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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3.52 MB, 4320x5142, 1697707129099003 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10339203 No.10339203 [Reply] [Original]

>all this variety in a cohesive 3D world filled with awesome sidequests, minigames, a dozen big dungeons, horror elements, avant-garde combat and one of the best and most memorable vidya OSTs which is even a gameplay device, similar to how time travel is used for story as well as exploration
>Majora's Mask only one year later, arguably on the same level
>when half the 1998 games still had pre-rendered backgrounds or completely samey levels and gameplay like MediEvil
Unironically how did they do it?

>> No.10339212

Ocarina of Time is not a good game and you have bad taste if you like it

>> No.10339214

Shinto magic
The whole world disagrees with you. You might have mental illness

>> No.10339216

Nope, the whole world has no taste

>> No.10339218
File: 88 KB, 197x288, GrogOoT3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LARPing as Grog

>> No.10339220

Right time and place has a lot to do with it. If the remake of this game is anything to go by, the look and feel is an accident of the system specs. They wanted it to look goofy and disney like.

>> No.10339227

Yeah, walking across empty open fields is so fun...

>> No.10339229

Helped making the world feel bigger. That's like complaining sea games have some emptiness between islands. Didn't feel too empty when exploring the game for the first time anyway

>> No.10339235
File: 299 KB, 615x647, 6363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avant-garde combat

>> No.10339240

>literally one of three games that have this kind of target lock
>easily does it the best while switching between items and melee and ranged
Yes? Retard

>> No.10339253

>Shinto magic
ding ding ding ding

>> No.10339260
File: 763 KB, 620x499, 1455436154751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my cup of tea anymore but I can acknowledge it's the game that deserves the GOAT label the most of all the games out there.

>> No.10339273


>> No.10339281
File: 111 KB, 400x240, guide-mm-keatonquiz-overview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shinto magic

>> No.10339292

Should've said overrated or nothing special or something. Now you just look like a low-IQ shitposter who wanted to make the first negative post in a Nintendo thread

>> No.10339302

When I first played it 5 years ago I didn't feel it was anything special or even that good, just an ok adventure game. But when I play games nowadays I always notice little things OOT did perfectly, it's very subtle. I guess you never notice them until they're gone.

>> No.10339304

There are tons of gaudy N64 games and Twilight Princess (a sequel in many ways, same artist) doesn't want to look like Disney either. At least think before you shitpost
And stop acting like your samefagging isn't obvious just because you change your IP. I pray that you aren't actually a janny here, even if it would explain why you're browsing the catalog 24/7

Absolute mongoloid kek

>> No.10339313
File: 61 KB, 500x500, artworks-000061362312-bynuoc-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tp could've dethroned ocarina without miyamoto's autism

>> No.10339316

I feel like zelda games can only impress you if you only play like 2 games in a decade. Like you need to be a hyper casual and you play these once every 5 years to see "how far video games have come." Like you went from space invaders to zelda 1 and ocarina of time to twilight princess with nothing in between. If you actually play games they just don't hold up, remotely.

>> No.10339320

I always recommend people to play some other action adventure games of that era before playing OoT, like Tomb Raider, Alundra or Brave Fencer
Or it was going to be a catastrophe and Miyamoto saved it. We literally don't know shit other than Miyamoto did thing

>> No.10339323

>all the critics who gave it 100% haven't played games before

>> No.10339324

I was initially put off by it because I was a LttP fanatic and wanted more 2d games.
Over time, OoT's unique immersive world has completely won me over and I definitely would more likely replay it than LttP.

>> No.10339325

Clearly lmao

>> No.10339328

No, it's just really good and a nigh perfect 3D interpretation of ALTTP which people already loved

>> No.10339329

deserves even less praise for being an unoriginal concept

>> No.10339342

Please post these other games. The open world adventure games from 1998 with 10/10 art design, world building, dungeon design, etc.

>> No.10339348

I always tried to figure out this guy's family tree in Kakariko. Is the witch actually his mother? She seems too ugly for the carpenter boss

>> No.10339353

As someone who pretty much played every single game there is; there's nothing that comes close. People like that or especially this retard >10339212 (probably the same person) are just buttmad console warriors

>> No.10339381

>avant-garde combat
What's avant-garde about waiting for your opponent to reveal their weakness 3 times?

>> No.10339389

I still remember a magazine being blwon away by the camera AI and how it looks up like that when climbing ladders. We take a lot of things this game did back then for granted today.

>> No.10339419

the night time ambience in this game is seriously unparalleled. it's just so comfy.

>> No.10339434
File: 2.95 MB, 3507x2865, Brightis643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike OoT, Brightis (1999) had zero pre-rendered backgrounds.

>> No.10339437

Looks ok…

>> No.10339461
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 169636219114712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that no one cared about FromSoftware before they copied Zelda and then became the most popular action RPG devs. Or that even Devil May Cry is inspired by OoT's combat and not by MediEvil or Xena or whatever you played on your Goystation then

>> No.10339479
File: 442 KB, 640x480, dosbox-2012-09-29-19-34-41-93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything outside a 10-foot radius is either white or black
Never understood why the PS1 got away with it while "N64 fog" became a meme

>> No.10339493

Nice bait

>> No.10339728
File: 87 KB, 796x661, IMG_2594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine shitting on this >>10339203
and then posting this >>10339434
Snôynism is a psychiatric conditon

>> No.10339771

She's presumably his grandmother, the carpenter's wife is the fat woman with the weird mouth.

The remake looking all "goofy and Disney like" is a fault of the remake and doesn't indicate the original game was supposed to be like that. Like, we have full scale background pre-renders showing that it was modeled semi-realistically. The original game just has much more tasteful lighting.

>> No.10339790

He's right. Nobody in my friend circle ever talked about oot once we all beat it. Its so strange how this board won't shutup about it.

>> No.10339912

it's not low IQ if it's the truth
OoT is literal dog shit of a game

>> No.10339919

Mention a superior game then, if you are so great.

>> No.10339925
File: 218 KB, 835x560, XZ4Aq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragons trap.

>> No.10339930

All 5th gen consoles were well known for draw distance limitations in the day, zoomers call it N64 fog because they've only seen it in Turok.

>> No.10339947
File: 52 KB, 500x500, artworks-77qQ1fpVDyk5DtMW-Dnhe6Q-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10339971
File: 57 KB, 665x447, images - 2023-10-21T163705.021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panzer Dragoon didn't have this problem. N64 put out lazy games where it was easier to say a mad scientist filled their games with fog rather than fix it.

>> No.10339986

Tried this a while ago. Unpolished and obviously not as ambitious as Ocarina but nice vibes and snappy controls. Maybe the only PS1 game that attempts a real 3D Terranigma/ALTTP

>> No.10340049

MediEvil = sovl
Zelda 64 = default-as-shit fat cat slop

>> No.10340067

MM a little under 2 years later.

>> No.10340071

Majora's Mask

>> No.10340076 [DELETED] 

Majora Mask is different since you are not in Hyrule Ganon is not the Villain Zelda only appears in a single flashback Link Awakening even has a references to Ganon but Majora Mask feels like a different Game like its not a Zelda Game

>> No.10340081
File: 178 KB, 600x250, rabbitholes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an Alice in Wonderland game

>> No.10340085

Majora Mask is different since you are not in Hyrule Ganon is not the Villain Zelda only appears in a single flashback Link Awakening even has a references to Ganon but Majora Mask feels like a different game like its not a Zelda game Majora Mask is a unique game similar to Adventure of Link

>> No.10340256
File: 17 KB, 601x745, sonic singing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is that abomination from? the only thing i can find is this: https://soundcloud.com/poloschiptuneemporium/sonic-1-game-gear-medley-genesis-style

in return, here's something i found using google reverse image search

>> No.10340323

>Panzer Dragoon didn't have this problem
Shit pops in five feet away in Panzer Dragoon. Not counting the times it renders a literal infinite plain of nothing.

>> No.10340337

Because the N64 did fog in a distinct way that has a characteristic look to it when it covers things. It's not that N64 games didn't have crazy draw distances where you could see hundreds of feet out, like its best games do.

>> No.10340343

it is a good game, is not a master piece like some people claim though but it is a good game you are just a faggot and more than likely a zoomer

>> No.10340585

>is not a master piece like some people claim
There is no game that deserves being called a masterpiece more than OoT. And you can't even spell masterpiece

>> No.10340808

are you roleplaying as dante?

Are you roleplaying as penis right?

>> No.10340886

We call those reaction images here, newfag

>> No.10340896
File: 694 KB, 867x554, best pre dungeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level design peaked here.

>> No.10340898

Skyward Sword is like this for an entire game but people shit on it

>> No.10340935

Looks kinda simplistic compared to what id Software did in Doom and Quake

>> No.10340950
File: 463 KB, 724x380, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for my role i'll be sesshomaru
*kills u*

>> No.10340996
File: 484 KB, 1024x576, zelda_skyward_sword2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it is. A hint of level design but not so much it's no longer but sinuous or organic. Transitory places like Death Mountain, anywhere before the forest temple, Zora's Domain, the ice cavern, the desert and all those shortcuts in the overworld stuck with me more than the dungeon crawling.
Skyward's problem is that 2/3 of the game is volcanoes and deserts. Not comfy. The forest is excellent and perhaps peak Zelda.

>> No.10341080

>the carpenter's wife is the fat woman with the weird mouth.
hey, leave my mother out of this

>> No.10341104

>Kabuki theater
I didn't know gimped hardware was magical.
>The whole world disagrees with you. You might have mental illness
Hot shit to say for someone living through Dada 2.0, keep following the lemmings.

TP is revenge for Wind Waker

>> No.10341152
File: 395 KB, 1060x930, 1677777869706814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the best game ever and probably easily so. Realized this recently
>play through the entire game (Master Quest)
>always get an error literally before the final cutscene
>fuck it
>use a different rom but the base game
>play through the entire game again and enjoy it just as much, taking note of all the differences in dungeons
No other game of this size I could do that with

If anyone's interested I can post my thoughts on base OoT vs. MQ. I think tl;dr would be that the combat really shines in MQ with all the strong enemies everywhere but dungeon design is just a bit too weird and random in MQ and sometimes actually easier and more linear

>> No.10341164

Your friend circle is dumb

>> No.10341172

Particularly the first half simply has a very addictive sense of progression. Everyone can speedrun the first dungeon. Rest is dominoes.

>> No.10341187
File: 5 KB, 259x194, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think I liked OoT for its atmosphere before I played Master Quest and realised how fucking integral the dungeons were. The whole game turned into a piece of shit, still finished it though. Didn't have fun at all. Same thing goes for the 2nd quest in Zelda 1

>> No.10341220

I love OoT and have since I was 10, but I've never tried to play MM. Even as a kid the idea of being on a timer turned me right off, I'd spend hours just exploring Hyrule field and checking out all the corners of the map. Being on a deadline just sounded awful.

>> No.10341235

What kind of cope is this lol

>> No.10341272

Alundra has more interesting and creative puzzles, better dungeons and a more intricate map than Zelda's OOT desert.
What you said about world building surprises me, given that Zelda is precisely one of the fantasy series with the simplest stories and characters. Even the most minor jrpg has a more creative plot and more defined characters than Zelda.

>> No.10341292

Well, obviously you're already cumming as soon as you see the Nintendo logo. Other people might be disappointed by the unoriginal plot and plain characters, the atrocious framerate, the mediocre and easy puzzles, the desertic map, the easy battles, the mysterious forest being just a bunch of corridors, the midi songs, the excessive number of automatisms, the grotesque designs of a lot of minor characters (and it wasn't intentional, Zelda Twilight or Skyward give us a clear image of what they wanted to accomplish)...

>> No.10341308
File: 117 KB, 372x241, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought the character designs in oot and newer zeldas was "what if mario, but realistic+ugly?" and this is the result

idk this just gave low poly a bad name.

>> No.10341357

This is true, I don't remember anyone talking about it until they were in their 20s

>> No.10341509

The remake was outsourced.

>> No.10341514

It was avante-garde in the literal sense.

>> No.10341527

based self-confidence enjoyer

>> No.10341542

I thought this screenshot was from Shadow of the Colossus before I opened it

>> No.10341892

You are a zoomer or third-worlder then. Every single pixel and musical note in this game was discussed ad nauseam. No really, actual pixels
and musical notes
You can literally just type random shit into Google and will find lively discussions about it many years after release

>> No.10341897
File: 595 KB, 1329x1800, perfection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Other people might be disappointed
Only the people in your head. And nice wall of buzzwords

>> No.10341898

You unironically need to be a bit autistic to love MM as much as OoT. Definitely a good game either way.

>> No.10341917

Realizing this is what made me appreciate MM a lot more.

>> No.10341929

Does the game keep interrupting you while playing or is the 3 day gimmick somehow non obtrusive? I've never even tried to play it because I thought I'd hate it.

>> No.10341976

Peak level design is Jabu Jabu. It's almost 100% open and the only challenge is for you to find the red thread. Most underrated dungeon

>> No.10341991

OoT is a fine game, but I'm beyond sick of this ridiculous notion it's some masterpiece. It's a fundamentally sound, well designed game with an intended audience of 6-14 year olds. If you're still in your late teens, or even worse your 30s and 40s and still pretending this game is unparalleled, I would genuinely ask what the hell is wrong with you?
The Z-taegeting was absolutely revolutionary in its quality, especially for it's time, but other than being mechanically sound what about the combat in this game is actually good? The enemies have 2 attacks max, they're all dumb as fuck with barely any AI, all the attacks are slow and telegraphed and the game as a whole has no difficulty or depth at all.
Same with the "exploration" which at the end of the day is walking around a pretty empty Hyrule field, and maybe you blow up a rock and find a cow in a hidden well, or a patch of grass that gives you 5 deku nuts you already have 30 of.
If like most Nintendo fans youve never played more than 5ish games in your life not made by Nintendo, I can see how this might still be amazing to you, but considering games like Fallout, Baldurs Gate, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, System Shock 2, Duke 3D, all came out around the same time, I dont know how anyone who exposes themselves to games that dont exclusively involve Hyrule or the mushroom kingdom can seriously hold this game up in such high regard to this day.
It's not a bad game at all, but it's also like saying your favorite meal is a bowl of cereal.

>> No.10342006

>giant crows
This is the kinda shit I love replaying the game for. You always discover random antics you never knew

>> No.10342017

I always loved going back and forth between times and picking out all the things that changed over the 7 years, notably how Kakariko Village added buildings that were under construction when you were a kid.

>> No.10342020

>OoT is a fine game, but I'm beyond sick of this ridiculous notion it's some masterpiece.
must suck for you

>> No.10342064
File: 2.96 MB, 1920x1080, headshotting bithces.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old witch always turning her ear to you because she's blind
>stealing the fisherman's hat
>bats always dropping hearts (vampirism)
>3 types the ocarina notes if you keep z or r pressed, allowing for complex melodies for fun (or secrets?)
>can cut off a stalchild's head/blind it
>Ruto implying sexy time
>can swim faster tapping B
>Salia asking why ocarina sounds different
>Z-targeting sounds depend on location/context
>fairies in Kokiri Village gathering around you if you do nothing
>graveyard ghosts implying Link has royal roots (Link and Zelda = relatives? Would explain the lack of romance)
>10/10 sound design, example is how you can hear Talon snorring from miles away, getting incrementally louder
>lots of audio cues: Lost Woods, Phantom Ganon, Wallmasters, chickens, grottos, etc.
>Hyrule Field theme adapts, more relaxed if just chilling
>secret Bombshu shop
>shadows stretching as the sun moves across the sky
>lots of ignored minor lore like bomb bags made of Dodongo stomach linings, red tunic out of its scales
>Epona crying if shooting her while galloping
>can get milk from cows
>only need iron boots like 7 times in the Water Temple--shows how many people got filtered by it for the boots to become a meme
>Gossip Stone behind Deku Tree says someone left the forest and lives on (could mean Link, but then why hide it so well?)
>upgrading deku sticks early is worth it
>inaccessible(?) underwater cave in Zora's Domain
>that grotto in Lost Woods
>Navi isn't nearly as annoying as memes have it--shows how much people loved ambling/exploring in this world
>only Volvagia is evil of the three--manga might be onto something
>directional sword attacks have their purpose
>mountains behind Jabu-Jabu look just like Dueling Peaks in BotW, geographically not far off
Was my last run but there's probably countless more and the obvious like crouch stab or dying soldier. Didn't even know you actually find that mail man out in the fields desu

Unironically meds

>> No.10342072
File: 2.14 MB, 1440x1080, dueling peaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mountains behind Jabu-Jabu look just like Dueling Peaks in BotW, geographically not far off

>> No.10342078

I always wanted to see what was behind the caged shark in the Lake Hyrule lab pool.

>> No.10342082

i didn't even know the eel thing is real and not just /x/ shit

>> No.10342083

eel thing?

>> No.10342084
File: 1.30 MB, 1440x1080, wadda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inaccessible(?) underwater cave in Zora's Domain
Probs just worldbuilding tho

>> No.10342092

This is crazy for 5th gen

>> No.10342095

that unique fish in the fishing pond

>> No.10342108

>fishing pond
Nothing as satisfying as catching a fish that's bigger than Link. Fuck speedrun autists reverse engineering everything and trying to take the magic out of things

>> No.10342116

The ox demon skeleton outside Ganon's castle. Doesn't look like any of the other bones in the game.

>> No.10342392 [DELETED] 

I forgot to mention that I'm trans

>> No.10342414 [DELETED] 

I just got warned for clowning on this troll and shitposter. It's 100% a janny, if there was any doubt

>> No.10342438

Meds for what? What amazing and intense battles are there to be had in OoT? What fantastic secrets are there to be found?
I mean look at the total absurdity of your list for the type of weird mental illness that supposed grown men posses over this game. Bats drop health pickups, and you can push a button to swim faster!
I would genuinely love someone who basedfaces over getting a milk item from a cow to play Ultima 7 or Fallout.

>> No.10342459

>>stealing the fisherman's hat
tried this a million times and came to accept it's just a hoax

>> No.10342464


>> No.10342469
File: 359 KB, 640x348, 20061297981633623845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>modders do what devs don't

>> No.10342536
File: 3.59 MB, 742x2118, ludorf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a King Bulblin

>> No.10342571
File: 263 KB, 800x600, vjPx3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meds for what?
For trying to convince people that the game that probably sat on more GOAT lists than any other game is nothing special post after post. To even care so much instead of letting people enjoy what they enjoy
>I would genuinely love someone who basedfaces over getting a milk item from a cow to play Ultima 7 or Fallout.
Wasn't supposed to be impressive per se, just some things I noticed on my last playthrough. You're lucky I got cucked by the character limit

I'm convinced I even know the true meaning of the claw marks now

>> No.10342585
File: 1.00 MB, 850x1486, 1628463571294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shinto magic
Shota magic

>> No.10342590

Nintendo really went all out with zelda on the 64. Too bad later entries ended up rushed and lazy

>> No.10342591 [DELETED] 

Zelda trannies posting the same shit again...

>> No.10342675
File: 123 KB, 1000x700, 1691298350623716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your friend circle is dumb
We moved onto other single player games or played games with replay value like GE or anything by AKI. No normal individual wants to replay OOT to get a bigger wallet. Bomberman 64 got more discussion out of us than OOT ever did.
>Every single pixel and musical note in this game was discussed ad nauseam
On this website today, sure but when it launched we talked about it until we beat it then went back to discussing good games.

>> No.10342681

The world sucked though.
It was mostly empty and meaningless since most of the places didn't have a real backstory.
And the N64 can't render a landscape that doesn't look like shit.

>> No.10342694

its a early 2000 non rpg game for the N64

>> No.10342742

These are the most bassackwards complains I've honestly ever seen about the game. Like, it was especially notable for having an actual coherent world with its own self consistent lore and immersive, connected 3D landscapes, because there was genuinely nothing quite like that beforehand.

>> No.10343180

>It was mostly empty and meaningless since most of the places didn't have a real backstory.
What does this even mean? Since when does a lake ned to have a "backstory" to be fun or relaxing to explore and help a world being believable? Do you make these posts with ChatGPT?
You're replying to a samefagging retard who made 20 posts in this thread saying the same shit but with different wording

>> No.10343187
File: 368 KB, 650x976, fact check.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding a community note to this very quick because there could be impressionable kids here
Ocarina of Time is in fact universally seen as one of the bes games ever

>> No.10343231

>it was especially notable for having an actual coherent world with its own self consistent lore
You had all this before and much better done.
OOT just represents incremental technological progress by pushing the old Zelda formula into 3D.

>What does this even mean? Since when does a lake ned to have a "backstory" to be fun or relaxing to explore and help a world being believable?
A lake is just a blue blob on your screen. It's when you have it connected to the larger world through events, environmental storytelling, history, or characters, etc. that make the world come alive.

>> No.10343235

why are half the reviews from sites with nintendo in their name

>> No.10343245

>GTA 4 and 5 on second and fifth
>SA not even on the list
That's why you never listen to reviewers.

>> No.10343254
File: 52 KB, 1080x770, messi (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10343267

>typical Nintendo magazines like Famitsu, IGN, Gamespot, Game Critics, EGM, GamePro
>That's why you never listen to reviewers.
*Post-retro reviewers. Though all the games in that image are at least good

>> No.10343274

It has completely worthless shit like NFL the hundred millionth

>> No.10343278

Zelda died when it went 3D
Change my mind
You can't

>> No.10343284

>Change my mind
Change my mind that your mind doesn't matter

>> No.10343285

Anything with a metascore above 90 is unrealistic and cringe.

>> No.10343287

Maybe NFL 2k1 is a good game.

>> No.10343289

which was amazing for what it was

>> No.10343293

Zelda died when it turned into a sidescroller. And then it died again when it went back to top-down-view but forgot that it was supposed to be open world.

>> No.10343294

I love how your entire argument is that no one should analyze anything ever. It really shows the kind of 80IQ dipshit you are that seems typical with the type that fawns all over this game 20 years past it's target age range.
If the game is such a masterpiece than why can't a single person talk about the amazing combat experiences available in it, or the incredible exploration?
I already said on a tech level the game is fine. Z-targeting was brilliantly done, and having an open world game was fairly new to consoles. Beyond the tech aspects what does the game actually provide? The battles aren't engaging, the exploration isnt rewarded, and the story isn't captivating.
You can run down all your deep headcanon about reused assets and trash mobs drops actually being some immaculately crafted lore because you have developmental disorder all you like, I'm talking about the game itself.
>just let people enjoy things
the calling card of a lemming who has never once had an introspective thought in his life. I don't even dislike the game, I just have to ability to actually have critical thoughts. What about this game is engaging to you? Are you really having a blast hitting a lizard man and having him hop away to hit his brother in an endless cycle? Does using the lens of truth to see a cracked wall with a guy who sells you 30 arrows you're capped out of really fill you with some indescrible glee?

>> No.10343297

That's the one pink elephant in the room. Also a Dreamcast game so a bunch of reviews are from Sega mags
>100% from DC Swirl

>> No.10343308

This better be pasta

>> No.10343309

>literally sells better than ever before
>every maingame becomes GotY

>> No.10343314

>pre-rendered backgrounds or completely samey levels and gameplay like MediEvil

>> No.10343318

>The fact that no one cared about FromSoftware before they copied Zelda

>> No.10343321

>>Majora's Mask only one year later, arguably on the same level
wat x3
Majora's had 4 temples. Nowhere near as much variety as OOT. Most of the focus was on the town.

>> No.10343327

with low detail bury textures and uninspired design
i agree
>The whole world

>> No.10343334

Sheik was such a cool character. Also male btw

>> No.10343337

>action adventure
>Tomb Raider
what about lara croft makes nintentrannies seethe so much?

>> No.10343340

>If the game is such a masterpiece than why can't a single person talk about the amazing combat experiences available in it, or the incredible exploration?
People do all the time even in this thread. It's just that you're shitposting in it since the very first post and replying to people with autistic text walls

>> No.10343341

>Implying pre rendered anything is bad.
It's all soul

>> No.10343346

Wonderboy is a shitty grindan and backtrackan series. Adventure Island is the superior successor.

>> No.10343349

>>The whole world
True you agree with yourself, that's one person

>> No.10343361
File: 42 KB, 557x450, pepefroggie_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's so bad why do you have to try so hard making people see how bad it is? Wouldn't they realize on their own? Except the Nintendo fanbyos whose mind you can't change anyways?

>> No.10343364

>I don't even dislike the game
Are you the turbo autist shitting on Mario 64 in every thread? He also admitted actually liking the game after 100 posts of saying it's bad

>> No.10343385

You can criticize a game and talk about its flaws without having to hate it you know.

>> No.10343390
File: 130 KB, 499x499, 1694614518186170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're overexaggerating as per usual, Tendie

>> No.10343392


>> No.10343398

No reasons given, can't even form an opinion.
No reasons given can't even form an opinion.
It's not bad. I've literally said in all 3 posts it's not a bad game. It's a game intended for 6-12 year olds and everything about it from a mechanical level is fine. The only thing I'm sick of is people pretending like it's an unquestionable masterpiece. The battles hold no difficulty or tactics, the game has absolutely no challenge, the puzzles are toddler friendly, moving blocks and hitting eye switches and the most depth involved are redirecting light beams. The dungeon layouts aren't actually interesting, or require any thought beyond using the item you get in them. The world exploration doesn't actually hold anything exciting or interesting.
And so for the 4th time, since no one can actually answer this. What makes this game so special and above all the others?
What makes it better than Duke Nukem 3D? What makes it better than Baldurs Gate? What makes it better than Deus Ex? What makes it better than GTA3?
Is the combat so much better? The immersion and exploration? The storyline and characters? The level design? What is it?

>> No.10343401

King's Field sold like 80k copies in NA

>> No.10343406

In the very same post you say that there's nothing rewarding/engaging/captivating about it. And that's ignoring that there is a very high chance you are this guy >>10339212 who is shitposting here since the first second on. Nothing you say is coherent or makes any sense. You sound insane and just keep spiraling >>10343398
>What makes this game so special and above all the others?
Read any of the countless reviews about it if you actually care instead of asking random people online why the sky is blue like a schizophrenic hobo

>> No.10343409

>What makes it better than GTA3?
Probably that you don't just drive to mission marker, shoot car, drive to mission marker, shoot care, drive to mission marker, shoot car

>> No.10343412

>tendie bros....we lost the loli pedophile endorsement

>> No.10343415

By being not ironic.

>> No.10343416

I don't care about Mario 64 at all. I don't like platformers. I played OoT when I was 11 and had a great time. I literally wanted an N64 explicitly for OoT because I saw a GamePro issue with Link and Shiek fighting a monster on the cover and thought the game looked cool as fuck. I was digging through cleaning shit out of the house in my 20s and found my N64 and games, in my 20s I hooked it up and played through games I had. The wrestling games were still fun, Mario Kart was still fun. Conker was still fun. OoT was boring. There was no challenge, their was no fun factor or exciting elements. Nothing made you think, and the world design was just generic fantasy medieval. I genuinely don't understand what about the game is so incredible if you're past the age of 12-13. I'm in my 30s now, what appeal does OoT hold? What am I missing?

>> No.10343426

>I played OoT when I was 11 and had a great time.
Then stop seething and trying to make it sound like it's bad for days like a demented madman just because your favorite game gets shit on as well and you think it's the Zelda mafia

>> No.10343428

You literally can't even form a opinion about the game. Have you ever played it? I already know what reviewes said about it, I read them when they were current. Z-targeting, and an open world, and totally solid game mechanics.
I'm asking what about the game is actually good. Z-targeting was revolutionary, but the combat doesn't do anything with it. The enemies aren't reactive or interesting or difficult. I'm not grading the mechanics of the game, it's not 1998. Are you still blown away when you hit Z and lock on to something? Does that make the game for you?

>> No.10343430

Tendie stock will nevr recover

>> No.10343434

>I'm asking what about the game is actually good.
Reviews explain this. No one enjoys discussing why water is wet with one poor madman 1%er who clearly isn't very intelligent but throws "IQ" around

>> No.10343438

What are you even talking about? What Zelda mafia? Are you even capable of having a discussion without constructing a bunch of oogeyman or "others" you think are attacking you? Do you have a mental illness?
Literally just answer any questions I have asked of you

>> No.10343440

Do you find the combat of OoT enjoyable and full of interesting mechanics and depth with memorable encounters?

>> No.10343447

>Do you find the combat of OoT enjoyable
>and full of interesting mechanics and depth with memorable encounters?
More so than every other real time sword combat in a big adventure game back then yes. OoT has like five times the enemy variety of Zelda BotW which came out just a few years ago and is seen as one of the best games ever as well

>> No.10343451

>More so than every other real time sword combat in a big adventure game back then

>> No.10343452


>> No.10343458
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>> No.10343470

Good but too piraty

>> No.10343497
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>> No.10343571

>Is the combat so much better?
In principle it should be, as it's mechanics are fantastically solid, it could easily have had better fights compared to Souls and even Devil May Cry purely based off what's possible in it, but unfortunately this is instead the game's biggest weakness, as the enemies are too passive to put up a real fight.

>The immersion and exploration?
The game's absolute strongest merit. No other game is immersive in the same way. In fact, I'd say immersion doesn't really do it justice, being in it and exploring it it feels almost hyper-real, as in it raises your level of conscious awareness while playing it in a way that you don't normally experience in every day life, and which no other game really accomplishes, at least to close to anywhere near the same level. You actively feel the various unique *relationships between things* in space and time of what you are presented and which you engage with in its world. This is what really gets people and what convinces them that this is the absolute best, not just something fairly great.

>> No.10343584

>exploring it it feels almost hyper-real, as in it raises your level of conscious awareness while playing it in a way that you don't normally experience in every day life, and which no other game really accomplishes, at least to close to anywhere near the same level. You actively feel the various unique *relationships between things* in space and time of what you are presented
Jesus fucking Christ.
I had no idea OoT fanboys were THAT schizo

>> No.10343594
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Reminder that even beloved PS2 games play like this
Saying Ocarina wasn't ahead of its time or at the very least very, very good for its time is peak zoomerism

>> No.10343595

the n64 zelda are still amazing
in fact, the problem is both games are so good they make everything else on the n64 except mario 64 and banjo kazooie look like shit

>> No.10343689
File: 424 KB, 1920x1440, dc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ps1 games hid their limitations better

>> No.10343712

The only thing more timeless than OoT is house of the rising sun by The Animals and both go together surprisingly well

>> No.10343724

Kings field 4 really is a leap beyond what nintendo could ever achieve. No wonder from is so successful.

>> No.10343953
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>> No.10343954

It's like what if Metroid Prime but shit

>> No.10343958

please tell us the meaning of the claw thing

>> No.10343959
File: 2.63 MB, 2750x1758, zelda characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of the characters are quite expressionable and charming actually

>> No.10343961
File: 227 KB, 505x509, brighthis npc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile the average NPC in Brightis which someone compared to OoT earlier

>> No.10343968

behind jpgs

>> No.10343970
File: 310 KB, 1296x978, kf npc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or the above-mentioned KF

>> No.10343975

>malon actually has giant milkers

>> No.10343976

I'm more used to games like this as the benchmark
oot feels so ugly and hostile, anti-humanity.

>> No.10343987

Its not "nigh perfect" it's a good game, above par, sure. There's just not actually as much as people claim there is. It's got a great atmosphere and an easy to play rhythm of combat. It's gets boring doing literally the same puzzles nearly every dungeon, but the dungeons themselves are well made aesthiclly, and I personally like the water temples change of pace, easily the best dungeon, puzzle wise. There's something great about the atmosphere, aesthetic and fun personality of the world, but it loses its luster after playing it a few times. I think it's because the combat, while it feels nice, is too easy. I'd rather play tomb raider or daggerfall, personal choice, I just get more enjoyment from the complexities of the game mechanics for obviously different reasons. I'm also a fan of daggerfalls dungeons, you never know what you're going to get. The average IQ is average for a reason, it's fine to have an average IQ and have the taste and opinions of the median, it doesn't mean popular thing is always the best thing. In oots case, it's a mix of both. It definitely has great aspects to it, but it bottlenecks in depth and mechanics, and relies on its aesthetic to carry it. Then you get literal mouth breathers who getting angry like you offended their personal God and start ranting and raving at the first sign of actual criticism, it's insane.

>> No.10343991

>the psychopath is back

>> No.10343995
File: 1.48 MB, 1323x767, alundra 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oot feels so ugly and hostile, anti-humanity

>> No.10343997
File: 28 KB, 432x329, IndianaJoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a mario reference

>> No.10344000

All this time of seeing this game on /vr/ I thought it was an N64 game

does it have a translation?

>> No.10344008

No, Snoys rather translate flavor of the month loli b8 games. Really speaks to their refined taste >>10339216. Brightis is a solid dungeon crawler

>> No.10344013

>I'm more used to games like this
>Alundra 2
>while pretending Zelda isn't good enough for you in every Zelda thread
That's why no one can take you seriously.

>> No.10344016

But it has South Park face animations!

>> No.10344018
File: 9 KB, 256x256, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zelda games are just so devoid of humanity. They have no soul, they're inherently hyper products for big capital.

>> No.10344019

All sports games are bad. Just go outside and play the actual sport

>> No.10344023

All shooting games are bad. Just go outside and shoot some animals or targets at the range.

>> No.10344027
File: 198 KB, 1080x810, F47f7FKagAEKVfE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not every game wants to be anime (thank god)

>> No.10344031

It really always is that Mega Man and Tomb Raider autist

>> No.10344034

>Zelda games are just so devoid of humanity.
>posts a game about robots

>> No.10344036


>> No.10344038

Zelda is very anime.

>> No.10344046

Almost all the good shooting games mostly involve things you can't do irl without getting yourself locked up

>> No.10344048

So do the majority of retro sports games

>> No.10344049

Stop @ing me you're dumb

>> No.10344791
File: 435 KB, 889x1500, dark-Zelda-Sheik-Retro-Studios-Cancelled-Game-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would've been amazing.

>> No.10344795
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>> No.10344797
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>> No.10344801
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>> No.10345121
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On this website? Not bloody likely. Oot is another easy nintendo game with zero replay value but its got a lot of charm with its cute waifus and fishing.

>> No.10345127
File: 692 KB, 3200x2750, 835a9febfc67edc7a0f23d0539a8cc19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What makes it better than Duke Nukem 3D? What makes it better than Baldurs Gate? What makes it better than Deus Ex? What makes it better than GTA3?
Ocarina of Time has more exciting proprioception than those games; it has better *3D depth*. Nothing in any of those games you listed have anything remotely close to the Water Temple's *scale* with its immense verticality and player repositionment. Aesthetically, it enables the player to more pleasantly look out at the world using *varied camera angles* and *vantage points*, especially striking when the world is full of colors and delectable-looking itemry than an ever-present dystopian city or gloomy street or dinky avatars screen-scrolling. So in short: OOT's mechanical techniques and mystical world design make it more *visually commanding* than any of those games you listed.

Always these pint-sized arguments from PC players who just expect that everyone who plays consoles will roll over because their games are slightly more challenging (i.e. more restrictive) or nerdy (i.e. more menu shuffling). I've never read any of them actually go into depth of why [Duke Nukem 3D, Baldurs Gate, Deus Ex, GTA 3] is a better game than OOT. 100%, you put two monitors next to each other with one showcasing the Water Temple and the other showcasing whatever part from those computer games you listed and any 6-12 year old is gonna tell you OOT is more impressive. Because it simply is.

>> No.10345137

Are these posts really elaborate jokes or are Nintendo fans actually this deranged?

>> No.10345146

OoT Water temple is just a series of rooms connected to each other like in NES Zelda. Average Quake map is more impressive in geometry and sense of place.

>> No.10345147

Non-argument as expected.

>> No.10345152
File: 11 KB, 474x266, OIP (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and any 6-12 year old is gonna tell you OOT is more impressive.
OOT fans are constantly complaining about the water temple. I don't even know if these people have played the game or just parroting what is said online but my take is its just another forgettable oot dungeon. Forest temple is better.

>> No.10345172

>I've never read any of them actually go into depth of why [Duke Nukem 3D, Baldurs Gate, Deus Ex, GTA 3] is a better game than OOT.
Duke 3D has incredible level design, and tons of interesting power-ups and weapons along with a diverse cast of enemies to use them on. Compare a game like OoT where every enemy simply exists as a single gimmick and must be defeated in the same fashion continuously, or that has dungeons that are rigidly designed with no secrets or experimentation possible beyond simply using the item you find in it.
Deus Ex expands on this to a degree that makes the comparison comical. You can stealth, talk, shoot, or any combo of that through truly wide open levels. Comparing entering a room, getting locked in it until you hit an eye switch or defeat 2-3 completely harmless enemies to magically spawn a chest with a small key, to being able to tranq a guard, stack boxes to crawl into a vent, falling down and hacking a computer, and then taking a shotgun and blasting your way back out of you want to is simply laughable.
Baldurs Gate has genuine exploration and immersion. Towns are fully featured and don't simply revolve around you, characters have actual personalities and writing, and exploring random backwoods paths or investigating every corner of the world can get you new weapons or accessories, have you stumble into demanding and difficult encounters, or lead you into entirely new quest lines all together. In contrast the most OoT offers is a fetch quest to get the one singular alternate weapon in the game, a sword that isn't even useful, and a bunch of fairy grottos to make the already childishly easy game even simplier.

>> No.10345176

An average Quake map where you shoot around in dim-lighting is not more visually impressive in showcasing geometry and sense of place than the serene Water Temple. Obviously that PC game is more cramped both mechanically with the tighter staircases and enemies as obstacles as well as visually with the aforementioned moodier dim-lighting despite what high speed is possible in them. Love that you think the most 'advanced 3D dungeon' is *just like the 2D* Zelda games. I cannot believe a Quake mentioner who should have an appreciable depth perception is even attempting to diminish the grandiosity of the Water Temple as if it's something average or common place.

>> No.10345185

Unreal and Turok 2 both came out the same year as OoT and have level design that dwarfs the water temple. All you're doing at this point is revealing how little you've ever played games that don't have Nintendo on the box.

>> No.10345190

There is nothing grandiose about a series of connected rooms

>> No.10345196

it's real
but what i didn't know until yesterday was that you can throw it in the lake and he'll make you give him 50 rupees, he never buys another hat though

>> No.10345225

you can slow down time and there's warps right before a dungeon so you can reset before tackling one. aside from having to get arrows and bombs in the grass each cycle it's no big deal really.

>> No.10345262
File: 67 KB, 800x649, pepe-the-frog-holding-a-cigarette-meme-e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so you can reset before tackling one.
What fun.

>> No.10345263

Thousands and thousands of people--including the magazine reviewers who also rated other well praised games of 1998 very highly, but recognized this game as still being better than everything else--each independently played and experienced the game and found it to be exceptional in a way that astonished them, and then, when trying to explain what it is that seems to be so exceptional about it, each tend to come up with similar explanations of what it specifically does (i.e. it *presents space* and contrasts in it to you in particularly rich and striking ways, compelling you to explore it) that makes it, to them, stand out from other things, and overall agree on this in general, even though each person will describe this in different terms and find it difficult to properly convey to people who didn't experience it in this particular way exactly why they value this so highly.

If this is the case, then call it 'collective delusion' all you want, because I'd understand why someone would be skeptical that the game really is capable of providing this level of experience that people claim it can, but having experienced this myself, and given that other people who love it as much clearly feel the same particular kind of richness in it, all I can do is honestly describe what it feels like to me. When someone does this, their descriptions are going to come off as *excessive* to others, because this kind of rich experience is exceptional.

I can understand someone really loving, say, Balder's Gate and being deeply excited by it, as it is absolutely a fantastic game that deserves so be seen as something great. But at the same time, despite being as good as it is, it just isn't do the very specific, delicate things that OoT does.

>> No.10345304 [DELETED] 

What does oot do? It makes you feel like you're saying a Disney movie, that's why people love it. If you're not into to Disney movies or children's fantasy stories, oot doesnt hit any of the same marks. It's barren, there's literally 2 towns(3 of you count the islamd of misfit midgets) with 5 NPCs accumulatively that actually have more than one line of dialog. The dungeons are pretty, but riddled with same face puzzles. The fighting is streamlined, which is fun at first, but wears pf when you reakuze yiure not realky dku g a ything and the z targeting is doing eveththing for you. It doesn't get much better not using z targeting. Idk what to tell you guy, it's not everybody's cup of tea for a lot of reasons, and liking a popular thing is not indicative of said popular thing actually being good.

>> No.10345309

What does oot do? It makes you feel like you're playing a Disney movie, that's why people love it. If you're not into to Disney movies or children's fantasy stories, oot doesnt hit any of the same marks. It's barren, there's literally 2 towns(3 of you count the island of misfit midgets) with 5 NPCs accumulatively that actually have more than one line of dialog. The dungeons are pretty, but riddled with same face puzzles. The fighting is streamlined, which is fun at first, but wears iff when you realuze youre not really doing anything and the z targeting is doing everything for you. It doesn't get much better not using z targeting. Idk what to tell you guy, it's not everybody's cup of tea for a lot of reasons, and liking a popular thing is not indicative of said popular thing actually being good.

>> No.10345338

>Compare a game like OoT where every enemy simply exists as a single gimmick and must be defeated in the same fashion continuously, or that has dungeons that are rigidly designed with no secrets or experimentation possible beyond simply using the item you find in it.

One thing I want to make clear here is that I *completely* agree that OoT has exactly the faults you identify here, and that these specific problems are exactly as serious as you make them out to be. It really does suck horribly that the enemies are punching bags, and that the dungeons have few compelling secrets.

I do agree that the way Deus Ex allows you to approach and solve dangerous situations is greatly more compelling than any equivalent in OoT, and that most of its puzzle box rooms are individually bland and lacking substance in contrast. I'm saying this to make it clear to you that I'm not mistaking the elements of OoT that ARE simplistic, and done far better in other games, as things that are better than they are because I lack the ability to appreciate the complexity and difficulty of other games.

Rather, I'm going out of my way to explain how, despite this, OoT is still far and away more compelling to me than anything else for the merits that I do perceive it to have, and that I regard it as having a level of refinement and sophistication above other games even acknowledging its flaws.

>> No.10345398

>it's not everybody's cup of tea for a lot of reasons, and liking a popular thing is not indicative of said popular thing actually being good.
I understand what you are saying and why you would think this, I understand that not everyone is going to experience it the same way and don't fault anyone for this. But, regardless of how it appears, I'm not simply arguing "the game is popularly liked, and therefore good", rather I'm saying:

- I personally experienced something I felt to be uniquely rich and compelling in it that, subjectively, dwarfs what other games offer, even though I very much love a number of other games
- Other people, including those who recognize the exceptional merits of other games at the time, felt that OoT was even greater still and would be seen in the same light even decades in the future, which is the case
- People, when invited to try to explain what it is that make the game so great on the whole, often find it difficult to really do so, given how the most compelling aspects of it are 'spread out' among the combinations of things that it does working together in tandem to create a greater experience, the workings of which are hard to pin down and identity, and so resort to saying it is "greater than the sum of its parts" for lack of a better explanation as to why they perceive it to be so awesome
- Despite this, aspects of the game that stand out as greatly and uniquely contributing to the richness of it are frequently identified, "unique use and presentation of space" being the aspect that is commonly valued the most highly by those who adore it, which we can attest isn't achieved in the same way in other games (even those with otherwise very compelling and sophisticated design in their own right)

I can say at least that I've never experienced anything like the kind of 'imagination' of OoT in a Disney movie, even as a young child.

>> No.10345440

>The "absolutely disgusting" guy
he's literally me

>> No.10345473

it takes like 10 seconds to reset time dood it's not long

>> No.10345494
File: 108 KB, 320x240, 15709246-the-legend-of-zelda-ocarina-of-time-nintendo-64-dreaded-water-te.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have arguments either. Everything you said could be applied to Duke Nukem 3D or other games and then you end with "anyone could tell OOT is simply better" (a non-argument, as expected).

You talk of scale and vantage points but the only room where that applies in your example is the center room. Every other room is a giant square room, that you access through samey rectangle corridors. Even as far as the center room is concerned, its size and layout makes it hard to get any real "vantage point" from the player's perspective, pic related, no matter where you stand you will NOT have a good look of the room and the navigation possibilities it offers, without manually moving around the room. This, coupled with the lazy square-ness and symmetry of the room, makes it hard for the average player to get his bearings and remember where things are without bringing up the map (there is a reason why most people consider that dungeon to be the worst in the game)

Meanwhile even a level like Duke Nukem 3D's spaceport has a much greater sense of scale of 3D because each room is layered on top of the other one and they'll interconnected in various ways, letting the player drop down or fly up directly from room to room without having to go through bland rectangle corridors; all while the rooms themselves have a more interesting design than the simple square-ish cubes of varying sizes of your terrible example.
As for scale and vintage points, DN3D also has levels like The Abyss, Fusion Station or Flood Zone, all levels with actual sense of scale, actual vantage points that allows the player to get his bearing and see ahead of time the places where he's supposed to go (something OOT never has) or places he's been to with a more favorble point of view, and all of it is more interesting to navigate due to movement possibilities the game offers like flying or even swimming at a pace that isn't a snails pace.

All this and DN3D isn't even "true 3D"

>> No.10345518
File: 1.83 MB, 1440x2704, duke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is "scale" and "vantage" points, and level design with an actual sense of 3D. The irony is that DN3D uses teleporting effects at times, like for the underwater of Flood Zone or some of the rooms in that building in Fusion Station, but it's done to seemlessly the player never notices. On the contrary, all the square and rectangle rooms in this example >>10345127 or so disconnected from one another that as far as the player is concerned he may as well be actually teleported from one room to the other and it wouldn't make a difference.

>> No.10345551

>6 of the "varied" locales use the same textures
Unironic brain damage.

>> No.10345601
File: 1.82 MB, 3328x2990, 1670452433633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is a map from 1994 game. Now that was impressive for its time.

>> No.10345818

>all the girls have jersey shore/emo hair
yeah no surprise nintendo axed this

it got endless replay value

>> No.10345821

Even comparing Duke Nukem with OoT makes you mentally retarded

>> No.10345824

Is every Zelda hater a pedophile? Starting to notice a pattern.

>> No.10345827

>What does oot do? It makes you feel like you're playing a Disney movie, that's why people love it.
what the fuck am i reading

>> No.10345830
File: 37 KB, 500x211, FTgFmWQXwAEUorO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/'s Zelda shitposter is one of the most brainbroken people on the internet

>> No.10345834

>literally one of the most remembered one

>> No.10345838

Lol most overrated game ever. OOTrash

>> No.10345843

You can't tell if this is good level design just by looking at the map without knowing the progression and how rooms or puzzles are interlinked. You could give a chimpanzee the tools and he would make a complex-looking map. You just say random shit and don't know anything about anything

>> No.10345850

What stops you from playing Doom?

>> No.10345853
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>>6 of the "varied" locales use the same textures
Not a contradiction, besides not being true. There are unique textures everywhere. Takes two minutes to verify with Dolphin
>Unironic brain damage.
That's what you have? Explains why you can't see the variety in that picture compared to most games in terms of tone, color palette, atmosphere, worldbuilding. Both N64 Zeldas range from Sunday-morning cartoon to Raccoon City but all in their own unique style

>> No.10345860

I did. You mean right now in this moment? That the core gameplay is hovering your cursor on ugly demon sprite and pressing the shoot button in a world where one million games have more satisfying gunplay and I can join a Counter-Strike or Halo server in under a minute

>> No.10345865

>literally one of the most remembered one
Yeah I said that. I found it just another forgettable dungeon I breezed through similar to the lava, graveyard and sand dungeons.

>> No.10345867
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>> No.10345869

>in a world where one million games have more satisfying gunplay and I can join a Counter-Strike or Halo server in under a minute
Doom is still popular. You don't even like the platforming?

>> No.10345870

You said you don't know what the progression of this Doom 2 level is.
>one million games have more satisfying gunplay and I can join a Counter-Strike or Halo
Aren't we talking about level design? There is one million games that have more satisfying gameplay than OoT as well.

>> No.10345896
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>You said you don't know what the progression of this Doom 2 level is.
You said the ugly map you posted is impressive and I told you it's not
>There is one million games that have more satisfying gameplay than OoT as well.
You can't even pinpoint what OoT's gameplay is because there are uncountable aspects that make it what it is. You don't play Zelda if you want to do 'the thing', which is a reason people love the franchise and also why an ugly handheld demake still got 94% on Metacritic while Doom 2's 360 rerelease barely 70%

Keep digging that hole and bringing up shit most people today wouldn't play for 100 bucks while pretending OoT isn't good enough for you, though

>> No.10345917
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>and also why an ugly handheld demake still got 94% on Metacritic while Doom 2's 360 rerelease barely 70%

>> No.10345923
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zelds are incredibly deluded

>> No.10346046

Knowing review scores makes me deluded? And stop samefagging

>> No.10346049

i tried to play if but i got bored before i got past the parts where things just talk at me

>> No.10346056

>You can't even pinpoint what OoT's gameplay is because there are uncountable aspects that make it what it is.

>> No.10346059

>You can't even pinpoint what OoT's gameplay is because there are uncountable aspects that make it what it is
Holy fuck this is the nintendrone on oot-aid. Not only is it impossible to have uncountable aspects of gameplay, oots mechanics are streamlined lock on targeting, projectiles and bombs. That's, there not even a jump button, fucking retard.

>> No.10346132

>I can say at least that I've never experienced anything like the kind of 'imagination' of OoT in a Disney movi
Oot ripped so much of from the sword in the stone and phantasua destroys anything imagination wise in oot, what fuck? You're just a delusional nintendrone.

>> No.10346138


>> No.10346180

>OoT ripped off Fantasia
Genuinely curious, why do you think that?

>> No.10346250

Why are there helicopters? Is there a real OoT 2D without this crap? And is it actually decent or just window dressing? A real 2D OoT à la ALTTP made by Nintendo would be dope

>> No.10346271
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I think the limited knowledge of tendies on their favorite games and developers combined with their desire to massively overblow their significance while the industry puts said limited perspective on a pedestal is the funniest thing. The history of games and its creators is a lens best viewed as a punchline.

>> No.10346301

I asked about Fantasia

>> No.10346334

>Oot ripped so much of from the sword in the stone

Yes, you pull a sword out of a pedestal, like you do in LttP, and obviously this takes influence from Arthurian legend, just like the Kokiri take from Peter Pan. This is a very superficial thing to take account of though, these are ripoffs of basic tropes that don't take much of anything away from the game for simply not being original. It's the execution that matters.

>phantasua destroys anything imagination wise in oot
I can see you're trying to select the most prestigious seeming thing that Disney has done to put up against Ocarina, but Fantasia was originally never regarded by musicians as anything more than a nice way to introduce children and midwits to musical classics with pretty visuals to make it more digestible to those without much experience with them, and it's the music that is the main driver, which Disney had no part in writing. It being come to be seen as something of high regard was largely driven by hippy boomers who liked to watch it while tripping balls. It's good at being what it is but it's not really uncontroversially a masterpiece despite the impression the company tries to give of it. Centaur tits though

I may come off as being excessively harsh here, but I do respect Disney and what his company had done, but I just do not consider any of his creations to be on the level of OoT or MM, and I say this having just watched a modern Disney movie last night that I hadn't seen before (Princess and the Frog).

He didn't say it 'ripped off' Fantasia, just that he considers it to be 'more imaginative', though I definitely find it to be much more superficial than Zelda on the whole.

>> No.10346348

yes...i love it when games waste my time

>> No.10346353

The only game you've played with a boat in it is wind waker.

>> No.10346358

>it to be 'more imaginative'
Ah. Why would anyone compare animation and film to video games

>> No.10346396

From what I gather, he understands that OoT fans are claiming that it's "the effect of the game on the player's imagination", as opposed to purely the gameplay, that makes it really exceptional, and so he's question if the way people enjoy the game is similar to the reasons why people, and children in particular, enjoy things like Disney movies.

I'll respond by saying that the way I appreciate OoT, and other Zelda games to a certain (though generally lesser) extent, in a way that's closer to being impressed by architecture than to something like a fantasy cartoon, it's the way the game organizes and plays with structure, creates a sense of spacial awareness within your mind that encourages you to be aware of contrasts between the places you exist in and how they exist within their larger world, presents different perspectives on things, creates associations between music and various aspects of the game, and invites you to think about what might be possible in these spaces as they vary (in different times etc). OoT's special quality is the way it carefully invites you to develop this particular kind of awareness of the things in it and how they are part of the whole total experience of the game. This is really much more delicate and subtle, and involves more actively engagement of imaginative ability, than what you'd typically get from Disney.

>> No.10346417

I didn't say that, I said fantasia destroys all the imagination in oot.

Yeah, it also ripped off the talking owl and a bunch other shit, because not actually as original as you think. You think it deserves praise for being a derivative of a derivative? I had already experienced pulling the stone from the sword from other movies, cartoons, books and videogames, it wasnt that big of a deal by the time oot did it. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.10346437

It's a fuckin simple game where all the magic is in the aesthetics, your imagination doesn't really need to fill in the blanks, it's all right there for you to indulge in and it's not some delicate subtle experience, it has some cool nuanced in spots, other than that it's pretty barren, with secrets sprinkled here and there

>> No.10346442

Such amazing gameplay mechanics for the final boss, which is just Mario tennis staring link and ganondorf, what a fucking joke.

>> No.10346450

This exudes soul.

>> No.10346582

>I had already experienced pulling the stone from the sword from other movies, cartoons, books and videogames, it wasnt that big of a deal by the time oot did it
I laughed out loud. Wtf I hate OoT now

>> No.10346783

Does guarding with the big sword do anything? Gamefag says it helps with some element attacks which would make sense because you get it where you fight a fire dragon. Forgot to test it against Volvagia though

>> No.10346859

>You can't even pinpoint what OoT's gameplay is because there are uncountable aspects that make it what it is
What the fuck does this even mean? Outside of the targeting system, which as I've said was mechanically great, but not actually used to make any of the combat engaging there's nothing separating OoT gameplay from a game like Nightmare Creatures or Castlevania 64.
This is the exact type of thing I was talking about when I said I'm beyond sick of this stupid narrative the game is an unparalleled masterpiece. If the game gives you a brain orgasm like it does for >>10345338 then I can't really dispute that, or tell you you're wrong. You do you. But totally asanine statements like the gameplay or level design of OoT being this incomparable and never replicated level of perfection is laughable. Play a game without a Nintendo logo on it dude.

>> No.10347056 [DELETED] 
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>If Hyrule’s silent savior taught me anything, it’s that we’re all better off reverting to our childhood form on occasion.
this made me cry

>> No.10347157
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>> No.10347173

>when half the 1998 games still had pre-rendered backgrounds or completely samey levels and gameplay like MediEvil
yep it's bait

>> No.10347279

>What the fuck does this even mean? Outside of the targeting system, which as I've said was mechanically great, but not actually used to make any of the combat engaging there's nothing separating OoT gameplay from a game like Nightmare Creatures or Castlevania 64.
You are an extremely unintelligent person and have absolutely no clue about game design

>> No.10347313

Atmosphere and feeling part of an actual world is important for Zelda. You can't just line up puzzles and minigames. BotW and TotK are the emptiest Zelda games to date and also the most popular. Some emptiness and an open loop is also key for the Zelda principle. If there is a game that can justify an "empty" overworld, it's a game like Zelda with huge spooky dungeons that are packed with puzzles

You are probably just an anomaly, though, so your taste/opinion actually really doesn't matter

You are unimportant

>> No.10347328

>Genuinely curious, why do you think that?
He's mentally ill. A couple weeks ago it was still the movie Legend, but he moved on from that after everyone made fun of him

>> No.10347418

any must have mods since it's on PC?

>> No.10347521

Damn, you couldn't even think of one single thing that separates the gameplay of OoT from any other third person adventure game.
I'm really beginning to think OoT is The Godfather of video gaming in the sense that people who listed it as their favorite or the best movie would then admit they also never even watched it.

>> No.10347701

dunno about mods for the port but here's a solid qol romhack for it
mm has one too, made by the same guy

>> No.10348062
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>insinuating that there is no meaningful difference between Zelda and rotten swamp ass like Nightmare Creatures and Castlevania 64
You haven't said one thing that's even worth deboonking in this entire thread. It's just self-defeating autismo noises that will make everyone with a brain (not /vr/'s target clientele, mind you) regard OoT even more highly because it has haters as retarded as you. Don't let anyone stop you

>> No.10348129

Mods for Project 64 are a thing

>> No.10348362

People are really just starting to make them now. There are a few that change how enemies behave, or add leveling systems to the game that you might be interested in.

>> No.10348421

Still can't think of anything lil buddy? Considering you were the one who said OoT has an unparalleled level of gameplay it should be easy to list off the reasons. I mean, you are able to form your own thoughts and then contextualize them aren't you? You have played all those games right?

>> No.10348432

Not him, but OoT lets you interact with things in its world in such a variety of distinct ways, and where exactly what a given interaction between two things will result in won't be immediately obvious. Most games either have a more limited, set series of possible interactions, or (like the bulk of RPGs) have a large number of mostly generic ones. On top of this it's mechanically solid and 'feels right' to do mos things. Wacking something with a hammer feels strongly impactful for instance.

>> No.10349029

Most posters here are zoomzooms now. Time flies. Only few really remember the 90s or let alone the 80s

>> No.10350963

They should just merge base OoT and MQ. OoT dungeons but MQ enemies. There, perfect game. And even purists can play it because it's basically all officially Nintendo

>> No.10350986

typical /vr/ contrarian.
classic, dunking on a zoomer using a zoomer meme.

>> No.10351050

MQ uses the same enemies but just in odd/out of place ways. It's honestly worse than random fan hacks because there's so little motivation for most of what it does, it's just weird without being substantially more challenging and the changes it makes are so limited given it's just moving actors around.

>> No.10351094

Master Quest forces you to visit previous Dungeons to obtain all Skulltulas Master Quest is a Good experience if you want to play more Ocarina of Time

>> No.10351134

Base game does that too, you need to revisit the first two child dungeons later to get everything in them because they have unmarked sections you can't access until you have more items. You also need optional things like the scarecrow song. How do you not know this?

>> No.10351148

Master Quest items are in different places than the Normal Version

>> No.10351202

same, thought it was SotC forest

>> No.10351649

>food analogy

>> No.10351753

Thought so too at first, but if MQ does one thing better it's exhausting Ocarina's combat potential. It keeps throwing knight and lizard dudes at you, often multiple or in tiny corridors or even underwater. But yeah, some changes are just weird and the dungeon design is usually worse

>> No.10351758
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>google SOTC forest

>> No.10351780

You retards spent this whole thread getting baited by the janny.

>> No.10352086
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likewise, there's an awkwardness to a lot of things in it that show it's not

>> No.10352489

Man I wish there was a boss rush mode like in SS

>> No.10352493

Or something like the cave of ordeals

>> No.10352508

Hi Arin Hanson since when did you browse 4chan?

>> No.10352665
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>avant-garde combat
Shame BotW ruins it with slowmo nonsense.

>> No.10353361

Both the 3DS remake and Ship of Harkinian have that.

>> No.10354614

I wish they'd just port the 3DS remake to Switch without the stupid handheld aspect ratio and maybe tone down the lighting a bit

>> No.10354729

twilight princess looked good before the wolf shit was introduced

>> No.10355781
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Could have been the next 99% game, instead we got a 95% game

>> No.10355793

Damn...I guess I just don't understand the atmosphere and feeling gained from holding forward...what a great use of your time...

>> No.10355823

>I guess I just don't understand the atmosphere and feeling gained from holding forward...

Yes, exactly and completely unironically. If you took away the field that would cripple the game atmospherically compared to what it is. You aren't supposed to want to explore the field properly until later in the game, and this in part is another thing that helps it to feel big. Likewise the way it has meaningful secrets, but they are sparse and cleverly hidden in ways that you're unlikely to easily uncover quickly, results in a space where you feel like you are exploring it out of your own desire to dig deeper, instead of something with x content per a given space that you feel you should pick up because its there.

>> No.10356009

Fallout 3 is the most immersive game ever and the world is mostly empty and you don't even have to press a button to move. Ambience, worldbuilding, your own imagination, etc. Not sure how this is hard to get unless you're new to video games or actually just hate them

The field in Ocarina isn't even huge and if you stray without Epona and have to walk a while, it's your fault. People like you are the reason why games today let you fast-travel to every pixel

>> No.10356803

>Ship of Harkinian
Why did they give it such a random name that has nothing to do with the game?

>> No.10357902

Le wacky Reddit memes

>> No.10358105

>Fallout 3 is the most immersive game ever and the world is mostly empty and you don't even have to press a button to move.
>fallout 3
zoomers were a mistake.

>> No.10358125

>being in it and exploring it it feels almost hyper-real, as in it raises your level of conscious awareness while playing it in a way that you don't normally experience in every day life
the absolute fucking state of nintentoddler,raising their conscious awareness with the help of a video game made for kid.
wait until you learn about philosophy and meditation.

>> No.10358545

Legendary intro

>> No.10358778
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>look do I fit in?

>> No.10358784

Yes, this is /vr/. Fo3 isn't vr, numbskull.

>> No.10358841

i wasnt the one to mention fallout.
and if you think fallout 3 is the most immersive game ever you are a certified moron.

>> No.10358967

So did he dieded? Is the gossip stone talking about him? Idk why the game would be so cruel to kill him off when he clearly suffered his whole life. Please tell me someone asked in an old interview somewhere.

>> No.10358998

>and if you think fallout 3 is the most immersive game ever you are a certified moron.
It's certainly up there and denying that would mean you are the moron or probably some zoomer fuck who was 10 back then