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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10276690 No.10276690 [Reply] [Original]

It's obvious people who call this the greatest remake of all time never played the original game.

>> No.10276693

Low IQ and ice cold takes, yeah it's RE on /vr/ time.

>> No.10276697

The company and console it ninicially came out for should give you an idea why.

>> No.10276704

yea id much rather have shovelware tier ports copypasted to widescreen resolutions with baked-in trilinear filtering in my remakes too opie

>> No.10276710

What's the greatest remake of all time then? Other than DQV on the PS2 I can't think of any

>> No.10276714

Zero Mission

>> No.10276731

Yeah it's great

>> No.10276734

>chozo statues pinpoint the exact location
its dummed down garbage for tendies.

>> No.10276737

>new area added is garbage gameplay wise
>some of the items required for 100% have retarded requirements to get to
Nigger faggot that has been filtered by OG Metroid.

>> No.10276738
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>> No.10276750

Ys: The Oath in Felghana.

>> No.10276764

Stop making this thread already.

>> No.10276765

different fag and i dont really care for ZM either way desu, but at the very least its a remake with some actual effort put in
they couldve easily just popped the rom for the NES version on a GBA cart and called it a day
at least they tried to ya know, remake it

>> No.10276779

>they couldve easily just popped the rom for the NES version on a GBA cart and called it a day
Ironically they did this and sold the cart for the same price

>> No.10276809

lmao did they actually do it with NES metroid?
i had the zelda one but imo that was a decent deal for the time
certainly wasnt going to be emulating that shit on my nokia n-gage or whathefuckever handheld couldve run it back then

>> No.10276820

Yeah, the funniest part about this is that the original Metroid is on the Zero Mission cart as well. But you have to beat ZM first through

>> No.10276831
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I see you are a gentleman of supreme taste as well.

>> No.10276848

I played the original before the remake was even released, and I thought the remake was fucking amazing. Seeing those areas and characters in much more detail was mindblowing.

>> No.10276851

now thats just sinister

i changed my mind
ZM is a good remake then
mean trick on the goons that bought the NES classic cart tho

>> No.10276943
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Let's be real here, the NES classic cart is a souvenir/collector's item, not something most people buy to actually play. Pic related is how Nintendo sold them in Japan, which further proves my point

>> No.10276959

idk zelda on my GBA was probably one of my more played games. i feel i got my moneys worth
up there with aria of sorrow in terms of playtime, even including me grinding souls for hours like an autist

>> No.10276994

That's sort of similar to me. My two most played GBA games were that shitty port of Mario World (though the SNES ones were more tolerable compared to the NES classics) and Shaman King Master of Spirits which is a Konami game that is almost identical to Aria of Sorrow

>> No.10277032


>> No.10277431

The same dude making this shitty fucking thread over and over again. They're both great games. The REmake is more refined and better in most regards, but the original arguably has better overall design. You're talking about a 10/10 vs. a 9.5/10 at most. Until this autist started shitting up the board everyone agreed this was one of the greats. Fuck this REtard.

>> No.10277494

I didn't like the red zombie thing in REmake. I can't turn it off and forces me to spend excessive amounts of time backtracking to get the resources to burn the zombie I just killed. No, I do not memorize the layout of the game I'm still playing in advance

>> No.10277608

>No, I do not memorize the layout of the game I'm still playing in advance
you don't have to. you have a map. it marks locked doors and rooms you'll have to revisit. you have zero excuse.

>> No.10277671

I liked both Mega Man PSP games.

>> No.10277673
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I've played both. The original is definitely harder than the remake, but remake has the better atmosphere with everything from spooky haunted mansion redesign to crimson head decap/burn necessities calculations tension. Remake is the better horror game.

>> No.10277751

Wait, do people actually burn the zombies? I did it once or twice way back when I first played it before I realized it was just pointless busywork and never bothered again. The crimsonhead zombies aren't even that dangerous. I think their attacks are actually easier to dodge than normal zombie grabs.

>> No.10277872
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>> No.10278067

Resident Evil was never a horror series, this is where the remake fails in every department.

>> No.10278532

>The original is definitely harder than the remake
Not even the very first longbox version is as hard as REmake, did you play on easy by accident like lots of other people? REmake is insane at times, 7-10 pistol bullets to kill a zombie AND it turns into a crimson head later

>> No.10278547

Dumbest threads on this board.

Kill yourselves.

>> No.10278576

>coined the term survival horror
>not a horror game
U dumb dumb

>> No.10278590

Nice try kid

>> No.10278598

At this point we should add
>...but contrary to popular belief, Resident Evil is not actually a horror series because cool 4chan kids that are better and smarter than everybody say so
to RE's wiki page

>> No.10278648

The Wanderer's from Ys subtitle sounded better

>> No.10278693

i dont know what you think the original version was supposed to be but id prefer resident evil as a horror genre. so the remakes are definitely better

>> No.10278720

There are a few zombies worth burning before you get the shotgun in high traffic areas that you don't necessarily want to attempt to dodge each time you pass through. But yes, I dont think I have ever used all the kerosene in the game.

>> No.10278735
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If you're playing even remotely competently you'll never see a Crimson Head outside of the two mandatory ones. Hunters in OG RE1 are way more likely to kill a player than anything in the remake, especially if they're playing as Chris since there's no way to get the magnum before encountering them. In the remake you can waltz into the mansion with the magnum and one-shot them and they can now be easily killed by the shotgun since they have no invulnerability period after getting knocked down and get up slower.

>> No.10278756

Here is the key to Remake and OG RE1. THEY ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GAMES. With the same title. I loved the remake. But OG RE just feels more polished in the gameplay department. Plus it has more charm. Both tasty games. But apples and oranges really.

>> No.10278787
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>NES classic cart tho
Is that what you guys are referring to when you say classic carts?
and these were the ones in Japan? These look so much cooler than what we got here in the west

>> No.10278791

Vicarious Visions got absorbed by Activision. It's over. Shame too 'cause this, Crash and the Tony Hawk remakes were all pretty awesome. Now they'll be reduced to liquid shit if they haven't been already

>> No.10278793

Tf? They charged $30 for these?

>> No.10278973 [DELETED] 

How many times is this perma-seething autist going to REmake this thread?

>> No.10278976

>>10276690 (OP)
How many times is this perma-seething autist going to REmake this thread?

>> No.10279018

Probably, fuck if I remember. The original Zelda was the only one of these that I had actually purchased at the time.

>> No.10279078
File: 405 KB, 2048x1536, 2023-08-10-154607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this nice little green box

>> No.10279081

That specific shade of green that just screams "old".

>> No.10279110

Jelly. Chu chu jelly at that

>> No.10279118

LMAO why was the girls liking RE thread deleted?
>noooo you CANT talk about girls!

>> No.10279930

Back to /v/ kid

>> No.10279971

just a myth. no such thing

>> No.10280860

>apples and oranges
Such a copout. They're absolutely not, one's a remake of the other. But this expression bothers me about any comparisons between games. Any two video games are comparable by virtue of both being video games. Apples and oranges would be comparing a video game to an ironing board.

>> No.10280873

They are just tendies, it was OK game with more mature style but with worse pacing near the end

>> No.10280925

This is dogshit with zero redeeming qualities, made to appease D3 babbys. I guarantee you never even played OG LoD for more than an hour.

>> No.10280931

mario usa and 3 remakes in mario all-stars

>> No.10281038

That's a lot of words to say you never played either. I have thousands of hours on OG, and they recreated everything perfectly, right down to the gay ass attack speed/casting speed breakpoint.

>> No.10281064

Anon didn't elaborate but yeah, re always was a cheesy type of horrors, something between scream and scary movie but for a zombie genre

>> No.10281074

>Any two video games are comparable by virtue of both being video games.
Right, because FF7 is comparable to FF7 Remake.

>> No.10281081

I believe these games were $20, which still didn’t make sense since the price for SMB and Zelda would be the same as for like Ice Climbers.

>> No.10281320

they added content and 2P link cable functionality anon
also the japan packaging slaps

>> No.10281374

>of all time
please stop before you die

>> No.10282223

You can tap a button to revert back to the old graphics. It's literally the same fucking game

>> No.10282889

>same game he says
Meanwhile all the balance changes and fanfic rune words added to this for d3 retards. Cope and seethe nu-blizsharter

>> No.10282910

One thing I didn't like about the crimson heads was that there was no way to tell which zombies would turn into them and which ones would just disappear. There were a bunch of times when I'd kill a zombie, go traipsing off to refill my kerosene canister, then return only to find that the corpse has vanished.

>> No.10282928
File: 214 KB, 360x450, Deckard_Cain_npc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cope and seethe
I mean, alright. I have my original Diablo games still. But you take care of yourself now, you hear?

>> No.10282937

There were 4 remakes on that cart, 2 good and 2 bad and you fucking chose the bad ones

>> No.10282958

Rune Words were introduced in the original Lord of Destruction. You probably only ever played vanilla Diablo 2 if you think they're new.

>> No.10282962

Then close your eyes whenever you see a chozo statue nigga you are making the conscious decision to look. Furthermore, on repeat playthroughs it doesn't tell you anything you don't already know anyway

>> No.10282970

>Then close your eyes whenever you see a chozo statue nigga you are making the conscious decision to look.
Not an argument, ghetto filth.

>> No.10283031

I’ve see you have never even played the game at all. They’ve patched in NEW runewords you fucking dipshit. It’s not the same game you retard

>> No.10283038

well enjoy playing your new shitty game then i'ma stick to my original thanks