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File: 11 KB, 300x225, 1142464-sega_saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10324026 No.10324026 [Reply] [Original]

Saturn emulation is shit and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.10324035
File: 57 KB, 545x444, b67f49feec7019014742511f13d039fa5a33bc7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't own a Saturn

>> No.10324036

Mednafen is pretty decent these days, though runs a bit fast. Unless you're doing homebrew or hacking/translation patches you most likely wont notice the accuracy issues.

>> No.10324038

I do. Last time I busted it out the laser was having trouble and the audio sounded distorted. These old consoles aren't going to last forever.

>> No.10324039

Get a Satiator or Fenrir then.

>> No.10324045

Saturn is shit and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.10324047

That's not even the point, the fact I can't emulate a 30 year old console on my Switch is just ridiculous.

>> No.10324053

Get a better computer.

>> No.10324054

Why are you trying to emulate it on an underpowered tablet?

>> No.10324065

Because you can emulate pretty much every other console up to the DC just fine on it?

>> No.10324073
File: 41 KB, 640x400, SegataSanshiroSaturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checked, at the time of posting it appears that devmiyax has f i n a l l y fixed the issue I was having on my Chromebook and the games are now playable again. What a relief.

>> No.10324075

This board would be a lot better everyone owned original hardware.

>> No.10324081

Those emulators are probably just as inaccurate and full of issues. Hell Nintendo's own N64 emulator on the thing is a trainwreck.

The Saturn is a far more complex system with a lot more pieces to emulate, if just one of them is off the whole thing is going to fall apart.

>> No.10324086
File: 310 KB, 600x400, CT2_download_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the Saturn Tribute games or Capcom Arcade Stadium instead. Sadly no Sonic or NiGHTS ports yet but there's also Panzer Dragoon Remake and HotD Remake.

>> No.10324090

>The Saturn is a far more complex system with a lot more pieces to emulate,
bullshit, it's still 30 years old. there just isn't anywhere near the interest in it as there is in other platforms.

>> No.10324101

You have 2 CPUs, 2 VDPs, a custom sound chip, another CPU to drive that, a custom buggy DSP, and the CD-ROM block with it's own CPU to emulate. Plus a weird and fractured memory set up. All of that needs to be emulated correctly for the system to function properly. And that's not even getting into the mess that VDP1 and VDP2 are.

>> No.10324105

how does that contradict my post in any way.

>> No.10324120

The issue with your retarded argument is that just because something is old doesn't mean it's not complex and challenging to emulate accurately. Especially when the system architecture itself is confusing and convoluted.

The emulators you're using on your switch are inaccurate, but because there's less complexity to those systems and less pieces that need to be emulated and in sync with each other, the inaccuracies aren't as disastrous when they do happen. If you tried to run an accurate N64 or even SNES emulator on your switch, it probably wouldn't be able to do it at full speed.

>> No.10324130

It's actually a demand thing, retard. The PS2 is better emulated than the Saturn despite being newer and signicaantly more complex, and it STILL has a somewhat functional Switch emulator.

>> No.10324164

Get Kronos

>> No.10324168

The PS2 is mostly all CPU and Polygon pushing brute force. Yes it's complex, but it's still rendering actual polygons in a way that's more inline with what a modern GPU expects. As a result it can lend itself better to high level emulation techniques, just like the N64, Gamecube, and Dreamcast can.

It's not like Saturn with the janky VDP1 using Quads/Distorted Sprites, and VDP2 doing traditional tilemap backgrounds and mode 7 stuff. You also don't have the broken DSP that even Sega barely understood or the 2 SH2 CPUs sharing the same bus etc. So no, it's not just popularity and demand. Saturn is just weird and requires a beefy computer to get the emulation working correctly. There's a reason why Yabause/YabaSanshiro and Kronos while running on potato tier hardware, can't even decode FMVs properly or can't even run a basic visual novel:


It's not because the developers don't know the hardware, it's not because there's no demand for the emulators. It's because when you target trying to run it on shit like an android phone, emulation quality is going to take a massive hit.

>> No.10324175

Agreed. Hence why I play on an actual Sega Saturn.

>> No.10324181

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.10324186

I'm sorry you can't accept that Saturn requires relatively high accuracy emulation for the games to function properly.

>> No.10324190

I don't accept that. This is 2023, there can be good lightweight Saturn emulators if people tried or cared. There is absolutely no reason a fucking Wii U can be more accurately emulated than a Saturn in 2023.

>> No.10324201

The emulator isn't bad.
Your PC just isn't up to spec for running it.

>> No.10324203

>There is absolutely no reason a fucking Wii U can be more accurately emulated than a Saturn in 2023.
You might want to look into how emulators like UltraHLE worked to understand why that kind of stuff happens. Saturn emulators can't really do that because the way it renders is nothing like what a modern GPU expects.

>> No.10324204

>There is absolutely no reason a fucking Wii U can be more accurately emulated than a Saturn in 2023.
There are tons of very good reasons that have to do with the Wii U being architecturally much, much more similar to a standard PC than the Saturn is.

>> No.10324208


The Wii U is from an emulation stand-point very similar to an old iMac. Which itself is just a normal PC with a CPU with a slightly more efficient instruction set.

>> No.10324350

lmao at this clueless seething faggot. It's so easy and you know so much about how easy it is so surely you can just make an emulator yourself.

>> No.10324354

You're emulating? Unfortunate

>> No.10324378

Shut up. Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.10324380 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 295x420, Bernie-Stolar-Jordan-Freeman-Banner_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not missing much.

>> No.10324386

Please tell us more about how Saturn emulation has personally slighted you.

>> No.10324387

Not even much worth emulating.

>> No.10324404

Fuck you I'm not spending $200+ on an almost identical experience but with HDTV input lag, broken disc lasers and controllers that are wearing out.

>> No.10324409
File: 2.99 MB, 1280x720, 1585444273678.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks cock (a trait you have in common with it)

>> No.10324410

So emulate on your PC instead of your switch.

>> No.10324418

Lol, you're this pissed off over 1 frame of input lag? Here I was thinking you were upset over things like Yabause being a complete trainwreck.

>> No.10324420

Mednafen is also missing features all normal emulators have like support for higher rendering resolutions.

>> No.10324434

Because it prioritizes actually working. There's also the fact that due to the way Saturn is setup with VDP1 and VDP2 that having one rendering in a higher resolution than the other would make things look really odd.

>> No.10324543

there is no 1 frame of input lag
that is the difference of screen used

>> No.10324549
File: 145 KB, 680x680, 1657341200215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saturn emulation is shit and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
I can run PSP emulation on my old laptop quite smoothly... even some PS2 depending on what I'm playing... but nothing on Saturn runs, it's so awful. Its come a long way, but this is a console that still has a long way to go emulation wise...

>> No.10324552

>itt people who refuse to use Retroarch
top kek, it just writes itself at this point

>> No.10324582

>buy old games

>> No.10324658


>> No.10324661

Remakes aren't old and buying original versions is best anyways. Or you could physically steal them, I'm not your dad

>> No.10324870

Just buy a MiSTer mate

(Mr. Mister has deposited 50 misterbucks to your account)

>> No.10325902

unironically this. i was just playing and with oem controllers (zero lag).

>> No.10326469

I struggle to emulate Saturn well even with this...

>> No.10326868

my computer runs beetle saturn fine. never ran into any issues and it ran at full speed. is your computer weak or something?

>> No.10326898

Saturn IS SHIT and I am tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.10326915

>I am tired of pretending it's not.
Doesn't look like you're pretending

>> No.10326920

It's fine. It's the games that suck

>> No.10326936

Didn't hackers figure out how to swap the rom in this release and get some games working? The only problem being you have to have the Cotton2 bezels

>> No.10326938

ok then write your own, no one is stopping you.
go ahead and prove it

>> No.10326992

wtf are you people talking about? Mednafen is great, and runs full speed on my computer, you people just have weak hardware

>> No.10326993

Sabasanshiro runs 100% on my old Xeon X5650.
Few graphical glitches tho.

>> No.10327124

True. Arcade emulation, especially for more demanding systems has been shit too.

>> No.10328841
File: 90 KB, 481x480, ohh I am just no good as a human being.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you all say are the minimum PC and smartphone specifications to actually run Saturn well? I have both an old laptop and this Android smartphone with about 4GB of RAM and both of them have processors that weren't great by the time they came out in the late 2010's... so what are the hardware specifications I should aim for?

>> No.10328843

That closed source emulator made by that Japanese guy that he only posts updates for on twitter is pretty good tee bbb heich

>> No.10329092

Never had a problem with SSF

>> No.10330091

That anon explained the problem reasonably and thoroughly and you just insulted him with your stupid caustic attitude. You embody the worst qualities of this board and I have quite enjoyed watching your stupid Dunning-Kruger ass get btfo by the previous responders.

Continue to seethe.

>> No.10330104

It reminds me a lot of the N64. A fun trip down memory lane but not nearly as good as anybody remembers it (weebs need not apply). Dreamcast is when they finally got it right

>> No.10330332

I don't know man, I've got an i5-4590 and a GTX 650Ti and Beetle Saturn just works. I get a bit of slowdown from time to time, but it happens only with shaders enabled. There's none when I disable them, so I guess it's on my GPU.

>> No.10330341
File: 60 KB, 500x500, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always funny to see faggots with 2010-tier hardware seethe and shit themselves when they can't run working but relatively demanding emulators and complain when the shitty ones that actually do run can't actually play games properly. Is this the power of the third world?

>> No.10330372

impossible to fault the emulator (in Mednafen's case) unless we know the exact display characteristics

>> No.10330373

>gray buttons
this shit always triggers my OCD

>> No.10330393

I'm disappointed on you /vr/. 66 posts and only one saying it "works 100%" (on the five games the poster knows).

>> No.10330419

I don't get why it's so hard for people to understand that complex hardware is hard to emulate literally because of the fact that it's complex

>> No.10330648

>Saturn is shit and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.10330689

That's also why you're a virgin

>> No.10331226

>and the audio sounded distorted
Change out the caps in the audio mixer circuit, you fag.

>> No.10331246

five seconds of Google searching found that his distorted audio is almost certainly a capacitor issue. replace those and you'll be good for another 25 years.

>> No.10332763

^This. Repair your stuff, dummy.

>> No.10332813

yea but the input lag is still worse than mednafen

>> No.10332818

>Lol, you're this pissed off over 1 frame of input lag? Here I was thinking you were upset over things like Yabause being a complete trainwreck.
No one in their right mind would want to play a laggier game if they could help it.