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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.84 MB, 3850x2570, Sega-Saturn-NetLink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10309839 No.10309839 [Reply] [Original]

What was your reaction when you saw it in a magazine?

>> No.10309848


>> No.10309852
File: 238 KB, 1000x1000, 1689657221317078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born in 91 and I didn't even know the Saturn itself existed at all until the mid 00s

>> No.10309854

Not a real gamer.

>> No.10309856

Where I live advertising toys is illegal so I've never seen a single Saturn ad anywhere at the time

>> No.10309862

I'm not interested in basketball so I'm not sure what this addon can do for me

>> No.10309867

This same. I thought the Dreamcast came after the Mega Drive. I was getting Mega Drive games for my birthday up to 1997. Even when I went to game stores as a kid there was ZERO Saturn stuff anywhere ever. Never once saw a Saturn game when I was browsing ps1 and N64 stuff

>> No.10309898

My Blockbuster had a Saturn section, didn't really completely understand what it was, and only remember they had their version of Resident Evil, so I thought RE was originally on the Saturn. After a year, the Saturn section disappeared.

>> No.10309918

No-one bought a Saturn here so multi-console magazines didn't cover it

>> No.10310076
File: 87 KB, 1024x1024, OIG (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume no one cared because they had psx or n64

>> No.10310165

I had a Saturn and I didn't even know what this is

>> No.10310251

I've literally never seen saturn in a magazine, I didnt even know it existed until I was an adult.

>> No.10310254

Not as enthusiastic as yours when you saw it in a video essay.

>> No.10310264

I have one, I've actually gotten online with it. Browsing the modern Internet with only 2MB of RAM to work with is a fun challenge.

>> No.10310282

I was born in 1996. We had a Genesis (model 2), Game Gear and Dreamcast but I never saw a Saturn until I was an adult and I never played one until last year when I bought one.

>> No.10310292

I had a saturn and eventually got a netlink and played sega rally, duke Nukem, and Virtua on over it. Never saw it in a magazine.

>> No.10310323

It took me days to download an album when this was released

>> No.10310330

The service still works, funny enough. You can direct dial the other player without connecting to a server.

>> No.10310339

>Wow. The 1660 really did let herself go.

>> No.10310356

"sega is still in business?"

>> No.10310359
File: 18 KB, 600x475, D8fnR10VsAA-mE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow Sony does it way cooler

>> No.10310418

I paid no attention to anything related to Sega Saturn, because nobody had one. I only had vague knowledge that the console even existed. Sega practically disappeared from my mind between 1996 and 1999.

>> No.10310443 [DELETED] 

I remember imagining a similar peripheral for Game Boy. Like, something that connected the link cable slot to a cellphone so you could dial into the internet and trade/battle Pokemon with people from all over the world.

Crazy that it ended up taking Nintendo another 8 years before we got a Pokemon game that could do that.

>> No.10310452

My parents bought it for me for my 6th grade graduation, but we had to return it since you needed a credit card to sign up for the only ISP it supported and my parents ruined their credit so they didn't have one anymore.

>> No.10310496

Real question is, who the fuck dials up in A.D. 2023?

>> No.10310589

There has to be something you can do with a PC modem to virtually connect with someone else online without having a dial up connection

>> No.10310595
File: 742 KB, 200x200, laughing rangas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's that Quest 64 treating you

>> No.10310597


>> No.10310608

If you're gonna use some genres the N64 sucks at to make fun of it at least don't use JRPGs. Not having jarpigs isn't a loss

>> No.10310610

Lmao me too.
Always thought Sega skipped that generation and that’s why they were the first with the Dreamcast

>> No.10310613

Well, if your definition of "dials up" is using that then anyone who uses that, or a similar device. Quite a few people. POTS and dialup internet is still used in places that have the existing infrastructure covering large areas with low population density. Also as a backup connection. When the power goes out and the cel networks are overcrowded POTS often still works fine.

>> No.10310652

thats because you are zoomer. you had to be alive to feel hype

>> No.10310801

Not having fightan or shmup games, that’s definitely a loss though.

>> No.10311025

"Oh man, they're gonna go bankrupt if they keep making shit like this"

>> No.10311083

Mild curiosity, then I flipped to the next page looking for more information about Super Mario 64.

>> No.10311239

Sega was always ahead of the curve when it came to console and arcade gaming. However, I had Nintendo consoles for mainstream normie games, 2nd hand beat up carts were cheap, and PC for absolute unquestionable superiority. So where does Sega fit in this equation? Their consoles are halfway between PC and Nintendo's "Lateral Thinking with Withered Technology." so why bother?

>> No.10311839

Saturn is supposed to be the arcade experience at home.

>> No.10312008

Supposed to be... Sega and 3rd parties made way more games for the various model 2s than they did for the STV.

>> No.10312119

Literally every marketing faggot has made that claim about literally every home system ever made. How clueless does someone need to be to parrot it.

>> No.10312172
File: 162 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.7Op0ExaBUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N64 had better fighters than psx or saturn though. Psx was a noticeable downgrade from arcade whereas N64 was much closer. Not a single shmup that I can think of though
I actually rented that one once. Still better than any Saturn exclusive

>> No.10312265

good morning

>> No.10312274

This discussion looks like bots arguing with each other

>> No.10312330

When I was a teenager I would read about these sorts of devices that I did not understand and it would sort of piss me off. Especially when magazine writers would talk about it as a negative against the other systems. Like in this case they'd talk about how the PS1 and the N64 lack netplay. And I'd think "WHO THE FUCK CARES? NO ONE CARES ABOUT THAT STUPID SHIT! TALK MORE ABOUT ACTUAL FUN VIDEO GAMES".
I was very much a "grafix don't matter! gameplay is everything!" nintenkiddie. Except I was actually kind of a graphics whore when no one was looking and it applied to my favorite series.
I got this way when they'd talk about frame rates, resolution, progressive scan, VGA output, RGB, lots of technical stuff.

Ironically later on I became a huge fag for those sorts of things.

>> No.10312337

Don't think the N64 had that as a primary purpose, even counting KI and Cruis'n USA advertisements. Would not say it for the SNES or PS1 either.

>> No.10312407

>Not having jarpigs isn't a loss
Today, maybe. In the 90's not having jarpigs would be like a 7th gen console not having shooters.

>> No.10312460

you seem to be in an alternate universe where the n64 has good fighting games. what's it like there? does it get a Virtua Fighter 2 port in that universe?

>> No.10312660

>I literally don't literally understand literal hyperbole
I guess you never saw an ad telling you it was the hyperbole experience at home

>> No.10312726


>> No.10312729


>> No.10312747

I bet it is as shit or worse than every other dial up modem I ever used in the preceding decade

>> No.10312753

>i was born before 1992 and never knew there was a console called saturn
Are you that desperate for attention you come here and spout this garbage nobody believes or cares about?

>> No.10312767
File: 112 KB, 1000x805, 1000010031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomer thread pretending they were born in the early 90s. Trust me, literally everyone knew about the Sega Saturn it's just nobody cared because of the playstation but that doesn't mean nobody knew about it.

>> No.10312785

Some of them are late-comers/posers/cocksuckers who only got into serious gaming as adults but like to think they were hardcore.

>> No.10312790

What's bad about it?

>> No.10312797

were you guys too poor to afford magazines or even watch TV ads? or is it a third world thing?

>> No.10312806

I know it's a larp from personal experience anon... But if that were my kitchen I'd probably have never have time for /vr either.

Verification not required.

>> No.10312807

Can't be since Sega was dominant in those.
In Brazil specifically the Saturn was marketed everywhere despite none buying it.

>> No.10313535

Its a fact the Saturn flopped in the west and barely anyone knew about it
It was marketed terribly and had nogames if your werent a hardcore nippon importer
why are these facts so hard for /vr/ to grasp

>> No.10313546

So probably a thirdworld thing.
Though to be fair, I'm an American born 3 years before that guy, and I wasn't aware of the TG16/PCE until the very late 90s.

>> No.10313578
File: 295 KB, 1024x1024, 1696044485495049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a G7 country
>I'm an American
lmao you're the one living in a 3rd world country where just going to the grocery store can get you shot

>> No.10313603

>I live in a G7 country
nta, but lmfao at your cope.

>> No.10313606

Sure thing buddy

>> No.10313608

>he says, while posting AIslop
Your brain has rotted.

>> No.10313616

grasping at straws

>> No.10313630

>its a fact the Saturn flopped in the west
I won't argue with that.
>barely anyone knew about it
Completely false. If you were an actual video gamer (as opposed to a casual who plays a video game every once in a while or a clueless little kid playing his same four games he owns for hours a day) you were very familiar with the Saturn even if you didn't own one.

>> No.10313638

The saturn was on the market and getting games for less than two years outside of japan
It was very forgettable if you didnt own one or knew anyone who did

>> No.10313859

>Where I live advertising toys is illegal
what in the name of Communist Russia is this

>> No.10313884
File: 129 KB, 946x968, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10313896
File: 170 KB, 1011x747, Screenshot 2023-10-10 at 16-59-25 EN_Guide_publicite_moins_de_13_ans_vf.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10313901

You must not have been born until after the 90s, everyone knew about the Saturn. I started kindergarten in 1997 and my peers knew what Saturn was. Even when I was in 11th, 12th grade the freshmen knew it. You don't have to lie on the internet.

>> No.10313910

It won't work with our 28.8Kbps Dialup. And by the time we got 56Kbps the rest of the country was already on Cable and DSL speeds.

>> No.10314018

Why so many Saturn threads lately? This console sucks. At least the Dreamcast had a reason to exist unlike this glorified stopgap.

>> No.10314162

I still don't know what country this is.

>> No.10314173

It's more interesting to delve into than the PS1 or N64 if you've been in this scene since the 90s.
This is also why the 3dO is seeing more attention.

>> No.10314185

>The saturn was on the market and getting games for less than two years outside of japan
This is false.

NA Release: May 11, 1995
NA Discontinued: March, 1998

2 years, 9 months, 18 days

Slightly less than 3 years != "less than two years".

Get your facts straight.

>> No.10314193
File: 250 KB, 1706x1114, IMG_7954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In order for print advertising to work, you need to understand conceptually what the ad is trying to convey or evoke. You need a certain level of consciousness that I didn’t have as a 10 year old in 1996. And you need a willingness to engage with it long enough to read the copy. I probably would have glanced at the picture and not registered it at all.

>> No.10314690
File: 98 KB, 709x702, Screenshot from 2023-10-10 22-42-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just checked, and I'm pretty sure it's from Quebec. I remember seeing advertisements for game consoles back in the day though since they were targeted at adolescents.

>> No.10314815

There were more Namco System 11 & 12 games than Sega STV. So which platform was the arcade experience at home? LOL

>> No.10314895

Overflow discussion from the email leaks a few months ago.

>> No.10315000

The numbers are not in question here. The marketing is.
I'm getting so tired of ESLs who have poor reading comprehension.

>> No.10315015

you should refer to the following post.
Every company said they were making the arcade at home experience. You clearly weren't there if you didn't see Nintendo and Sony making those claims. Because Nintendo was and so was Sony.

>> No.10315023

Same. Sega was big in my country back in the early 90's, but the moment the saturn came out it's like it disappeared from the face of earth and playstation took it's place.

>> No.10315057

Saturn was like a cryptid I caught site of few times at Hollywood video and blockbuster before disappearing into weeb land.

>> No.10315106

Saturn had damn near no presence in the US due to their surprise launch pissing off all the retailers that didn't get to be part of it. I was vaguely aware of Sega Saturn's existence, but practically forgot about it for the entire generation. It was in the same boat as shit like the Atari Jaguar, and barely more well-known than the 3DO. N64 and PS1 were the only two consoles that mattered.

>> No.10315129

"So can I use this to surf the Internet without a computer?"

>> No.10315136

you could use it to play some games like Daytona netlink version

>> No.10315139

The "buddy" coper strikes again

>> No.10315169

Nta but righto buddy

>> No.10317194

dreampie can probably do it

>> No.10317404

Once again, ESL-san you fail to grasp the nuance of the discussion. It's not about every single little blurb ever put out by Nintendo or Sony, it is about the primary marketing campaign for the console.

The Saturn, compared to the PlayStation and N64, was by far pushed harder on the arcade-at-home aspect by the company supporting it (SEGA).

>> No.10317530

Primary marketing campaign where? And by what channels?
Are you so naiive to think every form of media everywhere had the same message?

>> No.10317560


>> No.10317672

Ooh zing.
Sega love to push the arcade at home stuff but not universally. New console ads often focused on the console specs and magazine ads were tuned differently to tv.

Now back up your bs and post a few or relish in your lack of credibility

>> No.10319452


>> No.10319460

Because that was worth the bump 16 hours later.

>> No.10319559

>Not having jarpigs isn't a loss
N64 dregs grew up with edgy fps slop and mario sharty, which is worse off than growing up with jrpgs and fighting games

>> No.10319563

>N64 had better fighters
Like what?
KIfags can't shut the fuck up over how dogshit KI Gold is and nobody fucking played Flying Dragon

>> No.10320157

I used the netlink to get on the internet for the first time. I didn't have the keyboard so you had to use the joypad on a virtual keyboard to type stuff out in the chatrooms.

>> No.10320354

The first time I've seen a Saturn was in 2003, because the PS1 was much more popular in Latin America. The brother of one of my friends asked for some games (he knew I had a PS1). On the other day, he said the games didn't work, and when I saw the console, I recognized it was a Saturn, because I saw it on magazines.

>> No.10321418

Concession accepted.

>> No.10321449

I was born in 92 and I only knew about it thanks to my older step brothers who had one. It broke and ended up being replaced by a PS1 since by that point (98 I think) it was clear which had the better selection of games.

>> No.10321581
File: 265 KB, 1023x816, SEGA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw the real thing boxed at a store behind glass but never saw anyone buy it

>> No.10321658

Mortal Kombat