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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 113 KB, 1280x720, Gameplay versus Graphics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10283630 No.10283630 [Reply] [Original]

Let's face it. Sony was wrong and hyperfocusing on graphics over gameplay was only good in short term. In long term, gameplay matters the most. Because the gameplay will stay the same while the graphics will eventually get old and won't look as pretty as they used to post 2008.

>> No.10283637

why not both? just play the All Stars version

>> No.10283641

Graphics are important. Also the game on the left has better graphics.

>> No.10283642

>tendie cope
tendie cope

>> No.10283643

>Why not both?
That is ideal yes

>> No.10283651

not really. tons of games are outdated because they have shit graphics but back in the day the games' graphics was their main selling trick.

>> No.10283672

>tons of games are outdated because they have shit graphics
not really, you can have good old graphics, just look at sonic mania, its a new game with old graphics but they look good, even the 3d sonic, and alot of saturn and playstation games look good too even for today (expect for the n64 who actually looks like shit)

>> No.10283689

I think by graphics I should have specified 3D ones because 2D ones hardly get outdated unless it's before 80s.

>> No.10283690

Why the fuck are you making this retarded thread here instead of /v/? This shit wasn't a problem until 7th gen arrived.

>> No.10283696
File: 361 KB, 540x448, 1678508736841805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes old 3d graphics can look good

>> No.10283697

>This shit wasn't a problem until 7th gen arrived.
It concerns older games too and the reason why it became a problem was the gamers in 90s and 2000s were obsessed with graphics. The tide is slowly turning.

>> No.10283702

in all the gaming history gamers have been obsessed with graphics, idk what's your point

>> No.10283704

What is this /v/ tier console war faggotry bullshit?

>> No.10283709

Only people with video game journalism plugged into their brains. I didn't care about graphics when I was a really little kid and I don't care about them now (in terms of fidelity, I mean, I do care about how pleasing they look). The only time I did care about them was that period in the late 6th gen and 7th gen when I actually followed video game news and hype.

>> No.10283715

>Only people with video game journalism plugged into their brains
Also companies pushed for it in 1990s. We could have had way better, lasting, quality 2D games that weren't heavy on graphs but gamers demanded 3D games that majority of which became obsolete in that decade.

>> No.10283721

Most people have no eye for art. You can even see it on this site. They look at a 2d game, and because it doesn't have any particular tech buzzword or feature to parrot, they say it "looks like an SNES game". Or people saying shit like the "SNES was the peak of 2d graphics". As if the 2d capabilities of the SNES aren't extremely limited and so far from what is possible as to be laughable.
This isn't talking shit about the SNES, by the way, I like the console a lot.

>> No.10283723

>I didn't care about graphics when I was a really little kid
only manchilds tendies don't care about graphics and will literally play anything as long as theres 3 pixels

>> No.10283739

Mario always had great graphics for the time though. It only became the "outdated but still fun" franchise with Galaxy

>> No.10283745

Graphics age. Style does not.
That's why the majority of old Nintendo games still look great today and some old PSX games look like wet diarrhea.

>> No.10283743

Yeah sorry about that. What I meant is here: >>10283689

>> No.10283756

No worthwhile discussion is possible with someone who can't/won't distinguish between how good a game looks and how technologically impressive its graphics processing is.

The CRT-LCD transition degraded how games look somewhat, but not to the point that a good-looking game drops all the way to bad. And there isn't another equivalent transition on the horizon. A game will continue looking the way it does now; maybe better.

A game whose mechanics have been widely adopted and improved on (I know /vr/ believes nothing is ever improved on) will seem "old" from the start to a new player who's already had their fill of that kind of gameplay, and has a modern person's access to other entertainment. But distinctive and well-designed visuals, combined with other "superficial" elements like music and story, will always have the same appeal.

>> No.10283759
File: 1.98 MB, 500x275, 246245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graphics literally drove the videogame industry. We have graphics cards in computers because of that craze. Imagine Mario but everything on screen is just a square or a rectangle with no animation whatsoever. That shit's not sticking around.
If you think gameplay is the only thing that matters then go play space invaders forever or something.

>> No.10283765

>pic unrelated

>> No.10283767

I don't recall saying that graphics didn't matter.

>> No.10283769

>crosses the screen and smashes a building in less than a second
>then just floats around letting the player shoot it instead of doing the same to them
I think I'd feel insulted.

>> No.10283772

Games released today have worse graphics than that screenshot dude. No one is releasing games that look that good.
Diminishing returns on polygon count since the PS2 (20 years ago) is real.

>> No.10283784

>Games released today
See >>10283690

>> No.10283961

fucking this. the 5th gen should've remained 2D and the 7th gen should've remained SD. fuck the industry for trying shit out before its even properly ready

>> No.10283965

diminishing returns started with 8th gen for me

>> No.10283972

I played MGS5 a few years ago. Great game, great graphics. After that, I decided to go back and replay all the old MGS games too. MGS1: best story in the series but yeah the graphics are serviceable at best. MGS2 though? Graphics look amazing to this day. Was absolutely impressed by the graphics after having just played 5, the best looking game of its era. Hell, MGS2 might be the game where diminishing returns started.

>> No.10283975

>5th gen should've remained 2D
Fuck that with a cactus. 5th gen had to be what it was, with all the sincerity of people who made games delving into new technologies, or else the 3D debut of videogames would've started a cursed era of humanity (post-2012) and then you'd see true fucking horror and propaganda.

>> No.10283976

>5th gen should've remained 2D
It was, as far as I'm concerned. Last time I checked Starcraft, Baldur's Gate, and Diablo 2 are all 2d games.

>> No.10283978

I just asked for 3D to start with the 6th gen and HD/FHD to start with the 8th gen. delaying games a few years for when the tech is ready and better wouldn't hurt

>> No.10283982

PC 3D games from that period didn't age too bad. SS2 still plays great. the console games certainly did.

>> No.10283985

based schizo

>> No.10283990

One of the reasons I don't even buy the "aged" excuse is because I specifically remember how I felt about the graphics of one of my favorite games at the time, Jedi Knight. I loved the game because it used 3d graphics to add crazy veriticality to the level design, as well as chop of limbs and whatnot. You just couldn't do that stuff in raycaster FPS games. But man the models looked terrible and I thought they looked terrible at the time.

>> No.10284004

Fucked bricks, worse sound. That said SMB2J is far less obtuse, but the FDS version can be hacked too.

>> No.10284009

SS2 is so good it's unfair to compare most games to it.

>> No.10284047

"mai graphics"
>the graphics thing shows something using a 3D character, in a 3D environment with a complex skeleton and the CPU RAM to support a wide variety of things happening at once. All things which are required to have certain types of "gameplay" or even "gameplay" at all. In the same way that your "gameplay Super Mario brothers" cannot have it's "gameplay" with it's own "graphics", try running that on a pong machine.

At this point you are just doing goo-goo gaga babyspeak. Just total inability to understand or even use words. And you think you're saying something intelligent. Go whine about Call of Duty more loser.

>> No.10284207
File: 275 KB, 1200x1200, 1695010551698160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's face it. Sony was wrong and hyperfocusing on graphics over gameplay was only good in short term.
Sony? When N64 came out Nintendo fans couldn't stop talking about how PS1 wasn't real 3D or how N64 had more bits and looked better or whatever, on PS2 it was the same, both Game Cube and XBOX felt more powerful overall, but Sony won because of its library, again. On PS3 is when Sony really focused on hardware and it didn't go well, but not because graphics were too good, but because they made the same mistake of the Saturn, an annoying architecture to work with, then on PS4 they made it simpler and again graphics weren't that special, so much so that they had to make a Pro revision in the middle of the generation, and PS5 probably won't be too different.

Sony just tries to keep up somewhat with PC nowadays while keeping prices not too high, that's it, and they do it because it's what the average consumer looks for in a console. As a Sony fanboy during my childhoog, I dislike the current Sony quite a bit, but from a bussiness standpoint... I can't argue that they're doing bunch of good moves, even if I disagree with some... and graphics aren't the issue.

>In long term, gameplay matters the most. Because the gameplay will stay the same while the graphics will eventually get old and won't look as pretty as they used to post 2008.
I don't get your point... do you want graphics to stagnate? Isn't it amazing how we went from SD to HD? How sometimes video games can be mistaken for real life? How we have some amazing lighting and particle effects nowadays that would've been unimagineable a few years back? Of course in a video game what matters most is gameplay... but even on weaker hardware, something being visually appealing is important, because video games combine pretty much all art forms into a single interactive experience, which is what makes them so amazing, and visuals are key in that, in immersion.