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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1034721 No.1034721 [Reply] [Original]

So I've decided to sell most of my collection. Question is, should I ask for what the market says they are worth? Or should I just give them away for a couple bucks a piece?


>> No.1034725

Sort and sell the high ticket ones and group the cheapos

>> No.1034735
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give em all to me, you're not gonna get more than 100 bucks for all that

>> No.1034745

But I heard they were kinda rare now since they're so old.

>> No.1034765

Seek out collectors and give them deals. That way, you know your games will be appreciated and not end up in the hands of resellers or hipsters.

>> No.1034773

If you don't know, use eBay

Start each game at 99 cents. If they're worth more, they'll go up, don't worry

>> No.1034774

I'm not selling to resellers. I have this thing about people making money off of things I sell them. It's called fuck that.

>> No.1034781

Fuck >>1034735.

I'll give you $100 for everything you've got.

>> No.1034790

You could try the BST thread, OP.
>>1010620 (Cross-thread)

You will have to worry about resellers, of course, but that goes without saying.

This, as well. Games that are rare or highly sought after can be sold individually, but cheaper games would be easier to offload in lots. You could also probably group games within a franchise, like Megaman 1-6 or Castlevania I-III, for example.

>> No.1034791

The best solution to your conundrum, OP is to trade them.

I suggest for either a car or a gun.

>> No.1034795

I have all the Mega Man NES games. What would be a good price do you think?

Trades are for chumps, bro. Money buys things.

>> No.1034802

>kinda rare now since they're old

this isn't even close to the case. The only games that are considered rare are games that saw a limited print. games like Earthbound, chrono trigger, little samson, duck tales 2, chip and dale 2, etc AREN'T rare. they're just not entirely common, but regardless, people feel like marking them the fuck up

>> No.1034804

If you are just looking for a quick buck, then ebay is your best bet.

>> No.1034806

I was being facetious mane.

>> No.1034813

It depends on what you want to do. I sold my games for below market value because I wanted to get good buyers who would treat them well and actually wanted them. Of course, people can lie, but you have to be the judge for yourself. I just want the future to be brighter for video games.

If you want to sell them for market or even above market value, I won't judge you for it.

>> No.1034821

I'm selling a lot of my "rare" or "expensive" games mostly because I could really use the extra cash and I'm sitting on several hundreds worth of games right now.

>> No.1034832

Stick 'em up on the BST here and work out deals with fellow /vr/ troopers.

>> No.1034829

>What would be a good price do you think?

To be honest, though, games tend to go for less when they're in a lot, but they garner a lot of interest from buyers. For more popular items like that you might be best off ebaying them, because they can go a lot higher than what you'd get from randoms.

Again, there's always the risk of resellers looking to scam cheap games and flip them for profit.

I mostly trade for things because I want to build my own collection, but depending on what you've got I might be interested in buying some.

>> No.1034831

sell them for what they're are worth to you.
Do you need money? Well then charge whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.1034837

As far as NES games

Mega Man
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Mega Man 4
Mega Man 5
Mega Man 6
Super Mario Bros 3
Adventure Island
Adventure Island II
Adventure Island III
Ninja Gaiden II
Double Dragon II
Time Lord
Tombs and Treasures
Gyromite (Famicom Converter)
Bionic Commando (CIB)
Rampage (CIB)
MagMax (CIB)

I have a lot more lesser titles but some one has already offered me what I'm looking to get for them/

>> No.1034868

> Trades are for chumps, bro. Money buys things.
This attitude right here means your initial question was bullshit and people have already told you how to get the most money. Sell super rares individually, series as bundles and crap games in larger bundles grouped by genre. The only additional advice I can give is to consider including a console with each of the crap bundles.

I have my doubts you're even serious though.

>> No.1034869

>Adventure Island
>Adventure Island II
>Adventure Island III
>Time Lord
>Tombs and Treasures

Only ones I don't have a personal copy of myself. I've played the first Adventure Island game but I barely remember it, the rest I never played. Not even Gyromite, I just never got around to it.

>> No.1034876

Considering most of the people here are either

>Sell mario 3 for $25
>Sell Little Samson for $15

I wanted to get people's opinions. What if I were to tell you that I was a reseller ?

>> No.1034882

Adventure Island Series is fun as hell. You should definitely play them. Gyromite I'm selling mostly because it has the famicom converter in it. If it was a regular version I'd literally give it away for free if someone was looking for it.

>> No.1034889

wow this thread is as ass backwards as a /v/ level thread

>don't be a reseller
>sell them for as much as you want

bravo guys.

>> No.1034893

What are you looking for them?

I'm not looking for a bargain but I'm not hard pressed to buy anything either, as I mostly trade.

Plus I'm buying backissues on comics right now and that's eating up a lot of my hobby cash.

>> No.1034892

wots ur opinion then m8?

>> No.1034904

Probably around the $40-45 range I'd suppose. The third is supposedly 'harder" to find but take that as you will.

>> No.1034912

Seems fair enough.

If you're willing to hold onto them for a week I'm not opposed to that, depending on the shipping.

>> No.1034916

It costs like $6 to ship 3 games. I've been around the ebay block a few times.

>> No.1034919

Hey, 4chan's global. I didn't want to assume. International shipping can be a bitch sometimes.

>> No.1034926

Good point. Didn't even think about that.

>> No.1035303
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Depends how you interpret something "becoming quiet".

>> No.1035306

Sorry; meant to reply to >>1033935.

>> No.1035316

As a collector of NES games, I'm legitimately interested in what you have to sell. Shoot me an email, OP.

>> No.1038423

>Mega Man
>Mega Man 3

Man, I just want to play those on my NES.

Would you be willing to sell those well below pricecharting values?

>> No.1039610

Add the cheap ones as a "bonus" when selling the rare ones.

>> No.1040026

If you're still in the thread, shoot me an email. I'm still interested in some of your games.