down all the time. Pirates! looks too sterile and clean to have actual atmosphere, so this isn't really serving anything

>> No.10356602
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I always loved pulling into the pirate havens and listening to their theme music. pure SOVL

>> No.10356604

Interesting, did not know this.

>> No.10356630


>> No.10356780

>Ship's of the Line are rare and only appear when two nations are at war with each other, typically only from Wealthy towns
Tbf, Ships of the Line were extremely expensive and timely to build so no one was going to launch one unless war had been declared. That's historically accurate.

>> No.10356784

The Russian game?

>> No.10357892

I think so. Doesn't feel Russian at all. I'm not trans so I don't care if it was made by fat Americans, Arabs, Koreans or Russians, though

>> No.10358183
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Never seen this game discussed.

It was an MMO with the skill leveling system of Runescape and with entirely customized servers and worlds like Graal Online.

>> No.10358204

whats the name of this game? why even make a thread like this if youre not going to say it?

>> No.10358214
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Loved this game as a child, took me years to find it again.

>> No.10358458

Is it true you can win every swordfight by just spamming thrust because it's effectively uncounterable?

No I mean is it the one that takes place during the US Civil War? Because there's a pirate game called Swashbucklers during the PS2 era that fits that description.

Reading the thread should make it really obvious

>> No.10358462
File: 25 KB, 432x294, Tayumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played this game for the first time this year. It's called "Tayumi.". It's by an artist called Pawn, it's from 2003, and it's freeware.
It's essentially a little board game with a story. It starts off simple but by the end I was fairly impressed. It's about an hour long in total.
You have to know Japanese to play it though, it's never been translated.

>> No.10358464
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Just two months ago I took one of those Indian War canoes and fucked up the entirety of the Spanish Empire. Thank you very much.

Love Pirates! Gold Edition, and I like this one just as much.

>> No.10358527

>No I mean is it the one that takes place during the US Civil War?
Not what you asked, troon

>> No.10358668

this looks so silly!! whats it called??

>> No.10358721

best vertical shooter right here

>> No.10358823

>Is it true you can win every swordfight by just spamming thrust because it's effectively uncounterable?
Thrust is your quickest attack, and on the easier difficulties it's almost unblockable until you get over 50 years old. As you turn up the difficulty, the AI gets better about parrying a thrust and responding with one of their own. On the medium difficulty, your thrust is pretty much going to be countered whenever your crew morale is below 50%, or once you get over the age of about 40 if you don't have the swordsmanship perk. Having both the swordsmanship perk and the well balanced swords pretty much is a requirement on the higher difficulties if you ever plan on winning any swordfights.
Anyone saying the thrust is unbeatable played through the game on easy. It's more accurate to say it's your main weapon in swordfights, since you can usually land one immediately after countering a lower or upper strike before they have a chance to block. On the harder difficulties, doing a quick thrust after countering a wide swing is your only viable method of attack as anything else will be blocked or blocked and countered.

>> No.10358839
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one of the reasons why I keep a mac emulator around is so I can re-play this.

>> No.10358864

what's that?

>> No.10358878

I'm trying to narrow down which game you're talking about. And the Russian part is relevant because if so then the game was made by Akella aka the studio behind Postal 3. And anyone that makes Postal 3 shouldn't be trusted to make a quality product.

>> No.10358907

I assume its sid meyers Pirates, but there are several editions mentioned here - i played one version a while back but it looked nothing like that

>> No.10358957

You were already told that they only published Postal 3 in another thread two weeks ago. They are the Sea Dogs devs. You are obviously just obsessed with Russia because too much Twitter for you

>> No.10358961
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3 In Three.

>> No.10358973

>You were already told that they only published Postal 3 in another thread two weeks ago.
I never brought up Postal 3 in /vr/ before today
>You are obviously just obsessed with Russia because too much Twitter for you
Please, they're my country's neighbor, my hate for them is much more personal than your internet drama

>> No.10359001

>An amazing SNES game that I don't think anyone ever finished.
I did once as a 4-legged dino since I refused to go mammal. It was strangely hard but manageable with health regen through mutations and evo points grinding.

>> No.10359009

It's probably Planet Blupi.

>> No.10359034 [DELETED] 

>I never brought up Postal 3 in /vr/ before today

>> No.10359038

I've beaten it twice. Originally without cheats, with infinite EVO points the second time around. The game has weird difficulty spikes, and the last few areas are amazingly bullshit. Mainly the bosses are oddly difficult given how easy the game is otherwise. Also grindy as hell.
Fun Fact: When you get the quest to defeat the insects in Chapter 2, you can kill the ones who gave you the quest. They turn into meat like you usually eat for EVO points. But the devs actually programmed their meat to do 999HP damage if you eat it.
If you agree with Rogan in the part where you're supposed to help the whales, you get a unique "bad end". Kinda funny.
I can't remember if the martians show up in the ending if you didn't find their UFO in Chapter 5 and speak with them, can anyone confirm?

>> No.10359072
File: 1 KB, 517x304, Star_Trek_text_game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best. Trek. Game. Evar.
And it's been downhill since then.

>> No.10359082
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>> No.10359106

Now have you played the original game?

>> No.10359119

What about the taunt mechanic?

Is it useful in high difficulty play?

>> No.10359142
File: 196 KB, 1200x630, fuckthewhales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you agree with Rogan in the part where you're supposed to help the whales, you get a unique "bad end".
He doesn't talk about that cameo much on his show

>> No.10359152

I did. Post more

>> No.10360362

>On the medium difficulty, your thrust is pretty much going to be countered whenever your crew morale is below 50%, or once you get over the age of about 40 if you don't have the swordsmanship perk.
If by medium you mean Adventurer, it still works, but you need to beeline for the no guns War Canoe cheese strat where you beat everything super early into the game.

>> No.10360713
File: 5 KB, 640x400, 6250533-star-fleet-i-the-war-begins-dos-the-endeavour-attacking-a-krella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Starfleet I: The War Begins, it's like mainframe Star Trek but with added features like mines, directional shields and ability to disable and board ships. Plus you get promoted in rank as you complete missions. It had a sequel too which was even more advanced.

>> No.10360989
File: 30 KB, 1944x856, deep space schizoposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juffo-Wup is All
but you are not a part of Juffo-Wup
therefore you must cease existence.
We shall make you cease to exist, for Juffo-Wup.

>> No.10361169
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I reinstalled, who do I side with mainly
>The perfidious English
>The slimy French
>The greedy Dutch
>The evil Spanish

>> No.10361386

If you aren't siding with the Spanish, you may as well consider yourself as working for the other three. Injecting yourself into fights between the others just slows your advancement in rank for the nation you attack.

>> No.10361393

tbf aren't most of the mandatory fights against the Spanish? It's wierd that you can even side with them as a result.

>> No.10361567

French and English are good starters. Dutch are fine, but their ports are a bit spread out at the start. Spain has the most ports and biggest cash convoys, so they make a perfect target.

If I recall correctly, it's actually possible to get the title of Duke for all 4 nations. You might be considered a villain, but whatever you do, they can't take back your title. So just build up the other 3 nations and then become the hero of Spain. I remember going for that plus all the other quests before age could get to me, it was a fun challenge.

>> No.10361698
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Fine, I'll grant that it may seem old to the board's current userbase, but why is this the "classic" and not the original it was based on, which was basically the same game and arguably better, without the disgusting playstation 3D graphics?

>> No.10361735
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I don't know how popular this was in other parts of the world but here it was pretty unknown and i loved it

>> No.10361761
File: 111 KB, 908x753, 1683875190917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always the Dutch. I carve out a little enclave in the south east that I can launch raids on the Spanish from and have my hot Dutch GFs to dance with when I return. I also take 2 of the 3 ports near Villa Hermosa in the far west so I have friendly ports to harbour in when searching for the lost cities and hunting the Baron.

The jesuits can grant you amnesty if you escort their brother to one of the nations that have a bounty on you. As above, I normally go Dutch first and through association I gain ranks with the French and English because they're all at war with the Spanish. Then I get amnesty and start raiding the Engliah ir French, whoever is large and with whom I have less holdings. that way you can max ranks across all nations (a lot of work though...)

>> No.10361774
File: 47 KB, 336x188, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YuGiOh Power of Chaos never gets discussed here cause it gets overshadowed by the playstation games, it's really grindy so just get the torrent with all cards unlocked
you can also play multiplayer with gameranger or some other lan emulator like radmin vpn, Kaiba and Joey's game still hold up today as time capsules but Yugi's doesn't have many good cards

>> No.10362169

Siding with the Spanish sucks in most eras because they control most everything. Who the fuck are you going to pilfer, the dutch?

>> No.10362191

Bloody hell, that brings back memories. Absolute blast of a game.

>> No.10362286

>that way you can max ranks across all nations (a lot of work though...)
True, I wouldn't do that every playthrough, but once is pretty satisfying.

>> No.10362472

I played and beat every one of these and also I have a lot of sex with women

>> No.10362537

redpill me on both 87 and 04

>> No.10362556

Go back

>> No.10362568

Biggest difference I noticed was all ship encounters in 87/gold are pure random encounters on the map where you get a menu choice of if you want to chase them or not. In 04, they actually appear on the map and you have to chase them and get close enough to battle. 87 is more anything can happen, 04 is more actiony gameplay.

>> No.10362609

If this was the East Indies (which there is a mod for that changes the setting to there) then yes the Dutch would control everything.

>> No.10362641

Well it's historically accurate. There's a reason the British were so willing to let go of the 13 colonies compared to the island of Jamaica and it's because everything north of Florida was primarily considered the shit land that Spain didn't want. Which may sound silly today but back then by far the most profitable industry in the world was sugar production, and the warm, damp climate of Central and South America along with the Caribbean meant that the Spanish could maintain sugar plantations all year long instead of having to stop for the winter. From the business sense of the time, it made perfect sense to think "Spain got all the good land, we got the leftover scraps." Hence why France took the loss of Haiti so hard and why Britain never really let go of Jamaica until the empire fell apart, they were warm climate colonies that could be used for sugar plantations.

>> No.10362646

Forgot to say, the British Empire only truly became the empire it was famous for being AFTER losing the 13 colonies because apparently they were very expensive to maintain without getting much actual profit out of it, which is part of why they kept raising taxes there. Once freed of that financial burden, Britain's profits went through the roof.

>> No.10363852


>> No.10363912

Holy shit... this is real...

>> No.10363984
File: 157 KB, 256x316, m29f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NovaLogic's "MiG-29 Fulcrum." The ambience and the bleak terrain is very immersive and sells you on being alone in vast, dangerous conflict zone. The game-play is the perfect midpoint between Ace Combat 4 and DCS World. I would kill for a source-code release for this game and their F-22 game.


>> No.10364020
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>> No.10364083

>OG Pirates! was good for it's time but hasn't ages well. Stick to the remake imo
It's practically the same game with simpler graphics. There's a few features missing but the gameplay loop is the same.
>inb4 some anon goes on to list differences as if I said they were identical
Your character looses reaction speed as he ages, but the main villain doesn't. You can also get forced to retire before you're done with your quests.
It's basically the only major flaw in the game, although land navigation and the minigames both take some getting used to.
>I don't need to dodge
Getting outrun will be more of a problem.

>> No.10364383

Am I crazy or does the wind in Pirates 2004 only ever move from East to West and never another direction?

>> No.10364558

interesting. the Spanish brought so much gold over from the new world they caused inflation and crashed their empire.

>> No.10364562

Pretty much,
One of the things about the original game was that you could easily get stuck not moving anywhere due to winds so they toned it down.

>> No.10364565

that's the same developer as delta force, I wonder if it's the same engine.

ot goes north to south sometimes depending on where you are. never had it go west to east.

>cartoon Total Annihilation
no thanks.

>> No.10364829

On the easiest difficulty, the wind on the world map never changes direction, in order to make navigation and travel easier for new players. If you want the wind to shift, turn up the difficulty.

>> No.10365136

>good luck getting back from the mainland, lmao
I guess that's another annoyance of mine, easy mode had features added and removed so it wasn't truly preparing you for the higher difficulties. It took me a lot longer to *really* learn the minigames because of easy's flashing buttons.
All the wind never changing did was make traveling east a huge time sink in a game where that can set you back.

>> No.10365174

I disagree about the wind part, since having it one set direction while traveling helps teach the player how fast their ship will sail depending on which way they face in relation to the wind, hopefully prior to entering ship to ship combat. I know in the Sloop class ships you can get pretty decent speed by sailing 45 degrees from into the wind, making a zig-zag pattern faster when traveling against the wind than sailing directly. As for the larger ships, hope you brought plenty of food. Which in turn teaches new players that they are beholden to the wind when sailing the big boats.
I consider the easiest difficulty to be the training mode, then the next difficulty up to be the Easy difficulty where you get the full mechanics of the game but still have manageable difficulty.

>> No.10365373

chaos overlords

>> No.10365430

I'm not on the easiest difficulty though, I'm on Adventurer which I think is basically default/medium

>> No.10365453

That's a really, REALLY big oversimplification of what happened. But if you don't want to get too deep into the weeds on how the Price Revolution worked, yes the influx of gold and silver all at once meant that Europe wasn't really able to compensate for it quickly enough. When the money supply expands so rapidly, generally the central bank is supposed to start contracting the money supply to compensate. This causes a recession but also stops the inflation (and while recessions are generally worse, they're a much more temporary problem compared to inflation). But economies at the time didn't quite understand how this worked yet because capitalism was in its earliest stages so they had no real idea how to react.
Also, the reason Spain brought so much gold and silver over was because Europe had basically mined all of theirs out at the time, which was known as the Great Bullion Famine.

>> No.10365496
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Kao the Kangaroo 1
Protip: emulate the Dreamcast version without the awful tank controls or look up the line to add to the config file of the PC version to disable them.

>> No.10365957
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Oids was better. Orginated on Atari ST, ported to Macintosh.

>> No.10367505

you can force the game to spawn a ship of the line. if you destroy enough shipping of a wealthy / prosperous non-spanish town (except for immigrants/new governors which raise prosperity) it'll send a "new warship" to control the waters, mostly a frigate / heavy frigate but it has the chance to be a ship of the line. just need to be at a distance from said town otherwise it'll spawn pirate hunters instead.

>> No.10367571

Any guide for Patrician 3?
I tired once but was too complicated for me at the time.

>> No.10367578
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Played the hell out of Monkey Brains demo on demo disc.
Very unique puzzle game, like the crunchy pixelated style.

>> No.10367580
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based oidsbro

>accidentally left mouse cursor on but too lazy to rerecord

>> No.10367598

>that movement
>the shields
Fuck me, it's Solar Jetman.

>> No.10367643
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They're all Gravitar-'em-ups.

>> No.10367996

Guaranteed no one has played Operation: Inner Space
>pic related

>> No.10367998
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>forgot pic

>> No.10368151
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>Demon Star
It's no Tyrian but it is easily the 2nd most fun VSHMUP on PC.

>> No.10368172

>Stick to the remake imo
You mean SVGA one?

>> No.10368179

>PS2 emulator
But there is a native PC version... Although at this point emulating a PS2 may be a more robust way to run the game.

>> No.10368198

>Patrician 3
Is it a strategy or what? If yes, is it like Corsairs: Conquest at sea?
There are several games like that that i want to try some day (Patrician series, Port Royale, similarly themed Age of Sail) but i always end up confused about are they actually about naval combat and pirate life, or are closer to Anno/Settlers.

>> No.10368204

Oi me Amigger>C64>2004>Gold

>> No.10368245

>Red Baron
All true, also best theme. God knows how but Dynamix managed to nail the atmosphere of the Great war.
I miss the games like RB or F-19, the "simcades" of the genre that are easy to control but not to the point of having hundreds of rockets and collecting health packs falling from the clouds.

>> No.10368357

>87 is more anything can happen, 04 is more actiony gameplay.
Yeah I feel like '87 was leaning more towards being a pirate-simulator (or at least a fictional-pirate-simulator, where it's trying to put you in the shoes of being a "real" fictional pirate as depicted in books and movies), made during Meier's early simulation days. While '04 is more of a fun game through and through, from when Meier started perfecting the accessibility of his games. I love both though.

>> No.10368573

no the 2004 remake. cheap on GOG or steam

interesting fact - the '04 version shares the same engine as Civ4 and many sound effects that you can hear in both games
>the background sounds when you go to the merchants in Priates! is the same as when you zoom into your city in Civ4

>> No.10368575

Freespace and Freespace 2 were pretty good at this.

>> No.10368641

Yeah, Just like space combat sims in general. Did you play Wing Commander Saga?

>> No.10368708

no - the art style never gelled with me. I know Wing Commander 3 is meant to be a milestone in gaming due to the use of FMVs and well known actors.

>> No.10368893
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I was rather partial to this unlicensed game on the Mac

>> No.10368925

No, i meant the fan game on FSOpen engine.

>> No.10370107

Yes, it's Planet Blupi. Source code was released and someone made it run on modern OSes:

>> No.10370143
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>> No.10370438
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I used to have this game! early 3D if I remember correctly? wasn't as good as TA, C&C, Blizzard RTS but still was alright. Reminds me of pic related - one of the lost greats of RTS gaming.

>> No.10370456

>Magic & Mayhem
This one desperately needs a remaster to fix the very low framerate.

>> No.10370535
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someone must have played this...

>> No.10370551

I think I still have a CD somewhere with the free version they released at some point.

>> No.10370565

I went and read up on this. fascinating. but if therewas a crisis in western Europe around these times, why were the italian city-states still so prosperous?

>> No.10370576

no but that looks awesome. might check it out

>> No.10370671

A lot of people have finished evo.

>> No.10370985

The Italian Wars wiped out the finances of the city-states so the influx of capital was the exact shot in the arm they needed.

>> No.10372610
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Played demo of this game as a kid. I don't remember if I ever met the winning conditions because I would leave the game after 10-20 minutes of gameplay and do the same thing another day.

>> No.10372898
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Whiplash for Americans

>> No.10372907

I'll play it someday

>> No.10372916
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Wow this game looks really good for 1999(jk there was a remaster)

>> No.10373660
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From a classic series, but III isn't well regarded for some reason. It's the only one with larger scale which imo makes it the best iteration. It's the perfect example of basic graphics overlaying a truly comprehensive mock up of real world accuracy. It's the one game that I can always come back to and have even more fun than last time because it's so dense that there's always more ways to improve, and the scenarios always play out in unique and memorable ways. As with all singe player strategy the AI isn't very smart but it's a testament to the complexity of the gameplay model and its adherence to real world tactics that it remains challenging even after years of gameplay. You have to actually know real world methods and procedure in order to play effectively. It's a real shame that it isn't more known, I'd love to play an email game with an actual person, but it would have to be someone already familiar with the game, unless they're willing to read the manual and learn military strategy.

>> No.10373695
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is spellforce old enough to be retro?

>> No.10373701
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otherwise picrel i guess

>> No.10373710

>game supposedly has CD music
>no redbook audio on the CD and the game won't play any music whatsoever
always hated how many games had this shit