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File: 526 KB, 1280x720, What If Final Fantasy 8 was voice acted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10321292 No.10321292 [Reply] [Original]

So, I did an experiment with an AI Voice Swapper to dub the FF8 Possessed Edea speech, using FFXIII Lighting voice for her (Hank Hill stars for a cameo as Deling).


Would you like to actually see (mostly retro) games being re-released with the added option to switch voice acting on\off?

You think companies, with all the budget have, cop you out by not adding it to these games that could benefit from it or, at least, at a further motivation to try them again?

>> No.10321305

All this does is highlight how bad ff8 dialogue is.

>> No.10321310


By what I understood reading around, the game had a localization that botched the subtlety and depth of the original dialogues (it seems many localized games from Japan get this treatment), this is just a proof of concept, what I would like to know about why companies don't add voice over to these retro-games when re-released, and the experienced 4chan retrogamer user opinion on it.

>> No.10321317

Life acting is time consuming and costly.

>> No.10321324


You meant voice acting?

I guess it is weird if people choose the snotty lofty voice actors, what if they use the good but lesser known one and maybe change their voice with AI to make them sound like different characters?

I cannot believe no players would play their favorite retro-game with Voice Over added in (even as a on\off toggle), and I cannot believe even more that any company worth its salt would not add proper voice over to those retro games that would heavily benefit from it (say, Viagrant Story or the Parasite Eve duology).

>> No.10321361

FF8 was when translating games was taken more seriously after the severe botching of FF7's. Most of its problems are inherent in the story and the way it's told more than how it's translated. It has poorly-timed foreshadowing and too many implications and irrelevant subplots.

For example, even though it's as obvious as a bomb going off, it's never said that Laguna is Squall's father.

>> No.10321364


Ok but WHY are we talking about FF8 instead of the concept of voice-acting added in non-dubbed retro-games by the companies that developed and distributed them?

I mean I even did a dub proof concept of a scene from both Parasite Eve and Viagrant Story, would anyone keep bitching about the game like that if I shared the footage from any of those two games?

So, what is the opinion of the retrogamer about voice acting being added as an option to the retro-game classics of the past?

>> No.10321381

I know on Japan side ff8 was a rush job of a game and narratively it is a mess. However, the dialogue is downright childish and I am certain localizers are to blame. The characters all talk like idiots.

>> No.10321386


This has to be either trolling or stupidity by low-iq nobodies.

>> No.10321389

AI voices are shit and require total rewrites of game scripts to work, post this again in five years.

>> No.10321394


Those are not "AI Voices", those are "AI Voice Swaps", they change what exists by morphing it after you play with some sliders, learn to understand what you read.

Of course the technology will be better in maybe even less than 5 years, but it voice to voice sounds very convincing already - if I told you this was AI voice swapped, would you have noticed?

>> No.10321428

It would actually be neat if it was done for the JP script in JP voice and added to the ENG translated game. It would actually improve the experience by giving even those who can't be arsed playing JP only a taste of the original script

>> No.10321436

No it wasn't, it's FF9 that was a side thing developed while all the hype and resources were already heading to FF10

>> No.10321442

FF8 is as rushed out the door to capitalize on Ff7 hype and it shows. The sorry I a rushed mess that falls apart into nonsense.

>> No.10321445

It's not, you can keep repeating that but it just simply wasn't. The development history of it is well known.

>> No.10321446


That would be an interesting way to make any retro game more palatable for the customers that want voice acting, offering both the JP and then ENG audio tracks as options.

I mean Eng voice acting it's not bad if the VO director gives the right context and direction to the Voice Actors - FFXII is still among the best voice acted JRPGS after all, to the point that fans go for ENG Voices > JP Voices always.

What I like about AI voice swaps is that studios can use lesser known people - but as talented as the famous one, or even more - and then use Ai to make their voice output similar to the famous guys, so that it sounds familiar but they cannot moan the voice is theirs.

That would save companies money and time wasted because of capricious and whimsical behaviors from VA divas.

>> No.10321478
File: 79 KB, 482x658, 1690335908315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think companies, with all the budget have, cop you out by not adding it to these games that could benefit from it or, at least, at a further motivation to try them again?
Outside the country of origin, the VA quality won't get the same treatment across all regions like with the Jap subs despite the budget (like Legend of Dragoon) and knowing how Jap companies work, it's too much of a time sync anyway to add VAing into such an old game.
If they ever add VAing, I'd much prefer they do it like how Skies of Arcadia did it.

>> No.10321491
File: 959 KB, 2000x1000, 1697002953149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That would save companies money and time wasted because of capricious and whimsical behaviors from VA divas.
You admit they have all the money in the world and yet you're compromising with their spending habits?
Fuck the fuck off, you bootlicking AI shill. Not fucking retro OR video games.

>> No.10321517


Voice actors throwing tantrums because they don't like this or that wastes time, and time is money.

You are mentally ill, because I wrote, you subhuman vermin, that it would be positive for companies to user LESSER KNOWN Voice Actors and then use the AI to morph their vocie so that it sounds close but not identical to the famous ones that behave like bitches on set.

NEVER wrote about replacing, bitch fuck, but about using a TOOL to make everything faster and without hassle.

I do that myself, retard, for fun, and since I discovered a better alghoritm, it allows me to voice FUCKING FEMALES so well I can barely believe it myself, so imagine what could that mean in the professional settings - some hardcore hentai they want to localize in English but the female VA is a prude bitch, no worry, call Johnny the do-it-all skilled voice actor and change his voice to female and THERE YOU GO, no time wasted!