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File: 228 KB, 1000x1500, MV5BODBlODVjZmItOWFmYy00ODEzLTkyYzctZDg1YWY5ZmNjZjk1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA0MTM5NjI2._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10304281 No.10304281 [Reply] [Original]

Incredibly underrated game. Yeah people say it's a good game, but it's maybe the best arcade driving game ever made. I know people have some attachment to the second and third but the first remains the best. Heck even the original map they added to Dreamcast isn't as good as Arcade.
If your runs on Arcade map last less than an hour, try getting good

>> No.10304298

Games like this are why Dreamcast is my favourite console. Sega had their studios travel around the world to help them come up with insane bullshit no matter how risky in a desperate attempt to save the company from bankruptcy. Who else would greenlight a punk Taxi game?

>> No.10304310

2 is actually pretty good once you get familiarized with the maps. Maybe not quite as good as the map in crazy taxi, but if you’ve played 1 to death like I have it’s a refreshing change of pace. The way they set the city up lets you loop like the map in the first game does, but they’re smaller loops and you can do it in several places in the city. Plus, jumping is just fun!

>> No.10304316
File: 1.59 MB, 2016x1512, CT2 scores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how Crazy Taxi 2 was made with online scoring in mind so there's no difficulty options unlike the first game. So many runs of CT1 have everything set to easy with as much time as possible and play for 4 hours straight. Also Around Apple is a god tier map once you really learn it and the risk reward of multiple passengers and jumping add even more depth to the game's scoring.

>> No.10304339

I just don't like Jumping but really to me with the original game nothing beats the loop and strategy involved with the Arcade map

>> No.10304342

I loved this game on Dreamcast. I bought it on steam years later and the music was changed. It ruined the game for me.

>> No.10304412

the music wasn't as good in 2. americana was the last offspring album worth a shit

>> No.10304415
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I play the GBA game a lot, it's fun and also impressive how it makes use of the GBA's 3D capabilities

>> No.10304428

I haven't really properly played it but the Las Vegas map of Crazy Taxi 3 is actually very cool. It has a lot of different little sections like the desert.

>> No.10305286
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crazy taxi is good, but have you played the og crazy taxi game?

>> No.10305315

>If your runs on Arcade map last less than an hour, try getting good
I don't get the appeal of playing the game on easy, let alone bragging about it. I'd be impressed if you lasted ten minutes on default settings.

>> No.10305330
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I'd never said It's underrated, who doesn't love Crazy Taxi? It's just peak soul

>> No.10305336

I can do 20 minutes on default settings and I'm not particularly great at the game.

>> No.10305340

>maybe the best arcade driving game ever made
No it's not, it's way too janky. Collisions often lead to completely unpredictable bullshit. Even an arcade game needs to have a perfectly fair and predictable set of rules if it wants to be called "the best". That being said it is fun

>> No.10305469

That might improve it for me

>> No.10305472

Video games probably aren't for you, if you think it's difficult to play

The difficult setting is high but it's not difficult to learn (other than the special moves)

>> No.10305497

Reading probably isn't for you if you can't understand what I just wrote. I can write it again if that helps "it's way too janky. Collisions often lead to completely unpredictable bullshit. Even an arcade game needs to have a perfectly fair and predictable set of rules". Initial D isn't janky, it's pretty hard but it's not janky, the physics in it are consistent. I don't know if it's a better game but a game that wants to be called "the best" can't be janky.

>> No.10305693

>it's way too janky.
it isn't
>Collisions often lead to completely unpredictable bullshit.
just git gud lmao

>> No.10305697

>Initial D
inital d games sucks compared to crazy taxi

>> No.10305706

i love this game but I wish there was a way to turn the music off. I can only handle offspring for so long. hearing the same songs over and over isn't a good experience no matter how great the track is.

>> No.10305790

the music is great, I'm sorry

>> No.10305817

Cant argue with that. I’m not really a bad religion fan but their absence from the second game is noticed. All offspring all the time gets old.
The first crazy taxi really needed some ska imo. Doesn’t really fit with crazy taxi 2 but it would fit the first one so well

>> No.10305818

Then listen to the bad religion songs

>> No.10306769

>you'll never be able to play this in an arcade ever again unless you're rich

right in the feels...

>> No.10306778

Just picked this up plus driver 2/3 on GBA. What's up with all these fucking crazy interesting 3d open world driving games on gba? Another really good one on is starsky and hutch. I keep finding more

>> No.10307092

It's still pretty common in arcades to this day. Check around older theaters and bowling alleys.

>> No.10307097

Imagine if you could add any track you wanted into the game. Damn it would be goated .

>> No.10307098

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

>> No.10307670

the NFS games are better in terms of actual gameplay and not novelty imo. driv3r is literally impossible to beat iirc if that one driver autist on youtube is to believed.

>> No.10307681

i think you can do it for the pc version.

>> No.10307939

Then why did I get straight A's in spelling and literature?

Dumbfk idiot

>> No.10307946

I think you could say the word janky at least 100 more times, idiot

What's janky? Someone that you drugged at a party with heroin?

>> No.10307962
File: 2.79 MB, 4032x2272, DSC_0778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Crazy Taxi 3.
But i can't beat Crazy Home Run.. and when the sound's bug with customer in normal mode will patch ?

>> No.10308198

you leave janky out of this

>> No.10308456

what the fuck is the logo supposed to be

>> No.10308484

>be kid me
>parents take me to Round Table Pizza
>give me some quarters to play arcade Crazy Taxi while we wait for the pizza
good times

>> No.10308490

A c with teeth and taxi colors?

>> No.10308505

Crazy bus is better

>> No.10308515

You don't turn down the music and play your own? I don't because I enjoy pop punk but surely you have a boombox or whatever kicking around you could listen to instead. Throw on some Tchaikovsky, I don't care. Do better and actually try solving your own problems

>> No.10308550

okay im kinda seeing it now. thought it would ask after not really noticing it for the last twenty years.

>> No.10309116

i thought it was supposed to be one of those headrest things on airplanes but it had white rope going across the center for some reason

>> No.10309131

OK, then show me how to get good. I start a run, get 3-5 fares, time out.

>> No.10309530

Too bad it's 15framespersecond

>> No.10309550

Guaranteed I've read more in my lifetime then you could in 10 of yours

>> No.10309551

Why did you give that poor kid heroin at that party? Idk seems like at least a felony to me

>> No.10309846
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What the hell is this thing?

>> No.10309907
File: 29 KB, 575x457, F3AyJ5BbUAA_ohX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to live in a very small town and I remember 2019 walking through the Mall and seeing the original arcade machine with this game. I had heard of it before and seen it, but hadn't played it. I played it for the first time then and it was a lot of fun

>> No.10309910


>> No.10310758

If a game has no jank it's shit
But this soundtrack is all I want

>> No.10310771

It's a C with the checkerboard texture typical of some taxis, showing some teeth so that you know it's crazy. This creature is also on fire. It's kind of similar to the langoliers creatures from the Stephen King story. Maybe it eats fare instead of time and space.

>> No.10310776

a crazy taxi

>> No.10311479

Thanks for this thread OP. I hadn't played this game since the days of the Dreamcast but you made me want to look up a video for a bit and the nostalgia I got from watching a bit was just crazy. What a fun and hilarious game this was. Its just oozing with so much soul it almost makes me want to cry considering how soulless gaming today is.

No I am not being ironic or anything I mean it. This game was made literally just to be a fun game. No politics, no bullshit, no overthinking or anything. Gaming was in a much better place back then. I actually don't remember the sequels as much but maybe it will jog my memory again checking them out. Actually I wonder if I even ever played 3.

>> No.10311505
File: 1.01 MB, 358x360, wtf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Driver 2 on GBA
This shits like if vice City was a fever dream.

>> No.10311667

I can't play this for more than 10 minutes without getting bored to shit honestly

>> No.10311828

git gud?

>> No.10312071

You can quite easily mod it back in IIRC.
It was fucking disgusting that Sega removed the music for the PC port, but then put it in the mobile port.

>> No.10312078

I need to try that again. I modded my Xbox recently, so I'll have a spin.
I think I rented it once, but didn't like it as much as the first game and didn't have much time with it.

>> No.10312085

As much as I think Crazy Taxi is a masterpiece, it's true that collisions can lead to some really unpredictable results. I don't know if that's 'bad' or just part of the game though.

>> No.10312121

Try to get fares that leave you next to another good fare. Learn the map so that you can get around as fast as possible so you can squeeze more time extensions and spend less time driving.
Use your abilities like the Crazy Dash, drifting and especially Limit Break.

>> No.10312129
File: 48 KB, 454x489, Turbo Charger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to think it was a car's turbo charger, but with teeth.

>> No.10312147

Nothing beats taking the priest to the church and him saying "Man you're one helluva driver!"

>> No.10312659

WTF is that logo supposed to be?

>> No.10312995

Read the thread

>> No.10313006

How do I git gud at Arcade map Arcade rules? Dreamcast version. My all time best is $9,500 but most runs are about $7,000. I use all the drivers pretty evenly but im best with Gus and BD Joe. Whats the best area to be picking people up? I mainly get to the city area and get stuck getting bounced back and forth across the highway because all the customers in that area only ever want to go to the baseball stadium or RB Station, or right back to the city block area on the opposite side of the highway. I try and stay near the starting around but it doesnt take long to run out of not red or orange fares. Yes I know how to boost and can do it very reliably.

>> No.10313012

default settings also, no easy mode.

>> No.10314387

Got tired of constantly needing to click on the turbo button to complete a mission.
Why not just have 10 be the highest and turn it up to that?

>> No.10314407
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I still can't get the hang of perfect boosting

>> No.10314912

Are we talking about Crazy Taxi?

>> No.10315017

You can on the PSP

>> No.10315280

Boosting always felt a bit jank.

That waifu is so hot.

>> No.10316931

Ya this part sucked when I found out you needed it

The music was obnoxious too because it's just 3 songs that sound the exact same

>> No.10316976

Should I just buy the Steam version and mod it back to the original VA/Music?