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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 53 KB, 640x480, zelda4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10341451 No.10341451 [Reply] [Original]

It is literally LITERALLY the same level design and combat taken straight from Tomb Raider. And don't try and tell me I'm a schizo for saying this, Nintendo said they delayed Ocarina because Banjo-Kazooie had better graphics. Nintendo knows other games exist, they aren't dumb.

>> No.10341452 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares about Britjank

>> No.10341507


>> No.10341519

spirit temple has the bacon lara puzzle too

>> No.10341549
File: 1.91 MB, 500x299, Waverace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the starting village; it's DESIGNED to teach the human child player using a video game controller, sitting in front of their television, how to to jump and climb. What distance a jump will go, how high Link will jump, what happens when you fall from a tall height and hit the water vs. hit the ground.

Your bait thread is like saying
>Towns at the beginning of the game are all the same!
>Enemies at the beginning of the game are all easy!
>Shops at the beginning of the game are cheap!
>Racing tracks on the easiest, first stages, are just circles!

When games don't have "training" at the beginning, people generally hate them and review them poorly, thinking the game mechanics suck (because they don't have a clue what their character is and isn't capable of).

Shut up.

>> No.10341560
File: 71 KB, 1024x679, 1675808644536061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike TR, OoT is actually good though
t. psx supremacist, but mature enough to give credit when it's due

>> No.10341571

Why did TR sell so well when it's so shit?

>> No.10341582

Stop lying to people on the internet, they’re both fine games, it’s really just preference. I played the shit out of both around the same time and I enjoyed both, I prefer tomb raider these days because it’s got more depth of challenge than oot.

>> No.10341586

Polygonal tiddies

>> No.10341591

was hugely popular with women because it's more like a puzzle game, but a 3D puzzle and one of the best in the genre

>> No.10341619

Least mentally deranged /vr/ poster

>> No.10341621

Stop having a japanese company living rent free inside of you at least during the weekends. I get that you can't get attention from women, but be decent to yourself.

>> No.10341626
File: 3.33 MB, 704x384, tomb raider gameplay.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they’re both fine games
TR is genuinely bad and did not stand the test of time in any way

>> No.10341627

Silent Hill 1 > OoT > any PS1 game that's not SH1

>> No.10341628

>It is literally LITERALLY the same level design and combat taken straight from Tomb Raider
You might be clinically retarded.

>> No.10341630

Bitches love my Nintendo hateboner

>> No.10341632
File: 22 KB, 600x600, fdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay OP, spotlight's on you: Explain in detail how the combat and level design are the same in both games. If they're literally the same, then surely you can tell us in great length what the similarities are.

>> No.10341640

This puts me at ease.

>> No.10341650

I think he's talking about the lock-on targetting, which it's true that was falsely attributed to OoT when other games had it.

Tomb Raider and Zelda OoT are incredibly different games. I'm not a huge OoT fan, but it's better than the Tomb Raider series despite them being great AAA games.

>> No.10341665

Yeah I want to see OP try and explain this in detail. I've seen some very special Anons here on /vr/ try to reason that OoT copied TR because of the lock on. So I want to see if OP actually has some logical conclusion as to why in the fuck he thinks this.
Or maybe he's one of those special Anons.

>> No.10341678

NTA but there was a video with the guy who made Syphon Filter, he said he saw Miyamoto being impressed with TR during E3 1996 or some shit like that

>> No.10341927
File: 8 KB, 300x207, 1697572150784870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello zoomer, what makes you like SH1 so much? I admit it's good, but lol, nice try.

>> No.10342057 [DELETED] 

You were brought up on nuance-free 100 word reviews/glorified ads in dog shit vidya magazines. You are uninformed to what makes for a great video game. The average muttoid couldn't know. Your opinion is next to worthless.
>Nobody cares about Britjank
Somebody did.
Lara Croft on the cover of every pop culture magazine, WipEout in clubs throughout Yurop, GTA all over TV, thanks to the then-controversial nature of the game; British developers sold the original PlayStation to the western world. We revolutionised the industry. We made gaming super mainstream (you lost your virginity because of us. Well, not you, faggot; you'll die a virgin.) We made Sony the vidya juggernaut it is today, something that forced its rivals to up their game. Only the Japs have done more. Cope, Americunt. In the grand scheme of all things gaming, you are almost insignificant by comparison. No muttoid dev has, or ever will have as much a cultural impact.
Now, go make more games about trannies and square jawed women with Olympic powerlifter physiques, you degenerates; bring on that second crash (which will only affect you. AGAIN), you clueless shaven spastic chimps. Know your place, obsessed deranged bitch. KNEEL.

Rent free in your head until the day you DIE, hahahahaHAAAAAA!

>> No.10342164

tomb raider fags will defend this

>> No.10342184

What's in Tomb Raider that isn't something obvious you would think of while trying stuff? Lock on targeting just makes sense. Even aesthetically you would think he would look at his enemy while strafing rather than look left to move left. That's just how people behave in real life. Look at boxers they are moving like they have lock on.

I'm not even sure what else you think they copied? The fact that you can push things? Or that you jump over things? Or that you climb? Or find secrets? That's like ancient game design at this point.

>> No.10342185
File: 37 KB, 1170x678, IMG_0999(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10342327


>> No.10342342

>What's in Tomb Raider that isn't something obvious you would think of while trying stuff?
how could you possibly know that in hindsight?

>> No.10342598

>saturn version
>complaining about an optional collectible

>> No.10342736
File: 265 KB, 1024x795, 1692782792092086m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game developers copy other game developers all the time, Horii stated that he used to be a huge RPG fan and wanted to do one for the Famicom so he made Dragon Quest, Tekken was made because of Virtua Fighter success, many Japanese developers wanted to do open world games due to Skyrim, etc.
The problem with Nintendo is that they don't admit to play other companies videogames because they don't want the "we are special" image to fade, the story about Miyamoto playing in the woods as a kid that lead to the creation of Zelda was BS specially after we know that the original Zelda wasn't going to have a outside world and was going to be only dungeons just like Tower of Druaga which happens to be a fucking land mark for Japanese gaming, even now days they fell for the open world craze.
There's nothing wrong with getting ideas from playing other games as long as you don't straight up copy and pretend you made x thing, something that Nintendo doesn't understand and still create BS stories like "muh ninjas cutting their foreskin in circles", "muh childhood stomping turtles in the forest", "muh gardening"(you just straight up copied lemmings my nigga).
Love Nintendo as much as the next person but come the fuck on.

>> No.10342745

Yeah... lots of women were playing piss hard games back then because 'they have puzzle elements'

>> No.10342763 [DELETED] 

Except for tendies. They talk about British Rare games all the time.

>> No.10342778

Why is oot still so obsessed over? It's always been fucking average at best.

>> No.10342786

People who consider it the best experience it differently to how you do and can't get that experience from anything else.

>> No.10344371 [DELETED] 

Jannies deleted my response to this because Americans are faggots who talk shit but can't take it. Seems on this faggot board that the free speech you love and hark on about so much only applies to the Americunt, and criticism of you is a bannable offence (I started a 'flame war', apparently. ME). Wouldn't be the first time it's happened. Won't be the last. Told the jannies that I'd maim one of you soft little fucks if they showed bias again. They did, so I did what I said I would do.

>> No.10344402 [DELETED] 

Based. We need to start tracking these fuckers down.

>> No.10344451 [DELETED] 

And if they ban me again I'll up the ante. Impartiality. Or else.

>> No.10344508 [DELETED] 

You wouldn’t bust a grape in a vineyard. Touch some grass, Ackmhed.

>> No.10344534 [DELETED] 

Seems this little shit can't read. It's already happened. Keep flapping your gums. Keep running to the moderators. Justify my actions.

>> No.10344545

Not true, every Nintendo only hires people who have never played a game at all, ever, in their entire lives. That way, their untouched, virgin minds can create a truly original and avant-garde experience ever before seen by man. Nothing can compare to Nintendo.

>> No.10344603

Ok Final Fantasy 7 Shill you are mad that Ocarina of Time is better

>> No.10344610

It's also 100000x better to control and play than Tomb Raider