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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10300551 No.10300551 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10300561

Whichever triggers auster the hardest.

>> No.10300564

streets of rage 2

>> No.10300570

Chrono Trigger

>> No.10300573

Chrono Trigger

>> No.10300584
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The games you play

>> No.10300586

I've played Chrono Trigger up to some sort of dinosaur boss in the BC times with Ayla in the party and stopped because it was boring me to death. Does it really get any better? Better enough to be the best SNES game ever?

>> No.10300629

There's a couple of interesting plot twists, but the game doesn't really get more challenging aside from a fairly tough boss here and there. If it hasn't grabbed you at that point, you were right to drop it. It's also pretty short, you were nearly halfway through it.

>> No.10300640

if you didn't like it by the time you meet Ayla then don't bother

>> No.10300649

Super Metroid, no contest, not even close, the game is so good it's still considered one of the best of all time even against modern games.

>> No.10300724

Super Mario World
A Link To The Past
Donkey Kong Country 1/2
Super Castlevania 4
Dragon Quest V
Final Fantasy V

No. Liking Chrono Trigger is a meme.

>> No.10300727

>which game(singular)
>vr autist comes up with list if his favorite games

>> No.10300735

Super Mario World and Zelda LttP especially when you consider the randomizer.

>> No.10300737

In terms of playability, starfox 2, only 45mins but worth it

>> No.10300743 [DELETED] 

>Facebook data mining post

>> No.10300760

CT bores me too. It's a very consistent game but FFVI or Earthbound at their peak blows it out of the water. Nothing anywhere in CT comes close to Kefka or Giygas

>> No.10300767

This. Super Metroid is the game.

>> No.10300786

I agree with this, not my favorite game(top 5 or 10) but it's pretty much perfect. Even the back tracking is ok.

>> No.10300803

For me, I'd say Super Metroid. It's mindblowing to experience it for the first time, the formula is addictive and it influenced a shitton of other amazing games. Not without flaws, but makes up for it with sheer quality and atmosphere
I'll explain why not others
normie choice. not much new after SMB3, weak graphics, sometimes plain worse in some depts
>Chrono Trigger
tried and quit. RPG slop with story over gameplay. in "maybe beat it in the next 10 years" category.
good, but kinda slow and weak controls. went up to mirror world or w/e, found something better to do.
>Donkey Kong Country 1/2
if not for graphics / music and selling shitload of copies, it would never be as acclaimed.
beat it, loved the highs, rest was meh. 10/10 atmosphere, tedious half-assed basic bitch gameplay
>Dragon Quest V
absolutely self indulgent in its bloated plot. probably THE game that popularized bloated stories. graphics like on PC Engine
honorary mention: Mega Man X. though this game didn't really influence much beside MMX itself, it is just one really, really well-made action game that is perhaps the best pure 2D action of its era.

>> No.10300808
File: 49 KB, 350x255, Hook_game_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be perfect if the walk speed was just 10% faster

>> No.10300820

E.V.O.: Search for Eden

>> No.10300831

You either get Chrono Trigger or prefer Earthbound and HRT. There's really no in between

>> No.10300836

Honestly? Megaman X.

>> No.10300843


>> No.10300857 [DELETED] 

>Le thread topic text image OP

>> No.10300873
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And it's not even close.

>> No.10300884 [DELETED] 

>Le text topic image OP

>> No.10300889 [DELETED] 

Mods banned me for saying as much too.
This board is doomed.

>> No.10300890

or you like both like a normal person who doesn't bring up deranged freaks for no reason

>> No.10300901

Spindizzy Worlds and it's not even close. All others are just tedious basic bitch slop that lack the incredible soul of Spindizzy Worlds. Why would you play slop like Mario or some JRPG when you could be playing ultimate soul? Super Metroid, psh, it's just slop.

Super Putty also has a lot of soul and is better than slop like Donkey Slop Country. Have you considered playing it, or do you prefer slop? No, choose soul. Anybody with taste also loves Faceball 2000, but it's not up to the standards of the Big Two mentioned previously. In fact parts of it are mere slop, though it is in fact the third best of all SNES games. It's a console whose library is mostly slop, but it does have its moments of s o u l.

I am not a mere follower like most people so you should trust me completely.

>> No.10300906
File: 62 KB, 600x413, nigma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked this one. You get to explore a massive world which changes as you progress in the game. The storyline is also cool and I didn't expect some of the twists.

>> No.10301059

What was the point of writing the caption text in the image?

>> No.10301094

It's a zero effort copy/paste from Facebook or Instagram

>> No.10301118

I don't think any SNES game is the greatest of all time.

>> No.10301171

Yeah I'm a huge fan of both, especially earthbound though. Can't wait for my first batch of hrt to arrive today wish me luck sis!

>> No.10301180

I think they mean greatest game on the system.


>> No.10301251
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super mario world, obviously

>> No.10301290

>influenced a shitton of other amazing games
Most of which have since eclipsed it, that's the problem. SMW and Castlevania IV are still close to the very peak of 2D platformers.

>> No.10301296

i love this game so much.

>> No.10301340

I haven't played many to be honest. If I were to pick it'd be Romancing SaGa 2.

>> No.10301342

lufiachads, where are you?

>> No.10301385

tetris attack

>> No.10301406

Donkey Kong Country 2

>> No.10301734

came here to post this

>> No.10301957
File: 1.01 MB, 1148x1043, 3a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which, in your opinion, is objectively the greatest SNES game, you should play before you die, of the third fiscal quarter of the year of our Lord 1993 of all time?

>> No.10301982
File: 185 KB, 950x832, bunbun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excitebike Bunbun Mario Battle Stadium

>> No.10301991

Mega Man X or Donkey Kong Country

>> No.10301995

Aside from what's been posted already, I'd have to say Mega Man X. Everything about the game is damn near perfect. You can easily pick it up and blast through it whenever. There's so much freedom in the order of levels and even how you want to play, like buster only, minimal power-ups, etc. The difficulty is fair, and again the game has so many ways to approach it that newbies hitting a wall can easily pick a stage and come back later. The music is some of the best on the system.

X2 and, yes even X3, are great too. X1 was Mega Man's first foray onto the system though and Capcom obviously blew their whole load on making sure it was the best they could do at the time. Not to discredit their other work on the system either, like Demon's Crest which is also a phenomenal game.

>> No.10302013

My gut would say Super Metroid or ALTTP. My deep emotional attachment pick is Secret of Mana. But, whenever I fire up a new emulator or device, the very first thing I grab is Contra 3 or Castlevania IV. Their accessibility and "bang for your buck" in terms of immediate gameplay response is timeless.

>> No.10302058

Final Fantasy IV Easy Type. RPGs are the best genre, Final Fantasy is the best RPG series, FF4 is the best Final Fantasy, and normal FF4 is way too hard - basically impossible in fact. Second place goes to Eek! The Cat, for obvious reasons.

>> No.10302191

super metroid for sure

>> No.10302250

DQV can't be the best since DQVI is better

>> No.10302269

>Most of which have since eclipsed it, that's the problem.
not really. they either took the premise of SM, like "one big map, open new areas of map gradually", and / or they added mechanics on top of it, like metroidvania added RPG to the formula, Aria added souls, etc.. I'd still say that Super Metroid as a finished concept hasn't been beaten, nothing quite had the same number of secrets so well-designed.

>> No.10302402

Name one thing Dread doesn't beat Super Metroid at. I think even modern indie vanias like Momodora 4 are better than Super Metroid. But I don't think modern indie platformers are better than SMW or Castlevania 4. Super Metroid was a janky early stab at an underdeveloped new genre, SMW and Castlevania 4 were platforming masterpieces made by peak platforming developers at their peak form, nobody could beat them since, not definitively at least. They had the kind of platforming expertise no modern developer has.

>> No.10302440

Metroid Dread is my favourite 2D Metroid, but no other game in the series can match the soundtrack on Super Metroid.

>> No.10302549

Ma nigma
I love Tetris Attack though the game sadly chugs too much, makes the hardest difficulties too easy. Fun fact, if you play in an emulator and overclock the SNES' emulated CPU, it not only alleviates the input latency but also causes the AI to act faster!

This means that either
a) the AI's movement is tied to clock speed
b) the AI was acting slower than intended due to the SNES' anemic CPU.

Also Panel de Pon's true final boss mogs Tetris Attack's.

>> No.10302617

brainfart typo. "input latency" I meant to say game slowdown

>> No.10302825

All time best goes to Donkey Kong Country 2. Also its not the best on the system but Doom was really impressive to see what they got running on that hardware.

>> No.10302827

Haha based observation. We all give a shit about his list too.

>> No.10302963

super metroid or ff6

>> No.10302986

Data mining thread.

>> No.10303240
File: 2.10 MB, 3739x2420, DCEC89A0-C28D-4CAD-A50A-039CC23D39C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FFIV is the best FF
U wot m8

>> No.10303264


>> No.10303967

in this day and age, every thread is a data mining thread.

>> No.10304853

That's not Easy Type. Please stay on topic. Games that are too hard to get anywhere in don't belong in any best-of lists.

>> No.10305329
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Just the right mix of action, challenge and story.

>> No.10305372

So, tell me Veronica. What do you think of Morrowind or wizardry? I think you may find that your best is an idiot and your projecting "hardness" onto others that don't have your mental issues.

>> No.10305461

I would probably pick a shootem up but I know that scares most of you

Donkey Kong, Contra or F Zero

>> No.10305631

Those games aren't real - they're illusions produced via the Mandela effect. This is fortunate for everybody, since they are understood, even in the fantasy, to be unplayable (because of their extreme difficulty).

>> No.10305870

I forgot I'm not from this timeline.... this timeline where quest 64 is considered the best jrpg of all time and final fantasy is a roguelike...

>> No.10306156

for what purpose

>> No.10306610

Tecmo Superb Owl

>> No.10306645


>> No.10306715

Front Mission: Gun Hazard.

So unbelievably good.

>> No.10307303

Better pick Plok before I get diddled again

>> No.10307593

The ultimate SNES game is the NES port of Magmax. It is a literally perfect game in every way. You do have to program it in yourself by exploiting the glitch in Super Mario World that allows rewriting of the game program. But it's worth it. It is the ultimate video game.

(The original arcade Magmax is just okay.)

>> No.10308058

Honestly the whole game feels kind of slow. If you play it in an emulator but speed it up slightly, yes, the game plays better. I think it's slowed down to make the game easier.
But yeah I really liked Hook too. The movie as well. Good choice.

>> No.10308183
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>> No.10308746
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