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10331280 No.10331280 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's the grounds keepers shed in RE3

>> No.10331367

Nice thread. Powerful discussion

>> No.10331868
File: 145 KB, 640x480, 1612023965599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Tifa Redfield

>> No.10331881

>Have to burn the kindling to enter the secret room
>Instead of just pushing that shit out of the way

>> No.10331912
File: 493 KB, 631x476, Closed_oil_door.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gate is bound with rope
>Have to find a lighter and lighter fuel to burn the rope
>Even though you have a combat knife

>> No.10331918
File: 631 KB, 1143x658, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>door is locked
>there's a massive open window
Welcome to Resident Evil

>> No.10331945

>need to find 6 different gems spread out across different locations filled with zombies to unlock park gate
>would be easy as fuck to climb or make a makeshift ladder
The games rock btw

>> No.10332165

They could have just climbed the gates

>> No.10332208

Barry showed us in REmake that all you have to do to open 90 of these locked doors is just shoot the damn door latch, but the characters will still waste their time searching for keys.

>> No.10332385

For me its the save room next door. Very comfy.

>> No.10332431

Cut from the remake

>> No.10332432

isnt there only 2 gems ?

>> No.10332498

Perhaps the most egregious offender of all

>> No.10332620

Yes, he is rarted

>> No.10332652

I always thought there weren't puzzles in the "real story" and they were there just for gameplay reasons.
Like Jill being bitten and scratched several times and not getting the virus, being able to only carry 6 items don't matter the weight or size, or getting healed by random plants she finds in her way.

>> No.10332795

i'm okay with the cracks showing in 3. it was the true end of the series after all.

>> No.10332802

Right, and super Mario really saves a mushroom girl from a fire breathing dinosaur. It's a fuckin game, autist

>> No.10332835

Puzzles are explicilty a thing in the story too. You find copious files in the games that talk about major locations being intentionally designed as puzzle filled death traps.

>> No.10332869

>RE/FF crossover
Fund it

>> No.10332872

He's lucky that bullet didn't bounce back into his shin

>> No.10333369

Parasite Eve

>> No.10333429

All part of the RE3 grounds keepers shed experience brother

>> No.10334940
File: 315 KB, 1275x985, claireruncomplete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post 'em

this was my first time playing through Claire A, please be gentle

>> No.10335220
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>> No.10335241
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>using saves

You didn't beat the game. I bet you also use health sprays

>> No.10335261

>I bet you also use health sprays
No because health sprays lowers your score by a lot so using them is a bad idea of you want an S rank. Herbs are fine though

>> No.10335670

>outing yourself as an uncivilized barbarian who crawls through windows

>> No.10336287

In a survival situation, proper civilized etiquette is discarded.