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10315083 No.10315083 [Reply] [Original]

CRT thread, didn’t see one.

Need some thoughts on the official PS1 Trinitron as a pose to PVM Trinitrons.

>> No.10315170 [SPOILER] 
File: 378 KB, 1167x1280, IMG_9783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the old thead archived
just use whatever is cost effective/nearby
s-video is a good jump over composite
component is a marginal jump over s-vid
the point of diminishing returns is s-video

>> No.10315179

Probably worth 2k monies due to rarity. No clue what tube it uses or how it compares to a PVM.

>> No.10315207

Does that thing use the the double sided PS1 video cable? If so it has RGB which makes it pretty useful for Americans.

>> No.10315212
File: 57 KB, 714x725, IM NOT SLEEPY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never understood the appeal of using RGB with a crt
isnt the point to not have a flawlessly clean signal? composite or max s-video is the point.

>picrel: me after having my first crt come in late last night and i got 6 hours of sleep

>> No.10315219

>isnt the point to not have a flawlessly clean signal? composite or max s-video is the point.
Here we go.

>> No.10315220

Don't act like a woman, fag. Say your thoughts, you're in the presence of CRT owners.

>> No.10315257

>Say your thoughts,
My thoughts are that I discussed this to death years ago and don't want to have the same stupid arguments forever.

Clean signal good. No clean signal bad.

>> No.10315259
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nothing wrong with a clean signal, but flawless? why not just go lcd at that point? Nothing wrong with continuing to inform people of your perspective.

>mfw at least we're not dealing with RF-Thads in these threads

>> No.10315283

For me it's plasma.

>> No.10315287

1. lcds cant accept interlaced properly
2. lcds look like shit in motion
3. lcds look worse then a crt because blacks are a grey and colors are washed out to hell
4. kill jews and rape their daughters in the street

>> No.10315291
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you know what? I respect that. I respect that, and i respect you. You are my brother, and that's it.

>> No.10315426
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bros i just got myself an old fat backwards compatible ps3, BUT it has no cables.
digging through my old stuff i found this unrelated cable which fits, but it says 250v, and i read online that the ps3 supports between 220 and 240 volts
is it safe to try it out and see if it works, or should i buy a proper cable online?
i don't want to risk frying this thing

>> No.10315431

>the point
The point is to make standard definition content look fantastic

>> No.10315436

Considering it’s only a cable and most outlets in aus do 240p (unless you’re on 3 phase)
Don’t see why you’re worried
Unless it’s an adapter and not a cable

>> No.10315437


>> No.10315439

i'm in italy, the console is most likely italian, i imagine the cable as well, but i have no idea what kind of device it was originally used for

>> No.10315501
File: 770 KB, 500x360, specter gif 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a crt last week off ebay, a good under $100 price for a 13 inch Sylvania, the seller had a good reputation for shipping CRT's safely.
Got it in last night (UPS is late as fuck) and sure enough, it was packed REALLY well. Big fat bubble wrap around the TV itself, the bottom lined with packing peanuts, then a lot of these cardboard inserts to protect the TV from bouncing around in the box. It was perfectly secured in the middle of the box.
One thing that sort of concerned me was this rank burning plastic smell i could sense immediately, otherwise the TV was actually in great shape. Got it open outside right now, and..
The fucking thing is in 9/10 shape. For a 20 year old CRT? fucking 10/10 shape. None of the capacitors are caked in dust, what dust is in there is localized entirely on the plastic of the TV itself, probably not even touching the board when its together.
So i won't be dusting it with my ESD vac as i thought, hell i'm not even going to separate the plastic completely. It'd be pointless to try and clean this thing, i may just break it that way.
The thing smells like dust still, no more burning plastic, i think UPS left the box outside in the heat or the trucks were hot as hell and that's why it was so bad last night but nonexistant now, just dust.
I'm thinking an hour or so outside as it is should be enough to get rid of the smell. It.. shouldn't come back, right?
>I hope my CRT blogpost wasn't too long, just excited to own my first CRT since childhood

>> No.10315512

>13 inch
I don't understand how people can use these. I would rather use an LCD than drop below 20 inches.

>> No.10315514

>meanwhile our LCD PC monitors are almost identically sized but wide for 16:9
we never should've moved from 4:3.

>> No.10315517

>coke merch

Fellow coke employee anon?

>> No.10315526

>hell i'm not even going to separate the plastic completely
im a stupid motherfucker, i forgot there's a plastic bit attached to the front shell that holds the circuit board. So the back comes off completely and it's easy + safe to clean. Ez. I just thought the power cable might be difficult to unroute but that's easy too.

>> No.10315525

Those were good for office workers. Fuck using CRT monitors to work on Excel all day.

>> No.10315550
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CRTs are superior to OLED for retro gaming but LCDs are not modern displays.
Death to all jews.

>> No.10315668
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Bread died, so I'll ask here again.
I have a 115khz SyncMaster 900nf that looks like rats ass, the tube being pretty much worn out. I'm thinking of giving it away, but seeing how fucking rare CRTs are getting, I really don't know.
Is there any reason to keep that monitor?
What do you think, Anon?
I don't think it's worth buying a specialist device for that.

>> No.10315671

I've recently set up my retro station using a 20" TV I pulled out of the dumpster and an HP elitedesk mini PC.
The Intel iGPU can go as low as 480p 30hz, but not below that. It's working great with switch res.
Native 240p is not possible unfortunately

I heard that ATI cards support pretty low pixel clocks.
Does this also count for MXM cards that don't have any video connectors on their own?

Yeah. fucking hipster fags, burning out the remaining CRTs for their shitty wageslavery

>> No.10315719

well, it works perfectly.
i'm honestly kind of anxious of this old model getting YLOD, so i'm going to put it back in storage and use my old slim instead lol
i will just emulate ps2 games on my deck

>> No.10315724

There are new old stock tubes, but they’re kinda pricey to buy and have installed. It’s a fish tank now anon, put some clown fish in it.

>> No.10315752
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Picked up a shitty consumer set and a SNES RGB cable, this is real hardware vs emulation. Everyone I showed it to preferred the emulator. There's no accounting for taste.

>> No.10315761

>shitty consumer crt set
>prob a shitty rgb cable

NGMI. My trinitron with SNES component cables looks outstanding and shits on emulation.

>> No.10315779

>shitty rgb cable
High end cables for fourth gen consoles are pointless. The difference in cable quality isn't noticable unless you are outputting 480p or higher.

>> No.10315783
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>High end cables for fourth gen consoles are pointless. The difference in cable quality isn't noticable unless you are outputting 480p or higher.

>> No.10315785

Shitty set yes, shitty RGB no. I'm with you. I think people just saw the brighter colors and assumed it was better.

>> No.10315792

my crt with proper cables looks like a better version of the bottom in person

>> No.10315876

Still learning about CRTs. I've understand that, for 224p/240p content, there is one line scanned, while the other one is black (skipped). For 480i content (what a CRT is supposedly made for), each frame alternates between odd and even lines being scanned, resulting in a fuller image without scanlines, though shaky because of that alternation.

Now, what about 360p? How is this even achieved? Two lines are scanned and the third one is skipped? But does the beam even have a proper frequency for that? How scalines end up with that resolution? Sorry if it's a simple question.

>> No.10315924

How do CRT's handle power cycling? I want to ideally give this sanyo its own surge protector i can shut off when i'm not using it, they don't wear down really hard from this do they?

>> No.10315959

No consumer TV is going to display 360p and no console is going to output a 360p signal.

>> No.10315972

what is worn out? It dim? blurry? Remember these are analog machines. You can overdrive the G2 and crank the focus up and make other adjustments to compensate for contrast and keep going with it. I have an arcade monitor with either a bad flyback or tube that only looks good with the focus knob on max. For the few hours a year it gets on it, that works for me.

>> No.10315974

>tube worn out
In 99% of cases its another issue with monitors of this era.
>If the image is blurry, did you adjust the focus?
>Did you try adjusting colors if the image is yellow
>Are you sure your crt is dimm or do you just have unrealistic expectations from a crt
Especailly with these samsungs you need to adjust the focus.
No its not worn out its fine.
I bet ya.

>> No.10316017

I see. Thanks! There are some N64 games with 360 pixels of vertical resolution. What trickery do they use for that? Padding the image with black bars? Or internally scaling the picture before sending it to the TV?

>> No.10316037
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why does my PC CRT say "Low Radiation" ? seems kinda sus

i have a hard time finding the specs, its a "ProView PV-1564A" but it also says "model name PV-564DM" on the back

>> No.10316048

because its a budget model and the target audince was concerned about such things.
scared moms and old people mostly

>> No.10316051

Because crt tvs emit radiation into your eyes when you look at them. It was mildly a concern back in the day, but since there's not an epidemic of eye cancer, it doesn't seem to be as bad as previously thought.

>> No.10316052

its kinda funny that these big motherfucker radiation boxes did absolutely nothing to our health but basically everything thats come out since the iphone is destroying us quickly in unexpected ways
fucking watching dudes' androids exploding on security cams, modern tvs cant last longer than 5-10 years, etc.. damn.

>> No.10316053
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I'll help you out fren.

If both the console and cable are from itally, you're fine.

The PS3 expects mains voltage from your wall, it's internally converted to DC and stepped down to a much lower level. Your cord is rated for 10A, no way the PS3 will ever draw that much current.

The tl;dr is that you won't break anything, you're fine to plug it in.

>> No.10316060

thats because as with everything else media kikes and the less intelligent are fear mongering for no reason.
If you are concerned about radiation from a fucking monitor but eat the ready made slop they sell at supermarkets you are the issue
It was a concern in the 1960s and 70s and after that the issue was solved for good pretty much

>> No.10316062

kek i know right? the fuckin food wastes us away quicker.
also i wasnt the guy posting the monitor, funny enough im the one sperging happily about my sylvania i picked up off ebay. Love CRT's, can't believe i went without em for over 15 years.

>> No.10316247
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do you guys stickerbomb your sets?
what if there is dumb/ugly scratches?
are you mad at me for doing this? kek
i dont sticker anything else but the sides of my crt collection anon
this one obv isnt staying on the ground
i had to move it bc of my pvm from last thread arriving in decent condition

>> No.10316257

I think it's entirely fair game if the set has discoloration and or a lot of scratches
if its pristine/really good shape i wouldn't do it. It'd be a bitch to eventually clean off, versus putting it on a shitty set since that can't be cleaned/restored anyway.

>> No.10316260
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What made 90s setups so aesthetic?

>> No.10316261
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>rode mic
>walrus audio
only mad if youre not an attractive female shoegazer guitar goddess

>> No.10316268

>Need some thoughts on the official PS1 Trinitron as a pose to PVM Trinitrons.
PVM tubes vary from model to model. Some are small and low res, some are hueg and hi-res. High-end PVMs most certainly have higher res tubes than the TV in your pic.

>> No.10316271

all black everything
i tell people to copy the aesthetic
they dont listen; they are pussified
its the easiest color to color-match
but everyone i ever met has a grandma aesthetic
its halloween season anonkun
tablecloths, tablerunners, throw rugs
pillow cases, sheets, coffee cups
now is your chance to become a little vampirella

it all goes on sale nov 1st

>> No.10316276

all black, everything matched really well and the VFD displays are gorgeous.
SEGA seemed to make damn sure their consoles sit perfectly next to an a/v setup like that.
i love the way you
type. and agreed i wish more people
color matched like that anon's pic.

>> No.10316298

It's a look you haven't grown tired of yet. When you do, you'll acquire a new look, then, in time, you'll grow tired of that too. Then you'll be nostalgic for your old 90s black setup.

>> No.10316306
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>> No.10316325
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how do you do fellow kidz???

>> No.10316445

Besides showing off CRTs anyone interested in selling any CRT Monitors? I'm interested in buying

>> No.10316452

there is a reason we dont do BST threads any more

>> No.10316454

Newfag here please spoon-feed me. Did people get scammed or was it ads spammed to oblivion?

>> No.10316470
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idk, but my GF hates this type of shit in our apartment. I fucking love it. I might dump her.

Shut the fuck up

>> No.10316510

probably people got scammed. i bought and traded at least six or seven times from anons on the board.

>> No.10316561
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>using a SHART adapter when an RGB cable specifically designed for the PS and that TV exists

>> No.10316580
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just get one for free from ewaste or something

>> No.10316587

> get CRT months ago
> turn it on once to see if it works
> haven't turned it once since

>> No.10316591
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Found this offer on FB new to CRT he's charging 200$ of I can get him to 100-150$ is it worth it? What sort of questions should I ask him? New and want to get into CRTs

>> No.10316594
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>AND it needs calibration

>> No.10316614

Fuck no

>> No.10316634

Thanks for the advice, my only other option is a 2000 Dell m991 I wouldn't need for calibration for 60$ or I just keep waiting to try and get a higher quality CRT with good resolution and decent Hz.

>> No.10316653

For 100, yeah

>> No.10316705
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>> No.10316724

The pixels don't have to align with the lines. Non-square pixels and resolutions that don't perfectly match a 480i/240p is one of those things that "just werk" with CRTs.

>> No.10316739
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>be me
>try joining the army
>get all my shit moved back into my room
>CRT gets plugged in and turned on for the first time in over a month
>spot in the corner that wouldn't degauss is fine now

>> No.10316741
File: 313 KB, 1536x2048, 387645844_307896158527771_7122981795230436720_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just rescued the last CRT my grandpa fixed before he died 15 years ago. It uses RF, but I like how it looks.

>> No.10316816

Looks so much better than the shitty glossy black that was popular in the late 2000s and early 2010s.

>> No.10316936

It's a utilitarian aesthetic. A billion controls available to you to fine tune your setup however which way you want. You take one look at that thing and you know those electronics respect your intelligence.

Modern electronics are just minimal and streamlined to the point of looking like nothing because tech companies think you're stupid as fuck and don't know better.

>> No.10316945
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>> No.10316957
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in all fairness most people are absolutely stupid as fuck
the modern remotes have a literal netflix/hulu button

>> No.10317053 [DELETED] 
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>mfw TV has a weird glow on black screens, unless i drive the brightness down and crush like 9 shades
Is this a common thing for consumer CRT TVs or is are the black levels in this thing just fucked? It's like playing on a shitty, big, box-shaped LCD.

>> No.10317062
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>mfw TV has a weird glow on empty black screens, unless i drive the brightness down and crush like 9 shades
Is this a common thing for consumer CRT TVs or is are the black levels in mine just fucked? It's like playing on a shitty, big, box-shaped LCD.

>> No.10317091

That's late 80s equipment.
>ywn be a Japanese salaryman who lived in a Seinfeldesque bachelor pad equipped with top of the line Sony electronics

>> No.10317109

I have those speakers for my main home theater set up. I like how they don't take up too much space and they have a nice warm sound. They can get loud af too.

>> No.10317128

it's not calibrated correctly

>> No.10317136

Disregard this. If you have a low end Sorny Magnetbox it probably doesn't have a good velocity modulator. It was very common on sets. You will be crushing blacks if you try to calibrate it correctly. Just find a happy medium.

>> No.10317160

It's a LG Ultraslim. Does the electron gun distance have anything to do with it?

>> No.10317161
File: 816 KB, 1102x973, conchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no offense but it's probably because the top one is a godawful picture, it's bording on bait image territory, tho it's hard to snap a crt screen. i wouldnt consider mine much better but i wouldnt use yours for comparing. and i do like the over saturation look of the emulator on the bottom a little bit, but i dont like the piss filter everything seems to have.
and lastly, showing normies is pointless, you get rgb to get the truest colors you can, in my opinion, not to impress others with something they will never care about. that said, even my shitty pic looks loads better in person, and i prefer hyper close up autistic images of screens at an angle anyway

>> No.10317167

>LG Ultraslim
Oh god. I think I would take a Sorny Magnetbox over that.

>> No.10317228

>good velocity modulator
You sound like a used car salesman
Just try to calibrate it correctly
Also change the brightness to be black and use the contrast setting to brighten

>> No.10317258
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i thought it was a baitpost
to photograph a crt
>iphone 4k @ 24fps video
>scroll through 4 seconds of footage
>screenshot still while video is paused
wow that was rough lol

everyone always said pvm were a meme
i just wanted to play tate without wobbling

>> No.10317356

I have never actually seen the few games that have a vertical resolution of 360 lines but which ever one it is doing it is doing it on a 480i signal.

>> No.10317362
File: 157 KB, 498x349, Screenshot_20231012-072123_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based crtpilled anon

>> No.10317367


>> No.10317369
File: 369 KB, 1752x1839, 23123123445353234235234235-1945204867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again here to pose the unanswered question, do you buy a PVM for the high quality tube, or the high quality components behind the tube, would the quality and worth of the CRT be the same if either component be lower quality but functional?

>> No.10317376

>Saturn version title screen
You sly devil.

>> No.10317380
File: 2.32 MB, 1080x937, takeME_hOoooMe_2_a_place+i_belong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

… Don't go chasin' waterfalls
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to
I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all
But I think you're moving too fast
… Little precious has a natural obsession
For temptation but he just can't see
She gives him loving that his body can't handle
But all he can say is, "baby, it's good to me"
One day he goes and take a glimpse in the mirror
But he doesn't recognize his own face
His health is fading and he doesn't know why
Three letters took him to his final resting place, y'all don't hear me
… Don't go chasin' waterfalls
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to
I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all
But I think you're moving too fast

>> No.10317427

You can always crank up the brightness at the cost of having a washed out picture.
Well, the picture is plenty sharp. Geometry is fine too. The issue is the yellowish, washed out picture, which I assume is just a sign of burned out phosphor.

>> No.10317432

Literally makes no sense. Are you high?

>> No.10317445


>> No.10317452
File: 761 KB, 666x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how those CRTs can last 30+ years and most LCDs these days shit themselfes after around 3 years.
Picture of my Funai 20" SCART TV. Found with another 20" in the dumpster. Looks much better in person. The scanlines are just the right size.
Love SCART. One more reason I'm glad I'm not a US fag.

>> No.10317453
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>> No.10317460

>most LCDs these days shit themselfes after around 3 years
And the CRTs in comparison were produced as cheaply possible. With the one on the picture even having the same housing and spare connector cutouts for other models because they couldn't bother manufacturing a seperate case for this particular model.
How do you calibrate the vibrancy of the phosphor? As far as I'm concerned there's an oxidation layer that can only be removed by this rejuvination mentioned earlier, requiring a specialist device.

>> No.10317472

There were those egocentrics you saw in EVERY crt thread on 4chan/g/. That avatarfagging tohou fag and and an alcoholic, /r/dickgirl browsing german.
Are these degenerates also haunting this thread?

>> No.10317487
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There are two questions in what I said:
>question 1
What dictates the quality and reputation of a PVM, the toob, or the high quality components that make up the rest of the monitor.
>question 2
If you were to replace the tube, or the rest of the components, would you still get a high quality image

>> No.10317492
File: 1.48 MB, 1179x1943, IMG_9805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never stickered your binder anon?
your locker? your skateboard?
live a little
they were gifts & remind me of cuties i dated

>> No.10317498

i dont understand the question
i bought my pvm so i could rotate it for vertical shmups and my arcade pcb
the guts inside are properly mounted for long term rotated use
the shape of the metal cube allows it to lay flat properly
most sony sets are great post-trinitron
late 90s/early 2000s knockoffs can be good too as sony let their patents expire
it became a free-for-all so if you dont mind no component/rgb etc
you can still get a killer jvc, panasonic, etc

for me, if the pvm lacked the shape i wouldnt buy it
regardless of internals or picture quality

>> No.10317506
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, 1449482714543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, i know now. thank fucking god i didn't pay a dime for it and i just got it from my uncle who was going to throw it away

>> No.10317517

Rejuvenation has to do with the filaments not the phosphors. Furthermore, I don't understand why you are jumping to worn phosphors and specifically only one phosphor (blue). There are far more likely culprits besides worn phosphors or even a filament. Your problem is more likely to be poor calibration or a problem somewhere in the signal path.

>> No.10317542

My old Sony Trinitron (KV-25FV12C/7) has no sound whatsoever, even with headphones. I checked the menu and the speakers aren't turned off. Is it worth repairing? Could I do it myself, or is the risk too high? There's no one left here who still fixes these TVs.

>> No.10317545

why not just get some external speakers?
they'll be better than the speakers in there anyway

>> No.10317548

They don't work either. I tried plugging in headphones and external speakers and neither worked. It's like the TV isn't sending sound at all.

>> No.10317552

>It's like the TV isn't sending sound at all.
Anon, you bypass the tv and feed audio into external speakers

>> No.10317558

Then what exactly am I doing wrong? I even went into the TV's menu to disable the internal speakers and I still got no sound whatsoever. I tried plugging a Gamecube (RCA)and a PS3 (HDMI to ARC) and neither gave any sound at all.

>> No.10317559

You never need to send sound to the tv at all.

>> No.10317561

is this bait?
you see those white and red plugs in the TV, take them out and plug them into external speakers, the sound on the TV should not matter at all

>> No.10317562

Sorry, not bait, just a techlet. But I did do what you said and still got no audio whatsoever. And yes, I did try different cables.

>> No.10317563

then your problem is not the TV
it's whatever you're playing from

>> No.10317615

OK so I tried something different. I just straight out plugged a Steam Deck with an HDMI to ARC adapter to the TV, and then another set of speakers (only one cable, a green one that comes from the sub woofer) to the SD itself and...it worked. It even works no matter where I plug the cables.

I guess that fixes one issue, at least I can now use the steam deck on it. Now the question is how I can make a Gamecube give me sound, considering the console has no jack ports whatsoever. I might experiment with some cables, but I'll probably just relegate my older consoles to my smaller Sony Wega.

>> No.10317625

you are convoluting your signal path
even if you must use a shitty sound bar it will have optical audio input or aux in

stop routing sound through the tv
the sound comes from the game systems
plug the sound (red/white) cables into speakers

>> No.10317631

>remind me of cuties i dated

>> No.10317632

The audio system might be fucked tho, because I tried it with another TV and it didn't give me sound either, leaving me with nothing but some PC speakers (the ones I mentioned. Can't plug shit to it except headphones). But you're right, it's a convoluted mess and I should just get a dirt cheap soundbar or something. At least now I know that 1 I should get rid of this audio system and 2 the headphones jack on the TV -IS- fucked too. Thanks for the patience by the way.

>> No.10317650

i got called a normalfag on /vp/ also kek
my powerlevel is mostly hidden
there is nothing normal about hoarding arcade pcb anon

>> No.10317675

What the fuck. 100$ for a cheapass consumer TV?
I'm gonna be rich.

>> No.10317708

I don’t think you are doing what we’re saying, take a picture of the cables

>> No.10317828

No, $50 for a cheapass consumer tv, then $25 to ship it
but people do burn the fucking money on monitor CRT's for over $100 for god knows fucking why given theyre totally different from consumer tv crts.

>> No.10317869

desu the fact that this guy says it needs calibration while also saying he refurbished it tells me it the calibration is needs is either outside his (and probably your) skill level, or else has problems calibration won't fix.

Any pics of it on?

>> No.10317875

its like with cars when they are "rebuilt" but just need a new air filter.
No one dumps parts and spents time working on something and just gets bored of it.

>> No.10317880

Yeah basically the only way that monitor would be a good deal is if the only problem is the colors are off or something and the guy is too OCD to just eyeball it until it looks good.

>> No.10317912
File: 3.02 MB, 3391x2874, PXL_20231012_024014524~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the fanciest, but my father in law was getting rid of it and it's great for a free pickup. The speakers on this thing are STUNNING

>> No.10317959

i probably wouldnt even pay 200 in perfect condition.
This generation of curved trinitrons is plagued with issues

>> No.10317965
File: 354 KB, 1008x1344, castle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn how to take CRT pictures, mudfcker!

Android: Go to ‘Pro’ or ‘Manual’ mode on your camera app and set these settings: ISO 100, White Balance 5000, Shutter speed 1/60, Magnification Max Zoom (Macro). Maximum photo resolution.

>> No.10317979

Here in germoney I've never paid more than 30€ on a good computer monitor CRT.
TVs you can still find on the dumpster every now and then.

>> No.10318013

so what are the chances that my TV gets broken if i buy it online?

>> No.10318048

this is exactly it anon. It's also a certain pride of its own engineering that went into the machine.
It says stuff like "DYNAMIC SOUND" or "DIRECT DRIVE" in bold letters on it, it wants to be looked at.
Modern tech is shy and dismissive and afraid of its own prowess.

>> No.10318054

like the other anon said, this is mid/late 80s look. 90s was the direct opposite to the 80s. It was all rounded and shiny. Still black though. 80s were A N G U L A R

I love that 80s look and I'm very happy I got a system from that period

>> No.10318172

Gotta poke around for some other app options, looks like the default camera app for the pixel 7 doesn't let you do that

>> No.10318197
File: 26 KB, 640x627, movie eggman intense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shit thanks for posting this
i barely managed a few CRT pics without really changing any settings, will try this later with the CRT i just got
>mfw bought the sylvania i mentioned before AND also just traded some of my HD equipment for a fucking samsung TXR2035

>> No.10318203
File: 555 KB, 2048x2727, 169699819564746908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is his comment when I asked for what repairs he's done

"Yep! And I replaced the deflection IC, which breaks on these sometimes"

>> No.10318309

This was taken 10cm away from the screen so that you can see the subpixels. If you take farther, your pictures won't present subpixels, though you'll see great scanlines.

>> No.10318334
File: 436 KB, 2016x1512, 20231006_201017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10318339
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>> No.10318450

Is there a recommended brand or model for an HDMI to RCA converter? I wanted to try hooking up my steam deck to my CRT

>> No.10318489
File: 120 KB, 1280x722, DSC_0072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, did I royally screw up by not grabbing this Philips set when I was at my previous job?
I think it was a 29PT something model. I'm retarded and spent most of my time fixing that Sharp VCR/TV Combo to the left of it and got that home since I could carry it by myself no problem. I did mess around with this Philips and from what I can remember the picture quality was quite good even with composite.

Reason I ask is I just remembered it had a fucking HDMI port, SCART, Component, S-Video, fucking everything. Pretty sure it could handle 1080i. I'm actually pissed just thinking about it since it was there forever until a month before I transferred when we did a cleanup and the building maintenance guy went and recycled it. Fuck. Hopefully I'm not just making sour grapes of this and it's not a noteworthy set after all, but still. Nothing close to this quality or choice of inputs on classifieds.

>> No.10318491

P A S S.

>> No.10318493

Dino Crisis? Love the look of that menu.

>> No.10318501

Hate to break it to you anon, but I have two units of that exact model and it's pretty great. Component looks amazing on that thing and even though you can sync 1080i content, everything 480p looks fantastic on it. Hopefully you find one or something comparable. Next time you should take the CRT first then ask questions later.

>> No.10318506

do all consumer TVs have crt bloom? so far every monitor i've had has never had the blooming effect, while every TV has.

>> No.10318512
File: 232 KB, 612x505, holyinputs1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's definitely not a rear-projection or LCD I can tell you that. HDMI on a CRT is crazy.
I feared this. Is this what marital infidelity feels like? I actually paid 25 bucks for a Trinitron KV-XJ29M31. I'm feeling a little jealous.

>> No.10318515

Depends. Which ones have you noticed it coming through the most?

>> No.10318548
File: 761 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_20231012_133221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting the hang of it

>> No.10318628

I only use composite with small 10" TVs because the signal hardly looks bad on those. The bigger the TV though, the more noticeable the artifacts so RGB or at least component is desirable.

>> No.10318634

Man, PS1 games really have that unique, timeless look. Especially on a CRT hooked up via RGB. Compositefags can screech all they want about muh blur, but I personally love these sharp pixels with dithering all over.

>> No.10318663

What game is that?

>> No.10318838

Moiré 2077

>> No.10318852

>never understood the appeal of using RGB with a crt
you probably never saw RGB in person
>isnt the point to not have a flawlessly clean signal?

zoomers and american should not have the right to pots in CRT threads.

>> No.10318894

I saw this listing too. He has more pictures. The tube looks good from what he sent. I was going to lowball him but I don't feel like driving out there even if he accepted.

>> No.10318895

For some reason, zoomers think RGB on a CRT looks exactly like an LCD but with "scanlines".
t. American with an RGB monitor

>> No.10318902
File: 24 KB, 539x540, IMG_0640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on retro tech

>> No.10318924

Does he have any pictures with a convergence test pattern? If the yoke was disturbed he probably ballparked it and called it good. If you're lucky you will be able to correct any issues in WinDAS. If you are unlucky you will have to redo the yoke positioning and/or have to mess around with convergence strips which you will have to make yourself.

>> No.10318941

you can buy convergence strips

>> No.10318975
File: 657 KB, 2419x1814, 20231006-203202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10318984

Dino Crisis?

>> No.10318992

Last I checked they stopped making them over a decade ago and the supply has dried up.

>> No.10319005

What's the best media player for CRTs if I don't plan to build a collection of physical media?

>> No.10319031

Lol I tried low balling him 100$ he got pissed gave me a long-winded answer of no.

Haven't received anything yet. Is this monitor really with 200$? Even with him saying he's replaced multiple parts on it? I also have an option to get 2000 Dell m991 for 60$ personally I'm looking for a higher quality CRT with good resolution and refresh rate. My bare minimum is 1600 X 1200 60+ hz

>> No.10319053

They did stop making them but you can still find people selling them.

>> No.10319072


>> No.10319269

I wouldn't pay $200. If it's still for sale in a few months offer him the $100 again, in the meantime look at the Dell.

>> No.10319274

its a magnet on a plastic strip.
if your skin is the right color you can even make that yourself.

>> No.10319283
File: 216 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few months ago 12 of them were on Mercari for 50 dollars each.

Ps1 Trinitron is just a standard Trinitron tube. It's 20'' right, so the tvl wont be very high (tvl deicides size of scanlines) It will probably be like 300tvl

A 24'' trinitron will have significantly higher tvl and thicker scanlines because sony always whacked it up higher for their 24'' and above, it will be about 400-450tvl which mogs other companies 24''-27'' sets, sony was great in that regard. A pvm will range from 600-800tvl which is very high, 600tvl is probably the best, at some point the image gets so sharp it looks kinda shit, scanlines get too thick, Bvms are 800-1000tvl. Also the higher the tvl the more flickery 480i is and thats suffering.

In all reality the best tvl really is the ''higher than standard crt 300 and lower than pvm 600, shit like super trinitrons above 21'' are kino. I have no clue which slotmask sets have higher than usual tvl, so if you can find a sony go with it.

>> No.10319381

Anybody uses a Titan X or 980ti for CRT gaming? How comfortably are you able to play "modern games" 07-current year"

>> No.10319446

I remember 10 years ago, my big living room sanyo and also a smaller TV+vcr combo had it. Recently noticed it on some old late 80s 7" trannytroon portable tv, and my 22" late 90s trinitron has it too. In most conditions you never notice it, but every time there's a large chunk of bright color on the screen it always stands out and bloats the image.

I've never seen it happen on a crt monitor, and I've always seen it happen on every consumer TV i've had. Have any of you guys ever had a TV that doesn't do the bloom thing? Do PVMs act more like monitors and not have it?

>> No.10319458

just get the delock, buddy

>> No.10319472
File: 303 KB, 944x1280, IMG_9815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o u gonna be mad af nibba
a little 4'11 cutie gave me these
bc i told her what they were for ;3

>you have a super nintendo anon?! omg!

>> No.10319478
File: 95 KB, 1080x1244, IMG_3964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuties i dated
>steel battalion
he "dated" walruses
there is zero percent chance a /vr/ posted dated anything above a 2/10

>> No.10319479

Bloom is caused by poor voltage regulation and most, if not all, consumer CRTs will have it. PC monitors were built to a higher standard and have tighter voltage regulation. They can still have bloom but to a far lesser extent. I have never seen a PVM in person but I assume they have better voltage regulation than a consumer TV.

>> No.10319483


>> No.10319489

Badly scaled GBA, yuck!

>> No.10319568

>replace vga cable for p1130
>2048x1536 actually works now
a lil blurry but ill take it

>> No.10319579

RaspberryPi can be modded for analogue output. There are probably better solutions though.

>> No.10319581

Actually useful for certain use cases.

>> No.10319592

a PS3

>> No.10319616

My Samsung 10 has no such option mate

>> No.10319629

i have a galaxy s9 and it has all of those

>> No.10319763
File: 1.44 MB, 5360x2615, RF_vs_VGA_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what's going on here? When I plug in the SNES to my TV through RF, everything looks fine. Through the multi-port, things are dim and sometimes garbled. It's bad on this CRT, but worse by far on an LCD. I'm not sure what to make of it, and don't understand hardware/signals very well. Any ideas?

Other than that, this is my simple setup.

>> No.10319783

Yeah, don’t use RF

>> No.10319798

Clean the pins on the multi out and try a different cable.

>> No.10319810

I tried a different cable, same story. I wonder if it's something internal. The TVs both seem fine.

The RF is what works for now.

Why can't things just work forever?

>> No.10319816

Does the multi-port have a white stripe down the center of the screen when powered on?

>> No.10319840

>The RF is what works for now.
clearly not or you wouldn’t be posting on here with problems

>> No.10319868

Whenever people talk about CRTs, 240p gets mentioned and how people try hard to either make an emulator run at that resolution, or get the original hardware, otherwise you'll be using 480p.

So, answer me this honestly: do YOU actually see a difference, or at least care about it?

>> No.10319875

A PS3 can't play .mkv files, can it? Last time I tried, I got an error saying the console wasn't capable of doing it, unless you're referring to streaming from a media server.

>> No.10319885

It's not about seeing the difference. There's nothing to see, because you can't display 480p on a regular CRT TV.
The problem here is getting more or less modern hardware to output 15kHz analog video and you need some tricks to do that. That's why we're having the same questions and solutions repeated ad nauseam each thread.

>> No.10319894
File: 169 KB, 1000x975, DW6q5DjUMAAyg6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would i go about getting one of those transparent jail CRTs?

>> No.10319902

Then why would someone bother using stuff like Emudriver or super resolutions when they could just let the emulator output whatever?

>> No.10319903

Call up prisons; what I want to know about prisons is if you can park outside a women's prison with a sign saying FREE DICK.

>> No.10319906
File: 682 KB, 6350x4891, snes_schematic_color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be dirty pins on the connector. Cleaning those would be the first and easiest thing to try. After that internal components become suspect. RF video and composite video originate from the same pin of the same IC so we can rule out everything from the video encoder and before. After the video encoder the signal goes through resistors, capacitors, and a transistor before arriving at the composite pin of the multi out. My first suspect would be the capacitors.

You must suck at reading comprehension.

Commit a serious crime, go to jail, steal CRT, then break out of jail.

>> No.10319916

mine is a 10 and i dont have those.

>> No.10319919

Also, there is no law that says you can't have two bad cables. Are you using official cables?

>> No.10319939

Wait, are you using a PAL or NTSC console?
Make sure you use a PAL or NTSC cable respectively
The PAL SNES uses a capacitor in the cable to filter video, where as NTSC models have them in the system
If you have an NTSC System with a PAL cable it’s going to double the filter and dim the image

>> No.10320614

i use a 4:3 hdmi to av converter
its garbage for gaymen unless you're doing rpg
but for cartoons and tv shows and shit its literally fine
just dont hook anything expensive up to it
its hella chinese

>> No.10320623

vga to av worked ok too
has a little set of buttons do adjust resolution\position manually
again, still kinda laggy for anything but slower games
but for media consumption its fine

>> No.10320634

Use SMPT color bars to calibrate your CRT. You can find them on 240p suite.
This has been a game changer for me.

>> No.10320639

Yeah mkv works through media server

>> No.10320673

I know there's no consensus here, but I just found all of my old systems (nes, genesis, gamecube, ps2, wii) and I'm going to set them up in the dungeon part of my basement. CRT's and old Plasmas are both pretty cheap around here still....which is the better option for the vr novice that isn't going to coomlect and just wants a spot to play his old games and remember being happy?

>> No.10320675

get you a little 13-20 in fatty boy CRT and you're good, plasma is retarded and anyone trying to convince you to invest in LIGMA component/HDMI is trolling.

>> No.10320720

i dont think the plasmas were ever good for anything besides jrpg and color depth
also a ticking timebomb as they have a more limited runtime than standard crt

>> No.10320824

Thanks boys. I lurk these threads all the time but hear a lot of conflicting reports (obviously). Someone just gave away a 27" Trinitron around here, so I should be able to pick something up for 20 bucks.

>> No.10320848

rf is king

>> No.10321014

i have a sony lcd sdm-hs95d from 2005 as a second screen, fucker outlived most of my rigs and has such good colors that it puts my current monitor to shame, i had a benq t201wa from 2007 still works but gave it to my cousins

>> No.10321037

I had no clue about this, that's good to know.

I don't think I have anything PAL. That makes sense though, and I'll double check that my cables aren't PAL. I'm almost positive they aren't though.

Is the SFC the same as the NTSC SNES as far as that goes? I'm guessing so, because I've never run into the issue before. I wonder if the capacitor in my SNES is getting wonky.

No, I haven't seen anything like that happen. What would cause that?

Thanks for the responses fellas. I like learning about this stuff, even if I'm not good at it.

>> No.10321051

>No, I haven't seen anything like that happen. What would cause that?
Something do with with an underperfoming capacitor. Mine has that issue, so it's benched until I can get to where I can safely solder and fix it.

>> No.10321065
File: 1.78 MB, 3023x1869, 8C355D79-C5A6-4F74-A9F4-8951116493BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I discovered for the first time that I could use a Retrotink to connect analog video to a computer CRT monitor. What causes the alias effect on lines when watching a vhs tape? Is it the monitor resolution or was it always present in the film?

>> No.10321267
File: 61 KB, 1066x395, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to emulate amiga and 486 on my mister and I got these monitors in my storage, which one should I choose?
I'm already using the trinitron 420gs but it's way too good, bulky and heavy, the scanlines are really nice at the lower resolutions but I'd really like the most "of the time" feeling as possible

>> No.10321460


haha xD

>> No.10321474
File: 2.24 MB, 1080x1258, stripFIGHTERpc-enginekun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always date people out of my league
its my signature move

>> No.10321480
File: 1.34 MB, 807x1061, joyconsFORSIZEonlyjannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't used it much for that purpose
i have the 2x pro
there is a switch to turn on\off the "filter"
check your manual & physical switches
it could just be the shitty vhs player
maybe try s-video and see if it cleans up

>> No.10321492

Looks the same as the japanese ps1 screen.

>> No.10321520
File: 488 KB, 534x534, yoshi_proofs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont particularly like the look
one way to get a fun semi-clear case like that
is to time travel to the mall in the late 90s
you can get one to match your inflatable couch

>> No.10321645

Yeah man, I live in Australia and have a SFC, the PAL cables I had would dim the screen like yours

>> No.10321765


>> No.10321790

Haven't HD tvs been around since the late 80's? I think Sony manufactured one.

>> No.10321793

HDMI was made around 2001

>> No.10322048 [DELETED] 
File: 3.01 MB, 4032x3024, trini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I didn't even know this existed, massively jelly. My fave CRT to play with has to be this white KV-1370R.

>> No.10322067
File: 456 KB, 756x1008, trinitron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I didn't even know this existed, massively jelly. My fave CRT to play with has to be this white KV-1370R.

>> No.10322151

3:4 always looks way taller than 4:3 looks wide

>> No.10322153

vertical resolutions that don't match the number of lines isn't going to look good, even on a crt.

>> No.10322194

the advantage of such a card would be interlacing at a high pixel clock, really niche use case

>> No.10322214


>> No.10322238

i dig it

>> No.10322285

It does, but the copyright says 1998. The PS1 version released in 1997 in all regions.
It's kind of hard to tell whether it says was developed by KCEN or KCET, though.

>> No.10322330

Love it. That's exactly how we used to stack our old PS1 too

>> No.10322352

Voltage rating of cables is related to its isolation, so you should only avoid using cables that are rated less than the outlet voltage you have, more is better!

>> No.10322439

You could almost call it power bandwidth

>> No.10322579

Is there any reason though to maintain a few crts hooked up to a retrotink/ossc rather than HDMI modding consoles and using filters on say an OLED or qled? I'm asking sincerely about this as I want to see what's worth the investment and trouble

>> No.10322741

retrotink and ossc are for hooking up retro consoles to hd displays. i don't know about filters on flat panel, but i do know that they aim to replicate the look of much cheaper crts. since you have all of the consoles already, with one crt you're good to go. you might be able to get one small enough that you can move down a flight of stairs for free. if you want hd from the later consoles then a flat panel display might be better considering not many crts are hd and when they are they might have lag.

>> No.10322745

this guy responded better than i could've. good man.

>> No.10322917
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>> No.10322921
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1694537951102214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a pose to
Wtf is wrong with zoomers?

>> No.10322941

ze english language has always been a patzwork of ze people speaking it ja?
It is a bastard language.

>> No.10323602

>retro crt thread
>the tranny can't even be on topic when a crt is being mentioned
no wonder these threads have been dog shit

>> No.10323665
File: 57 KB, 503x512, 2555256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one that thinks about trannies as much as you is straight.
let that sink in faggot.

>> No.10323674

That has nothing to do with my point. The word is apposed. Not "a pose to". This is bone apple tea tier

>> No.10323683

for me? it's the instant reply from the tranny

>> No.10323686

yeah i dont think i would've even cared about your post until that "totally not a tranny" responded right away kek

>> No.10323691

ill take bone ape tit for 200

>> No.10323694

for me?
its the samefagging.
kys rantroon

>> No.10323704

english spelling retard you give a fuck why

>> No.10323752

>The word is apposed
no, its "opposed", moron

>> No.10324003
File: 104 KB, 1200x900, 1691503059874588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup /CRT/. I have this strange behavior with one of my PVMs. After running for 30 minutes or so it'll get this really loud whine, which is slightly lower pitch than the normal 15kHz whine we are used to, but much louder. It eventually goes away and then comes back after a while. I have no idea how else to explain this. None of my other monitors do this. Any ideas?

>> No.10324010

you need some TLC for your monitor and some TND for your neighbourhood.
hope this helps (:

>> No.10324019


>> No.10324025
File: 3.09 MB, 3018x2592, 20221215_153736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jay Vee See

>> No.10324034

Most likely a capacitor on its way out

>> No.10324046

This sound is intermittent. Does that still apply?

>> No.10324050

could be another component
does it sound almost like a hiss?

>> No.10324057

is the capacitor sexually active?

>> No.10324062

Not a hiss. Almost exactly like the regular 15kHz whine, but like a lower harmonic of the normal sound.


>> No.10324069

does it happen when the screen has a lot of brightness such as white?

>> No.10324071

could be a deflection coil

>> No.10324080

Be honest, you spend more time fiddling with the service menu than playing games. 240p test suite is your most played title, isn't it?

>> No.10324082


>> No.10324096

I've noticed no pattern like that. Especially playing PS1 games I would've noticed on every boot up if that were the case. I'll play for 20 minutes then it'll start. Turned off the monitor for a bit and turned it back on and the sound is gone for now.

Doesn't sound like a low buzzing if that is what you are referring to.

Actually yes.

>> No.10324136

only the size bc it doesnt save certain resolutions for some reason. other than that no

>> No.10324454

Yes. I honestly miss the "it just werks" aspect of when I played my consoles on an LCD.

>> No.10324624

then is it better to use the Retrotink/OSSC or the new PixelFX Gem hdmi mod that came out? cause I cant for the life of me find a decent CRt monitor or TV to use and all I can really find are LCD's with component and S-video etc.

>> No.10324651

Anyone here using a Steam Deck on a CRT TV? I've been testing mine with a simple HDMI2AV converter but I have to mess with resolutions quite often (my 20-21 Trinitron seems to work better with a resolution of 800x600 on desktop mode) to get a better picture, and even then I'll have some cropping. Videos through Kodi work better at least, fully filling the screen without cutting anything of the image (been watching Slayers this way). No chance of 240p as far as I know, tho I'm not too worried about it. Do you guys have other set ups?
Any recommendations on cables or converters? Is S-video worth it over normal AV? A reddit guy recommended this:


>> No.10325245
File: 3.67 MB, 1643x971, link face in receptionist ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pondering the aroma on my new samsung tx-r2035

>> No.10325398

The only thing that drives me nuts about CRTs is when you're playing a game that just has a weird video signal for no reason so the picture is just noticeably off-center. I don't try and fuck with my CRT's picture settings anymore but that's basically the only thing that can send me back into the service menu these days.

>> No.10325440
File: 210 KB, 993x977, 20231015_140536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody know what this is? Fell out when I removed the anode cap on my Nanao. Does it just pinch the clips together?

>> No.10325524
File: 1.13 MB, 2104x1468, Is_it_fucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well /vr/os, so I recently got a 29-inch Samsung CRT completely for free. I hoped it would be in great shape but nope. I think it's fucked... or is it? I'm afraid it's harder and harder to get a TV set with large 50 Hz tube. I coul've settled with a 100 Hz Sony Vega TV, but muh light gun games... I might as well go with an LCD+upscaler.

>> No.10325574

lurk moar

>> No.10325578

nice hotspot

>> No.10325598

PS1 does annoying shit like this with their menus switching to 480i then back to 240p for the gameplay. I can't stand the 480i jitter.

How often do you really see yourself playing light gun games?

>> No.10325606

>How often do you really see yourself playing light gun games?
Not that often, but I plan on beating The Lone Ranger on the NES with the Zapper, among other games. Generally I want an "all-in-one" TV for all my consoles, ranging from NES to PS2, and while my older LG 21-inch one handled NES, SNES, Genesis and even PS1 without a hiccup, the PS2 games looked like shit on it.

>> No.10325636

Dunno what's going on with the line but the spot might just need degaussing

>> No.10325638

>Dunno what's going on with the line
It's an artifact from taking the photo with a camera, nothing like this really occurs.

>> No.10325649

>480i jitter
I swear I must’ve hit the jackpot
I get zero jitter at 480i

>> No.10325731

>PS1 does annoying shit
Not only, PS2 does this also. It's particularly apparent in FreeMCBoot menus, and personally it annoys me in GT4.

>> No.10326262

I recently acquired an old CRT television, and I'm having trouble with the display quality. The picture seems distorted and blurry. Does anyone have tips or suggestions on how to troubleshoot and fix common issues with CRT displays? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

>> No.10326265

Sony Trinitron KV-32FS120

>> No.10326272

You’re gonna need to open it up and adjust the focus knob while it’s on
Do it very slowly because focus is very temperamental

>> No.10326280

Thank you for the guidance! I'll definitely take your advice and proceed with caution. I'll make sure to use a non-conductive tool and do it very slowly to avoid any mishaps. Safety is my top priority. If I encounter any difficulties, I might seek help from a professional technician. Thanks again for your help!

>> No.10326295

he was being sarcastic

>> No.10326301

Can you not

>> No.10326728
File: 21 KB, 1379x1034, 1687291112921629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon could you post a pic of this place? I want to see how the specularity on the pillars behave on tvs sets

>> No.10326951
File: 38 KB, 1080x617, Screenshot_20231015_235733_Mercado Libre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this S-video to RCA cable give me S-video quality, or just normal RCA video quality?

>> No.10326954

well what do you think anon

>> No.10326962

I think that S-video is a meme and I won't even notice the difference if it does work.

>> No.10326973

S-video is not a meme, but you can't improve video quality with a few wires. Garbage in garbage out.

>> No.10326982

nope. cute idea but nope. that wire is simply a means to an end.

>> No.10327015

It will make the S-Video cable a simple pass through

>> No.10327079

It will look exactly like composite. There is no free lunch here. The only time you would possibly see an improvement from an S-video to composite cable is if the composite circuit of your device sucks while the S-video side is good.

Also, that picture is of a composite to S-video cable. The only possibility of improvement here is if your TV handles S-video better than composite. The picture will still be very much composite quality though.

>> No.10327119

>It will look exactly like composite.
It could add a checkerboard pattern to the image.

>> No.10327126

not necessarily
depends on how the TV receives the signal

>> No.10327138

It depends on how well the chroma and luma signals are isolated.

>> No.10327150

no it depends if the channel is exclusively S-Video the checkerboard pattern is from feeding the wrong signal into S-Video
My set has a setting to turn on S-video and it goes checkerboard if it's fed composite signal

>> No.10327156
File: 497 KB, 500x281, f4fa2c0bb49c7f5c06293907c0d493a3105c20b3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merucan hands typed this. You never see them complaining about arcade minitors. Do you.

>> No.10327286

We're basically saying the same thing. S-video is separate chroma and luma signals. Composite combines the chroma and luma signals on one pin. If the composite to s-video cable can sufficiently separate the two signals then there will be no visible checkerboard.

>> No.10327289

fair enough
It's just mine has a toggle setting on the remote rather than the cable itself

>> No.10327303

You don't need a toggle . A composite to S-video cable needs a notch filter built into it in order to not have a checkerboard pattern in the picture. A simple notch filter can be made with a few resistors and capacitors.

>> No.10327308

Crt televisions don't really get burn in, do they? Been using an old trinitron as a pc monitor.

>> No.10327324

I think you're not understanding what I'm saying
of course they do

>> No.10327335
File: 123 KB, 1000x750, 0822-EP12-5P6-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you identify the CRT used here?

>> No.10327337
File: 530 KB, 729x559, nurd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or here?

>> No.10327342

looks like an LG Flatron?

>> No.10327418

>as a pose
As opposed.

>> No.10327435

The fuck's this, Jamal?

>> No.10327467

>Bought a crt last week off ebay, a good under $100 price for a 13 inch Sylvania
i think "good price" range for a sylvania TV is between fifteen and zero dollars

>> No.10327620

I've never been able to find a composite/s-video adapter like that that actually works without creating the checkerboard pattern. Whatever the proper way of doing it is, whoever makes those amazon/ebay adapters doesn't do it.

>> No.10327679

Looks like Sanyo DS20424

>> No.10327760
File: 2.50 MB, 1146x1035, 1493406418850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious how this cable works at all even if just composite quality. If S-Video is separate luma and chroma signals, how do you take composite and output through S-Video?

>> No.10327774

it doesn't. it's a garbage cord.

>> No.10327784
File: 1.27 MB, 1440x1080, Screenshot 2023 10 16 11h54m49s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know the exact details of how it works, but you can convert composite to s-video by just splitting the signal in two, using the raw composite as luma, and putting like a resistor or something on the second signal to turn it into a chroma signal.

It introduces major artifacting though. Picrel here's composite out of my N64 converted to S-video with an adapter just like that.

>> No.10327787
File: 757 KB, 1440x1080, Screenshot 2023 10 16 11h55m21s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And actual S-Video because why not.

>> No.10327807
File: 108 KB, 1434x1343, 61p-BnnhQVL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are my favorite cables and everyone who buys them deserves to get scammed. If not for the learning experience.

>> No.10327874

it's beautiful..

>> No.10327987

Notch filter. You can make a simple one with a few resistors and capacitors. Probably won't be as good as the one in your TV and definitely not as good as a comb filter.

>> No.10328065
File: 84 KB, 659x876, IMG_0550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fags trying to experience games better than the developers that made them

>> No.10328067

>fag mad he didn't get a PVM for $50 10 years ago

>> No.10328083

looks similar to an RCA Truflat 20F512T but they dont have front inputs

>> No.10328102

someone must have asked chris-chan what TV he owned at some point

>> No.10328361

Just get a $20 degauss wand off Amazon and swipe it around.

>> No.10329179

what are you even talking about

>> No.10329635
File: 1.70 MB, 1179x1939, IMG_9911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how lagless arcade pcb on crt:
>arcade pcb (working)
>supergun +power supply
>RGB to s-video converter (keene electronics)
>sega to db15 adapter (optional)
>wireless saturn/genesis 2.4ghz pads (optional)
congratulations you can now play your jamma shit on consumer crt
i lag tested (not scientific) with snes rgb scart cable & 240p test suit
im at 0 dropped frames
all analog signal conversion
if you really have a shitty set
an s-video to rf radioshack modulator box ($10) will keep the ball moving

do what you will with this information
i suggest avoiding china c-box style converter boxes
as they use a digital method and drop frames
also dont try to run 2 crt side by side
it made the picture look ugly/warbly on the sony
prob due to magnetic interference
im leaving the pvm sideways forever
i dont give a fuck kek

>> No.10329645
File: 362 KB, 857x1280, IMG_9943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people slam the speakers on the pvm
i live on a quiet street
its loud enough at 2/3 volume in mono
with one tiny ass speaker for me
no need to blast the big PA speakers kek

>> No.10329689

espgaluda pcb = igs pgm "sheep nova" 1:1 conversion
just as good as the real pcb
as cave og hardware was based on the igs chips

dodonpatchi daioujou
and ketsui run great too
i dont give a shit i will shill sheepnova all day son

>> No.10329690
File: 1.55 MB, 1179x1813, IMG_9946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.10329952

I have a Steam Deck plugged to my TV and I noticed Retroarch has a CRT option. From my understanding tho, this shouldn't do anything at all on a steam deck. Am I wrong? Do I mess with the super resolutions and refresh rates?

>> No.10329982

Hey anons. Do you know of any good online stores for used electronics? I'm trying to track down several specific models of CRT TVs. A few of them only came up on ebay maybe 4 years ago and I haven't seen them since. I'm wondering if there is any other used electronics website I should be checking.

>> No.10330030

craigslist / offerup / mercari
depends on your location
>not risking getting murdered to death for vidya
why even live??

>> No.10330302

That picture is fucking creepy.

Anyway, it's a Philips. Look at their flat models and you'll probably find the model number.

>> No.10330376

my search for crts has led me places i wouldn't go with a gun

>> No.10331256

>craigslist / offerup / mercari
>depends on your location
Thanks for the info. But Dang.... I checked all of those and still couldn't find what I was looking for.
Am I out of luck? There has to be more than just 4 websites people can check (ebay/Craiglist/offerup/mercari).

Maybe I'm naive....but Is there no CRT or electronics website out there with a bunch of old CRTs for sale? I remember being able to find remotes for TVs of any TV model I needed years ago. There was always some website that had them for sale. Are they all gome now?

>> No.10331318

>Silent Hill 2 in the bottom of the right pile
Good job, AI

>> No.10331678
File: 784 KB, 2225x1816, 20230929_095022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old neighbors gave away their 27" Phillips, since they were remodeling their house. Don't have any retro consoles, so I hooked up my old homebrewed wii u with av cables.

>> No.10331680

finding a specific model for sale online is expecting way too much, there were probably tens of thousands of models over the years. What model are you looking for?

>> No.10331682

Never use Facebook Marketplace if you're in latin america. You either get robbed or they just don't send you shit.

>> No.10331751

Several models....but the biggest one is a TV by Memorex. It belonged to my cousin. I know it's not the "best quality" CRT TV out there. But it's what he had growing up.

He's had it since he was little and played Saturn/N64/Dreamcast/PS2 on it. His house burned down recently in a fire, and he lost almost everything. He was a gamer and never really cared about PS3 and later generations of Consoles.

He also had a Memorex Karaoke machine, and a Memorex Boombox (combo TV/CD/Radio). They both had small CRT screens in them.

I was hoping to find replacements and maybe give it to him as a Christmas gift. Even if I could find one of them, I think it might be a good nostalgia gift.

>> No.10331759

I guess I'll start small and maybe look for the boombox and karaoke machines instead. Those might be easier to find than a larger old TV.

>> No.10331781
File: 279 KB, 1153x1024, Ikegami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little bit of both of the things you said. But it goes deeper than that.
There are entire circuits present on PVMs (and other high-end monitors from many brands, such as the attached Ikegami) designed specifically to improve picture quality.
- There are more discrete deflection adjustment coils in some PVMs that allow geometry to be (essentially) perfectly dialed in.
- Separate high-voltage regulators for different circuits, which prevents things like screen stretching/shrinking depending on how bright the image is.

They did not bother including these sorts of things on most consumer sets because 1) the consumer usually would not notice or care, and 2) as the end of the CRT era came around, CRTs were only commercially viable as the "cheap option" and they wanted to sell as many cheap TVs with as large of a profit margin for as long as possible, until the market share was completely consumed by LCDs and plasmas.
Of course, there are exceptions to this. There were high-end consumer CRTs near the end, but most were not the kind you'd want to play retro games on.
The Sony KV-xxFV310 has some of the special high-voltage circuits I mentioned above, and has PVM-like picture quality.

You could replace all of the components in a PVM with cheap chinese parts, and if you got lucky and they were all okay despite being cheap and chinese, then yes, it would still look better than your average consumer CRT.

Replacing the tube? Harder to say. As long as it was from a good manufacturer, with low hours, and a dot pitch close to that of the original tube, then yeah it would probably look fine.

>> No.10331790

A bit too oversaturated but looks nice

>> No.10331809

Also, if you're asking because you're considering whether or not it's worth getting a PVM:
It's not. The current asking price is insanity. If you can get one for cheap, then that's great! Go for it! But personally I would never pay hundreds of dollars for a 14" or 20" set, let alone 5" or 12" like I see some losers doing these days.
I have three PVMs (14", 14", and 12") and always just end up using my 32" JVC D-Series via RGB-Component conversion because it's nice to play on a big screen.

Posting on my SGI-rebadged Sony GDM-5411 at 1600x1200 btw :^)

>> No.10332010

even a low end pc monitor still kicks any pvms ass.
but yeah for 240p they are nice.
I love the design thats mainly why I even have one.
I never use it though having a big consumer TV is just better even if the image shrinks and expands and it isnt as razor sharp

>> No.10332014
File: 1.89 MB, 3264x2448, 1690239939085779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any difference to a regular 5402?
apart from it being black I think its just another 5402 rebadge its just weird that it gets its own model code

>> No.10332142
File: 67 KB, 680x664, 1502385290694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a tierlist or something for CRT brands? What's good besides Sony, Ikegami and SHARP?
Don't give me any of that "all CRTs are beautiful and unique :))))" bluepill boat anchor compensation shit.

>> No.10332150

All CRTs are beautiful and unique.

>> No.10332151

But seriously, JVC and Mitsubishi made good ones.

>> No.10332214

for price?
pelco is the sleeper pick
usually low hours sometimes still new in box
has same bnc quality commericial grade connections
still has tate hard metal square shape
not swarmed with bids from redditors
(like the sony/jvc pvms)

dont say i never helped ya

>> No.10332217

jvc panasonic mitsubishi

>> No.10332398

also if you can find disney tvs that arent thrashed
late-mid 2000s and sonys patent expired
might be slightly TOO sharp but if
you can find one cheap like i did its a reliable set i have two of them
one of them for years now

>> No.10333236

Hmm, not sure. It's definitely the same control button layout as yours, with the little slider for switching between Input 1 and Input 2 and everything. In any case it's a nice monitor, I like mine a lot. :)

>> No.10333293

Just bought a Syncmaster 794v. Thoughts? Did I fuck up?

>> No.10333395

Depends on how much you paid for it and how good condition it's in, but Syncmasters are pretty decent in my experience. Just be really careful with the anti-glare coating, unless it's absolutely filthy don't wipe that screen with ANYTHING. If it starts flaking off there's absolutely nothing you can do to cleanly remove the whole layer and make it look even again. Believe me. I tried.

>> No.10333421

Around $20 if I convert it to dollars, although I still have to pay for shipping. The guy was an old man that even plugged it and sent me pictures of it and it looks in near perfect condition.
>unless it's absolutely filthy don't wipe that screen with ANYTHING
Noted, I won't touch it. Good thing it looked really clean.

>> No.10333450

It's probably on a plastic film that you can peel off with a lot of effort. Be aware that doing this not only increases glare but also hurts black levels in anything more than a dimly lit room. Colors will also need to be recalibrated. On the plus side, no more scratches and the picture will be brighter.

>> No.10333462

Good deal then. Shipping a CRT can be a bad idea. Hope he packs it properly.

>It's probably on a plastic film that you can peel off with a lot of effort.
Wrong. Do NOT touch it. On Samsung Syncmasters, it's a chemically deposited coating. On one that I had, little bubbles formed in certain places and then it flaked off. It was like it was not attached at all. About 80% of the rest of the monitor came off easily with hard scrubbing and a microfiber cloth. But in other places on the monitor, it was permanently stuck and completely irremovable.

I tried increasingly aggressive types of cleaning to get the stuff off, starting with Novo Plastic Polish, then Cerium Oxide / Optician's Rouge, and finally I was able to get the whole thing clear of the stuff by using an abraisive glass cooktop cleaning compound. But doing so left microscopic scratch patterns in the glass which cause rainbow artifacts.
I would have been much happier if I had just lived with the one or two tiny spots which were slightly brighter than the rest of the image.

>> No.10333482

Interesting. Usually the ones that fail are on a film. In any event you should be able to tell if it's a film or not one you get the bezel off.

>> No.10333653
File: 2.85 MB, 4608x3456, 20220413_202640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as someone who had a crt with peeling AG, wiping the tube down is fine.
Even using water is fine.
If the film starts flaking just from wiping it down its done and should be removed either way.
UV light exposure from the sun is the main factor in if the film is bad or good I think, the longer the crt stood in the sun the more damage the film takes.

>> No.10333721
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Jokes on you, I have a D-Series so I have fuck all for service menu options and quit trying after 10 minutes.

>> No.10333734
File: 91 KB, 960x862, 1684986567141799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brand preference past the top 5 best is a meme since the CRT's quality is largely dependent on its usage hours and the condition of its storage.
You always see some fag be like, "Sonys are so overrated." and its like, you mean the two or three Sony's you personally saw in the year 2023? You think nothing happened to them in the past 25-30 fucking years?

>> No.10333874
File: 46 KB, 640x422, 169690191858950670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does anyone find a CRT not from FB or craiglist/eBay? I went today on a 5 hour crusade driving to ewaste locations and actual dumpsters and they don't accept CRTs anymore. I haven't seen a CRT, in a curb since 2009. I just want a nice Monitor to heat my face this fall and winter. North west GA/ South West TN area

>> No.10333982

i've been in my d-series's service menu before. i forget the code but it exists. i used the remote but maybe there's a way with just the buttons

>> No.10333987

you could ask people you know

>> No.10333994

I've had good luck searching in hole-in-the-wall thrift stores that aren't Goodwill. Found a PC monitor and a Panasonic broadcast monitor that way.

>> No.10334081

What is the typical gamma rating of a CRT PC monitor?

>> No.10334085

You might get lucky at a garage sale. I picked up a standard definition widescreen CRT for free this year.

>> No.10334096

Facebook market, asking at computer shops, got two Viewsonic GS15's, a Compaq QVision 210, Philips 29PT and the best of all, a iiyama 505. Shadowmask gang. Will post pics sometime but yeah, Facebook is where it is at.

>> No.10334112

yard sales/estate sales if you're lucky

>> No.10334113

That highly depends on which region you are from and what you look for in a CRT.

>> No.10334685

Planning on getting a CRT monitor for my modern pc, but the only VGA port on it is on the motherboard. Will this affect performance or image quality?

>> No.10334692

Can't you go Display port to VGA?

>> No.10334695

I'd have to get a converter I guess. I wanted to ask before spending more money.

>> No.10334809
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more pvm shitpostin

>> No.10334813
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the saturn is based
i do notice some minor 1-2sec load times that arent there on actual arcade pcb
maybe some texture changes here and there for background layers

having fun going through all the tate offerings on fenrir

>> No.10334830

I put mario stickers on my red mario wii that I got from a candy.

>> No.10334864


>> No.10335171
File: 86 KB, 1113x626, 20230730_141751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western Europe company rankings best to worst:

Sony - Was the best company for Crts, only company to use only their own tubes for sets.
Going into the late 90s their quality gets beastly, Super Trinitrons have a tendency to last forever, they were made to a high standard.
One of the biggest advantages is the fact on sets bigger than 21'' they have a raised TVL, in America because of the prevalence of bigger sets this isn't so impressive, in Europe where 27'' is rare and bigger than 27'' is very rare the raised TVL on 24'' and 27'' is very valuable. TVL gives you a sharper image and scanlines. Super Trinitrons float around 400-450TVL which is a very attractive amount, sharp enough for moderate scanlines, not so high than interlaced images get flickery (low tier pvms are 600tvl for example).
Sony sets were the only ones to consistently have fantastic speakers, with a separate tweeter and woofer, many sets are rated to 10w rms x2. Most impressively Sony often did these speakers for 21'' sets violently mogging competition which often used shart mono speakers for 21'' sets.
The Aperture Grille tubes are a joy as well, unique, bright, great contrast with a good tint.
Sony is simply the best for Europe, disadvantages however are that Aperture Grilles are way more prone to fixable defects than the tried and true slot mask, however this is offset by Sony's stellar osd and service menu controls, which makes sets easier to fix.

Sony are the kings of Europe when it comes to tubes.

>> No.10335175
File: 8 KB, 226x254, 1569596346260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bang & Olufsen- A luxury brand who made some good tvs. Mostly used high quality Euro Philips tubes. These sets have innovative features found on no other sets which can be read about extensively on the BnO world website. They pursued expensive and experimental technology, for example a couple of their tv sets used superior anti glare only found on crt monitors. They often have features like auto contrast adjustment, flicker reduction etc that cant be found on any set. Some people might find their additions more distracting than good. However nobody can deny their intrigue and quality as sets.

>> No.10335186
File: 331 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toshiba- The only other real tv company other than Sony to give a shit about Europe.

These guys are awesome for being the only company practically to release sets bigger than 27'' in Yurop. Their 32'' and 36'' behemoth sets released in the 90s are the only 4:3 27''+ sets you're gonna find in Europe. Toshiba tubes are good stuff as well, mostly used their own tubes which were of decently innovative quality.

They often targeted making tubes with less curvature than other slotmask competitors. They also released some of the only sdtv widescreen tubes worth getting with microfilter bullshit and the classic lavender mask purple look to their high tier tubes.

Toshiba made good shit.

>> No.10335192
File: 175 KB, 1000x1000, PRODPIC-3558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After Toshiba you get Panasonic, they're all the way down the list because in Europe they often used low tier Orion tubes and rarely released large sets.

Some of their 2000s sets while they look cheap use genuine panasonic tubes and produce a really beautiful image.

The set I have in the image was the last 4:3 chassis they released. These always have genuine Pansonic tubes and because they were released in like 2004 often have super low hours. They produce fantastic images.

Outside of that Pansonic didn't really give a shit about the euro market.

>> No.10335197

I'm surprised CRTfags don't jump on Eizo.
Were big in the professional market, is Japan :o, were involved with arcades, and own Irem.

>> No.10335198
File: 32 KB, 640x311, 4gfjv7ell4g71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loewe/Germancrap brands - Loewe are known for their tvs having vga compatibility as long as you have the vga decoder card and that's about it. Particular Americans sperg out about this. Oh and they use german tubes.

Brands like pacific using German tubes are often surprisngly good. Keep an eye on them.

>> No.10335208
File: 528 KB, 2543x2155, based thomson life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japshit brands like Mitsubishi and Sharp - didn't release anything good in Europe. Some generic ass small tvs.

Sanyo - Bottom of the barrel japshit, most of these are rigged to explode and kill the owner by spiteful manchurian sweatshop workers.

Euroshit brands, Pie, Goodmans - Again these guys released some shit gay tubes. Nobody cares about them.

Thomson - These guys actually made some decent tubes, they had some crazy designers who made awesome looking sets. Keep a look out.

So yeah that's what I can think of off the top of my head. The US market is a entirely different world. In Europe though Sonys are Ws

>> No.10335210

i like this guy, he clearly knows what he's talkin about.
coming from a YANK, how would one acquire one of those sexy ass "Bang & Olufsen" tv's? Ive seen them around on the internet and people have them on these gorgeous stands that fit the style well.

>> No.10335212

that's a fitting description
my parents still have a 34" sony vega crt on their place, mostly because it weights north of one hundred goddamn kilograms
still, a great tv. if i had where to put that monster in my apartment i'd take it in a heartbeat

>> No.10335213

I have a Grundig with a Thomson tube, dunno if it was swapped at some point but it is a very sharp picture

>> No.10335217
File: 519 KB, 2048x1536, f980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do jump on Eizo. Most people buying crts aren't crtfags and are just normies.

Eizo made slotmasks good enough to take down Trinitrons and Diamondtrons. The f980 is the ultimate unicorn monitor and arguably the best crt ever made.

The only one known to survive is owned by some redditnigger who when asked to show what games looked like on it posted a image with gameboxes on top. Somebody needs rob his house and take that shit.

>> No.10335231

You could try to import one of the ones that doesn't use a stand like the mx 1500. If the guy knows what he's doing and uses packing peanuts and multi layer packing it could make it to you fine in Murica.

They're not *that* good with the exception of the 21'' category which Sony lacked in (their 21'' sets had non raised tvl, so look softer compared to their 24'' offerings)

At the end of the day you'd be better off looking for one of those american xbr/xbr2 sets with the pvm tubes in them. Those things are pure kino and will beat a b&o anyday. They're awesome and Europe never got them. Oh well, at least we have Super Trinitrons fucking everywhere here.

>> No.10335247

thanks bud. I knew i saw the pictures around and a model number, had no idea of the brand.
definitely on my list for the silver unicorn set to keep an eye out for, it's a beautiful TV.

>> No.10335353
File: 100 KB, 720x960, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can a GPU like this connect to my TV through S-Video with no issues? Never tried anything like that, never even used S-Video actually lol

>> No.10335397

Probably. It might also support other signals with an adapter.

>> No.10335418
File: 3.32 MB, 2196x1786, e33b4db4e3bd6f90b7792060fe05bf79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a guy selling these TVs next to me, do you guys know anything about them? Are they good tubes?


>> No.10335420

Is there even a point? My D-Series has as close to perfect geometry as I could ask for from a consumer set, I've never even once considered opening the service menu because it's so good.

On the other hand, I definitely spent some time in the service menu of the Sony KV-series I used to have. No combination of options could ever make the geometry look as good as my D-Series is, but I got it to look pretty decent.

>> No.10335424
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>> No.10335428

If one has a 1080p crt, is it possible to adjust the picture so that older games dither properly?

>> No.10335453
File: 87 KB, 1134x1333, radiation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very, very, very low. According to this chart I saved a long time ago, 1 microSievert from a year of usage.

Using a CRT monitor for a year will give you the same radiation dosage as eating ten bananas.
You're already exposed to 10 times that much from background radiation every day.

>> No.10335462

looks like an 8" tube, right? What signal type are you using?

>> No.10335473

You seem knowledgeable, know anything? >>10335418

>> No.10335535

Mitsubishi had some alright stuff in the 80's since they had manufacturing in the uk for a little while, but that's about it no special 90's stuff.

>> No.10335660
File: 3.79 MB, 4608x3456, 20220421_181942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made slotmasks good enough to take down Trinitrons and Diamondtrons.
You talking about monitors?
Eizo actually didnt make shit in terms of monitors tubes,
eizo monitors use hitachi shadow masks in them.
Thats not a bad thing mind you, hitachis are after sony and mitsubishi without a doubt the best tubes and eizo can make better use of hitachi tubes then hitachi with their own monitors.
The eizo menu is godly aswell and my F930 has a ton of options in the menu,

>> No.10335828

I think by "gamma" he meant the electro-optical transfer function. Most computer monitors probably used sRGB, or at least aspired to.

>> No.10336174
File: 814 KB, 718x962, Screenshot 2023-10-19 135039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good CRT? It's being sold in my city for 50 USD-ish. I can't find any information about it online, not sure if it's worth the pain of getting, seems to be +200lbs
Model: KV-38DRC2

>> No.10336210

s-video usually
but pic related was actually composite
its a 14"

>> No.10336234

Are you from Brazil, anon?
I have that Philips. It's great. Probably the best 21" curved tube with component you can find.

This one is probably good too but might have the usual flatscreen issues.

>> No.10336250

I have read that it is 2.5

I'm trying to set up CRT-Royale on my PC CRT.
It has a setting for LCD-Gamma, which I believe is the native gamma of whatever screen you are using. So I should set that to also be 2.5, right?

>> No.10336291

Yep, good to know huebro. I think I'm gonna pick them up then, dude is basically giving them away anyway.

>> No.10336298

>but pic related was actually composite
Got it, I figured it was either that or just a tiny tube. (or both)
why go out of your way to get a PVM if you're not gonna use RGB/component?

>> No.10336310
File: 1.41 MB, 1061x987, how_do_u_DO-fellowKIDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

technically it IS rgb when i use arcade boards
the set also supports PAL signals (cdi, humax, etc)
i use an rgb>svideo converter (keene electronics)

the "point" is the shape of the chasis\pcb mounts so i can run it sideways without it wobbling
and the parts wont take a fat shit like a normal set on its side

the rgb obsession is a meme
unless you are blasting signal to a flatpanel gaymen monitor
the natural blur\bloom will make anything above s-video hardly noticeable aka diminishing returns

>> No.10336424

Oh shit I legit forgot to mention Euro Phillips lmao. Yeah they make good sets. They make just really solid slot masks. Often their sets are standard tvl however.

As a rule of thumb, any set bigger than 21'' will look better than the 21'', however if you only have space for one those bulbous curved 2000s phillips are pretty good.

They often have scan velocity modulation enabled which on some sets can make the image look soft, so investigate that in the service menu if you get it

>> No.10336551

>I've never even once considered opening the service menu because it's so good.
uh yeah, no shit, what do you think that all d-series just have perfect geometry and are incapable of getting distorted signals?

>> No.10336558

>get later CRT
>can't even customize colors without opening the service menu
why tho

>> No.10336582

Because the average person doesn't mess with their TV's settings. Same as it ever was. I have a "high-end" computer monitor from 2004 and you can't even adjust the convergence within the menu.

>> No.10336614

Holy shit is that really a Sony Sega game queer?

>> No.10336926 [DELETED] 

>jigaboo clicks through settings
>"why da tv green it broke oh hell nah"
>have to pay for him sending it in because warranty
>lock all advanced options behind secret menu
>jigaboo happy
As always, its niggers and jews

>> No.10337208

>customise colours
Since when has that not been a service option?
You are changing the power of the gun

>> No.10337302
File: 2.68 MB, 2448x2448, All Clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get Mega Drive
>learn only today that A) it has no S-video cables and B) the first gen model can't do stereo sound to TV

>> No.10337309

but it can do RGB and stereo?
plug the stereo into the headphone jack
as for Svideo, you'll either need to mod it or just use RGB

>> No.10337398
File: 198 KB, 1280x785, DSC_0018_Original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this sexy bitch for free at work. Sony Vaio Trinitron CRT.

>> No.10337402

nice, a bit too small for me though

>> No.10337407

what's the model?

>> No.10337421
File: 833 KB, 2268x4032, IMG_0895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic isn’t of mine but I believe it’s a model CDP-100VS. It’s apparently stupid rare.

>> No.10337457

Thanks for the write-up of all the brands anon. I have the Panasonic from your picture (TX-21JT1P) and I recently acquired a Sony KV-25X5K, which apparently is top quality in Europe. I only tried 480i content so far, but Sony has a much better picture and lower noticeable flicker. Both are in my basement at the moment, is some maintenance recommended if they just werk at the moment? I was going to just blow off all the dust from the inside and clean the case

>> No.10337479
File: 2.94 MB, 3264x2448, Super Miles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The headphone jack on this Mega Drive seems pretty shot. I didn't know that regular audio cables could be converted to TV audio inputs, though. That's interesting. And I'm not entirely sure what RGB is...

>> No.10337483

ya the jack\rca converter cable is cheap
i use it for chiptune shit in stereo into a mixer
but i can never find that faggy cord when i need it

>> No.10337487

i think i saw seen a listing for one of these once. 30-65kHz according to the manual

>> No.10337516
File: 37 KB, 554x554, IMG_4222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, use pic related, ones with a flat jack preferably
Also RGB SCART is a type of plug, you can then convert that into SVideo with a transcoder if you don’t want to mod it

>> No.10337650
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It's important to note that after 2001 Toshiba only made their 32 inch and larger CRTs. All smaller models were made by Orion using inferior parts.

>> No.10338642

I'm in a large city and I visit a local salvage place twice a week, I think they get all their stock from people failing to pay for their storage units or moving costs, tons of antique gems. There's like 6 CRTs there right now

>> No.10338856

What do you mean by local salvage place? I went to scrap yards that accepted all metals and electronic.... Except CRT. This was a smaller size city Chattanooga.

>> No.10339015

i do this for RBG arcade boards (mentioned earlier)
the quality is still v good with no lag
however dont buy a chinese converter (usually a red pcb)
they use a cheapass digital IC that adds latency
i have a supergun that is UNUSABLE over analog
even for free i kinda dont want it

>> No.10339021

My RCA has RGB controls in the menu

>> No.10339247
File: 658 KB, 1080x1024, hdmitoypbprcable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be patient I'm retarded. I got a big ol' crt, works just fine, I want to connect it to my pc, what kind of cables do I need? My first thought was a "hdmi to component" one, so picrel, but two of the reviews say it doesn't work on crt tvs. Pc only has hdmi for video output, tv has composite and component for input.
>why are you using a pc?
because I don't have any vidya consoles so I thought of just using retroarch on a crt and call it a day.

>> No.10339306

>Because the average person doesn't mess with their TV's settings.

>> No.10339385

Yeah. The average TV buyer simply plugs that shit in and leaves it as is.

>> No.10339491
File: 2.34 MB, 4032x3024, FJIMG_20231020_195634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking around with a really old portable 5 inch tv, panasonic ct-5511. I've been looking for a portable 5 inch tv for a while and jumped on this cause it wasn't $400 and it had color and composite. This thing was made in October 1981, so 42 years old. I love it already.

>> No.10339501

>42 year old dinosaur
>still kickin it and looking vibrant and glowey as ever
kino, love CRT's. good one m8.

>> No.10339562

based game choice

>> No.10339593

I wish I was good at it. It's a very good looking game though.

>> No.10339685
File: 968 KB, 1756x3170, 1460441900075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me /crt/
For a few years now I've dreamed of a CRT setup I could have next to my main PC. Mainly for emulation and watching old anime.
Issue is, people say emudriver with CRTSwitchRes is the best way of displaying games on tubes via emulation. But that requires a 15khz set which most monitors are not.
Is line doubled 480p that big of a step down compared to outputing it to a proper set?
I've been told it's mainly down to preference and that certain shaders+filters would satisfy most people.

>> No.10339704

so get a 15khz TV?
With linedoubling and shit like that might aswell just emulate

>> No.10339861

dont use faggy adapters like this
it will add so much lag the games are unplayable
not hairsplitting faggot posting like people crying about wii/switch ports (which DO have lag but normies wont notice)

those china adapters are digital and garbo
gbs-c + firmware will downscale to 480i with only one frame dropped
however its $100 or so

>> No.10339867

how would you use a gbs-c? didn't know that was a thing.

>> No.10341040

i've heard that a mixture of 1:1 baking soda and water can be worked into glass to even out shallow scratches if you want to mess with it further. can't confirm if it works. interesting about the rainbows, though. is it because of refraction?

>> No.10341046

with a soft cloth i should mention

>> No.10341265
File: 1.77 MB, 4624x3468, love you too mikan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a Syncmaster 794v and I've been playing with it on both Steam Deck and PC. I plugged it to my GPU (RTX 3070) via a VGA to Display Port adapter, and while it does look great, I can't seem to be able to use custom resolutions or change the refresh rate from 60hz. What am I doing wrong? I'm using Nvidia's control panel. A guy on Reddit even managed to make it run at 240p, while mine just goes to black if I lower the resolution too much.

>> No.10341307

windows doesn't like it if you try to set a single display to anything below 640x480. as for custom resolutions, are they within the monitor's refresh rates? specs say 30-70kHz H and 50-160Hz V

>> No.10341324
File: 36 KB, 467x582, dis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I've tried different refresh rates but they all just turn the screen off. Only 60hz seems to be available.

>> No.10341379

What game is that in the top right corner? The cyborg with the gun.

>> No.10341429

Playing with these a little, I seem to be able to push it up to 75hz but nothing beyond that. Could it be the adapter? I also tried plugging it directly to the motherboard, but it's also locked to 75hz. Absolutely no way of getting anything lower than 800x600, and Interlaced resolutions simply don't work at all.

>> No.10341489

Phantasy star

>> No.10341534

its your pc.
newer nvidia cards no interlacing.

>> No.10341556

That explains the interlacing, but what about the refresh rate being capped?

>> No.10341618

I managed to get my hands on a JVC TM-2100e for cheap. While the tube is in a great condition I have never had this much trouble setting up geometry, there's no service menu I gotta do it on the board. There's a service manual online but, it doesn't seem to match my board, later revision maybe?
I guess the E stands for Europe, anyone know if there was a US version of this monitor?

>> No.10341726
File: 1.33 MB, 2534x1861, 1697926254115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Pixel 7, and I use Open Camera to manually set shit since the default app has no pro mode, but with the settings in their post, the image is too dark. ISO 200 looks better, but it's still off a bit. My older Samsung phone never had issues with similar manual settings; I think there's some bullshit in Google's camera driver fucking with things.

>> No.10341735
File: 2.24 MB, 2040x1536, 1697926557171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

similar pic with pixel 7 as anon posting settings just at iso 200. looks better close up but still seems a bit off and iso 100 is way too dark.

>> No.10341779
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>> No.10341942

I use this one https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083ZF5BBP/
has a bit of lag and 480i only, not too noticeable. But it's better than spending hundreds of dollars on other shit

>> No.10342106

nothing is capped you need to make a custom resolution

>> No.10342132

I already tried. Any refresh rate over 75hz just makes the screen go black. I looked around and a guy with the same GPU as me says it could be the converter just can't handle high refresh rates.

>> No.10343581
File: 187 KB, 1000x672, 80sdecor15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they are usually accompanied with wooden home entertainment center cabinets.

>> No.10343843

That's an IEC 60320 cable, it just passes electricity from the wall straight through to the connector. Purpose is to allow vendors to ship appliances with 60320 inlets and then have separate cables for each region vs hard wiring everything and having region specific appliances. The 250V10A is the maximum voltage/current it can handle, not what it will actually do, which will be determined by the power source you use and by what the console draws in terms of current. As long as those numbers are equal to or bigger than what you need you're fine.

>> No.10343909

If you lower sharpness, it will flicker less

>> No.10343962
File: 578 KB, 2032x1524, 1680817224965971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put in for a Trinitron I saw in my grandmother in-law's basement at the beginning of the year, and she finally got back to me to say I could have it. I'm disappointed to say that after all those football games and Super Bowl Sundays, it has worse geometry than the TV I already had, and I don't think I can do much about it in the service menu like I did the Toshiba. Oh well.
I'll probably move my 6th gen stuff and the DVD player over to it since it won't be as noticeable. That way I can bring my earlier stuff out of storage and get them in a cabinet and playable. They've been in totes for years.

I can't say I hate that you can mount flat TVs on a wall and have them take up almost no space, but I do miss when the entertainment center was a main piece of furniture in a living room. I've been having a lot of pleasure in finding pieces for the basement. I was just able to swap out an Ikea shelf under the flat screen for this console about a week ago. Not perfect, but we're working on it. Now, I need to figure out where I'm putting this Trinitron.

>> No.10344110

>Ikegami monitor for a good price after months of searching
>3+ hrs away and I'm without a car for months

>> No.10344123

>I do miss when the entertainment center was a main piece of furniture in a living room
How is it not the main piece anymore? Even with a big OLED hanging from the wall, I've still got an "entertainment center" below it, filled with consoles, my amp, CD player, etc.
I know most dumb normies go for minimalist setups with shitty soundbars these days, but the TV and its vicinity is still the central point of a living room.

>> No.10344174

I irrationally miss big hulking wooden pieces of furniture fill with chunky electronics. That's all.

>> No.10344178

Do you guys do any special calibration to your monitors, or do just use it as-is? I pretty much set the color temperature to my liking on mine and called it a day.

>> No.10344245

Not that anon, but I have a delock and it shits the bed trying to do 2304x1440. At 480p it also has this weird green snow and scaling is funky on certain resolutions. Had no such issues using my old GTX 960.
Is my adapter faulty or is something else wrong?

>> No.10344264

I paid a guy with pro equipment to calibrate mine.

>> No.10344350

Nope, it’s sharp
I get the typical 480i aliasing but the image is sharp and non jittery

>> No.10344401

Just borrow a car from a friend. You do have friends, right?

>> No.10344609

definitely a philips flat set

>> No.10344616

I have a 36" that looks identical to that. Its HD, so it only displays minimum 480p but anything that can output that and up will look beautiful, I have a wii with deflicker turned off connected and it looks borderline hd on some pre-rendered stuff like the title screen in re4.

>> No.10344629
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>> No.10344947

I'm too dumb to do recaps and general maintenance... Should I pick up a CRT anyway?

>> No.10344954

They're built to last none the less so it's not like it'll go horribly. You could also try picking up some of the more recent ones made from about 2005 and onwards, although those are all mostly flat screens

>> No.10345037
File: 153 KB, 590x1280, IMG_0175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10345218

This is your brain pozzed by youtuber aftermarket device shills

>> No.10345474

but the idea of playing hdmi modern systems on a crt is awesome
my setup would require an additional adapter (scart>svideo) kek
i kinda want to do it with a gaming pc

>> No.10345489

For what purpose.

>> No.10345491

> the idea of playing hdmi modern systems on a crt is awesome
Intentionally making modern systems look worse is dumb as hell and isn’t retro. Take it to /g/ if you really have to.

>> No.10345497

think of all the expensive qrcade exclusives you could run
nebulas ray (namco) was never ported

>> No.10345498

This is what PC CRTs are for.

>> No.10345501

build ultimate arcade
the final cab

put a pvm as monitor
now you have tate support too

>> No.10345505

no toaster pc required
you can use a 30 series card and blast all the way through ps3 / 360 / switch

>> No.10345520

No PC required at all. You just need a converter.

>> No.10345543

what is the kinoest game to show off how good an rgb crt looks?

>> No.10346897

my work has a pvm that they dont even use in the front office, shit has been sitting there for years. I need to get around to asking security if I can take it off their hands before they get rid of it.

>> No.10346983
File: 275 KB, 1280x1178, 8F2D521A-4569-44A5-9435-1CA38199CC03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to get hairline scratches of out the anti glare coating?

>> No.10348079


>> No.10348092

Metal Slug 3

>> No.10348641
File: 262 KB, 1179x877, IMG_0220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i first moved in

>> No.10349131

>shits on emulation.
Emulation on a CRT will look better because of no analog noise from shitty console components

>> No.10349164

>great scanlines
scanlines are a meme
low res tubes(300 lines or less) dont show memelines

>> No.10349191

Tubes don't have fixed resolution limits. It's analog.

>> No.10349209

He’s talking about TVL
He’s obsessed with it

>> No.10349228

Tbh this turned out to be quite interesting. It would be nice for completion to see an actual svideo picture and how does the picture look on an actual CRT.

>> No.10349256
File: 1.48 MB, 1024x685, 1662561320548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope memeline faggots

Typical 300-350tvl 15 inch consumer set using Component

500 line PVM using RGB

>> No.10349295

Top is blurry at seated distance
Bottom looks better at seated distance and the scanlines aren’t that visible at all unless you sit too close

>> No.10349307

has anyone here built a sync combiner for rgbhv to rgbs? what method did you use, what display are you using, and how does it work for 240p and 480i?

>> No.10349329

Cope you absolute nigger faggot.
I'm sorry you only ever had shitty 15" budget brand CRTs and missed the PVM train. Meanwhile I'm playing on a 29" consumer Trinitron with RGB and it looks like pic related.

>> No.10349332
File: 469 KB, 1200x800, ae1b_res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10349536

>Just waste your cash n braincells AHYUCK!


>> No.10349565

Litterat what is happening here?
You can get a $4 HDMI>VGA adapter for a modern pc to a pc crt
You can get a cheap HDMI>RCA/Component/svideo adaptor for a modern pc to a crt television

What am I missing here

>> No.10349602

The lag, interlacing and horrible picure quality.

>> No.10349627

What do you expect going from a digital HD down to SD?
It’s like like complaing why can’t my film camera sync to Instagram. You accept the downgrade in quality and get on with your life.

>> No.10349710

>15 inch
Even the not so great RF only GE TV I used to have had scanlines. Of course it was a 27 inch or something and the scanlines were barely visible, but still.

>> No.10349985
File: 2.49 MB, 4032x1908, 20231024_172240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I do, /vr/isters? Found on the sidewalk with manuals, component to svideo converter, and remotes in a plastic bag. Sign that said "free, in good condition". Back panel incoming in next post. Don't have anything to plug into it yet, so just watching TV

>> No.10349992
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>> No.10350010
File: 1.07 MB, 1536x2048, signal-2023-10-24-16-45-07-853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My roomate took this photo but didn't send it to me for hours, I could have skinned him. But luckily it was still there. Though idk if it's any good. Perfect size at least and the image quality over the digital antenna converter is great

>> No.10350493

depends on the size of the screen
larger than 10"? ya the pvm is gonna win
in every aspect of clarity\sharpness\color saturation

however i do recommend keeping consumer sets with COMPOSITE
for titles that make use of heavy dithering\transparency effects
aka sega sonic 2 waterfalls & shit like that

its autistic to have only one option and say that its the best
its almost as bad as the emulation -crt filter fags shitting up the board every damn thread

>> No.10350549
File: 153 KB, 1080x974, ifunnywatermark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally managed to set my PC monitor to 240p, and while I do get the cool scanlines and all, I'm failing to get stuff like Castlevania look like pic related. I'm still getting the "dot eyes" on the left. What am I doing wrong? I set everything to default on Duckstation. Retroarch just keeps crashing when it comes to PS1 games. Or am I stupid and this will ONLY work on a CRT TV?

>> No.10350556

it will not look like that on a 32khz screen, sorry

>> No.10350568

the red eyes are composite color blending. You need to add a NTSC filter like the bundled ones in retroarch if you want it to look like that

>> No.10350575

my ~450 tvl consumer panasonic 27" looks exactly like the bottom. Your point?

>> No.10350580

Except slot mask?

>> No.10350585

It is a slot mask, yes.

>> No.10350601

>composite color blending
This was the key, I tried plugging my WEGA to my PC at 240p via composite and the blending actually worked. Now I just need to search for a filter to see if I can do that with my monitor, otherwise I'll have to move my TV from one room to another. Thanks anons.

>> No.10350741

good thing it has the remote. some ge sets don't let you change the input to s-video without one

>> No.10350815

It's a 13 inch. I doubt it has s-video.

>> No.10350856

Yeah it turns out the convertor thing was a redundant bit, it only has an RF jack. Gonna have to get a modulator to use it, which isn't the end of the world

>> No.10350967

If you already have a composite signal you can use a VCR to get to RF.

>> No.10351103

>get sent an offer over ebay
>item watched at a decent price
>buy on credit (about $5 in interest)
>shipping is only 1 hour from here (no frieght/airmail
>check photos
burn in
no mention of it in the description
fuck this gay earth
refund requested

>> No.10351107

nta but usually radioshack rf modulators are far cheaper than a vcr
also vhs players have bugs kek
like literal fucking bugs

i would never bring a tv in from outside

>> No.10351226

>he doesn't already have multiple VCRs

>> No.10351250

>i would never bring a tv in from outside
offcourse you wouldnt you sissy.
Why are you even into old equipment?

>> No.10351259

taking trash from outside and using vintage hardware arent the same thing son

i open all devices and do a full boardcheck
kek one time i got a sega model 3 in FUCKED UP condition
it had dead bugs leaves and other bullshit inside

>> No.10351287

i open up stuff i get too. seems like it's some kind of requirement that every crt has one thin, dead spider dangling from the neckboard. i check because there is the possibility of inhabitants. but if it's dirty inside then i'll clean it.

>> No.10351318

its actually the same thing.
If something is stored in a damp cellar or attic for years its much more likely to have crap in it then a TV thats been sitting outside for a day.
Oh btw most of the pristine condition expensive things you buy from ebay were pulled from the trash outside regardless (: