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10332767 No.10332767 [Reply] [Original]

I’ll start with Crazy Taxi 3.
I was a Dreamcast alpha male so I obviously bought this for Chadbox when it came out. I recall gaming magazines giving this a 7/10 and other average scores when it’s clearly the best in the series.
I also recall it getting these scores because it was only a single new map and Dreamcast graphics for full price, which I understand, but in retrospect it almost makes the previous two entries redundant.
Included is:
>both maps from CT1 (west coast) and CT2 (small apple), plus Glitter Oasis
>Glitter Oasis is fuck-huge and has a lot of variety, and in my opinion is superior to small apple (maybe not west coast but it does have more variety)
>Has all the branding and licensed music in tact
>ability to play any driver/cab from any game on any map
>same exact engine/gameplay as the originals

To this day you don’t hear anyone talking about Crazy Taxi 3, when it should be the main version that gets ported or reevaluated.

It did change Crazy Taxi 1 to have jump/multiple passengers but honestly it’s a fun way to play the original.
Small Apple.

Thoughts on this criminally underrated entry? What are some other sequels that were harshly underrated?

>> No.10332779

I, too, bought it back in the day because I was a fan of the first game. My Dreamcast was already dead at that point so when I saw this in a store for P fucking C, I've bought it without even looking at the screenshots. Had a fucking blast with it and ripped all the music from game's folder to listen in Winamp

I've skipped CT2 completely, so third game had a bit more novelty for me

> you can fucking jump now? WHOOOA LET'S GO

>> No.10332798

Based. It’s a shame Crazy Taxi died with this game, but apparently Sega says they have a big budget sequel in the works.

>> No.10332810
File: 49 KB, 624x600, 723181-taxi-3-sur-tf1-decouvrez-les-secrets-d-diapo-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> apparently Sega says they have a big budget sequel in the works

I heard they're making a movie.
Can't imagine it being good but maybe we can have real Taxi 5 that way

>> No.10332838

We don’t even have a taxi 4

>> No.10334804

What's wrong with Taxi 4?

>> No.10334912

It would be nice if we could get re-releases for all three crazy Taxi games (or maybe a master version that unifies all of the levels into one game).
That series kind of got fucked in terms of relevancy by having it's sequels locked on consoles where a lot of people never got to play.

I don't know what was going on with Sega in those days. Was there any reason not to be these on GC and PS2? Who's going to want to play a fun, colourful arcade game like Crazy Taxi? The Halo audience, clearly. Those are our guys!

>> No.10334918

I loved it back in the day. Certified kino

>> No.10334934

Xbox is a killer racing machine. Crazy Taxi fits the mold nicely.

>> No.10334941

I feel like the Xbox audience basically just want "serious" racers, not fun silly arcade games, or overly Japanese games.

>> No.10334948

Is Burnout a "serious" racer?

>> No.10334952

At least on the surface. And it's got cool sports cars on the cover. That's macho.
It's not a game called "Crazy Taxi".

>> No.10334965
File: 965 KB, 567x800, 5564206-smashing-drive-xbox-front-cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy Taxi is not a bad name. It instantly gets to the point.

>> No.10335134
File: 49 KB, 627x304, sega bonus 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like Crazy Taxi was never particularly good and it was mostly the Sega astroturfing and paid fake hype that made people think otherwise, which applies more to Crazy Taxi 1 than to 3 on Xbox

These games are boring and you've seen everything after 30 minutes

>> No.10335143

Absolute bullshit take

>> No.10335224
File: 62 KB, 973x248, sega bonus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a "take", it's just reality. Sega marketing was insane and they paid off like 20 magazines. With the Dreamcast's death or as soon as their games were on other consoles, no one gave a shit or they got even trashed

>> No.10335228

>inb4 but but there is that minor difference and it was released a bit later, that totally explains a difference of 20%!

>> No.10335251

t. werent there
It was a big deal but you cant sell the same game three times

>> No.10336087

Historical revisionism. Crazy Taxi was a Sega killer app. In fact, I’d say it was this and Sonic Adventure that sold the Dreamcast.
You were definitely not there for it.

Crazy Taxi has a single map, and two game modes, and still managed to force reviewers to give it an 8.5/10.

Crazy Taxi is absolutely pure in aesthetic and design. It’s the perfect example of a “video game”. It oozes “video game”.

>> No.10336102
File: 394 KB, 1170x1082, IMG_8875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no Taxi 4 you gaslighting bastard.

The iOS “game” does not count and is not called Crazy Taxi 4.

We shall see what comes of this rumor.

>> No.10336113
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We are talking about a French movie (with Taxi 5 being mentioned), not a game.

>> No.10336121
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You can't make accusations like that without evidence, I aschume you have some?

>> No.10336127
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>le film

I see.

>> No.10336148
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And a American remake of Taxi with Jimmy Fallon.

>> No.10336172

>sparkster snes
>ultima underworld 2
>bubble symphony
>strider 2 ps1
>act raiser 2
>elite 2 frontier
>daytona usa 2
>gabriel knight 2
>project justice (aka rival schools 2)
i never see any discussion on these. always the originals.

>> No.10336204

>Wreckless 2 (Double STEAL)

>> No.10336219

Crazy Taxi 2 is worse than the first, chicago is too flat they should have gone with something more vertical

>> No.10336320

Why did the sega marketing pay to have sonic adventure 2 get the greatest reviews for a sonic game ever after they announced they were quitting the console business.

>> No.10336325

>wasted like 100M on that hyenas game nobody cares about
>wasted like a billion on rovio
>high bidget reboots of niche games
Where does sega get all this fucking money their games sell like dogwater.

>> No.10336360

>maybe a master version that unifies all of the levels into one game
Didn't op literally say it's what 3 is?

>> No.10336587

>Xbox exclusive
No wonder it's overlooked since the majority of Xbox fanbase mostly went after Western dudebro games like Halo instead of Japanese games.

>> No.10336761

Most of these have no discussions partly because most people that played them agree that they are good, if not superior to the prequel.

>> No.10336796

The New York stage is only there at night, which is a great bonus all the same, but it would’ve been cooler if they had included a time of day change for all the stages.

Anyhow, I do like CT3, but Glitter Oasis, the characters and the OST are all just ok in comparison to earlier games. When you add all the previous maps it just feels like refried content, which is likely why it received the scores it did. Also, you may have been too young to remember, but it really is incredible how much of a 180 gaming took post-911. All the awesome arcade at home enthusiasm disappeared and now everything had to be cinematic and gritty.

Everytime I play Strider 2 I get angry that it never released on the DC, it seems exactly like the kind of game Capcom would’ve release there.

>> No.10337320

I'm playing the PC release as you say that