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File: 123 KB, 530x384, the_evolution_of_mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1027261 No.1027261 [Reply] [Original]

Were Mario and Luigi better as plumbers from Brooklyn, or as the goofier Italians that they are now?

Also, when exactly did this transition happen?

>> No.1027270

>Also, when exactly did this transition happen?

In the 1980s, when people stopped giving a shit about why Mario was going up and down pipes. Also, I'm not even sure they were ever confirmed from Brooklyn, because as we all know, cartoons are not canon.

>> No.1027285

I would say back then. And I don't think it's nostalgia, I just prefer the older image.

I think he looked great in 64. Even in Sunshine it was okay, I think they fucked up somewhere around there though. Now Mario looks dumb and has this dumbass smirk on his face.

>> No.1027291

>Implying plumbers from Brooklyn named Mario and Luigi weren't goofy Italians

>> No.1027295

"Super Mario Bros. 2," as we were lead to believe it was called, fucked everything up.

>> No.1027303

God, Mario's sprites in 2, 3 and World look like shit.

>> No.1027328

Yeah, unless the arcade Mario Bros. had a description on it saying where they were from I don't think any of the games ever mentioned it. For all we know maybe Mario and Luigi were just cleaning out the pipes below the princess's castle.

I honestly have no idea how the whole Brooklyn angle got linked to Mario besides I guess the TV show.

>> No.1027353


>> No.1027373

What am I supposed to be seeing, here?

>> No.1027558


>> No.1027578

but they don't

>> No.1027589


This is what I've always thought. There are loads of Italians in New York.

>> No.1027857

The movie
Or do the movie and the TV show fall under the same timeline or something

>> No.1027889

The movie actually takes place BEFORE the arcade game. It's confusing, especially because Bowser is in the movie (ably played by Dennis Hopper.) But it was actually after the events in the movie took place the Brothers left Brooklyn via the network of pipes featured in the Mario Bros arcade game. Now Bowser and his troupe actually FOLLOWED Mario and Luigi to the Mushroom Kingdom from Brooklyn, even though the common misconception is that they were there first. The Mushroom Kingdom was actually originally discovered by Italians in the late 16th century, which explains why Mario later developed the Italian accent--it was after he had spent some time in Peach's kingdom. So you could say that the movie had an impact, yeah, only in kickstarting the entire canon.

>> No.1027924

What do Mario and Luigi even DO? They never do plumbing, so what's their job? What do they do when Peach isn't being kidnapped?

>> No.1027935

Going by the M&L series, they're basically just wandering heroes that solve people's problems and are famous for being famous.

>> No.1027948

They save the kingdom from invasion by dragon turtles like every other week, I guess word gets around

>> No.1027953
File: 60 KB, 500x327, mario-500x327.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, when exactly did this transition happen?

pic related.

>> No.1028061

I never noticed how much shittier his 3 sprite looks than the 2 one.

>> No.1028083

That shitty sprite is from Lost Levels

>> No.1028086


What? All the pre-SMW sprites in the OP are NES sprites.

>> No.1028090

I think the whole "Mario and Luigi are plumbers from Brooklyn" thing might have been a part of a series bible by Nintendo of America. I know at least for Sonic, the American and Japanese branches of Sega came up with their own backgrounds for Sonic (like why Sonic lived on Mobius and loves chilidogs in American cartoons, those were pieces of info made up by Sega of America that animation studios followed).

>> No.1028091

i preferred mario when he didn't take 2000 pounds of candy

>> No.1028098


>> No.1028107

They seem to try to make him more "realistic". Don't know why they went that way but I agree with cartoonish look is way more appealing to me.
The trick the pulled to get him to look like that was that its actually 2 sprits. One over another. One black so it gave a pseudo illusion of depth. I love little tricks like that. Don't know why they didn't do it for 3

>> No.1028108

And Lost Levels is SM2J, a Famicom game.

>> No.1028301


>> No.1028323

Mario in Lost Levels (Japanese SMB2) looks just like Mario from SMB1. The sprites in OP are from SMB2 (US) and SMB3.

>> No.1028329
File: 48 KB, 600x300, 20121217-212419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When this guy started voicing him for Super Mario 64. He was asked to do a voice sample for the game which would be sent to Japan. At first he tried a thick Brooklyn accent, but then started doing an Italian one for some reason, and the heads at Nintendo preferred it. He's been from Italian ever since.

>> No.1028368

I never understood this question.
Mario and Luigi were always supposed to be italian caricatures. What changed exactly? That now they come directly from Italy instead of being of italian ancestry but from Brooklyn?

>> No.1028380

Martinet said that a gruff NY accent might frighten small children.

>> No.1028505

The only thing that changed is that they've always been in the Mushroom Kingdom since they were babies. The entire "they came from our world" idea was completely dropped.

>> No.1028645

>Using his Brawl model in a Mario canonical timeline
We might as well talk about the time he fought Pikachu in Hyrule.

>> No.1030063

>Bowser (played by Dennis Hopper)

Trivia: Hopper's character is exclusively named "President Koopa". Bowser is not used for him at all in the film.

It is, however, the name of the King of the Mushroom Kingdom.

>> No.1030103

Wrong. Martinet showed up to his very first audition and everyone there was doing a gruff bronx plumber. He'd just seen a production of Taming of the Shrew where Petruchio spoke in a high pitched falsetto, so he went for the same little MAMA MIAAAA sound on a whim (and to stand out and be different).

They stopped the audition and hired him on the spot.

>> No.1030160

Mario reminds me more and more of Mickey Mouse as time goes on.

>> No.1030208
File: 50 KB, 1024x727, bowser glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bowser is the King of the Mushroom Kingdom

>> No.1030978

Do Mario and Luigi even speak English? They only say a few random phrases that come off as retarded "Yay for Luigi" "Wahooooo!" "Oh yeah, Mario time!" and in the RPG games when they talk to people they just say italian gibberish.

>> No.1031018

In the Japanese versions do they still say those phrases in English, like "let's a go!" or things like that?

>> No.1031024

>2008 was 5 years ago

Jesus...time really does fly by faster and faster the older you get. How fast are my 30s going to go?

>> No.1031030

In the games, I don't think they were from Brooklyn.

That said, I see why people would consider Mario to be from the real world originally: In the pre-SMB1 games, they never really implied they were from anywhere special like the Mushroom Kingdom. It just seemed like that were in a wacky version of the real world with monsters and shit like that.

It's only in SMB1 that they first start saying it's the Mushroom Kingdom and showed a freaky otherworldly setting. I think before SMB1, the design teams probably considered Mario's adventures to be in the real world as they were designing the games, then later decided to decisively retcon it.

>> No.1031079


You just turned 38.

>> No.1031080

Yeah, they do.

>> No.1031086

I still have 11 years before that happens...but my twenties have been so busy with work and school that I can barely remember where the time went. It's a good thing that I don't feel I've missed much in the way of vidya in the last 5 or so years.

>> No.1031095

It's hard to tell where Donkey Kong and Mario Bros. was originally intended to take place because they obviously hadn't conceived of the Mushroom Kingdom yet. A conventional Earth setting seemed perfectly logical until they retconned that. Even in the 80s Japanese movie, Mario and Luigi were from the real world.

>> No.1031101

This. They are first generation immigrants to Brooklyn. Why would anyone think anything else?

>> No.1031115

"It was nice for a princess to invite us for a breakfast, ghey Luigi?"

>> No.1031119

To be honest I like the Brooklyn image more than the Italian one. I don't really know why.

>> No.1031127

doesnt the mario bros. manual say that the game takes place in new york? miyamoto definitely intended for mario to be from new york at first

>> No.1031129


>> No.1031134
File: 84 KB, 368x368, 1353553446316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To be honest I like the Brooklyn image more than the Italian one.
They are the one and the same. That's why they speak English with an Italian accent. Had they been Italians living in Italy, they would speak Italian!

>> No.1031148

I still think Lou Albano did the perfect Mario voice. I'm lukewarm on later cartoon actors, but Albano was gruff but not unwelcoming or harsh. Still tough but very friendly and warm.

Martinet was really good in Super Mario 64, but after that? He's gradually been shifting towards Mickey Mouse.

>> No.1031162

Possilby the biggest flaw of him voicing all four Mario characters. He's also Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi.

>> No.1031210
File: 142 KB, 642x451, super_mario_64-255597-1246524248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I still think Mario from Mario 64 is his best appearance. He has a great voice (doesn't overdo it), all those badass acrobatics (plus simple punching and kicking) and looks cute but also capable at the same time. I hope that's not nostalgia talking, I don't think it is.

I don't like how he looks now. As weird as it sounds, it's almost like he has too much expression now.

>> No.1031212

I prefer SM64-era Martinet over everybody but you're right about him getting all Mickey Mouse with his Mario voice. I'd rather take Captain Lou or even the pale imitation of him that replaced him during the SMB3 and SMW shows.

>> No.1031220

>I hope that's not nostalgia talking, I don't think it is.
It is a good game, but you will notice now if you were to play it again that the camera is fucked. Not strange as it is Nintendo's first 3D game, but even the nostalgia can't hide that fact.

>> No.1031307

Sometimes I wonder if Mario has aspergers or something the way he acts is rather odd for a grown man.

>> No.1031321 [DELETED] 


>> No.1031326

You sure showed us

>> No.1031349

I actually like no Mario voice over any Martinet Mario.

It seriously gets old hearing WAHOO every time you jump. It's grating, and why the GBA ports were so lousy.

>> No.1031416

I think he has an acute case of being a fictional character

>> No.1031667

>80s japanese movie


>> No.1031723

This movie has been referenced at least thrice in the past week on this board. Lurk a tiny bit more, or perhaps even use a search engine, you worthless bastard.
>goes back to /v/

>> No.1031840


mario doesn't act at all. he's a blank slate. like mickey mouse. luigi and wario are both way more developed.

>> No.1031849

>implying mickey mouse doesn't have a personality.

you're right though, mario is a blank slate, so the players can better identify with him.

this ironically makes people gravitate towards the side characters more, as they have personalities, as you mentioned.