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10342813 No.10342813 [Reply] [Original]

What made Sonic so difficult to adapt to 3D

>> No.10342837

Because Sonic only ever seemed decent by the low standards of the early 90s. There's a reason even the 2D games are considered dog shit after that period, bar the obvious nostalgia-pandering goyslop like Mania designed specifically for balding 35 year old manchildren. Sonic in 3D is really no different from Sonic in 2D.

>> No.10342838

probably the additional dimension

>> No.10342849

Some games do not work in 3D. Sanic is one of thise.

>> No.10342879

it's because he goes fast

>> No.10342894

Because the games don't even work in 2D.
Sonic is all about branding and marketing, that's why extremely impressionable people like autists love it so much.

>> No.10342895

SA2 was headed in the right direction but… Sega as always finds a way to fumble the ball.

>> No.10342905

To summerise: I git filtered by Sonic

>> No.10342945

Hold right to go fast and win doesnt really work in 3D

>> No.10342947

Bad direction
Look at how cool robo blast is

>> No.10342972

You could say the same thing about Mario.

>> No.10342978
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>robo blast

>> No.10342979

Because it wasn't particularly good in 2D to begin with.

>> No.10343127


>> No.10343210

A character that turns into a rolling ball who goes fast just makes sense as a side scroller. When you introduce another axis, I start to think of shit like monkey ball. Sonic really has to be shoehorned into the 3d with insane design choices. Like if you really want to go full physics fun, you either have to remove the speed or you have to make the level huge and empty. Or you can tone down the physics, introducing either tame gameplay or intense wonkiness.

>> No.10343252

sonic doesn't work in 2d either

>> No.10343269

It was... a difficult transition... to say the least...

>> No.10343273

Hes too fast.

>> No.10343280

No you couldnt. Seeing as 3D Mario games are still massively popular and widely praised, while only Chris Chan types like Sanic.

>> No.10343290
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Oh, look, it's the "I suck at Sonic/I'm a Nintendo fan that never got over 90's console wars so Sonic, a beloved and classic franchise surely is fundamentally flawed" faggots yet again, stop getting filtered and get good already.

I feel that it's mostly SEGA being incompetent, Nintendo has been 10x more competent over the years, and guess what? All of their major franchises went from 2D to 3D just fine... if SEGA and Sonic Team didn't suck, or if the license was given to a good developer that understood the character, it could be even more fun than 2D Sonic ever was... I feel that Adventure/Adventure 2 and even Frontiers since the update where you could keep your momentum when jumping, and therefore jump out of a spin dash like always, showed that Sonic is a fun time to move around and platform in a 3D space, I hope SEGA takes Frontiers and makes a truly special sequel for it.

>> No.10343301

Sonic Team's ineptitude
There's literally no reason it should be hard. Amusement Vision produced a great proof of concept for a game where you roll around 3D spaces as a ball. Any other studio would have grasped the bull by the horns and used that engine to develop a Sonic game.
Even some dorks messing around with the Doom engine can make a perfectly fun and functional 3D Sonic that better respects the design and general tone of the classic games.

>> No.10343307

Sonic was just a glorified tech demo.
There's a reason they never managed to turn it into a successful formula after all the aggressive Sonic marketing from the 90s died out.
And all your cope won't ever change that.

>> No.10343312

>There's a reason even the 2D games are considered dog shit after that period
They're not though. People liked the Advance games plenty for what they were.
Literally tell me what's "dogshit" about Sonic Advance.

>> No.10343320

You can say hundreds of great games are "tech demos". It's not an argument.
A new system comes out, and developers want to see what they can do with the hardware, which is encouraged by the console manufacturers because it serves as an advertisement for the system.
So what? This is bad, why?

F-Zero was a tech demo, but it also grew to be a franchise that people loved for it's gameplay, and aesthetics.
Ape Escape was a tech demo, Halo was a tech demo...

>> No.10343323

Sonic Adventure added those generic visuals with the ruins and the orca and shit plus the over emphasis on narrative because they couldn't just do another kiddy Sonic game for the fans, it had to be something that looked cool and realistic on trailers and grabbed everyone's attention. In that way, it was the very first Sonic made to appeal to everyone, and I remember it worked back in the day, this shit looked mindblowing to everyone, even my cynical brother thought it was captivating. There's a lot of things I dislike about it but I can't deny the shortcuts and speed and the soundtack carry it hard, it's a decent game.

However you need to choke on a nigger dick if you always take this chance to blindly shit on the Megadrive games just to imply nothing was lost on the transition to 3D, fuck outta here.

>> No.10343324

>What made Sonic so difficult to adapt to 3D
They didn't even really try. It was basically 2D sonic gameplay but with a 3d perspective and the camera is behind him instead of from the side.

>> No.10343329

Ugly art style, even worse sound, terrible level design, pointless gameplay additions that made things worse, wonky physics and they were also buggy as shit. Typical Dimps trash really. Next you'll be telling me that Sonic Rush was a good game.

>> No.10343331
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I often hear all of these arguments... that it's a tech demo even though it had a polished and finished formula with the speed, momentum and pinball physics, and plently of varied levels to go through... that it was all marketing despite plently of heavely marketed video games never getting to the same heights as Sonic, which was popular because no matter how much you market something, it has to be good for people to truly love it, and Sonic was just that... you can say I'm "coping" as much as you want, but when you claim that a franchise you dislike, whose original titles are acclaimed, and even some newer ones too, has always been bad, or a tech demo, who's actually coping here?

>> No.10343343

Piss-poor level design and turning the series into some weird anime-level story.
Look at the 2D games, they're open-ended and crammed full of side-paths and secret areas. 3D Sonic games are not. They're all on-rails experiences. Only games inspired by the series seem to understand this, with that one fangame in the Doom engine and Sparks the Electric Jester understanding this.
Further, all the 3D Sonic games have this overly complicated and annoying story that very few people care about and just isn't good.

>> No.10343347

>So what? This is bad, why?
Because they wanted to show off how fast they can make things move with their new console. That was what was important to them, instead of making the gameplay good.

>F-Zero was a tech demo
And it suffered for it. Still, there's nothing inherently wrong with the concept of a fast-paced scifi racer. WipeOut and F-Zero X proved that.
Sonic's concept of making these nice levels with lots to explore with multiple routes and having the player rush through it without seeing any of it, is just inherently flawed.

>> No.10343348

Literally just a normal Sonic game.
And the pixel art looks nice, and the tunes are catchy, regardless of any GBA limitations.

>> No.10343354

You can either explore or try to go fast. You're supposed to play these games like a hundred times. Adding some potential for variety isn't a bad thing at all.

>> No.10343356

It plays terribly when you go slow enough to explore.
I've played C64 platformers that were more fun than slow Sonic.

>> No.10343357

Cant go that fast in 3d unless you make the level practically barren, which would then make slow movement seem ridiculous.

Most important, moving fast means that the player has to frequently see new assets. Assets are hard and time consuming to make for 3d.

In b4 fag says reddit spacing

>> No.10343369

>You're supposed to play these games like a hundred times.
Only if you're autistic.
But then again autism and Sonic go hand in hand.

>> No.10343371

I don't agree.

>> No.10343373

No, because beating any of these games on your first try, especially when you're a child is very hard.

>> No.10343448

What about the Adventure games?

>> No.10343461

Sonic adventure was great, but it never made sense to add other characters that nobody fucking cares in the game. SA2 made it even worse.

>> No.10343474

they had to increase the game's playtime

>> No.10343479

They suck lol. Retarded controls

>> No.10343480

get good scrub

>> No.10343628

Not really because Super Mario 64 was good, which was 3D on N64.
Also the early Mario Party games were great. No idea about the newer ones.

The issue with Sonic is Sonic is supposed to be insanely fast and controlling such high speeds in 3D just doesn't feel right, or you're playing in some psuedo-3d handholding simulator where it puts you in lanes making it not really feel like a 3D space and that's part of the problem.

A truly open world Sonic game where you're just WASD moving with mouse movement controlling where you're looking with a way to enter high speeds and then walk normally would be okay in theory but Sonic Frontiers is a flop that's just Sonic in PSO2 NGS.
Sonic is made for 2D and doesn't adapt well to 3D. Mario is more generic, and adapted to 3D just fine in comparison.

>> No.10343634

Sonic Adventure games

>> No.10344892

Go play your 2.5D flop
Im not buying Origins Plus either

>> No.10344898
File: 562 KB, 1080x1860, advancekino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post was typed up by some FGCapsissy or Dragon Ball dork.
Advance/Rush was a fucking RIOT.

>> No.10344908

Genesis Sonicfags never actually touched the GBA games, they're just like the people they bitch about, touting theur opinions from pigtubers.

>> No.10345024

The speed Sonic can run at is actually hard to accurately capture for a 3D video game while also keeping his 2D platforming abilities intact for gameplay.

>> No.10345053

They continue to have a lot of segments with fixed physics/camera angles like tubes, loops and a bunch of boost pads on the floor that take away control which feel like moments to show off the graphic capabilities of the Genesis games, but become breaks in the gameplay from launching yourself into kill floors and the camera furiously vibrating and going up Sonic's butt (and titles like Sonic Forces where those "breaks" are the whole game.)

>> No.10345056

I wouldnt bother, nobody on this board actually plays retro games so they wouldn't know that youre supposed to play through most of these games multiple times.

>> No.10345269

shitter cope thread
Adventure was an incredible transition to 3D. I'm going to have to record my own gameplay at this point since so many retards feel like just because they got filtered, everyone else did too.

>> No.10345284

People say they want to go fast, but most people can't handle the speed, it's too much. That's why Mario is so popular.

>> No.10345291

>Super Mario 64 was good
Having to alter the camera constantly is a glaring issue that you seem to gloss over.

>> No.10345429
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>> No.10345459

okay now can you also make it a good game too? with actually fun sonic gameplay instead of retarded gimmicks and actual sonic aesthetics instead of "lol real life"?

>> No.10345468

has pinball ever been adapted to 3d? probably not hey

>> No.10345503

Play SA1
Pinball is a 2D game

>> No.10346125


>> No.10346159


>> No.10346357

>get it right
>decide the game needs to be more linear, have less ramps, and have more Amy Rose levels, and ruin it
What was their problem?

>> No.10346365

adventure is way more impressive than sm64 imo

>> No.10346370

>>F-Zero was a tech demo
>And it suffered for it.
No it didn't. F-Zero is great as it is.
I always ignore people who claim games are "tech demos." I've never once seen that criticism to be useful, insightful or valuable and it's nearly always misleading and stupid.

>> No.10346384

It’s a series that had zero depth or ability to be creative at that point in the 90s/ You literally just run to the right of the screen

>> No.10346390

It would be pretty embarrassing if it wasn’t, wouldn’t you think? Mario 64 was one of the first 3D platformers to get it right. Literally handed the blueprints to every subsequent game in the genre

>> No.10346392

I don't even understand what they would want games to be.
>just don't take advantage of any of the tech at your disposal, bro. Don't do anything with mode 7, or 3D. Don't do anything with the Megadrive's superior processor. Just makes NES games forever.

>> No.10346393

>I always ignore people who claim games are "tech demos."
You're doing a great job at ignoring.

>> No.10346403

Both were extremely ambitious, with Mario 64 still being the defining game of the genre over 25 years later.

>> No.10346406

SA1 sucked an enormous amount of cock. Fortunately Sega made up for it with SA2.

>> No.10346954

This makes me wanna replay Adventure

>> No.10346957

Shadow lost

>> No.10346967

the level geometry and lighting looks much more visually interesting than what we've got in the retail product, what happened?

>> No.10347028
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I don't agree with many people that say Sonic is just impossible to adapt into 3D and be good... Sonic's perfect for 3D! If SEGA could truly bring the Genesis gameplay into 3D it'd be regarded even more highly than those, but SEGA are just incompetent, and have been since the early 90's to be fair, and just can't pull it off... hopefully in the future we can get a fluke and see it happen.

>> No.10347032


>> No.10347052

Easy to bitch about Sega but no one's stopping any other company from making a game with Sonic gameplay.

>> No.10347106 [SPOILER] 


knuckles is the only character that truly matters

>> No.10347181

>Nintendo has been 10x more competent over the years
only recently

>> No.10347210

Nintendo had a runaway success with the Wii and DS lines. They are more competent then SEGA could possibly ever have been

>> No.10347237

They also shot themselves in the foot nearly as much as Sega with decisions regarding the N64, Gamecube, and Wii U.

No-brainer considering they've always had a stranglehold in the handheld

>> No.10347389

are overrated. There's a reason why Sega only made 1/3 of them Sonic levels while the rest was dumb minigame shit like fishing, marco polo, or a TPS reject.

>> No.10347519

play sonic roboblast 2

>> No.10347525

sega being retarded and constantly avoiding making sonic good in order to focus on whatever new gimmick the latest game provides. its like they're afraid of "stagnating" or something, or afraid of saying "we listened to feedback and its good this time, we promise!" because that would mean 1) the product they put out wasnt perfect, and 2) that theres still a chance they're retarded and the "improved" product wouldnt be good enough. by constantly reinventing it, they think they can avoid that, but instead still constantly churn out dogshit and never really improve upon anything. they think that sonic being sonic isnt exciting or enticing enough. like "obviously" sonic plus gimmick means its BETTER than just regular sonic, right? you're ADDING the gimmick, so its MORE!

i see some anons here praising fan games, and while those things might get some things right/better than the official dreck we get, those games still fall drastically short in other areas, and often ended up hyperfocusing on one aspect and forgetting other important aspects. most of them end up being zoom for the sake of zoom, and forgetting to make an actual level, engaging and with purpose. they're often too influenced by mario being so fun and successful, that they forget that sonic has wildly different objectives than a mario game, and all of this wide open area to "explore" is fucking pointless when your objective to just get from A to B. or again, they hyperfixate on zoom for the sake of zoom, and forget to populate the level with obstacles, enemies, engagement, and purpose, often with sonic being WAY too floaty.

>> No.10347963

>Pinball is a 2D game
right, and did you not notice that sonic is pinball?

>> No.10347968

I'm confused because the post was saying how it can work but this footage is showing how it doesn't work

>> No.10348157

Sonic is not a pinball game. He just uses pinball physics
How does it do not work?

>> No.10348593

SA1 is actually a good game though
it's just hard to adjust to and love at first

>> No.10348640

>How does it do not work?
It looks off. For one thing you shouldn't have to control the camera while moving that fast.

>> No.10348646
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Don't do this. SA1 is still the best 3d platformer.

>> No.10348656

You should play SRB2. It's a fan game, but it's exactly what you're describing, and it's really fucking fast.

>> No.10348683

>It looks off.
>you shouldn't have to control the camera while moving that fast
I never had to control the camera in 3D Sonic games when I'm going fast

>> No.10348765

>How does it do not work?
Are you serious? Am I being baited? This webm shows 6 clips, this is what happens in each
>sonic goes straight up and has nowhere logical to go next
>sonic goes on a track that curves up and to the left so awkwardly the camera doesn't know where to go and goes under the ground
>camera goes under the ground again
>short clip of nothing
>sonic moves toward the camera (that'll be fun!)
>sonic goes on an invert, the camera goes above so you can't see sonic while you try to control him

>> No.10348821

This is a test map, retard. Normal stages have scripted cameras so Sonic is always visible

>> No.10348863

>This is a test map, retard. Normal stages have scripted cameras so Sonic is always visible
How are we suppose to know the rules to your shitty looking webm?

>> No.10348927

You were supposed to know the rules beforehand. You didn't, because you are basic.

>> No.10349125
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Nothing, it adapted fine

>> No.10349135

until Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic '06 that is.

>> No.10349139
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It's funny how people forget Sonic Adventure 1 and Sonic Adventure 2 were well received when they came out, and when they got ported to the Game Cube most Nintendo kids loved it and that spawned a whole new generation of fans, they're good video games and captured 2D Sonic in 3D in a fantastic manner, even if they're rough around the edges sometimes, it's the most accurate 3D Sonic to date, and only Frontiers really came in close to replicating the classic feel after those updates that added spin dash jumping and all.

>> No.10349157


>> No.10349439

>Windy valley beta
>Best level of the entire SA1 game gets deleted and replaced with a linear one where you can actually skip the entire sky level just falling

Nice brainlet move, sonic team.

>> No.10349443

Dreamcast just couldn't handle how QUALITY it was so they had to cut it

>> No.10349470

tails/eggman and knuckles/rogue stages were a mistake.

>> No.10349501

These corpos shit out whatever they can don't let some random modern slop take away a good installment from a better era. Sonic was fine in the 90s learning the levels over and over and enjoying the visuals. It was fine for what it is but it had it's day.

>> No.10349508

Zelda games don't work in 3D either. There has never been a good 3D Zelda game. Or Metroid for that matter. The only good 3D games are Doom and Dark Souls

>> No.10349691

>Zelda games don't work in 3D either.
Disagree. I thought they worked better in 3D than they did in 2D.

>> No.10349772

>This is a test map, retard. Normal stages have scripted cameras
Well why don't you use one of those to demonstrate that 3d sonic can work instead of trying to support it with a webm that, as you've now conceded, shows it not working

>> No.10349857
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Here you go, faggot

>> No.10350841

Super Monkey Ball has pretty good ball physics

>> No.10350858


>> No.10351597


>> No.10351616

the advantage of 3d is that you can make open spaces and sonic team was just like "NO THE LEVELS STILL HAVE TO BE STRAIGHT LINES"

>> No.10351617

I'm extremely happy this is making such a strong comeback. Remember to suck n fuck

>> No.10352253

SA1 is pretty open

>> No.10352267

Yes. There's a 3DO game which is pinball in 3D.

>> No.10352270

Also, pinball kind of is 3D, if you're playing an elaborate enough machine.

>> No.10352279

The thing about Mario is that Mario 64 plays differently from 2D Mario games. There's no fire flowers or other permanent powerups, Mario is placed in sandbox environments that change depending on what star is selected, Mario has an actual health bar, etc.
What I'm implying by this is that Sonic Adventure Sonic is a perfectly fine template, and I can only assume part of the issues that Sega faced was difficulty stretching the game out to a lengthy playtime.

>> No.10352682

I see

>> No.10352736

what exactly would be wrong with a Super Mario 64 approach, open areas that you can move even faster around, that had loops, and enemies from the traditional sonic games. maybe add in wall-running. seems like that'd work fine. they just went the wrong direction with Sonic Adventure

>> No.10352739

SRB2 exists, but Sega will never do anything like it.

>> No.10353078

A game like Sonic should not involve controlling your point of view the way Mario 64 does.
Thank god Sega don't go in this direction.

>> No.10353097

IMO, Sonic/Shadow levels in the Adventure games were fun, and that the problem was the devs insistence with having multiple gameplay styles across half a dozen characters.

>> No.10353109

Sa2 should have been only Sonic and Shadow. Hell I'd give anything for a big the cat level over knuckles and tails stages.

>> No.10353130

It's not that they didn't know how to make Sonic go fast in 3D, it's that the Saturn wasn't powerful enough to make big enough levels to facilitate that speed. That's why the Sonic X-treme prototype does that weird ass 2.5D tube thing, otherwise the Saturn would have just had a fully 2D Sonic game instead.

>> No.10353150

What's wrong with SRB2?

>> No.10353151

It's Doom but not as fun as Doom.

>> No.10353169

Just because it uses an engine derived from Doom, doesn't mean it plays like it.

>> No.10353213

Even /vr/ sucks now. Every vidya board is just downright terrible. I hate this site.

>> No.10353585
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you cant hit enemies reliably running at a bajillion miels an hour from a behidn the back perspective, much less from an overhead either. You NEED the lockon, and sonic team still is unable to do this reliably. On top of that, you cant make a level like the old sonic games without either having every hazard be easily bypassed by just shifting left or right or jumping right over it. Along with this, retarded sonic fanboys creamed themselves over setpieces like the whale chase and outrunning the truck, which only works as on rails segments since you cant see anything coming right at you, so ST once again made the mistake of thinking thats what fans wanted and designed everything around on rails parts that stripped the player of control like you had in windmill valley. And since its a sonic game, you HAAAAAAVE to go fast, so they designed shit like the pyramid level or the long bridge run in windy valley where youre just holding forward while the level plays itself

>> No.10353614

It’s this simple.
Sonic was made to make Nintendo look slow. Sonic does all the same things, he runs, he jumps on platforms, he jumps on enemies…just faster.

It’s harder to do that in 3D. He’s too fast.

>> No.10353623

At least /vr/ talks about video games

>> No.10353941


>> No.10354197

Spark The Electric Jester 2 and the 3 almost pull it off but I think they have their own problems.

>> No.10354210

/vr/ is basically five people who can't get over some console war they were involved in 20 years ago.
I've tried starting threads around the basic topic of "everyone go play an obscure game you've never heard of, and report back", and people don't bite. They don't give a shit. They just want to argue about why the particular thing they didn't have as a kid is bad for the millionth time.

>> No.10354247

Even as a child I never got into console wars.
I was happy with what I had and was excited when kids told me about stuff I didn't have.

>> No.10354335

Yeah, that's everyone who isn't an asshole, but some people just can't, and some people stay that way, even at 40 years old (which some of these guys have got to be).

>> No.10355305

>they have their own problems
any examples?

>> No.10356453


>> No.10358149


>> No.10358209

>What made Sonic so difficult to adapt to 3D
SEGA's incompetence is the real answer.
If Sonic was a Nintendo franchise its transition to 3D would have been a succesfull one.
(Like Mario64, they did not have to stick to the 2D formula for a new 3D Sonic game)

>> No.10358218

I can't say I don't like to participate in console shit posting, but I also post in obscure threads, with obscure games and I take into recommendation what others post too. I've found a few great games from /vr/, but you can't just browse the front page, gotta necro bump those gems from the 9th page, they tend to get a few more posts every cycle.

>> No.10358248

It worked with Colors, I know not retro. Also 70% of Colors is 2d...

>> No.10360057
