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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10302794 No.10302794 [Reply] [Original]

Literally impossible

>> No.10302798

It’s challenging, but it’s a fair challenge. Absolutely not impossible, doesn’t even get close to NES-hard games.

>> No.10302807

Low tier bait.

>> No.10302836

It is very tough. I didn't want to waste 50 hours on it so I abused save states no regrets

>> No.10302898

you didn't beat the game

>> No.10302905

I completed it as a child. I would expect a grown ass adult like you to be able to complete it too

>> No.10303074

I replayed it a few months ago.
took me about a week, playing a few hours each evening. It's hard but nothing to complain about.

>> No.10303102
File: 54 KB, 484x320, say it, v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the ___________ of 2.5D platformers

>> No.10303173

I end it with 99 lives.

>> No.10303218


>> No.10303692

This game is way easier when played on a keyboard.

>> No.10303729

>I completed it as a child. I would expect a grown ass adult like you to be able to complete it too
I don't know why this is such a thing. The two things required for beating most games is patience, and motor functions. You might think adults have more patience, but not generally for time wasting activities like games, for that it's children who have all the time in the world and without a care for it. As for motor functions, I don't really know any scientific bullshit about that but I don't think they really get any better from adolescence to adulthood, probably go away with elderly age, like into your 60s-70s

>> No.10304981

Games back then were designed to waste your time even more than today. They couldn't include as much content so they would just make it really hard so it took forever. I wanted to see what they game had to offer without wasting my time. It was fun! Really hard even with save states, because its not like you can save in the middle of difficult sequences.

>> No.10305008

>Games back then were designed to waste your time even more than today
More like games back then weren't afraid to give you a challenge

>> No.10305015

CB1 was a fucking walk in the park

>> No.10305029

I beat it my first time last year in a single sitting on a PS1.

>> No.10305038

ITT: people who suck at videogames for babies.

>> No.10305063

So much elitist autism.

>> No.10305069


>> No.10305080

>I beat it my first time last year in a single shitting on a PS1.

>> No.10305102

No thanks lol I have a girlfriend and a job

>> No.10305108

I kept thinking that as well during my first playthrough. Turns out it wasn't impossible, it was just retarded in the most inconvenient way.

Classic Crash is worse than late Sonic games.

>> No.10305120

I do too that's not an excuse

>> No.10305145

>games back then were designed to waste your time even more than today
Yeah, right. Go ahead and buy another "time saver" zoomie. This is the dumbest statement I've read all morning. At least games back then were actually designed to be games, not casinos

>> No.10305185

Not everyone is built for platformers, some just inherently don't get the genre, suck at it and get quickly frustrated at the game. Most of my friends were like that except one guy had a slightly autistic younger brother who was always fun to play with cuz he never quit and put on a good challenge.

>> No.10305227

>it was just retarded in the most inconvenient way
In what way?

>> No.10305245

I am one of these, subsequently Crash 1 is the only platformer that's really stayed me because it's one of those titles that really engrossed me with its simplicity. Otherwise, platformers bore me pretty quickly.

>> No.10305254

I truly do not understand the hate for Crash 1. Its always been my favourite and I never ever thought it was that difficult. The only real criticisms of it are the fairly obtuse secret gems and save systems, also the degree of input lag even on real hardware.

Such a wonderful, well crafted, challenging and soulful game otherwise. Whats the deal? Is it just the N Sane Trilogy version STILL poisoning people's minds?

>> No.10305258

Every time there’s a thread like this for any game it’s always the same cope in response to “git gud”
>wah I don’t have time to play video games
>hurr durr I have a life and have sex
Just admit you either don’t like video games or you got filtered. No one believes the “manly” persona you put on when posting on an anonymous basket weaving forum

>> No.10305259

I think it's a zoomer thing. I've never knowingly met anyone over 30 who liked video games and though Crash 1 was bad.

>> No.10305265

Old games only "waste" 30 minutes of your time if you suck. Modern games waste tens of hours of your time every single playthrough no matter what.

>> No.10305272

modern games also have a significant chance of being literally endless, in that you can never complete them, and many of those are dictated by time and money, not skill. and most of the content is filler.

>> No.10305275

Modern games waste 2 hours of your time just installing themselves.

>> No.10305281

Lots of games have fake challenge, Crash 1 is a genuine challenge. The consistency required for getting all boxes on even middle of the game levels is significant and when you finally nail it, extremely satisfying. Other games with "challenge" ask you to do a single hard thing for a few seconds, Crash asks you to walk along the edge for several minutes.

>> No.10305868

>he doesn't have a PS1/CRT setup on the shitter

>> No.10305969

Everytime someone says a game is bad because of shoddy design, the nostalgia defenders have the same cope
>git gud!
Just admit the game you have an emotional attachment to is poorly designed

>> No.10305975

But anon I've only just played those games last week.

>> No.10306008
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glad to hear I am not the only one who got pissed about that time sensitive platforming puzzle kinda shit

it just angers me for some reason to no end

>> No.10306017

>I've never knowingly met anyone over 30 who liked video games and though Crash 1 was bad.
yes, Crash 1 is certainly a very good game

beloved in Europe in fact

>> No.10306075

Here's what I mean by wasting my time. There will be one difficult section in a level. You lose all your lives to that one section. Instead of sending you back to the beginning of the level, it sends you 3 levels back. Those other levels arent hard, it's just a waste of time plain and simple.

>> No.10306081

The save system is what makes it a bitch. If it was like Celeste or super meat boy it would be fine, let me get through that part with as many tries as I need. But no, die 10 times on a particular part of a level and it makes you spend 20 minutes getting back to that part of the level to try again. Waste of time.

>> No.10306083

I don't want to waste a bunch of time replying levels because the devs are too retarded to have a normal save system

>> No.10306308

Is this how we make threads here now to discuss games?


The game can be chalanging at first but once you get used to the bullshit perspective of "sonics ass" its smooth sailing.

I pick it up regularly and finish it collecting every gem. My favorite of the trilogy despite lacking the improved controls.

>> No.10306376

Playing through it is not hard at all, 100% is a fucking mess though with how checkpoints work.
There's a reason why the canon ending is the any%

>> No.10306421
File: 516 KB, 624x433, Bonus Round.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember as a kid for every one of these rounds, that guitar chord music track starting, my hands would clamp down on the controller as I desperately tried to make it to the end to save my game. It felt so intense

>> No.10306531

>not able to engage in activities you enjoy
Tough luck.

>> No.10306538

> oh sorry you've missed one box off screen somewhere off level bounds better get back and find it lol
> we couldn't do shit with PSX draw distance so we made it a feature, you wouldn't see shit but have to jump
> did you know that you can actually walk onto background in one level if you find that one spot in the fence which you can't see properly because PSX lol

inb4 it adds to the challenge, make you memorize the game instead of just pressing jump button yada yada. The entire game is memorizing, ingraining every timing and input into your mind as hard as you can, spiced up with pixel hunting.
It's obnoxious and nothing groundbreaking even for the time of release. Sonyfags didn't have their funny mascot animal like Segachads and Nintengods had so they've coped really hard on that bone that was thrown to them

>> No.10306546

I wish people would stop this shit. I thought the whole idea of a "retro" board is that we play retro games?

>> No.10306607

A game isn’t bad because it’s hard.

Either prove it’s badly designed or fuck off with the claim.

>> No.10306637


>> No.10306638

Literally git gud!

>> No.10306653

You can be nostalgic about something and be objective about it. I'm nostalgic about Batman The Animated Series, and I'm nostalgic about Street Sharks. One was well made, and the other was pretty trash.

Crash 1 is badly designed because of the saving system alone, everything was done the right way in Crash 2.

>> No.10306668

>Crash 1 is badly designed because of the saving system alone
That's a systems design, not a game design.

>> No.10307289

On here (and the internet in general) people often use "nostalgic" to mean "it was something you enjoyed as a kid and have a blind adoration with" "it's not as good as you remember", etc. But if it's something we are currently experiencing then that simply cannot be the case.

>> No.10307296

lel now this guy crashes. by the time you get to the end levels you get fucking desperate for a save. and the game saves don’t actually save the number of lives you have! so it’s pretty hard playing it casually when you load up

>> No.10307557
File: 1.45 MB, 421x498, crash-bandicoot-phew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only issue is the save system if you could save after any level after 2/3 it would be fine. My childhood 100% file stops at The Lab despite having the gem for it so if I need to beat that if I ever want to play The Great Hall or the Cortex boss, not sure if that a standard thing.

>> No.10307561

As a kid, I had no chance at all on the Brio or Cortex bonus rounds. I tried them all (except for the Cortex one where you needed to not blow up one of the tokens with the snake and TNT which I never figured out) but I don't think I ever made it through one

>> No.10307594

i beat this when i was like 9 lmao come on

>> No.10307870

that's interesting. I specifically remember that all levels including cortex were left open for me after I saved when getting the final gem. If you have 100%, it should save with all levels open.

>> No.10308565

or maybe you had to do something extra like take the great hall ending, but I definitely know that it's possible to have open a 100% save without needing to replay the lab

>> No.10310125
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It's the simplest of the trilogy to 100% when you realize that most of the challenge is a matter of patience and timing, as long as you wait, plan things out and avoid rushing, you're covered for most of the adventure here.

>> No.10310128

Crash Bandicoot is dogshit. Even Bubsy was better than this complete and total trash.

>> No.10310609


>> No.10310626

Its just the way the save works. If it werent for game overs throwing you back several levels, it would be a lot more manageable. Same with DKC2. I love both tho.

>> No.10310920
File: 601 KB, 860x951, 111-1117933_crash-bandicoot-original-art-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally impossible
What are you struggling with exactly, OP? I mean, maybe we can help you out somehow.

>> No.10311131

trudeau is dressing up like a furry now?

>> No.10311409

I suck at videogames and was able to 100% it, although it was the trilogy remake on Xbox One so I don’t know if they made it easier on there but I know the platform it was more difficult. Something about the feet size being different compared to the original PSX version.

>> No.10312438

100% There will be a specific spot that is fairly difficult, taking a dozen tries. In a game like super meat boy they let you just try over and over very quickly and the challenge is fun. In crash it is a pain in the ass and waste of time because they send you 3 levels back.

>> No.10313018

The dark souls of videogames

>> No.10313101

lol holy shit

>> No.10313104

I miss playing these games. So much work to do lately that I never get time to enjoy them anymore...

>> No.10313112

Make time bro, I'm working full time, working out and looking after a disabled wife and still making time.

>> No.10313121

Sounds like a skill issue. Just don't die, retard.

>> No.10313717
File: 63 KB, 729x782, 1627238702731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably in the minority here... but Crash 1 is my favorite of the trilogy, and the whole series I suppose, because of its difficulty, but by that I'm not saying that I love it because it's harder, I love it with how it does it's difficulty... you see, it's not tough to make something challenging, but if you want it to be fun too, that's the tough part... and they nailed it here. I mean, most of the difficulty in Crash 1 is timing based platforming, and some memorization of patterns and hazards, so if you manage to keep calm, be patient, observe and in the meantime also plan out how you'll take on a challenge that's ahead... you're likely to get by it just fine. Of course you could make a mistake on a quicker section, that's why not being allowed to die is tough, but it never feels unfair... I love this.

>> No.10313948
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Next hard task, how programmed Ultra NES 64? Might have done his girlfriend tie in prequel for CB2.

>> No.10313971

> Literally impossible
Only for gays.

>> No.10314093

>tough to make something challenging
There's like 2 levels where that's the case. Otherwise, Crash 1 is tough because of the box bridges, which are always at the end of a level.
Hardly a stroke of genius

>> No.10315641 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 736x699, 1697033078388837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recall very few levels having box bridges to be honest.

>> No.10315749 [DELETED] 


>> No.10315760
File: 37 KB, 256x290, Quack_Attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. Try this one instead.

>> No.10315804
File: 142 KB, 610x544, 1696299979730026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this post was probably meant as a joke... but Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers is genuinely a fantastic Crash Bandicoot clone, and a good 3D platformer overall, I recommend it to everyone.

>> No.10315880

Crash bandicoot and Spyro, the dragon trilogy is one of the hardest games to beat

>> No.10316015 [DELETED] 

only ones I remember is the first level and the one near the end of cortex power. the first is tough, but you can cheese it with aku aku. the cortex power one is easier because of the overhead view. There's also one in castle machinery that you have to be very careful with, but it's not so bad because of the side view. The bonus rounds are full of them, but they don't count for box completion.

>> No.10317068

getting all the gems sure, but just beating the thing eh...it's definitely hard but conventional games without hard gameovers have a set limit on difficulty, you can quickly bruteforce anything truly hard.

>> No.10317089

100 percenting this game is a waste of time
you can always 100 percent 2 and 3 if you wish but there's no reason unless you are limited on games you want to play
which you shouldn't considering theres hundreds of games to play

>> No.10317138
File: 86 KB, 1000x662, jkb6yz5smzez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't 100% video games because we have no more stuff to play instead, it's because we want to get more out of what we're currently playing.

>> No.10317157

ITT: some asshurt zoomer getting filtered

>> No.10317165

there's a massive difference between getting filtered and valuing your time

>> No.10317171

>muh time
filtered, the game never wastes your time with needless grinding or filler

>> No.10317174

>needless grinding or filler
>literally die once
>have to redo level entirely again without any mistake

>> No.10317179

git gud

>> No.10317186

I'm not playing kaizo and there's no collectibles in that shit
collectibles that you have to redo just because you die once is pure tedium for the sake of it and even naughty dog admitted that just by making crash 2