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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10268176 No.10268176 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most challenging retro games?

>> No.10268456

I liked the artstyle and theme of this game. gameplay was also cool.
never cared enough to make it past the first level though, lmao

>> No.10268502

i rented it a lot back when my video store was slow to get new snes games in. im not sure i ever got past the raft level until later in life.

>> No.10268578

I thought Legend of Kage was really difficult, both the NES and arcade versions. Loved the jumping gameplay though.

>> No.10268581

The most challenging retro game is finding time to play retro games

>> No.10269341

Some arcade tier shmups that 99.9% of gamers will not enjoy playing.

What you posted isn't even close. It's the type of game in the realm of being beaten by normal humans, even children.

>> No.10269362

Something absurd like Demonophobia where the "fun" is just in the masochism of it rather than the actual experience.

>> No.10269417

Super Star Wars trilogy is far more difficult. Also you got Gradius III, 7th saga, Super R-type, all more difficult than SGnG

>> No.10269517

>Super Star Wars trilogy
im pretty good with the first one since i know where a lot of 1ups and powerups are
also that one total cheater room under the cliff where you can get max lives but ive beaten it without cheesing it too lol
the other ones i never beat tho

ill nominate the ninja gaiden trilogy
all really difficult games
but also actually good too, so you dont feel like an idiot for playing them like a lot of other bullshit hard games

>> No.10269518

I think beating the US version of CV3 Trevor only was probably one of the most difficult gaming experiences I've ever had.

>> No.10269521

oh that reminds me
more people should try street fighter 2010 for NES
stupid hard but its got some crazy music and its pretty unique. idk what to even call the game. sometimes its a platformer, sometimes its a boss rush. like alien soldier almost


>> No.10269523

Pugslys Scavenger Hunt on snes, especially on hardest settings

>> No.10269586

I watched the Spoony review back in the day and it looks really bad.

>> No.10269649

Ninja Gaiden 3 for the NES is difficult. I'm playing it now.

They added limited continues to a Ninja Gaiden game.

>> No.10270672

that guy is an absolute fuck-up of course he sucks
games cool just dont die and your power-upos get retard powerful and you can shred a lot of bosses in seconds

>> No.10270681

Tiger-Heli arcade

>> No.10270717
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>> No.10271378

Super gng 1st stage is one of the best 1st stages in any video game, even with slowdown

I played that game so much I can beat it on professional difficulty without dying, well it'll take me a bunch of attempts now a little rusty

>> No.10271392

This isn’t that hard, just long of you don’t know what you’re doing.

>> No.10272168
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Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt on snes is harder than ghouls n ghosts.

>> No.10272176
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Plok on snes gets really difficult, seems pretty long too. i've never beaten it but just the first couple of worlds are fun and worth playing through.

>> No.10272205
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>> No.10272209
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>> No.10272238

Space Shmups. Hellfire.
I doubt anyone can easily beat Alex Kids Enchanted Castle with no saves states.

>> No.10272276
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>ctrl + F
>no Wizardry

>> No.10272303
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The Immortal. A game where you are expected to die time and again until you know exactly what to do and when.

>> No.10272371

This game is like the /vr/ equivalent of something like Super Meat Boy, especially if you put it on the 1 hit death option.

>> No.10272372

Who cares. I play games because they're fun and I enjoy them, not to satisfy some shitty zoomer difficulty checklist.

>> No.10272741

Why would anyone play this

>> No.10272751

This, the design of this game is amazing in how every little thing was thought out to fuck over the player and make them lose. Its like the prime example of Artificial Difficulty in gaming.

>> No.10273015
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this one is the hardest I played, you can block yourself pretty easily

>> No.10273156

This is why I find it to be the most difficult of the NES games. Mechanically it plays best and I don't think the first few levels are too difficult. But the limited lives makes me feel too much pressure. It also has a lot of levels. I still need to beat it. I got myself through the other two games though. NG1 was hardest to play but you at least get infinite continues.

>> No.10273252 [DELETED] 
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The answer is always the Spectrum port of SQIJ!

It literally took 30 years for someone to find out how to make it past the first room.

>> No.10273265

That cart track level probably filtered most from even continuing into the third level.

>> No.10273291
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Maybe I just suck at it.

>> No.10274095

All. Just some were impossible. Then kirby was released and they all went soft.

>> No.10274114

SNK fighting games (AI)
Wizardry 4
Ghouls N Ghosts

There's fun in a challenge

>> No.10274143

Don't know how I was able to beat this game consistently as a kid, I got my ass kicked replaying recently.
I never beat the sequel but it was probably just lack of interest, never liked it as much. Has anyone else tried Vectorman 2?

>> No.10275496

>There's fun in a challenge
Sure, but trying to checklist everything and say "i neeeed to beat all da hard games for anonymous /vr/ approval" is retarded.

You should play games you ENJOY.

>> No.10275853

>You should play games you ENJOY.
What if I enjoy beating hard games for anonymous /vr/ approval?

>> No.10276489
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