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10349726 No.10349726 [Reply] [Original]

playing through all Zeldas and this is the current ranking from most to least fun that I had

1 Adventure of Link
2 Ocarina of Time
3 Link's Awakening
4 Link to the Past
5 Legend of Zelda

>> No.10349731

cool fanart

>> No.10349732


>> No.10349746

For me, it's:
1. OoT
3. LA
5. AoL

>> No.10349815

OoT is definitely 1 for me. I can finish this shit over and over again, sometimes I try a 3 heart run, sometimes no shield run, sometimes trying to Z-target as little as possible, sometimes with randomizer, sometimes Master Quest, sometimes my own edit, sometimes with shaders, sometimes at 4k
Something about the level design just doesn't get boring

>> No.10349820

>1 Adventure of Link
Nice troll thread. Anyway:
>1. WW
>2. TP
>4. OOT
>5. TP
>5. LA
>6. rest

>> No.10349827

>Something about the level design just doesn't get boring
The game is relatively open after leavingt he forest, you can do a bunch of things out of order, clear different paths in some of the dungeons, etc.

>> No.10349843
File: 1.50 MB, 1000x1093, 1677958997615790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 Adventure of Link
Is this actually good or just some weird internet meme? I tried it once and it seemed like half the text was bugged, then dropped it

>> No.10349885

It's the one that rewards skill and perseverance more than puzzle solving so it just felt the best to me. Just more to my taste

>> No.10349893
File: 542 KB, 600x771, 5c081ceeb26ab525d0af5b9375edd610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ig this is a top 5 thread now
>1. majora's mask
>2. ocarina of time
>3. link's awakening
>4. skyward sword
>5. link between worlds
it's alright, death mountain is a bitch though
the translation was fine from what i remember although not as good as later games

>> No.10349898

>sometimes my own edit
What do you mean?

>> No.10349956

LA (never played it)

>> No.10349984

>Wind Waker that high
>claims OP is trooling

>> No.10350000

>2. TP
>5. TP
So which is it? Retard

>> No.10350001

This past year I played every console Zelda from the original to Twilight Princess, finishing all of them except the latter. I skipped the handhelds and 4 swords adventures.

My conclusion was the following ranking:

1. A Link to the Past
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Twilight Princess
4. Adventure of Link
5. Wind Waker
6. Majora’s Mask
7. The Legend of Zelda

>> No.10350030

play the PC port of Zelda 2

>> No.10350078

Patcher 64+

>> No.10350089 [DELETED] 

I would give you a different answer depending on the time of day or the direction the wind is blowing. Most of the games are good and doing different things better than the other

>> No.10350091

I love AoL but I hate the grind. The game is at its best when you've learned all of your moves and you're welcome through enemies like a badass. Hacks like Redux help with the grind, but they go too far and do shit like starting you in the same area after a game over.

>> No.10350092

I would give you a different answer depending on the time of day or the direction the wind is blowing. Most of the games are good and doing different things better than the other

Nice quads though

>> No.10350102

>sometimes I try a 3 heart run
>ignoring all the heart pieces in the overworld
soulless. also impossible to do in zeldas where you can find hearts in chests unless you get autistic about it. just don't pick up boss heart containers

>> No.10350132
File: 12 KB, 731x316, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but you can basically customize your OoT rom yourself and choose between tons of individual options
This. Just make the game so hard you WILL want to get more heart containers. (Didn't increase enemy HP because damage sponges aren't fun and the x8 damage is towards the player, so a lot of shit will even instakill you at full health at the beginning

>> No.10350173

I must be in the minority that I dropped OoT.
>ALTTP: goes almost straight to the gameplay, side quests / mini games / talking are there but never mandatory and not in your face
>LA: even less fluff than ALTTP, straight to the point
then OoT:
>beat 1st dungeon
>immediately a million mandatory distractions from the main quest
>run around the Hyrule, then the castle sequence, the 2nd town collecting chickens, the cemetery and moving graves, lon lon ranch with its shitty minigame and huge empty field you need to explore to get a heart, kokiri forest again with its half-assed dungeon… and oh you can explore more if you want if you aren't sick yet
>game throws quests in your face every second, you're not even sure if those are side / main quests, yeah I can't wait to try 20th shitty minigame / quest like finding some fatass lady's dog in a dozen of same dogs
>million unlikable ugly-faced characters with most idiotic stories imaginable you have to talk to, like a clinically insane dude who runs a windmill
>all that running around, STILL not 2nd dungeon
>and OH there was a golden spider on one of the trees in a location we beat 2 hours ago, maybe backtrack there if you want 100% completion
can I JUST get to play the fucking game?? I just started and I already want all of those characters dead. I'm serious, I've never played a single game that distracted you that hard from progressing, with as much running around doing stupid quests and talking to stupid characters before you could even do anything and go to next dungeon.

>> No.10350207

What does "Harder Child Bosses" and all the check boxes for harder enemies do

>> No.10350232

>can I JUST get to play the fucking game??
That is playing the game. You sound autistic. Zelda isn't a dungeon crawler

>> No.10350268

No Zelda games are good. Zelda is the Radiohead of gaming, popular but only because people have shit taste.

>> No.10350309

Thanks. I didn't know how wrong I was all the time I had fun playing those games and exploring awesome locations, unlocking awesome items and listening to awesome music

>> No.10350310

It used to be, but Aonuma changed that.

>> No.10350313

>replace objects in the Child Dungeon Boss arenas with additional monsters
For the rest it depends entirely on the specific enemy. Stalfos, Wolfos, Lizalfos will attack you even when you're not targeting them so you have to be careful when there's multiple of them. Keese will attack faster and won't lose their fire, Iron Knuckle always runs and never walks. etc

>> No.10350314

>>LA: even less fluff than ALTTP, straight to the point
What drugs are you on? LA has mandatory side quests, mini games, and lots of text (it's even worse in the shitty DX cash grab version, where you can't skip text)

>> No.10350326
File: 47 KB, 700x505, D76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably an Arin aka Egoraptor shitpost. Basically he made a whole video where he complained about OoT being slow and constantly interrupting the gameplay and making you wait for shit:

>> No.10350339

I'm sure you enjoyed the blanderization and Happy Mealfication of Euro high fantasy that is the Zelda series but it's only because your taste in entertainment is bad

>> No.10350346

Half of that shit sounds like complaints about Tears of the Kingdom honestly

>> No.10350357

i recently finished ALTTP for the first time and i do not see what everyone else sees in it.

aside from the timeless and gorgeous sprites i dont think it does anything better than OoT

>> No.10350380

you're exaggerating a surface level similarity.
>mandatory side quests
yes, but they're really the main quest. almost anything "side" you do gives you main story progression, and even when it doesn't, it gives you a very worthy item boosts (L2 sword, carry more bombs / magic powder / boomerang, etc.). you almost never get rewarded with just rupees or a heart piece, there's very little stuff that drags on too long AND doesn't make you progress. to the point that if you wander somewhere seemingly "unrelated", it turns it was actually related all along. and the trade sequence is straight to the point (give A, get B), though I agree it could be a bit less cryptic sometimes.
OoT side quests are way shittier and more distracting, and you never know if you get an essential item, just good item, or only a heart piece / whatever. you could wander god knows where, spend hours there and get nothing essential.
>mini games
um… it had them? like what, a single crane game? fishing maybe?
>and lots of text
there aren't that many characters to begin with, not sure where you took that it had "lots of text". yes, it had text, most of it was gameplay related.

>> No.10350396

Is this for usage of the OOT PC port? Or just a general N64 rom through Simple64/N64 emulator?

>> No.10350418

N64 rom, probably also works on original hardware if you have a flashcart

>> No.10350448

>I'm a zoomer
Great for you

>> No.10350453

idk i think they're more direct about it than in alttp where, at least for the first dungeon, you have to talk to some random ass npc if you don't know where to go. go talk to zelda at hyrule castle then go show the guard at kakariko her note so you can go to the next town. navi gives you a hint on what to do after that and the rest of child is pretty obvious.

>> No.10350485

OK maybe I'm just supposed to deliberately ignore every single "side" quest and go straight to the next dungeon. the main quest already takes too much time before the 2nd dungeon, then puts you a million side quests to complete right in your face. i generally try to do the side stuff but fuck it, I'm just dropping the game forever otherwise. whoever thinks this is "how the game is so big and varied" is a retard, this is the reason modern games are cancer.

>> No.10350495

well i don't think it takes very long to do the sidequests personally aside from the skulltula shit which isn't worth it anyway at least not after 50 if you want all the heart pieces and arguably the last bottle because that one's just tedious but either way the game tells you where to go so yeah ya gotta read the text.

>> No.10350524

I do know where to go, but seriously though: you CAN go straght to death mountain, but there's a whole bunch of side quests in Hyrule, a bunch if stuff in Kakariko & cemetery, and you're not even that limited to go somewhere else. it feels like I'm having a whole chapter of a game just before the 2nd dungeon if I go for all that.
I played ALTTP and LA after OoT, so in the hindsight now I know a lot of distractions are better left for later, you kind of want to follow the "main" story first or else you're gonna be running around way too much collecting crap like hear pieces. I almost ruined my ALTTP playthrough long time ago because I just wandered around collecting anything that grabs my attention; on my 2nd playthrough I never strained from the main quest, and while I thought this would be worse, it turned out way better as I could just take them all in chunks between dungeons to rest.
OoT takes the same issue to the next level. even in ALTTP if I was distracted enough, I'd eventually face too many roadblocks. here this just doesn't seem to happen, and the number of "side crap" is multiplied tenfold.
again, I had a feeling that ignoring side stuff would make the game worse, like I'm playing a game like some normalfag who just wants to see the ending a soon as possible; now I feel it's directly the opposite, that's the right way to play any Zelda.

>> No.10350552

Zelda is a series that I'm still looking for fun in. I've been trying to like it since the 90s. I can see what some of the games do well even though I find them quite a slog. The minute to minute gameplay is always mediocre. The dungeons can be interesting in some.

>> No.10350567

Everything people think Zelda does well, Metroid does better.

>> No.10350592

I like both. I'd say both 2D Zelda and Metroid have mediocre or plain shit combat. Zelda never quite has such a tight game design as Super Metroid. however, it has 1 important advantage that kept it so popular: the RPG elements.
metroid is one big maze; zelda is mazes with talking, quests, exploration, minigames and just pure world building in between. variety and the world is what makes it more impressive than 2D Metroid, despite Metroid having brilliant gameplay. walking alone in a space station maze simply gets frustrating and one-dimensional after a while.

>> No.10350628

>walking alone in a space station maze simply gets frustrating and one-dimensional after a while.
I feel every new area of Super Metroid basically refreshed itself as it felt like a new environment, new areas in Zelda never felt very interesting to me though. Metroids various caverns felt like real environments being traversed, while in any Zelda I have never shaken the feeling of it just being a little segmented sandbox. You might not have dialogue in Metroid, but I remembered every strange creature I encountered as if I was in the wild experiencing real fauna, every hidden nook made it feel organic. In Zelda, there are tons of characters and NPCs who will chat away but they're all just so stock and uninteresting, and the secrets don't feel as organically hidden.

I don't know what it is exactly about Zelda, but I have always found it extremely hard to get immersed into compared to both Metroid as an adventure/exploration based game, and JRPGs that take more time to flesh out their characters and stories.

>> No.10350649

Link's Awakening
Majora's Mask
Ocarina of Time

>> No.10350685

1. OoA
2. OoS
4. Minish Cap

>> No.10350764

OoT being the first in 3D did a lot more to try and build a believable world and even moreso with MM. I can see why it may be tedious busy work to some, but its purpose was to flesh out the world and make it feel alive.

There's nothing stopping you from doing a straight shot to Hyrule Castle, getting the letter, going to Death Mountain, etc. and ignoring extra shit. My guess though is that they wanted you to go through these locations to familiarize yourself with the world, and either stop and explore or make mental notes to come back later. Though I think that you're going to have a worse experience if you're just booking it to each dungeon and trying to finish the game as fast as possible. You have to look at it as a 5th gen game. This was a lot of people's only new game for a while and you were expected to take it all in and make it last.

>> No.10350810

Jesus Christ you would absolutely *despise* Majora's Mask (and BotW for that matter).

>> No.10350812

I get what you're saying, but even going down the main path already builds a lot of the world as is, way more so than ALTTP. I fully expected death mountain to be a dungeon. turned out there's only a goron city there. likely will go into the dungeon next, but still, I took a few hours between 2 dungeons, and I haven't even beaten all the available side quests yet. I WISH you could go straight from 1 dungeon to another, that's just physically impossible.

>> No.10350830

yeah, I was told that about MM. I can only guess OoT was what started the modern game cancer of "immersive sims" where gameplay is shoved away completely (because having an actual gameplay in the game is sooo 1990s, right? like what is this, NES?).
I agree with >>10350628 though—RPGs might do the same, but they at least introduce cool / interesting characters. I like Zelda gameplay, I love the controls in OoT, but I absolutely hate the lore and every single shit assed character in it.

>> No.10350832

>I took a few hours between 2 dungeons, and I haven't even beaten all the available side quests yet

This is absolutely a mentality you cannot have for the 3D games, they're designed so that there will be obscure solutions to many quests you're supposed to work out later. They are massively more quest heavy than the 2D games, and the series goes even harder in this direction after OoT, which is the most 'balanced' of them. I hate to say this, but you're exactly the kind of person Navi was designed to help, the game generally makes it clear what area you can go to to advance the main quest.

>> No.10350864

>I hate to say this, but you're exactly the kind of person Navi was designed to help
oh I see. I thought it was more like, "go there if you're lost", not like "go there unless you want to complete endless sidequests for many hours".
so like when you or others say "Nanmi tells you where you go", I think "yeah I know". I just thought there'd be, like, 3 or so quests, and they'd be imprtant, like I'd get an essential item there—like, you know, in ALTTP or LA—so I'd better complete them while I can, since they're not blocked by anything, and to save time backtracking later. I wasn't prepared there'd be at least 10 or more of those quests, all completely unessential.

>> No.10350884

>like I'd get an essential item there
There are progression items that you discover 'outside of the main quest', as you suspect, so it's fair that you're exploring lots of places for the sake of it, but mostly the game is fair about allowing you to progress by following the explicit hints you are given and only going out of your way to find other things if you're really stuck.

It gets much easier to backtrack as you go further thought the game, so don't worry about this so much. But yes, people really are attracted to the 3D games precisely because they're filled with so many quests and hidden 'threads' leading to optional things etc. except TP which just complete garbage because you're forced to do most of its quests in sequence and makes them mandatory for completion

>> No.10350889

>1 Adventure of Link
>2 Ocarina of Time
>3 Link's Awakening
>4 Link to the Past
>5 Legend of Zelda
Good list, but Legend of Zelda is actually the best, you just need to spend more time with it to appreciate its genius.

>> No.10351007

>mostly the game is fair about allowing you to progress by following the explicit hints you are given and only going out of your way to find other things if you're really stuck.
OK I see, thanks. to be honest, guessing this stuff isn't that obvious. like, I went to playing LA thinking some stuff was "side quests", like e.g. getting yoshi doll in the beginning. turned out it was actually the main quest. any quest rewarded you with items / upgrades. even finding secret seashells wasn't just useless "collectible", it was used to get L2 sword. even getting the full trade sequence is technically needed to read the small text in library that tells you a sequence to find the wind fish.
and then there's OoT that is literally the opposite, side quests are as "side" as it gets. finding a heart piece is nice, but surely not something essential for progression. if I KNEW I wouldn't progress at all completing them, I would surely leave them for later.
I'm fine with side quests, just when they are done in between progression parts and dungeons.

>> No.10351043

Like I was saying though, there are 'side events' that can affect the main quest, similar to the examples you gave for LA, and these are integrated into the game as a whole, so flat out ignoring everything isn't a good idea, it's just that there is a general progression the game recommends you follow that will lead you to making progress and you mostly don't need to worry that you missed some random secret somewhere, the game will drop at least some kind of hint that something matters if it does.

>> No.10351519

WW sucks ass

>> No.10351535

For me is
1 LoZ
2 Alttp
3 LA
4 AoL
5 OoT

>> No.10351553

Link's awakening
Link to the past
Minish cap
Ocarina of time
Zelda 1
Oracle of seasons
Link's awakening DX

>> No.10351726

You are a faggot. It's the worst game in the entire series which is why nobody takes this bait thread seriously.

>> No.10351730

Just say you are not a fan of the series.
There is no skill. It's for button mashing retards,

>> No.10351850

There must be something seriously wrong with you if you can't appreciate Wind Waker. Pure adventure flair and the best cel shading of a generation

>> No.10351856

I completely fail to understand why AoL gets so much shit. It showed exactly how you do combat well and isn't beaten by any of the other games in that regard.

>> No.10351931

>It showed exactly how you do combat well
Nah. The combat design in general is pretty clunky.

>> No.10352465

All of them are awesome in their own way. Ask me today I will say 1. is OoT. Ask me tomorrow I will say 1. is WW

>> No.10352480

People should differentiate between 3D and 2D Zelda when ranking their favoritse. The concept may be the same but it's just vastly different games.

>> No.10353563

>1 LoZ
I don't get it

>> No.10353583

so I went back to OoT and decided to skip most of the endless hunting for heart pieces. finally got to adult link, that moment was certainly as impressive as they say.
I realize my biggest gripes with it however:
1. running everywhere takes too long. going anywhere feels like a trek, despite it's technically not a big game. huge open spaces feel like a chore to go through.
2. heart pieces. now, how does ALTTP do them? mostly, you find some hidden cave where you need to solve a puzzle or use an ability (best kind), or just hard to reach area like "wtf there was a heart piece there" (ok kind). OoT has mostly the worst kind: some bullshit sequence or a minigame, where you often don't even know that you will get a heart or the conditions for it. even worse when it's mixed with #1 and you need to backtrack to some ass of the world for it.
all in all: in ALTTP, I was compelled to get all of them, was only 2 short from 100%. here, I'm not even going to do that, too much work and just need to read the guide half the time.
3. the control. it's both good and bad. somehow you run so slowly, but backwalk or side hop is so much faster, while roll looks faster but actually isn't. Z targeting doesn't work until the enemies are close, you walk slowly during it, your jump attack tends to whiff too much, you only target 1 enemy at a time, you need to re-target after killing that enemy, etc. etc.. there's no actual camera control beyond centering it and 1st person view, you constantly need to press Z to see where the hell you're going. going near a chicken and picking it up is 10x harder than it should be. standing near an edge, the camera always looks down, so you don't see where you're going. that's a lot of small things, but they do add up.

>> No.10353612 [DELETED] 

I didn't ask.

>> No.10353637

Just when I thought I could escape video essayists with their same critiques and the same observations on Zeldeur games people have discussed a million times over throughout the years, thinking they have something to add to the conversation, they decide to come here as well and clog up the board with their nothing opinions like >>10353583
Being a Zeldafag on this board is suffering.

>> No.10353664

and still you read it? curious. I guess I just shouldn't talk about games I played because you personally have already played them. imagine being so upset that people discuss things. cope

>> No.10353681

>and still you read it? curious.
Yeah imagine that, and I can safely conclude anything else you have to add can be outright ignored. At least I gave you the time of day since that's what you validation seekers crave so much.>>10353664

>imagine being so upset that people discuss things.
Talking to yourself doesn't count.

Yeah you're good at that. Keep at it, Zoomer!

>> No.10354080

good post
nobody cares what you want

>> No.10354313
File: 1 KB, 106x120, The_Legend_of_Zelda_-_NES_-_Red_wizzrobe.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Within its technical constraints it has a near-perfect design.
- Combat is satisfying. The mechanics are thoughtful and balanced, with link having appropriate advantages and disadvantages vs the enemies. Almost every unique weapon and every enemy has a niche. The difficulty curve is steady, starting easy and ending hard. The importance of quality combat cannot be understated. Because the combat is fun, you can roam around the world exploring without getting bored. Dungeon's don't need to rely on puzzles and gimmicks to be memorable.
- Very open-ended structure. There are "soft" gates like the lost woods that will discourage venturing into advanced areas, but not preventing it altogether. And hard gates may be placed in the middle of a dungeon, so even if you arrive before you're "supposed" to, you can still explore and find useful things.
- Suitably large world that feels substantial to roam and traverse without devolving into walking simulation. Fast-travel options are effective without trivializing the world.
- Well-designed dungeons, just maze-y enough to provoke a player to reason about the environment and make decisions about where to go to solve the maze, without minimal arbitrary puzzles blocking the way.
- Secrets are secrets and feel earned when you discover them. Hints are purposefully obtuse and you're intended to try and fail at times, making the successes more rewarding.
- Rewards are substantial. No piece-of-heart inflation. And most upgrades are meaningful.
- Timeless and iconic sprite designs.

There aren't many flaws or downsides. There's a lack of boss variety. The magic book is kinda lame and the bait is rarely useful (mechanically). That's really about it.

>> No.10354316

I also forgot to mention
- Well-tuned respawn delay, giving you time to backtrack and explore a given area before having to fight the monsters again. So the game feels full of combat but isn't so relentless that it becomes tiresome.

>> No.10354983 [DELETED] 

>good post
>Clearly samefagging
You Zoomers are so insecure it's painful.

>> No.10355034 [DELETED] 

It's not a samefag. If you'd actually made some kind of refutation or counter-argument to anon's post, I could have debated points you made. But you didn't make any points so there's nothing else to say. But you insisted on saying a lot of meaningless and hostile shit anyway so I went ahead and complimented the other anon's post.

>> No.10355057 [DELETED] 

>It's not a samefag
>both posts start with lowercase spelling
I cannot believe you thought that was worth the bump.

>> No.10355073 [DELETED] 

I have other posts in the thread don't have replies yet.
Fuck what is with zoomers and your obsession with internet meta?
Trolling is gay.

>> No.10355075

I hate how much power you lose the second your health isn't 100%, I hate wizrobes and I fucking REALLY FUCKING HATE having to bomb every fucking wall in the overworld to find everything

>> No.10355076
File: 1.17 MB, 500x317, 77.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. OOT, MM, LTTP, TWW, TP, LA, OOA/OOS, Minish,
2. Honourable mention tier: Zelda 1 and 2 for being influential and pretty rad but not quite top tier fun to me these days (prob how most people think about OOT I guess?)
3. all of the rest except skyward sword and anything newer than that
4. skyword sword and anything newer than that

>> No.10355108

>I hate how much power you lose the second your health isn't 100%
This is a pretty trivial detail. The game is balanced for you to play without being able to shoot your sword. You could argue the shooting sword is slightly overpowered (and unfortunately it was nerfed in ALTTP). But that's about it.
>I hate wizrobes
git gud
>fucking REALLY FUCKING HATE having to bomb every fucking wall in the overworld to find everything
This is not a flaw in the game design that's a flaw in your psychology and approach to the game.
You don't need to find everything. In fact some caves have penalties and are better off not being found. You don't need every heart container.

>> No.10355117 [DELETED] 

>I have other posts in the thread don't have replies yet.
Maybe because your insight isn't worth a damn.
>Caring about (you)s
Fuck what is with zoomers and your obsession with validation meta?

>> No.10355154 [DELETED] 

I don't care about you's in and of themselves I like to talk about videogames every so often. You seem to be the one farming yous with hostile, no-content shitposts.

>> No.10355239 [DELETED] 

>I don't care about you's in and of themselves I like to talk about videogames every so often.
>Translation: I want attention and I'm not getting it.
>You seem to be the one farming yous with hostile
>Translation: No U!
God, just shut up...

>> No.10355406 [DELETED] 

I've merely been honest you're just kneejerk shitposting but aren't any good at banter so it's literally just a waste of space.

>> No.10355703

>This is a pretty trivial detail.
I can't agree, early in the game this is a devastating difference, with sword beams being your only reliable ranged projectile that you either use for free or not at all once you get hit.

>> No.10355727 [DELETED] 

>so it's literally just a waste of space.
As if your posts aren't?

>> No.10355737
File: 1.14 MB, 2541x3096, 0707071de4854868433a58c3250f1d14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but i like to collect cool OoT art so i'll share some

>> No.10355741
File: 346 KB, 2177x2681, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10355753
File: 1.13 MB, 1976x3508, 8b1683b16ec6bb5eb4a1f18e5904914f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10355759
File: 330 KB, 621x900, DARK SPIRIT FROM BEYOND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10355879

You don't need ranged at all at the beginning. There's a pretty big difference sure but you have an extreme glass-half-empty pessimistic assessment.
Also the boomerang is very easily obtained and is an effective early-game ranged attack.

>> No.10356050
File: 1.35 MB, 1440x1080, Toki no Ocarina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantom Ganon is an awesome brainfuck boss the first time, but this image is a bit gay

>> No.10356515

>censored mirror shield
kek imagine unironically spending hours drawing shit based on censorship

>> No.10356540
File: 1.19 MB, 512x282, 1644893997056.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OoT is the best, fix your list.
Plus, with the newest mods it now has infinite content and can be fused to Majoras Mask as a singular mega-game.

>> No.10356546

The list isn't best, it's had the most fun playing

>> No.10356632

The N64 games blow chunks and don't hold up at all. OOT in particular feels like some bad unfinished tech demo and the only part in the whole game where you remember you're meant to be playing a game with puzzles in it is the one part that everyone hates, go figure. The series as a whole peaked very early and took the wrong direction in almost everything save for music.

>> No.10357889

>Plus, with the newest mods it now has infinite content and can be fused to Majoras Mask as a singular mega-game.
Holy shit

>> No.10357965

The trick to Death Mountain is to just go right and never use the elevator.

>> No.10357972

OoT wasn't Aonuma on the director's chair, though. It was Miyamoto and Yoshiaki Koizumi

>> No.10358586

If anything Aonume turned Zelda into a puzzle orgy with Twilight Princess. There's fuck all to do between the last 4 dungeons. 2D Zelda only became a puzzle orgy thanks to Tezuka. Zelda 2 is irrelevant
>Miyamoto and Yoshiaki Koizumi
Absolute gods

>> No.10358609

1 - Majora
2 - Ocarina
3 - Awakening
4 - OG
6 - WW
7 - TP

>> No.10358612

I think they hold up pretty good, specially 3d action games. Not so much racing games.

>> No.10358628

huh, so the same as the great palace then
that's dope

>> No.10358714

>2. AoL
>3. MC
>4. LA
>5. WW

>> No.10358742
File: 1.58 MB, 328x259, 1687733048964054.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adventure of Link
Are you some type of creepy sex pervert masochist? I tried replaying it with QoL fix hacks and still could not stomach the copy and pasted everything, overly difficult annoying enemies and repetitive music. If the dungeons did not all look the same I could understand the appeal.

>> No.10359012

If I recall correctly, Great Palace is Left Right Right Left Left.

>> No.10359014

>If the dungeons did not all look the same
Did you play the Japanese FDS version? That's the only version all dungeons are identical.

>> No.10359883

>I would give you a different answer depending on the time of day or the direction the wind is blowing. Most of the games are good and doing different things better than the other
This is so true

>> No.10361081

honestly I can't play any 3D zelda games as an adult, I don't have the mental fortitude for that shit.

>> No.10361094
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OoT>Link's Awakening>ALTTP
Haven't really played much of the other two. I started Minish Cap yesterday

>> No.10361253

For me it's the opposite, kinda hated them as a kid because of the dungeons but now appreciate them as an adult. Probably because most games today are just combat fuckery and big empty open worlds

>> No.10362260

The only one I tried was OoT and I got bored at how long it took to make any progress and how little excitement and combat there was.

>> No.10362837

>The only one I tried was OoT and I got bored at how long it took to make any progress
Only if you're dumb or refuse to look at your map once. You can breeze through dungeons. There's also Master Quest which streamlines some dungeons and adds more enemies, so you have no excuse. Even if some puzzles are weaker and more random in MQ, it's still more substance than every other action adventure

>> No.10363545 [DELETED] 

I dropped the came then came back. I think he has a point, the game takes very long from 1st to 2nd dungeon
>beat deku tree
>go to Hyrule, a large town with tons of side stuff
>sneak into castle sequence
>long cutscene
>Lon Lon Ranch + crappy minigame to get the 1st bottle
>Lost Woods
>Kakariko, another large town with tons of side stuff + game to find chickens to get 2nd bottle
>Death Mountain Trail
>Goron City
>and only THEN 2nd proper dungeon
if you try and get all the side stuff here, you will feel like you never progressed in hours. I played a guide that inclined you to get everything, and I felt exactly that.
I now wish I played this sequence only getting the easy / essential stuff, never going in depth in Hyrule / Kakariko. I revisited almost all of it many times anyway, except for lost woods. now I'm past water temple and I'm running out of stuff to explore because I beat it all before.

>> No.10363556

I dropped the game, then came back to it. I think he has a point, OoT takes very long from 1st to 2nd dungeon
>beat deku tree
>go to Hyrule, a large town with tons of side stuff
>sneak into castle sequence
>long cutscene
>Lon Lon Ranch + crappy minigame to get the 1st bottle
>Lost Woods
>Kakariko, another large town with tons of side stuff + game to find chickens to get 2nd bottle
>Death Mountain Trail
>Goron City
>and only THEN 2nd proper dungeon
if you try and get all the side stuff here, you will feel like you never progressed in hours. I played with a guide that suggested you get everything, and I felt exactly that.
I now wish I played this sequence only getting the easy / essential stuff, never going in depth in Hyrule / Kakariko. I revisited almost all of it many times anyway, except for lost woods. now I'm past water temple and I'm running out of stuff to explore because I beat it all before.

>> No.10363686
File: 538 KB, 914x705, 456456456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have info on this romhack/mod? I got interested when I heard there was one that was base OoT + custom NPC sidequests.

>> No.10363868

>you will feel like you never progressed in hours.
this is a weird perception that I don't understand. doing stuff like getting bottles, new ocarina songs, and going to new places is progressing. the game isn't supposed to be a dungeon crawl, it's an adventure

>> No.10364085

>doing stuff like getting bottles, new ocarina songs, and going to new places
if you do the side stuff, that's not what you'll get. it will be mostly heart pieces / bag upgrades / rupees. even if you don't do the side stuff, the plot hardly progresses in that stretch.
>the game isn't supposed to be a dungeon crawl
it isn't supposed to be a walk sim either. I think the strength of zelda is the variety. it alternates "slow" parts like towns and sidequests with intensive parts like dungeons, puzzles and fights. when you remove the dungeons, it simply becomes too slow. people hate JRPG because they are walk sims with too much dialogue and little gameplay; is this any different? I want my Zelda to be Zelda, with proper dungeons, puzzles, fights and gameplay. it needs "slow" segments too, but they are here to relax and take a break, not to become the main focus.

>> No.10364116

and while I am on the topic of variety, I believe this is what makes OoT so good and "big". it is more than the sum of its parts.
I wouldn't call any dungeon but the first one amazing, with later temples being outright exhausting. sidequests individually are often bad, cryptic and unintuitive. walking segments are too slow. puzzles are not crazy special. lore is not special either and even generic. fights aren't as tight as they could be. etc. etc..
however, it works in conjunction, because it's balanced. Zelda manages to not become a walkfest, a grindfest, a sokoban clone, a slasher, an interactive movie, an RPG, a minigame collection, and so on. it never becomes one-sided. even sidequests, as retarded as they are, always go with a different concept than before.
this is what people who compare it to Tomb Raider or FF7 don't understand.

>> No.10364197

I'm the guy making that.

I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about it when I have time.

>> No.10364252

Zelda II at the top, based. Did you not play MM?

>> No.10364380

Cel shading is ass. WW is unironically too juvenile.

>> No.10364450

I just don't like the combat mainly. I grew up with top down zelda not fucking 3d doing back flips and needing to fucking hope to god that I don't fall into fucking lava, or swim in the fucking water temple. Its the same reason I hate mario games.

>> No.10364475

kinda weird complaint. first off, the combat is pretty easy 99% of time. you almost never will fall anywhere. second, it's actually more interesting than 2D zelda: you can dodge around fast, there's several different sword attacks, ranged weapons actually aim. third, most enemies are designed to be beaten in a simple pattern.
or did you mean you just can't get used to 3D controls overall?

>> No.10364483

You call it easy, I call it a pain in the ass, and I remember falling everywhere when I played 3D zelda games, to the point I had to have my brother help me with the game growing up. I still think its ass too. I prefer not having a variety of attacks, too many attacks make it a nightmare. Yes I can't get use to the 3D controls at all.

>> No.10364491
File: 150 KB, 1124x1091, 1686898247611600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but if you're not trolling are you basically adding back the dating sim elements that were originally supposed to be in OoT?

>> No.10364496

huh, weird. did you get used to Z-targeting? the control basically boils down to press Z every time to adjust the camera.
if you used it and still it didn't work, then the games indeed might not be for you.

>> No.10364504

i fucking hated Z targeting. I really hope mouse injection is added to the 3D zelda games, cause then I will gladly replay them.

>> No.10364509

well, figures. OoT is basically Z-targeting: the game. if you hated it, no wonder you hated the control overall.

>> No.10364510

I mean growing up I loved it, but now its just aids for my adult mind.

>> No.10364531

How come 1964 emulator doesn't emulate Zelda correctly? seems strange. I just get a black screen.

>> No.10364550

Anon you're using an emulator that hasn't been updated in over a decade, and N64 emulation was bad back then. Use ares if your system supports Vulkan:

>> No.10364552

well im using it for the mouse injection, its what was used for the mouse injection for perfect dark.

>> No.10364584

>the dating sim elements that were originally supposed to be in OoT?

We know there were meant to be more interactions with the girls then there ended up being (i.e. stuff like being able to ride out of the ranch with Malon after having saved her from a fire Ingo set, the ability to say you want to marry her that leads to nothing, code for her actor appearing in rooms she doesn't in the final game), but we don't know to what extent they were actually planning on putting in full blown "choose your own adventure/VN" style mechanics.

That hasn't stopped me from putting in more things to do with each of the girls and ways of interacting with them, as I'm not trying to 'recreate lost beta elements' or anything like that, even though I take influence from that. I have various events, quests and conversations implemented, but I haven't yet put in things like ending cutscenes for the individual girls, or taken advantage of the stats that might influence this, and Zelda specifically I've put on hold until I can extensively mod Hyrule Castle and alter the structure of the game more.

But like I'm saying, my overall goal is to essentially transform the game into something close to the ideal version of it it'd want to have been able to play when I was 9 and put in the stuff I'd wished was there but wasn't. The interactions with the girls is a significant aspect of it, but it's part of a number of things I'm modding in, including a combat overhaul+AI changes, other additional quests and collectables, changes to the game's progression etc.

>> No.10364629

I liked that there weren't particular dating sim features. Instead you could "visit" various dateable females by visiting the locations they inhabited and imagining what it would be like if you got to know them more and developed a closer bond. Leaving things to the imagination was much better than any dating elements could have been. The characters were fleshed out just enough that you had a sense of their identity and motivations but had ample scope to fill in the gaps with your mind.

>> No.10366313

OoT's controls aren't that easy to get used to. I saw Dark Souls streamers getting filtered

>> No.10366382

Same, just finished Oracle games.
1. A Link to the Past
2. Majora's Mask
3. Ocarina of Time
4. Link's Awakening
5. OG or Oracle of Ages, not sure.

>> No.10366398

I applaud your efforts anon.

>> No.10366415

Are you planning on releasing this at some point, and in what form? Patch for the rom, or is this all for the pc port?