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10326658 No.10326658 [Reply] [Original]

What are some remakes that you think respectfully match up to the original?
Pic related, I still wish we got MM2-6PU

>> No.10326747

I forgot this existed, huh

>> No.10326823

Still one of my favorite voices for the character.

>> No.10326854
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I do prefer the mood of the PS1 original overall but this is way better than it had any right being, plus it gets automatic points for including the original as a bonus

>> No.10326879
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I love this remake. Unlike the original, you’re given a hint before every floor. Instead of being a notebook sharing game, it’s functionally about solving riddles.

>> No.10327017

the remake of FE1 that came packaged with FE3

>> No.10327032

Is Garbage dont waste your time you want Modern Classic Mega Man? play Mega Man 11

>> No.10327223

all remakes are soulless with no exceptions

>> No.10327280
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This and the SNES DQI-III remakes come to mind
80s and 90s remakes were good sometimes

>> No.10327287
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>> No.10327318

Dragon Quest 3 on SNES

>> No.10327334
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>> No.10327336
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The only one remake that is as good if not better than the original

P.S: Mega Man Powered Up is a steaming pile of shit and you have awful taste

>> No.10327349

While trying to make a list I realized most of the better remakes/remasters with the best QOL improvements are all RPG's. Weird.
The Lufia 2 remake on the DS is one that never really gets mentioned, it's actually pretty good, lots of fun, aside from its version of the ancient cave, that shit is just a boring slog, it's basically the same as the """"randomized"""" dungeons in Lufia TLR. Just go clockwise or counter-clockwise until you find the exit. As a wonderful surprise, sometimes it will be in the middle!

>> No.10327457

I don't think this is anywhere near the OG MM1. This game is hideous and just adds in as many time wasting "cutscenes" as they can.

>> No.10327506


>> No.10327554

This sucked and was dull
Did anyone really like this?

>> No.10327664
File: 134 KB, 480x272, Mega_Man_Maverick_Hunter_X_Title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Powered Up is shit but Maverick Hunter X is one of the greatest. Fucking love everything about it man

>> No.10328114

Came to post this. Probably the best game in the X Series imo. I still need to try Dracula X Chronicle as well

>> No.10328228

Heh it's okay as far as remakes go, graphics are still shit though. The new fortress levels are cool but inferior to the original. Also the smaller FOV makes for some weird balance changes like how now the flamethrower weapons is OP as fuck because it clears half the screen so enemies have no time to react to it.

>> No.10328248

I like a lot of what PU does but I can't forgive it for what it did to cutman's theme.
The additional features are great though.

>> No.10328287

Powered Up is more a reboot than a remake.
Well, technically there is a classic mode that would classify as remake, but I doubt people think about the classic mode when they're talking about Powered Up.

>> No.10328332

Is that the PS2 or DS version? Because both are good, just for different reasons.

>> No.10328337

I know it's not for everyone because it's so different from the original, but I genuinely do think RE2make is a fantastic game and deserves to stand on the same level as the original RE2

>> No.10328342
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I'm actually surprised it doesn't get brought up more in discussions of what are good remakes
>inb4 it's more of a reimagining
Fuck you, it's a remake and you know it.

>> No.10328346

>deserves to stand on the same level as the original RE2
I am honestly completely okay with people praising it as long as they don't say shit like this

>> No.10328365

Not Retro

>> No.10328374

i think metroid zero mission is another good example

>> No.10328381

Extra points for this one for including the original game in it. This is probably the best answer. If we're just saying matches the original I'd say REmake fits too.

>> No.10328383

no, i want classic megaman only

>> No.10328392

it was for the gamecube, is that not retro enough?

>> No.10328450

PS2, the DS version is a 2.5D game with 3d backgrounds and character sprites and isometric view in the vein of DQVII for the ps1. The PS2 version is fully 3d.

>> No.10328461

Nta but the DS version is probably still better

>> No.10328845
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Dragon’s Trap remake was very soulful and literally emulated the game below the shiny new graphics (allowing you to switch back tp the original at any point in time)

>> No.10328856
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>> No.10328923

>chat channels are useless and buggy
>long load times for making new games
The updated graphics don't make these excusable.

>> No.10328932

I think it's a great game, but in context of Metroid it almost just feels more like a retread of Super with a stealth section tacked on.

>> No.10328946

I prefer the DS version, but I like the PS2 one as well. I don't think you can really go wrong either way. Deborah is just so damn funny.

>> No.10329050

maybe because the original metroid and super metroid take place in the same planet and have the same bosses (super has more bosses though)

>> No.10329113

11 is the best of classic though

>> No.10329283
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>> No.10329290
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I really wanna play a Mega Man based on Ishikawa's universe.
Would be pretty fucking sick.

>> No.10329292

They're not siblings you cunt.
CapUSA lied to you.

>> No.10329294

Nothing goes deeper than the cock of your robot boyfriend(/brother).

>> No.10329302

>play Mega Man 11
I did, it's was honestly fun.
There's so much you can do with the RE engine and Capcom is just wasting it on realism slop like SFVI, RE remake, MonHunWorld, etc.

That being said, if Capcom doesn't start doing Powered Up 2-6, i will declare that we're back in the dark ages again.

>> No.10329309

Reminder they did this but had the balls to put out the iOS remake of X on newer platforms again.

>> No.10329864

The only problem with the game is that, once you buster only a boss, you have sit through the introduction stage if you wanna use them. I wish there was an option to just swap between them on the same save file, too.
It could have benefited from the removal of the personality system. It's just a shittier version of Pokemon natures.

>> No.10329906

I really detest how almost every modern game just HAS to be made in the Unreal Engine. It's bound to all look the same when the lighting and effects are pretty much identical. Nothing stands out anymore.

>> No.10329917

This and MHX were doomed to fail since Mega Man's main demographic was on DS, not PSP.
Was the same way during the PS2 days where every game seemed to use Renderware.

>> No.10331282

depends on the series
in battle network, they're explicit boyfriend/girlfriend

>> No.10331335
File: 197 KB, 1121x800, Toru Nakayama's Mega Man universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see Toru's megamanverse too.
IMO, his artstyle fits a lot better with Classic & BN than X.

>> No.10331341

Bass sisters.......

>> No.10331347
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He threw you guys a bone during MM11's release period, don't worry.

>> No.10332087

>literally emulated the game below the shiny new graphics

isn't it just a new engine? cuz the 8-bit mode runs at 60 fps while the original master system version is a choppy mess

>> No.10333505
File: 125 KB, 240x415, Castlevania_Dracula_X_Chronicles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you don't want to admit it.

>> No.10333545

I mean it comes with the original too if you just want to play that. Not a fan of the new translation/voice acting in the SotN included, though.

>> No.10333570

My father sought to rule the world with gold. He deemed it well. The folk believed that Shinra would be their shield. Serve Shinra, earn your bread. If foes assail, the Shinra host will aid you. Fair it seemed in outward show. But, I have other plans. I’ll rule the world with dread. It costs too much to do as did my father. A touch of fear will sway the hearts of lesser men. There’s no need to waste my gold on them.

>> No.10333585

>I mean it comes with the original too if you just want to play that
Exactly, but even then, the remake has actually good stuff too, new bosses, redesigned levels (that actually improve the game) and a 3rd form for Dracula that actually makes him challenging. Also boss rush mode and co-op play. It's a great remake that's often dismissed by hipsters that complain about the graphics because they play an emulated PSP game on stretched HD screens.
>Not a fan of the new translation/voice acting in the SotN included, though.
Never listened to the new dub myself, I'm just glad it actually has the original japanese voice acting with english subs. Not like there's that many lines of dialogue in the game, anyway. And I was never fan of the "what is a man" meme. I am, however, a fan of the PSP SOTN having back the familiars that were cut from the english version of SOTN, love that song "Nocturne", both english and japanese.

>> No.10333591

>Never listened to the new dub myself
It's Yuri Lowenthal as Alucard and while I actually like him in a bunch of roles, I think he doesn't work in the way the original dub actor did.

>> No.10333595

It comes across as a parody of Megaman 1 more than anything.
>Classic is cuter than X... so this game is silly looney tunes land ROFL!

>> No.10333601

>roll butt rockets
imagine the smell

>> No.10333817
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Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled is my favorite remake of all tine despite a BS cash shop system. Hoping SMRPG will be as good as it looks.

>> No.10333850

Ishikawa is peak MM.

>> No.10334025
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This one is outright superior, but people will never come to accept it.

>> No.10334916
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To me it's this, also Nightmare in Dream Land from GBA too.

>> No.10334927
File: 338 KB, 1280x720, The official name is 'Aomigakatta Haiiro Inu' (Bluish Gray Dog), but in the game it is written only as 'Haiinu' due to character limitations..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They straight up have development notes thinly disguised as bestiary lore. That is amazing.

>> No.10334942

The original is one of my all-time favourites so I really went into this with an open mind and tried so hard to enjoy. I can't even finish it, it's fucking bad.
>Completely generic Unreal Engine artstyle. All traces of contrast and darkness are stamped out with a typical overabundance of fog that plagues modern gaming.
>Sword hits no longer stun enemies which makes the already shitty combat much more frustrating. I genuinely think this is a N Sane Trilogy type issue where the new game is harder than the world because of stupid shit like this.
>Clubs and hammers take 2 extra seconds to wind up now which makes them completely useless.

I just can't do it, I have no idea why people see this as "one of the good ones" in the remake landscape. At least the new music is nice and the voice acting got left in. The original MediEvil was really lightning in a bottle considering everything after it was shit.

>> No.10334947
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looks like a pajeet mobile game

>> No.10335484

Zero Mission, Am2r.
Maverick hunter x is cool but I got filtered for two reasons
1. I hate the artstyle, I know it's trying to imitate the sprites of the original but it lacks the gritty bite of the original art
2. Twice as much knockback when you get hit
The physics in general are weird compared to my muscle memory of X1, but that isn't a deal breaker.

>> No.10335607

>I have no idea why people see this as "one of the good ones" in the remake landscape.
I don't think they do, I never see people mention it. Spyro yes but not MediEvil

>> No.10335727

NTA but Rearmed is fucking amazing. It's not the prettiest or fanciest looking game but the mechanics, audio and OST are Godly.

>> No.10335832

It was made back when Xbox Live still had a memory limit so it was stuck to being under half a gigabyte (and I think a price limit, games couldn't exceed $15), They made good work with what they had, game's fuckin great

>> No.10335868

I bet >>10334947 is the kind of person who only plays a game if it's either "8 Bit" either actually 8-Bit or pixel graphics or otherwise it has to be in UE5 for optimal graphical ugliness.

>> No.10336354

Yeah, so heckin epic

>> No.10336638

Do any other Mega Man games have "pretty much objectively better" versions like what PU is to the first entry, and what Revamped is to Mega Man 3?

>> No.10336647

Pokémon Soul Silver/Heart Gold.

>> No.10336648

every few years I'm reminded of this game and I load up this track

>> No.10336797

Loved this game so much I beat Vile mode countless times

>> No.10337254
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>two soundtracks
>both kick fucking ass

>> No.10337720

It runs at fucking 30 fps and the 3d models are a massive downgrade from the beautiful sprites the original had.

>> No.10337995
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I can't help but worry a little about the remake's English version. I wonder if all of what they've shown so far is final. Fine, reserving enemy/location retranslations for the more egregious ones is to be expected when you have to satisfy multiple rights holders, but Mario's "shirts" should have been the very first thing they changed. It was mainly a constraint issue, and they have the text space now that it's no longer a problem to use the right word, so why is it fixed in every language except English? Is nostalgia powerful enough that it has to overtake Mario's iconic overalls? And they're keeping the "pins" despite badges returning in the later Mario RPGs and even SMB Wonder. I'm very curious about the dialog, but as far as the names go, I expect missed opportunities/connections. Maybe they would've been bolder if SMRPG was released back when Square was rereleasing their older catelog with wildly different translations.
Those who insisted they're not canines or whatever because "aha, WOOLSEY misread HYENA!" got owned.

>> No.10338834
File: 144 KB, 960x540, trials-of-mana.large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised on one mentioned Trails of Mana.
>respectful to the original
>expounded upon storylines in the original
>amazing graphics
>much better gameplay with jumping to boot
> good voice acting in Japanese
God help you if you play that shit dubbed

Over all amazing

>> No.10338861
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Yeah, sorry, I misremembered. The developer says that he studied the original assembly source and built a custom emulator to run and study the game, but later, they redid everything so that it could run at 60 FPS.
It’s not bad, but some areas suck in the comparison with a SNES game.

>> No.10338864

It has superior gameplay (I would hope so, the original game is downright broken). But man the graphics are such a downgrade.

>> No.10338876

Checking a video, is that the same engine as DQ11? It looks eerily similar.... but with worse looking assets and a lot less details.

Still, I've actually been going through the original lately and this remake looks midly interesting. Combat is a mess in the original (I wonder if there is something I can do to make it better, perhaps tell the AI not to have everyone focus on the same enemy even though that would be less efficient) and looks like it could be less messy in the remake

>> No.10338880

the character models were top tier though

>> No.10338886

>. but with worse looking assets and a lot less details.
I think they focused more so on the character models than the enviornments.

> can do to make it better, perhaps tell the AI not to have everyone focus on the same enemy even though that
yup, ai directives and telling the party what to do.

>> No.10339120

Just noticed Ridley in the background