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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10315587 No.10315587 [Reply] [Original]

>When I want to be careful I walk.
Is it worth it to play the first game?

>> No.10315593

By the time it took you to make this shitpost you could have found out by yourself, plus there is already a TR1 thread

Fucking zoomers, wouldn't even be able to wipe their own asses if they weren't told it's okay to do so

>> No.10315787

Not really. It's been surpassed by about a hundred other games you've already played.

>> No.10315823

>>When I want to be careful I walk.
not when im speedrunning

>> No.10315872

>Is it worth it to play the first game?

It's still my favourite one in the series.

>> No.10316262

It's the only good one.

>> No.10316273

They are also incapable of using a search engine to answer simple questions.

>> No.10316301

Play the remake instead (anniversary) and thank me later

>> No.10316408

I don't understand OP's question, are you asking if it's worth playing for the walking mechanics?

>> No.10316448

The first game is great, yeah.

>> No.10316474

that's because search engines these days are fucking garbage

>> No.10316620

The other thread settled that its not worth it. It hasnt aged well.

>> No.10316637


>> No.10316640

that AI that was playing TR is so kino-rino. her voice was emulated so well its comfy

>> No.10316691
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Anniversary is one of the worst remakes in gaming history

>> No.10316698

I find it funny some people are obsessed with trying to prove it's fake. Here's just one question, what is easier to do?
>"Tomb Raider: except Lara has AI-generated commentary"
>Creating an elaborate hoax for a nearly-30 year old game

>> No.10316727

You watched that youtube video

>> No.10316817

What video? I don't care about the opinions of anyone with more than 5000 subscribers because they're all narcissists.

The climbing and wall scaling is tedious and the combat is even shittier than the original. The first boss is pretty much hijacked by QTE which is a shit mechanic (always was, always will be), and the fight with Larson is entirely QTE. Even though the levels look good (I will admit the actual presentation is its strongest point) they are horribly designed. St Francis' Folly should be considered a case study in how to not design a level hub.

The game is ruined by a huge amount of "showing off" instead of taking lessons from games with far superior climbing/movement mechanics like Prince of Persia and Shadow of the Colossus. Even Assassin's Creed, a game with movement mechanics I absolutely loathe, did it better than Anniversary.

When a level editor mod like Tomb Raider Redux does a better job of polishing an old game you know you fucked up.

>> No.10316879

Can we all agree this game btfos SM64 so hard?

>> No.10316993

>from games with far superior climbing/movement mechanics like Prince of Persia

lol, nta but it DOES take from prince of persia lol...it just doesn't work as well because it's still trying to ape Tomb Raider's style of level design which is complex and exploration based, requiring precise controls. PoP is too "flow through" to be too complex. Not that anniversary is complex, it's just dumbed down TR, it's taking the slow paced level design of classic TR and contrasting it with PoP's movement.

>> No.10317371
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>> No.10317374
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no idea about the video, but i hope the search results got it correctly
im gonna watch it now

>> No.10317382

Terrible bait

>> No.10317385


>> No.10317401

I reiterate my point:

zoomers aka (you) are incapable of using a search engine effectively.

>> No.10317405

When will the essay autist leave TR threads already?

>> No.10317413

No they are not, they are more powerful than ever (and you still can't find shit)

>> No.10317424

this video basically explains this meme in "analytical essay style">>10317371
so apparently it's not only me who thinks it's true about it

>> No.10317426

And people made fun of him in the comments

>> No.10317428


>> No.10317431

he even pulls up a real tr1 map of second level instead of doom map to show how non linear it is in comparison to "streamlined" version in the anniversary demake

>> No.10317435

The video was bad, sorry

>> No.10317438

it's not unheard of to criticize those who speaks the truth. so it's understandable. it's hard to snowflakes to admit they are wrong

>> No.10317439

That video is really retarded though, guy is complaining just because he can.

>> No.10317447

>these days
when were they good then?

>> No.10317475


>> No.10317501

Discuss the superior TR games

>> No.10317693

Google used to be better over a decade ago. Nowadays it just acts smarter than it really is.
Before 2009 when they rolled out Google Instant and started censoring suggested searches.

>> No.10317696

bitch please, even DuckDuckGo turned to shit a few years ago

>> No.10317815

use 4get.ca

>> No.10317839

Nigga please, even DuckDuckGo gives usable results now

>> No.10318884

Here's a level viewer for the Tomb Raider classic games, I unfortunately don't have one for the later games.