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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10316070 No.10316070 [Reply] [Original]

Not video game music, but regular bands/rappers talking about videogames in music


>> No.10316087


>> No.10316095

can only think of Del and the song Proto Culture.


>> No.10316098

Kek, it's so ear grating, it's fucking worse than Friday than Rebecca black.

>> No.10316106

Song dedicating his love

Sampling Final Fantasy X






>> No.10316108


Uses vidya music also welcone

>> No.10316109


>> No.10316118

Great one. It's great going back to early 2000s hip hop and hearing how they're all videogame nerds

>> No.10316123

Holy shit I love Lil b now

>> No.10316127
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>> No.10316130


>> No.10316135


>> No.10316146
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Only hip hop niggas would be so vapid as to write "music" about their bing bing wahoos

>> No.10316162

Shut up bitch


>> No.10316169

Dj jazzy Jeff, Eminem, del, Aesop rock, cage. This is a crazy thread kek

>> No.10316171
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Any Machinae Supremacy song

>> No.10316173

Meant for >>10316127

>> No.10316179

>Hip hop is not music because it annoys my ears.
Suit yourself.
>throws shit on Nintendo and its characters, seeing them shallow
>posts a Wario reaction image.

>> No.10316223
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The best example you could find was amateur internet meme music
Hip hop "artists" can only think and write about their immediate concrete surroundings, that's why
Something fit for entertainment might be too shallow to write about and publish, unless the target demographic is equally as vapid

>> No.10316227

Not exactly what you're asking for, but all I've got.

>> No.10316230

/vr/'s national anthem.

>> No.10316239
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>> No.10316243

Wow I guess it is alot of hip hop. I was gonna say that one Eiffel 65 song or one of those nintendocore bands but I did think of that soda popinski line from Pac Blood, pretty cool shoutout

>> No.10316428
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Cypress Hill loves Dr Mario

>> No.10316504

Why is that a bad thing? It's relatable. I think you're just ass blasted that hip hop culture embraced videogames. You keep thinking videogames are not a cultural zeitgeist, you're living in the past, like 1970s past. In retrospect videogames have been heavily shaping culture around the world since the 70s. It takes hindsight to see these things, but you're lense of truth is tempered by the old guard who lied to us every chance they could. You're not a genius, youve never contributed anything meaningful to society, you're just a crab in a bucket, ngmi

>> No.10316509

Love ut

>> No.10316612
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>> No.10316648

Does Pinball Wizard count?

>> No.10316651

did early Eminem copy Cage or vice versa? anyways, PAC-MAN Fever was a classic

>> No.10316665

Yes it’s actually probably the best one of them all.

>> No.10316675

Uhh, well cage claims em copied his flow, but there are other Detroit artists that em got inspired from. Old cage from like the early 90s was raw as fuck and yeah it kind of sounds like Eminem might have taking a page out of cages book, but cage ended up not getting famous and getting deeper into pcp and drugs while em was given the chance by dr. Dre and he took it. Cage dropped out of the scene so to speak to deal with mental health issues, he was fucked up and put into a mental institution where he was basically drugged the whole time, when he was a teenager. So, no probably not, cage was just high on pcp and a little but hurt he didn’t get the same opportunities.

>> No.10316686


>> No.10316707


>> No.10316715

Now I'm hittin' MC's like "Hoo-yu-ken!"
Ain't no doubt about it I'm the undisputed


>> No.10316812

>the earth rotated around the sun a few times
>that makes my argument right and yours wrong
Wrong board faggot
Hip hop culture embraced so much subhuman stupidity and degenerate behavior that not only they and their fans haven't contributed anything meaningful but also they're actively making it worse, no wonder zoomers love it
Music is dead and so are video games

>> No.10316824

Some trap classics from Argentina

This one is called Winning Eleven. Messi, Kojima, Avril Lavigne and a pro-Trump message are all thrown together

This one is VIH. Mentions GTA and he's talking most probably about San Andreas

Budokai Tenkaichi, self-explainatory

And these two have retro samples afaik

>> No.10316843

my fav lil b song 1000 BITCHES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvFIQ7Vn9ck

>> No.10316854

How the fuck are they dead by any means? I do agree most hip-hop nowadays is terrible to mediocre, particularly in most of the Americas and Europe, but how does that mean it's best to be a doomer who wants to let it all fucking rot?

>> No.10316858
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do yall remember MC Frontalot

>> No.10316864

Also, I get you on the stupidity part, but what lens and tools are you making use of to decide what counts as being "degenerate"?

>> No.10316880

From the band that brought the world together
Samples a song from, I believe, Demon's Souls

>> No.10316882

There's just no reason to consume anything made in the last 10, 15 years when it's so inferior to all of the media that technnology made so easily avaliable
Eventually you're going to be the boomer lamenting about your stuff being dead, but I doubt it'll command the same respect decades later

>> No.10316910

Literally, originally, based

>> No.10316914

You don't know cause you are one
I could copypaste lyrics from you favorite hiphop artist whoever he is that a majority of adults of all backgrounds that contribute to society (no kids outside marriage, have jobs, pay taxes, self sufficient, no criminal record) would consider degenerate some way or another.

>> No.10316924


>> No.10316927

fuck off normalnigger, go appeal to popular sensibilities (aka whatever tv says) somewhere else

>> No.10316934

TV these days says listen to hip hop, use drugs, worship criminals, have promiscuous sex and abort your babies
Maybe you're the one stuck in the past

>> No.10316937

And white music is all about death and degenerate bullshit with metal and hard rock, go shout to the devil bitch. Cannibal corpse is not degenerate to you, talking about all that crazy demonic shit isn't degenerate? Or are you talking about the pop music bullshit? Beatles were pedophile Hollywood fags who created the pop structure used by Taylor swift, kudos. There's plenty of non gang rappers who talk about positivity but that's not what controls the population so music Jews push sex drugs and rock n roll, just through hip hop these days. Same shit different genre. Most of the hip hop in this thread is not super degen music you got del the funky homosapien, Aesop rock, Cyprus hill. Just shut your stupid mouth and enjoy video game related music, instead of bleeding out your vag.

>> No.10316941

TV in the 90s said listen to grunge, do drugs, heroin is how rockstars are born and die, fuck underage girls, every single rockstar for the past 70 years was a pedo. Go choke on a goat. sex drugs and rock n roll, bud. Remove the veil from your face

>> No.10316942


>> No.10316949


In a small ghost town, there's a little arcade
Where the poltergeists play their videogames
At the top of the roof he says
Game over they said, game over they said
Run and get your quarters in
Over cliffs we will swim ahead
Do the shackles underneath your bed haunt
The records in their grooves
Salem is home sentenced to live
Yes this I know, comes back 10 fold
At the bottom of a french blue pool
Roamed the drunk chipped tooth
Of a man of the moon
Burn furnace burn at the bottom of the cliff
Shined a diamond with no end to its trip
Hook and sinker
I wrote it all down for you
Match a name to the face
Do you suspect?
Do you confess, do you confess?

>> No.10316961

This goes hard AF, reminds me of wax

>> No.10316968

It never said that back then 99% of the time and I find it amusing that you need to rant about other artists instead of making a case
Even the sex drugs and rock n roll thing was not from the music but a part of a niche subculture

>> No.10316972

I made a case you just chose to ignore it for some retarded reason. I said
>"There's plenty of non gang rappers who talk about positivity but that's not what controls the population so music Jews push sex drugs and rock n roll, just through hip hop these days. Same shit different genre. Most of the hip hop in this thread is not super degen music you got del the funky homosapien, Aesop rock, Cyprus hill".

>> No.10316973

WTF are you talking about? So many rock songs are about glorifying sex, drugs, and lawlessness.

>> No.10316979

I read the lyrics, they're pretty good and show capacity for abstraction
It's the first non hip hop song of the thread, imagine my surprise

>> No.10316984

It's not, but I see you're just here to hate on hip hop, if I may call on a MOD or a JAMNY to please get this guy out of here. He doesn't even care about the purpose of the thread he just has a hate boner for hip hop!?!!

>> No.10316987

Iove the funk, never heard of this. Is this really from the 80s

>> No.10316996

I have no idea what's going but I take your word it talks about vidya.. also it reminds me of an Argentinian suicide boys.

>> No.10316997

Just not talking about being a gangster is not sufficient
My first point is that hip hop has poor lyrics with no imagination or abstraction regardless, it only adresses the immediate surroundings and routine of the writer
And that's why it's so common for them to talk about like video games
The thread is not about hip hop, it's about songs that mention video games. I don't know why not liking hip hop should be a bannable offense.

>> No.10317004

Classic. Love the snoop dog "get down witcha bad self".

Mmmhm why did 2000s NYC rap so good with the ability to make you groove to the thuggines. I'm a nerd but this shit is dope.

Sounds like I'm in a fever dream, nice sample though

>> No.10317008

Somebody had to post it. It makes me feel like 2001. Oof my heart hurts

>> No.10317019

>Ambassador of funk
When the sml sample drop, holy shit that was lit. Also this is where that dancing Mario gif is from.

>Mayrios a fuckin psycho
True, kek

I gotta ad this to the list


>> No.10317021

I'll drop one of the few hip hop artists I actually enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqQZqhOQN5g

>> No.10317025

Bruh is that slug? How have I never heard of this. Definitely a gem thanks for posting

>> No.10317036

Chill beat, good flows.

>> No.10317040

Uhh no, I posted this. It's Aesop rock, he's got great abstract writing. >>10316108
Maybe check out some his other stuff like. Water, how to be a carpenter, dark heart news and tomorrow morning. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

>> No.10317052

Rav does some great stuff. Bill and Scuare are good as well, but not to his level.

>> No.10317061

Speaking of aes. This hail marry mallon song goes hard AF andentions games and chickie cheeses


>> No.10317064

Mentions* cheeses*

>> No.10317075

this kid has been dead for 7 years now
i can't believe its been 7 years since i found out he died wtf.
he'd be 27 if he was alive today. RIP ecksbawks kid

>> No.10317076
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Down at the arcade the defender is there
Down off of Broadway, he's there playing his games
It's very dangerous putting money down on Robotron
Oh, I'm the Great Defender and I really know just how to get along

Down at the arcade, down at the arcade
Down at the arcade, down at the arcade
Down at the arcade, down at the arcade
Oh, I'm the Great Defender and I really think I've got it made

>> No.10317078

Nah it's perfect

>> No.10317083

Damn everybody's just pulling out the big guns. Lou reed, I had no idea

>> No.10317096
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We just keep winning /vr/o's


>> No.10317105

Hip hop I like is just sampling old stuff. The best like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iA2_XNCcygE is just about finding obscure records and mixing them together.

>> No.10317114
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>> No.10317119


>> No.10317132
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Got a kek out of me, whatever the fuck that was

>> No.10317140

meanwhile long haired white boys in women's clothing be singing about hobbits and shit

>> No.10317145

wasnt David Bowie's Fascination about the arcade called Fascination

>> No.10317159

Was it, I'll check it out. Anyways I made this for the thread, will be updating as thread develops.


>> No.10317176

had to scroll too damn far down for this

>> No.10317178

See playlist>>10317159

>> No.10317189

The 1975 song?
I was going to pose the question of arcades even being a thing back then but pinball and electro magnetic games have been around a lot longer than that and a quick google puts arcades (penny arcades) going back to over a hundred years.
Thanks for the excuse to give Young Americans a listen, it's one of Bowie's I haven't paid that much attention to. His song Fascination didn't seem to me to be about any arcade but the lyrics are typical love song ambiguity that could be interpreted to mean just about anything I guess.

>> No.10317197
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Playlist updated with a bunch of stuff>>10317159

>> No.10317201

Whoops sorry, fascination is not about games, but he made the soundtrack for omikron an adventure game for PC.

>> No.10317204

What about game music used on a song? (In this case, a piece of RBI Baseball/Famista at the end)

>> No.10317210


>> No.10317217
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>> No.10317221


>> No.10317246

References games only in a very general way, but it's a nice song
I think this is a boring Sufjan track, but
That was a sad read, but the fund is a good way to honor his legacy as a "kid that lived the dream". Seems like the guy driving the car he was in possibly wasn't paying attention and drove straight into an intersection, with Hunter dying in the subsequent impact. o7
>the misspelled "WACTH" in the lyrics

>> No.10317248


>> No.10317259
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Weird al - pac-man

>> No.10317287

Jpegmafia samples from a ton of games, mainly PS1.

>> No.10317290
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>> No.10317302
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>> No.10317324
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>> No.10317330
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I get the feeling that most of these links are literal who rappers and indieshit bands no one has heard of outside of your 3 friends you had at high school.

At least post the title of the song and/or name of the artist(s) so I don't have to hover/click over every single one of your links you worthless faggots.

>> No.10317337

how tf is this not in the thread already?
one of the most iconic rap songs of all time

big respect too. borders on the line of nerdcore but those underground guys knew who they were playing to. rip doom

this is probably the only Neo-Geo reference in all of music too

>> No.10317350

Not really, there's a nice mix of stuff. Here's the playlist


>> No.10317384
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Idk wtf I stumbled upon but you all need to listen immediately. I'm not kidding...


>> No.10317905

When I was dead broke, man, I couldn't picture this

>> No.10317923

I used to listen to hip hop and there were Lil B songs I liked unironically
This sample is legendary

>> No.10317950
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>> No.10318040

>this is probably the only Neo-Geo reference in all of music too


Would you be with F-A-B-O if he drove a Neo?
Would you ride with Ne-Yo, if he was in a Geo?

>> No.10318248

>not posted already
how ?

>> No.10318480


Samples Move Me from Ridge Racer 4

>> No.10318485

Huge oversight to not have posted this until now, thanks for rectifying that

>> No.10318520


Not only does it mention PE, but it a back of the box quote from Resident Evil 2 in the lyrics, I think they were trying a bit too hard here.

>> No.10318540
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>> No.10318553


>> No.10318557


>> No.10318583
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>> No.10318593
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>> No.10318605

Playlist updated, lots of stuff not in the thread.

>> No.10318607


>> No.10318651
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>> No.10318676

He's too stoned

>> No.10318679
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>> No.10318798
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>> No.10318856

A freestyle with the best flow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCK6Ums-Fm8

>> No.10318858
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Not sure if this has been posted yet. Smashing Pumpkins used a few Doom sounds in this song


>> No.10319052

Kek lmao, I was like. Wtf does this have to do with vidya, then I heard it.

>> No.10319070

technically I think someone remixed vocals with sounds from Soulcalibur since none of the lyrics reference the game

>Benefit - Super Mario Bros. Rap (Warp to World 6-9) (embed)
Still one of the best underground hiphop albums ever. The napster track brings me back to the way that era felt

>> No.10319108
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>> No.10319141
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>> No.10319168
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>> No.10319305
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>> No.10319316

Youll appreciate this


>> No.10319342


>> No.10319375
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x1670, georgeclinto_jpg-61b803644b3f75de.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone mentioned George Clinton yet? May I invade your space?


>> No.10319410

Del rules.
As does Machinae Supremacy. And Jets'N'Guns, for that matter.

Also, I've remembered some more aside from >>10319375

Warface's Cosmic Sin doesn't mention anything, but it actually uses Vindicare Assassin lines from Dawn Of War.

Drunk Arcade by Bombs Away. Again, song itself doesn't mention much, but that video has definitely been made by /ourguy/

Vekked is a huge fan of old games. Last two minutes of his winning 2015 routine are made of lots of classic samples from Mortal Kombat, Altered Beast, Sonic...

Classic Ice Cube's opening line in this one: "It's on like Donkey Kong!"

Lifeseeker, after their infamous Gone Guru in first Dead Rising, recorded a whole song dedicated to Frank West (and mentioned him at least in another song of theirs):

Also, kind of counts, but R-Truth in his very obscure 2003 album says that he is "better than a pokemon". Song is What's My Name, at 13:44.

That's all I have for now.

>> No.10319493
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>> No.10319525

Updated playlist. I kind of went down a rabbit hole... there's 170 songs and it ranges from insanity to easy listening. Please feel free to keep contributing. I'm honestly surprised at how much stuff there is already.


>> No.10319584

Well, the only further ones I can think of are either from racing games or written specifically for the game to start with. Not sure if that counts, but let me know if I should drop that as well.

>> No.10319607

>written specifically for the game to start with
I mean, with lyrics. And they do reference the game or mention it by name. If we go for scores, it can obviously last forever.

>> No.10319623

Yeah I'm not really trying to do scores, but if it is about the game, then sure. I've had to stop myself from adding remixes only. Like you say it would never end. But there's this weird fad of people releasing hundreds of songs about retro games only in the last year. I have included some, many artists in the playlist have tons of other videogame music, specifically mega ran and Duane and brando. I also read that there was over 200 songs about videogames produced in the late 70s to early 80s. I've found some, but not nearly all of it. Just casting out those lines on case you or anybody had any idea about these older songs.

>> No.10319649

>I also read that there was over 200 songs about videogames produced in the late 70s to early 80s
Man, I wish I knew what they are talking about. I love 80's. I know a number of songs with massive references to the movies, or just very technical songs (I mean, something like Technicolor by Channel One), I know nothing about songs about video games, save for George Clinton's Computer Game, which I've already posted.

After a sweep through my collection I've found one more that seems to be about video games:

Turns out it mentions Space Invaders as well... Completely forgot about it...
That look through my collection has been rather brief though, so may be there's something else hiding in there (several thousands of 80's tracks, after all). But I really cannot remember anything hitting me quite like Clinton's track.
Either way, coming to the later periods, here's what I've had in mind.

Pencilcase recorded an awesome song for a rather obscure game named Crashday (which is officially /vr/ by the current rules):

8-Off Agallah has Midnight Club II Theme:

Also, aside from George Clinton, Bootsy Collins definitely has something going on with video games. He had created some of the soundtrack for Gran Turismo 4 and ATV Offroad Fury 3, out of all games. I will post his ATV track, since I feel it references the theme of the game more directly, though his Gran Turismo 4 tracks are also very nice racing-themed songs.

Also to top it off, not sure if there's any actual connection here, but Petey Pablo had recorded Need For Speed and it was featured in first Undrground.

This is it.

>> No.10319656

Also that's a very nice playlist you've got there, anon. I've grabbed several tracks for myself. I kind of feel like you should probably add at least a track or two from artists who are known for their love of the video games and video game music but don't do lyrics. My candidates:

Dunderpatrullen - Hightech Girlfriend

Bossfight - Milky Ways

Big Giant Circles - Chip Zeal

And, ah... Since we've actually mentioned Machinae Supremacy, it feels wrong that there's still not even a single track of theirs in the thread, so here goes:

>> No.10319667

Oi, completely forgot. Snoop Dogg's Knocc 'Em Down for Tekken Tag Tournament 2.

Yea, not quite retro, but TTT2 is the best Tekken IMO, and I feel that there's something catchy about the song, so let it be here.

Also, if anyone's interested in my collection of music, I'm in the biggest public rooms in DC++ - so feel free to take a look. Search for some of the tracks I've shared in thread and you'll likely locate me rather quickly.

>> No.10319696
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Haven’t listened to these guys since I was in high school. Went through a weird rap phase but couldn’t stand any of the usual thug rap, but I liked these guys and a couple other weird ones:

Dude mentions /vr/ a lot. Especially Super Mario Bros. 3. Heck, you can see how their entire albums music video is just them playing on an old Donkey Kong arcade cabinet.

No Bird Sing was also a big one I listened to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp-lDC9xksY&pp=ygUMTm8gYmlyZCBzaW5n

Doesn’t mention /vr/ but figured I’d mentioned them if anyone liked late teens, early 20’s musical taste.

now I only really listen to worship music.

>> No.10319730


>> No.10319947

Wow thank you, this is great. I especially like the first one "video GAM" kek and Bootsy Collins is always classic. They all seem good enough, so they're in.

You're in the right place. Aesop rock/hail marry mallon is in the list, thanks.

>> No.10319949


>> No.10319963

Thanks again. You seem like a music collector, I might just check DC++ one of these days to see what else you got.

>> No.10320139
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Go GameBoys. Go GameBoys. Go GameBoys.
Go GameBoys. Go GameBoys. Go GameBoys.

>> No.10320146

first thought RIP big man

>> No.10320737

pooper nintendo, smegma genesis

>> No.10320754

>Billy Mitchell Group - Oh Happy Day

>> No.10320961

>no horse the band
fucking horse the band
i hated that bullshit tryhard metalcore scene. ime it was all 30yo dudes in pit shorts with straightedge face tats trying to get 15yo scenequeens drunk.

but horse was decidedly not that. one of the only bands in that scene that werent up-their-own-ass tough guys. actually knew how to have fun
the guy who played keyboards was an absolute menace live i remember that vividly
anyway heres a song about a boss from megaman 1


>> No.10321397

young maylay who voiced CJ in san andreas did a mixtape with the game's soundtrack

>> No.10321405

Kek, it's just a joke I'm glad you caught it.

>> No.10321457

>Music is dead and so are video games
How to signal to an entire community that you are old and no longer relevant.

>> No.10321547

Yeah for sure. Making this playlist has renewed my flame for the videogame community. It goes from the 70s with gearge clinton and Lou reed to today with Nicki Minaj and falling in reverse plus all these weird new YouTube channels that have started retro videogame related music. It's everywhere and i think it's awesome.

Check it out. Made by /vr/ for /vr/


>> No.10321825

NTA, but that doesn't nullify his notion though. I maintain that the decline in culture in all its areas is real. Dead? Maybe not, but really close. Only certain niches are still alive.
You and everyone else is welcome. Really, my biggest problem is my inability to share the musci effectively, but DC++ is the place where I am able to put everything I have on the table.

Also, I've been thinking if there is any music like this in other languages, and, frankly, I've only remembered one song: once again, Space Invaders, this time by a very obscure russian band Lesnikov-16. I couldn't even find a proper upload on YouTube - one video cuts the track about 20 seconds short, and another has weird skips in sound and abou 20 seconds of silence.
So I've made upload of my own here, if such a thing is of interest:

I really wonder if there are some mentions of old video games in german music I have. Germans were crazy about computers and electro sounds in the 80's, so it might as well be there, but, unfortunately, I cannot really remember. Quite possible I've just missed it, my german is very basic.

>> No.10321830

You know I do agree with you about the decline of music and vidya, but that's not what this thread is about.. also, yes that sounds great thanks for uploading. I'm not sure about get any, but one would think that both Germany and Russia have a nice little swathe of vidya music. I'm still finding stuff in English, added like 20 songs today

>> No.10321831


>> No.10321838

>Faust full movie
Based ruskiebro

>> No.10321849

Wtf is that rumble roses unofficial soundtrack, is that just a Russian version? I see a bunch of unofficial soundtrack stuff

>> No.10321867

>one would think that both Germany and Russia have a nice little swathe of vidya music
Man, I hope that was true. But russian music in general mostly just sucks, unfortunately. Like, 70-80 percents of it is hardly listenable.
I like music from Germany so, and I do want to believe there's a nice swathe of /v/ music in there. Everything's saying that it is very possible.
Nice job on that playlist as well, I've really liked Uncle Vic's Space Invaders out of the latest additions.
Heh, I've uploaded it 5 years ago and only now notriced that I've botched the upload. But hey, it only got 100 views and nobody bothered to notify me of the fact that I've messed the soundtrack, so, eh, let it stay as is for now.
Nah, I've unpacked it from XBox 360 files. This one is only unofficial because it was never officially released, otherwise everything's straight from the devs.

>> No.10321874

>I like music from Germany so
I like music from Germany though*

Man, sometimes something just clicks in my head and I write different words that sound similar. Weirdest stuff ever, really.

>> No.10321876

>But russian music in general mostly just sucks, unfortunately. Like, 70-80 percents of it is hardly listenabl
Uhh, really. I had a Russian stepdad who defected from the ussr and he brought like folk rocky 70-80s Russian music tapes with him. I always enjoyed them, but I suppose that's a very small example of Russian music. Only other Russian bands I know were those two fake lesbians from the early 2000s and vitas. Damn now you're getting me off topic, kek.

Ohh, then I guess I'll not watch it rn.

Gotcha, interesting still.

>> No.10321887

>Ohh, then I guess I'll not watch it rn.
I can re-upload it, if you are interested. Though the only problem with it is that I've actually missed russian audio and just uploaded the original one. So let me know, if you really need that russian audio.

Closer to topic, I've just remembered that League Of Legends actually sponsored a lot of music. I do not like online games, and it is not retro, but I find this video and track rather awesome:
The Glitch Mob FTW!

>> No.10321893

My guy, glitchmob drink the sea is one of my favorite EDM albums...

>> No.10321939

This reminds me I need to listen to Ctrl Alt Reality. Man, too much music in the backlog...

Alright, here's some more for today. Don't know why I've posted Snoop Dogg's Tekken song but held back on these two. Street Fighter III 3rd Strike had awesome character selection themes. Here's the original one by Infinite:

And here's the newer remix for Online Edition by Adam Tensta:

Tensta also recorded Knock You Out for Online Edition as a theme playing in the menu. The moment which uses Gill's "Resurrection!" sound is darn gold:

I guess that's it for today.

>> No.10321945


>> No.10321962


>> No.10322053


>> No.10322063
File: 103 KB, 270x201, Sonic16TitleScreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only two I can think of


Biggie also mentioned Super Nintendo and SEGA Genesis in one of his raps. Idk

>> No.10322889

Lil B had a song where he rapped over the boss music for Sonic 2. Not like he sampled it and made a beat out of it, it was just the boss music. There were a couple of songs like that.

>> No.10323064
File: 231 KB, 719x548, Screenshot_2023-10-14-09-10-21-804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10323179



>> No.10323214

black dahlia murder wrote a song about castlevania. the vocalist Trevor Strnadt was a big castlevania and retro game fan.


bring me the horizon made a song based on the keepers diary from the original resident evil.


ice nine kills also made a song about resident evil

>> No.10323637



>> No.10323690

This count? =D Doesn't actually mention games.


>> No.10324138

Yeah it counts there's plenty of similar stuff in the playlist. I'm really just trying not to put ost stuff in it.

>> No.10324145

Man, a whole hundred of new videos. Post some of your favs here, maybe.

>> No.10324160









Here's just a few

>> No.10324170

This one's great too


>> No.10324206


>> No.10324660
File: 498 KB, 480x360, IMG_0361.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all your base are belong to us
Ok this is a fuckin banger

>> No.10324839
File: 152 KB, 600x584, R-713864-1586198233-1278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10325461

Surprisingly much sad tuned there.

>> No.10325472



i unironically enjoy it. i read he died in a car crash :(

listen to this every FRIDAY :-)


>> No.10326619

Stiches mentions Nintendo in this song about selling cocaine. Not sure if this is what you mean

Commodore 64 by Perterbator. Just instrumental but with some voice samples

>> No.10326897

ye is clearly rapping about cars here. Dunno what a Neo is but a Geo was a shitty little subcompact econobox by gm

>> No.10327804

>rap bad
>rock bad
what do you listen to then? jazz?

>> No.10327848

Black Moon's "Who Got the Props?" (1993):
"I'm the rugged operator like Arnold Schwarzenegger
Buckshot quick to play a nigga like Sega"

In this Jermaine Dupri track, he sounds like he might be saying "putting niggas out of business like Sony did to Sega", but pronouncing it "SEE-ga". Other people think he might be saying "Zenith", but it doesn't sound like that to me.

Also, not a lyrical reference, but the beat for Bone Thugs-N-Harmony's song "Eternal" is remade around the melody from the character bios screen.

Del's playing a Sega Nomad in one of his music videos or one with Hieroglyphics, I can't remember.

>> No.10329027


>> No.10329090

This one mentions a few
