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File: 891 KB, 1920x1080, FxerygUXgAAFRkb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10300052 No.10300052 [Reply] [Original]

New Duke Nukem remastered footage for a system that no one owns

>> No.10300063 [DELETED] 

Literally who cares about sidescroller Douk? Keenvanias were old news long before then.

>> No.10300070 [DELETED] 

Off yourself zoom zoom

>> No.10300074 [DELETED] 
File: 686 KB, 688x1257, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck. Why is Clint shilling this garbage?

>> No.10300084 [DELETED] 

perhaps some goth pussy was used to tempt him

>> No.10300089 [DELETED] 

Go buy more garbage, ape.

>> No.10300092 [DELETED] 

>goth pussy

>> No.10300093 [DELETED] 

He really likes Duke Nukem. Money might also help too

>> No.10300095

Randy needs more money to gamble away on Hustler

>> No.10300189

You and me can seethe about it being exclusive to some coomlector handheld but you cannot call it garbage. There's clear effort being put into these.

>> No.10300207

>There's clear effort being put into these
Then wouldn't it be a better idea to sell it on PC, you know, the platform that has the most people interested in old DOS games? If there effort then it's wasted just to sell some shitty handheld.

>> No.10300235

The remasters are being funded by that Evercade company. It has nothing to do with Gearbox.

This company has just licensed out the Duke property for their product. They're putting all the work in, hiring the programmers and shit. I do hope myself someone can rip it or reverse engineer or or something. Also they couldn't afford the pc version of 3D for the collection so it's just a modified playstation version and they also couldn't afford the music rights so none of the Bobby Prince music is going to be in there

>> No.10300236

There's no reason to get a platform if there's no hook for it. Reminds me of the people that constantly seethed about games that weren't ported out of the Vita or took a long time after the Vita was dead to get ported out.

>> No.10300246 [DELETED] 

Pushing Up Roses starting an onlyfans really did a number on his psyche.

>> No.10300247 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 1024x768, CNnbxaYWcAAT-bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He dated Pushinguproses for a while, of course she joined the pronouns brigade and they broke up.

>> No.10300268

>they couldn't afford the pc version of 3D for the collection so it's just a modified playstation version and they also couldn't afford the music rights so none of the Bobby Prince music is going to be in there
That's just sad

>> No.10300270 [DELETED] 

>they broke up
I don't know who from the two broke up but looking at her I'd say he dodged a bullet

>> No.10300272

I don't actually believe PC gamers are interested in old DOS games any more.

>> No.10300275

The majority? Absolutely not, but it's still where there's the largest audience for those games.

>> No.10300295 [DELETED] 

He broke up with her

>> No.10300314 [DELETED] 

where is the goth?

>> No.10300317

I'm really not convinced that's where they are. I think an audience into DOS games would be more into a dedicated platform for it that lets them plug in different sound drivers and futz around with a simpler experience that lets them play the games.

>> No.10300327 [DELETED] 

Apparently Clint's wife he broke up with pushinguproses for, but I can't find any photos of her.

>> No.10300335 [DELETED] 

Oh thank god I thought lgr was an incel.

>> No.10300393 [DELETED] 


>> No.10300459 [DELETED] 

I always love taking a look at these ugly hobgoblins who pose for nudes. Gives me a raging boner.

>> No.10302507

Bobby didn't have the same licensing agreement with the music as Lee did, it only covered the original PC release (and maybe the PSX and Saturn ports), and this is something which Randy forgot when he launched the 20th Anniversary version of Duke Nukem 3D. Thus Bobby sued Gearbox for using his music without permission, which was eventually settled.

I'm sure Bobby would be fine with cutting a deal with the Evercade people, but the costs are going to go up this way.

>> No.10302904
File: 52 KB, 1000x667, 01-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do hope myself someone can rip it or reverse engineer or or something.
From what I recall, Evercade carts are essentially just SD cards in a different physical form. The Evercade itself I think runs a custom Linux since there's usually a launch.sh

>> No.10303672
File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just search for Rigelengine. You get Duke Nukem 2 in widescreen, smooth gameplay, better framerate and modding support for free.
PC doesn´t need that Port.

>> No.10303846

Tell me more, stranger.

>> No.10304904


>> No.10304960

That's neat I guess. I barely know what an Evercade is though.
Just pure Chinatrash, or is there something to it?

>> No.10305095

Sick of modern consoles annd always online shit? Buy evercade and support them, they put out super affordable official licensed game carts on great hardware. Of course - if you are a pirate you may not want to bother. I just love the fact I have a physical official collection of the Oliver twins games I can play on my TV as well as tons more

>> No.10305439
File: 1.06 MB, 670x857, 684552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>effort being put
>AI golem-generated boxart
How much does Randy pay you for shilling here?

>> No.10305589

The build of the console and pad itself reek of cheap bootleg crap from the looks of it, yes

>> No.10305604
File: 833 KB, 640x873, HeresYourWeaponBro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please tell me this isn't official artwork. this is just lazy

>> No.10305619

It's always the hands

>> No.10305626
File: 240 KB, 680x831, Screenshot_2023-10-07-09-45-38-893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10305641

What makes it worse is how god damn easy it would be to fix but they won't even put that much effort into it.

>> No.10307469

It doesn't even look good even if you were to fix the hands, AI art just has this ugly style to it which is unappealing.

>> No.10307473

The best part about this is Evercade was like

>Sorry it's not our fault!!! we didn't know!!!

If that is true, it only makes it worse as it shows the kind of low standard and work procedure they have not to realize this. Plus it only begs the question as to why the artist would do this and think he'd get away with it in the first place, did they pay him so little that he decided the pay was only worth AI art?

>> No.10307519

I wonder if that guy got involved with this duke nukem evercade thing.
I want to see a Rigel Engine port for Duke 1 as well.

>> No.10308320

This is what happens if you fap too hard.

>> No.10308380

no and go fucking advertise that shit somewhere else

>> No.10308482

>The programmers remastering the game is the same as people in charge of marketing

>> No.10308506

Mogged by Comnander Keen amd Doom

>> No.10309309

Yes, they contracted him.

>> No.10309314

The age of AI, everybody.

>> No.10309320

The world would be so much fucking better as a whole if everyone would just realize you don't need to pay money to play old games.

>> No.10309335

The fuck is an Evercade

>> No.10309396

And get a virus? No thanks.

>> No.10309402

That's pretty fucking cool. The guy did good work so I hope he was paid well for this.
If he was involved with the port for Douk 1, I hope we see that soon as well. I fucking love Duke 1 and 2, genuinely fantastic games.

>> No.10309417

Maybe I should have clicked on the article and read it. Well good to see he was spearheading both Douk 1 and 2's port like that. Doubtful we'll see a freeware version of Douk 1's port.
I'll be honest when I say I'd be willing to buy Duke 1 and 2's ports if they sold them, I can't imagine they'd be very expensive.

>> No.10309496

hahaha holy shit the mag makes it look like a penrose stairs sten gun

>> No.10309508

Pretty sure they had this out for the 360 (as a side arcade download) not long ago and it played almost perfect for it

>> No.10309509


are they using AI art for this now too?

>> No.10309517

Ran it through AI and picked the best one... Imagine the outputs that failed...

>> No.10310026
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1450250105257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10310028

They hired an artist to do the cover, and backtracked when they were informed they were using AI to generate the final product.

>> No.10310035

They couldn't tell by looking?

>> No.10310037

Apparently not, which tells you all you need to know about Evercade

>> No.10310227

I'm sure the guy got hired for this new port because he put a virus in a sourceport. Okay retard

>> No.10310232

jew the jew

>> No.10310257

Don't give them your money.

>> No.10310456

Evercade was the console where the first batch of games had button layouts that made no sense suggesting that they'd changed something fundamental about either the button layout or how they are connected at the hardware level without telling devs. Not only that, but the broken games all had DIFFERENT button layouts which tells you that it's either not the first time they did that or they had no fucking clue what they were giving their devs in the dev kits.
It's Blaze. Shit it out, sell it and discontinue it when you've got the next shit to sell.

>> No.10310486

In case you guys weren't aware, there is a sourceport for Duke 1 as well called FreeNukem. I don't recall how good it actually is, but it might be worth looking into.

>> No.10312021

So im gonna see this at Office Depot stock or some shit?
We still Atari 50ths there

>> No.10312035

Good news, Gearbox might be going into the corporate shitter so Randy will be on the streets.
This means someone might brave out a real leak from his greasy paws.

>> No.10312037

>Duke Nuke Advanced

>> No.10312696

Who cares if it is exclusive? First one has a source port, and both of them play perfectly fine on DOSBox.