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10287164 No.10287164 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10287192

Retarded fucking controls. And how THE FUCK are you supposed to know what to do at the gargoyle not 10 minutes in? This shit needs a fresh coat of paint.

>> No.10287202
File: 148 KB, 400x266, seething-zoomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10287261

Reflecting magic with a mirror was a common trope at the time.

>> No.10287275

Brings back memories. Thanks OP <3 I loved the first and second game. Didn't think much of the third. New Nightmare was good.

The atmosphere of AOTD1 is still great even though the game is older than dirt by now.

>> No.10287309

AOTD1 is probably the only good game in the series. The sequels sucked, both in terms of gameplay and dropping the cool cosmic horror shit they took from Chaosium in favor of whatever stupid ideas Infogrames could cook up. The first reboot was completely mediocre and the second one is better off not spoken of. I'm sure whatever the new thing is will suck too.

>> No.10287319

2008 reboot was great, some of the best fire physics in games to this day. It was just janky so it was easy for people to pile on it without even having played it

>> No.10287403

Happy to remind you anons of better days. It's what retro's all about.

>> No.10287406

It doesn't matter what comes fresh goes better in life

>> No.10287549

You can pick a book that gives you hints about how to defeat the gargoyles.

>> No.10287835

The second reboot wasn't terrible. There were bad aspects for certain like the driving, which gets worse during the scripted driving sequences. And there's also the Ubisoft-style tree-burning at the end which only exists to pad out a short game. But beyond that the combat was pretty novel and it was enjoyably cheesy.

>> No.10289638

Now and Forever

>> No.10289641

>first comment is immediately about zoomie seething at the controlls
will they ever learn?

>> No.10289665

Didn't have problems with controls but gamedesign is very inconsistent, especially useless items make your life hard.

>> No.10289704

I always loved the music (cd version). It sounded incredibly mysterious and made me want to adventure even though I was scared shitless.

>> No.10289730

That's not how it goes at all!
It goes do-do-do-do-d'DO-d'DO-d'DO-d'DO

And the combat goes:

>> No.10289791


>> No.10289963

lack of essential lead poisoning. clean air made you people weak.

>> No.10290084

Why did they remove the best track in the game in the CD Version?

Suspense and Intimidation, only found on the floppy version

>> No.10290089

Can be heard here, I remember it was my favorite
as a kid, and would be confused why it never played in the GoG version.

>> No.10290091

fok https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfN3LytBCaM

>> No.10290129


>> No.10290159
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Never played the PS1 game but I know the girl in it has a fat ass so it's a 10/10 for me.

>> No.10290162

All these games are underrated

>> No.10290171

The only thing awful about the controls is how you can get stuck in an endless pain loop in melee, but since it works both ways...

I'll defend AitD2 to a certain extent for taking the goofy elements of the first one and dialing them up to 11. The finale was pretty neat too. 3 is just a weird on-rails experience where the only neat bits are the jaguar and the evil Carnby.

>> No.10290176

For some reason you could see her nipples through her tank top in the GOG release.

>> No.10290231

Just like Blood and the Sick Ward

>> No.10290527

There's a book that tells you, but I guess you'd need to be able to read

>> No.10291025

>The sequels sucked
That doesn't stop me from playing 2 every Christmas season.
Last year I played the Playstation port that adds the weird bowling alley animations, recommend to play it at least once if you're an AITD connosieur like me.

>> No.10291027

Did you play the GBC version of 4? This isn't even a gotcha or nothing. I'm just thinking of playing it.

>> No.10291068

I haven't yet, though I've always preferred the DOS era installments. Although if I were you, I'd probably play the PC / home console port first if you haven't yet, to be able to contrast them for more fun.

>> No.10291172

Didn't it also add a bunch of really creepy textures? Not in an intentional way, unintentionally creepy.

>> No.10291263

I figured it out back when I was eleven. Zoomies are doomed.

>> No.10291802

I tried playing this game recently.
I picked up a lamp and then an enemy appeared,i defeated him and then another appeared and this one stun locked me to death.

>> No.10291827

What the fuck were they smoking with AitD 2? Whoever had the brilliant idea to make it more action oriented with these controls needs to fuck off.

>> No.10291963

She's a pain in the ass to play with too.

>> No.10291991


>> No.10292043

CD versions of all the DOS entries in general were just inferior to floppy versions in my opinion, as they added the pointless voiceovers to in-game books that can't be disabled without muting the in-game sound altogether. Not only do they interfere with any attempts to read the text at your own pace by talking into your ear, but the line delivery is poor in them all-around. Not to mention dumb additions like the pointless Grace section in the front yard right before her proper section onboard the ship in AitD2, which weirdly breaks up the flow of the story.
Yeah it added textures to all models which were previously flat colored polygons, and the character textures are just bad. Everyone including the little girl looks like a homeless alcoholic.

>> No.10292669
File: 56 KB, 640x480, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made me look this up, anon.
And yeah--it's true.

>> No.10292728

The team that made the original quit sometime into the making of it, and they had one of the dudes who did the graphics fill in as director.
I thought the soundtrack in the CD version of 2 was wonderful, but yeah the rest of the additions blow ass. What's worse is that the Grace section is completely pointless, whether it happens or not the end result is the same, and it's just a horrible, arbitrary stealth section.

>> No.10292891

I literally screamed my head off, turned off the monitor, and ran straight to my parents room. My dad proceeded to beat me for playing with my uncle's PC at night and without asking. Good times.

>> No.10292902

those dog things scared the shit out of me

>> No.10293105

The Reptile!

>> No.10293207

As you may or may not know, the guy was told he was owed no royalties or credit despite being the game's creator (and before you say he wasn't owed any of either, no, a later lawsuit confirmed him to be in the right) and left to create LBA, while management decided what the sequel needed was more action.

>> No.10293474

God bless those horny french bastards. They probably got away with it because monitors were so low res that the average consumer probably wouldn't have noticed.

>> No.10293619

I guess you'd need to be able to read...

Aw fuck. :S

>> No.10293728

Resident Evil was a complete ripoff of this game.

>> No.10293927

Yeah and "complete ripoff" is pure childlike hyperbole in this case. It stole wholesale from it but it plays so much better it's not even funny.

>> No.10293968


>> No.10293976

>The sequels sucked, both in terms of gameplay and dropping the cool cosmic horror shit they took from Chaosium in favor of whatever stupid ideas Infogrames could cook up.
I would say I respect your opinion, even if I do not agree with it, but fuck you because I worked on two of the AotD games and started going gray due to the stress and shit work experience.

>> No.10293986

Eh reeeeeh
Eh reeeeeh
Do-do do do
Eh reeeeh

>> No.10293991

Loved that game, finished it a friend despite not knowing english at all. A bit of trial and error (that devil book fucked us over) but we managed. To this day we don't know what the fire poker was for. I think it was the only item we never used.

>> No.10294008

Anon please, the games didn't go full moon logic "what the fuck am I supposed to do" puzzles where they clearly expect you to buy a strategy guide until AitD3

>> No.10294019

Guys please there's so much worse than that. It controls bad, it feels nothing like any other AitD game, it suffers from that late 2000s need to be dark and mature by having everyone say "fuck" all the time, the bosses are the definition of unfun to fight, it's so unstable that I suspect the reason it has a chapter select option from the start is because it was literally unbeatable on some copies of the game otherwise, and worst of all it feels like it was called Alone in the Dark to cash in on the name brand...of a series that only had 1 good game.

>> No.10294023

When did Sweet Home come out?

>> No.10294024

Fuck it, I'm reposting what I said the last time I made an AitD thread.
I have now played every Alone in the Dark game, yes even 2008 and Illumination. And while I don't regret this experience, I think the people who bitch constantly about RE "ripping off" the original trilogy need to take off their fucking nostalgia goggles.

Now, 2008 was the only game that actually made me hate myself and want to die while playing it, but that's not retro so let's ignore that game. Yes, the original game is innovative as hell. Yes, Resident Evil would not exist today if it weren't for AitD 1992. But neither of those things change the fact that the original trilogy fights you every step of the way in terms of actually enjoying it as a videogame.

>> No.10294030

Aside from having fixed camera angles, no 2 AitD games are the same in the core gameplay loop.

>> No.10294035

In 2 I agree, but I genuinely really enjoyed the voiceovers for 3 telling Jed Stone's backstory.

>> No.10294049
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Should I play this if I love the original RE trilogy?

>> No.10294056

After playing 1-3 I had no desire to play them ever again but I was glad I played them at least one.

>> No.10294062

>The first reboot was completely mediocre
I'm gonna be honest, despite the fact that NN went full circle and is a RE clone, in terms of actually being a GAME it expects you to play and enjoy and not just a museum piece to admire what it did for a genre, imo it blows the original trilogy out of the water. Now if only enemies weren't such damage sponges.

>> No.10294243

Anyone excited for the new game coming up this month (I think)?
The demo was only a couple of minutes long, but I'm a sucker for that series.

>> No.10294369

Just watched the demo this morning.
Will probably watch SHN play it in full on YouTube, then decide from there.

>> No.10294409

>watch SHN play it in full on YouTube
I'm sorry anon, I have no idea who or what this it.
Why would you watch someone play the game and only then decide if you want to do the same thing on your own?

>> No.10294652

Eh, I figure if I have fun watching someone play the game, I'll have fun playing it.

The new AITD got pushed back to January btw. :S

>> No.10294653


I say that without full conviction but you should like it.

>> No.10294683

More than having to wait, it means it's not ready at all/something is wrong.

>> No.10294738
File: 1.45 MB, 640x356, average AITD 3 gameplay.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10294887


>> No.10295239

They delayed it, didn't they?
I'll pirate it but I'm also going to watch supergreatfriend's playthrough since he went through all of them this summer and I found them enjoyable.
>he played 2008 before 2 and 3 so he keeps referencing the "Sarah, I've done fucked up things" whenever Carnby did some goofy shit in the original prequel

>> No.10295306

Removing inns from a JRPG does not make a JRPG survival horror.
RE is basically just Alone in the Dark with guns that are actually fun to use and a melee system's that's somehow worse than the endless loops you used to get. Quickturning didn't get introduced until later and in the first release you didn't get any autoaim. RE basically is just a ripoff of AitD just as much as the games that came out afterwards are a ripoff of RE.
Yes. The first one is the best whereas the second two, while they have their defenders, are flawed.

>> No.10295329

>RE is basically just Alone in the Dark with guns that are actually fun to use and a melee system's that's somehow worse than the endless loops you used to get. Quickturning didn't get introduced until later and in the first release you didn't get any autoaim. RE basically is just a ripoff of AitD just as much as the games that came out afterwards are a ripoff of RE.
Regardless, I repeat myself, I had to fight the games every step of the way to enjoy them, unlike RE. 1 is the best of the three by a huge margin and even then it's filled with moments where even if the logic of the puzzles kinda makes sense, half the time you can't even tell what you're fucking looking at. 2 is basically a third-person shooter that loves to have enemies shoot you from offscreen with unlimited ammo and completely loses the horror aspect. 3 tries to be an in-between of the 2 games style but goes full moon logic with the puzzles, to the point I suspect that it was made that way on purpose to push strategy guide sales.

After playing 1-3 I had no desire to play them ever again but I was glad I played them at least one. New Nightmare I could see myself going back to eventually, as I said here >>10294062

>> No.10295368

Maybe get your eyes checked? Obviously the models were never much to look at, but what they actually are is fairly clear. I can't say I ever had a problem with the puzzles due to an inability to understand what they were.

>> No.10295389
File: 8 KB, 228x218, 79eb6f30ca6d161ce2ef39fb326ae042-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gents, welcome back to Cope Central.
In this episode of "Mediocre Game That People Only Remember And Pretend To Like Because A Better Game Stole Its Gameplay, Made It Objectively Better And Became A Successful Franchise"...

>> No.10295432

I have never played a 3D game with cruder graphics than AitD1, that's the lowest it got for me, so it's basically my threshold for polygons. Regardless, at no point was I actually stuck when doing the puzzles in 1, that was 3. 3 was a "use everything in your inventory on everything until something happens" game

>> No.10295446

I remember the first one creeped me out. I played it when I was like nine years old and that thing appearing in the window at the start of the game scared the shit out of me.

Second one I did play but, maybe I was older or something, it seemed more like a comedy game with pirate zombies. Third I never played (not enough conventional memory)

I did play the 2008 one. It was awful. Camera angles were the worst.

>> No.10295452

If you can get past the enemies being a bit spongy, New Nightmare isn't bad. I'd argue it's one of the better RE clones out there

>> No.10295774

*glug* *glug* *glug*

>> No.10295821
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No it was more like do-do-do do-dooo-dooooooo

>> No.10295831

2 as well thanks to the overflow glitch with the poison.

>> No.10295875

Considering that AITD 2023/2024 was going up against Alan Wake 2 and Spiderman 2, I really have a gut feeling they delayed it because it just wouldn't have been able to compete. Still want to believe it'll be decent, they have the creator's approval so its gotta mean something.

>> No.10296182

This thread made me commit to just playing the GBC version which I was sort of waffling on finally trying.
It's pretty graphically impressive for a GBC game, but of course, pretty stripped down so far.

>> No.10296201

Just makes me think of Baby Shark.
> Alone in the DARK do do dodo dodo doo doo

>> No.10296312

The GBC version of New Nightmare? I heard it isn't BAD persay

>> No.10296316

>they have the creator's approval so its gotta mean something.
Any excuse to post this

>> No.10296320

Wierd, I could've sworn that was the clip where after he says that Congo sucks, he asks if he regret it and he says, "Nah, the check cleared"

>> No.10296375
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>Alone in the DARK do do dodo dodo doo doo
this is going to piss my kids off so much thank you for this

>> No.10296630

Your AI shit is vomit-inducing.

>> No.10296632

I giggled

>> No.10296636
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>> No.10296643

you can't hack or anythin I have norton

>> No.10297746

I gotcha, bro.

>> No.10298327

>*glug* *glug* *glug*

That's how we drink Mickey's in Canada. I've done that with a 2-6 of Vodka, before. 40% alcohol, chugged the entire bottle down in one go.

>> No.10298494

And better in every way.

>> No.10298713

>every way.
>hasn't punched every zombie to death with Edward Carnby.