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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 54 KB, 555x388, father-and-son-playing-video-games-555x388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1033232 No.1033232 [Reply] [Original]

Did your parents ever play video games back in the day, with or without you?

My dad loved games from the NES and SNES eras but once the N64 came around, games got too complicated for him. I have fond memories of playing Donkey Kong Country with my dad back in '94 - it was and still is his favorite game.

>> No.1033247

My dad bought me a 2600 which I suspect was also a present for himself. We played together until either he got bored witg it or until I could beat him, either way he basically was done with video games by 1985. Maybe something about the crash rubbed him the wrong way? I also remember him being irritated that new video game consoles came out.

"So new ones are just going to keep coming out that we have to buy new games for and the old ones are going to be worthless? To hell with that!" -my dad, circa 1993

Then before he died he saw me playing Code Veronica on a big screen TV and he was blown away by what video games had become.

My mom, on the other hand only ever played one video game - Pac Man. It got her so excited/upset to be chased by the ghost monsters that she decided video games were not for her. We came across an old poor but functional condition Pac Man cocktail cab at a yard sale together a few weeks ago and I tried to convince her to buy it and give it another shot but she wasn't interested.

>> No.1033254
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and Tetris from Microsoft Entertainment Pack

>> No.1033279

I used to have to beg my parents to play nes with me. Dad did. I've gotten him to play a few other games for a few minutes. Mainly red dead for part since he loves westerns. I think he was just didn't like that he had problems playing them. Since he loved board games and stuff.

>> No.1033305
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My parents used to be hooked on Pinball games for DOS, like Pinball Mania and Pinball Fantasies.

My father also played Blockout a lot, a fake "3D" Tetris clone, Sokoban, as well as Pipe Mania (better known later on as Pipe Dream; or by casuals as being "that mini game in Bioshock"); and also some Mahjong game for Windows 95.

The only console game they ever touched was when they bought the NES and played TMNT; once.

Then they stopped playing after a few years. I tried to get them back into it several times by reinstalling the games but it never worked.

>> No.1033317

My mom never played games, but there were exceptions. I rented Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle once on NES, she had finished it overnight. We also played Goof Troop together when we rented it on SNES.

My dad was all about Dr Mario.

>> No.1033324

My parents didn't play video games with me, but Mom has regularly confessed her love of Galaxian to me. And Dad actually managed to beat Crue Ball, Fatal Fury 1, and get to the final boss of Samurai Shodown. He also introduced me to Doom, and even played Chex Quest.

>> No.1033327


Really? That's odd. Of all the space shooters of that era, she chose this one.

>> No.1033334

My father and I never played videogames with one another, or if we did I was too young to remember. He was a master of pac man, so I am told. In fact my mom said on their first date he beat the highscore on a pac man cabinet, and it impressed her enough to see him a second time. I think she was joking about the second part, but still a cool story. My mom never played videogames other than Brain Age on the DS.

>> No.1033346
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When my Dad was around he and I would play Super Mario All-Stars, either 1 or 3 since those were the only 2-player ones. He preferred 1, I preferred 3, but we'd play both. He taught me where some of the hidden 1-ups were and how to find the hidden warp in 4-2 (the 6 through 8 warp, not the 5 warp).

I also remember playing Goof Troop with my Granny. It was the only game she'd ever play, but it was always fun and she could help me with some of the harder puzzles. She was always Goofy and I was always Max, and nowadays whenever I replay that game I'm always Max for nostalgia.

>> No.1033361

My dad disliked videogames, he thought they were just dumb things.

>> No.1033359

My dad used to brag about playing Doom at work. Only game I've ever heard of him playing, but he got me and my brothers into it as well. Closest thing he does to gaming nowadays is online poker.

>> No.1033365

My parents never really played all that much. I do know my mom loves the Atari 2600 her favorite game was Adventure, and from what I understood she could get really far into it. My dad played ps1 two player with me a few times but he was too competitive however he could get down on some Crash Bandicoot 2

>> No.1033376

My mom used to with my older brothers, but by the time I was playing video games, they were too worn out from working snad spent most of their game time on Spider Solitare and Submarine simulators.

>> No.1033389

My mom has played Tetris a couple of times, though never with me. My dad once played about ten minutes of Mario Brothers 3 when I was younger. I had to beg him to play at all.

Nowadays both my parents play iPhone games. However I'm kind of sad that they never really wanted to play NES/SNES with me as I was growing up.

>> No.1033569

Do you guys think games could get any more complicated than they are now? Like so complicated it turns off people who are 18-30 right now? The only way I see any new generation turning off the current generation of players is through virtual reality, but even from current gen players, they don't find the Rift or Omni Treadmill that confusing.

>> No.1033625

I remember playing Super Mario Bros. with my dad. He showed me the warp zone in level 1-2. Other than that I have no memories of my parents playing video games.

He bought a Genesis before I was born in 1990 but I have no memories of him playing that.

>> No.1033634

I think games will only get less complicated. Well, mainstream games at least.

You have seen it, we all have. That is the future.

>> No.1033640

my dad would occasionally play star fox 64

that was about it

>> No.1033662

My pops got in into playing games in general. Only had fighters and rpg on his snes so I mainly played the fighters. I remember the only way I could beat him at Killer Instinct was to hold the controller upside down.

Bought a playstation and I mainly played Jersey Devil and Tomba on it aside from street fighter and hot shots golf.

We later played Diablo I and II on LAN. Still occasionally play things with him to this day if something sparks our interest.

>> No.1033668


Galaxian, Galaga, she likes 'em both. And she never plays video games otherwise. It's odd.

>> No.1033671
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My mom and I used to play Columns together on the Genesis. That and Bubble Bobble were the only video games she ever really like, otherwise she really isn't a gamer.

>> No.1033689

Mom could never play because she got motion sickness.

Dad only ever cared about racing games for some reason. Tried to get him to play Agent Under Fire once, turned out pretty bad.

>> No.1033705

My dad played Contra with me. He also wouldn't let me play my Final Fantasy for a few days at one point because he wanted to beat Duke Nukem 3D, and while he was at it, he'd also make fun of JRPGs, stupid-looking protagonists, "no-game" etc.

He'd say, "Instead of picking a menu and watching a dumb cartoon, just let me beat Nukem. If you wanted to play a real game, I'd let you."

>> No.1033716

I used to play Madden '92 with my dad way back when on the genesis. We also used to play Road Rash 2 on the Genesis. Today he plays Madden and Call of Duty MW2 with my brother. He still enjoys arcade classics (Pac Man/Ms. Pac Man, Tac Scan, Tempest, Galaga, and Qix are his favorites).

>> No.1033727

My father loved Spyro, Gran Turismo and Ape Escape. He also used to borrow Nintendo 64 to play Super Mario 64. My mother, on the hand, played Tetris and Dr. Mario.

>> No.1033731

Your dad rules.

>> No.1033739

>that feel when I have never once in my life met my father
Some good memories playing DKC2 with grampa though

>> No.1033762
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My father used to sit and watch me play the early Zelda games. He would suggest things and help me figure out some of the puzzles. He also managed to get through Ocarina of Time (painful to watch at times), I was always surprised by that.

He did always love the Lolo games. I've set him up with an emulator and he still plays from time to time.

>> No.1033765

My earliest gaming memories are of playing SMB 3, duck hunt and rad racer on the NES with my mom. Later when me and my brother played pokemon yellow she loved to ride the bike around town while there was a pokemon in the daycare. My most fond memory of playing vidya with her is definitely Banjo Kazooie and Tooie, though. When we got a gamecube and PS2 my brother, her and I played Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine and the Katamari games together a lot. Nowadays she LOVES playing Mother (Earthbound 0, I bought a repro cart) on the NES and is now working through Earthbound. Also she averages about an hour a day of Tetris on either NES or PS3.

>> No.1033768

My mom used to play yoshi's island and tetris all the time. All she plays now are those stupid facebook games.

>> No.1033776

My dad would play atari when I was still in diapers. He played Mario with me until I started stomping his ass around 4 and never touched another vidya the rest of his life

>> No.1033874

My dad used to play games all the time. My mom hated them and called him lazy and forced him to quit and now he rarely if ever plays games and it's so fucking miserable.

Best part is that she called him lazy while he was working literally nonstop on some weeks while she sat on her ass doing meth.

>> No.1033881


Best Dad.

>> No.1033886
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>he'd also make fun of JRPGs, stupid-looking protagonists, "no-game" etc.

>> No.1033889

My dad would play with me when I was really young (like 5? Can't really remember) - he'd pretty much play Yoshi's Island for me beyond a certain point because I lacked the aptitude to 100% the levels at the time, plus I was scared shitless of the lung fish and Big Bowser. There was only one level he couldn't beat to 100%, and that was Kamek's Revenge. Going back to that level 10 years later and finally 100%ing it was the best gaming moment of my life.

Now he doesn't play video games anymore, but we both still bond over arcades and pinballs in particular - when we can fucking find one in this hell-hole that is rural Bavaria, we play the SHIT out of it and don't stop until we own the high score tables, and even then we won't stop.

>> No.1033892

My parents had dozens of 2600 games when I was born, they'd pass me back and forth while they took turns.

My dad's dad got us an NES when I was 1 or 2, and my uncle would hit up flea markets and sell games to my dad for $5 or so each. My mom was into Tetris, and my dad preferred Super Mario Bros.

These days my dad doesn't play games (mom becoming addicted to Sims/EverQuest probably buried that). I'll play Rock Band with my mom sometimes, which works well since she's into killing high scores like I am.

>> No.1033894

to this day the only games my dad will play are first person shooters

>> No.1033893
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My mom still has her 2600. Eventually she moved on to Genesis and never went any further. She liked that Genesis controllers could be used in the 2600.

On 2600 she liked Megamania and Space Invaders best. On Genesis she was completely in love with Mega Bomberman and for a long time, played it to completion many times a week. She also like Columns and Mean Bean Machine. She got pretty good at that and could run through the game with little to no losses, if I recall correctly.

She doesn't play anything now. I even bought her a Genesis and some of the games she liked, because all she does is watch TV. She didn't care enough to play with it, though.

>> No.1033907

yeah, my dad would play contra 3, tmnt IV, zombies ate my neighbors, and super mario world with me.
He would also draw the distinction between Super Ghouls and Ghosts and FF Mystic Quest, one was 'the easy knight game' one was 'the hard knight game'

I'll leave it up to you figure out which is which

>> No.1033921

Your dad is so based.
What did he think of western RPGs?

>> No.1033924

My Grandma and I beat Link's Awakening and played Pokemon G/S together. I miss that very much...


>> No.1033937

My Mom likes puzzle games. We'd spend hours playing Tetris Attack, Kirby's Avalanche, or Bust-A-Move. She'd want to keep playing even after I was about to get sick from the endless cascades of colored blobs.

>> No.1033945

My dad used to always play video games with my brother and I. His favorite was Battle Tanx, followed by Bloody Roar: Primal Fury. As for singly player, he always played Ghost in the Shell for Ps1, or Star Fox 64.

My grandma used to always play Mario Party 3 with us, and even beat us a few times. Only other game I remember playing with her was Iggy's Wrecking Balls (we all ended up hating that one before long).

>> No.1033951

>She liked that Genesis controllers could be used in the 2600.

>> No.1033959

My dad used to whisper in my ear to try and fuck me when he and my mom were dating. He used to stay up late nights when I was in elementary school to play punch-out and mario andretti racing, or the micro machines game for genesis. The last time we played video games together was when I had 2k1 football 2002 ( i think). I'd like to imagine that we'll get back into playing games together once i'm grounding my son for playing too much games like he did to me, and his dad did to him.

>> No.1033960

Sega used the same connectors as Atari up to the MD and you could interchange the controllers. Other companies like Commodore as well.

>> No.1033962

Yep. Same ports.

Your dad tried to fuck you?

>> No.1033972

fuck me up* He would say " don't die, Don't die" but it would all rush into one mantra sounding thing like "dondiyeedondiyeeedondiyee"

>> No.1033978

we were playing super mario bros. Also he would put on Iron Maiden on the speakers and play Codename:Viper while I cheered him on and sang Maiden songs. He was a lot cooler before my brother was born

>> No.1033982

My mom liked OOT but she could not beat Gohma without my assistance.

>> No.1033987

My mom remembers some shit I don't even remember. I guess she watched me play more than I thought. I thought she was reading her books most of the time when I was playing, but I think she actually got a little wrapped up in watching OoT

>> No.1033994

My dad played and finished the Donkey Kong series, and Secret of Mana, which he got as a fathers day present. He was really bad at English, but the manual was in Dutch to get him started, and he figured out the rest on his own.

>> No.1034164

My dad and I played Mario Kart a lot, even though he wasn't really into games at all. One weekend, when I was sleeping in, my dad got up early, and aced all the 150cc tracks by himself. I could consistently beat him in battle mode, but couldn't take him in a race. He was always doing crazy stuff like taking corners full speed while hopping over the pits. I never could get the hang of that.

>> No.1034258

my dads favorite was dr. mario.
he could get to level 24 on high speed

>> No.1034281

you a black kid?
no offense

>> No.1034331 [DELETED] 

That's a fair question.
Usually only blacks kids have NEVER met their fathers.
Where as white kids just have fathers that are neglectful, only show up once in a while, and generally don't seem to give too much of a fuck about their kids.

Which is worse? I couldn't really say.

>> No.1034406

yeah, im the white kid who always saw his dad but the guy was a dumb fuck. I think I would have preferred if he wasn't around at all. Finally left for good when I turned 18

>> No.1034465

My dad was the first to finish SMB, and he sometimes played tetris too. I remember my brother trying to make him play starcraft, he was destroying his own building in the tutorial mission.

>> No.1034472

the first in the family*

>> No.1034502

My father used to play 2600 games during his late teens, and also liked SNES/PC games during my childhood. He usually played PC games, but also DKC and Mario Kart. He dropped off(like many others) during the 2D/3D transition, but he did like some of the later Mario Karts.

>> No.1034549

My dad use to love racing games. We had some game that I can't remember the name of. It was like valley rally 2 or something on the ps1. He played that game and gran turismo all the time.

>> No.1034556

The consoles, computers and games (vidya + traditional) I grew up with were all my dad's. He's still an avid gamer to this day, but sticks to PC over console because he thinks modern console games are boring.

I love my dad.

>> No.1034579

my father always told me that video games were for idiots and children, and he just kind of sneered at the whole concept

he was deeply insecure and wrong about most things

>> No.1034585

Sounds exactly like my step father. Of course his contempt for things extends beyond video games. He thinks the same of any movie, book, or tv show that is not based on reality i.e. sports or the news.

>> No.1034593
File: 88 KB, 400x550, Genghis khan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad played Goldeneye with me a lot, but that was it.

My dad is huge into strategy games though. Total War, Age of Empires, Panzer General were big for him.

His all time favorite though is this. He was pretty big fan of other KOEI games too like P.T.O and Operation Europe.

I brought pic related with me at college and beat it on the hardest difficulty. As soon as I came back home for the summer I popped it in and brought my dad to watch me beat it from my save file. I did papa proud.

>> No.1034610
File: 108 KB, 640x923, 1116897287-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH and he really liked this one too.

My like of strategy games like these come from da old man for sure.

My mom only likes pac man and tetris

>> No.1034617
File: 96 KB, 400x550, romance_of_the_three_kingdoms.cover.front[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just reminds me of all of those times I wanted to play Megaman or something, but I couldn't because my dad was playing Nobunaga's Ambition, Genghis Khan or pic related.

Them Koei games, man.

>> No.1034629

my dad had the original RotTK and Nobunaga too

yes yes.. this music is burned into my memory for life

>> No.1034642

>waiting for that familiar RottK tune which is playing in my head even as we speak.
>click link

It's like we're the same person, anon.

>> No.1034658

I had no dad, but then my mom married someone who treated me like his own until I found out he wasn't my biological father and we both started acting weird about it.

>> No.1034663

my mom as an avid gamer. She would sometimes spend more time infront of the nintendo than us kids.

>> No.1034669

hi /pol/

>> No.1034671

wait... the SNES game was a puzzle game? I feel like I have to try this out now, looks kinda like lolo from that screen shot

>> No.1034672

Waaaay back when, I used to play adventure-puzzle games on the pc (king's quest, kyrandia, monkey island, etc) with my mom...we'd get a new game and play together to solve the games..

When i started getting into more action based games, rpgs, fps, i sort of alienated my mom. Looking back, I feel a little sad about it now.

>> No.1034674

my brother did that shit... I hated it back then, but I found it on GB and now sits with the bathroom gameboy. Its still short doses for me, but I respect it much more now.

>> No.1034691

My Dad used to play a lot back in the day, but now he rarely plays.

He did enjoy TLoU though

>> No.1034870

I honestly don't understand how some one could like these sort of games. They are just so tedious to me. Could you or some one else explain what the appeal is?

>> No.1034879

The long term strategy. They were really thinking ahead games, with lots of micromanaging and slow build.

All that plus an interesting historical setting.

If you like strategy games and don't need instant gratification, and/or enjoy history, they're pretty ace. If you don't, you're better off playing something else.

>> No.1035183

Games like Genghis Khan sometimes have slow starts, and for some people that can be hard to get past

You start conquering some countries, selling sheep, and making some pretty powerful historical figures your servants.. and ya start to get the hang of it.

Then as you conquered half the world.. somewhere behind your supply lines a vassal has betrayed you, and starts attacking your territories that you thought were protected behind your front lines.

This traitor executes one of your brothers, and you start to seething with rage! You do what you can to muster a force to fight him back and seek vengeance. That is when you know the game has a hold on you.

>> No.1035186

My mother has finished Mario World and ALTTP 100%. She can't even get the sword in OOT and pretty much just plays those shitty browser games or the Sims 2 nowadays, if she plays something at all.

>> No.1035204
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>H-hey Dad, you want to play super mario 64?It's really good
>Anon, this isnt very fun. the controls are too complicated, and its boring
Oh, ok

>mom, you want to try this game? Its called Animal crossing, and its really easy. All you have to do is go around town and interact with neighbors. Its fun
>Anon, you know I have no time for video games. I dont even like them. Ive seen you play them, and they dont look interesting

>> No.1035218

the only games i ever shared with my dad was some F-22 fighter pilot game (pc), and 1602 AD (pc).

He only ever played F-22, and we had a grand ol time discussing strategies, sharing which buttons did which. for whatever reason, he knew how to bomb things a certain way, and i knew how to eject.

he has since retired (from boeing of all places) and ive been trying to get him into some flight sims, but have only been met with resistance. he'll get bored someday.

he was the one to pick 1602 AD off of the fred meyer shelf back in the day. he never played it, but its one of my favorites. thanks jim

>> No.1035232

No. Me and my brother tried to get my mom to play Mortal Kombat, but she thought it was stupid and violent. I think it's kind of sad, actually. The older generation is missing out on so much by not playing any video games at all. I think my mom may have played PacMan when she was a teenager, but never while I was alive. I don't think my dad has ever played any video game.

As far as newer consoles, my mom and I had a serious rivalry in Wii bowling for months and months. She broke her arm years back, and now it doesn't bend the right way. Turns out, that puts it at the perfect angle to get a strike nearly every time in Wii bowling. I had my own strategy for hand/arm positioning and we would play for hours and hours trying to best one another. It was pretty fun.

>> No.1035240

Make sure you get a friend, it's meant to be a co-op game.

>> No.1035261

A few years ago I found a mothers day project I had made in 1st or 2nd grade. Looking at it, it was clear that the teacher was openly fishing for us to compliment our moms.

One of the prompts stuck out to me:

>What do you want to do with Mom on Mother's Day?

>"I want Mommy to play Nintendo with me" (paraphrased)

She never, ever did. She hated that I sunk so much time into it

>> No.1035276

My dad would frequent arcades in the 70's and early 80's.

Played video games a bit up until PS2, Xbox, and the Gamecube came around. We used to play Goldeneye and various football games together quite frequently.

Eventually, games just got to complicated for him. He tried playing Halo when I got my Xbox, and he just couldn't wrap his head around using both sticks at the same time.

Now, he just plays solitaire and Wii Sports.

My mom never liked video games all that much. She did play Goldeneye with me, but I don't think it was more just spending time with me and my dad than actually playing the game.

>> No.1036254


My mom hates video games.

My dad loved arcade games but wasn't that big on home consoles.

>> No.1036443

That's true, but you know once VR gaming is huge, there will be some devs that aren't panseys and they'll make some pretty cool shit like Flying sims or a VR Tron Lightcycle game or some shit. I think VR could possibly be the renaissance of gaming with so many people making games that have creative uses for VR tech.

>> No.1036487

I can't wait to get the oculus rift

>> No.1036551

Me either, are you going to get the omni treadmill once it comes out? If you don't know what it is, here's a video:

>> No.1036606

After my father died, my mother basically spent all her time looking after me and my siblings. Didn't have time for much except my old NES and SNES. First person I knew to beat the original Zelda in one sitting.

She mostly played RPGs like Final Fantasy 2 and 3. She didn't like Chrono Trigger as much. She occasionally played platformers. Bubsy for the SNES was her game of choice among those games, even though it's not exactly a good game.

She didn't play much beyond the Playstation era. Last game I remember her playing and beating was Dragon Quest 8. It didn't help that cancer basically limited her play time since she got tired easily.

I miss my game playing mother.

>> No.1036632

I used to play Blades of steel, tetris and SMB3 alot with my dad, then alot of Mario 64 (120 stars bitch!) I just intoduced him to Red Dead Redemption, he loves it. I should teach him hhow to platy the modern day NHL games

>> No.1036636

My mom fucking loved EarthBound. We spent many hours playing that game. I think that was the first "large" game she really enjoyed.

My dad's favorite game was GoldenEye, but he would help me with Pokemon Red on occasion. I recall there was a Spider-Man game for GBC that he took an interest in, as well.

>> No.1036654

My dad rarely ever played video games, but I remember one time he decided to play Gradius III for the SNES. I just remember him getting to the last level and dying and he just went "meh".

Mind you I had never seen him touch a game once before in my life. So this blew my mind when I was 8.

>> No.1036665

He.....he hates FICTION?

What else does this man hate—music? Food? Orgasms?

>> No.1038094

Initially neither of my parents liked video games. The only person I knew as a very young child who played video games was actually my dad's drinking buddy, who had a SNES with Mario World. I got to play it a few times when my dad brought me to parties, and I eventually inherited it.

My mom was the first one to get into it, while I had the SNES. We got pretty competitive on F-Zero, Star Fox and Wario's Woods. She loved Wario's Woods the most and could beat the hell out of story mode.

My dad took a LONG time to warm up to proper consoles. He's strictly a sports game man, and the closest he ever got to playing a game on his own was with Links 98. It wasn't until the Nintendo Wii came out and we showed him its release game: Wii Sports, he was a big fan of Tennis. Once he caught wind of the Tiger Woods games, we had him hooked. He still plays to pass the time.