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File: 65 KB, 250x183, Lufia_II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10278630 No.10278630 [Reply] [Original]

I really wish more people appreciated Lufia 2. If it weren't for the fucked up glitches in the US version I'm certain we'd be getting semi-frequent re-releases of it, and it may even be held on the same pedestal as games like EarthBound, Chrono Trigger, and Final Fantasy VI, although that may be a bit of a stretch.
What does /vr/ think?

>> No.10278643

good game but needs a guide, if i had played it as a child i would have never won

>> No.10278653

Why would you want a game you like to become normiecore? The more people who like a thing means more chances of it being ruined. Being a JoJo fan pre-anime was fine, but now you can't even talk about it with anybody without normie meme lords driving the conversation.

>> No.10278663

Lufia II is the only game I have played and its good. I like Ancient Cave, the overall dungeon design, battles and puzzles. Its a cool game.

>> No.10278669

>this game would be great if it wasn't shit

>> No.10279080

You raise a really good point actually. Really I just want more people to talk about it with.
I never said it was shit, just that it had some pretty major quirks that prevent it from getting rereleased. it's still a fantastic game.

>> No.10279128
File: 165 KB, 928x672, lufia 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite RPGs
>If it weren't for the fucked up glitches in the US version
What glitches are there in the US version besides the fucked up graphics in a couple small later areas? It's just the Dual Blade/Submarine Shrine and bottom of Ancient Cave. I don't think that's why, because you don't see those until late in the game and it's minor.

I do remember losing my file a couple times when I first played it though, so maybe there are major bugs I'm not aware of. Or it just had a bad battery.

>> No.10279158

Looking it up now, there's interesting stuff here
>Option Screen Music Selection Glitch (the "Level 0 Bug")
>A major and well-known glitch. It's possible in the US version to scroll the sound selection past Monaural to a glitch setting which will cause major game corruption.

>> No.10279169

Theres a lot of em. Off the top of my head, the equipment menus fuck up some of the text when you change which party member you're viewing and Capsule Monster feeding doesn't work the way it's supposed to.
But I'm pretty certain it's the scrambled tilesets preventing it from being rereleased, they're pretty hard to ignore

>> No.10279194

Ah yeah you're right. Been awhile since I played, but I'm remembering more bugginess now. I never felt like it ruined the game or anything, but it was obvious.
>But I'm pretty certain it's the scrambled tilesets preventing it from being rereleased, they're pretty hard to ignore
Seems like an easy enough fix though, right? There's romhacks that patch most of the glitches and the EU version already fixed it.

>> No.10279215

It would be, but then it wouldn't be the game in its original state anymore, which isn't a real problem but modern day shitendo probably thinks it is. only reason ive come to this conclusion is because they HAVE rereleased Lufia 3 which is a significantly less popular game lol

>> No.10279519

The romhack fixes are by a guy who worked on the game to begin with.
This is an easy contender for best jrpg. The only similar game is Wild Arms.

>> No.10279550

Does Wild Arms also have intricate puzzle-heavy dungeons? I've been looking for another solid... "puzzle RPG," I guess you'd call it.

>> No.10279585

Not as much but yes. It has puzzles and the equipment used to solve them.

>> No.10279593

That may be one I need to try then. I've heard good things about it.

>> No.10279654

>play Dragon Quest games
>love 'em

>play Final Fantasy games
>hate 'em

should this be my next jrpg series?

>> No.10279668

i am a lufia2 fanboy too, and i am happy that it didn't get any remake. The DS version doesn't exist for me.

>> No.10280391

if you like the earlier entries of those series, the jank in this one shouldn't bother you at all

>> No.10280396

I did, Final Fantasy went to shit for me around 5/6

>> No.10280452

I actually really like the remake, although more as its own game than a remake. I do wish we got a more proper remake, but im alright with what we have

>> No.10280496

The first Wild Arms starts off with easy puzzles in the beginning, but gets tougher puzzles as you go along. You can switch between playing one of three characters at any time and each character has their own set of four unique "tools" for puzzles. For example one has bombs while another has a grappling hook. The second game has an expanded roster of six characters but each one only gets three tools. The second game is much heavier early on with puzzles than the first. The first game only really gets heavy with puzzles towards past the halfway point of the game.

>> No.10280508


Puzzles have no place in an rpg and I'm sick of fucking assfuck devs putting this shit in games. I'm here to play a fun game, not trial and error my way through whatever dumb fucking shit some Japanese loser came up with because he thinks I'm a mind reader.

The Cave of Trials in Dragon Quest V can eat fucking shit.

>> No.10280519

Lufia 2 is one of the best jrpgs on the snes, it's that good. The sprite graphics and animations are some of the best on the snes imo. It would be my favorite but as others have said you need a guide for it and I got stuck on a puzzle deep in the game in the 90s. The first one is okay but it's a bit too dated for me. iirc Lufia 2 is a prequel set 1,000 years before the first one so it doesn't matter which one you start off with.

>> No.10280531

Wild arms sucks

>> No.10282512


>> No.10282568

>same pedestal as earthbound
earthbound should be forgotten and never put on a pedestal. and dont ever compare lufia 2 to that garbage
>same pedestal as chrono trigger and ff6
while chrono trigger has better sprites/animation and is more narrative focused, and ff6 has more in depth battle elements and more character focus, lufia 2 excels at actual dungeon gameplay. it definitely deserves to be remembered as "one of the greats". a lot of the puzzles are way more tricky and unique than zelda puzzles too.

>> No.10282570

how does one even get filtered by dragon quest. those games were designed to be completed by literal babies.

>> No.10282574

brainlet. the puzzles arent THAT hard. and if they really are for you, GOOD. get filtered, brainlet.

>> No.10282576

you sound like a boomer. i am also a boomer. so you full well know that lufia 2 was much more popular than redditbound back in the day. it was always considered one of the greats and routinely discussed on gamefaqs in 99-05.

>> No.10282582

>trial and error

>> No.10282608

>earthbound should be forgotten and never put on a pedestal. and dont ever compare lufia 2 to that garbage
counterpoint: fuck you shitlord i love that game

>> No.10282782

while i agree for the most part the regrowing grass puzzle can eat a bag of dicks. its the only one that genuinely sucks ass

>> No.10282823

from what i can remember, thats the only puzzle thats GENUINELY trial and error. it can definitely be frustrating. also from what i can remember, its one of the few that requires you to remember that you can pivot without taking an action (like in the sword shrine that filters people so hard with the simple block puzzle that cant be solved without remembering that you can pivot).

>> No.10282902

even remembering you can pivot with R won't save you from that godawful puzzle alone
i love lufia 2 but god fuck that puzzle

>> No.10282954

I've just learned about Frue Lufia patch, so I will use that to play the game.

>> No.10282990

The puzzle with magnetic statues is ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

>> No.10283251

i like that puzzle

>> No.10283382

The first one is better. Fuck those gay puzzles.

>> No.10283418

kill yourself

>> No.10284542
File: 764 B, 48x59, ninja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck these guys

>> No.10284561

Curious, what separates the Lufia series from other well regarded SNES rpgs? I see it mentioned often but nothing stands out to me about it on first glance.

>> No.10284937

Kickass puzzle-heavy dungeon design and an intricate roguelike minigame that's arguably the best part of the entire game. Also Dekar. Dekar is fucking awesome.

>> No.10285625

there are a few elements to grade rpgs on. art/visuals, story, music, combat, out of combat gameplay.

art/visuals: not bad. i've definitely seen worse. pretty minimal animations for the most part though. some enemy sprites, although static, are pretty cool.

story: characters come and go from the party. pretty typical "average joe hunter travels the world gathering friends and has to fight gods" of jrpgs. but there are some good characters and story beats, and some pretty emotional ones. however, gameplay is a little gated and stilted by a loop of "go to town. find out what the local problem is. go to the dungeon to solve the problem. go back to town and receive reward. get permission to go to the next segment of land. repeat." some conflicts are gay and trivial compared to the gravity of the main quest, but your mileage may vary in how much you give a shit about differences like that.

music: absolutely fantastic. i still put it on to listen to while doing work sometimes. theres a lot of soul in the music.

combat: combat is pretty generic turn based combat. nothing special here, really. a lot of items have a special ability/spell they can be used to cast, using a meter that each character has that grows by taking damage, but... snes rpg combat is pretty simple.

out of combat gameplay: HERES where it shines the most. overworld map has random encounters, so you can grind by walking back and forth if you need to. but in dungeons enemies have a sprite and only move when you take an action. you can avoid them. you can freeze them by hitting them with a tool (think hookshot in zelda). dungeons have LOADS of puzzles, and you get a bunch of different tools to utilize to solve them (like zelda). honestly, i feel like a lot of the puzzles are things you would never see in a zelda game, and they make zelda seem like a baby game. while chrono trigger has better animations and more story focus, lufia 2 has actual fucking GAMEPLAY in the dungeons. it is SO worth.

>> No.10286023

I always thought that non magic characters like Dekar and Guy sucked ass because they could only use the attack option while other characters had options. But apparently you could use tech skills that I never once used.

>> No.10287042

>just want dungeon crawling and rpg growth dopamines
>get puzzles instead

>> No.10287056

>the fucked up glitches
Frue Lufia.

The problem is that the 2 is the only great game in the series and all the other games suck ass comparatively.

>> No.10287256

there are basically no glitches that will actually, meaningfully impact your gameplay experience, with the sole exception of the messed up dual blade shrine (which is an easy fix).

>> No.10287257

go play some autobattler mobile game.

>> No.10287263

tiny brainlet confirmed

>> No.10287270

Its an awesome patch. Niko got it ready on his website.

>> No.10287740

>l know that lufia 2 was much more popular than redditbound back in the day.
Sure was. I don't know how Earthbound became popular. It's trash. It's a game that's meant to appeal to kids that instead appeals to the manchildren demographic.

>> No.10287808

first and foremost: smashbros. most people never heard of it before that.

>> No.10287809

>first and foremost: smashbros. most people never heard of it before that.
That explains the manchild demographic latching onto it all at once.