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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10342381 No.10342381 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10342390

This is literally a boredom simulator, though

>> No.10342391

Also nonce bait. So many better games to translate instead

>> No.10342395

I'll get it when it's on CDR.

>> No.10342452

>more trash

>> No.10342470

I only play games in Japanese

>> No.10342479

Why have there been so many PS1 fan translations lately? It seems like the pace has picked up tremendously, has there been some breakthrough in the tooling involved or something like that?
All the major titles with western interest have been fan translated long ago so it's been interesting seeing people get into the weeds with weird shit like Project Laika and this. How soon til people start translating sound novels or mahjong games?

>> No.10342481

>Why have there been so many PS1 fan translations lately?
Covid happened, no one wants a real job, people procrastinate duties doing dumb shit

>> No.10342485

>Covid happened
Oh yeah lmao. This probably accounts for most of it.

>> No.10342582

Machine translation doing a lot of the work.

>> No.10342816

Oh sweet new cunny kino for the 4chan pedophiles!

>> No.10342819
File: 136 KB, 750x937, tripuzz_by_wabuu_the_raccoon_dfgnfhs-375w-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a couple of days ago Tripuzz, a PS1 puzzle game, also got an English patch.

>> No.10342836


>> No.10342923

Machine translation does ALL of the work.

>> No.10342976
File: 31 KB, 250x250, SLPS-03076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only PS1 game I want to get translated is Doraemon 3 Makai no Dungeon

>> No.10342984

You can pick up on this especially when you read how unnatural and novice their Japanese skills are.

>> No.10342996

It's like a real ps1 release in the 90s

>> No.10343025
File: 19 KB, 256x232, 5176titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck PlayStation, go play Might and Magic 1 for PC Engine instead. An English translation 13 years in the making got released a month ago.

>> No.10343042

Based and CRD pilled.
Doing god's word.

>> No.10343119

It's what happens when almost no one that actually knows Japanese wants to help with it. They brought it on themselves by being the censorious cancer that they all are, especially since all anyone wants to do is talk about pedophiles. None of you deserve a translation of anything.

>> No.10343306
File: 90 KB, 1351x961, kanjimuzukasiiiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noo it's YOUR fault that I'm pumping out garbage why aren't you happy with my zero effort google translate rewrites!
All of this shit is just a grift. Let me guess, the "team" behind this have a patreon page.

Well, I opened it to check, and I was met with this absolute gem of a line. "Even Japanese players have complained that the kanji is too tiny to read inside of the book, so no skin off anyone's nose, desu."

On reading something like this, you've got to go and look at it, right? And even in a dogshit youtube video with fucked up scaling, it's totally legible, what a shock. Guess their OCR just wasn't up to scratch for this very difficult project.

>> No.10343351

Why defend tranny translations or the do-nothings that do nothing?

>> No.10343359

What is this game though? Not all of us have an encyclopedic memory of PSX games.Is it a puzzle game? An adventure game?
It's probably that people have gotten a better understanding of the code underneath and can make a proper translation now as opposed to replacing things character to character.
There's nothing stopping anyone who actually knows Japanese from making a correct translation if they wanted to, all the real work has been done by now.

>> No.10343667

Where is pre-patched iso?

>> No.10343849

No, we use .bin/.cue for PlayStation games instead.

>> No.10343850

CHD is better.

>> No.10343928

Awesome. Also, any news on Germs? I can read bean but I do rather play in burger

>> No.10343942


useless OP

>> No.10343951

It didnt exist when OP was made retard.

>> No.10343965

The page says updated October 22.

>> No.10344065

Is this even prepatched?

>> No.10344081

he cucked out due to "author's wishes"

>> No.10344082

No. Are you too tech illiterate to patch it yourself with a simple program with a UI?

>> No.10344084

anon will you SHUT UP

>> No.10344086

For some reason no. Most on that website are.

>> No.10344102

Ah yes extra work for every person that wants to play this, epic!

>> No.10344108


>> No.10344230

anyone have a patched upload?

>> No.10344242

I have no problem with this as a proof of concept desu, if they make their work available for script extraction/replacement then someone else can come along and make a real translation later.

>> No.10344246


>> No.10344247
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>> No.10344250

never ever

>> No.10344253

There are like 20 different Doraemon games on PS1, why is that one special?

>> No.10344254

hahaha holy fuck, you're not kidding.
these fags arent even at community college level japanese if they cant read this shit.

>> No.10344260

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz wake me up when Germs.............................................

>> No.10344265


>> No.10344267

What team are you talking about

>> No.10344282

You know that's absolutely never how it works

>> No.10344286


>> No.10344308
File: 15 KB, 891x255, image_2023-10-22_183746249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek they literally singled him out on their readme. Insane trannies.

>> No.10344310

>not chd pilled

>> No.10344315

how is prepatching a rom "bad faith"?

>> No.10344317

he should just do it anyway, it's not like he can sue

>> No.10344321

I'm asking myself the same question

>> No.10344327

Terrible look. Spike is great guy, always includes the readme and the name of the translator.

>> No.10344330

the game doesn't look good, but since it's about some little girls you can already guess what the thrill is about

>> No.10344332

echo chambers using the same jargon over and over again

>> No.10344334

No one will know other than this Cargodin fellow. No sane person would say this when Spike always gives credit and links to the patch pages even on prepatched roms. Even now he's bringing attention to their patch with (English available) on the front page.

>> No.10344338

>I've been uploading here for 10 years. As much as I don't see the point of these requests, I don't want to deal with the drama. For my own sake.

>> No.10344346

I have some nine millimeters of bad faith with your name on it

>> No.10344347

people like hilltop (who does a lot of this programming/reverse engineering stuff as his job) said fuck it, gamers are the government now and started using tools like ghidra, picking apart how games work and putting money into peoples hands to get games translated which is awesome imo

>> No.10344349

if it's done by someone this derpy I can't see how the translation can be any good

>> No.10344386

As the other anon pointed out, Hilltop does, in fact, work like that, as do several other translation groups. IIRC, the ML translation for Welcome House is also done in such a way that should someone want to fix it, they can. Without ever acknowledging anyone in the original team. The fact of the matter is that none of the people who actually care about authenticity don't put in any work.

>> No.10344419

thank you anon

>> No.10344428

I mean once in a while someone actually might put up how they hacked shit, but who the fuck has ever retranslated something that has a garbage translation with that? Even SNES games with a billion different script romhacks are just random EOP edits. Manga doesn't require any significant technology to put out a scanlation or even much commitment just to do a chapter but garbage MTL releases are almost never replaced by something competent unless the series is licensed because the impetus to replace a bad translation is much lower than to translate something new.

>> No.10344429


>> No.10344453
File: 630 KB, 1698x1131, 1389529993315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>console adventure games

>> No.10344481

let the plebs keep CDRomance, the less people that know about the chd archive the better

>> No.10344580

Probably some bullshit where they say their against piracy. They're publicly pretending that the patch is only for people who actually bought the disk.

>> No.10344626

I wanna go back to when fan translations were rare and exciting while also being done to actual good games. Not random slop for twitter trannies can get their fifteen minutes of fame.

>> No.10344846

What's so great about this? Doesn't seem like it has every game or especially rare games?

>> No.10345070

What is the point of doing fan translations for bad games? Between this and all the NES JRPG slop that not even the Japanese give a shit about getting translated, I have to wonder why bother? Certainly if you had the ability to translate a game, you'd pick one, realize it was shit and not translate it. Fan translations are for EOP's and they don't know that any of these games exist enough to ask anyone to translate them. Meanwhile, it took official PC ports to get the other Rhapsody games translated, same with Romancing Saga 2 and 3, no one is porting the Dragon Quest 4 DS translation to the superior PSX version and Princess Crown is a never ever along with Brandish 3. And then there's a pile of SMT games as well.

I've got a short list of shit I'd actually want fan translations of and all that ever gets done is trash.

>> No.10345106

what do you want translated

>> No.10345132

He gave an example with Brandish 3 and some SMT games like the original Devil Summoner would be an example.

>> No.10345395


>> No.10345469

Theres some autists that sperg about chd format. It doesnt run mednafen, its as good as shit.

>> No.10345475

Works fine with the mednafen libretro cores.

>> No.10345535

I don’t use retroarch, sorry about that.

>> No.10345552

Romancing SaGa 3 did have a fan translation, just a bad one.

>> No.10345569

> What is the point of doing fan translations for bad games
People do fan translation for games they like, not for critically acclaimed games that were not translated for some reason.

>> No.10345574

Because shit games like this take about 5 minutes to translate, they've got barely any text and you can just make most of it up. Someone isn't sitting there going "hmm, I wonder what I'll translate today a game 3 times as long as War and Peace, or a game with as much text as a fucking pamphlet".

>> No.10345583

You probably want bad games translated too.

>> No.10345602 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10345603 [DELETED] 
File: 465 KB, 828x1021, IMG_8713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they like this

>> No.10345690 [DELETED] 

God, I wanna chop your fingers off so bad. Why are you on Twitter, you dumb bitch?

>> No.10345892

if you want to make a (good) translation you need to keep quiet or risk getting the project hijacked by incompetent retards who only want their discord username on the credits

>> No.10345895
File: 32 KB, 680x591, joewari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10345991

does anyone remember persona 2 psp translation getting released and the guys who were working on it but taking forever getting mad about it. there's like two other projects like that I've seen where it seems like it's being held up by "Oh our buddy is depressed. we're waiting for him to come back to the project"

>> No.10346015

One thing I learned from any romhacking thing is that you never ever release any preview of the things you are working until you have the thing finished. Not even cease and desist letters can do anything at that point.
I'm making a sequel, for SNES, of a series I love on SNES [not DKC, btw] and people will only know about it when I release it, if I ever finish it. There is also another game I'm learning 3D because I wanted to make a 3D remake of it [I'm both learning 3D modeling and 3D graphics programming since I want to roll my own 3D engine] but that game will take so long I may die before I even make it. Both games are from big devs and I know that both of them hate fangames so I'm not retard enough to post any image of those games before I release it.

>> No.10346079

i want shitty 4kids era fan translations to come back

>> No.10346178

You don't though.

>> No.10346183


>> No.10346224

thats dolphin porn

>> No.10346227

It's like 99% translated guys.
Just wait a little longer, okay?

>> No.10346262 [DELETED] 

This is what happens when you take too much HRT and think it makes you a woman. Esperknight if you're reading this please dilate your axewound and cope on a rope, literally no one would miss you and your disgusting ass drama.

>> No.10346278

This is what happens when you take too much HRT and think it makes you a woman. Esperknight if you're reading this please dilate your axewound and cope on a rope, literally no one would miss you and your disgusting ass drama.

>> No.10346323

>finally some non JRPG gets translated.
>some retard starts whining about it.
Why anon, why is it apparently so bad? Is it because you suck at word games. Because from what I've played there's nothing wrong with it. It's a well-done children's game full of love and character, that's sadly going to get ignored because people are going to assume the Japanese game starring a child is for creepy weebs.
This actually has quite a lot of text, your theory would apply more to puzzle games and shmups.

>> No.10347720

Who translate shmups though

>> No.10347927

I imagine it's mostly people starting out looking for a low-hanging fruit as a first project, or people who really like the game.

>> No.10347934

The game won't let you progress unless you solve each puzzle perfectly. It shouldn't matter how many moves it takes me to figure it out, perfect scores should be optional for tryhards, I'm literally just trying to come to grips with a type of puzzle I've never encountered before and the game expects perfection from tutorial puzzle #1. If the tutorial expects perfection and I can achieve that, then I wouldn't need a tutorial.

So I hit select and it shows me exactly what to do for the first 3 puzzles and I follow it, but then TUTORIAL puzzle #4 is 10 steps to get a perfect score and I can't remember all the steps it tells me, so I deleted the game and I'm not going back. Basically, shit's too complicated and confusing to just pick up and play, so it's not worth bothering with unless you already are a die hard puzzle game player.

>> No.10348108

10 years...

>> No.10348135
File: 77 KB, 796x636, F1EGADWaEAEB9k4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a MEGA for the translated Goemon games including the ps1 games? the ones done by Tom and not the cuc_kshit revised versions by you know who?

>> No.10348160

Is this the one that someone "claimed" a long time ago and everyone's afraid of the backlash they'd get for doing their own version?

>> No.10348204

everything is on the translation romsets >>10344310

>> No.10348729

2012, but its been almost complete for years

>> No.10348810 [DELETED] 

I did a double take when I read esk, it really was him kek. based fellow, only for the futa animations anyway

>> No.10348970

that translation blueballing dude just makes up excuse after excuse in the romhacking forums. they should just close the forums completely because its nothing but retard admins powertripping and confusing people who don't know what's going on.

>> No.10349118

P2 Batsu, right? Yeah I remember that one. Happened not too long ago. I don't know if it's comparable with the original PS1 though, if it's retranslated wholesale or just lifted from the OG.

>> No.10349186


Stopped reading there

>> No.10349626

someone should just do their own version at this point, there's already a script out there if I'm not mistaken. it should be up for grabs at this point.
yep happened last year. they lifted the translation from the OG, but at least we still got it. was funny af seeing all the reactions lmao

>> No.10349836

someone should just take bunch of these forever-projects and finish them in one go

>> No.10351247

have they finished the English patch for germs: nerawareta machi yet?

>> No.10351302

>Noooo you can't prepatch my translation!
What a fag. Not playing any of his shit

>> No.10351347

Are they making one? I know they translated the game in spanish.

>> No.10351445

The group making it promised a release "next month" about... 8 months ago.

>> No.10351530

Why are trannies like this? Is it the estrogen?

>> No.10351540
File: 1005 KB, 400x229, 1697955510460719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i in for

>> No.10351543

Genuinely thought I was on /v/, what a shit thread. Read the entire thing and I don't think I read a single post about the game, just faux-outraged drama whores.

>> No.10351547 [DELETED] 


>> No.10351550
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Very disrespectful towards Spike. These groups should be cooperative and mutually benefit each other, not hostile and divisive.

>> No.10351583

>Why are trannies like this? Is it the estrogen?
I don't think so. I mean, endrift is a tranny too and he can develop a near-perfect GBA emulator without drama.

>> No.10351585

>NOOO STOP exposing shit people doing shit things LOOK AWAY

>> No.10351620

That's fair, I don't agree with their choices, but I do recognize they can be some of the more productive members in society due to their intense autism.
If only a bulk of them didn't try to insert their mental illness into their creations.

>> No.10352420

A real job doesn't exist anymore. You're supposed to be able to live off a job.

For years there would be jack shit. So, games you don't like are being translated. How does that prevent you from enjoying the ones you do want?

>> No.10353976

I'm actually gonna play this one, I swear. Any day now...

>> No.10354681

Also there are plenty of containment threads for you.

>> No.10356962 [DELETED] 

dont die just yet