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10254651 No.10254651 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in some mood for TES, I want to jump into it for the first time
>OpenMW is a free, open source, and modern engine which re-implements and extends the 2002 Gamebryo engine
The OpenMW FAQ states
>Improved physics and AI
>Physics: Bullet
But the wiki doesn't mention any details about the changes made to physics nor AI, it doesn't compare them to the original version of the game or explains any gameplay changes because of it. Did you play Morrowind with this engine anon? What do you think of it compared to the original Morrowind release?

Links for reference:

>> No.10254662

it's shit and runs even worse than the original, somehow

>> No.10254665
File: 1.57 MB, 2560x1440, Morrowind 2023-07-15 [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally zero reasons to ever use this shit unless you're trying to play on Android or something.
Created a fabled 500+ mod list last month, having an absolute blast. By far the best elder scrolls game

>> No.10254682
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>> No.10254745

you are a lying piece of shit

>> No.10254746

why would he play for the first time with a shitload of mods ffs

>> No.10254750

I use it because I don’t really play with mods and it’s very stable. There are minor gameplay changes but I wouldn’t say they alter anything of significance. Overall the movement and jumping improvements alone make me prefer it over the original engine.
Just install and play it and see for yourself - it’s Morrowind alright.

>> No.10254767

I didn’t read that this was your first time so my last point wouldn’t resonate…
Anyway I’ll add that I played it vanilla first and if you’re a purist then there’s nothing wrong with playing it vanilla first. OpenMW is essentially the same shit but more polished and stable. But vanilla is playable and enjoyable too.

>> No.10254768

used to play morrowind a lot when I was a kid and I can't tell any differences between openmw and the original engine (other than openmw not freezing on me, ever). am I a pleb?

>> No.10254795

I played the original for years and it crashed fairly regularly, it just became part of the experience. OpenMW otoh has been extremely stable. Not having to put up with random crashes every 20-40 minutes makes a big difference.

>original works perfect for me
>you must be doing something wrong
t. n'wah->setspeechcraft 0

>> No.10254845

Original with Morrowind Code Patch >>>> OpenMW

>> No.10255051

Yeah, the engine is pretty decent and it will give you a good first-time experience.
But OpenMW's main issue is being unable to use MWSE-based mods. I usually stick to vanilla content even when I'm modding the game and OpenMW is compatible with them, But if you want to go crazy with modding and install one of those +500 modlists, you will need the original engine (and Code Patch).

>> No.10255586

Op just mod original game

>> No.10255689

>I want to jump into it for the first time
then install Morrowind, I suggest the MGE XE
(Morrowind Graphics Extender)
it allows you to set the resolution to whichever, and increase the render draw distance beyond the base game to see really far away.

>> No.10256080
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The developers themselves address this. Check the FAQ.
>[...] In OpenMW, at max settings, each of those individual “drawables” need an additional 1 draw call for reflection, 1 for refraction, and 1 for each shadow map. You can see how these things add up. A complex scene in Skyrim might cost about 3000 draw calls per frame; a comparatively barren scene in Morrowind can soar over 8000. [...]
Some people like doing that. I don't. Unless it's QOL improoovements like ui bs.
I'll do that then thank you anons

>> No.10256270

This is /vr/, so people will just tell you older = better with no real reasoning or arguments beyond "new thing is shit". In the future, refrain from making these kinds of threads, they're literally pointless.

>> No.10256279

I have vanilla MW with graphics extender and a bunch of mods. It's been quite stable but even with mods it shows its age in ways that bug me. So I tried OpenMW and the whole game feels better but then it started crashing every time I summoned a skeleton in a certain cave.

Does anyone have any ideas what that might have happened? I was using a nightly build of OpenMW so maybe it was that. Other possibility is I had Morrowind Rebirth in there with some mods that I now realize might not be compatible. My plan is to try again with stable OpenMW build.

>> No.10256390

Use this: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/41102

>> No.10256604

Your loss nigger, I created the RPG of a lifetime with so many intricate systems and quest role playing options
Because in the future he will want to use mods, its better he doesnt use the botched OpenMW port

>> No.10256607

You lack the ability to critically think

>> No.10256756

It works a lot better than the base game for me. And I like stuffs like 180 of FOV.

But I see some weird shit like Scribs making paralyze spell and failing for the spell's hitbox instead of directly paralyzing when they attack.

There are another nerfed stuffs like the Dark Brotherhood assasins, who's blade doesn't paralyze.

>> No.10257440


>> No.10257492

This is Skyrim with a morrowind coat of paint, definitely will never replace the native morrowind experience

>> No.10257523

Fucking retard.

>> No.10257624

>with no real reasoning or arguments beyond "new thing is shit"
I get where's you're coming from but maybe that's for me to judge.
>In the future, refrain from making these kinds of threads, they're literally pointless.
Honestly I didn't find it pointless, I learnt about stuff that I didn't know. And I wanted to know anons opinions on OpenMW. Granted, if making a thread like this is considered breaking the rules of /vr/ I'd had no problem with it being deleted. But since it's still up I think it's not. I even didn't bump the thread when posting >>10256080 because I felt I got what I wanted out of it already.
>in the future he will want to use mods
I read that it's better to start a new save file if you're going to be using mods instead of using an old one. At least that's what I gathered from modding Skyrim.

>> No.10258175

to be fair he meant it was pointless for him, and yet he posted in the thread regardless

>> No.10258178

removing mods is the issue I reckon, you need a fresh save if you intend to stop using mods

>> No.10258545

Morrowind rebirth + tameral rebuilt = best game ever made.

>> No.10258553

After all these years I still dont know what Morrowind Rebirth is and all it changes. Not sure if its better than a 500+ modlist I can make myself

>> No.10258560

its pretty simple really
if you play on openMW you can play TR
if you dont you cant

on the flipside if you play openMW you cant use MOST mods, since they depend on the original engines script extender (iirc)

>> No.10259032

TR is made for native morrowind wtf are you talking about

>> No.10259051
File: 566 KB, 2560x1440, OPEN_mw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely worst kind of poster

OpenMW is a phenomenal way to play. Super stable, smooth, correctly immersive. It's just Morrowind as it was intended with the cracks smoothed over.

>> No.10259172

this. i'm grateful some people love the game enough to give us this. will need to replay this game before too long.
hopefully Oblivion will have one too one day if the remaster is distasteful.
old bethesda games have enough soul for me to just plug in and fuck around for hours without even completing a single quest.

>> No.10259315

because not everyone is as autistically purist as you.

>> No.10259329

>Because of the major changes Skywind brings in its implementation as a Skyrim mod, this unfortunately isn’t easily feasible. Skywind will act as a stand-alone game in its own directory with its own launcher.

>We’re happy with this, from a creative perspective. Morrowind tells the story of the ascent of the Nerevarine: a hero reborn in the mantle of an outlander, shipped to a hostile and alien island, and left to fend for themselves, and to discover their destiny. Having crossover with the story of the Champion of Cyrodiil or the Last Dragonborn detracts from this story, and we’re content with Skywind telling the story that The Elder Scrolls III set out to tell.
if i can't travel between games then why should i even play these mods over the original?

the crossover is a big part of the appeal of mods like this.

>> No.10259410

Is there any way to play this with a cracked version of Skyrim/Morrowind?

>> No.10259783

can't straferun and nords&orcs don't run faster than everyone else so it's objectively worse, sorry!

>> No.10259835


i had a new gaming laptop with all drivers fresh and updated. openMW ran at like 30fps. i eventually realised that i had to go into the program settings and get it to use my actual graphics card, rather than inbuilt intel graphics. not a single other game had required this

i can't be the only one. it's good, i prefer it, but its obviously designed by incompent autistic idiot fuckwits

>> No.10259836

it was originally, now all the testing is done on OpenMW and they're talking about switching to exclusive eventually just because of the original engine limitations

>> No.10259852

I'm OP. I installed OpenMW on Linux and I'm using an Intel HD 620. I'm running the game as close as vanilla as possible graphics wise with the engine. If it works on such an old graphics card on a quad core I just don't get all the fuzz about performance issues. Maybe I'm lucky, who knows? I did build the navmesh cache before running the game. The docs said every time you go in/out of buildings it has to build those. Again, I just read the docs, went through all the options from the launcher before running it for the first time and I didn't find any problems so far. Maybe if you plan on using all the graphics enhancements and doing the 500+ modlist thing it sucks but vanilla "Works on my machine".

>> No.10259938


>> No.10260135

>Windows toddlers not realizing that some computers have switchable graphics
>Windows toddlers hating having the option to configure their software the way they want
>Windows toddlers not exercising that freedom because they're used to everyone else doing everything for them
It runs on 60+ FPS on my integrated graphics, at any rate, I compiled it myself with optimizations specifically for my hardware, though.

>> No.10260210

You should definitely refrain from using most mods your first playthrough, not understanding what changes you're making and why can be a huge issue for any game you mod.

>> No.10260224

>they're talking about switching to exclusive eventually just because of the original engine limitations
You are delusional man. Openmw community dwindles more and more every day, with updates to mwse and pluginless mods and halting openmw updates, TR will never not support the vanilla engine.

>> No.10260230

I'm doing my first playthrough now, and I'm using a bunch of mods to improve graphics, plus Tamriel Rebuilt and the Skyrim and (I think?) Cyrodiil mods. I'd recommend those for a firat playthrough.
Also using the faster running and never miss mini-mods. Yes, I know those fuck with the game balance, but they also make the beginning of the game much less insufferable. I feel like I shouldn't have to spend the first twenty hours of the game moving like a slug and unable to hit a rat with a sword at point blank range ninety-nine out of a hundred times. How that jank made it into the game in the first place is fucking beyond me.
Also, I have a bunch of player home mods everywhere since I got used to having them all over the place in Skyrim.

>> No.10260246
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>Also using the faster running and never miss mini-mods
holy fuck dude you have completely ruined your playthrough. You didn't even try to play the actual game and installed a bunch of cheats and mindless changes that ruin countless mechanics you don't even understand. Kill yourself

>> No.10260256

I don't care. I knew the spergs on this board would hate me for admitting to that, but I'm not sorry for allowing myself to enjoy a game that I own.

>> No.10260260

How would you know what you would enjoy if you never even tried it?

>> No.10260267

Because I did try it, and I hated missing the weakest enemies in the game every single time I swung at them every time I ran into them until I was dead, and I hated taking five fucking minutes to walk between one end of the town and the other because the devs wanted to artificially inflate my playtime.
You know what else? I skip the first dungeon in Daggerfall, too, and I give myself a million gold every time I start a Skyrim playthrough so I don't have to suffer through the first twenty hours of the game doing shit that I've already done five times legitimately.

>> No.10260289

Daggerfall is unplayable sewage and Skyrim fucking sucks. You could have just picked the horse birthsign if you had a brain. Fucking with the hit rate fucks with so many other things in the game you effectively ruined what half the game's mechanics rely on.

>> No.10260387

Yeah, well, you just have shit taste. Daggerfall is the best in the entire series, and vanilla Skyrim's gameplay sucks, but that's easily remedied with mods, and if you're saying that the quests and storyline aren't fun, you're just being a hipster contrarian neckbeard like half of /vr/,

>> No.10260395

This means nothing given how you bastardized morrowind. You can never speak on taste, RPGS, or gaming in general. You are a retard

>> No.10260668

Last useful and on topic post. Thanks. Thread has gone to shit. RIP in pieces.

>> No.10260778

you dont even need more than the official mod files (the .esm 's)

>> No.10260779

>Also using the faster running and never miss

>> No.10260781

not even spergs, you're just being derogatory to defend your own ego. you modded the game to play completely differently for your first playthrough. imagine

>> No.10260808

Please explain, in your own words, what makes Daggerfall the best without saying "it's really big"

>> No.10261141

Nobody has any idea how I can fix this? Everyone sucking OpenMW's cock over how great it is: any idea on why it crashes whenever I summon a skeleton in a cave?

>> No.10261181

Nta, but it's got its own charm that you can't get Anywhere else. You can lie in court And get loans to buy houses and boats. A lot of the quests are actually interesting, especially for the main quest line. Like fighting the lych king, plus there's some awesome random quests too. I always remember one where I had to go retrieve an artifact, but then got mugged by a mummy and had to find out who set me up and also retrieve the artifact, I didn't know quests could get that deep in daggerfall but you'd be surprised. On top of all the extra shit in dfunity, I go back to arena and daggerfall more than the others. It's more of a paradigm shift to let your imagination take hold of the world and fill in the detail.

>> No.10261208

I fixed it by playing the game vanilla, original game version, no openmw. hope this helps

>> No.10261229

Did you have the same bug i did or are you just being gay?

>> No.10261263

all the cities, towns, NPCs, shops, are exactly the same, there is no role playing or adventuring, nothing to find the overworld, no reason not to fast travel everywhere

>> No.10261290

>nightly build
>Morrowind Rebirth
These two probably are the source of your issue, but there is no real way to confirm the exact problem with just this piece of information. Did you do the usual cleaning and merging processes after organizing your modlist (or used MLOX)?
If the problem persists on the stable version with the same modlist, you can do the usual: Disable mods and use either console commands to start a new game on that cave and test the summon spell again (one disabled mod per test). You can use TES3View to look for incompatibilities and start with those suspects.
Or just play vanilla + Code Patch. OpenMW "just works" until it doesn't. I also had a weird issue with a mod (because of how OpenMW handles combat AI) and I don't think it will ever be fixed because it's a really small mod.

>> No.10261397
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>Also using the faster running and never miss mini-mods

>> No.10261434

Does it really matter? It's not like you can't just get OpenMW exclusively for TR.

>> No.10261465

No, you're spergs. You're the half of /vr/ who shit a brick because I used a save state halfway through a ZAMN level because I had to go to bed, because I sold all my original hardware and play emulation instead, because I use a bluetooth controller on my phone instead of wasting money on an overpriced GBA replica that looks like the real thing but still has an emulator inside, because I load a state at the beginning of every level to practice on Dodonpachi, because I think FireRed and LeafGreen are more playable than Red and Green with English translation patches, because I played the remake of Resident Evil 2 and fucking enjoyed it.

Fuck your faggot purity test. I'm just going to enjoy my life, and faggots like you can sit and spin.
He's just being gay.
Yeah, yeah. I knew I'd make some neckbeards itchy with that, and I've said as much.

>> No.10261489

Or anyone who understands the game and mechanics and why this is a very bad idea and will only hurt your enjoyment in the long run. You're just an overly confident Redditor looking for validation for playing with half assed cheats.
There are combat mods that attempt to circumvent some of the issues while being always hit, none of them are good, but at least they're better than what you mindlessly installed.
You read some retard's guide, ruined your experience, and now act enlightened.

>> No.10261518

>ll the cities, towns, NPCs, shops, are exactly the same,
Uhh no they're not. Sure there are templates, but every region has different NPCs and city layouts and aesthetics. Every city in America has 1st-umpteenth st., Washington st/Blvd etc... A roman esque courthouse, etc... It's really not much different than reality, though through df unity you can change things to personalize buildings more in big cities like daggerfall and sentinel. Akin to real life cities, you'll get lost quick if you don't know the neighborhood. So I think that's a bit realistic. Though if you buy a house in a small town, then you'll know the town by the back of your hand in no time. Hell I even know a small vein of daggerfall city pretty well just by forcing myself to navigate without the map as much. NPCs are interesting, rumors, holidays, etc... happen all the time and you'll never know what's up without listening to NPCs. Even the political rumors are pertinent for choosing who you want to side with for the main quest. It's a pretty deep game, it's not my fault you can't into it's mechanics.

>> No.10261539

>totally lost

>> No.10261542

>to see really far away
kind of ruins the game.

>> No.10261550

>Daggerfall is the best in the entire series

>> No.10261563

the interiors are all the same, the NPCs say the same thing, minuscule changes in building placement aren't immersive especially when you cant interact with anything in the environment or much in the game at all

>> No.10261809

>You're the half of /vr/ who shit a brick because I used a save state halfway through a ZAMN level because I had to go to bed
oddly specific, and also no reason to even bring that up then or now.
whose the bio- *sperg, Now.

>> No.10261814

Vvardenfel is a place where towns are right next to ancient ruins, the original render distance doesn't do it justice at all. Once you see Arkngthand from Balmora you become a believer.

>> No.10261820

Well I can tell you’ve never played the game. No nova don’t say the same things for the most part. Building placement is actually pretty sophisticated in cities and towns with town centers in different Patterns and districts, it’s not some cookie cutter grid like you’re saying. You’re such a dipshit zoomer parroting opinions. It’s no more generic with npc banter than any rpg. I’d say in daggerfall npcs actually have more to say than the average rpgs script of maybe 5 lines in the whole fucking game for npcs. Npcs also remember you in daggerfall, if you’ve met one and try to ask them for their name again they will remind you that you’ve already met. You are speaking from a point of great ignorance and it shows.

>> No.10261824


>> No.10261831

Hello everyone, I just downloaded OpenMW and a few patches and QoL stuff like Better Dialogue Font, but I have absolutely no fucking clue how I am supposed to build a character, tried watching a video but I feel almost more confused than I was before, I think I would like to try some kind of spell blade and the teleportation spell seems really fun, can anyone give any tips?
Goes without saying this is my first morrowind game, also my first TES game in general.

>> No.10261991
File: 801 KB, 2231x1424, 2023-07-08 17_23_28-Daggerfall Unity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played the game 2 months ago fag, I still cant wash its bad taste out of my mouth. The game has no depth, and nothing to do. Everything is exactly the same

>> No.10262024

>I feel like I shouldn't have to spend the first twenty hours of the game moving like a slug and unable to hit a rat with a sword at point blank range ninety-nine out of a hundred times.
It takes maybe an hour at most to build up some speed and to get adequate proficiency with weapons.

I know Morrowind's combat isn't all that smooth or exciting, but I swear to fucking god some people are too goddamn stupid to do basic shit like speccing their character.

>> No.10262051

Teleportation isn't something you can use strategically for combat, really, barring maybe the odd occasion you'd get to prepare for an upcoming fight or something, but I can't think of any such situation where it'd be really useful. I'm sure someone else experienced has tried it out or knows a place where it'd work though.

Teleportation exists in two senses, the first is Divine Intervention or Almsivi Intervention, which teleports you to the nearest Imperial temple and the nearest Tribunal temple respectively. The other is Mark and Recall, Mark puts a mark on the spot where you cast it, and Recall will teleport you to that spot. You can only have one Marked spot at a time, though there are mods which lets you have multiples.
These spells can be learned, but they also exist available as scrolls and as usable spells from enchanted items, mind though that enchanted items with usable spells have charges which need refilling to continue to be usable. Such refills need to be paid for, or you need to Soul Trap enemy creatures in Soul Gems and use them to recharge with.

Enchanted items with Constant Effect would typically have a buff or something which boosts a stat or resistance, they have a listed charge, but that charge isn't ever actually used or depleted in any sense, and the enchantment will always work as long as you're wearing it.
Constant Effect items are usually unique artifacts, you can make your own with the right resources and high enough skill, or insane amounts of cash, but you can typically never make anything which is as good as the flashy artifacts, the buffs will be lighter (but still good and worth it).

>> No.10262090

>but I have absolutely no fucking clue how I am supposed to build a character
>Spell Blade

You can pick just about any race, it doesn't make a massive difference overall, there's certain bonuses and deficiencies in certain sense, but nothing that really stops you from skating fast and eating ass.
Dunmer (Dark Elves) have a 75% resistance against fire, which is nice, thus you'd only need a modest boost from a potion, scroll, or item, to completely cockblock fire.

Since you wanna both cast and slash, I would suggest to select Combat as your main proficiency, and then Strength and Willpower as your favored Attributes.
>Strength affects weapon damage, carrying capacity, and increases weapon degradation upon each successful hit. It also increases maximum Fatigue and starting Health.
>Willpower affects spellcasting success rate and resistance to Magicka (Paralyze and Silence). It also determines maximum Fatigue.

For a birthsign, I'd say that either The Warrior or The Mage are most useful for you. I'd say The Mage since that'd boost your Magicka, which helps if you don't pick Intelligence as one of your two main Attributes. The Warrior will give you a boost in ability to hit though, which is never useless either.

Actually, use this online tool and put a character together, then post a screenshot and I can give you input.

>> No.10262246

The more you focus on minmaxing the less fun you'll have don't worry too much about perfecting your character, its not a notably difficult game that expects you to min max at all.

>> No.10262631

Sorry for the late reply, I went to bed an hour after writing my post and just woke up, this is what I put in since idk what class of magic to go in so i just chose all of the ones that seemed cool.
I'm not really trying to min-max, I've just heard that one of the biggest filters in this game is making a bad build and hitting your head against a wall the entire game because of it.

>> No.10262634

The min-max part of the sentence was meant to be a reply to this post

>> No.10262640

>Come home n'wah

>> No.10262667
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Forgot to send this

>> No.10262694
File: 85 KB, 1260x1775, hypothetical build.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO some of the fun of the game is growing gradually more overpowered, the game will egocheck you in places anyway.

>idk what class of magic to go in so i just chose all of the ones that seemed cool

Destruction is offensive spells, casting fireballs and lightning bolts and stuff like that, you'll want that for fighting.
Restoration is healing and undoing status effects. You might want this one just pragmatically. Getting struck with a debuff or disease can be annoying, and being able to fix that quickly is very helpful.
Alteration is stuff like flight and high jumping, water breathing and fast swimming (or walking on water), locking and unlocking doors and containers, as well as protective shield spells. If you want to be a mage this one is VERY useful.

I think those three schools of magic are the most useful overall, but there's not really one which is useless, they all do stuff which is helpful. Mind, you don't actually need to have a skill tagged as Minor or Major for your class/build, you can still improve an untagged skill, but untagged skills will only get racial bonuses, and improving them won't let you level up.

For fighting, you want to be mindful of fatigue, that's the green bar of your HUD, and once that bar is empty, you'll start whiffing strikes and have a harder time with spells. It drains quickly at the start, but it also improves fast with some decent speccing. It's always worth carrying a few potions of Restore Fatigue.

I whipped up a viable Spellsword kind of class in pic related, this would be one of multiple good approaches.

>I've just heard that one of the biggest filters in this game is making a bad build and hitting your head against a wall the entire game because of it.
That's true, it's possible to spec a build which is incongruous and not particularly good. Really, just be mindful of what skill pertains to what, you can mouse over any skill or attribute on your status screen for quick info.

>> No.10262712

That'd work, though you oughta pick one or two more combat oriented skills too.

You tagged Mysticism twice, but it's a good one overall, you can absorb health, magicka and fatigue from enemies (and they can't reflect that effect on you), and there's other good stuff like telekinesis.
Athletics will help with fatigue/stamina for running around, as well as building up your movement speed, so that's a good choice, and Acrobatics will be for how high you can jump, as well as fatigue used, this can be useful for just getting around in general, as well as reducing the drain of fatigue from moving around.

>> No.10262941
File: 29 KB, 739x377, probably my build.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went for light armor since I heard that heavy armor is prohibitably heavy, I'm thinking of trying to be someone who conjures a weapon to use before a fight since that seems like fun, also I changed out the warrior for the lover since I heard agility is really really good throughout the entire game.
Added in acrobatics as you reccomended!

>> No.10262959

Is it actually good or are they polishing a turd?

>> No.10263012

scrawl is a sperg and the openmw team are spergs
should have marketed themselves better
should have just called one of the more recent releases "1.0" for publicity and get more new blood flowing in
instead we have redditor-bait projects like skywind consuming openmw's oxygen

>> No.10263020

it's a much more stable, performant, and modern engine compared to the original
it's actually good, but the devs are stubborn autismos

>> No.10263027

once you know how endurance works you'll be forever annoyed with the mechanics of leveling
but maybe that's just me wanting to get endurance as a high as possible and max it asap

>> No.10263053

Nothing could possibly run worse than gamebryo.
Modders now have more than two decades of experience fixing it, and probably know the engine better than the street shitting monkeys that work at Bethesda.

>> No.10263324

>charges which need refilling to continue to be usable. Such refills need to be paid for, or you need to Soul Trap enemy creatures in Soul Gems and use them to recharge with.
Morrowind enchanted items recharge automatically at a quite generous rate. I personally reduce the recharge speed because it's too easy.

>> No.10263854
File: 52 KB, 747x145, bethesda intelligence 100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool beans but I think I should play the base content first!
OP here, I can't compare to the original release since I haven't played it. I like how the OpenMW launcher gives you a lot of control and explains every option you're turning off/on. I'm just running it without any expansions or mods. I like it. Hasn't crashed , works like a charm (silky smooth). Refer to >>10259938 for the only mod I plan on installing when I stop being lazy and play again
And >>10259852 for more details about performance on my end
Fun fact, I really think that bug fixing mod is useful. Found this bit in the changelog.
Maybe they are spergs (I mean, building a new engine is atypical for your average game fan) but thanks to them I can play the game on Linux. Most flosstards like myself know little about advertising their projects properly.

>> No.10264028


bro you cheat yourself. the point is that you are weak, and slow in the beginning, and then transofrm into a god. without this contrast there is no perspective, and no fun.

>> No.10264254

This. The performance is awful. Oblivion runs better than OpenMW on my X230 ThinkPad.

>> No.10264280

>heavy armor is prohibitably heavy
It's really not if you spec yourself for Strength as your primary attribute and then pick a bunch of Strength skills (such as any of the melee weapon skills, or Heavy Armor itself). Remember, each Skill you pick for your build will confer a starting bonus to its relevant Attribute. Speccing for Endurance also means you'll have lots of Fatigue and that it'll drain slower, there's all kinds of synergies with skills and attributes.

That said, there's some good Light Armor to find, such as Glass (which I think is supposed to be a soft armor lined/studded with hardened volcanic glass), it looks very fanciful, maybe you'd enjoy it. There's really no weapon type or armor type which isn't viable or useful if you're just specced for it, and you can always train it up anyway later.
Light Armor has an advantage for Sneaking, if you're interested in that, avoiding detection and getting backstab bonuses and stuff, Illusion school spells pertain to camoflaguing and invisibility and what not, so there'd be some good synergy there too.

You can sneak with Medium and Heavy Armor, but there's penalties for it, and then there's the simple fact that if you're not wearing a big bulky set of Heavy Armor, you can carry more loot with you. Considering how goddamn much loot I would find myself hauling at high levels as a Heavy Armor fuckmachine, you ought to be able to carry sick amounts if you're wearing much lighter weight armor.

I might be missing or forgetting something, fill me in?

Yeah, it's one you can get by without if that's your one concern, but just like how you can break the game over your knees with Alchemy if you do it just right, there's apparently ways to do that with Enchant too, it has a lot of potential.

>> No.10264327
File: 421 KB, 2560x1440, escort_mission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I might be missing or forgetting something, fill me in?
NTA but vanilla Endurance sets your hp gain per level so starting low with no level increase cripples your HP gain, but starting high and maximizing Endurance gain per level gives you huge amounts of HP.
I consider myself a purist as I don't want Morrowind to be something it is not. I can argue that low HP can be compensated by a zero-touch playstyle, or maxed damage reductions and a form of regeneration, or alchemy fortify health or enchant fortify health, etc.
But I still actually run "GCD - Lean" as my version of one of the many many mods that adjust the way game handles levelling, because it's kind of a headache and I think there are changes that can grab the spirit of Morrowind mechanics without some of the mess.

>> No.10264489

at the end of the day you've played one bethesda RPG you've essentially played them all and morrowind is only different from the other "modern" bethesda RPGs (i.e. TES 3-5, the 3D fallouts & starfield) because it's effectively a transitional point between older CRPGs and something like oblivion or skyrim.

as someone that doesn't really like morrowind or it's MMO approach to combat not only do i think that's essentially cheating but you could've done all that through console commands without downloading any mods.

>> No.10265098

>scrawl is a sperg and the openmw team are spergs
bethesda modders are notoriously toxic that's nothing new.

i remember the whole drama on the nexus when they were no longer allowed delete their mods from the site. i think most of the people who protested it either quietly came back to the nexus or retreated further into their discord safe spaces if not retired from modding as a whole.

>instead we have redditor-bait projects like skywind consuming openmw's oxygen
the idea of bringing in the older game worlds into the new games (or just an expansion-like mod in general) is always going to be more interesting or enticing to people than a new engine would especially since more people played skyrim than morrowind.

>> No.10266251

>artificially inflate
>give myself a million gold
Morrowind start is lots of fun.
There's a lot to do in the towns, they are dense, and you can travel to them instantly for a small fee.
In Seyda Neen alone, you can loot Fargoth's ring of healing, give it to Fargoth to get better prices with Arielle, get the quest to find Fargoth's hidden stash, loot it for the ring back and 300 septims, keep all the septims for yourself, get 200 septims from the tax collector's body, find his killer, loot his ring from the killer, sell the ring, report the killer to the imperials for a 500 septim reward, loot anything that's out of sight and not tied down including checking tree stumps, talk to Vodicus and get a travel discount, buy Vodicus's ring for 100 septims, sell it and everything else to Arielle for more and at this point you'll be up 1600 to 2000 septims.
Taking a silt strider to Balmora and reporting to Cosades, who gives you more money, and you get access to the Blade Trainers who all give you more items to sell or use and discounted training. If you feel you have to cheat yourself out of the early game of Morrowind, you really just can't play video games.

>> No.10267263

i need to replay this game, gonna do it with a buddy in tes3mp we're gonna do a doomed timeline run

>> No.10267374

Sure kiddo, I bet you didn't even get out of privateers hold.

>> No.10267395

I wish this was the case but I unfortunately got to see the bland overworld and traveled from town to town hoping for something unique or to do, alas there was nothing but shit

>> No.10267765

what the fuck is that fucking image? you turned morrowind into brown + bloom with anime sims children? holy fuck disregard this human being's opinions on everything and the world is a better place

>> No.10267774

You know what's funny is the redguards have low intelligence, bethesda was something back in the day.

>> No.10267789
File: 2.78 MB, 2560x1440, Morrowind 2023-07-15 [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is crucial to my roleplay:
Torboneous Vald was arrested in Cyrodil for pedophilia, he has been exiled to Vvardenfell where he hopes to lead a new life. He is deeply religious, tries to be a pacifist, mystic monk

>> No.10267812

>NTA but vanilla Endurance sets your hp gain per level so starting low with no level increase cripples your HP gain, but starting high and maximizing Endurance gain per level gives you huge amounts of HP.
With some Endurance skills tagged I figure that'll work out.

>> No.10267830
File: 196 KB, 447x559, ...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10267857
File: 1.67 MB, 2560x1440, Morrowind 2023-07-15 [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a dark elf says something so dunmeri you just hit him with that Talos stare

>> No.10268040

So how do I make it pretty without modding for weeks and then troubleshooting mods. I'd like to spend like 30 minutes for once. MGSO Is crap and also outdated for a decade and mod lists that install themselves usually have some paywall

>> No.10268190

The fuck are those hands and fingers on him.

>> No.10268201

It's also the only one with VR support. Not that I'd recommend the VR version for anything other than sightseeing. Revisiting old places "for real" is nice but combat feels even worse than it does without VR and it was already bad, and the menu-based text-based gameplay just doesn't work well with VR at all

>> No.10269903

>modding in children to RP a pedophile.
>RPing a pedophile.
and here i thought new vegas was the bethesda RPG pedos flock to.

>> No.10269908

realize that the game doesn't look that bad and all it really needs is openmw+expansion delay+graphical herbalism

>> No.10270094

simple MGE XE shaders will make his game look better than OpenMW ever will

>> No.10270402
File: 1.58 MB, 2560x1440, Morrowind 2023-07-20 [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Children of Morrowind is still a pretty amazing mod after all these years and highly compatible

>> No.10270741

>placeatpc "surane leoriane" 1 1 1
>removeitem extravagant_shoes_02 1
>removeitem extravagant_robe_02 1
>setscale 0.8

>> No.10271569
File: 1.64 MB, 2560x1440, Morrowind 2023-07-15 [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>setscale 0.8
A short hag is still a hag