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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10337382 No.10337382 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people love this god awful game so much?
>gameplay consists of running around doing pointless shit looking for a key or something
>atmosphere is not scary whatsoever, just fog, rust and mutilated bodieseverywhere is supposed to be “atmospheric and scary”
>generic plot
>worst controls known to man
>terrible voice acting, even by late 90s standards
>annoying enemies that aren’t fun to fight at all, in combination with the controls leads to terrible combat
>a fetus could easily beat the bosses
>8.8 user score on metacritic
the only good thing about this game is the soundtrack, which was very influential to horror soundtracks going forward, but in terms of gameplay and story, it’s fucking terrible, the fan base is some of the biggest pussies imaginable as well

>> No.10337387

ok anon tell me what you find to be an atmospheric game?
and what do you think of the FMVs?

>> No.10337391


>> No.10337392

filtered, kys

>> No.10337404

Do they?
People usually only talk about 2.

>> No.10337428
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Another pleb filtered by high Lynchian kino, unfortunate but far from uncommon

>> No.10337443

Yes yes we get it, you think you are going to fullfill your oedipus complex through video games, "masterpiece from the past = shit, therefore I am becoming a better man than the ones before me with refined taste"

zoomers are so unoriginal

>> No.10337448

yay, it's been a whole 3 minutes since we've had another one of these contrarian bait threads

Here's your (You) OP. Hope it was worth being a faggot!

>> No.10337450

you are proving my point of the silent hill fanbase being pussies retard. i like all of the games you listed and also think they are masterpieces from the past. the second someone criticizes a silent hill game, the fans will cruicify you for having an opinion.

>> No.10337593

Here's one for your confimation bias pile, cunt - fucking end your life, swiftly.

>> No.10337736

>atmosphere is not scary whatsoever
You're low-IQ

>> No.10337738

The thread with Ganon isn't even like the others. Stop getting triggered by Zelda just because it's the most critically acclaimed series ever. I don't even want to know how many seethe posts you made in that thread

>> No.10337747

Nobody actually likes playing the Silent Hill games. The gameplay in them is total trash by the standards of the genre set by Resident Evil.

>> No.10337832

But they have the same gameplay.

>> No.10337836

Silent Hill has no inventory management and less depth all around. They're walking simulator tier.

>> No.10337857

>>worst controls known to man
alright ill bite. is there a reasonable explanation as to why the game needs built-in input lag and is it something that a patch could fix?

>> No.10337861

What a sagely person full of hidden wisdom (You) are. Here's a response. We all have bad days, anon, hope you get through what you're getting through.

>> No.10337894

Resident Evil = Apple
Silent Hill = Android
Alone in the Dark = Palm

>> No.10337985

unbelivably so, in the ff7 thread OP tried to larp as a 40yr old

>> No.10338016

Don't bring this kiddy trash up in a thread about an actual masterpiece

>> No.10338051

No, Resident Evil games have really well designed and memorable maps. Silent Hill games have a bunch of streets and corridors that all look the same.
It blows my mind that people think Silent Hill is the better of these two franchises. I feel like they're actually not playing these games, and just like the idea of Silent Hill.
>oh, it's clever because it references psychology.
Yeah, sure, but it still has to be a fun video game...

>> No.10338148

Well okay I take Ganon back. But instead i'll replace it with this new one >>10338134

>> No.10338179

It's a /v/eddit raid

>> No.10338250


>> No.10338314

>gameplay consists of running around doing pointless shit looking for a key or something
>generic plot
>worst controls known to man
>terrible voice acting, even by late 90s standards
>annoying enemies that aren’t fun to fight at all, in combination with the controls leads to terrible combat
>the only good thing about this game is the soundtrack
Like every retro game ever?

>> No.10338525
File: 843 KB, 498x410, 7a88b279dafb4481549b9feafc1a5f7e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>silent hill is dogshit

>> No.10338970
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>> No.10339008

This is the laziest bait I've ever seen. Thread hidden.

>> No.10340846

I loved it my first playthrough 2 years ago. I guess you're just a fucking idiot, saging your gay thread too you fucking faggot