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File: 165 KB, 640x480, 1671705717914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10275386 No.10275386 [Reply] [Original]

>ps1 version
>says 'insert coin' if you disconnect the second controller
Did they even test the game? How did this shit pass the QA?

>> No.10275396

Not just this but other arcade ports like shmups and I think some gun con games iirc. I know dodonpachi ps1 Japanese version does

>> No.10275415

you gonna be inserting metal bits that grind against other metal bits. qa said it was close enough

>> No.10275429

It happens in Tekken 2 as well. I always thought it was a quirk or easter egg they left in to make the game seem more arcade-like (missing background effects aside). For those of us who notice such things, that is.

>> No.10275447

Of course they tested it. It was tested by mentally stable adults, so things that trigger one little zoomie sperg weren't a problem.

>> No.10275552

This is stupid. Are they stupid?

>> No.10275572
File: 323 KB, 192x256, 1678327027265849.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel absolutely decrepidly old seeing retarded zoomers have no understanding why seeing 'insert coin' retained in an arcade port might be cool

>> No.10275590

Can’t tell if it’s your autism or your underage brain that’s making you rage

>> No.10275591

Yeah it was always seen as a cool left over like you’re really playing in the arcades but it’s at home.

>> No.10275705
File: 2.94 MB, 720x404, Tekken Kazuya vs Nina Ultra Hard.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignoring the b8 OP,
Tekken feels very awkward to play

>> No.10275718

Tekken 1 is a tech demo

>> No.10275720
File: 2.92 MB, 900x506, Tekken 2 Lei vs King.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tekken 2 felt just as clunky

>> No.10275728

Why do you suck so much against the cpu?

>> No.10275734

Only when you are not good at them.
Once you get two skilled players going the fluidity and complexity comes out. Especially with 2.

>> No.10275739

No input buffer
"Harada:If you go back and playTekkenorTekken2 you’ll understand, but it’s shocking how difficult it was to perform moves in those games. Before you even reached the strategy part of the game, you first had to play the “Input the moves with the correct timing game,” which had a direct relation with player strength.*laugh*
To remove this inconvenience, I decided to make it so the game would read your inputs early…but as I was making it, I realized it again. “Wait a minute, didn’tSF2do this already?” *laughs*It wasn’t inTekkenuntilTekken3 in 1997! But this was already in feature in theSF2era; isn’t that amazing?"

>> No.10275741

Copypasta got fucked up but you get the idea

>> No.10275747

He's lying though because Tekken 2 has an input buffer.

>> No.10275749

Idk to me Tekken 2 feels as clunky as Tekken 1.
Tekken 3 controls are way more resposive than those two and VF and DoA games.

>> No.10275759
File: 2.92 MB, 1920x1080, Tekken 2 Roger vs alex.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very insightful anon thank you.

>> No.10275769

Go into training mode and try to practice the ten hit combos. There is clearly an input buffer because you can put inputs in far in advance and the combo will still finish.

>> No.10275783

that was on purpose dumbass

>> No.10275784

>SF2 "feel" influenced T3
So this is why playing T3 reminds of SF2 so much despite them having different systems and inputs? Quick rounds that end in seconds, 3 specials are enough to KO an opponent, no combo counters, no super bars, no stupid gimmicks. All while 2D fighters were moving towards multi tiered super move systems and triple digit combos.

>> No.10275789

>what is a dial-a-combo
Those don't need an input buffer to work

>> No.10275791

The input buffer was made for King players

>> No.10275810

>A technology demonstration (or tech demo), also known as demonstrator model, is a prototype, rough example or otherwise incomplete version of a conceivable product or future system, put together as proof of concept with the primary purpose of showcasing the possible applications, feasibility, performance and method of an idea for a new technology. They can be used as demonstrations to the investors, partners, journalists or even to potential customers in order to convince them of the viability of the chosen approach, or to test them on ordinary users.

Just because you were born way after the fact and know a new term doesn't mean the product that made it to retail and sold millions of units was a tech demo.

>> No.10275814

It was a tech demo you retarded cumdumpster. Namco Sys 11 board was a literal PS1

>> No.10275891

That's not what a fucking tech demo is you dumb cunt.

>> No.10275954

T3 is where the dial a combo casualization started

>> No.10275964

Wrong, 10-hitters exist since Tekken 1 and barely anyone uses them anyway because of how useless they are. T3 is no different from neither T1 nor T7 in this regard.

>> No.10276005
File: 3.02 MB, 640x640, 1647280344472.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for breaking it down for us Chet

>> No.10276184

Weird. Seeing zoomers shit the bed like that just reminds me what a virile, intelligent, experienced, and mentally stable middle aged man I am.

>> No.10276223

>He didn't insert coins in the memory card slot to unlock all the cheats

>> No.10276314

Literally the first game of the brand new tech. You’re a retard autistic cocksucker.

>> No.10276347

Off-Road Challenge on N64 still had arcade prompts on the car/track menus too.

>> No.10276906
File: 596 KB, 1281x692, 1677720008480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called SOUL. Zoomers won't understand. Greyed out DLC character portraits is what they have now.

>> No.10276914

An input buffer is literally, factually how they work within the game's code.

>> No.10276940

it is called soul

>> No.10276979

I just played some Tekken 2 for the first time since the 90s and I can't believe how hard it is. No wonder childhood strategies were just finding the strongest moves and spamming those in hopes of getting lucky. I'm still getting my shit kicked in by easy and medium CPU.
Performing 10 string combos for most characters feels impossible to me (in practice mode). Yoshimitsu is one of the few where I managed to get it done but not more than that.
With that said, I was surprised to see how "fleshed out" Lei's move set was in Tekken 2 already. I had no idea he's always had Razor Rush and you can also see the foundation for his stance work which they took to the next level in Tekken 3.

What inputs to fire his handgun?

>> No.10277085
File: 3.02 MB, 966x542, Tekken Paul vs Kuma.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These games are extremely frustrating to finish on the hardest difficulty with every character.
I ended up reducing the matches to only 1 round instead of 2, I felt like a scrub but it was the only way I could beat the game without spending over an hour on arcade mode each time.

>> No.10278140

Tekken 1 is like Street Fighter 1 or Mortal Kombat 1. Borderline kusoge not worth playing.

>> No.10278310

the character victory cutscenes are more than enough reason to check it out

>> No.10278338

It's fucking great and you are talking out of your own "shitty game" ass.

>> No.10278339

This is the type of rawness to getting good at a hard game that I love.

>> No.10278346

Which was built to a finalised stage and released for profit you dumb fuck. If developers were actually releasing 40% complete games with debug text and placeholder visuals I might actually agree with you.

>> No.10278350

The PSX version was a pivotal arcade port for the home fighting game fan