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10288841 No.10288841 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10288846

Hell if I know.
I'm playing through Romancing Saga 2 right now and I have no idea wtf to do but I enjoy the semi open world.
Welcome to the Saga series!

>> No.10288849

Kawazu is kawazy!

>> No.10288858

ive never played an rpg where if you talk to the wrong person at the wrong time you can be completely locked out of an area, GOD DAMN this is frustrating

>> No.10289092

Game is weird. And interesting...?

>> No.10289114

It’s definitely an interesting game.
I only played the Robot scenario up to the final factory I think?
I had to hit three switches or something, got lost, and could never find the way to progress.
I remember some pretty big difficulty spikes that seemed to come out of nowhere.

>> No.10289159

Not knowing what the fuck is going on is half the fun

>> No.10289328
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>> No.10289337

Looks like it says solo or salsa lol

>> No.10289384
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is he autistic?

>> No.10289389
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mr rerere is rereretarded

>> No.10289616

RS2 has a lot of systems working under the hood, like the global levels for magic (and weapon types? I forget). Possibly the most mechnically deep SaGa game. I love it. 3 was a lot more polished but the magic system kinda stunk and despite having less depth than 2 it was a more difficult game, so it ended up feeling quite restrictive. Last boss is a motherfucker in that one if you get unlucky/don't farm ice shields and shit.

>> No.10289658

Bro just got hit by the full undiluted JRPG ludo.

>> No.10289664

Wtf are those graphics and text

>> No.10289705

Game got remasturd, it can be ignored for the original PSX version.

>> No.10289708

I'd like yo thank SaGanon, who provided much info and insight on SF1 & 2 when I was really clueless, a couple of years ago. It's really an acquired taste.

>> No.10290101

Ohh thanks for the heads up on 3. Looking forward to playing that next.
And yeah it looks like there are global weapon levels in 2.
Somehow my one mage is already level 7 in bow skill and I’ve never used a mage before?
Not really sure how it works but I like having another source of AoE damage with Haphazard Arrow.

>> No.10290310

Depends on what story you're playing. Which hero are you?

>> No.10290320

>all bugs fixed
>better sound quality
>added multiple QoLs
>the big chunk of content that got axed on the original released actually got implemented, including an eighth main character and the true end
>lel you can safely ignore it
I get playing the original games but Frontier it's one of those cases that the original release turned completely irrelevant with the remaster. The font is indeed terrible, however.

>> No.10290346

I prefer emulating the SaGa games on their original consoles. Save states just make the game way less tedious, especially in Frontier if you are using any monster team members at all.

>> No.10290379


>> No.10290528

In the remaster when you absorb monsters you can replace any move rather than it always being the bottom move. That's less menuing making sure you aren't losing a skill you want. You can save anywhere outside of battles in both the original and the remaster so I don't know why you'd need save states as well.

>> No.10290556
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Is Frontier 2 any good? The visuals and soundtrack seem amazing but hearing it's not open-ended like the first game kind of puts me off.

>> No.10290671

The most important thing is to get as many technics as possible. You have higher chances to get them when you fight stronger enemies.

>> No.10290682

There's other things going for it like various magic source combinations for spells, but yeah it is a lot more restrictive in where you can go compared to the first game. It doesn't get mentioned often in SaGa threads in general.

>> No.10290685

better buy the Ultimania dumb gaijin

>> No.10290721

based kawazu for making the only good jarpig that isnt just a blatant wizardry clone

>> No.10290971
File: 248 KB, 672x770, 13360278_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your dad got killed by an evil organization and a helpful bystander turned you into a superhero. Go destroy the evil organization. But don't use your superhero form too much, because you can't get EXP like that. But don't neglect superhero form, because he has special techniques.

You unlock more techniques by using other techniques in battle. The game explains this.

If you get lost, since you're playing the Remaster, you can just look at the Story option in the menu and it will tell you what your next objective is. Go beat up the jerks that killed your dad.

You can get Mind magic in Kyo, it's pretty rad. You can get other magic in Devin, but those need a quest.

>> No.10291420
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The absolute perfect combination of science fiction elements and fantasy elements ever put to a game. Basically, its this movie, as a game with magic, gambling and hookers.

>> No.10291913

The entire thing visually looks like shit compared to the original, I don't care about the extra content. So unless there is an original graphics option, nope.

>> No.10292059

"looking like shit" isn't enough to justify the absurd amount of added stuff.

>> No.10292069

What are you even trying to say ESL-kun?

>> No.10293290

he probably means that it's the better version since the arguably worse graphics don't matter as much as the gameplay additions.

>> No.10293508

I'm more of a Minstrel Song guy

>> No.10293532

One of the few games with an artstyle so ugly it's kept me from playing it.

>> No.10293548

One of the best games ever. I love unlocking the sword skills and doing big convos and power leveling at science facility and making robot OP and dicks on dicks.

>> No.10294045

update: this game fucking owns actually

>> No.10294065
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Hold on, you might want to save that statement for later, you're gonna need it

>> No.10294240

The frustrating thing with those games is that battles range from too easy to extremely hard seemingly at random.
I never have any idea if I'm not playing the game like it's supposed to be played, if it's normal than I beat some bosses with only a single digit HP remaining, or if I'm just lucky (?). It's a bit frustrating, but I guess that's just how SaGa works.

>> No.10294360
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Playing through the SaGa games on and off over the last few years, I have noticed that there's often bosses who have some really ridiculous attacks that will game over you if you get unlucky unless you go out of your way to over-prepare. I think Romancing SaGa 3 had the most of them. There was one that had a full party hit attack that did a shitton of damage and also had a chance to instakill, plus he could act twice in one turn iirc.
These games aren't really something you should expect to be balanced, at least near the late game. They become broken and insane and expect you to exploit whatever you can to beat them.

>> No.10294364

Yeah. Can't blame them because the game was obviously intended to be that way. But it's unsatisfactory.

>> No.10294375

RS3's the only time it's really bugged me. I enjoy making my characters overpowered, but RS3's character progression systems were pretty barebones and boring. RS2 and Frontier for the most part felt like a fair challenge throughout the majority of the playthrough last time I played them.

>> No.10294414

If your memories of that game are still somewhat fresh, I have a couple of questions regarding late-game characters building and strategy, if you don't mind.

>> No.10294441

My memory is shit but I still remember the incredibly useful jp wiki which I can jog it with (or link you to outright if you can read the language/want to use a translator on it).

>> No.10294445

Shoot. There are always others who've played it.

>> No.10294591

Sorry because it will from memories, I haven't played the game in two years because I lacked time and was afraid I'd fuck up.
I only have a couple of heroes left to beat (the floating guy in the floating castle, the vixen, and I don't remember who), and I maxed out the global magic like an absolute autists. If I remember correctly, the next hero I'll beat will take me to the final emperor, so it's my last chance to influence global skills.
From what I've read without spoiling myself too much, I'll desperately need the resist charm skill, so I'll need to learn it before the final emperor if I want to equip it on my (male) team, which means facing the sexy she-devil in hope to flash a lightbulb.
As far as I understand, I have two options: learn the skill and beat her (= taken to the final emperor) or learn the skill, die, manage to get the right emperor to reach the floating castle and beat the boss (= taken to the final emperor).
Which is best? Or rather, which route will be the easiest once I play as the final emperor?
Sorry for the long-winded post.

>> No.10294610

Which movie?

>> No.10294857

That game, unlike frontier, fucking sucked.

>> No.10295131

they drew over ancient 90s cgi graphics because they didn't have the original files and apparently it's easier to just filter the fuck out of them and make small manual corrections than create new ones
the text I dunno

>> No.10295138


>> No.10295193

Yeah, art's fugly, but the gameplay's kino of the highest degree

>> No.10295248

I keep hoping that maybe we were all just filtered and there's some secret way for the game to be good but it hasn't happened yet.

>> No.10295357

>Which is best?
Does it really matter? Both are annoying bosses, and surely both are in their secondary forms. You should've killed wagnas as soon as you had the chance; his second form is though; the same goes for roc. What matters now is learning the charm evasion skill, so you won't get limited teambuilding choices for the final boss. The easiest way of learning it is by applying mist cover to the party and wait until the evasion is learned by any male member; just don't attack, or the cover will go away. Just make sure you have free skill slots. Hope you have rapid stream, since roc is quite fast.

>> No.10295402

>Does it really matter?
It doesn't, but it does to me since I came this far and don't want to fuck it all up now, because I won't start over.
I figured it would be somehow easier to deal with Wagnas since I have the fire protection spell (don't remember the name, sorry).
I heard mist cover didn't work with the charm attack, but you're probably right.

>> No.10295454

If you post on vrpg, you will find a few contrarians that swear it is the best game ever made and we are retards that don't get it.

I gave it a shot. Took the guy with the cursed gauntlet and got my shit caved in the first few battles of the game. Read his route is very unfriendly to newcomers so tried the friendly route of some courier guy. I still hated the paper cutout travelling bullshit only cut up by random battles.

>> No.10295518

>live next door to huge dork who I have to invite over sometimes as our parents are friends
>that one day he brings over "Soya Frontier" and proceeds to insist I watch him play it
>watch him play this garbage for about 15 minutes when phone rings (its a wrong number)
>dude your mom called and you have no go home now
>lock the door behind him

>> No.10296017
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>> No.10296084

You won this time OP, I laughed

>> No.10296097
File: 119 KB, 640x919, ps2_unlimited_saga-110214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, you won't believe what happened next...

>> No.10296110

probably similar to wildcard on WS; I saw a JP site for unlimited saga that once described it as wildcard 2.
I haven't gotten my hands on the wildcard instruction manual yet so I don't know what the upgrade cards do or how i use them, but it's an interesting enough game to toy around with. I'm glad Kawazu just does weird fucking shit sometimes.

>> No.10296886

The Fuse chapter sucked. Its just the other seven chapters all over again. They really didn't have enough time to write another plot?

>> No.10296912

It was the only rpg I couldn't beat at the time. Got ass blasted into oblivion fighting a boss inside a church. I don't know if it was the final boss of one of the characters of what but it fucked me over good. Grinding didn't help either, I think enemies scales with your level or something, I dunno.

>> No.10296935

HD Golden Sun/Beyond the Beyond

>> No.10296937

>Filters gaijins
What was the japanese's endgame?

>> No.10296948
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>> No.10296956
File: 263 KB, 1896x1080, SaGa Frontier_2021-05-02-02-55-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, Diva can be brutal. The final boss has a LITTLE scaling. Their HP scales, but their damage, number of attacks, and attacks it does doesn't change.

>> No.10296958


>> No.10296991

>Their HP scales, but their damage, number of attacks, and attacks it does doesn't change
Why are those games so god damn weird?

>> No.10296994

Ah! Flash Gordon.
I had completely forgot that movie was a thing

>> No.10297000

variable boss HP isn't that strange. This kind of scaling is nothing compared to its predecessor RS2 where a boss could go from 3-4 moves each turn to 7 depending on your battle rank