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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10311917 No.10311917 [Reply] [Original]

no I will not play your blurry, low resolution, 2 fps, shitty sounding music, puke textured games with a badly designed controller with no analog triggers and a shitty dpad and a joystick that breaks over time and lose all my saves because the battery died

>> No.10311921

i agree but you didn't need to make a thread about it.

>> No.10311937

Same, the future is promoting what you do like to flood out what you don't

>> No.10311939
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>no i will not play a game i will make a console war thread because i don't actually play games i just shitpost because games are too hard waaa
okay dumbass well i'll just enjoy playing video games instead

>> No.10311942

be sure to play good games

>> No.10311952

well don't worry i am
i was playing wario master of disguise and mega man x6 before this, both which decidedly blow

>> No.10311954

Extremely low quality thread. Enjoy death.

>> No.10311959

>i was playing wario master of disguise and mega man x6
im sorry to hear that

>> No.10311981

yeah same

>> No.10311991
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No I will not play your slowdowns ridden, muffled music, low resolution, input lagging games.
I guess at least the SNES controller is alright.

>> No.10312170


>> No.10312329

stccfag thread

>> No.10312346

it’s been decades, dude. let it go. it’s over. my controller never got messed up the whole time. mario 64 is god-tier. goldeneye is fun. you’re gay

>> No.10312350

you forgot your catchphrase again.

>> No.10312360

>My plastic-tortioned controller never wore
Then you hardly played it. Well done

>> No.10312365

>discussing a consoles flaws is hate speech
This board is reddit but worse.

>> No.10312368
File: 133 KB, 640x551, 23923997-7B4A-49D3-A0FE-20ADEB613813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Emulation exists and works well fir 5th gen and prior
>Eliminates the pointless console war shittery
>Console wars still live rent free in autists' heads
>Meanwhile I just enjoy the games as games, separate from their brand recognition

>> No.10312371

>discussing a consoles flaws
Disingenuous queer.

>> No.10312372

i played the shit out of it for years snd years. and still play it. you probably put it up your butt

>> No.10312376

The only flawed thing here is the quality of your shitposting. Begone fag

>> No.10312380

If by """discussing""" you mean spouting buzzwords and intentionally pissing people off.
inb4 Y-You just can't handle nigger-tier bants!
That's right, because I'm not an uncultured street savage.

>> No.10312385

take it easy, you don‘t wanna break another n64 controller

>> No.10312412
File: 106 KB, 1000x943, 5BF9A4BC-3FDE-4D4E-A482-12FA222C7C7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take it easy, it just helps with taking your meds

>> No.10312449
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So don't then.

>> No.10312508

I agree - you should play the N64 instead!

>> No.10312576

only nostalgia holds this console
Literally impossible to approach it if you never had one back in the late 90s.

>> No.10312583

>people still seething to this day that playstation couldn't do bilinear filtering like all the fancy shiny new 3D accelerator pc cards could do but N64 could

>> No.10312586

You casually played proven by a lack of worn plastic. N64 is for casuals anyways, have fun playing it at your thirteenth birthday party.

>> No.10312589 [DELETED] 

it's shit for troons

nobody in Europe gave a fuck about it

>> No.10312635

which is why you play emulated and solve all those problems at once

>> No.10312671

This is too sensible.
You must be deranged to waste time here.

>> No.10312732

You need to be 18+ to post here
>realizes there are Zoomers over 18

>> No.10312964
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ok! you won't be missed, OP.

>> No.10313367

>and lose all my saves because the battery died
You sure you didn't mean to make a Saturn thread you spastic

>> No.10313393
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>liking 4chan more than reddit
Go back.

>> No.10313408

I'm liking.
Da de da de da.
But also.

>> No.10313501
File: 269 KB, 376x265, 1678188902527567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of all the things people bitch about the n64, a shitty Dpad is definitely the dumbest

>> No.10313624
File: 141 KB, 500x333, 9E4B0E3E-AD14-4387-845A-588DCE8B7755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan has its merits for being easily accessible with little to no restrictions, but that's what lead to the site's growing entitled userbase and their lack of restraint making up the brunt of shitposting and intentional antagonizing all due to lack of authority stepping in 90% of the time.
It's fun/shitposting first, discussion later. The only threads that are protected from shitposting are by virtue of how niche the topics are to the majority of users while general discussions that anyone can easily get into are plagued with all forms of retards and it's always been like this since 2010 or so.

tl;dr Mods don't care about managing board quality and in turn, the users don't care to police their behavior because of it.

>> No.10315024

I want this and the other thread gone.

>> No.10315054

the N64 controller really is an abomination, lmao
their reputation and game devs really carried that system

>> No.10315271
File: 76 KB, 1000x656, 1691845100469348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i will not play your blurry, low resolution, bilinear vaseline filtered, field rendered, poorly upscaled to 480i games with a cheaply built dualshit controller

>> No.10315767

False equivalence and bad taste. The PS2 was better and more powerful than the GameCube, sorry you're offended.

>> No.10315773

Dreamcast was better than both of them. Remember PS2 was incapable of running Shenmue.

>> No.10315774

so, what triggered the n64 hateforce this time?

>> No.10315775

I was playing Burnout Revenge on a CRT a few hours ago and thinking to myself this looks amazing.
Burnout is literally unplayable on an LCD on og hardware.

>> No.10315782

>cheaply built joystick controller
What an assblasted nintoddler, n64 controllers are known for joystick problems and nobody has a good solutions. Meanwhile ps2 controllers still work great in used condition. I think it’s amazing how ps2 pressure sensitive buttons are still holding up. Quality product right there.

>> No.10315794
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64 was good.

>> No.10315824

>noooooo you CAN'T make a joke about how I am a console warrior! take me seriously!
This board really turned into a kindergarden since the rule change

>> No.10315831

How's this thread still alive?

>> No.10315849

People just ignore the Dreamcast poster and use his threads to talk about things that he hates.

>> No.10315853

Nintendo has never made a good console, and saying as much does not make one a "console warrior" or "fanboy". You're just mad because more and more people are agreeing as time goes on.

>> No.10315891

No idea, mods must be slacking off or something
I have noticed this guy has been sperging over the N64 for quite a while, he specially gets assblasted when someone shits on the Saturn or the Dreamcast (specially if you talk shit about the sega racers, mainly sega touring car championship or sega rally).
He's also really easy to identify because of the poor grammar and exact same arguments and responses (like calling a game gay or "cope").

>> No.10315925
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Really? Sounds more like you’re an assblasted nintendrone who got btfo.

>> No.10316043
File: 517 KB, 591x818, RE4 graphics comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The PS2 was better and more powerful than the GameCube
That is incorrect.

>> No.10316049

getting my game library ready for when my chinkheld arrives soon and this system literally has no fucking games except for 500 different sm64 romhacks. what a shit console

>> No.10316157

Now post a example that isn't RE4.

>> No.10316159
File: 1.20 MB, 2728x960, Viewtiful Joe texture comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10316167

holy based

>> No.10316417
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x630, okami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>follows up a Capcom example with another Capcom example
Sounds to me like Capcom just didn't know how to harness the better architecture of the PS2. Even so, the same team was still able to achieve far better cel shading graphics than celda.

>> No.10316426
File: 2.66 MB, 2616x784, Heroes comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every game ported from Gamecube to PS2 was downgraded.

>> No.10316435

Wasn’t it just that the ps2 could handle different things better like effect particles, but GameCube had higher Tex cash or some shit?? Either way, nothing on gc touches mgs2, even twin snakes looks like shit in comparison.

>> No.10316437

What Games do PS1 have outside of Final Fantasy Metal Gear Solid Tekken and Resident Evil? you act like if the PS1 dont had any Shovelware the Nintendo 64 was good despite its limitations

>> No.10316440

>Either way, nothing on gc touches mgs2
MGS2 doesn't even look that good. The levels all look like small test maps that with a slightly lower texture res would fit right in on the first Playstation.

>> No.10316443

quirky japanese exclusive adventure/horror game and european-only platformer

>> No.10316458

God I love that game so much, I wish there were more games on the quality and fun level of the two N64 Goemon games, even the Playstation ones are a big downgrade and aren't nearly as good.

>> No.10316642
File: 1.06 MB, 500x237, IMG_1308.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks great, what are you smoking? Just because it’s not over saturated with colors for constant overstimulation. I like it’s aesthetic, your using the singer fags cope argument.

>> No.10316645

You’re* amiga*

>> No.10316650

The environments literally look like test maps.

>> No.10316654

The 2D playstation games are honestly better and I'm tired of pretending otherwise

>> No.10316662
File: 139 KB, 1200x675, metal-gear-solid-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How else would you describe this?

>> No.10316667

>The 2D playstation games are honestly better and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
Unpopular opinion. Were made by B teams, akogingu doesn't hace Yae or Sasuke and Oedo is a mish mash of the SFC games with pre-rendered graphics. They are not the worst but they are also not considered better than Momo or derodero which are some of the most beloved from the franchise as a whole, in Japan too.

>> No.10316676

>Unpopular opinion

Looks better than twin snakes (which looks worse than mgs1)

>> No.10316929

Yes he does, or his forced-memeing won't work!

>> No.10316932

>The 2D playstation games are honestly better and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
Stop redefining "honestly", again, faggot. You haven't even played any of them.

>> No.10317621

Mod here is a Snoy tranny, so get used to it

>> No.10319028

Holy shit the autism. The N64 controller is pretty much objectively a janky controller. That doesn't mean the whole console and all it's games are terrible. Stop being retards about this.

>> No.10319413

Segatards...it's ALWAYS Segatards...