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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10274043 No.10274043 [Reply] [Original]

What do you prefer and why?

>> No.10274053
File: 1.56 MB, 1736x1788, X (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robot Jesus with a gun. Gives you a chance to give up being a Maverick but if you refuse, you're dead.

>> No.10274060

I like every main line megaman game, some more some less but i don't dislike any.
I cannoy say the same about the X series, 2 and 3 are lame, 5 and 6 are shit, 7 is funny bad and 8 is okay, BUT, X4 is one of my all time favorite games so it's a difficult answer

>> No.10274076

For me, it's classic. I just like the saturday cartoon plots better over the big gritty storyline that fucking crumbles upon itself once the writers go full retard a few games in.

>> No.10274081

the X series up to X4 is way more fun than the original games

>> No.10274086
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i like both
but my GOAT is Volnutt

>> No.10274089

X has higher peaks but classic is more consistent overall.

>> No.10274115

I was always the antihero guy so I liked zero and bass more than megaman, still do.

>> No.10274136

I prefer classic if we are talking about actual video games but X (especially if we count Zero as part of the big MMX canon) has way better lore and characters

>> No.10274145
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This is now a snakeman thread.

>> No.10274419

Mega Mane
>Can look pretty cool
>Has never taken itself too seriously so there are no issues with continuity
>Simple yet effective gameplay

>Bad ass.
>Potentially interesting concepts
>Faster gameplay
>Only 4 good games in the series
>Mega Man X Corrupted never ever.


>> No.10275127

Never liked mega man x so much.
It had it's pros and cons, but not really.
It was the same thing. All those spin offs. ridiculous. Not saying it's bad.Only ps1 version got the graphics right. Make the graphics look like he looked in the MM2 booklet. And the music... No.

>> No.10275190

Classic is more platformy
X is more actiony

I prefer X, but classic has more games that are good while X series free falls after 4.

>> No.10275245 [DELETED] 

X series is ugly and is for furries
Classic all the way

>> No.10275249 [DELETED] 

>is for furries
and fujoshits
don't forget the fujoshits

>> No.10275251
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Every Mega Man series has a yume/fujo sect.
That's unfortunately law.

>> No.10275254 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10275258

>Mega Man X Corrupted never ever.
This is a sprite animation.
The actual fangame doesn't actually exist.

>> No.10275259


>> No.10275260 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10275283

Fuck a reploid, im a reptoid
Ex maverick, fuck that noise
Don’t like little boys toys like mega busters made for dead droids.
My earth turned red, you bled for death twice, then that blonde haired robot tried to break ice. No deal, no dice my eyes don’t lose sight, these fangs they pierce twice, im a snake in the grass remember to tread light.

>> No.10275943

X. Rock is cool and works for what the Classic series is going for. However, X is basically perfect for what a darker take on Mega Man needed. He's cute enough to be likable while being cool enough to pull off the various feats we see him perform in the series. His friendly, idealistic, and highly empathetic personality also makes his goal of becoming a powerful hunter believable while simultaneously making the achievement of his goal tragic. He gets to temporarily keep the peace he desires, but it comes at the cost of maintaining a human government that alienates and potentially oppresses reploids and a consistent guarantee that more violence will be needed to put down the inevitable future Mavericks born out of the virus or reploid's own free will.

>> No.10276045

X is too cynical.

I'm not sure if people like that attribute about him or just get why he's like that (he sees too much violence so it's jaded him and ruined his optimism for any form of peace) but personally I never warmed up to that characteristic.

>> No.10276050
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Mega has a nice sisfriend to come home to so he wins in bed.

>> No.10276060

the only really good X games are 1 and 4, and the plot is cringey as fuck

>> No.10276192 [SPOILER] 
File: 74 KB, 589x737, novas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood related or not, X knows it's probably not a good idea to bone your sister, and even so, he might actually be capable of it.

>> No.10276196

Original. Idk why but Megaman X never really gelled with me.

>> No.10276324
File: 1.01 MB, 480x360, 0beadf96ecb86be84bc3c29addc995b205903aeer1-480-360_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

29 of those 30 years spent in reliability stasis was spent pondering the age-old question : do I or do I not fuck my sister?

>> No.10276357

>30 years

>> No.10276453
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Dear Lord! His systems has been strained to the point where he's in the negatives and now wants to have sex with ALL the sisters!

>> No.10276790

X is cooler but also has the rock bottom of any of the series, Mega man is more consistent. So my answer is Zero.

>> No.10276893

I fucking hate the feet and calves of both, why the fuck has the size of the torso? Looks stupid and cringe

>> No.10276942

She always goes wild over Rock's precious Mega-

>> No.10276968

I do prefer MMX, even if really only 4 of the games are worth playing, I find them more fun than the entirety of classic. I can usually marathon MMX 1-4 and have a pretty good time, but if I try to marathon classic, I usually get bored about two games in.

I don't really give a damn about the story in either, classic is cliche childrens anime, and mmx is cliche teen anime, pick your poison

>> No.10277432
File: 15 KB, 236x259, d840623d27a88531fdc83a79cc67d9b4--hey-brother-mega-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking your blood-related sister is how you mongoloid monstrosities came into being.
Fucking your blood-unrelated sister is the "childhood friends win" ideal, on steroids.
Learn the difference. It could save your life.

>> No.10277610
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>> No.10277617

literally me x4bro

>> No.10278074
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Apparently, the Japanese school of thought is that Roll's not really designed as Rock's sister, but rather, he just thinks of her as one (because he's a clueless hero). The English side of things got it warped and took it that Light intentionally made Roll to be Rock's sister. In reality, the old man probably thought that giving Rock some female companionship would make him less likely to run away like Blues. What form said companionship would take was not too important and could be hammered out later just as long as it gave Rock some sense of family, which ended up having a more profound effect on Rock's development than Light bargained for.
Roll was instrumental in Rock's growth. Without her in the picture, there is a good chance he never would have become Mega Man. He knows what is at stake when he fights for justice, and for that, he loves her dearly. The form that love has taken, he decided, is that of his idea of a younger sister.
This pains her more than he could know - he is literally her reason for being - but she still supports him as best she can and asks for very little in return because she is humble and awesome in her own right. She is the best friend you can ask for.

>> No.10278081

Like God making Eve out of Adam's rib.

>> No.10278710
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>if Wily wasn't around, Rock may have awakened to his feelings toward Roll very differently, eloped with her at some point, and made her feel as happy and fulfilled as she ever truly wanted
Albert really has ruined so many lives.

>> No.10278758

Why did someone draw him to be hot?

>> No.10278764 [DELETED] 

Nah, most furries play fps or gacha
I never met any into MMX or any other megaman series

>> No.10278782

X1 > classic > rest of X

>> No.10278797
File: 497 KB, 1170x1184, Kaze yo Tsutaete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roll was literally built to be a robowife, instead gets shot down and demoted to robomaid.
>She is still Rock's bedrock in many ways but is way too meek to want to rock the boat.
>You now remember her vocal love theme and how it suddenly makes tons of sense.

>> No.10279079
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I wouldn't say robo'wife' was Dr. Light's overt intention, just..a female companion, meant to keep the new "Proto" grounded. And likewise was an important element too - a yang to her yin - otherwise Light would've just skipped Rock entirely and only made a girlbot. Opposite sex was something a little out of the good doctor's norm, but was a deliberate move to help ensure they remain 'paired' in some unique way. Light gave them the freedom to interpret this special relationship in whichever manner they saw fit, which may have been an early step towards the "X"-factor robot that can fully break the shackles of programming limitations. You can imagine he must have taken a lot of notes, and so, he probably was fully aware that their feelings toward each other weren't completely in sync. It's a question of nature versus nurture, and if things were a little different, Roll might even have been the one to view the other as a sibling, and Rock might haved pined for her as his robomate.
Regardless, the bottom line is Rock sees Roll as someone dear to defend, and instead of keeping him at home, Rock defied Light's expectations when he volunteered to be converted into fighting robot, something that no normal robot could do. Rock's love is perfectly valid as the keystone for his sense of justice, but poor Roll ends up with a hole in her heart because she believed it was capable of something else more intimate, and is afraid to shake the dynamic because it worked wonders for him. To change it up might mean having Rock lose something that makes him himself, and Roll bitterly recognizes that fact. The way Classic is going, Rock will never reciprocate Roll in the way she envisioned. And so, she will continue to outwardly play the role that he sees in her - a lovely, helpful sister unit - even if, inwardly, it kills her.
Come to think of it, all this untapped material would be great for her own spinoff.
At least her EXE counterpart has a happier ending.

>> No.10279115

X1 and X2 are among the best action games ever made, but as a series, OG is more consistent.

>> No.10279140

Not exactly related but I don't want to make a new thread for this: what's the best version of Megaman 8 as a buyfag? Is there any reason not to get one of the re-release collections for the PS2 other than the fact that the PS1 jewel case is sovl?

>> No.10279156

they're boyfriend girlfriend in the battle network series, including the anime

>> No.10279157

PSX. It's got better audio and FMV quality. The Saturn has two secret boss rehashes (woodman and cutman) but they're not worth the price for a saturn "hidden gem".

>> No.10279170

Thanks anon.

>> No.10279773
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What's the reason Roll never became Mega Girl?

More importantly, if Light constructed Rock and Roll as soulmates / potential robomates... does that mean they can 'roboMATE'? Y'know, with bits and pieces?

>> No.10279821

>What's the reason Roll never became Mega Girl?
Cute girls are to be defended, not used in the frontlines.

>> No.10279823
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>tfw ROLL is one of the franchise's most tragic figures

>> No.10279851
File: 441 KB, 906x1400, Tron.Bonne.full.1360630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roll is worthless.

>> No.10279984

>What's the reason Roll never became Mega Girl?
because video games were mainly targeted at boys in the 80s and 90s

>> No.10280048

classic but if they resurrected the x series for a few games and had the same great level and boss design as 9-11 preferably without some retarded plot it'd be about even.

>> No.10280120
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She never asked. He only turned Rock into Megaman because he literally asked to be converted into a combat bot to stop the other Robot Masters. Roll is content to simply do as she was programmed to do: help around the Lab.

I assume Rock and Roll were literally built to be the "Boy" and "Girl" model for a Helpful Assistant robot. They aren't suppose to be a couple; just different gendered versions of the same model. You don't necessarily need a lumberjack, construction worker, demolitions expert, waste incinerator, extreme temperature recon, or nuclear power plant operator to come in male or female models to appease the consumer market.

>> No.10280128
File: 389 KB, 733x1091, vzsaova_dd5m6b1-pre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine Mega Girl never canonically happened because Roll..never asked. Light respects his robots' autonomy and rarely if ever issues commands that force them to listen. Even with Proto, he never 'commands' him to return; he always 'asks' him. If Roll ever asked, he would do the same for her. She doesn't, because despite everything, she knows Rock's got this. If not her, she knows Rock has allies like Rush and Proto that can pick up the slack. If there ever came a time where she felt things really were too much for the boys to handle, she might raise her hand, but for now, she's content being a good lab girl. Would she be more proactive if she weren't programmed by an old man? Maybe, but that's another topic.
As for the other thing, that's a good question, but unfortunately, there's just no way of knowing for sure. Human/Reploid breeding does eventually happen, and we see hints of it by Zero series (possible earlier in X series) but the 'Robot Master' line by and large seem incapable of it. Rock & Roll, however, are VERY unique, even among them. They're the few robots in the franchise to wear casual clothing (Proto is sometimes capable of that in other media but it isn't seen in games) and as such it's natural to assume that they wear clothes for similar reasons as humans. Why build them this way? Does that mean they have privates? If they do, they're likely simplified and don't fill any biological-equivalent necessity as later Reploids. As robots, they probably look at it as vestigial humanoid anatomical holdover and don't bother trying it out, all they need is to run internal checks to see they work fine with no need to uncomfortably test them. They wouldn't feel particular pleasure or get the purpose. It would basically be "advanced hugging" in which he mechanically plugs into her like a USB, which would confuse even longing Roll because they get little out of it. What's the transfer? Why not just hug regularly? More efficient, can do anywhere, done.

>> No.10280147

Why are mega man threads always filled with this headcanon/fanfic autism?

>> No.10280175
File: 235 KB, 550x598, the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fanfic posting about Megaman fucking Roll = okay
>fanfic post extrapolating on actual lore = autistic

>> No.10280761
File: 32 KB, 500x378, 9e0fbde5b1f2a2d8aa98988e684fcd11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consumer market
You forget, anon, that there is a BIG GAP between one-of-a-kind and mass-produced robots, especially in Classic (even in X's time, though that divide gets stranger with old-timey "Mechaniloids" and mass-produced Reploids). Robot Masters were never meant for the average consumer. They were elites of their kind, and weren't easily reproducible, with the closest thing being Sniper Joes. Rock n Roll were among Light's first experiments and are sentimental to him so he keeps them, plus they really are a help to him and are the closest thing to family. The industrial robots were an evolution of sorts that took advantage of their "robotic" roots rather than their "human" side - still lifelike but more alien - and are licensed/contracted to various outlets who want their services. They were useful in specialized applications, but were meant more as a good source of revenue for the lab rather than Light's true goal.
(Or, perhaps Light's initial goal WAS to proceed with more industrial robots, but after Wily stole them and Mega Man was created, he saw something very special in Rock that made him shift gears, and so he rarely made other Robot Masters.)
It's no secret that Mega Man is X's direct predecessor. Despite all the many, MANY specialized Robot Masters made by scientists over the years, Rock was still the most "human" out of them. Light really nailed it on the first three tries. And yet, even Rock had his limits. He was still a robot bound by his programming, and despite trying to give Rock n Roll as many personal choices as he could, they were still, at the end of the day, following their directives. Blues was ultimately too unruly for his own good due to feeling alone; Roll was made as Rock's support twin to counteract this, but she couldn't pass stress tests. Rock was the perfect specimen to study as he developed X in secret. His regret was that he couldn't provide the new Mega a family but who needs that when ya got DAT ARSENAL?!

>> No.10280771

Rock and Roll are Light's personal robots. They're not mass-produced, he wanted to make two children of his own. X, too, was such a thing, but instead envisioned as a responsible protector destined to guard humanity and robots alike.

>> No.10280979

>mega man thread devolves into incest
Can't have shit in Detroit, huh?

Capcom couldn't figure out how to implement co-op?

>> No.10281001

>the old man probably thought that giving Rock some female companionship would make him less likely to run away like Blues
BASED, rockman is the TRUE no pussy no work messiah

>> No.10281082
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in case anyone else wants to know the real dialogue

>> No.10281086
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>> No.10281105
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>> No.10281108
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>> No.10281114
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>> No.10281115 [DELETED] 

Commit suicide, /co/cksucker.

>> No.10281117
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>> No.10281121
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>> No.10281124
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>> No.10281129
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>> No.10281134 [DELETED] 

The writing is terrible.

>> No.10281151 [DELETED] 

All (((western))) shit is. Too bad, jews are fucking terrible at story telling.

>> No.10281183 [DELETED] 

They were good at writing everything in the 70s and 80s.

>> No.10281187 [DELETED] 

Which was what, jew boy?

>> No.10281192 [DELETED] 

>manga and anime are good, only western stuff bad
>jews bad, azns good!
You're a joke as is your taste in fiction. Mega Man comics suck, but it's no worse than 90 percent of Chinese cartoons/funny pages.

>> No.10281195 [DELETED] 

Not him but the greatest of Japanese sci-fi was all in the previous century.

>> No.10281205 [DELETED] 

Name them, tranny-kun.

>> No.10281215 [DELETED] 

Anime and manga is often style over substance. When you hear people talk about "characters" and "stories" in anime that are really deep and then you actually watch it, it's really embarrassing. Not saying it's all bad at all but there is certainly more bad or just totally mediocre than good and the fandom around it is lying to themselves. It's mostly pretty shallow stuff with paper thin tropey characters you see in every single series, people get wrapped into the flashing lights, dynamic action poses, and bright colors and convince themselves it's all genius.

Before anime became kids stuff propper in the US, there is a reason why a lot of it had to rely on graphic violence and fetishistic sexual shit to get an audience.

>> No.10281218 [DELETED] 

Found the kike.

>> No.10281243 [DELETED] 

*nose alert*

>> No.10281246 [DELETED] 


>> No.10281249 [DELETED] 

You don't deserve to know, noseman.

>> No.10281252 [DELETED] 

"Dallas" was a good show in the 70s and 80s? Never heard of it. Sounds like you overestimated your goy programming.

>> No.10281256 [DELETED] 

>Never heard of Dallas
Confirmed underage.

>> No.10281258 [DELETED] 

Confirmed Gen X zombie. Pathetic.

>> No.10281261 [DELETED] 

If you want a good American story then pick up a book without pictures. Adventures of Huck Finn should be your speed.

>> No.10281278 [DELETED] 

I'll just stick to pre-Internet soaps.

>> No.10281287 [DELETED] 

Do you think that stories only exist with you, kike? Laughable. You can't even tell good stories.

>> No.10281351 [DELETED] 

>Everyone who isn't a weeb is le jew!
Good thing asian birth rates are non existent.

>> No.10281369 [DELETED] 

You are one mad kike. You will submit to White authority, or you will be kicked out of the United States.

>> No.10281378 [DELETED] 

>white guy simping for asians
You're not even doing ethnic pride right. Asians have been a bane on European culture and fiction, every attempt at Euro fantasy they've done is a travesty.


>> No.10281387 [DELETED] 

Holy shit you're one stupid kike.

>> No.10281417

Megaman x snes is a top 5 sprite all time. But for non SNES I hate x and I like the original

>> No.10282034
File: 165 KB, 1320x880, wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"advanced hugging" in which he mechanically plugs into her like a USB

>> No.10282187
File: 839 KB, 600x849, _megaman__roll_chan_3_by_gengoro_akemori-d7nh3nm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the transfer?
Dude, they're ROBOTS. Sky's the limit. They can transfer experiences, memories, conversations, etc. That's as 'one' as you can get. Imagine gazing lovingly in your partner's eyes as you're 'plugged' together, internally communicating "how was your day?" "oh it was xxx" through your genitals as you simultaneously express other intimate emotions externally like laughing and kissing, body-caressing and hair-ruffling, maybe tears. Somehow not hot enough for your significant other? Turn on the pleasure receptors for both your enjoyment, you can make the data transfer feel like a steady stream of ejaculate, among other playful simulated touches. All it takes is one fine thrust and you are as connected as can be. Now THAT'S lovemaking.

DAMN, Mega-Mating sounds a whole lot better than messy-mating!

>> No.10282301 [DELETED] 
File: 1.52 MB, 3024x4032, wordswordswords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ian flynn isnt exactly known for being a good writer

>> No.10282583 [DELETED] 
File: 2.44 MB, 3491x2496, MegamixS4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm sure when Ariga did the exact same story with Skull Man it was breath-taking an emotional, right?

>> No.10282885
File: 109 KB, 768x937, ٢٠٢٣٠٥٢٢_١٢٢٣١٤.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly prefer mega man x
>fast paced
>Map Design

>> No.10282905
File: 81 KB, 388x283, mtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what this means, right?
My man. You just solved the biggest mystery in all of Mega Man.
Mega: Upload cumplete! *disconnects too soon to Roll's dismay, quickly pulls up pants* And that's all my special weapons for today's adventure, Roll.
Roll: (Mega Man? More like..Minute Man.) R-right! I love y-er, I love storing them safely, Mega! *grabs dress* Y-you know, I heard that human siblings don't really do this, so...maybe we're not quite-
Mega: *blinks densely" That's why we're robots. Anyways, thanks for being such a good sis, Sis! *walks away*
Roll: ...But of course. Such a good little... *corrupts files* ...sister. (...Jerk.)


>> No.10283272 [DELETED] 

nobody reads manga here

>> No.10283882
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>> No.10283885

X and X2 are my favorite Mega Man games, but classic series wins by a mile virtue of having 11 great games versus...4 if you're being generous.

>> No.10283910

How do you write shit like this with a straight face

>> No.10283915

so it's not in 8 and &bass?

>> No.10283960 [DELETED] 

Not sure if I'd go that far, but it was unironically better, yes.

>> No.10283969 [DELETED] 

Not really. Skullman is basically having a temper tantrum instead of telling the Doctors to their face that they'd rather be dead than to be denied function.

>> No.10283979 [DELETED] 


At least those pages are not woke

>> No.10283994

The Original Mega Man Filtered the Casuals while Mega Man X is Mega Man for Edgelords

>> No.10283998 [DELETED] 

The only reason you wouldn't use save states is if your time has no value. Which is why 4chan NEETs get so defensive because other when they see others using save states they are reminded that other peoples time has worth amd theirs does not.

>> No.10284000

What is edgy about Megaman X? Maybe the Playstation games, but not really. X is always a hero, the graphics are bright and colorful, and unless something really stupid happens in one of the later games, Zero is also always a hero, clones created by Sigma aren't actually him.

>> No.10284089 [DELETED] 

>The only reason you wouldn't use save states is if your time has no value.

If you are playing battletoads for nes or for snes, save states are a must.

>> No.10284108 [DELETED] 

Your time has no value, you worthless zoomer.
You thinking that it does doesn't make it so.

>> No.10284117

Megaman X
>Like easy dashing, jumping on walls and movement in general
>Setting is good, games feel much more like there's something on the line rather than Classic's simple formula of oh no, Wily's being bad again
>Zero is based
>First 4 or so games are fantastic, unfortunately a solid chunk of the series is okay to mediocre

>Like the artstyle and design of the world, Robot Masters in general feel a lot more memorable than X's Mavericks
>Despite being basic, Wily is a much more fun villain than Sigma
>Despite being samey, most of classic was very enjoyable minus 7 and 8 imo, spinoffs like Power Fighters were great too

Hard choice, but leaning towards classic.

>> No.10284127

think you got the wrong thread pal, the leather club is two pages down

>> No.10284134 [DELETED] 

Boomers in their 40s or 50s who believe they are Superior for Playing Video Games in the 80s and 90s

>> No.10284219 [DELETED] 

Go back to /v/

>> No.10284242
File: 213 KB, 700x1000, MV5BMTBmYjRiMWEtMzMxOS00YTU1LTg1NmEtNjViOWM2ZWVkMzc0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTAyODkwOQ@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another megaman thread where no one brings up Astroboy
You all act like Megaman lore was this well thought out and unique thing when the majority of it was stolen from Astroboy. "A robot built to resemble a young boy whose conflict came from wanting to do what was right versus the selfish requests of his human masters."

Roll is Uran, they serve the exact same role and purpose, and Protoman is Racer X from Speed Racer lifted wholesale.

Astroboy came out in the 1960s, a full twenty years before Keiji Inafune would steal from it. With all of the hard work already done he just picked it up off the shelf and repainted it.

>> No.10284274 [DELETED] 

>can't read books without pictures
It shows.
>Samuel Langhorne Clemens AKA Mark Twain was of Cornish, English, and Scots-Irish descent
You're an embarrassment to your cause. I even suggested a book with a bunch of those slurs you enjoy so dearly. Oh well, pearls before swine. Have fun dying for a cause that will never truly respect you.

>> No.10284305

>>another megaman thread where no one brings up Astroboy
Why would anyone bring up Astro Boy in a thread asking people's preference on Megaman Classic Vs. X?

>> No.10285232
File: 160 KB, 1064x1600, rocktheroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious Question: Do Rock and Roll have buttholes?

If So: Wouldn't their robotic buttholes basically be identical in look and function as Roll's robotic vagina -a "female" hole that can get plugged in by a "male" part- thereby technically making RockMAN a hermaphrodite?

>> No.10285243 [DELETED] 

This is not a sonic fandom thread.

>> No.10285265

Because this thread immediately devolved into "Was doesn't Megaman fuck Roll?".

>> No.10285287
File: 1.38 MB, 1664x2704, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LIterally no one denies that Megaman is heavily based on Astro Boy. The color change aspect was literally taken from some regional tokusatsu show Kitamura grew up with. Hell, even the first manga was drawn to look like an old school Tezuka-era story.
This is like running into a Batman thread on /co/ and demanding to know why no-one acknowledges that he was heavily inspired by The Shadow and The Green Hornet.

>> No.10285331
File: 606 KB, 640x480, Handshake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me it's BattleNetwork.

>> No.10285389 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 320x240, mm8-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

? The Wily grovel is in those games as well, the spriters just animated it weirdly. I'm also pretty sure his laughing animation there was supposed to be the equivalent of the traditional eyebrow wiggle but it too comes across strangely in the 8/B style. Man, what dark days those were. As opposed to now, where we clearly ran out of things to say and are resorting to talking about what's hypothetically in good girl/boy robots' crotches...

>> No.10285861

oops yeah i was thinkin of the eyebrow wiggle

>> No.10286467 [SPOILER] 
File: 41 KB, 817x768, C Shot needs a woman's splash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my Mega Man?!
On 4CHAN!?
Why I drop my monocle in my champagne!

>> No.10286484

x obviously. The original megaman games were never very fun and had all kinds of stupid things in them like disappearing block jumping puzzles

>> No.10286576


What happened to skull man and ring man? they were created only to destroy megaman.

>> No.10286583
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1694537951102214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skull man was found being fucked and ring man was the cockring that mega man was using while skull fuck skull man.

>> No.10286649

you can skip most of them and the ones you can't are easy enough

>> No.10286927
File: 151 KB, 560x474, Saburo_%28Anime%29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Protoman is Racer X from Speed Racer lifted wholesale"
>he doesn't know about Kikaider's bescarfed whistling brother Saburo

>> No.10287373

You mean bolt nut

>> No.10287423

I like how Zero's hair here looks like the Yellow Devil, even down to a "red eye" on it.

>> No.10287543
File: 25 KB, 480x360, hqdefault(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be satire at this point, but: 1) maybe, as a type of auxiliary? 2) as in biology, all that matters is if the front has a slot or dongle.

>> No.10287761 [DELETED] 

? What game are you talking about?

>> No.10288021
File: 427 KB, 693x721, oqcbv2lB4I1s4uaj8o4_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic. X started off strong and had so much potential, but soon dived into dirt kind of like this thread OHHHHH The series needed a complete do-over, and I think the Maverick Hunter X line was poised to be just that. Think about it: it's basically positioned itself as an alternate-universe version of the original Mega Man X, telling a story about mavericks with no hint of the virus (no Sigma postcredits), intending to kill off Dr. Cain (so no one on your side can rebuild Zero next game?), retconning Vile's personality/motives to be more like X3 than X1/X8, etc. I have the strong feeling that the MHX sequels were going to be total reimaginings only loosely based on the original games, but Capcom didn't see enough money in Mega Man X and instead chose to do a similar idea with the Resident Evil games.
At least Classic knows what it is and delivers. You can tell the reason they didn't make X the same character as the original Mega Man is because they were all wary of making X the true continuation of Classic and decided to keep Classic running alongside it (MM6 is believed to be the original ending). And to prevent another "does this supplant Classic" from happening, they more or less made all the later sub-series into alternate universes (with the main exception being Mega Man Zero due to Inafune pushing it, and the rest being only vaguely connected at best). The X series swiftly became the realm of D-listers right from the third game on, after the decision to continue the Classic series with MM7. And I think Capcom keeps flipflipping on whether X being Classic's future is set in stone or only one possibility, so I'm sure the idea to redo the X series came up multiple times.

>> No.10288491
File: 260 KB, 1000x1538, 23_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They never got around to adapting MM4. The only time you see Ring and Skull are in the last issue's "Sorry we got cancelled before we could do these stories" flashforward.

IIRC, a whole third of the comic was crossovers with the Sonic the Hedgehog comic, Megaman X, and basically every Capcom franchise. I also didn't help that a MAJORITY of the comic was doing a K-Mart brand version of Ariga's adaptation of Super Adventure Rockman for no reason. The entire comic was a wasted opportunity.

>> No.10288623

X is better mechanically
Classic series is fun for being simple and easy

>> No.10288627

X is actually fun to play

>> No.10288845

Speed Racer came first by some 5 or so years, but Protoman is absolutely suppose to be Saburo.

>> No.10288905

>They never got around to adapting MM4. The only time you see Ring and Skull are in the last issue's "Sorry we got cancelled before we could do these stories" flashforward.

Who knows? maybe they decided to be turned off like quickman and the others because they were made only to destroy megaman.

>> No.10289358 [DELETED] 

Rent free

>> No.10289447

Realistically, how long do you think they would have kept going with classic Mega Man, had they not been cancelled? Obviously with the rate they made and published it, Mega Man 11 would have been out long before they even reached 10 (it took them 4 years to cover 3-ish games. But, what to do when you've run out of mainline games? Would they just fiddle around with filler and spin-offs while waiting for Capcom to churn out a new one? And what if they wanted to start with one of the other series, like X, Zero or Legends? Would they run concurrently with the Classic timeline, or would the writers give classic a definitive (though open enough to allow them to squeeze in story lines based on new games) ending?

>> No.10289881
File: 155 KB, 736x982, cedacff269f8b7d8aed9c421cf7fa8b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to imagine that Roll reads a lot of "how to get him to notice me" chick literature privately on her downtime, and tries to do their "post-Wily upload sessions" in increasingly more sensual ways, but Mega Man is just incapable of processing it because he is just that girl dumb.

>> No.10290238
File: 2.94 MB, 1856x1224, sexrobot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't convince me Roll desn't have a functional vagina installed when Light designed her like this

>> No.10290264 [DELETED] 

Take your meds.

>> No.10290419
File: 283 KB, 1704x1124, IMG_1010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga you good?

>> No.10290478
File: 249 KB, 425x433, uoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I want to fuck Roll anon.

>> No.10290917 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 227 KB, 850x1262, sample_dd1d5beee9cdceaeed4c5e09985a6c69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The evolution of Roll's weapon megalink journey, as you truly imagined it.
>1: "OK, I'll lift my dress up, onii-chan, and you can do it standing right here."
>2: "Onii-chan, that was just...my leg."
>3: "Onii-chan, pin me against the wall."
>4: "Onii-chan, you don't like being caressed?"
>PC: "Onii-chan, I took my clothes off...I thought you'd like what you see...and, um, you can do the same..."
>PCIII: "Onii-chan, hold me up in the air!"
>5: "Onii-chan, let's roll on the bed."
>GB1: "Onii-chan, let's go under the sheets this time."
>GB2: "Onii-chan, did you notice my arms and legs wrapped around you?"
>GB3: "Onii-chan, can't you return my hip movements?"
>GB4: "Oh, onii-chan..." *synthesized lizardbrain-esque grunts/moaning*
>GB5: "Onii-chan, let's...put that megafist to good use!"
>TWW: "Onii-chan, that was just a...meek peck on the cheek, for luck."
>6: "Kyaaa! O-onii-chan, ignore that kiss, no matter how deep it was!"
>7: "Onii-chan, let's try roleplay...I call my character, 'Piano'..."
>TPB: "Onii-chan, you like dirty talk, don't you, naughty boy?"
>8: "Onii-chan, I want some external electrical discharge!"
>TPF: "Onii-chan, it's time for maximum lubrication."
>8.5: "Onii-chan, wanna try my rear end?"
>SRA: "Onee-tan, wan bu yu min ib boesn wirl?" (Onii-chan, what do you mean [my mouth] doesn't work?)
>8.5WSC: "Onii-chan, let's do it while Forte watches!" (Note: this repelled Bass from being a mainstay for the rest of the series.)
>Strategy: "Onii-chan, it was sure nice of you to agree to do this during our overseas vacation..."
>9: "Onii-chan, now that we had our romanti-er, fantastic E-Tank dinner, isn't it time for our hookup?"
>10: "Onii-chan, I found a new setting...Hard Mode!"
>SFXMM: "Onii-chan, I learned this from Chun-Li!"
>11: "Onii-chan, do you like it when I rub cream on my nipples?"
And each time the poor girl thinks, "Why, why, WHY doesn't this WORK?!"

>> No.10290931
File: 297 KB, 1000x1538, 23_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second year of the comic was filled with a bunch of one-off adventures to flesh out the comics-only characters, then they wasted time doing the Sonic cross-overs and Super Adventure Rockman. Technically, the adaptation of MM3 doesn't actually happen until Issue 36. which gets sidetracked for another 4 issues so they could do a Megaman X crossover. Ironically, if they had cut out all the extra bullshit, they could have definitely adapted the first 10 games alone in enough time to adapt 11 when it first came out. As far as what to do after they adapted 11, they could just end the comic or start with Megaman X. If they started the adaptation of MM11 the same month it dropped and kept to the "8 issues per game" they did, the last issue of that adaption would be issue 96. Four issues to wrap up at Issue 100 would have been fine.

>> No.10290945

Mega Man X:
- More mature
- Movement is infinitely superior
- Better music and setting

>> No.10290958

It will always be wild to me that X was created to see if they "could" make a Mega Man game on the SNES, then took absolutely NOTHING from what they learned when they made Mega Man 7.

>> No.10290963

I'm glad they did it this way lmao

>> No.10291013
File: 570 KB, 1340x1080, rockman-x-dive-layer-reveal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....OK, thread.
We've gone over the hypothetics of robotic sexbits and asspieces.
Now. Do the robots have NIPPLES?!?
Go on. Hit us with your worst. I dare ya, mothafuckas.

>> No.10291404
File: 499 KB, 1920x1080, messall-00;00;19;53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people make me fucking sick, and you will all burn in hell.

>> No.10291585
File: 774 KB, 1200x600, tezukadash1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And we are now full circle

>> No.10291884

There would be no reason for robots to have nipples.

>> No.10292024 [DELETED] 

There is no reason for Layer to had a midriff and jiggly boobs either, yet she has both

Plus, you're forgetting that this is a japanese game series.. They 100% have nipples anon.

>> No.10292026

There is no reason for Layer to have a midriff and jiggly boobs either, yet she has both

Plus, you're forgetting that this is a japanese game series.. They 100% have nipples anon.

>> No.10292037
File: 36 KB, 708x1208, uohh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell isn't real you stupid nigger

>> No.10292052

It would be boring if it wasn't

>> No.10292060

Layer was built in a time when robots were fully self-aware, though. She probably wanted to present as sexy instead of coming out of the factory looking like a sexbot.

>> No.10292061

Nah. Life's more fun when every action you take comes from your own moral standards and not retarded fear of an omnipotent being sending you to a pit of eternal fire.

>> No.10292067
File: 12 KB, 178x190, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to be perceived as sexy
>doesn't want to add actual features for sexual-related actions


>> No.10292076

Original Mega Man, they're just more consistent. The X series has higher highs but lower lows.

Also, didn't X like, cause the extinction of the human race? Not very based.

>> No.10292294

>didn't X like, cause the extinction of the human race?
Wily did.

>> No.10292310

Humans don't go extinct in X, Zero, or ZX. It's incredibly debatable if they went extinct in the time of Legends, because the Humans of Elysium can be downloaded at any time; Trigger just shut off the "Kill all Carbons; replace with Humans" part of the system. They even say that a back-up system was turning on on Earth anyway.

>> No.10292317

>Humans of Elysium can be downloaded
They're not legitimate humans at that point. They're an evolution.

>> No.10292330

There was a month long Legends thread about if the Elysians or the Carbons were the "real" humans. Some people insist that, even though the Elysians are obviously "beyond" human, they're more human than the Carbons, who they "created".

>> No.10292336


>> No.10292338

But that's the thing, neither them nor carbons are humans in the true sense of the word. Normal humans were helpless in Classic, X and Z. They couldn't hope to go toe to toe with reploids even in civilian work.

>> No.10292349

That's why ZX was about humans and reploids converging into the same evolved biomechanical species. We'll probably never know for certain if that's what the Legends staff genuinely intended for Legends was suppose to be doing the same thing or if it was suppose to be a "Humans will become so advanced in the future that their robots will be indistinguishable from humans themselves." thing.

>> No.10292595

Why does X look like he's ready to blow his own head off?

>> No.10292603

No new games in 19 years.

>> No.10292615

Archie MM was doomed from the start. It was grossly mismanaged, which lead to low sales, which lead to more mismanagement.
The only time it had good sales was during the first crossover with Sonic. Which of course meant that they were forced to do another crossover with Sonic, except this time it didn't do nearly as well, and that combined with all the Penders bullshit with Sonic, upper management just decided they'd rather pull out of both series entirely.

>> No.10292786
File: 108 KB, 725x1200, g8wmxg4lsld51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute. Are you telling me, with ALL the weapon data he "deposited" in her, Roll has the potential to be the mightiest being in all of Mega Man...
if ONLY she had the upper-body strength lol?

>> No.10292787

>know for certain
Going off of everything that's happened with Pokémon in the last couple of years, I'm sure they definitively stated what the plan was ages ago in a Japanese magazine no one has bothered to translate into English yet.

>> No.10292804

If you had a franchise that started with a perfect game and then had 7 sequels that are some of the worst games ever made you'd blow your fucking head off.

>> No.10292905


>> No.10293017
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, chexmate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, why else would they wear bras? "Support?" Bitch, please. Humanoid robots are supposed to IMPROVE on nature's design, not copy it to a tee!

>> No.10293830
File: 102 KB, 850x578, __alia_layer_and_pallette_mega_man_and_2_more_drawn_by_sollyz__sample-04fdeccc25b660b94881addd444b84a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Important: how different does robot paizuri feel from human paizuri?

>> No.10293936

Probably the same way a quality onahole feels

Good, but it's just not the same as the real thing

>> No.10294462

When I was little for some reason I thought women could see out of them like a second pair of eyeballs, but they don't have eyelids therefore since they can't blink they're covered up and mostly unused to aid in daily function and to heighten security when naked. I thought they could cry through them too since they were more openly emotional creatures, so bras collect tears too. I also thought, "wow every girl I know for some reason seems to have a better sense of smell than I do," so I thought the reason they must be pretty sensitive is because they also help detect fragrances as well. The bigger the size, the more powerful these abilities were. Reality is usually more mundane, less magical. Maybe robots could use the features I imagined as a kid. The breasts are there for balance distribution due to inherently lesser mass elsewhere, like a cat. The nipples have powerful optical and nasal recepticals that pierce through clothing to be on constant lookout for bodily threats. In place of milk production, they have a secondary lubrication function, designed for pleasure and relief.
But can they (the later ones) reproduce out of it?

>> No.10294651


>> No.10294673

I prefer X over OG because I played X at a younger age.

>> No.10294696

Kitamura clarified in an interview once that Rock was built with the ability to deactivate himself if he's no longer needed. He essentially has robo-ennui about it.

>> No.10294874
File: 181 KB, 1440x900, avghjj1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10294893 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 600x489, Irregular_Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you can say, Roll gets screwed.
So that's why everyone loves Roll...her type is "mentally-screwed" and you guys project vicariously onto that.

>> No.10295532 [DELETED] 


>> No.10296408
File: 5 KB, 256x223, laughs in a fune.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The X series swiftly became the realm of D-listers right from the third game on, after the decision to continue the Classic series with MM7.
This. But I wouldn't say the curve was all downhill, there are still two X games after X2 that are decent bumps in quality from preceding titles (X4&X8). Not sure if I would give them a gold star, but I'd at least give them a "you tried" sticker. To put it generously, at least half the series is irredeemable garbage. Capcom pretty much flipped a switch immediately after X2, which was still okay in spite of diminishing returns. Maybe management didn't like where Inafune's Zero autism was headed, but they reluctantly kept the series going with near-minimal resources as long as it was profitable. Exactly why the series continued after X5, people bought X5 expecting it to be the next X4 but the fact that all the animus were replaced with storyboards tells you how much they really cared. Maybe it was just impossible to keep the steam going when the first X game was mainly "how about a new Mega Man for a new console generation so we can do something different and experimental?" X1 had something that just couldn't have the lasting power.

>> No.10296417

>I do prefer MMX, even if really only 4 of the games are worth playing, I find them more fun than the entirety of classic. I can usually marathon MMX 1-4 and have a pretty good time, but if I try to marathon classic, I usually get bored about two games in.
>I don't really give a damn about the story in either, classic is cliche childrens anime, and mmx is cliche teen anime, pick your poison
agree with this more or less, classic mega man is massively overrated i think, you played one you played them all and honestly they feel like they were pumped out with the quantity over quality mindset, probably cause they were

>> No.10296521

I like Mega Man 8 the most. Great soundtrack, nice looking graphics, cutscenes and lore. Not hard by any means but an enjoyable play through.

>> No.10296540

>I'd at least give them a "you tried" sticker
If anything that should go for X2, the blandest of them all.

>> No.10298142 [DELETED] 
File: 539 KB, 720x526, ruekdf65wti51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PU is an alt timeline of MM1
>Roll game is an alt timeline of Mega Man's new style mode
>losing to Copy Roll is an alt timeline of the "canon" scenario
>but the Copy is out to kill Roll, so this is an alt timeline where the Copy gets horny and asserts her dominance
>did I mention that Roll herself has dozens of costumes and each are sort of their own timeline?
Damn, this goes deep and that's what she said.

>> No.10299212

I would do so much to go back in time and erase all the ego Robaato emitted to social media along with his false promises
We didn't ask for Black/video game John K.

>> No.10299240 [DELETED] 

This is pilpul. This is a jew doing his yeshiva homework. How do we relieve ourselves of hideous inbred goblins?

>> No.10299280 [DELETED] 

NTA, its irregular fetishes.

>> No.10299286 [DELETED] 

irregulars don't have fetishes unless they're sex criminals.

>> No.10299290 [DELETED] 
File: 1.26 MB, 1592x1888, 1688574557951414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no YOU'RE the pedophile
Every. Single. Time.

>> No.10299294 [DELETED] 

it was a pun based off the japanese maverick name nigger calm down

>> No.10299296 [DELETED] 

>brings up sex criminals completely unprovoked
You don't mess with my assessment, kike.

>> No.10300985

Mega Man is overrated and not good.

>> No.10301998
File: 407 KB, 400x487, 138884_8uhp.1920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys fucking rock. i love all the pop culture background autistic shit. its cool to see all the similarities between astro boy, time bokan, megaman, speed racer, super sentai, ninja captor, ext

>> No.10303445
File: 50 KB, 600x639, 1692651920665413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]