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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, IBM_Computer_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10318989 No.10318989 [Reply] [Original]

How much longer will retro computers be affordable? Besides meme shit like the Apple Lisa most retro computers including historically significant ones like the Commodore Pet and IBM PC can still be had for below $1500 on eBay.

>> No.10319007

>for below $1500 on eBay
Still super expensive for what it is. 20 years ago those computers complete with monitor and everything were sold for less than $100
I'm pretty sure retro PC Youtubers like LGR are partly to blame

>> No.10319013 [DELETED] 

No one has every bought a launch model of eBay Commodore PET for $100.

>> No.10319015

No but people weren't selling Gravis Ultrasound cards at $500 either

>> No.10319016

No one has every bought a launch model Commodore PET off eBay for $100.

>> No.10319123 [DELETED] 

this shit was ewaste until faggots like LGR and the 8 bit paperclip destroyer ruined it for everyone

>> No.10319196

>paperclip destroyer

>> No.10319250

lmao. Imagine paying anywhere close to $1500 for a shitty old computer just because youtube told you that was how to impress strangers on the internet. There are legit reasons to buy old computers, but not something like that.

>> No.10319287

NTA but I assume anon's talking about The 8-bit Guy, though I need a QRD on the paperclip nickname.

>> No.10319290

He straightens out paperclips and sticks them down his urethra. There is a clip of it on liveleak.

>> No.10319298
File: 761 KB, 793x659, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On September 25, 2020, David released a video where he finds a rare IBM 7496 workstation computer at Computer Reset, a large computer warehouse in Dallas. While attempting to diagnose the computer, he bridged a proprietary connection on the power supply using a paperclip in an attempt to turn the computer on without the monitor, causing a short circuit. While diagnosing the power supply, David took a rotary tool in order to defeat the security screws in order to take the cover off, which resulted in gouges on the cover. Both actions drew significant criticism to the point where David disabled comments on that particular video

>> No.10319304
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>> No.10319307
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He did it twice

>> No.10319318

There's no reason this shouldn't have worked, the Compaq Portable just has absolutely crap tantalum capacitors that blow up for no reason.

>> No.10319321

Hello David

>> No.10319328

Everyone who has ever repaired a Compaq Portable power supply has blown up a capacitor or two. Just google "exploding Compaq Portable" for proof.

>> No.10319404

What an absolute fucktard. I knew the guy was retarded, but he's gone full retarded here.
>There's no reason this shouldn't have worked
You sure? What exactly was he trying to do there? It's not entirely clear from the video. Looks like he was trying to power the machine over a floppy power cable.

>> No.10319414

I'm not sure the exact way he did it would have worked but I've built an ATX to AT power supply adapter for my Compaq Portable and after replacing a couple blown capacitors it worked fine.

>> No.10319430

Sucks but I keep telling people this hobby is blown up permanently and they keep hitting me with the it will come back down cope, FPGA are your best bet for most of this going forward

>> No.10319469

Can you just downgrade a modern computer to run an old OS? Or is a lot of this shit just not going to work on anything past Y2K

>> No.10319507

It's not just about the software but also the experience of using the hardware too. Otherwise you can just accurately emulate any old x86 system with 86Box

>> No.10320404

Presumably you weren't trying to power the PSU over a floppy power connector or whatever retarded shit that faggot was trying to do.
Until your "FPGA" emulates a massively larger range of hardware it's at best viable for casual use. In theory this could be improved by adding the ability to use original hardware expansion devices, but then you're back to relying on those sour grapes.
In many cases no. This is one of the main reasons people keep multiple old machines. Also why dosbox and things of the sort exist. Obviously you can't take a nonexistent modern anything and do anything with it.

>> No.10321029

In part, but this happens with all technology as it's been obsolete for long enough. The Ford Model T used to be groundbreaking, then it became dated, then it became a complete hunk of shit compared to then current cars, and along the way people didn't take good enough care of them, so numbers kept dwindling. The historically minded came to appreciate them more and more, and eventually an intact and/or original Model T becomes a valuable collectible due to their rarity and historical importance.

This shit is inevitable and inherent to human nature. Try and find old Civil War rifled muskets in good condition, and without having been bored out to fowlers, you can find one, but it'll cost you a pretty penny. They were cheap and abundant after the war, but in the 1900s that gradually changes, and they become valuable antiques.

For some people, that's just not a lot of money.

That was pretty stupid.

>> No.10321143

>For some people, that's just not a lot of money.
Doesn't mean it's not retarded to waste that much money to impress neets and weebs. You can get a much more functional machine for much less.

>> No.10321160

Computer games were built with variable hardware in mind; it really isn't that hard getting legacy software to work on modern computers; it's not like they're using boutique chipsets to exploit undocumented behavior of a custom processor. Getting legacy hardware to work, on the other hand...

>> No.10321164

Retro Computer
I don't know man, most shit worth getting is already f'n sky high as far as I'm concerned. Sharp X68000 is out of my reach. I got a Apple IIgs so I think I'm covered with Apple II stuff. I have several Macs from old PPC stuff to G4.
Already got Amiga 1200 and Atari STe. Already got the ZX Spectrum I want. I'm done with other UK computers. I don't want any others. I was going to get MSX2, but I don't know anymore. I have more Older PC's than I know what to do with already.

>> No.10321174
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Pathetic. I bet you'd find someone to blame for Pokemon prices too.
You can play anything you want for free. You don't need to be a blathering baby about things you want but aren't willing to pay for.

>> No.10321180

>Can you just downgrade a modern computer to run an old OS?
No, you just don't need super expensive collectible hardware. You can still easily get old HPs and PackardBells for cheap or even free. Just don't expect to be handed a fucking Voodoo for free.

>> No.10321190

hi Clint

>> No.10321207

This. There's plenty of shitware that will still run plenty of old games just fine. A serviceable "retro gaymen" PC can be made without shelling out big bucks on eBay. The only games where you may struggle are the super old DOS games that require an 8088 or a 25 MHz 386 or some such. Sound may also be an issue, and you may have to settle here for "good enough" Sound Blaster compatibility, but there may some some options here as well. The toughest ones may be the early Win9x games.

>> No.10321240

The Best computer for OLD DOS games are Tandy 1000's. I have an 8088 made by Leading Edge. I'd much rather use a Tandy 1000.
There's so many competent clone sound cards. You can still buy NIB PCI sound cards for less than $30.

>> No.10321276

>dat setup
>can't set shutter rate to 1/60s

>> No.10321318

It's not mine. The only Apple Monitors I own are the Color Monitor for the Apple IIgs and a 4:3 LCD Studio Monitor. I have a VGA adapter for the Studio Monitor too. Ohhh I forgot someone gave me a modern Apple Widescreen monitor. So I guess that's three.

>> No.10321372

Yeah, but you're looking at it purely as a tool, and not a collectible legacy item.

The Colt Python is an old outdated hunk of shit of a revolver, the manufacturing was deluxe, and it was a neat enough target gun for PPC sport back in the 1970s and 1980s, while these days it's mostly eclipsed by a humble Ruger GP100 Match Champion. You'd be paying probably $4000 now for a janky revolver which develops horrible timing problems if you look at it wrong, and it just would not be a good utility or tool from a 2023 perspective, but it looks real pretty, has a double-action trigger smooth as silk, and it has a lot of history with shooting sports, media (iconic movie and game appearances), and the industry itself, so boomers pay out the absolute ass for the things.

Nobody who's paying $1800 for that old legacy toaster there is doing so because they're under the illusion that they're investing in a cutting edge and high performance device which will bring them a lot of utility. You're buying that thing because you either want it as a collectible, or you have personal history and nostalgia for the thing (which probably still leans a lot to the former).

Ostensibly there could be speculators prowling, but it's a lot easier to slab and 'grade' dirt common NES and Game Boy games (which take a fraction of the space), and then claim they're worth $50000. The fact that this old thing is going for under $2000 says to me that intact examples are probably not that common, and from a collector standpoint is fairly reasonable.
Compare to how Little Samson was going for around $500 to $700 a decade back, and that was quite high, but it was also a legitimately fairly rare game which saw little production, while now an outright conman gets his journo shill pals to announce to the world that his slabbed copy of Super Mario 64, a game that sold almost 12 million copies, is totes worth $1000000

There's pricing driven by high interests and low supply, and then there's fraud.

>> No.10321384

Not really, no, backwards compat is virtually never reaching very far back. There is however a lot of options for emulators and virtual machines for old consoles and computers. Some old games also have ports, official or fanmade, so there's options for running some stuff right in a modern OS.

>> No.10321425

>The Colt Python
.... :( I had the chance to buy one for $200 that was handling +p rounds by us retards. I was really accurate with it too.

>> No.10321593

DOSBox alone will cover most DOS games very well, or mostly well, so you can just learn to configure that on a Win10 or Win11 machine. Not to talk about all kinds of emulators, there's programs for running old Commodore 64 and Apple II programs and games too.

Retro gaming doesn't have to cost all that much or require much special hardware. Any decent USB gamepad with enough buttons and a pair of sticks will be alright for most console games 7th gen and back, and the games only cost as much as you wanna pay for them a lot of the time.

Most collectible hobbies don't have such a grand luxury as an option. If all you wanna do is just play the game, that's usually very easy.

That price would have been too good to be true 20 years ago, so I suspect there might have been something wrong with it which wasn't readily apparent.
The Python really isn't built or designed for hot Magnum loads IMO (allegedly it was gonna be just for .38 Special until late in product development). The pressure bearing parts can deal with it, but rapid double action shooting with hot ammo beats up the lockwork a lot, and is a common culprit if you find one with bad timing.

Getting way away from /vr/ here, so maybe take a look if there's a revolver thread or Handgun General up on >>>/k/ right now, but in my opinion the Colt Diamondback and Colt Trooper (the right iteration anyway), are much better shooters than an original Colt Python, and the petty excuse for one which nuColt are hawking these days.

>> No.10321662

>Yeah, but you're looking at it purely as a tool, and not the thing you literally just said you're looking at it as
>Nobody who's paying $1800 for that old legacy toaster there is doing so because they're under the illusion that they're investing in a cutting edge and high performance
Any nobody said they were. Are you ok?
Also, no one is paying that much for that Not even on ebay.

>> No.10321672
File: 1.34 MB, 1180x662, 8bitguy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 bit paperclip destroyer
hate this faggot like you wouldn't believe. only gives a shit about these computers because he makes money off them now, you don't throw away a fully working apple lisa and commodore pet if you actually care about old computers.

>> No.10321750

According to this video, even a fucking Core 2 Duo shitbox can work with real DOS:

>> No.10321810

why pay for it if the answer to it is emulation.
not really joking most old PC are emulated to this point.
the only excemption would be the IBM 5100 but we already know why (kinda).
If your objective is using them for experiments then yes you pay for them,if is just for "muuhh collectable" shit then KYS,the only reason those are used for experiments is because parts are more resistant then modern PC and won't fry after trying to access developer mode on a microwave connected through a serial port on the PC.

>> No.10321826

There's a lot you can do, yeah, but you don't even need to DIY a physical rig out of leftover parts like that (though it's fun and cool that he did), just about any kind of laptop from the past 20-ish years can run most old DOS exes, if not directly, then with DOSbox.

I think those things called Chromebooks couldn't really muster regular old Doom, which is telling of pretty fucking anemic computing power, but those things were made to be dirt cheap and difficult to really do anything but surf the web e-mailing with, so they're a bit of an exception.

>> No.10321851

the guy is stupid
>i will try to use a paperclip to bypass the power supply of the monitor.
>somehow after replacing the fuse still doesn't work.
is quite clear he blew the whole motherboard,add insult to injury instead of you know using the rotary tool to make a hole on the original screws (or getting the tool) he went and ruined the whole thing.

>> No.10322276
File: 33 KB, 302x351, i frew up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10322289

20 years ago you'd have a hard time giving them away.

>> No.10322292

Bro, it has gotten to the point where you should just grab a sleeper build where you have a CRT, old school mouse and keyboard, and emulate whatever retro computer you want with a capable emulator to match (Retroarch with cores if you must, better with cooler standalone ones for retro computers like FS-UAE, Sheepshaver, etc)

>> No.10322294 [DELETED] 

I hate that fat faggot piece of shit.

>> No.10322301

You can use PCEm which emulates hardware of older computers. Look up tutorials on YouTube and find the related ROM sets for the computers on Internet Archive.

>> No.10322304 [DELETED] 

LGR is a faggot. This board hates you Clint.

>> No.10322313

>instead of you know using the rotary tool to make a hole on the original screws
The screws were just security hex IIRC.
Extremely common and included in every 5$ security bit set.
It's embarrassing enough that someone who works with machines for a living doesn't already have them to begin with but he didn't even bother travelling 5 minutes to the next hardware store to get them.

>> No.10322525

>retro computers be affordable
they stopped being affordable ages ago thanks to the geniuses at eBay.
the only reason why i even got an Atari 400 recently for ~$100 was because I personally knew the vendor and he couldn't sell it on eBay for the price that he wanted so he decided to dump it off on me.

>> No.10322620 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 1216x166, Screenshot 2023-10-14 at 06-43-18 _g_ - Technology » Searching for posts that contain ‘hollywood holocaust windows’.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10322641 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 250x250, 1000082643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LGR used to be cool.

Just watch his old videos.

Now he's "famous" and spoiled little soicuck who doesn't review Dos games anymore.

>> No.10322670 [DELETED] 

I would say he found an even better niche. Some channels evolve for the worse as they find out what works for audience retention but in his case I'd say narrowing his focus as a channel was beneficial.

>> No.10322698

He didn't even use the dremil on the screw to make a slit so he could use a flat head screwdriver on it

>> No.10324638
File: 192 KB, 1920x1080, 1696438818644.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's going to blow it up? Is there a booming 1980s programmer LARPing movement I'm not aware of?

>> No.10324647

Yes, boomers love buying mint condition Tandy’s and bbc micros

>> No.10325046

And zoomers love to whinge and cry about it on the internet

>> No.10325874
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>going to
It's already blowing up thanks to Youtubers like LGR and 8-Bit Guy. Computers that were being thrown in landfills 20 years ago are now being sold for several hundred dollars

>> No.10326421

That's like, all kinds of items though. Rare stamps, rare soda bottles, etc. Just natural consequences of an out-of-production item.

>> No.10326458

Yes, but popular Youtubers making videos about them makes things a hundred times worse. When a big Youtuber makes a video about something like the Toshiba Libretto, demand suddenly increases x100

>> No.10326465

What I find more annoying than the price hikes (just emulate lol) is that after some YouTube video everyone is suddenly an "expert" who goes on about Voodoo cards and wonders how he can get scanlines on his classic Windows PC.

>> No.10326834

The definitely not shrinking at all boomer demographic?
Who else is left? Collectors are a finite group because computers are large and bulky and most of them are very ugly. You can't just start them up and play like you can with a console.
You might as well get into vintage radios or washing machines,