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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 432 KB, 600x327, licker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1029615 No.1029615[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Get to police station
>See licker crawling across the window
>Go into hall, sound of dripping blood
>See decapitated cop, blood everywhere
>Come to a realization
That policeman was killed in the mere seconds it took you to open the door.

Resident Evil thread?

>> No.1029827

Resident Evil thread.

Currently playing 0 and 4 on the Wii, decided to play through the series in order (Although I need to find out where CV:X is in the timeline.). I love RE2 and 3, although RE2 was stupidly easy it felt like, I had a ton of first aid sprays by the end of the game I never used. It was both magical and surprisingly spooky and at times scary playing the games unspoiled.

>> No.1029857
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Code Veronica takes place in-between 3 and 4.

>> No.1029858

2 is easy, but 3 is even easier. If you get all the healing items in 3 you're absolutely swimming in sprays and herbs. Code Veronica takes place between 2/3 and 4.

>> No.1029878

Wasn't there already a Resident Evil thread just earlier today?

>> No.1029895


Thanks. I have it sitting right here in the RE Essentials box set, but I've yet to play it.

Also one quick question - I am playing RE0 and seem to be stuck at an early on boss due to lack of ammo, should I bother with trying to knife said boss, or just start a new game and hope for the best?

>> No.1029903


Try and knife him if you can, since that actually sounds fun. If you just can't do it, give a reset a tray, no shame.

Also, just a warning for Code Veronica, try and conserve your ammo, because there will be a boss fight towards the end of the game where you will be locked in and need it.

You'll know the part. It involves an airplane. You wouldn't want to reset that far into it.

>> No.1029906

I'm currently going through Resident Evil 2 and can't find the second sewer medallion in Claire's parallel scenario. It's bull.

>> No.1029916

RE0 is tough as far as RE games go, so just do your best. If you do have to reset, just be a bit more vigilant next time. Code Veronica is pretty junky anyway, so play it whenever you want.

>> No.1029923

Did you get to play as the little girl yet?

>> No.1029952


Moving crates and whatnot? Yes. Is there a second time?

>> No.1029968

Yeah there is, you have to turn off the fan from the opposite side and some other shit if I remember. But that maybe Leon's 2nd scenario,
I played all four of them this spring but can't remember.

>> No.1029985


Thanks for the tip! I'll keep poking my nose around, but as of now it appears I'm stuck in the sewers right now. I think there is a warehouse inside one of the control rooms around. I'll check it out.

>> No.1030214


I have that Samurai Edge but mine has a dumb bright orange tip on it

>> No.1030685

I'm playing RE2 on Dreamcast. Is scenario B supposed to be significantly harder than scenario A, or is it just that Leon is harder than Claire?

Kind of wishing I would have left the SMG there for scenario B now.

>> No.1030740

yeah Scenario B is harder, but each version of Mister X can be killed and you can pick up ammo off him; which is usually strong ammo. So I usually kill him with the pistol to "exchange" pistol ammo against other ammo

I'd say Leon's scenarios are easier than Claire's though because he's got that fucking awesome shotgun and magnum

>> No.1031005

Try scavenging some dead bodies. They're part of the scenery rather than something you have to kill...

>> No.1031007

I wouldn't worry about the smg too much for scenario B. By the time you get access to it as Leon you should be swimming in shotgun and well off in magnum ammo, and the game stops throwing zombies at you as well, preferring to hit you with spiders and Lickers.

It's more helpful for Claire scenarios though, stops you wasting grenade ammo and means you don't need the bowgun so much.

>> No.1031026

I haven't played RE2 in at least 10 years now, but I don't think I could have beaten Mister X with just a pistol. Was this game a lot easier than the RE2 that I remember, and just the sheer panic of seeing that guy rekt me?

>> No.1031090

The main issue with MrX is space. He always engages you in tight corridor situations, and the first encounters you have with him are done without much in the way of weaponry or ammo

Also he drops pistol ammo in the first couple of fights, with his drops becoming progressively better as the game continues (he drops magnum/acid rounds outside of the cog room and every time after that). As Leon it's often worth the ammo trade (5 magnum rounds spent to get 8 back) but personally I think that fighting him when you can run away is often not worth it.

if you have the dodging skills to take him with a pistol it might be worth it later on to trade pistol rounds for betteer ammo, but the game throws so much ammo at you anyway I'd say it wasn't worth it.

>> No.1031096

Code: Veronica is the canon end to RE, everything that came after (4, 5, 6) are shit and set in an alternate universe where Umbrella didn't get fucked over in C:V.

Only play RE0, RE1/REmake, RE2, RE3 and C:V for the best experience.

>> No.1031201


You wish. They are all good, legit games on their own. Re6 seems to be the most polarising one, but I for one greatly appreciated the combat mechanics. The only thing that gets weaker with newer instalments is the story.

>> No.1031214

CV was the start of shit in terms of storytelling. It started the whole "bad guy who wants to take over the world" bullshit, it also inculded Wesker's revival and SUPA POWAHS

CV isn't good because it's "classic style".

>> No.1033543
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Hey OP, You like バイオハザード・ツー? How about the prototype?

>> No.1034305
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I was just playing around in RE2 with the infinite rocket launcher and I just realised there was a cutscene I'd never seen before. If you "kill" Mr X the first time you see him, there's a small cutscene of him getting up after you leave the room. I'd never killed him in that fight before (you have a pistol with limited ammo in it at the time) so I'd not seen it.

You only get 30 handgun rounds from him though, I don't really recommend it on a normal run. It takes 20-25 handgun rounds to put him down in the first place.

>> No.1035205


Yeah, I'd known that for some time myself, but you're right, it is easily missable. And it's VERY easy to take him down even that early. 2 or 3 shotgun blasts, then finish him with the handgun. Might make your run through the helicopter hallway a bit challenging, but you should still be fine...

>> No.1035582
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I was going to say, on a first runthrough of scenario B you may not even have the shotgun/grenade launcher by then (It's in the main lobby, which it's possible not to have visited by that point). If you do though, you can also pick up shotgun shells/acid rounds from the safe in the west office which make it easier. It's definitely doable.

I just question the wisdom in doing all that for a measly 30 rounds of pistol ammo. Later on when he drops better ammo it's definitely worth making the trade (for Leon at least, not convinced that Claire gets a good deal most of the time) but that early on those shotgun shells and acid rounds matter a lot.

>> No.1039004

So I just did 4th Survivor for the first time and got an E. Ouch.

But then I did take 8:32 to finish it, and ended up with a single shotgun shell left and on orange caution, so I kind of understand that.

You really can't fuck around in the room with the three super lickers, can you? you aren't supposed to fight them at all.

>> No.1039031

The scorpion? The knife is pretty good against him. If you hit him at the right time you can interrupt his attack.

I'm playing through it for the first time now, I like it.

>> No.1039282


>> No.1040545
File: 149 KB, 1680x1050, ohfug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started playing Resi 1 on the Gamecube emulator and damn it's good. This is the first resi I've gotten round to playing.
>that exploran
>shootin zombiesan
Somehow the prerendered backrounds and dodgy camera angles just add to the suspense of the game, not to mention limited saves. Why don't they make games like this anymore?

>> No.1040570

Because the people who bought Resident Evil 4, the most successful at number of products sold had the exact opposite of those, and the retards voted with their wallets in favor of 3rd person shooter with "elite graphix"

A lot of the RE4 kiddies couldn't handle the tank controls, which is why the horror genre is dead, action games are preferred to atmospheric.

>> No.1040606


>only the plot has gotten worse

And the exploration, survival elements, area layouts, enemy designs, replay value, writing, challenge level and surprisingly the camera too. But who cares about THAT stuff when you can just run down a long winding hallway and shoot at the same 4 enemy types for 7-9 straight hours and do literally nothing else ever for even a second!? THAT'S where it's AT motherfuckers!!!

Seriously though, anyone who actually thinks RE4, 5, 6 and Rev are as good as 1, DC, REmake, 2, 3,CV/X, and Zero are delusional. Period. It's literally like saying that Metroid Other M is as good as Super Metroid, or that Final Fantasy XIII is totally the same experience as Final Fantasy VI. It's not only wrong, but a really stupid thing to think.

Furthermore, anyone who doesn't think the series was ruined by RE4 is a casual idiot who likes simple games. RE as a series (classically) is not a simple experience. You had to plan ahead, explore, decide to or not to take big chances, ect, ect. And it takes REAL skill and knowledge to become godly at them.

In RE4, once you learn how to spam headshots and spinkicks, you can stand around and take potshots at mobs all fucking day. Not to mention how broken the random drop rate is and how you can abuse the fuck out if it if you take 3 seconds to learn the tricks to it...

Great game for DmC and CoD fans. Not so great to actual gamers though.

>> No.1040641

*tips fedora*

>> No.1040738

When I was 14, I tried playing RE1 and I sucked so bad. I couldn't get used to the controls and kept running around in circles. This was on my friend's PS1, as I only owned a N64 at the time. This meant that I never had the chance to give RE1 a fair shot, and felt no motivation to try RE2 when that eventually came out (not that my parents would have been to keen on renting a M rated game for me, anyway). After reading what you guys have said about the series since this board's inception, I decided to pick up a RE2 cart and give it that fair shot I should have given it over a decade ago. I didn't really bother to keep up with video games as I went through high school so I have no right to say whether or not this game has aged well, but I can't deny just how effective this game is on me as I'm playing through it for my first time. The jump scares make me panic and cause me to take more damage, the setting and atmosphere make me feel tense and apprehensive, and the music makes me think of the theme song from the X-Files. This game is legitimately scary and it's not just because of the zombies and mutants, but because it captures those feelings of an apocalyptic nightmare coming to life and the hopelessness of being the only one who can stop it on limited supplies. It's immersive like a damn good horror movie.

>> No.1040859
File: 112 KB, 612x256, Resi Evil hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to replay the fuck out of Resident Evil 1 this weekend. It's probably been something like 8 or so years since the last time I played.

Last night I beat the original version (made an .iso out of my longbox copy), Jill side, completed 3h16m, which was frustrating because I was going for the 3h mark, but what really rustled my jimmies was Barry died. I forgot you had to wait for his ass to bring you another rope. What a load of shit. But I guess doing it in a single sitting going from memory it wasn't so bad.

Tonight I'm replaying, but Advanced Mode on the Director's Cut version. Jill again, I'm not going for time, but making it my goal to save everyone. I just got gang raped by a gang of Hunters and have to re-fight Yawn again, so I'm taking a short break.

>Thoughts while playing Advanced Mode

Holy shit DEATH. Death everywhere. Been a long time since a zombie killed me, but one of these niggers took me from a green/yellow-bar to dead in one grapple.

I wish the Hunters would come back in the current games. These mother fuckers are the true horror of Resident Evil 1. My favorite enemy in the franchise, hands down. Wish they'd at least make an appearance in the movies.

The different item layout in this mode is pretty darn good, minus one bad placement. I didn't like that you have to kill Plant 42 to get the control room key. I guess in context it just didn't make sense.

If anyone else wants to play advanced mode, I suggest you make sure to find out what's behind the red-eyed side of the tiger statue. It's pretty much entirely out of the way on this mode, but holy shit JACKPOT.

>> No.1040924
File: 65 KB, 400x1000, officer leon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stand by RE4 as one of the best in the series, but youre all missing the point entirely, we should be talking about how Leon is better than Chris

RE4+RE2 > RE1+RE5

do the math

>> No.1040957



But i agree with you still.

I got a question for you guys, it's not retro but it's still classic RE. Has anyone ever managed to get past the second level on hard/very hard in Oubtreak? I heard it's impossible without other human players but i want challenge myself like i've done with other RE games before it.

>> No.1043348



>> No.1043372

If you have the grenade launcher you can bring him down without breaking a sweat.

>> No.1043375

>I'd never killed him in that fight before (you have a pistol with limited ammo in it at the time) so I'd not seen it.

You should have a secondary weapon by that point (shotgun/crossbow) so you can take him down. Drains your ammo quite a bit though.

>> No.1043407

Other games:
>"open door animation "worries me every time but nothinh happens, got used to that.
>open a door in some control room
>Do do do~ having fun lalala OH MY GOOOOODDDD

>> No.1043432

>I wish the Hunters would come back in the current games.
there's a million of them in Revelations.

>> No.1043809
File: 1.72 MB, 285x236, Resident Evil Hall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best scare in the original game/s?

pic related is my vote

>> No.1043824

that fucking door in claire side, fuck them forever

>> No.1043835

>dat scene

>> No.1044202
File: 24 KB, 246x157, finish the puzzle tard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucker.

>> No.1044280
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Just finished.

Not bad. I had a metric fuck ton of revolver ammo by the end, had no problem fighting tyrant the first time. The second time around he hauled ass, holyfuck. It should be obvious he'd run at a higher frequency in advanced mode, but I wasn't expecting that.

Became an amazon and blew his ass up with no health left, while he was storming my way, full swipe. What a rush!

Great game, I highly suggest playing through on this mode if you haven't yet.The game becomes scary again! Have they ever made an 'advanced mode' or 'arrange mode' for Resident Evil 2?

>> No.1044292
File: 931 KB, 500x287, Barry FUCKIN Burton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to mention, I also saved Barry this time around. Felt good. I'm gonna go for the Barry ending in RE3 when I get around to it, too.

>> No.1044312

>A lot of the RE4 kiddies couldn't handle the tank controls, which is why the horror genre is dead, action games are preferred to atmospheric.

Horror is not a video game genre.
Also gameplay mechanics such as "tank controls" are not a mandatory definition point for games
with a horror theme; not even for survival horror.

>> No.1044321

>Great game, I highly suggest playing through on this mode if you haven't yet.The game becomes scary again! Have they ever made an 'advanced mode' or 'arrange mode' for Resident Evil 2?

Yes. The Hard mode of the PC and Dreamcast version.

It's vastly different, ammo is different (you get more handgun ammo but less of the rest), enemies deal more dmg, lickers can't do a 2 hit combo that takes 100% of your health; and the best part: zombies die from a random number of bullet from 1 to 35 bullets. Imagine when you have tons of zombies in the same corridor, it's incredibly tense.

>> No.1044330



>> No.1044332

>Also gameplay mechanics such as "tank controls" are not a mandatory definition point for games
with a horror theme; not even for survival horror.

They sort of go hand in hand, seeing as the original games in this niche used them and and once they didn't, said niche was basically dead. Like many others have said before me, RE4 was a decent action-horror game...not SURVIVAL horror...and it was a SHIT *Resident Evil* game. And things have only gone sharply downhill since then...

>> No.1044338

I've played RE2 on the PS1 pretty much all my life but I recently bought a version for the PC since the downloaded versions were buggy as hell and were missing sound.

Looking forward to the small extras on PC.

>> No.1044349

>They sort of go hand in hand, seeing as the original games in this niche used them and and once they didn't, said niche was basically dead.

No that's wrong. I can name much more survival horror games without tank controls than with. I can also name "action adventure games with a horror theme" (aka survival horror) that existed before AITD invented "tank controls"

and survival horror didn't die with tank controls, that's also wrong.

>Like many others have said before me, RE4 was a decent action-horror game...not SURVIVAL horror..

I never said it was

>> No.1044374

I sure can name shit tier horror games that don't use tank controls too, like the Friday the 13th game and the original Jason game.

It's difficult to name great /vr/ appropriate survival horror games that don't have tank controls, considering Hell Knight, SH, Resident Evil, Dino Crisis, Illbleed, Parasite Eve, Carrier and even Obscure though obscure and carrier are only okay all use tank controls. Fuck even Fatal Frame uses tank controls.

>> No.1044396

That's because you don't know enough.

Sweet Home
The Note
Echo Night
Echo Night 2
Clock Tower First Fear
Clock Tower
Clock Tower 2
Resident Evil Gaiden
Enemy Zero
Overblood (you can't change camera angles so 2 of the 3 camera angle types possible are non tank)
Rapurasu no Ma (and I think it got a sequel too)
Hellnight (is that what you mean by Hellknight?)

That's the ones I can name on top of my head that are retro without tank controls; and I know there is much more.
Also Parasite Eve isn't survival horror. It's an action RPG with a horror theme which uses literaly three mechanics linked to survival horror but which are also heavily used in jRPGs themselves (fixed camera angles with 3D models, like most jRPG of the PSX era; limited inventory like plenty jRPGs, a couple of "puzzles" like many jRPGs)
I wouldn't call Friday the 13th survival horror either; more like "action survival horror" at best (I'd put Resident Evil Dead Aim in the same category for example)

and for the non /vr/ ones there is EVEN more
Cursed Mountain
Echo Night Beyond
Ju-On The Grudge
Silent Hill Homecoming
Silent Hill Shattered Memorise
SIlent Hill Downpour
Siren Blood Curse
Eternal Darkness
Ikenie No Yoru
Nanashi no Geemu: Me
Escape From Bug Island
Penumbra series
I'm Not Alone
Kyoufu Shimbun Heiseiban Kaiki! Shinrei File
etc etc etc I know I'm forgetting a LOT, this is just what I can name on top of my head. Contrary to popular belief survival horror is far from being dead, we got TONS during the Wii/PS360 era; and also contrary to popular belief, most of them are on Wii.
We also got quite a lot of action survival horror like Cryostasis, Metro2033, Condemned...

>> No.1044401

Why did they make the series into derivative westernized bullshit from 5 onward?

>> No.1044405


1. The main talent behind the series left
2. Current Capcom executives are clueless and want each game to sell 15 million copies
3. RE4 sold well and military shooters are in.

>> No.1044406

You are *REALLY* stretching the accepted definition of "survival horror" with most those of titles, and many of them are awful regardless of genre.

>> No.1044408


All those fucking cheap jumpscares. RE3 was my first and I screamed like a little girl when those zombies crashed through the windows in the alleyway. Still best RE, huehuehue.

>> No.1044415

No I'm not. The only games in that list that can be considered "stretched" are Sweet Home and laplace no ma because they are RPG-survival horror.

Everything else is "action adventure games with a horror theme" aka survival horror.

on the contrary it seems that YOU have a very limited view of the genre, apparently you think that a game can only be survival horror if it's a 3rd person with fixed or pre-rendered camera angles.

> and many of them are awful regardless of genre.

You probably haven't played them. There isn't a single game in the ones I've listed which I consider awful. Average, at best, but with charm and uniqueness, like Michigan and RE Gaiden.

>> No.1044429
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>> No.1044432

where are the dreamcast ports? fucking faggot

>> No.1044435

>Silent Hill Downpour

Garbage. The trashy flicks that Saw game is based on is all anyone really needs to know, ditto the inclusion of KoRn on the Downpour soundtrack. Aside from certain aspects of 4 - which I don't really consider a proper Silent Hill title - every SH game after 3 is crap.

Virtually no one but your good self considers most of that list "survival horror" or thinks the genre encompasses any "action adventure games with a horror theme". But I guess you're entitled to your shitty opinion...even if it is flat-out incorrect.

>> No.1044452

Look, survival horror is the genre I've played the most and I know the most. I have studied it, read everything I could about it including essays and books from university teachers and scholars.

How else would you define survival horror if not "action adventure with a horror theme" then?

Like I said, you have a very narrow vision. You think that survival horror only consists in AITD/RE style games. You think that because those are the most popular, that's all, you simply don't have enough knowledge of it.

Plus, you don't "think" enough about the games. You called Parasite Eve survival horror just because everyone else does (by this logic the House Of The Dead series is survival horror too because a lot of "pro" reviewers called it that) , and then you go on claiming that most of my list isn't survival horror even though before that you admitted you couldn't even name those games.

Not having enough knowledge is okay, you might have more knowledge than me on other genres; but refusing to admit things and dismissing them because you don't know and because the fact that you don't know bothers your little intelect is rubbish. If everybody did that nobody would ever learn anything new.

>> No.1044454

sheesh, all the dislike of code: veronica by people

>> No.1044456

>You called Parasite Eve survival horror just because everyone else does

That wasn't me.

>> No.1044457

The first saw movie was actually good.
The rest were shit, that's because they got contracted to make another four in a row.

>> No.1044460

did you play Saw?

>> No.1044475

I haven't, and don't plan to. I fucking hate those movies(yes even the original) and can 110% guarantee trudging my way through the game will not make me like it.

>> No.1044479

There is more than one person here you stupid namefag.

I don't even get how you can call Friday the 13th "action survival horror" but then go on to just say "action adventure games with a horror theme" are survival horror games.

That's not how it works. On top of it half your list is garbage tier games that are panned as shit by anyone with half a brain and don't even follow your own set of rules for labeling a "survival horror game", including the Silent Hill's you listed, and RE gaiden. I can tell you've never played Carrier, hellnight or Obscure considering they can go into a first person mode and are still well liked games.

>> No.1044505

>but then go on to just say "action adventure games with a horror theme" are survival horror games.

Sounds like you need a lesson on genre defining

Survival horror MEANS action/adventure with a horror theme.
First video games genres are defined by gameplay mechanics, not themes, which is why I call them "action adventure games with a horror theme"; contrary to movies which genres ARE defined by themes, which is why "horror" is a movie genre but NOT a video game genre. You can have horror themed games of any video game genre (horror FPS, horror RPG, horror racing, etc).

"Survival horror" is an expection in video game genre defining because it is defined both by gameplay mechanics and the horror theme. That is exactly why a lot of people argue that survival horror isn't even a real genre, and that they should be called "action adventure" period or "action adventure (with a horror theme)" if you want to make things more precise.

Why call them action-adventure?
Action and adventure are two of the 3 main genres of which other genres are derived. For example, FPS and platformers are sub-genres of Action, and RPGs and point&click games are sub-genres of Adventure.

"Survival horror" is action-adventure because it's a mix of gameplay elements of both the action and adventure genres. To make it short : you have twitch control based action but also with puzzles to solve.
Action is a main element of the survival horror genre, if you take it out you end up having an adventure horror game (for example, the Dark Fall series). Adventure is also a main element, take it out and you end up with an action-horror game (for example, Resident Evil 4, which doesn't have enough elements of the adventure genres to be considered survival horror since it only has a couple of puzzles out of 10hours of gameplay).

>> No.1044513

Now; let's say you have a game that fills in enough of both those action and adventure criterias; but its idendity is not heavily based on horror, in this case it wouldn't be survival horror. This is exactly why I do NOT consider Alone In The Dark 2 survival horror even though 1,3 and 4 are; because it doesn't have "enough" horror, it's not based around it, it only a little blood and a couple of monsters; not enough, because it's not the main thing about its theme. Duke Nukem 3D has more horror elements than AITD2 for example; so even though it has all the gameplay criterias it fails with the horror theme so it's stricly action-adventure.

Also; about this whole "action-adventure" thing, that's also how those games were called before Resident Evil created the name "survival horror" in 1996 and journalists picked it up. Before that, AITD was "action adventure" it wasn't survival horror.

>I don't even get how you can call Friday the 13th "action survival horror"

About Friday The 13th : it's entirely based around horror, so that criteria is meant. There is also survival horror gameplay mechanics such as how hard it is to survive, having to save people, scarce healing items and weapons, having to flee from Jason chasing you everywhere, etc. HOWEVER it fails in the adventure criteria, it doesn't have enough adventure genre gameplay elements, which is why it's not survival horror but what i call "action survival horror" (games like RE Dead Aim, Cold Fear etc)
That's why it can be considered action survival horror. It makes sense.

>I can tell you've never played Carrier, hellnight or Obscure considering they can go into a first person mode and are still well liked games.

I've played those although I haven't beat them.

>> No.1044518

>>I can tell you've never played Carrier, hellnight or Obscure considering they can go into a first person mode and are still well liked games.
>I've played those although I haven't beat them.

Although I don't recall being able to go in first person in Obscure; AND i did mention hellnight

>> No.1044524

> On top of it half your list is garbage tier games that are panned as shit by anyone with half a brain and don't even follow your own set of rules for labeling a "survival horror game", including the Silent Hill's you listed, and RE gaiden.

Go on and tell me HOW Homecoming and Gaiden are not survival horror.

Homecoming is the most survival-ish of ANY of the Silent Hill games in terms of survival action.
Contrary to popular belief who consider it a strictly "action" game. Not only those people have forgotten that, like I said, action is a big part of survival horror that you can't take out; but they seem to have failed to realize that Homecoming is the Silent Hill game in which ammo is the most scarce (it's even the ONLY sh game with limited inventory), healing items is the most scarce, monsters are the most dangerous and hardest of the series to kill as well as hardest to avoid (trying to avoid a dog in homecoming can often mean they'll kill you in one hit by jumping on your back for example).

People fail to realize that simply because of the point of view of the camera and because you have a couple more moves at your disposal.
Homecoming is modern survival horror done right.

>> No.1044535
File: 263 KB, 1280x720, downpour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ditto the inclusion of KoRn on the Downpour soundtrack.
It doesn't even have Korn on it, just Jonathan Davis.

>> No.1044567
File: 7 KB, 285x177, fuckingmoron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that changes everything, doesn't it.

>> No.1044573

no but it means that you dismiss a game because of one song on the OST that you didn't even EXACTLY know who made it

>> No.1044735


Agreed, bro-anon. I still don't get the hate...dislike of certain elements, okay...but some people put it on the same level of 4-6, which makes me want to pull THEIR hair out...

>> No.1044750

i dont get the sudden hate for korn is it just because of how old they are now? or are people just being pretenious cause i have yet to find a band i relate to better and just because they release a bad album does not give you a reason to hate everything they ever made

>> No.1044926

>but some people put it on the same level of 4-6, which makes me want to pull THEIR hair out..

it's on the same level as those in terms of story though.

>> No.1044958

Homecoming has shitty imagery, bland area design and a laughable plot. I agree with you that it falls under the Survival Horror genre. But it is certainly not a good one, or even a good game.

>> No.1044965

Same with the sudden hate for Nickelback and the internet going from "GIRL = Guy In Real Life" to "DON'T CRITICIZE TRANSSEXUALS YOU FUCKING BIGOTED PIECE OF SHIT", people just bandwagon because they are incapable of having an original thought in their head.

>> No.1044972


>equating people hating korn and nickelback to being shitty to an entire subpopulation of human beings

i love 4chan i want to live here lets do it

>> No.1044980


>> No.1044987

The only people who are shitty to transpeople are the same people who are shitty to gays and blacks.

>> No.1044997



>> No.1045024


Alternately you could just go live with the one guy who made both of those posts

>> No.1045036


Homecoming is absolute trash, easily the worst Silent Hill.

>> No.1045042

>Worse then Downpour

>> No.1045052
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>Clock Tower
Yes! Still haven't played all of them though.

>> No.1045057


The SNES one is the only really good one.

>> No.1045085
File: 966 KB, 255x143, beginningoftheend.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only bit of truth you've spoken here. CODE: Veronica introduced the goofy-ass action movie plot elements, then RE4 eventually came along with the gameplay mechanics to match and elevated the storyline to even more grandiose levels of inanity and dumbfuckery, driving the final nail into the coffin of this franchise.

>> No.1045086
File: 32 KB, 500x613, RE2_Platinum_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious if anyone can help me out here. I considered posting this in the Resident Evil 2 emulation thread that's on /vr/ right now... but it's NOT an emulation problem I'm having.

I own the PC version of the game (Resident Evil 2 Platnium Edition), and would like to replay on a modern system on 640x480. I know it's not anything like an amazing upgrade, but this was the version I grew up with so this is the version I really want to replay.

Of course, the problem is I don't have a working retro computer right now (my dinosaur rig died about a week ago, saving money to get a new power supply), so I'm stuck playing on my modern PC. Which runs Windows 8 (yeah,yeah.. it sucks, I know)

SO. Just installing the game is incredibly frustrating in and of itself. The launcher crashes everytime you try to change the save game folder location, so you have to go in using regedit to switch it. Took a while, but done with that.

Now I'm playing the game in glorious hd (sort of? as HD as it's gonna get anyway), but now there's no cutscenes! I can hear the video tracks playing, but can't see them.

So I googled this, and I found a couple of different work arounds. The most common one was that you should play a song on repeat (muted) with windows media player while you play the game. I have no idea why, but it seemed to work for a lot of people. Except me.

I've tried updating my WMP codecs, along with a few different work arounds, and none of them work.

If anyone has got RE2 on PC working on a current system would you let me know?

I guess if I can't get it to work, I'll just play the PSX version. But the resolution difference is immediately noticeable

>> No.1045103

I just reinstalled this a few days ago thanks to recent threads here, running the game in compatibility mode for Win98/ME fixed the cutscenes for me...

>> No.1045117
File: 44 KB, 580x350, Resident Evil ohshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I set compatibility mode to windows 98/ME for both ResidentEvil2.exe and LeonU.exe still doesn't work.

Also, any way to get rid of the window titlebar at the top of the screen? I'm playing in fullscreen, too, so I don't know why it's even showing up.

>> No.1045120

>CODE: Veronica introduced the goofy-ass action movie plot elements

Resident Evil 3 has explosions every five minutes, a giant man in a trench coat who chases you with a rocket launcher, cheesy one-liners. As far as gameplay goes it also has an ammo crafting system whereupon you can become proficient enough to make kickass explosive bullets, and a boss that rewards you for fighting with special drops up to and including infinite ammo during the course of a normal playthrough.

>> No.1045127
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>dat jill

mah nigga

>> No.1045124

Interrogation room in RE2, after you pick up the rook (not sure) plug from the shelf. That fucking licker crashing the window, made my heart jump in my mouth.

>> No.1045135

If you already know the game you should play the Sourcenext version of RE2 (and 3). They are japanese only (so, in japanese) DVD re-release with NO compability issues and higher graphics & sound quality. It's the best version of 2 and 3 (only drawback is that it's japanese only but if you already know the game it's not a problem)

>> No.1045140

Another drawback is it's impossible to even start up, ironically. Which is why I also settled for the Platinum edition. If you manage to get the SourceNext version of 2 working there are fan translations available...

>> No.1045150

Never had any compatibiilty issue with the Sourcenext version contrary to the other PC versions

>If you manage to get the SourceNext version of 2 working there are fan translations available...

Really? I saw one on some RE modding forum but the guy was like "I made this but I won't release it FUCK YOU TROLOLO". Got a link ?

>> No.1045169


>> No.1045378
File: 1.33 MB, 1704x2188, Reactions-Resident Evil Mine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sheesh, all the dislike of code: veronica by people

I liked it...

>> No.1045467
File: 931 KB, 500x281, Resident Evil 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how did they make the classic games anyway?

Considering the pre-rendered camera angles, I always figured they made the environments in something like 3dsmax, then took screenshots from various angles at lower resolutions, thus making the backgrounds. Is this more or less how they accomplished this?

If I was to ever win the lotto or some shit, I'd go to capcom and offer to make true HD versions of the classic games, where I would have all of the assets upgraded to 1920x1080 (while offering the option to play at any of the original resolutions). I'm curious as to how that might turn out.

Currently downloading the SourceNext version. Like I said earlier, I actually own a physical copy of the Platinum version, so I'm not too bothered by this. I'm going to try this, because I can't get the movies to play in Platinum. I've tried everything. I'm running everything in win98 comp mode, I've updated my indeo codec, I'm playing a song muted in windows media player in the background, and I edited the registry to look for the game directories in the proper location.

Anyway, I'll try the sourcenext stuff whenever it finishes. Worth a shot, I guess. Pretty much last shot or I go back to PS emu.

>> No.1045581
File: 236 KB, 571x623, ProtoTyrant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to confess I really like the Chronicles games. Not for the same reasons that I like other RE games, but it scratches that on rails shooter itch that I get from time to time.

Darkside Chronicles in particular, if only because it added to how intimidating William and Mr X were. Umbrella Chronicle's extended fights with the Proto-Tyrant and Lisa were pretty neat too.

>> No.1045602

>Is this more or less how they accomplished this?

Yes, that's basically how pre-rendered things are made.

They are previously rendered and saved as images.

>> No.1045808


i thought this was cool and was gonna show people until i saw how the RE movies and ORC were rated

0/10 worst taste

>> No.1046764
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>playing movies
>liking RE5

>> No.1046808


It is though. Downpour at least had some small redeeming factors, Homecoming was just a complete mess with remnants from the godawful movies.

>> No.1046813


Welp I've had some issues also with my recently purchased CD. Sound and music is all good but it's very slow and doesn't install.

When you do get a chance to install it, it doesn't show up on the drive directory. The directory can't be changed without the install disc freezing.

Basically, since I can't install it, it's unplayable as it is. I'll probably need to download a buggy version and merge them together or something.

>> No.1046821

Read the wiki page for re2. It goes into detail on this. I think the 3d program was called oxygen. I think some of the backgrounds are 2d paintings too.

>> No.1046824

Hate to break it to you but it's very likely cap com lost their re assets.

>> No.1046852


What wiki are you talking about though? I looked at the Resident Evil wikia page and there's nothing about the development there.

>> No.1046861



FA status article, lots of detail. About the backgrounds:

>Only a few assets from Resident Evil 1.5 could be recycled, as the principal locations in the final build were made to look more extravagant and artistic, based on photographs taken of the interiors of Western-style buildings in Japanese cities.[37] These environments were created with a software program called O2, and each background took two to three weeks to render.

>two to three weeks to render

>> No.1046882

That must be a translation error. Considering how many backgrounds re 2 has, if each background took 2-3 weeks, it would be still in developement.

>> No.1046891


If they rendered them one at a time and stopped all other development for the rendering process, sure.

>> No.1046892


They didn't render them one at a time silly. They would likely have dozens being worked on at a time.

>> No.1047128

RE2 had a huge (for the time) development staff of 40-50 people, remember. That number dropped after Capcom panicked and made RE:DC but I'd bet it was still pretty large.

>> No.1047636

How the hell do you change the screen size on the SourceNext release of RE2? I've looked all over for this and can't for the life of me find any info on it.

>> No.1047759

Darkside broke a lot of the good shit in Umbrella. It'd take like, 4 playthroughs to max out 3 guns.

>> No.1051134


no clue

>> No.1051279
File: 77 KB, 1505x440, Config - Resident Evil 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun.

Or get SourceNext RE2 and deal with Japanese text.

>> No.1051341
File: 666 KB, 800x600, RE2 final A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat RE2 on normal, first time in a decade at least. Not bad going entirely from memory (Leon A)

I thought I was supposed to run into Claire after Leon gets shot by Annette. Guess I was wrong?

>> No.1051609

Not bad, you ever tried it with handgun only? That shit is great stuff and may do a play through