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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 119 KB, 220x280, Tomb_Raider_(1996).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10288160 No.10288160 [Reply] [Original]

Give it to me straight: is it one of those "you had to be there" kind of games? I mean, is it worth beating today?
I just started it. It'd be ok if only it wasn't so stupidly slow. Lara runs way too slow, the levels are half empty. There's just not much going on in this game so far, I turned it off because it simply got boring way too quick.
I get it, it was 1996, yadda yadda. I'm just asking if the game still holds up in 2023, because so far I'm pretty sure every PSX game I've played was better. I don't want to "shit" on it, after all I've only played it for 30 minutes, so I want to be mistaken. But if the rest is the same, I'd rather quit and not waste my time on this game.

>> No.10288170

>is it one of those "you had to be there" kind of games?
Oh God where we go again...
No, the tank controls were gay even for the time, but the game was lauded for having a sense of atmosphere and a tight sense of weight to the platforming.

>> No.10288179

it was call of duty+ GTA+ fornite in late mid90s

Tomb Raider was THE 3D videogame.

>> No.10288184

TR1 is very light on combat for the most part, TR2 and 3 have a lot more.

>> No.10288264

yes, I know this has been asked a lot. but I never had clue of how TR actually played. and I never quite got what the "consensus" on it was.
>lauded for having a sense of atmosphere
ok but… really? maybe for the time I guess, though when I think of "atmosphere" RE or SotN come to mind first, not TR.
>and a tight sense of weight to the platforming
I try not to judge it, but after SM64 it's hard not to, so I'll just refrain from comparison.
maybe I'm not used to the controls, they make sense when you get used to them, but still the tankiness feels terribly, and the rotation is sluggish.
I'd get over it, but so far it just has spacious rooms with 1-2 objects of interest that take forever to run through, and that's it.

>> No.10288278

3D platformers were extremely new and Mario 64 hadn't even been released yet. It was impressive at the time.

Your post is like playing Ultima now and thinking it's shit. But in the context of 1980 when CRPGs did not even exist Ultima was mind-blowing to people.

>> No.10288295

I know and that's what I said in OP. I asked specifically if it's worth playing _today_. RE or Crash are worth playing despite having "backwards" controls, because they're still very well made games. but I'm really not sure so far TR is that well made, and the controls are clunky.

>> No.10288331

>But if the rest is the same, I'd rather quit and not waste my time on this game.
Just move on, dipshit. It's a great game, but it's clearly not for you.
Play Silent Bomber.

>> No.10288339

If you don't get it, 3d games may not be for you. It's a masterpiece of 3d design.

>> No.10288379

>I asked specifically if it's worth playing _today_.
I'd say it is if you can get past the controls, unless you feel like waiting for the remastered trilogy which has a modern control option (not sure how that'll play out).
After playing Tomb Raider Anniversary several years back, it felt like playing yet another scripted AAA Platformer that was Sands of Time, but in a different skin, while OG TR felt like I had to survey my surroundings, plan carefully and made me feel that tension like I was making those jumps.

>> No.10288507

>I asked specifically if it's worth playing _today_.
It's worth trying. If it doesn't hook you then move on.

>> No.10288553

Tomb Raider comes off better now than it did when it released because it's easier to lie to yourself that it was more acceptable back then. The game released the same year as Mario 64 and Crash Bandicoot for fucks sake, people knew what objectively better designed games looked like and they went out and bought them en masse. Don't believe anyone that tries to sell the myth that Tomb Raider was the only platformer people had back then.

You've only ever heard of games like this because back then the industry was a more diverse place in terms of styles, tastes, and accepted schools of game design. Diverse enough for games that are objectively bad and subjectively great, like Tomb Raider.

>> No.10288594

>It's a masterpiece of 3d design.
maybe we have a very different definitions of "masterpiece". but ok, I'll try to keep an open mind. anyone here who really thinks it's THAT good?
I'm just confused because I don't think I've seen much actual praise about TR on this board. neither I have seen that much gameplay discussion. on the other hand, there are always threads FF7, RE, Crash, Spyro, and SotN. Less so for Gran Turismo, Tekken and Tony Hawk, but that's because there isn't that much to discuss.
I played Tekken 3, Tony Hawk and SotN, and they all hold up very well. I thought FF7, Crash, MGS and RE held up well too, though not without issues. Gran Turismo, Spyro I haven't played, but I have no reason to doubt they hold up and are great games. But so far I can't say the same for TR. I'm having far more fun trying Klonoa and Ape Escape rightnow than this.

>> No.10288598

I was there, and "being there" just means I haven't played better games yet.

>> No.10288603

Is this another strawman thread from someone who hates everything that is not emulated and nintendo? Tombraiders 1/2/3 are great games, your post is a deliberate passive aggressive bait and a great example of why this board is garbage

>> No.10288604

>But so far I can't say the same for TR. I'm having far more fun trying Klonoa and Ape Escape rightnow than this.
Well, yeah. No shit, sherlock. That's because Tomb Raider was never only good because of when it released. As you say, there are many games that released around when Tomb Raider did that control more similarly to modern games. It's not about the game aging badly at all, it really always was like this, people always felt the way you do, and people like you always just played the other games that were on the market instead.

The thing that's throwing you for a loop, and the thing that truly DOES show the difference between old times and new, is that you think that just because you've heard of this IP before that you should be able to have fun with it. When back then people just realized that Tomb Raider was for autistic people and went back to playing Crash.

>> No.10288697
File: 169 KB, 736x990, E160A2B0-172A-4796-957E-48B0EE1922E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr OP fell for the marketing hype
Don't ever let that color your perception of a game because it's almost always overblown.

>> No.10288707

>Is this another strawman thread from someone who hates everything that is not emulated and nintendo?
I'm tired of tiptoing around fags like you who take every slight criticism of a game for THEIR beloved platform as a personal offence, surely made by tendies / zoomers / snoys / whatever. I'm tired that even when I say it's not the case, in >>10288594 , fags like you still get butthurt.
are you butthurt? good. stay butthurt. you couldn't even phrase what was so great about TR.

>> No.10288749

Stuff ur zelda up ur ass and hop along no one gives a fuck for your thoughts now or ever will

>> No.10288756

It has great atmosphere, and while the controls are slow and clunky, the level design FULLY ACCOUNTS for it. That's why it's considered a masterpiece.
I played the DOS Glide version and the input delay makes the game play very deliberately...but if you have the patience you can actually get the game running natively under Windows with the Automated fix, which makes it control more like the sequels (ALL were Windows-native ONLY, and control decently well)
Really though, remasters are coming early next year so you might as well wait if you haven't played the PS1 era Tomb Raiders yet.

>> No.10288791

>Wasn't trying to start a flamewar
>Doubles down and starts a flamewar
Dripping with insecurity.

>> No.10288803

I think it's that good. It's one of my favorite games. We have threads about it here all the time praising it and talking about the gameplay, so I don't know what you're on about. The controls work perfectly for the kind of game it is and I figured them out when I was 8, so I can't believe they're that terrible. I also don't know how you could think the atmosphere is bad or complain about the levels being too big and empty. They're meant to be large and foreboding so you feel like you're on an adventure into unknown and forgotten tombs.

>> No.10288850

Maybe it's autism, but I never had a problem with the controls. Sure, timing up the jumps was awkward but you can learn that in a matter of minutes.

The same people who can't do this go out and beat RE on professional mode, whereas I can barely pass it on assisted. Makes no sense.

>> No.10288857

I had no idea about the remasters. Interdasting.

>> No.10288898

I started slowly playing through the original on the saturn a few weeks ago. Was a completely blind run. Knew and expected nothing. My thoughts after beating the first 10 levels so far:

Took some work to get into, but I started to really appreciate the game in level 3. The strong points of the game to me was the atmosphere and sense of exploration. Later, figuring out the puzzle of each level was very rewarding.
The controls were tough to get used to, but now I'm just very impressed by how well they made a 3D game control with only the D-pad (I'm using control type 2). I don't see the controls as something to knock on the game, they're just very deliberate and mechanical. It's like what castlevania is to mario in terms of movement. Different games with different kinds of challenges.

The one downside I have for the game right now is the "enemy around every corner" trick they pull constantly. Open a door? Here comes some gorillas. Walking down a narrow hallway with a sharp turn? Here's a wolf gnawing on your shins. At this point in the game it's more tedious than surprising, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't still get my heart rate up.

Overall though, I'd say it's the best game that I'd recommend to nobody. Getting into it is too much of a challenge to ask of somebody these days.

>> No.10289004
File: 2.22 MB, 350x196, 1644416104969.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give it to me straight

>> No.10289037

I first beat it last year and found the controls much better than I expected. Tank controls were never bad in the first place.

>> No.10289662

tomb raider has thoughtful and precise movement mechanics, and nearly all of its systems were created from scratch by very talented people. If you like exploration, platforming and discovery, you will enjoy tomb raider. If you have the attention span of a gnat and you don't have the nuts to retry levels when you fuck up, then of course you won't be capable of playing this masterpiece. To call it plainly "shit" is a hallmark of the regressive ape-minded sloth who would indeed enjoy fucking klonoa. To even compare Ape Escape to tomb raider speaks to your tastes and sensibilities.

>> No.10289669

go play fortnite you fucking nigger

>> No.10289846
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (64).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adore classic TR but it is a very acquired taste, I remember getting it after like games like Crash and Spyro ane telling my parents that she was very "stiff" to control. The thing with TR's tank controls is that they actually are designed in tandem with the levels, it's not like Croc for example where the tank controls are just an odd quirk. The atmosphere (in 1 particularly) is unmatched with other games in my opinion, the platforming is satisfying and despite the dated graphics (again in 1 parricularly) the environments are interesting. If you don't like it you don't like it and that's fine, if you still want to try Tomb Raider maybe the Legend trilogy is more your speed, and if you like that then maybe give the originals another shot.

>> No.10289849


>> No.10289921

>I started slowly playing through the original on the Saturn a few weeks ago. Was a completely blind run.

Reading this pair of sentences in 2023 is really something.

>> No.10289958

>when I think of "atmosphere" RE or SotN come to mind first, not TR
We're not playing word association, anon. Nobody is asking what you think of first when you hear "atmosphere". We're just saying TR was recognized for its atmosphere.

>> No.10290237

are you ok?
really? you're the one who has been crying and writing walls of cope because I implied some things about TR didn't feel good in 2023. a very hot take, I know.
anyway, you made no fucking argument in the end. other anons made good arguments (like >>10289846 and >>10288898) and posted that one vid (>>10289004) that made me want to give the game a 2nd chance. your posts, on the other hand, just made me feel like all TR fans are either braindead 3rd worlders or brits (same thing really).
all you had to say was that TR1 starts slow, holy shit.
>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Tomb Raider

>> No.10290256

Fuck you, keep Klonoa out your shitty mouth.

>> No.10290285

>The one downside I have for the game right now is the "enemy around every corner" trick they pull constantly. Open a door? Here comes some gorillas. Walking down a narrow hallway with a sharp turn? Here's a wolf gnawing on your shins. At this point in the game it's more tedious than surprising, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't still get my heart rate up.
This is to put you on your guard, you'll get used to it and embrace more offensive tactics like entering a room with the shotgun or ingrams and mastering the quick turn, flips and side flips while spraying down enemies. Movement is the key because while you turn slow, they do too. I won't over-do it, but the late game stuff pays off in an entirely new way.

Also really, use your better weapons instead of pea shooting the dualies all the time, I finished the game with over 1000 spare shots for my magnums. Wasted opportunity on my end!

>> No.10290373

Instead of being a bitch about controls, how about you conform to the game and learn how to play it? You’re playing by the games rules, not yours. If you don’t like it, fair. It’s not that hard though. I didn’t like RE4 at first because of the controls, but I learned to deal with it.

>> No.10290397

>Also really, use your better weapons instead of pea shooting the dualies all the time, I finished the game with over 1000 spare shots for my magnums. Wasted opportunity on my end!
I've switched to magnums as my default starting in level 10. I switch to pistols when I'm in a safe spot and just need to pick off enemies before moving ahead. Shotgun when I suspect there's bullshit around a corner.

>> No.10290402

Are you a woman?

>> No.10290470

are you?

>> No.10290475

>I implied some things about TR didn't feel good in 2023. a very hot take, I know.

It's the coldest take on earth. The fact that you can't seem to accept that most people felt this way in 1996 is an indication that you're a moron.

>> No.10290501

>I mean, is it worth beating today?
shut the fuck up start the game and decide for yourself retarded zoomer

>> No.10290503

OP here. well, I played some more. the 2nd level definitely felt better. I complained that not much was going on in lvl 1, well there's much more going on in lvl 2. there's way more "platforming" and t's actually very well done, only held back by the controls. I'm gonna be playing it further then.
my main complaints certainly won't be new. the control is just stiff. yeah, the game is built around precise jumps, and those make sense in context. but I mean the rest. I forgot to mention I'm playing the PSX version, but turning around seems to take forever, and pressing "circle" to do a backflip is risky because you could just fall from a platform. bumping into walls makes you stop. you need to be standing exactly next to something to pick it up / activate it. the camera is ok, but in small rooms it makes it hard to see where the fuck you're looking (in a game where you need to aim your jumps). every action seems to have input delay. certainly, nothing new for a 1996 game though. does TR2/3 fix this?
what I dislike the most though is that many parts are just huge, it's easy to get lost in them, and you run way too fucking slow to make them enjoyable to explore. this is my biggest gripe by far. small, focused rooms? great. big rooms where you don't know where to go? those take FOREVER to traverse through.
and also, some animations are stupidly slow. pushing around blocks takes forever. first game that makes me want to play on 150% speed. other than that, pretty good, I can finally see why it is praised so much, though you need a lot of patience to play it now.

>> No.10290531

>every action seems to have input delay.
If you're running and jumping from a ledge the game actually waits until the last second to actually make the jump. Glad you're enjoying it a bit more though, level 3 is great and a bit more of an open ended exploration one.

>> No.10290543

>is it one of those "you had to be there" kind of games
>is it worth beating today?
>There's just not much going on in this game so far
Play Tomb Raider 3 instead, should fit you nicely
>Rest of the post
Cut down on the "cynical seen it all" act and people might treat you seriously

>> No.10290576

>Reached 2nd lvl
>Still struggles with controls
You did go to the Croft Manor... didn't you?
>and pressing "circle" to do a backflip is risky because you could just fall from a platform
Is it possible to be this dumb? Just hold whatever on PSX is the Grab button, so if you fall off, Lara will instantly grab. And if you reached 2nd level, and still don't know each block is "two steps", you might have either something with your eyes or the frontal lobe.
>what I dislike the most though is that many parts are just huge, it's easy to get lost in them
Drop the game. If you aren't enjoying exploration, Core-era TRs are going to be a nightmare for you, especially the first one.

>> No.10290702

>certainly, nothing new for a 1996 game though.
other platformers that released in 1996 didn't have input delay. why the fuck do you keep talking like this

>> No.10290762

>every action seems to have input delay
The controls are more about planning and setup than reflexes. Just a tip on jumps:
*slow walk to the ledge
*hackhop once
*hold forward
*hold jump
*laura jumps at the last second

>what I dislike the most though is that many parts are just huge
Strange complaint. Same with the running speed. Both of these things seem fine to me.

>> No.10290948

>You did go to the Croft Manor... didn't you?
I haven't. I went there, it did explain a couple new things like jumping after running at the last moment, and that you never fall when you press R1, but other than that everything else was intuitive enough to figure out.
>And if you reached 2nd level, and still don't know each block is "two steps", you might have either something with your eyes or the frontal lobe.
so now you're just gonna insult me when I don't figure out these ""obvious"" things. ok
>*slow walk to the ledge
>*hackhop once
>*hold forward
yeah thanks, I went through the manor and it explained this. I didn't know this was intentional for most of game. a bit weird but whatever

>> No.10290968

>If you're running and jumping from a ledge the game actually waits until the last second to actually make the jump.
yeah, but it just seems there's a delay between almost any other action. e.g.—if I stop running, there's a recovery afterwards; I want to pick something up—there's a slow animation for it; the animation for climbing up is very slow; before you even move a block, Lara takes a while to just lean to it, then push it for a few whole seconds.
though I must say most forms of jumping are very fast, side / backward jumps are almost instant. and funnily enough, I think this game has best swimming hands down I've seen in a 3D game, shitting on SM64 / Banjo.
still, this is just definitely not a game where you get an action as soon as you press a button. I guess they tried to make it realistic and all, but often Lara moves like she's in slow motion.

>> No.10290986
File: 1000 KB, 1280x720, raidersofthelostark_1280x720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a zoomer and it is one of my favorite games ever. It just isn't a crazy action game, it is more slow and atmospheric and about exploration. It's like those scenes in the Indiana Jones movies where Indy is exploring some tomb and he's being super careful and thoughtful about everything he does to avoid all the traps. That's the kind of vibe tha game is going for. Give it a chance and allow yourself to get immersed in it.

>> No.10290993

TR2 mostly sucks though, it misses the point of Tomb Raider almost as hard as the reboot did

>> No.10291071

Venice and the Rig kinda suck but the Maria Doria and China are fantastic. That said I'm replaying them all now, currently on 3 and enjoying it way more than 2 which I did not expect.

>> No.10291083

Where are you in 3? Highs and lows?

>> No.10291135

Madubu Gorge, at the Kayaking section so far, done the other countries.
I have always been a Nevada apologist. I fucking love it, aside from that pool with the fan that kills you and the missile part I think it's great. Even London was (mostly) great once I figured out where to go in Thames Wharf (although I knew about the bullshit with the penny in Aldwych beforehand).
Temple Ruins, fucking Temple Ruins. Genuinely more bullshit than most of TR2. Also I had a lot of trouble with Crash Site for some reason. The Kayak isn't very fun, and the underwater propulsion device in Lud's gate is kinda lame.

>> No.10291271

You had trouble with Crash Site? How come?

>> No.10291282

I don't see any point in playing games from the 90s, or listening to music from back then, other than nostalgia. If you didn't live it then there's no point.

>> No.10291291

well what's there left to play other than 1 and 2? rest are dogshit

>> No.10291292

>is it one of those "you had to be there" kind of games?

It sold because of the tits.

I know because I was there. NO ONE thought it had good gameplay when it came out.

>> No.10291547

I played it last year for the first time and thought it was excellent. The platforming and the way Lara moves takes some getting used to but it's refreshing to playan action game where climbing/jumping actually requires skill and precision. Some of the traps and random enemy jumpscares are cheap though. Born in 1996.

>> No.10291568

desu, people mostly bought it because the marketed the shit out of Lara as a character.
It was "sexy girl game, also featuring some gameplay".

>> No.10291734

I don't know, I just got lost once or twice. Plus the dinosaurs are way more dangerous than in 1.

>> No.10291849

>NO ONE thought it had good gameplay when it came out.
Untrue. You can tell by the old as fuck fansite communities. There was always a small core of puzzle unpickers and atmosphere enjoyers. It's just baffling that Eidos marketed an action packed romp and developed a pseudo-survival horror game.

>> No.10291945

>is it one of those "you had to be there" kind of games?
Sort of. I wouldn't recommend it to gamers today because they would only complain despite the games still being very high quality imo. The controls and jankiness is too much a barrier to entry for these people.

>> No.10291975

Each game had its own logic in those days. The camera, the controls, the combat, the quirks, everything was unique. And they were harder and colder about helping you.
Today, every game is the same, built by a team with the same tools and the same logic and only marginal differences, and much easier.
Are you willing to learn the game's logic? Are you willing to get in the mental state required to learn it and overcome the difficulty? Or are you going to complain that it's not like all games are today?
That question is valid for all old games not just Tomb Raider but stuff on the Spectrum too. And we all might want to be le open minded retro gamer that enjoys all games but the truth is too many of them will simply be too much for you to care.

>> No.10292219

you're a honorable 90s kid in my book.

>> No.10292340

If you need to turn quickly and aren’t jumping to a ledge, pull your guns out. The camera pulls back and Lara turns more quickly for combat. Run speed is what it is though.

>> No.10292373

Good post. At that point personal metrics are in order. I will not force myself to play silver surfer or action 52, but temple of doom and ssf 2010 are quite good once you get used to their individual control schemes. Theirs a defining line in my logic, silver surfer is bad game design, not unique and challenging where the controls start to become intuitive. I like to remind people that they also didn’t know how to use the modern control scheme when they first picked up a controller. In fact many people disliked analog control + camera when devs first started using it, but it’s become the gold standard. If someone refuses to play games like resident evil or tomb raider because they “can’t into” tank controls, that’s their loss and when they cry about it they are coming from a place of ignorance. Let them stay there.

>> No.10292551

This game was a shitshow in 96 compared to Mario. The controls are a total joke.

>> No.10292554

The controls are superior to mario (lower case M)

>> No.10292616

Mario is for children. If it was good, it wouldn't look like a Fisher Price toy. This is why serious gamers never liked Nintendo.

>> No.10292681

>If it was good, it wouldn't look like a Fisher Price toy.
Oh? Is that why it managed to out live a dead franchise that got rebooted snd then died again that was never good even at the time of release?

>> No.10292703

And yet, here we are... in a Tomb Raider thread. Weird.

>> No.10292705

Concession: Accepted

>> No.10292706

>Give it to me straigh

That's impossible, we're both dudes.

Anyway even if you were there at the time you would have seen that the controls are garbage and the only thing that sold this game was tiddies.

>> No.10292718

Reality rejected and substituted for one of your own creation: witnessed.

>> No.10292726

>It's not dead because a retro game is being talked amongst retro enthusiasts on the retro board
You're like a child that has to say something no matter how pointless it is just to make it look like you haven't lost the argument.

>> No.10292732

You're dead franchise isn't talked about nearly as much as it is outside /vr/. Go shitpost and lose elsewhere. See >>10292705

>> No.10292735

There is no argument for people who think Mario 64 and Tomb Raider are comparable games. They're just stupid people.

>> No.10292747

>my game is better than your game but even though the thread is about your game I'm going to bark on regardless
>but YOU'RE the child
/vr/ in 2023 everyone. Outstanding.

>> No.10292749

made even more amusing when game #2 is ... a mario game

>> No.10292753

There is no argument for people who defend Mario 64 and Tomb Raider aren't comparable games. They're just stupid people.

>> No.10292760

>my game is better than your game but even though the thread is about my game I'm going to bark on regardless
>but YOU'RE the child
/vr/ in 2023 everyone. Outstanding.

>> No.10292762

I love this webm because it's still a very linear section and the player clearly has played it before and is blasting through it not giving a shit, and yet it's still way more interesting than nu-raider

>> No.10292763

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.10292776

Tomb Raider is clearly going for a different kind of control style than Mario though. Despite what retards like you seem to think, the controls in TR are well-thought out and intelligent. Going for a realistic style, every action in Tomb Raider is consistent, making platforming precise. Mario, in contrast to it's far simpler nature, lacks precise control. Tomb Raider is no more worse than Mario than Prince of Persia is at Mario.
You mean where only manchildren talk about Mario and Lara Croft is in two of the most successful franchises of all time with a remake and another reboot on the way?

>> No.10292781

>Did you have to be there?
No. I was there and never got it

>> No.10292863

Anon, it's like the first tits & ass in 3d video game. Nobody really cared about the game.

>> No.10292962

>with a remake and another reboot on the way?
>An ESG funded Netflix "anime"
>An EGS Amazon Prime life action adaption
>An outsourced texture pack

>> No.10294156

>t. wasn't even born yet when AoD tanked

>> No.10294173

>so now you're just gonna insult me when I don't figure out these ""obvious"" things. ok
It's not an insult, mate. It really IS obvious. The game is build from blocks, over which you move in a specific way. After taking more than five, maybe seven run-up jumps, you are ought to notice that Lara goes right-left-jump with her moves, and that the block can fit her doing that. Otherwise you wouldn't even be able to progress the game. Unless, of course, you have either something off with your eyesight or your frontal lobe, responsible for processing movements you observe. And I'm not snide, that's just how it is.
Let me put it into a simple perspective to you. Waaay back when, around the time when TR3 came out, my mother decided to see for herself what do I see in those games. Speaking no English (so Croft Manor was useless for her) and being utterly clueless about vidya, when she stumbled her way through almost all of Peru, she had full control over the moves. In a game with those "scary" tank controls. And she did figure it all out on her own.
And you can't, despite obviously playing games. So my wager is on the fact that you have your eye-sight messed up and genuinely can't see things properly.

>> No.10294194

>All around improvement of the game is worse, because reasons
The only complain I can get is oil rig part of the game - it's both boring and tedious. But once you eventually reach Tibet, it's some of the best stuff, franchise-wide.

3 is where the series peaked, and 4 maintained the plateau (even if Cairo is dogshit)
If anything, 1 is the one I'm least inclined to replay

>> No.10294203

India and especially South Pacfic. And I was always Temple Ruins apologist, because that level is unfair in the fun way. I've replaying this game about once per 2 years and I always get some surprise out of Temple Ruins, despite technically knowing it by heart at this point.
London in general, Aldwych in particular. That level is just a mess and not fun to play at all. People usually complain about Lud's Gate due to the underwater part, but in my book, Aldwych is much worse. I usually just cheat-skip London entirely on replays. It's only redeeming factor is cool boss fight

>> No.10294263
File: 728 KB, 1581x2200, Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 082 (May 1996)_0111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not an insult, mate. It really IS obvious. The game is build from blocks, over which you move in a specific way. After taking more than five, maybe seven run-up jumps, you are ought to notice that Lara goes right-left-jump with her moves, and that the block can fit her doing that. Otherwise you wouldn't even be able to progress the game. Unless, of course, you have either something off with your eyesight or your frontal lobe, responsible for processing movements you observe. And I'm not snide, that's just how it is.

The original game was designed entirely around a d-pad configuration. The original Tomb Raider was designed as a multi-platform title from the start. Though Sony may have paid for console exclusivity from TR2 onwards. Yeah, the game is designed around a grid system, like many older PC ('Cinematic platformers') that came before it. The controls are not exactly direct, as Lara animation cycles can not really be interrupted and I guess button prompts are put into a cue after each animation cycle is complete, which makes the game feel like it has input lag. The game functions in the same way as the original Prince of Persia or Flashback, or even Oddworld , but in 3D. Tomb Raider was in development almost in parallel with Mario 64, and was a pre-analogue stick 3D platformer.

>> No.10294373 [DELETED] 

to tell you the truth I'm surprised there's people that played 3 , I played the demo when it came out and just put it down after couple hours and being unable to beat level 1.
more power to you challenge seekers

>> No.10294487

That's fair. London is all bullshit, except weirdly All Hallows which has a sense of flow and direction and City as you point out. I think the same of Nevada DESU, only the first level is any good.

>> No.10294608

India levels in TR3 is true TR kino. TR4 atmosphere is also very nice even though retards here hate tr4 for absolutely no reason lel. TR1 and TR2 aren't worth wasting your time. 3 is good until london levels. TR4 is truly good, it's a bit unnecessarily long though, especially after citadel.

>> No.10294650

dude, play the 1st level. it barely had much "blocks" at all, and barely any hard jumps either. I'll admit Croft manor (which I skipped) does give you a far better clue that the game is built on a block "grid" so to speak, and should be thought of in terms of "blocks" / tiles. but only the 2nd level really drives this point home, you start to notice that EVERY platform is same exact square. croft manor also explains this thing how you're supposed to walk to the edge holding R1, then press "back", which I didn't quite get at first; the fact that the game is built entirely around this would maybe give me a clue.
and name me at least 2 more games beside TR that do this. maybe a fucking SM64? Crash? Spyro? I don't think many 3D action games are tied to a tile grid, to the point that 1 step moves you 1 tile.
and stop being a faggot—I already said the rest of the controls was easy enough to figure out, it was intuitive enough and actually well-made, so there's that. it was only the "2 steps = 1 tile" part that wasn't obvious. I want to know, what country are you from? I just want to know where such faggots come from.

>> No.10294669

>and name me at least 2 more games beside TR that do this. maybe a fucking SM64? Crash? Spyro? I don't think many 3D action games are tied to a tile grid, to the point that 1 step moves you 1 tile.

The whole point is that it's unique and the only 'serious' 3D action game that does this.

>> No.10294680

yeah, alright. I just meant it's not that stupidly obvious as you make it out to be, since almost no other game does this. especially when you risk falling off platform when you try to experiment with it.

>> No.10294778
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>hate tr4 for absolutely no reason lel

>> No.10294783

If you can't work it out by the end of Lara's Home, you should be in a home yourself. A care home. For gay retards.

>> No.10296165

>>hate tr4 for absolutely no reason lel
>Hey look, a really obvious trap that i stared right at
>Let me jump right into it


>> No.10296203

>don't think many 3D action games are tied to a tile grid, to the point that 1 step moves you 1 tile.

Duke Nukem: Time To Kill has this kind of set-up:

It was design to be played without an analogue stick, and is a little more run and gun.

Prince of Persia 3D as well:

There were a few 'Tomb Raider-like' games on the PS1 and from that era in general. But analogue style controls became more dominant with gen 6 console, in general. Gen 5, the N64 had an analogue thumb pad by default. The PS1's Dual-Analogue and Dual Shock came out in 1997, the PS1 launched in 1994-1995. The Sega Saturn 3D Analogue pad came out in 1996 with NiGHTS. Sega Saturn launched in 1994-1995, as well. But 3D platformers were not exactly common on the Sega Saturn when compared to the PS1. Analog controls were not fully established until the Dreamcast, PS2. Game Cube and Xbox.

>> No.10296215

It's worth playing today if you play it from a historical perspective.

>> No.10296264

The game is grid-based, that's why you're feeling that "delay" (Laura is between two grid squares before she can make an action). Just visualize the following - if you're standing at the further point of the platform you're currently in (before you fall off), one hop puts you as far as possible from that grid square you're on. That's the dimension of one grid square. If you can create this visual map, movement becomes easier to adapt to.

>> No.10296298

>started 4 a few years ago
>got over halfway and quit
>decide replay it from the start last month
>recent TR thread had a webm of surprise fire below a crawlspace
>get to the level with the neptune statues
>get surprise fired at that exact spot
>restart the level feeling like a complete retard

>> No.10296906

I play 3 whenever I need a "TR fix" - India is just all-around good, and if I somehow still feel the itch, there is always South Pacific. The big advantage of this game is the choice for each "subchapter", and as trivial as it is, that does extend the replay value. Compare with TR2
>Very strong start
>So-so Venice
>Terrible oil rig
>Base-breaking Maria Doria
>Game only truly starts to get good once you're in Tibet, the halfway mark
>Meaning first half of the game is a boring slog to push through.
Whereas here the only problem is how bad London is, and you can quite literally play it the last, avoiding the shit for as long as possible.

See, that's the difference - Nevada has good bits. London doesn't.

>> No.10296915

>hate tr4 for absolutely no reason lel
Cairo is a boring slog
Giza is boring slog that drags forever and is genuinely tiresome.
That game could be the best TR ever, but they run out of ideas by 70% mark. Once you reach Cairo, it's just pile up of mediocre and bad levels, and the shitty pyramid levels only make it worse.

>> No.10296993

I don't disagree that the final levels are a drag, but up til near the end it's incredibly good.

>> No.10297001

the first 3 games are all masterpieces and they keep filtering retards

>> No.10297574 [DELETED] 

you're brave, I only touched tr3 two times once when it came out, and once when I decided to finish it for 'fun' 20 years later. tr4 I never finished.

I'll go back and play tr1 every now and then, and sometimes tr2.

rest are complete and utter dogshit, but good if you want a 'challenge'

>> No.10297736

Anon go play tomb raider the last revelation. it will take a while for you to get used to it. play ankor wat the first part with teenage Lara. and play the game a bit until you learn. If you learn to play it, you can play all classic tomb raiders. I did that in 2009. I had TR3 and Last Revelation. TR3 was harder so I tried the other. Took me a while to get it. When I did I loved it.

>> No.10297742

TR1 is a classic game for platforming and puzzle solving. The controls are tough. It’s very much a 3d version of Prince of Persia, Flashback, or Pitfall etc. It’s a better game than the 2013 ones. The level design is excellent.

>> No.10297773
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>> No.10297820

>Nevada has good bits. London doesn't.
Sounds like you fell for one of them obvious traps and got filtered.
How can you experience this and not see the soul?

>> No.10297905

TR3 was truly brutal. Any kid who got PS1 late 90s almost always got a demo disc with tr3 in it, hyping you up so well. And you get the actual game to find out that you can't do shit kek.

>> No.10298031

I was so impressed by the demo.
The visuals (gunsmoke, bouncing casings, lasers, colored lights etc) where some of the best at that point. (MGS released a few month later)
It's a shame the full game was a bit buggy, like why wasn't there a spinning item pick up animation anymore? Such an oversight.

>> No.10298167

Why people like you constantly remind me that hiro ordered a date change for this board, for no other reason than purposefully ruining it?

>> No.10298225

>why wasn't there a spinning item pick up animation anymore? Such an oversight.
I accidentally discovered the shotgun secret right in the beginning when I was a kid, but I didn't know I picked up a shotgun until the end of the whole india section. I just thought it was uzi clips, it had really taken me so fucking long to understand where the hell I picked it up from. Such a major oversight.

Also I hated the fact that the game threw me bunch of ammos and shit from all those secrets, and took it all back in nevada before I could even find the corresponding weapons, lel.

It was a very very interesting game nevertheless. So damn difficult.

>> No.10298381

TR3 music is so good, they better hire the og creator for the remaster.

>> No.10298392

The fuck does any of that mean?

>> No.10298406

I believe that anon is implying you only come here because now you can talk about PS2 era games on VR. What that has to do with failing to see a trap is beyond me.

>> No.10298409

Annoyingly, I agree with him. This board shouldn't have even broached PS1 but that's where we are.

>> No.10298486

>shouldn't have even broached PS1
This reddit mindset of early 3D being like modern 3D but worse is annoying. PS1/2 games are distinctly retro.

>> No.10298515

>sticking to 4chan’s /vr/ original mindset is Reddit now

It’s like you don’t even read your own posts back to yourself, you monumental cunt

>> No.10298525
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 5681bd111d7e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means that you are too young to be on /vr/, and the fact that the date changed opened the floodgate for faggots like you

>> No.10298526

og /vr/ was full of petty wankers, I'm glad it got overrun

>> No.10298528

>t. petty wanker
Yes, nothing like another ruined hobby board, the big win for... nobody.

>> No.10298529

Well, obviously you do: you’re a retarded spastic

>> No.10298540
File: 3.96 MB, 1870x1435, Planet Laika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine deeming Tomb Raider not retro enough

>> No.10298559

>too INTELLIGENT to follow comment threads
Definitely sticking to my “retarded spastic” comment. Learn to read before indulging primarily text based forums, squire.

>> No.10299317

I'm actually kind of surprised by the fact that there really aren't any modern indie Tomb Raider clones that are based on the classic series. Even imitating the grid styled movement and digital controls. It seems like it would be the easiest way to make a 3D platformer, as I can understand that 3D platformers an be hard to make for indie devs, when it comes to level design. Making a polygon cinematic platformer on a grid layout seems like it would be the easiest way to go.

>> No.10299541

/vr/ should've allowed 6th gen posts 10 fucking years ago. I'm glad the date change happened, just wish it didn't take so long.

>> No.10299545

I'd even argue that 7th gen handhelds like the DS and PSP should be allowed here.

>> No.10299916

Tank controls made the game easier. You can calculate your steps to make a perfect jump or know where to press on a mechanism exactly.
Don’t try with TR1 though it was very barebones. Try 3 first. I personally prefer 4.

>> No.10300034
File: 27 KB, 549x507, 1696469429049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomb Raider essayist here. Just dropping in cuz I was curious if my successful catapulting of Tomb Raider threads still lasted.

Seems like it did.

Honestly I could write essays responding to OP's post, but I'd be so right, and either get such an unsatisfactory response, or be ignored for him to respond to easier to shut down arguments. I'd just like to say...I don't know why OP is even making a thread about this before reaching Lost Valley or St.Francis Folly? Despite the earlier levels being much smaller, there's NEVER wasted space, and it's just for the sake of engaging with the core aspect of the games; Lara's unique movement, and becoming comfortable with them.

If you can't appreciate Tomb Raider by St.Francis Folly, I'd reckon you're just too stupid to appreciate it in the first place. I mean, you're already coming at it with preconceptions tainted with biased words like "it's stupidly slow" so I think that says more than enough about what type of guy you are.

I never enter games with preconceptions, unless they're from, or related to the same series of games, and even then, I'll look for some unique aspect that have to offer. If you constantly prime yourself negatively for something, then you're engaging less with the actual thing, and more with the fact of it not matching your arbitrary expectations. I'm glad I don't engage with games so narrowly and ignorantly generally, because I've seen some people COMPLETELY miss the point of some of my favourite games before and the idea of missing out on a unique experience because of prebaked perceptions, sounds sorrowful for enjoying videogames.

Peace yo.

>> No.10300037

Lacks the flashiness of titles like mischief makers which despite being unpopular in its day appeals massively to internet perverts.

>> No.10300119

Will we witness you again when the Remaster drops!?

>> No.10300135

He couldn't be bothered to complete TR3. I doubt he's coming back.

>> No.10300138

lol did he get filtered by luds gate like so many others?
it can't be helped

>> No.10300190

Some bullshit about not wanting to finish. Personally I bet he left Nevada til last and raged.

>> No.10300204

outdated information my dude
he did the first level of london last, loved it and wanted to finish TR4 before TR3, but got sidetracked by SF6

>> No.10300218

>t. Halo enjoyer
/vr/ should maintain a STRICT 2000 cutoff mark, and anything after it should be relegated to /vr2k/

>> No.10300225

>Why OP is retarded and acts like a moron?
It should be rather obvious that OP is a zoomer, the full package: self-important, incompetent, lazy, boastful and always looking down at things that "he heard are good" just to be contrarian

>> No.10300249

yeah, this is retarded though because I'm ALSO a zoomer, and the EXPLICIT reason I love tomb raider so much is because it surprised me and went above and beyond to show a level of cohesion, uniqueness, and genuine "design" that I NEVER come across in old 3D games particularly. Before tomb raider, I was ready to dismiss all 3D games before the PS2 and fundamentally garbage and shallow.

Eh it's whatever, some people simply don't get some things, and aren't able to appreciate some things. I'd personally feel ashamed and embarrassed if I ever tried to make a judgment about something I didn't atleast play enough or understand based on how fans describe it.

I'm just glad I wasn't too narrow minded to still enjoy Tomb Raider, and it's opened me (slightly) to possibly enjoying other titles of that era (haven't found any yet, but I don't really care anyway TR was mostly enough)

>> No.10300276

wowwww! somebody actually remembers what I last said before leaving, I'm genuinely impressed, those retards making up headcannons about why I "stopped" playing were trying to hard to NOT even try and be right that I didn't even feel like responding because if they're making judgements not based on fact, then any response I make won't reach them anyway, and they'd be useless for conversation since they barely possess sufficient self awareness to have a conversation.

but yeah, I'm still somewhat sidetracked by SF6, but I'm also thinking I might just NOT finish TR4. I KNOW now that TR3 has far better levels, and I've already played SO much tomb raider that I'm just getting real impatient for the shit level design which I've already gone in depth about in the past. TR4 is so boring it's unbelievable, I'm only using such a subjective word because those who remember what I've said about the game less subjectively should know that I've earned the right to say this.

Right now though, I'm just grinding SF6, and playing TR5 on the side. Finally finished the Rome level, was about as boring as TR4 levels tend to be, but atleast it was relatively short I guess? I'm only playing 5 because based on stuff I've heard about it, it atleast TRIES to be interesting and add some new elements to the platforming and level design...definitely didn't see it in Rome which is disappointing, but hopefully the next level doesn't bore me so much that I sorrowfully have to end the series on TR3 knowing it never got better.

>> No.10300343

Only goodish thing about TR5 is the young lara section.
I'm genuinly appalled by the forced sneaking bit with cringe ass radio calls in the last part. Like what were they thinking? holy shit

>> No.10300361
File: 1.53 MB, 860x620, crashwithlara.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lacks the flashiness of titles like mischief makers

Weird comparison to make. How many indie Mischief Makers clones are there?

>appeals massively to internet perverts.

>> No.10300391 [DELETED] 
File: 684 KB, 640x480, lauracrooft.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mischief Makers

>> No.10300394
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>> No.10300420 [DELETED] 
File: 553 KB, 675x380, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we unaware or playing coy?
You don't know?

>> No.10300425
File: 1.15 MB, 640x480, lauracrooftbazookacrash.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are we unaware or playing coy?
>You don't know?

News to me. I will have to take a look.

>> No.10300430

how you know all these ads were on eidos side only is how much they fucked up Lara's look, I swear she doesn't have a consistent look in any of these ads and doesn't even look like Lara.

Lara doesn't have a pointy chin, her face is actually fairly round

>> No.10300439

>it should be relegated to /vr2k/
You know why they (Mods) chose to merge the gens and not make a new board, right? Their trying to morph /vr/ into the new /v/ without the /b/ and/or because one of the Mods is a Zoomer that wanted to allow gen 6.

>> No.10300449 [DELETED] 

If ever you see a thread about mischief makers, the weird perverts will come out to let you know they want Marina to sit on them, rape them, etc. Or check the archive at your leisure. Double Shake seems to be made for these people.

Tomb Raiders far more tame titillation doesn't appeal to these types. If anything it's washed in nostalgia and a desire to return to simpler times, not weird masturbatory fantasies.

>> No.10300492

>how you know all these ads were on eidos side only is how much they fucked up Lara's look

Those ads were produced by Sony, for the original PS1 greatest hits line-up from 1998, which features Crash Bandicoot 1, Twisted Metal (hence Sweet Tooth) and Lara Croft. Sony use to advertise Lara Croft and Tomb Raider heavily. The Model might have come from Eidos, but possibly could have been made by the advertising company that made these ads. I don't actually know.

>> No.10300526 [DELETED] 

Didn't ask, Plebbiter.

>> No.10300535 [DELETED] 

>Subtle whoring GOOD
>Explicit whoring BAD
Dripping with insecurity.

>> No.10300648 [DELETED] 

weird discord replies running line defense for no-name game and no-name indie game and no-name game fanbase.

>> No.10301383
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>>10288898 Here. Just beat the game

Egypt = Greece > Peru > Atlantis

The last few levels didn't have the same exploration appeal as the other areas, but I'm still glad I stuck through it. Going into it I absolutely didn't expect this game to go from wolves and bears to where it ended up.
Probably won't go for the sequels unless I can be convinced that the exploration is really great in TR2.

>> No.10301429

>getting into this game is too much to ask of anybody these days
uh okay sure. modern gamers only play babby retard games like fortnite, sure. nobody has any interest in learning older systems because they're antiquated, sure. I guess that's why people don't study greek, latin and cuneiform then, right?
I just play in little spurts, maybe finish a level or two every weekend and the dopamine satisfaction is always great. You don't have to finish it in one run.

>> No.10301441

It was a criticism of modern gamers, not of the game.

>> No.10301482 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 951x823, tombraidergreatesthits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how you know all these ads were on eidos side only is how much they fucked up Lara's look, I swear she doesn't have a consistent look in any of these ads and doesn't even look like Lara.
>Lara doesn't have a pointy chin, her face is actually fairly round

The full commercials...

I do remember seeing these commercials aired on TV back in the day, all three of them. Not sure what year. I think 1997 or 1998. The commercial has man in Crash suit with bullhorn, advertising the first wave of PS1 classics, including Tomb Raider 1, Crash 1 and Twisted Metal 1 as well as Jet Moto.

>> No.10301494
File: 1.06 MB, 951x823, tombraidergreatesthits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how you know all these ads were on eidos side only is how much they fucked up Lara's look, I swear she doesn't have a consistent look in any of these ads and doesn't even look like Lara.

The full commercials...
I do remember seeing these commercials aired on TV back in the day, all three of them. Not sure what year. I think 1997 or 1998. The commercial has man in Crash suit with bullhorn, advertising the first wave of PS1 classics, including Tomb Raider 1, Crash 1 and Twisted Metal 1 as well as Jet Moto. It actually looks like Lara has a different model in the commercial where the Dad wakes up the kid to go get a Playstation. That one doesn't feature Crash or Sweettooth like the others.

>> No.10301504

>tank controls were gay even for the time
Were they? I remember never having a problem with them at the time. I played just the demo of TR2 alone for days because I loved the controls so much, the mansion one

>> No.10301509

>unless I can be convinced that the exploration is really great in TR2
Exploration takes a nosedive after TR1. TR1 levels are the best

>> No.10301548

>TR1 levels are the best

No they're not lmao, Greece is the only part of the game with any tough navigation. TR3 levels are consistently larger, more complex, and tougher to solve and explore.

But I don't really care to convince anyone anymore, nobody needs to experience TR3. Too many people get too much too easily nowadays. Better they remain ignorant and continue playing the same generic convenient shit they play all the time never seeking out truly unique experiences till they correct their narrow mindedness.

>> No.10301603

yes everyone is a retard except for you, you're the sole harbinger of reason in this bleak world. you alone possess the articles of ambition and intellect necessary to experience a playstation game

>> No.10301613

yes, a broad platitudinous generalization of "modern gamers". but one has to wonder how much thought actually goes into these "critiques", as the notion of a "modern gamer" seems to omit the fact that there are disparities of opinion and interest in every generation. Inevitably these complaints come across as impotent whinging, not critique.

>> No.10301948

I wouldn't be opposed to a separate /vr2k/ board for 6th-gen and early 7th gen stuff, but I wouldn't want a hard 2000 cutoff for /vr/ either. A hard cutoff would make it more difficult to discuss Y2K-era cross-gen titles and late 5th gen releases.
Based Zoomer mod.

>> No.10302126

I remember game journalists complaining about them back then too, but everyone who realised up means forward had no issues.

>> No.10302152
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There have unironically been studies done on this, and the result is that people who can't into tank controls lack proper spatial reasoning skills. They aren't able to conceptualize abstract directions and can only understand directions relative to themselves (or, relative to the camera in a videogame).

This doesn't just occur in vidya, it also makes them unable to drive remote controlled cars or operate drones. As an example, essentially what happens is if the drone is hovering facing them and they press "left" on the remote they can't understand why the drone does not move left relative to their position instead of moving left relative to the drone's position and facing. If they press left on a d-pad while playing a game they expect the character to move left relative to the camera's position (basically, for the character to move toward the left side of the screen). This is also why some people criticize the "bad cameras" in a lot of old platformers, because they are unable to conceptually "see" where things like gaps that must be jumped over are unless the camera is facing them. Normal people can intuitively understand that the gap is still there and what their distance is from it even if it is not directly on the screen. These people also tend to do extremely poorly on test questions that require spatial understanding (like pic related).

tl;dr - Tank controls are perfectly fine, the people who don't like them literally have an underdeveloped section of their brains.

>> No.10302159

tr3 is the gayest tr game and you are the dumbest person itt

>> No.10302298

Trickquestion, non of them because the black is missing.
Also I hate TR3 and love LAU.

>> No.10302430

Its bottom right anon, so you not liking classic TR makes perfect sense.

>> No.10302487

It's top left you fucking flid.

>> No.10302512

lol based retard

>> No.10302514

bottom right would only work if you fold it with the back side out, and assuming the colors are the same on the back side.

>> No.10302608

>bottom right would only work if you fold it with the back side out, and assuming the colors are the same on the back side.

you're joking right? I didn't want to believe the anon with his "omg you need spatial reasoning to appreciate tank controls!" because I literally hate tank controls in any game that isn't tomb raider since tomb raider is the only game I've come across that uses tank controls interestingly and comprehensively enough to justify its existence, to the point that calling Tomb Raider "tank controls" almost feels reductive and not truly representative.

But anyway bottom right is right. You don't need the black, just by pure process of elimination, you can figure out that so many of the colours connect so perfectly, that EVEN IF black ended up being a same colour as one of the ones already shown, it would still be valid because there's still a connection.

yellow connects to white and green obviously. red connectes to blue, black, green and white, and cannot possibly connect to yellow as it's the opposite side of it. and blue connects to green, white and red. Based on this, it's just a simple process of elimination on what can't possible connect vs what does actually connect.

Tomb Raider 3 is the best Tomb Raider game btw. Tomb Raider 1 is next, but is so...middling to bad anywhere that isn't Greece that it doesn't even deserve the second place spot. TR3 is the most genuinely ambitious, and varied from a level design, platforming challenge/puzzle perspective. Unfortunately it has the same problem as most tomb raider games in that it has like nearly half of the game be borderline garbage or simply subpar, but it's heights and the creative shit it does like with the Kayak, or just straight good levels like Crash Site and Thames Wharf (first half) are so much better on average than most TR levels, that India and Nevada (plus Nevada has 1 good level in the no weapons levels) get a pass for being so linear and shit.

I could say more but no.

>> No.10302661
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not sure if trolling or retarded, so maybe I'm the retard for falling for it. I'm not the anon talking about the black side btw.

Folding it with front side out would look like this, not like the bottom right one.

>> No.10302838

you only see three sides, black is off camera, idiot.
white and green aren't neighbors.
backside? why would you even? just fold the damn cube it doesn't matter which way and all the other cubes have sides touching each other that can't tough.
it makes no fucking difference though. red and yellow can't touch because they are on opposite facing sides. that eliminates two, white and green can't touch either that eliminates one more. checking the last turns out it's valid because blue and green form a corner with red on top. folding forwards or backwards is irrelevant, you utter moron. also, thinking about the backside and which way are you supposed to fold is obviously overthinking it in a classic midwit attempt to appear smart beyond what's asked of you in order to prove yourself.

>> No.10302872

Rule of the thumb:
If you self-identify as a zoomer, you ain't one
If you vehemently deny it, while acting the part - you are the case

Just saying/

>> No.10303046

my mind is zoomer, my body is boomer
now what

>> No.10303060

>I was ready to dismiss all 3D games before the PS2
Have you not played 90s racing games?

>> No.10303194

>"i like tank controls because i'm so very smart and everyone else is dumb."
your pseudo intellectual essay is just cope for your nostalgia.

tank controls are the epitome of "you had to be there" because the people who religiously defend them like this experienced them at a time when they didn't know better. which is basically most retro game cope.

also it's the bottom right.

>> No.10303309

>stop preferring things I don’t like: the post
Great contribution mate, thanks for coming. Fucking spastic

>> No.10303359

resident evil 4 had tank controls, now fuck off conzoomer

>> No.10304049

Since this is a Tomb Raider thread, has anyone played Project Eden?
It was made by the original TR/TR2 team and it shows, the gameplay is iffy but the level design is great.

>> No.10304151

what is it? you have a link or something? never heard of what you're implying but it sounds interesting

even though TR2 has the worst level design in the classic series

>> No.10306362

Playing through unfinished business, cat themed Egypt level was very fun but the designer said "fuck it put panthers even on the fukkin platforms"
It's hilarious

>> No.10307230

I finally got the first one installed and patched and I'm really liking it so far. Reminds me of Thief but less dense. Game delivers obstacles and story slowly and the level structure itself , the aesthetically realistic textures, the lighting, lara's animations all take the forefront. Seems like a lot of great 90s gaming elements are showcased here.

>> No.10307553
File: 25 KB, 500x500, Drink up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for a toast, I guess

>> No.10307556

Fuck no, I played and finished it last year for the first time and loved it even though I never grew up with it.

>> No.10307560

It's a pretty bad game. It was absolutely obsolete when it came out (it's a 97 game published in 01, with everything that brings to the table) in every single field, doesn't have anything outstanding or original about it and worst of it all, if this is what those people wanted to make, it only adds to what sort of a big fluke original TR was.
As much as people at Core hated making TRs and Lara, the real problem was about crunch time and being eventually forced to it, but those were games where they were at least focused on specific goals, with specific mindset and clear-cut execution. Every single other Core game was a literal experiment of a small indie dev that they really were, and they NEVER dropped that attitude, which ultimately cost them their own studio.

tl;dr pretty bad game done by people who should know better, but were acting up just to spite "The Man"

>> No.10307562

And before you ask - Galleon, the "big solo game" by Gard is literal trash. At least Project Eden can be seen as a valiant attempt to make "our own game". Galeon is meanwhile just pile-up of random elements that calls itself a game.
The more I think about it, the more I see TRs as a lighting in a bottle, with none of the original six truly understanding why that game worked or why people wanted to play it, and then throwing hissy fits when told to make a sequel. It's the worst kind of indie dev scenario, really.

>> No.10308175

It's am exploration, mystery and puzzle game. You are supposed to get lost. You are supposed to think about the puzzles. You are supposed to soak in the lonely atmosphere. You are supposed to plan out each platforming section carefully. It is definitely not designed for the modern mainstream audience.

>> No.10308186


>> No.10308330

>it only adds to what sort of a big fluke original TR was.

yeah, unfortunately this is probably right. I've binged nearly all of the classic TR games, and the way the quality varies within their own games and between the series is SO variable that I almost sometimes can't believe it. In almost every game except for TR1 (really shouldn't count) and TR3 I can only name like 2 or 3 levels max that were genuinely good. Everything else was either middling or genuinely so linear it's not even wolrth thinking about ESPECIALLY TR2, 4, 5, and 6.

TR6 is SO bad, that I almost couldn't possibly believe that it was made by the same people. I'm not convinced that a game so bad was entirely due to time constraints because one of my favourite games ever (Dark Souls 1) is notoriously unfinished and its core gameplay and level design never falls to the levels that AOD does.

I'd argue that Angel of Darkness is bad at its core, and no amount of time or uncut content restored could save it. They just completely missed what Tomb Raider was in the game somehow despite being the OG team.

I would actually make the argument that this started in TR4, but the Tomb Raider community ISNT ready for that argument because of how many people praise TR4 as the best and deride TR3.

I think that's also good point to highlight, Tomb Raider fans don't seem to understand TR anymore than the devs did by 6, so it's no wonder the series went the direction it did in 2006 and 2013. Because "Tomb Raider" the game had lost its identity, and the fans never seemed to understand it in the first place, so the only logical conclusion is that the surface level aspects of the series would remain, since you don't need a brain to understand those aspects as they're literally in your face. Stuff like the series name, Lara and her name, and then vague tombs, wildlife areas and shooting bad guys who want to raid the tombs before you.

It's sad to see and know that it was all an accident.

>> No.10308391

>Tomb Raider fans don't seem to understand TR anymore than the devs did by 6
Have you tried community levels? Maybe there are some gems to play and share

>> No.10308698

>TR6 is SO bad, that I almost couldn't possibly believe that it was made by the same people
Because it literally wasn't. The only person from the original six still around was Neal, and he wasn't in the project for the first year. And you could count veterans that worked on 3 and 4 on your fingers.
Core had a big expansion and throwing around money, hiring dozens of new people (they had a team of 60 ultimately work on AoD), but acting like they are still this tiny indie company operating from a house-turned-office space, with no proper management or even idea what to do with the game, while the in-house fatigue was so strong the people that could have helped just fucking quit.
>despite being the OG team.
Consult the above
>I would actually make the argument that this started in TR4
TLR was intended to be what the title suggests - the last one. They've spitefully killed Lara just to end the series, and by the time Eidos started to apply damage control, it was way too fucking late, so they released the game as it was. As for arguments for and against TLR - it depends with who and about what exact aspects are you planning to talk. You see, there is a surprisingly small amount of people who take that game holistically, and a surprisingly small amount of people (on both sides of the fence) that actually finished it, despite 24 years have passed in the meanwhile. So yeah, there are people who do as you described, but those aren't even majority, but a small fucking fraction of Core-era TRs, and minority even within TLR fandom

>> No.10308705

>it's no wonder the series went the direction it did in 2006 and 2013
You mean a corporate hand-out and corporate IP jump? That's... kind of a big leap here. TR most definitely had its identity and people can shit all they want on LAU, but at the core (ha ha!), those games still knew what they were doing. However, Eidos started the exact same death spiral it did with Core, pushing new game against the new studio with unrealistic crunch time (Anni suffered greatly from this)
The case with '13 is spot-on, however, for reasons that go beyond just simple "let's just release bare basics as a new TR". See, when SE bought Eidos, they had to secure their legal grasp of the various IPs in the library they've bough. Not for the same of making games, or making money, but to simply have a legal claim to the related franchises and thus any residues existing and also created in the future. In other words - not giving a single flying fuck about the related IPs, but the money they were ALREADY generating. This way the horrendous Thief 4 was made, and so was the '13 reboot of Tomb Raider. And both of those games were "crash and burn" projects that baited pre-existing fandom AND newcomers, but the goal was to just make the production costs back and sit on the residues. Unfortunately for everyone, TR'13 sold juuuust enough copies to convince the middle management to make a push for a sequel. SE eventually agreed, but under the stipulation of lower budget this time (despite already making the game out of chump change, and spending money on marketing), hence the infamous "exclusive to X-Box" deal. Rise crashed hard, precisely due to that exclusive deal, but by that time, Shadow was already in production, so they went with it, and burned thorugh it.

>> No.10308750

Also, part of the reason I'm so vary of the incoming "remaster" of 1-3 is because I see it as even CHEAPER corporate jump on the IP: do a shitty looking game that's 1:1 recreation of the original, so your visuals and clunky gameplay can be then justified by saying that "it's just a remaster and it's not supposed to be cutting edge", rather than the fact a group of 10 interns did it in their overtime. People buying to the whole thing so eagerly is kind of disturbing.
It is also worth to consider that SE made on TR ownership four fucking times the money they've spend on buying it, and are entitled for next half a century for residues. Including the ones that are going to be made of any new titles.
Welcome to modern vidya industry. But then again, Eidos run itself to the ground with near identical practices, so go fucking figure.

>> No.10308965

>People buying to the whole thing (1-3 remaster) so eagerly is kind of disturbing
It's pretty hard to make a disaster of this game because unless they use the ios version they need the original game to make it. So even if it will come out of the oven buggy, it would be a better way to replay at least TR1.
Also, the new spotlight will be good regardless: if it's shit maybe it will produce some sourceports, maybe better mapping editors etc etc
It would be great to have a community like doom

>> No.10308986

oh wow
It's scary to think the AI blurbs aren't doctored.

>> No.10309026

It's all doctored. The rationale given for any of it is absolute balderdash. He's just doing a let's play with an AI cloned voice reading comments he's pre-written. The rest is flim-flam.

>> No.10309067

it's a remaster. that tells you all you need to know. Not reading the rest of your bullshit but if you buy this stupid garbage instead of emulating or playing on original hardware you're just lost to the tides of time my friend. Analog controls? I spit on them

>> No.10309329

I should comment here just so I can more easily find this thread to respond to the big responses I got later

>> No.10310248

Anon, let me re-itterate:
A functional, fully-scripted TR2 remake/remaster is in perpetual legal limbo for over 5 years now. And the limbo was created by a company that doesn't even own the right for it. All while we are offered a paid remaster of TR2 done by Amazon Games out of all people, that just does a retexturise (and I wouldn't be even surprised if they just threw it to an AI graphic processor).
Do I need to further walk you through this? There is nothing good coming from this endeavour, other than a tiny-mini chance that a tiny-mini handful of people will learn about such game as Tomb Raider... and thanks to Squenix, their first google search is going to be the disgusting '13 reboot, potentially earning those fucks money once more.
So I guess in the end, it really is a "welcome to modern vidya industry" scenario.

>> No.10310250

>Tell people to stay away from the remaster
>if you buy this stupid garbage
Yeah, it's pretty fucking clear you didn't read my post at all and did a reflex reply to it, you dumb cunt

>> No.10310358

Well how you can create new classic TR fans if they can't even play the game? The common normie will only try a reskinned remaster, and we already got it better than crash/spyro by having the ability to swap artstyle to the original.
TR has now four different styles of gameplay that can coexist as different series.
A good scenario for classic gameplay, in case of a financial success, would be to dev a new one and sold it for cheap like the topdown coop games.
Hell, they could even make a classicTR maker while they see how to reboot the AAA series.

>> No.10310370


>> No.10310540

>Well how you can create new classic TR fans if they can't even play the game
Nta, but by sending them to the actual Core games? This is not rocket science, you know
>b-but dated
Mate, you are on /vr/.

>> No.10310542

>hile they see how to reboot the AAA series
That's just not going to happen, period. That game wasn't even properly announced yet, and it was already delayed, cancelled and re-posted again, all within a frame of mere 2 months.

>> No.10310584

>Mate, you are on /vr/.
we are a niche in a niche. Normies won't emulate, or follow a guide to install automated fix and rebind keys. Also, we can say that normies don't really play on pc.
So a tr on all consoles, pick up and play with a new coat of paint is wonderful news.

Didn't know about that, good.

>> No.10310767

Makes me miss those old adventure/survival horror games where you could inspect boatloads stuff.
Nowadays most fluff is relegated item description texts in a separate screen.
I would like to point the camera at something, press the thought button and get some optional banter while exploring.

>> No.10311061

>Normies won't emulate, or follow a guide to install automated fix and rebind keys
You know those games are both on GOG and Steam, and thus readily accessible also to pirates... right? You literally don't need to know what emulation even is to run them on a modern rig without any issues

>> No.10311273

What do you think 'automated fix and rebind keys' was referring to? At least read what you quote please

>> No.10311391

>Still going on, despite still missing the original point
Not sure what's worse: zoomers finding '13 as "Tomb Raider 1", or zoomers having to deal with an asshat like you if they miraculously won't

>> No.10311428

Maybe stop deflecting and go hide in your basement. Tomb on pc out of the box is a shit experience on both steam and gog. Requiring an external patch and joytokey to even play with a controller is unacceptable to them. Yes I know steam has profiles, fuck off.
The whole point of the conversation you lost since the beginning is that a normie won't accept what's sold on steam/gog.
Also, this is without even talking about tank controls, the grid system and action timing. Tr is super autdated an a common normie of today would be filtered by the first level.

>> No.10311543

Some of the classic TR games could do with more text as an inexpensive signposting. Aldwych would make a shit ton more sense of the developer's moon logic "I need to raid an underground freemason's lodge for a ceremonial mallet to bust a cheap padlock, never mind the rocket launcher I already have"

>> No.10311546

I never got much into it but that's because I only had the DEMO. At the time everything was new and there were no expectations, I also got a demo of Soul Reaver, atmospheric 3D games were new in general. so even that was kind of interesting, but also watevs since it isn't the full game. I don't think playing the full game now will give the experience of having played it back then, which is why I don't play it./blog

>> No.10311643
File: 1.89 MB, 990x1514, trccomicimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That was a joke title?

>> No.10311719

You know that even normal people don't use gog, right? Like to even know what gog is you have to actually be a gamer, at least with some decent investment in the hobby.

>> No.10312669

the post also mentions Steam...

>> No.10312710

Not really.
It was popular but not like the way you are saying.

>> No.10312740

Video games weren't that popular back then. The industry was still smaller than cinema back then.

>> No.10312746

And now you've exposed yourself as a know-nothing.

>> No.10312759

In 1997 the best selling game was FF7, at a shade under 5 million units. At $50 a hit (a generous estimate) that's $250 million.
In the same year, the best selling movie was Titanic, which drew $1.8 billion.
Cinema was much larger than games, and it's insane to compare even an icon like Lara to the then-mainstream.

>> No.10312787

zoom harder

>> No.10313260

>t. two clueless retards in a dick-measuring competition
Did you at least brought a microscope for that?

>> No.10313538

You can't even follow the discussion properly. It's not about Lara vs Titantic. It's about whether Lara was as prominent in popularity in he game industry as COD and Fortnite became later.
Tomb Raider was never on that level.
If anything Lara by herself was much more famous than the actual game series.

Looking back there was also a certain making much of a muchness about the series due to Lara

1. Being a British character made by British developers. This resulted in the British gaming press campaigning for her and probably giving her a bit of preferential treatment in coverage.

2. Being a hot chick with big boobs made by a western game developer.

>> No.10313756

how many cod and fortnite movies have been made zoomie?
thats right I rest my case retard shut the fuck up

>> No.10313791

You have poor critical reading skills.

>> No.10313823

>Tomb Raider has a movie
>meaning it's game AND cinema
>cinema is the top of media, this is proven by Titanic because it got $1.8 billion
checkmate, atheists

>> No.10314000

> It's about whether Lara was as prominent in popularity in he game industry as COD and Fortnite became later
zero movies, i accept your concession retards

>> No.10314015

>Dead or Alive had a movie
>therefore it is more popular than Fortnite

>> No.10314186

>nippon weeb nigger cattle game
no one cares

>> No.10314191

Then your logic was unsound to begin with.

>> No.10314201

nigger cattle tier IQ
tomb raider was the best selling game on the 2nd best selling game console of all time, which spawned 2 blockbuster budget movies, sorry you were too young to experience this game series at its height, all you understand is nigger cattle tier videogames like cod and fortnite and pornographic degenerate weeb games because you suffer brainrot from watching too much porn, unironically kill yourself

>> No.10314269

COD and Fortnite are part of the modern gaming industry, which is larger than the modern cinema industry. Tomb Raider was a success at a time when cinema was larger than gaming. Tomb Raider cannot possibly be bigger than Fortnite.

I am agreeing with you, you dense motherfucker, though I wish I weren't.

>> No.10314432

>1. Being a British character made by British developers. This resulted in the British gaming press campaigning for her and probably giving her a bit of preferential treatment in coverage.
>2. Being a hot chick with big boobs made by a western game developer.
you werent there you zoomoid cunt stop pretending

>> No.10314561

>Tomb Raider cannot possibly be bigger than Fortnite.
that's the whole point I originally made when I responded to the anon who said it was the equivalent popularity in the 90s. You're the dense mother fucker here.

>> No.10315034
File: 4 KB, 748x49, they grow up so fast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To think I considered random trollposts about 2001 games to be annoying...

>> No.10315928

>tomb raider was the best selling game on the 2nd best selling game console of all time

What? Not necessarily disagreeing with your overall point, but I'm almost certain this title goes to Gran Turismo and FF7. Even FF8 sold more than Tomb Raider. Tomb Raider was definitely top 10 I think tho

>> No.10317626
File: 3.33 MB, 704x384, tomb raider gameplay.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's genuinely bad


>> No.10317889

aww, did babby get filtered by some simple block puzzles?

>> No.10318115

I hated that shit even at the time, man

>> No.10318118

>awww did you get filtered by boring, time-wasting, insulting and objectively bad game design?

>> No.10318126

It's objectively better than SM64 not even funny.

>> No.10318156

He didn't post a Nintendo game tho

>> No.10318614

Whah, back the fuck up. Bait is supposed to be believable and engaging, not just trowing insults, because TR1 block puzzles are too much for your brain

>> No.10318654
File: 1006 KB, 1920x1080, more tomb raider gameplay.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big brain move is to not waste your time dragging that all the way into that room

>> No.10320272

So you suck at simple puzzles, understood

>> No.10320342

why does>>10317626
look so much better

>> No.10320372

this. It's an adventure game. a genre that was still alive and well at the time before everything was a variation of action open world. zoomers comparing it to crash bandicoot and mario 64 are stupid. It's supposed to be slower and light on combat. You need to look around for hidden passages and where to jump next. how many people complaining about he controls found any secrets? The inability to charge from one platform section to another at full speed is never going to be a good argument against this game. I can't wait for the remasters to come out and kill the tank controls so zoomies can bitch about something else in this phenomenal game going over their heads.

>> No.10320642

I'd suggest getting your eyesight checked
>inb4 muh sovl

>> No.10321407

explain how>>10318654
looks better than>>10317626
zoomer cunt

>> No.10321410

>tomb raider was the best selling game on the 2nd best selling game console of all time,
This is 100% false.

>> No.10321415
File: 27 KB, 220x179, death-note-light-yagami (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just finished TR3 on PS1 without needing to look up a walkthrough once
I feel like a fucking god. I played it on PC like 10 years ago and got filtered at least once per level, only thing I remembered was the bullshit with the penny in Aldwych

>> No.10321545

I miss playing TR3 for the very first time.
It's like the perfect blend of bullshit and perfection, just like Dark Souls.

>> No.10321806

It's weird, everyone says London is the filter, but I found it easier than India and South Pacific. And despite me prefering Atlantis and China aesthetically, Tinnos is probably the best "final" TR level. Honestly felt like everything you learn playing the trilogy leads up to that. My old ranking was 1>2>3, now it's 3>1>2

>> No.10322576

Tinnos has a lot of features I really like.
>Clear sense of forward momentum (you can be lost or blocked, but moving towards the finish feels right, contrast with Thames Wharf where there's no indication when you're on the right track)
>Hub and spoke design, you can choose what order to approach things
>Cool aesthetic
>Variety, areas feel fresh and new
>Combat is challenging, but no hitscanners
>Underwater section isn't TOO long and no underwater enemies
>Neat gimmicks like the flare ceiling map, wind maze
>Good mix of large and small rooms

>> No.10322687

>I feel like a fucking god
How many hours it took?
How many secrets did you miss?

>> No.10322690

London is a filter not because it's difficult, but because it drags forever and is incredibly boring.

>> No.10324838 [DELETED] 

>That is a very harsh and simplistic way of describing Lara Croft, who is a complex and multifaceted character. Lara Croft is not just a thief or a grave robber, she is an archaeologist who seeks to uncover the secrets of ancient civilizations and protect them from those who would exploit them for evil purposes. She does not slaughter exotic animals for fun, she defends herself from hostile creatures that attack her in dangerous environments. She is also a skilled, smart, and ambitious adventurer who has a strong sense of justice and compassion. She has faced many personal challenges and tragedies, such as the loss of her parents, the betrayal of her friends, and the burden of saving the world from apocalyptic threats. She is not a perfect hero, but she is not a villain either. She is a human being who makes mistakes and learns from them.

GPT is an OG Lara Croft apologist

>> No.10324856 [DELETED] 

GPT also makes a lot of mistakes and just closes the chat if you refute it with sources and tells you that it "respects your opinion". The lobotomies it got made it far less useful or interesting.