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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 143 KB, 1024x768, doom11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1025130 No.1025130 [Reply] [Original]


Last thread >>1011997

Discuss WADs, stories, projects, ask for recommendations, suggest ideas, etc; don't be shy, we're here to help! We have many projects going, and if you want to share your maps or join in whatever thing you may want feel free to do it.


Ye Olde Pastebin, still updated semi-frequently

-Have you tried our very own gameplay mod yet? FKER is the most active (in terms of updates) of our works, go give it a try, you won't regret it!

-3 weeks ago a Doom tournament took place at Quakecon, and these were the finals (Jkist3 VS DevastatioN)
YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS SHIT, I'M SERIOUS! WORLD CLASS DOOMING! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcSj0lk-vEo

-Let's make a deal, if by the end of this month Sgt. Mark hasn't posted any progress of a stable v19 release, feel free to enter in panic mode.

-The Adventures of Square (WIP) is a new project by Jimmy (Jenesis' creator and well known Doom musician), 3 levels full of goofyness, cartoony art and geometry http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=583846

-OBLIGE v5.10 (WIP) has been released, feel free to ask in the thread for a link

-Project MSX Beta 2 released (GZDoom's next big thang. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7s8oGz0TUHY for more details)

-Cyberrunner (WIP) has been announced; we had the opportunity to give it a try and help with alpha testing, for more info. check this link http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=693216

-Other cool ZDoom mods you should check: "The Space Pirate", "The Guncaster", and "The Trailblazer" (all three under WIP). Look for them in the Projects section of the ZDoom forums for more info.

##Our WADs can be found here!##

Steam Group:

IRC channel: irc.zandronum.com, channel #vr
The password is in the FAQ, make sure you read it.

Dooming never ends!

>> No.1025149
File: 97 KB, 640x891, 32X Doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for shit

>> No.1025159
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Forgot your OST Doombro.





PASS: vidya

>> No.1025160
File: 164 KB, 1240x786, 5ae[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Room stacked with energy cell packs
>Open door
>Circle-shaped corridor with tons of revenants

Even Slaughterfest 2012 replaced the chainsaw with an INFINITE-AMMO BFG.

>> No.1025165

What sourceport should I be using for a good singleplayer DooM experience using the official WADs?

>> No.1025167

I don't regular DOOM threads very often, but I came across this song and DOOM was my first thought.

I'd love to hear a midi conversion of it for a WAD.


>> No.1025169

Fractal Doom has been given a small update (no vacuums or permanently hatted revenants yet) and is up on BE as version 0.2.2a, gonna add more content and incorporate term's patch into it later this week.

--Player fired Rockets and Plasma will travel through other players now
--The invincibility duration for the BFG's altfire has been reduced to 4 seconds from 6
--Ripping damage form the main rocket of the Launcher's altfire reduced to 2 from 20 (takes ~3 to kill a baron now if the only thing hitting the baron is the main rocket, less if there is splash from the main or any of the spiral rockets)
--I really wouldn't recommend using a BFG anywhere near a Spider Mastermind or it's spawn
--There might be other stuff, I forget what I put in there before I stopped working on it a while ago.

There's a fractal server with WOS up atm but I locked it with a SECRET password because I want to go play on Digger's server and I'm also not trying to split the /vr/ people between servers.

As always, taking balance and idea feedback and suggestions for what wads to use for the fractal server.

>> No.1025205


>a good singleplayer DooM experience

Unless you're kind of nitpicky when it comes to vanilla and real 1993 feeling, any of them.

G/ZDoom is the most common of them, PrBoom+ could make use of OpenGL stuff while still staying vanilla, and ChocoDoom is right-on what you're looking for if you want to play it the way it was done back in 1993

>> No.1025226

It would take weeks to do this and it would be a pain in the ass.

That said, I agree 100%.

>> No.1025238

>It would take weeks to do this

Well, there's only one way to know it


Give me 12 mins while I listen to the original to check if it's as accurate as I'm expecting it to be based on the comments

>> No.1025249

Was there ever a doom 64 port for doom on the PC? id rather not play with a n64 emulator.

>> No.1025257


>Was there ever a doom 64 port for doom on the PC?

Two, actually. Get Doom 64 EX, it's the definitive one.

>> No.1025269


my nigga, time to get this shit set up.

>> No.1025315


Well, here it is


As far as I could tell, it's as accurate as it can get

>> No.1025318


and yeah, that post was mine, but forgot muh trip

>> No.1025342

This is a good answer, but I would stress that even with a fancy modern sourceport you can turn off a lot of the features if you'd like something closer to vanilla Doom.

>> No.1025348
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>> No.1025526


okay, pass changed to vidya now

>> No.1025754

I have a problem with PrBoom, the game seems to pause for a second every time the track is done and needs to loop, it got me shot quite a few times. Any way to fix this? It's annoying enough that I'll switch ports otherwise.

>> No.1025761


I'm thinking of playing "The Sky May Be". I hear it's bad, but weird enough to attract interest.

Just, before I get it, what exactly am I getting myself into?

>> No.1025836


When is someone going to rip these musics into a music replacement wad?

>> No.1025849


Nearly half the weapons available to you will be either hilariously useless, or dangerous to use.

Imps will utterly rape you if you can't dodge.

>> No.1025881

So, I played through Free DooM AND the Chex trilogy via GZDoom.
I am sorry, but I hated EVERYTHING about Free DooM. It felt so off.
I kinda liked CQ 1-3, though.

Neither satisfied my DooM fix.

>> No.1026058
File: 46 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20130827_101627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get enough of these.

>> No.1026065

Freedoom a shit.

>> No.1026074

I noticed I have the same problem with Choco Doom. Am I forced to run Doom in DOSBox?

>> No.1026104

Freedoom is fucking terrible, don't worry.

>> No.1026115

Holy fucking shit this video


They even manage to get UVMAX on almost all maps below the fucking PAR

>> No.1026123


Why not try using ZDoom?

>> No.1026129


It might be related to the IWAD, or I dunno

Have you tried different versions of both ChocoDoom and PrBoom?

>> No.1026131

>reading the comments
>Half the doom community can shove it and their wtf is this bullshit drama internet 15 year old internet whore because these dumbass kids talking about official shit my ass. Fucking lame ass Drown in Blood lies people doing magic with the doom levels and worshiping satan and making levels with demons that tell them what to do. Fuck you guys I play doom and fuck your internet anarchy bullshit. The FBI is gonna be down on your shit and the CIA's gonna crack the c0d37. Your internet demon shits done

>> No.1026173
File: 132 KB, 890x675, ZQFiQy1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



(Sorry for not knowing how to properly tag a work while it's in alpha/pre-beta/beta/RC and all that stuff)

Second floor is done (besides some minor details). You may notice an increase in custom textures and stuff, and also you can notice I can't make open areas for shit. Oh, and the windows have the ugliest texture ever and I'm looking forward to change it, so if you happen to know some good textures that could be useful for the window glass, let me know ASAP

For those who may not know, I'm making a parody of a game that got recently released and /v/ just won't stop talking about it, Gone Home. The deal here is that while it's not anything new, the game is getting tons of 10/10s and being treated as the Citizen Kane of vidya, and I'm making a jokewad out of it for shits n giggles

The times I've been teasing the idea of a Doom map version of the game /v/ has responded quite pleased about the idea, so I kept on developing this thing.

Any MIDI replacements you may want to suggest me? I have one MIDI but I'm not sure if the majority of /v/ will get the joke (let alone recognize the tune)

>> No.1026178

I thought some of the level design was okay, but felt more like quake 2 than doom or something.

It's a neat idea, but inconsistent.

>> No.1026193

Something from Rocky Horror.

>> No.1026347
File: 768 KB, 1073x1650, e71d3f9eaa7ff281cc74a4ee940fb883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was reading Space Punisher comic (which is really good) and I stumbled upon this

Thought it might interest some of you guys

But it got me wondering : is this a reference to the cover of Doom; or are both this and the cover of Doom references of something else I'm not aware of? (maybe a movie cover or something?)

>> No.1026362

That would be a reference to Doom.
Also Mega Man 3 is better than Mega Man 4

>> No.1026364

So I'm making a deathmatch map, are there any things I should keep in mind about the design?

>> No.1026368

Don't let players get caught on anything. Nothing is more frustrating than a retreat that failed because you decided to add a dumb lamp in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.1026369

Make the BFG an easily accessible secret.

>> No.1026373

Flow. Don't make any rooms dead-ends. You want the player to keep moving around the map, not double backing or getting pinned.

Small closets for weapons are fine, but no hallways to dead ends.

I also suggest a lot of verticle movement/aiming. Don't make the map flat, put in elevated areas to jump from/shoot at.

I also suggest not putting in a the bfg at all.

>> No.1026383 [DELETED] 

Well, I was doing a UV playthrough with no loads, but I turned out having so much fun that I decided to go back and pistolstart every level. I'm up to E2M6 now, it's been quite a challenge and makes me really see the game differently. The fact that you have to learn each level and think about the order you do the rooms in... I'll attempt to beat the game like this.

>> No.1026387
File: 92 KB, 640x480, chocovanilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was doing a UV playthrough with no loads, but I turned out having so much fun that I decided to go back and pistolstart every level. I'm up to E2M6 now, it's been quite a challenge and makes me really see the game differently. The fact that you have to learn each level and think about the order you do the rooms in... And then I end up doing desperate things like pic related to save ammo.

>> No.1026407
File: 800 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130827_113109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first ramp. Furk yaer zDoom

>> No.1026448

Any golden rules for making single player doom levels?

>> No.1026459

Don't make every key/weapon/powerup a trap.
Align your textures.
Don't go overboard with detail if your map isn't fun (polishing a turd).
Varying floor heights.
Ground breakups (floor details, lighting effects, etc. So long as the floor isn't just one giant texture)
Door frames almost always look nicer than just a hole in the wall.
Adjust your map for difficulty changes. Switch out monsters, or add in less/more of them. Change out health amounts. That sort of thing.

I was actually working on a solid list of things to remember a while ago. I don't remember all of them now, and forgot where I wrote them down at.

>> No.1026468

I'd also say Secret Places, always fun to have them; but what's inside secret places should be considered extra and not count in the ammo/health ratio you want in your map.

Also usermaps often tend to think of making a good visual first, and thinking of gameplay secondly. Both should go hand in hand, one should always think of gameplay as he's building his map.

>> No.1026482
File: 400 KB, 488x519, 1375745122318.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/, are there any other good wads in which the map "transforms" as it progresses, like this one http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=12243 ?

>> No.1026516

You should always be able to pistol start a level in my opinion as well. It doesn't have to be easy, but it should be do-able.

>> No.1026519


Pretty much ZDCMP2 switches between any mapping theme you can imagine.

>> No.1026546


Xaser's Sector is probably the best part of ZPack.

>> No.1026589

>the best part of ZPack
>not Blackrock
Sector's pretty cool too, though.

>> No.1026607
File: 15 KB, 284x177, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Episode//mod of doom ever created. Beats the original WADS tnt/plutonia by a LONG shot.

>> No.1026613


i'll be honest, i started this the other day and after Suspended in Dusk it just feels bland. the mapping is neat as hell and i love the new textures but the gameplay on the first couple maps is just EH

does it get any better?

>> No.1026721
File: 59 KB, 642x402, Doom-Cyberdemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Episode 2 done, that was fucking FUN.
Inferno is probably going to kick my ass, I found it pretty hard even without the strict rules.

>> No.1026724
File: 64 KB, 400x300, splitscr[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any source ports besides Legacy introduced split-screen? Doom couch co-op is a blast, but I have never run Legacy longer than about 45 minutes without it crashing.

>> No.1026763
File: 13 KB, 288x306, Protip_cyberdemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just played through Doom for the first time last week. Episode 4 is a challenge though.

What have I been doing with my life?

>> No.1026774

Besides the official ones? nope.

>> No.1026810

I used to play legacy with a friend of mine all the time. Shit was awesome split screen. Shame noone else did it.

>> No.1026856

Hello guys, its been a while since I was in the thread and i was wondering if doctoramazing updated his doompic folder. I read the FAQ but didnt find it.

So I was just wondering whats up with that?

>> No.1026873


Dunno, Doc just disappeared

Someone should pick right where he left and keep updating that thing

>> No.1026931

What official DOOM ports are good? If I picked up the Doom Classic Complete on PSN is it ok?

>> No.1026943

...why? Surely your computer can run Doom

>> No.1026948

Splitscreen with bros.

>> No.1026979
File: 431 KB, 1280x960, Screenshot_Doom_20130827_120715_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1026992

I personally prefer the ECKSBAWX HUEG versions, but the ports from this gen work just as well, if you don't mind the censorship.

>> No.1027029
File: 240 KB, 728x1043, ore_no_imouto_v01c04_22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That delicious, delicious demoness ass.

>> No.1027035
File: 417 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20130828_000436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Slopes are cool.

(Something I've been working on this evening)

>> No.1027039

I'm generally avoiding them for my doom wad, but I figured since this level was for cyberrunner I could slope it up. I haven't used them before, and I don't really have anywhere to use them now, but they're pretty slick. I might just throw them around to give the world a greater sense of natural...ness... Fuck that sentence, point is slopes are cool.

>> No.1027058

Whoa, that's cool.

I really like the architectural design of churches, particularly that of Gothic and Byzantine styles. Any good wads that include those in their levels, (besides GothicDM that is)?

Also, any good tutorials on slopes? It can be done in GZDoom Builder on maps using UDMF format, yes?

>> No.1027063

Looks good BTW. Almost reminds me of unreal (1).

sage for double post

>> No.1027076

Does OBLIGE work for Hexen/Heretic? Has anyone made any recent mods for Hexen?

Or was that game left in the dust?

>> No.1027078

I have a 360 also. Maybe I'll grab those.

>> No.1027092

>Also, any good tutorials on slopes?

I taught myself using youtube and reading the Zdoom wiki - I'd recommend registering at Zdoom.org and asking around if you ever have any problems, that's what I do.

>It can be done in GZDoom Builder on maps using UDMF format, yes?

Yes, in fact I'd recommend using UDMF as you can do neat stuff such as align floors and what not.

>> No.1027101
File: 26 KB, 640x480, 1374242385027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw playing doom while listening to avril lavigne

What the fuck am I doing.
inb4 gay, I know but it's a guilty pleasure

>> No.1027103

Good to know.
Thanks, friend.

>> No.1027120

The final maps of Hadephobia (In combination with Accessories to Murder) have given me a new-found hatred of Vores. Projectiles that can go around 90 degree corners? Fuck off. I'm kinda glad it's done and over with though. Accessories to murder is a lot of fun, but the vores and custom lost souls are annoying as all fuck.

Playing scl_top (can't remember what it stands for) with Crossfire Beta 5. Fun stuff.

>> No.1027142
File: 700 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130827_172148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first 3D floor! (the cross)

Plus a shitty unfinished church. That is at least making some use of slopes.

>> No.1027148
File: 9 KB, 114x140, Walkin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started this a while back, but it's on the backburner now. Figured I'd show what I had done outside of the irc however.

>> No.1027150
File: 416 KB, 320x240, Carmagedoom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not running over every monster in sight.

>> No.1027153

Looks great.

>> No.1027160


Very cool!

What did you use to make it?

>> No.1027164

Artists don't want to give away their best work under Freedoom's permissively free software licence, so it ends up with the best that free software hackers can do. Which isn't great, they're better at writing code, not drawing graphics. What can you do. Thanks for your comments though, calling it shit and fucking terrible is really motivating.

>> No.1027189
File: 404 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20130828_013059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just polishing up my Wolfenstein level... should be completed within a fortnight.

>> No.1027198

You're using RTCW assets, right?

>> No.1027206
File: 22 KB, 460x648, 1234021_409762002458560_1209946695_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does someone have the "brutal" version of pic related?

>> No.1027205
File: 5 KB, 452x398, wolf3d_get_psyched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pistol starting is the only way. Sandy Petersen confirmed that they did all their balancing from pistol starts and that's the only way to truly see the level design in action--for better or for worse. No saves isn't too bad in the iwads; I wish more people made short-ish levels like that instead of sprawling epic killfests.

>> No.1027221


Yep, with a few other stuff from Medal of Honor, Mortyr 2 and Hidden and Dangerous.

>> No.1027229
File: 33 KB, 460x464, 1372932301600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing a classic multiplayer map with Fractal Doom in survival mode

:: [BE] New York :: /vr/ Memento Mori 2 : Fractal Doom Survival

Pass is vidya

3 Lives, UV Difficulty

Get in here

>> No.1027235

Buncha stuff. Sculptris, Maya, Photoshit.

I think I have a way to make it go faster, but like I said. Backburner.

>> No.1027238

Also 3DCoat

>> No.1027239
File: 18 KB, 145x180, 1375598999670.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, come to think of it, is doomguy always iron sighting?

>> No.1027243

Hey. I made a comment that was half-praise for it that apparently didn't go through. Visually meh, level design was good, though more quake like.

Chill out.

>> No.1027249
File: 29 KB, 420x314, 1338230842811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go in room, lights flickering on and off
>Hard to see anything
>Spectres everywhere

>> No.1027260

No. The sights aren't aligned.

>> No.1027279


I really want to have a go at doing some sprites you see, but don't really know where to begin - drawing pixel by pixel is just too tedious.

>> No.1027289

Do some concept sketches first, then try to transfer them to sprites by proportions.

>> No.1027317

>if you're not using a 486 with a 15" CRT running dos 6.1 to play doom.exe on uv-fast pistol starting every map you're not playing it the way they intended
Protip: if players are meant to play a certain way, why are there other options? Why do you retain all your weapons and ammo between maps if you're supposed to pistol start? If UV-Fast is the only way to play, why is it only accessible through the command line? If Ultra Violence is the only skill for true Doomers, how come the maps are balanced for the rest of the difficulty levels as well? Stop jerking off to your perceived superiority and stop trying to divide the Doom community even moreso than it already is, shithead.

>> No.1027347
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>> No.1027374
File: 378 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20130827_225121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1027392
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>> No.1027395
File: 141 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20130827_230215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1027408

Something I'm genuinely curious about is why the Doom engine is still so insanely popular and modded when the Build engine is so much more capable. Can someone give me a good answer for the reason why this is?

>> No.1027412

:: [BE] New York :: /vr/ Plutonia 2 : Fractal Doom Survival

same as >>1027229 except with plutonia 2 and less stuck players and HOMs

>> No.1027418

The Doom engine is more easier to do maps for, and most people just don't like the BUILD editor.

>> No.1027460

Actually, if you're insanely good you can draw a mental line and aim with unaligned sights, assuming you're also good at judging range.

>> No.1027485
File: 333 KB, 1600x1200, Chewing_gum_stick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1027495

>Build engine is more capable
Where's all the netplay at

where is it, anon

>> No.1027501 [DELETED] 

fuck off already, nobody wants you here.

>> No.1027502


alright it's back up

this time with 100% more visible revenants!

>> No.1027505

>Thanks for your comments though, calling it shit and fucking terrible is really motivating.

Sure, you can make the excuse that "it's not my fault, artists won't give their art away!", and it's true and sympathetic.
That still doesn't mean it's not shit and it's still fucking terrible.

Maybe you should have forseen this problem before starting on it.

>> No.1027509

It's dead.

Because the Duke3D community loves the drama.

>> No.1027510

>fuck off already, i don't want you here and i am going to post every time to make sure my feelings are validated!

>> No.1027513


>> No.1027512

It's the same problem with OpenArena, the assets just feel "cheap".

>> No.1027516

>Something I'm genuinely curious about is why the Doom engine is still so insanely popular and modded when the Build engine is so much more capable.

Why do you play Build when there's so many more capable engines out there?
If we cared more about power, we'd never play retro games in the first place.

>> No.1027517

Nice job taking your trip off to defend yourself, why don't you leave it off you worthless piece of shit?

>> No.1027519

I thought some of the models in Openarena were quite good.

>> No.1027521

Don't bother responding to them, they are infected with terminal HI/v/. Report, ignore, and hide. Don't give them a response. Hope the mods ban them

>> No.1027527

You're quoting the wrong person anon.

>> No.1027530

Modern Zdoom has that.

>> No.1027529

It's not so much power I'm talking about. I'm talking of capabilities like stacked sectors room-over-room maps.

>> No.1027535

Eternity has all that stuff.

The only thing really lacking from any Doom source-port that is on the Build engine would be the moving sectors (not Polyobjects, since those have infinite height)

>> No.1027536

Could you give me some examples of wads that use it? My post is genuinely curious, I'm not trying to argue with you on it.

>> No.1027538

Some of WDI's maps I believe have room over room.

>> No.1027539

But ZDoom's ROR is very limited and buggy as hell.

>> No.1027541

Those are 3D floors.

>> No.1027545

So Doom isn't capable of subway trains or rotating gears? I never knew that.

>> No.1027547

You can simulate ROR very well with the teleport to line function. From a player's standpoint, it only has a few limitations for some situations which can be easily overcome by using 3D floors where appropriate.

>> No.1027549

All of them?

>> No.1027551

You can simulate those, but the result will never be the same as the ones on Duke Nukem 3D

>> No.1027567
File: 851 KB, 900x1350, Cacodemons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to jerk off to photos of Cacodemons. I'm not even kidding. I had a poster of one across from my bead and it was like right at that age where everything aroused me.

>> No.1027572


No, and the result will also never be the same as the ones in Source or Unreal.
Each engine does things differently.

>> No.1027576


>> No.1027580


>> No.1027581



>> No.1027582

ren pls

>> No.1027591

look at this guy trying to be Mr. Hardcore Critic

this is not the time and place for that, dude, you just sound like a dick

>> No.1027593

Well, that may be, but the fact remains that you're not "iron sighting" if you're doing that.

>> No.1027594

No, you're being a fucking hardcore badass. my bad.

>> No.1027597

>Stop jerking off to your perceived superiority and stop trying to divide the Doom community even moreso than it already is, shithead.

lol, where on earth did that come from, what are you even responding to

I swear people come into these threads and act like they have to start fights just because they're on 4chan.

>> No.1027603


i don't think you understand where you are
if something is shit, we are going to call it out for being shit and say why it's shit
if you don't like it, maybe you should have made it better

>> No.1027607

Build has more features out of the box but it's a jankier engine. Doesn't have the same feel as Doom, different enemy AI/behavior. Automap isn't as clean, little things like that.

Plus it's just a fact of momentum at this point.

>> No.1027609
File: 546 KB, 192x192, 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow really nice, being that there are so many time signature changes this is really good.

Too bad I don't know how to map for DOOM like I can for Source engine.

What program did you use to make this?

>> No.1027615

>this is not the time and place for that, dude
Oh, I'm sorry, where and when should we say Freedom is shit, if we're not able to in a message board thread talking about Doom?

>> No.1027626

saying it's shit != being a dick about it with this "maybe you should have thought of those problems first, IDIOT" attitude

>> No.1027632

Fact: Freedom is shit

>> No.1027635

I agree simply because none of those assholes are willing to give a guy with some actual spriting talent even 5 bucks to make a sprite for them.

>> No.1027637
File: 53 KB, 640x402, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do you hate Freedom?

>> No.1027645

Communist scum.

>> No.1027647

He probably doesn't have a buck o five

>> No.1027671

I know, but i was talking about giving the illusion of a moving train, the ones on Duke 3D are on real time, on Doom you just can create the illusion of a moving train, but it would be actually a static sector with moving textures and an infinite track.

>> No.1027698

That always looks super obvious too.

>> No.1027731
File: 15 KB, 350x346, 1353378346955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck did you say?

Commie shitstain

>> No.1027749

Saying, "you appreciate the level design more if you play from a pistol start" and pointing out that the maps were balanced that way is not anything close to saying that stuff about hardware or intentions.

>> No.1027832
File: 98 KB, 400x769, halolz-dot-com-doom-doom2-doom3-doom4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only played doom 1, 2 and 3 once, and recently I've been craving more Doom 2.
But I'm thinking instead of replaying it I'll give one of the expansions a try.
I figured I'd ask here, is the "Master Levels for DOOM II" expansion any good, or should I just skip to Final DOOM?

pic mostly unrelated

>> No.1027856

Wow, did these idiots do any research-



To answer you question, just go with Final Doom, it's less of a headache.

>> No.1027861

OP asked for a Doom story and that's my best one.

>> No.1027865

OP asked for a fucking story, yo. It's weird but it happened.

>> No.1027895

Go play Plutonia, TNT is shit.

>> No.1027898

>Go play TNT, Plutonia is shit

>> No.1027925

Freedoom is ridix, there's literally no reason for it to even exist.

I mean... If you don't want to buy a game, you pirate it. If you don't want to pirate a game, you buy it. If you don't want to buy OR pirate a game, chances are you don't actually want to play it. Who are these mythological masochists who consider an ugly clone a good alternative to piracy?

>> No.1027943
File: 112 KB, 475x678, 56133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But but muh freedum

>> No.1027950

If you want to play Master Levels in a modern sourceport, use this.
I went through the trouble of injecting the individual levels for you. Enjoy. Some of them are pretty good actually.

>> No.1027959


I don't follow Doom at all (I play it, just not often) and have never heard of this. This shit came out last year? Why? It was 2012. What's the point? Was it a programming project?

>> No.1027964
File: 224 KB, 915x783, 5454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1027975

I think the concept is for someone to create something totally original using the doom engine without using any of its assets. That way if someone wanted to make a freeware game using the doom engine, it could remain freeware. Also freedoomguy is kinda cool looking...

>> No.1027980

And what stops a person from just making a regular TC?

>> No.1027981

Inconsistency is the problem with these kinds of games

Somebody could make decent assets, only to be surrounded by stuff that looks like absolute shit

Freedoom would be better if sprite artists that were actually good worked on it, as well as having good mappers

>mega man character design.png

>> No.1028000
File: 125 KB, 216x216, DanceMotherfucASDFWEFG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I do it with 3D models. I'd show you how, but I was banned for a month for that.

It takes some learning and some doing.

>> No.1028012

>banned for teaching anons useful things
What has 4chan come to...

>> No.1028014

What's the best way to play Doom 64?
I heard there were several PC ports, but which is the best one?

>> No.1028021

Doom64 ex. I swear there's someone asking this every night.

>> No.1028032

Was for posting a link to my stream. Some anti advertising rule. Not that I make any money off it or anything. I don't even.

>> No.1028036

There's been a lot of spam and people whoring their streamlinks in the past so it just became an autoban criteria

>> No.1028042

There is. But Doom 64 EX is pretty rad. I'm seriously considering buying doom 64 thanks to it.

>> No.1028063

Alrighty! Just letting you guys know (and holding myself accountable) that the Space Pirate beta is going up on the 31st, which is this Saturday! I took a lot of the "man that smg is boring" to heart and really revamped the weaponry. Things that I changed?

Shotgun got a major revision! Before it was a typical shotgun with a super accurate double shot, but now I've changed things up! You can now load different kind of shells, including hellfire and electric-based shells, for different effect! Lot's of headache went into coding this thing, so I hope it's fun!

The "boring" SMG also got a major upgrade. Primary fire is your spray-and-pray mode, while alternate takes some cues from the movie "Equilibrium", giving you a unique combo set that includes melee attacks and sweeps!

I'm in the process of planning out two more weapons for inclusion in the beta, which I'll hopefully have done before saturday. Thanks guys for your feedback!

>> No.1028070

Anyone playing MP right now?

>> No.1028071


>What program did you use to make this?

You may have noted that I linked to the Ultimate Guitar website, right? They often store Guitar Pro tabs for many songs, and those tabs are useful when you want to hear MIDI arrangements of them

WHICH BRINGS ME to HOW I do all the process. I have TuxGuitar installed on my PC, which opens Guitar Pro files. In that program I have the choice to export said tab in MIDI format.

And that's how I make all those MIDIs

>> No.1028073


Great to hear dude, can't wait to get my hands on it!

>> No.1028075
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2013-06-30-18h41m39s0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1028095

There's a Fractal server up

Fractal is my least favorite so I'm just waiting til someone cracks and hosts a Samsara server

>> No.1028097

Why does everyone like Samsara?

Not trolling, genuinely curious. Just seems like another class mod to me.

>> No.1028104


What about it makes it your least favorite?

I'm just putting this in my post because it seems like the "in" thing right now.

>> No.1028113

i like samsara because it's just cool to me

like, i love all of the games these characters are from, and it's fun to be able to smash them together and blow up some AI with bros. standing shoulder to shoulder with doomguy and parias while playing as the Chex guy is just fun

i dunno, it just definitely wasn't made for me. blowing up a monster and having a tiny monster come out of it just bugs me for some raisin. i'm not saying it sucks or anything, it's just not what i'm looking for in a wad

>> No.1028121

Samsara was something I didn't quite get until I played it. I've played dozens of mods that were shoddy ports of Duke weapons and the like, but nothing has captured the aesthetics of each game quite like Samsara. I haven't even spent too much time on it, but from the games I've played, I've really REALLY enjoyed it. It's very well put together.

>> No.1028157
File: 280 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130828_010515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. I think I have this 3D floors thing figured out.

>> No.1028192


Try and master 3D slopes:


>> No.1028321
File: 300 KB, 831x547, KFGwOmk[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not him, but...done

The stairs are more than done. I'm_glad_it's_over.jpg

>> No.1028360

So im playing on zdoom, and it has been a long time since i played any doom, but something about it is bugging me.

In original dooms (1, 2, Plutonia, and TNT) , could you jump?

I feel like i keep breaking levels, but if you could jump originally its not as big of a deal.

>> No.1028362

>Actually put together well than just being a shitty mish-mash of assets from other vidya, and thus feels great to play in general
>Has commands to toggle some aspects on/off
>Makes an effort to document all primary differences, pros and cons between each hero, as well as list weapon damage for everyone in both DM/co-op
>Compatible with practically every game that ran on Doom's engine, as well as plenty of wads
>Attempts to make every character work well in each, throwing in new ideas that work reasonably well should the situation require it (Super Large Zorcher, Wave Motion Cannon, etc)
>Flemoids fall apart into a gorrillion gibs of mucus when hit by guns
>Tries to make each character somewhat balanced in both co-op and deathmatch
>Has a promising sister mod coming up, Naraka
>Terminus and Jon post here sometimes
>It's not known by the mainstream audience, unlike Brutal Doom

>> No.1028373

>I feel like i keep breaking levels, but if you could jump originally its not as big of a deal.

No you couldn't jump, best to put that option off if you're playing vanilla Doom (1,2, Plutonia + TNT).

Use jumping for specific made levels that were intended for it.

>> No.1028374



Reminds me of 'Alone in the Dark'

>> No.1028379

Alright thanks a bunch. I knew something felt off.

>> No.1028426


I'll just leave this here.

>> No.1028457

I guess he wasn't assured by those IQ tests and resorted to selling his soul, just to be sure.

>> No.1028473

Eh, its good, but my biggest problem is that there are a LOT of levels that don't really standout. There are a few times where I forgot i finished the previous level.

>> No.1028474

That dude is some kind of special troll lol.

>> No.1028476


I fucking knew he was going to pull some weird shit once he changed his profile pic in the zdoom forums

tl;dr: he wants attention, let him receive the banhammer

>> No.1028478

>In original dooms (1, 2, Plutonia, and TNT) , could you jump?

Nope. Wasn't till Hexen where you could jump in a doom engine game.

>> No.1028481
File: 6 KB, 190x143, all-bugs[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Fucking Mark, get some damned help you busta. I don't care for your mod, but this is beyond ridiculous

>> No.1028506

But then that cacoward won't be his anymore, it'll be his and some other guy's. He needs that cacoward, anon. Are you going to be the one who takes it away from him?

>> No.1028519
File: 11 KB, 400x299, g-u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. I guess it's just not really to my taste, then.
Thanks, /vr/.

>> No.1028553
File: 79 KB, 600x601, shadowgate-death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chillax with Fractal. Do I really need to say more?

Server: :: [BE] New York :: /vr/ chillaxes with fractals
Password: vidya

>> No.1028559

Yeah. As much as I enjoyed BTSX, a lot of it feels repetitive.

>> No.1028563

Chillax a shit

>> No.1028628

in addition to what others said: ken silverman's software licence is a turd and nobody wants to work with his code as a result

>> No.1028630

>tfw Eriance will spend forever re-doing Demon Eclipse over and over and he'll never work on Freedoom

>> No.1028634

so after recently discovering Russian Overkill and its insanity, i've been looking for more maps/mapsets in the vein of holyhell.wad, sunder.wad, slaughterfest11/12 to play with it, because anything short of a huge map filled with meat doesn't appeal to me.
i've tried OBLIGE, but all its maps look a bit meh and are too cramped.
any ideas?

>> No.1028637

nuts.wad and it's sequels

>> No.1028641

>implying i haven't already done that

>> No.1028648


This really wouldn't have come to this if he had paid attention to the errors everything threw at him through all previous version instead of just brushing off the funny startup text his mod got.

Now the thing is a gordian knot of programming where he can't be sure which part is causing which bug, and whether fixing a bug will create more.

>> No.1028649

that is correct. it's about creating a version of Doom's data resources that are free as in software, as the engine code has been since 1997/1999.

if >>1027925 doesn't appreciate the need for or desirability of free software, that's fair enough, not everyone has the "hacker mentality" as it were. but there are enough people who do to make the project worthwhile, i think. the problem is the people who do have the "hacker mentality" are not skilled at making graphics :-)

yeah that was a pretty bad mistake but the author of the pain elemental replacement sprites was extremely remorseful and i believed it was a genuine mistake not malicious. and it got fixed. shit happens but we fix it, that's life...

>> No.1028647


have you tried the deus vult and hell revealed series? They're slaughtermaps too

>> No.1028651

yeah, i tried deus vult 1 & 2 - only DV1's MAP02 and MAP05 were worth it because with the other maps some of the larger weapons kill literally everything in the map with a single shot because muh blast radius
only Hell's Vendetta in DV2 (and MAP29, naturally) is good enough for it
HR maps are too small, sadly.

>> No.1028669
File: 300 KB, 976x608, 53k0RZs[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As expected, the stairs from the attic are getting quite nasty to get right in Doom. What I'm planning to do is to create 3D slopes that act as stairs and attach them to this 3D floor right there.

And then I should be able to lower all that shit down, by making an "elevator switch" trick.

Fuck, I'm not even sure if what I wrote is actually doable.

>> No.1028672

I think it's because this is a general retro games board so you got lots of guys who played all the old FPSs that SAmsara emulates so it has a greater appeal here than it would on say a forum specific to Doom.

Furthermore to those people it's a way to play a decently accurate simulation of many of these old games that otherwise would have no netplay at all.

Does that sound about right?

>> No.1028678


This. It also opens the fps that it emulates to most of the player made mapsets that doom offers, which far outstrips the mapsets available for any other game.

>> No.1028685

he's already got one for Brutal Doom, he's not getting another one

>> No.1028698


That stairway is pretty identical to Gone Home's lobby.

>> No.1028713
File: 167 KB, 976x579, CyDPOQM[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, it was somehow simple to get right. Once I got one side I just copypasted the tagged sector and that was it

HOWEVER, this thing right here...If I get this right, every single thing from the list of things that were hard to do would be over

>> No.1028717

does anyone have this .wad
this looks amazing

>> No.1028718


Have you considered reading the FAQ?

>> No.1028720

goddamnit i'm fucking dumb

>> No.1028727
File: 3 KB, 320x200, pm1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Count your blessings that you have Doom Builder to do all this with: back in the day level design was so much more difficult as you never had a 3D view to adjust textures/heights/etc.

The first level editor I ever used was DoomCad... pic related, THAT was the only 3D preview available at the time :-/

>> No.1028735

no anon you don't understand

if someone else starts working on brutal doom, that means it's not his cacoward anymore, it's his and the guy who helped him out

besides, anyone who points out flaws in brutal doom is just a jealous hater that can't make a decent wad themselves, so obviously nobody can help.

>> No.1028739

Is it just me, but is Doomworld forum the most squalid and obtuse collection of retards on the internet?

>anyone who points out flaws in brutal doom is just a jealous hater that can't make a decent wad themselves


Check out some of the pettiness at doomworld.

>> No.1028741

He was being sarcastic.

>> No.1028743

I grew up using WADED. I'd show you a screenshot of the 3d preview, but there wasn't one. And you had to run it all through DOS.

>> No.1028746

>it's his and the guy who helped him out
People have already helped him out art-wise.

>> No.1028747

>Is it just me, but is Doomworld forum the most squalid and obtuse collection of retards on the internet?
no, i've been on it for years, there are some very knowledgable people there. you just have to pick your subforums and threads.

>> No.1028745

mark pls go

you have bugs to fix

>> No.1028750

sssh anon nobody needs to know about that

we'll credit them but hide it in the second page of the f1 screen where nobody will look

>> No.1028761 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 128x128, laztrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Oh, and look... I even made his FAQ:


For an apparent 'right wing christian fundamentalist', he certainly spends a lot of time wearing fake breasts.

>> No.1028760

How'd you get the top and bottoms of the 3D floors to show up in your preview? Mine all look like holes in the geometry.

>> No.1028768 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 278x266, legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"I wonder if you would accuse John Travolta of being gay and a transvestite for his work in the recent "Hairspray"

-Laz Rojas, creator of Wolfendoom

>> No.1028771 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 480x120, lola_strip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"1) I am as heterosexual as it is possible to be
2) I believe homosexuality to be unnatural and a sin."

-Laz Rojas, creator of Wolfendoom

>> No.1028775
File: 119 KB, 634x478, MIQFv1x[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


GZDoom Builder, it lets you see 3D floors, slopes and all that fancy shit by default. You'll send the classic Doom Builder 2 into the trash after getting used to GZDB, I tell ya what

Also, motherfucking survey time.

Should I leave the stairs already down? Because the switch which is supposed to lower down everything just won't work

>> No.1028776
File: 46 KB, 356x200, qQhx5BN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1028783

Who fucking cares? Guys pretending to be girls isn't anything new to the Doom community.

>> No.1028786


But why do I care?

>> No.1028787

>Guys pretending to be girls isn't anything new to the Doom community.
Hahaha this is so true

>> No.1028790


>> No.1028791


what a hypocrite.

>> No.1028792

I have GZdoom builder, and everything is showing up fine except for the flats on the 3D floors... I just got it though. Maybe I'm not making the 3D floors right, but they look fine in-game.

>> No.1028794

>classic Doom Builder 2 into the trash after getting used to GZDB, I tell ya what

How very true, I don't think I could survive without GZDB.

>> No.1028796

>I grew up using WADED.

I never gave that one a shot.

Does anyone know what level editor ID software used for Doom1 + 2?

>> No.1028801

They had DoomEd, which I believe was written by John Romero. Apparently, it was a pretty good editor, but I doubt it would hold up against the likes of DB2/GZDB.

>> No.1028802


Their own, if my memory serves me right

>> No.1028803

Has anyone here tried ECWolf yet?

It's a port for Wolf3D to make editing easier, and was made by the creators of Zdoom... uses decorate and pk3 files.

The Wolf3D community haven't seem to have picked it up, which is a shame as it has so much potential.

>> No.1028813

There's a lot I don't like about GZDB. Most of which I'm sure I can toggle off. But there's too much shit on screen. I don't need new sectors highlighted, it's just distracting, I don't need to see the line width of ever new line I'm making, for small sectors this is just in the way. And changing the hotkey for 3D preview was unnecessary.

This is my first time though, so I know I'll get used to it, it just seems like a lot of it is over-done to be useful imo.

>> No.1028814
File: 388 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20130828_152759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1028818


Are you new to Doom level design?

>> No.1028815

obviously they wrote their own, nobody else had made a Doom editor as the game didn't exist yet ;-)

>> No.1028816
File: 138 KB, 798x482, Lionisallfuckedup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1028820

No. I'm the guy who used WADED. It was okay. Crashed a lot.

>> No.1028827


How many levels have you completed, or do you never finish and always start on something new?

>> No.1028828


Flip dem linedefs, it should work

>> No.1028834

see this:

>> No.1028830


Would you care to hook a brotha up with the name of the wad?

>> No.1028831
File: 570 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20130828_153845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sorcery is that? Immortal, transparent imps on a wad of 1995?


>> No.1028837

>release date 05/17/05

>> No.1028838
File: 776 KB, 956x638, doomworld_forums.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1028851


Nah, it's cool man, we're just only asking.

>> No.1028852


>> No.1028847

>Release date: 04/19/95 MM/DD/YY

>> No.1028848
File: 372 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_Doom_20130828_114810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tons. I don't know. I rarely release them on the net though, just to some friends, and never did when this shit was new.

What's with the inquisition? I'm just new to 3D slopes and floors.

>> No.1028854

Alright. I'll be releasing a wad eventually that I'm moderately proud of however. Previous screenshot is relevant.

I have 3 more levels to make, and maybe a monster if I have the time. >>1027148 this guy.

Still won't release it widely however. Just to /vr/ and the irc most likely.

>> No.1028861

Thanks bro.

>> No.1028935
File: 162 KB, 640x480, DUMP0000_zpsed1bb012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1028949


Ok, let me get this

Someone did a Downtown port for a mini-car game?

I actually remember someone posting a GIF of a car passing thru a pinkie, I assume it was you.

Is it cool?

>> No.1028962

Any servers up right now?

>> No.1028969
File: 14 KB, 256x255, Carmageddon_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mini-car game
It's the Carmageddon 1, I finished the map last night.

Another of my projects doom-related:

>> No.1028972


Fractal Chillax right now. >>1028553

Was in there a while ago, bout to head back in dere. We need at least 3 people though.

>> No.1028975

:: [BE] New York :: /vr/ chillaxes with fractals

>> No.1028978

and change the name so it reads CarmaGedooM

>> No.1028974

that looks like it could take having a status bar face photoshopped into it

>> No.1028981 [SPOILER] 
File: 117 KB, 644x517, xZ1I8iP[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think I did an oopsie...

>> No.1028985
File: 512 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130828_155547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1028994

haha what happened there? unclosed sector?

>> No.1029000


>> No.1029002
File: 25 KB, 300x400, BDFJLG;DJGKLDKJD;GJSL;GS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1029003
File: 134 KB, 640x480, fucking archviles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/ chillaxes with fractals
Password: vidya

Get in here and help us. We're getting wrecked.

>> No.1029016

Working download link here: http://www.mediafire.com/?4umf5axcg7vykvc

>> No.1029023
File: 310 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20130828_171829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1029026

hahah the red guy is like fuck this i'm out of here

>> No.1029028 [DELETED] 

oh.. the thing in doom builder that enumerates sectors, linedefs etc doesn't like when you paste sectors inside sectors. creates 2 or more maps in place of one.

>using some template (such as AOW2 buildings) and realizing this issue when map is deeply in development (don't ask, i didn't ever finish anything anyway)

gives me nightmares

it's a good idea to keep additional sector around sectors you're copying and pasting, then clearing the sector (leaving the linedefs) in which you're pasting in, then re-defining it

>> No.1029047
File: 303 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20130828_172543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Invisible bridge
>Health: 2
>Monsters everywhere
>No end in sight
How fucked am I?

>> No.1029056

is that from Artefact?

>> No.1029062


>> No.1029069

but anon... why...?

>> No.1029086

muh epic slaughterfest with 1000000 enemies placed in straight lines on ugly, linear maps

>> No.1029095

Do we have any people with ZMAPINFO knowledge in the audience? I'm preparing the ZMAPINFO for the map but I must be sure first if someone is willing to assist me with this.

>> No.1029140 [DELETED] 

Trannies are the most attention-whorish of all LGBT people, so this isn't surprising.

>> No.1029149 [DELETED] 

Don't even acknowledge it. Report, ignore and hide.

>> No.1029164
File: 119 KB, 1280x1024, Screenshot_Doom_20130828_183823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1029248
File: 477 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20130828_230927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1029247

So which version of Alien Vendetta is the best?

>> No.1029264

Gonna make a real level out of that? Maybe slop it up all over the place?

>> No.1029265

... Slope*

>> No.1029274


I already have been making a real level out of it, and have almost finished it. Just got to connect some areas up and finish off lighting/details and it should be set for playtesting.

>> No.1029286

Oh, nice. It just looked like an isolated room from the screenshots. Looks good. Post a link when it's done.

>> No.1029316
File: 131 KB, 1280x774, castle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, nice. It just looked like an isolated room

Far from it ;)

It uses lots of 3D floors to take advantage of space too.

>> No.1029323

Hot damn, I wanna play that

>> No.1029374
File: 79 KB, 923x360, banner-beth-doompewterminis[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]







>> No.1029382
File: 49 KB, 800x800, etc-doom-pewterminis-scale[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1029381
File: 86 KB, 800x800, etc-doom-pewterminis-detail[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, dumping time, by the way

>> No.1029387
File: 70 KB, 800x800, etc-doom-pewterminis-cacodemon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I'm totally broke as shit. Only 10 bucks at my name

>> No.1029384
File: 60 KB, 800x800, etc-doom-pewterminis-marine[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1029392
File: 63 KB, 800x800, etc-doom-pewterminis-spiderdemon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mastermind looks really, REALLY small compared to the rest of the monsters, cyberdemon included

>> No.1029390
File: 91 KB, 800x800, etc-doom-pewterminis-cyberdemon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1029395
File: 51 KB, 800x800, etc-doom-pewterminis-base[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1029397

That's because it's an Arachnotron

>> No.1029401
File: 121 KB, 800x800, etc-doom-pewterminis-full[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's all of 'em, with the fancy case and errything

>> No.1029406

These look awesome.

>Limited Edition.

God damn.

>> No.1029510

My fucking wallet... So much want.

>> No.1029514

sorry for being a doom troglodyte, but are there any good wads out there that rearrange all the doom 1, 2, final doom, and expansion pack levels by difficulty?

>> No.1029584

How do you quote multiple posts at once? Does it have to be done manually?

>> No.1029612

Just click every number.

>> No.1029624


>> No.1029740
File: 31 KB, 410x308, 1354357129372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, and I'd love to make a DOOM Wad featuring that music but like I said earlier, I know nothing about mapping in DOOM.

I could however port DOOM textures to the source engine and make a level in hammer editor. I could feature the midi file you made or use the actual version of the song.

>> No.1029763


I also meant to ask what soundfont you used for the song.

>> No.1029784

How the fuck...?

>> No.1029826
File: 1.93 MB, 450x338, 1299829375057.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hop into /vr/ Chillax Fractal server
>nobody else is playing, it's all me
>try to solo MAP03, die a few times
>realize I can't do it all alone
>restart map, kill off Mancubi, start collecting respawning powerups
>begin building myself an army of mini-marines using the Berserk packs
>after spawning 30+ minis, proceed through the rest of the level and wreck everything in my way
>get cocky, decide to go for the BFG trap
>archviles, barons, cyberdemons and revenants everywhere
>my entire army is wiped out
>struggle for the last ten minutes hiding in rooms, taking potshots at the cyberdemons and occasionally running out to grab ammo
>finally take a rocket to the face and lose my last life

Next time... next time will be different.

>> No.1029969

I just wish there was a Doom source port specifically designed for traditional gameplay, and had full demo support, but allowed for features that rival shadow warrior and blood.

My main gripes with zdoom are the lack of demo support, and the fact that it seems to cater more to mappers who want hexen/system shock-ish maps instead.

>> No.1029984

I absolutely hate when a mapper makes a really long map, and also makes it very linear. It sorta comes off as simply pasting several smaller maps together, rather than making a genuinely huge map.

>> No.1030291
File: 13 KB, 232x251, 1329983774195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone up for taking on /vr/ Chillax/Fractal?

>> No.1030293


I'll try in about 10 min

>> No.1030304

>I just wish there was a Doom source port specifically designed for traditional gameplay, and had full demo support, but allowed for features that rival shadow warrior and blood.
PrBoom+, though I don't think it has 3D floors. Give it time.
>it seems to cater more to mappers who want hexen/system shock-ish maps instead
I have no idea where you'd get that idea.

>> No.1030320

I'll idle/spectate for 10 minutes then join in if anyone's there.

>> No.1030337
File: 247 KB, 392x450, 1346343160567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/ chillaxes with fractals
Password: vidya

Get in here and help us.

>> No.1030351

Yeah no

>> No.1030373

>Playing Unloved
>Loving it. Brutal difficulty. Exploration. Strafing.
>Get Blue Skull Key
>Return to one of the earlier areas and open up a door. Podium at the end loaded in stuff. Save and push a button behind it.
>One of the single worst sections in the game, that includes having to fight a literal room full of monsters, an archville paired with a cyber demon, an archville with a custom boss and two archvilles in cages, several pain elementals in the same chamber as about 50 meatshields, a few mancubus up the front and 6 revenants up the back (not exaggerating the numbers either), all in a 'medium' sized room.

Why did this wad just become so shit?
Did they run out of ideas and went 'Well, fuck it. Let's just throw lots of enemies at them, including the hardest ones in the game without anywhere to strafe or hide behind'.

>> No.1030410

PrBoom+ isn't likely to implement more non-cosmetic features though. Its not the point of it either.

>> No.1030419

>I have no idea where you'd get that idea.
Probably the fact that most maps purposefully made for zdoom tend to fall under the hexen-like category. Its not often you see zdoom maps that try to be as traditional as doom itself, unless they were unintentionally filled with zdoomisms.

>> No.1030464

>Why did this wad just become so shit?

Because it focuses more on looking pretty and m-m-muh atmosphere than actually being playable.

>> No.1030469

I beat that part just now and managed to get a little further. I was 'treated' to an option of two circular rooms where on pushing a button enemies spawn all around you with literally no cover.

Whelp, into the trash. I can't survive being surrounded by mancubus. Did they expect me to save the BFG ammo in the previous room literally so full of Knight/Baron of hell that I wasted all my ammo except a few dozen rockets?

I'm just so stunned that the creator finished it and went 'Y'know, that seems good enough. I know the player will be completely surrounded by some of the most dangerous enemies in the game who have AoE attacks, but its okay. Because-' and then he goes onto the forums and gets praised for making the best wad ever and I stand in the crowd shaking my fist at him because he's an asshole.

>> No.1030480


You may be happy to learn he has quit Doom modding forever, then.
Mid-way through Unloved 2, he received NEGATIVE FEEDBACK :( over both this and Unloved 2. So he threw a hissy-fit and quit forever.

>> No.1030513

I think I just found some new copy pasta.

>> No.1030517

Yeah pretty happy to hear that.
I mean I'm all for difficulty, but 'mancubus surrounding the player' is hardly the kind I think you should aim for.

>> No.1030527

Samsara server sometime?

>> No.1030525

Where would be the best place to look online for the Knee Deep in the Dead comic?

>> No.1030592


Valigarmander, just wanted to let you know I didn't run off in map04, I just kept missing packets and DCing.

I'm beginning to think chillax + fractal doom is a poor choice for 2-player survival.

>> No.1030620

Same thing on my end. No worries.

>> No.1030702


>200 bucks all together
>not allowing buyers to purchase the ones they want separately


>> No.1030774

what bugs me about this image is that it's perfectly realistic to have the gun in the centre of your eyeshot if you're standing with a side profile, especially with two-handed weapons held from the hip.

>> No.1030809

Anyone wanna play on >>1030337 ?

>> No.1030924
File: 646 KB, 640x750, doom 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ just finished a Doom 2 mosaic

Nothing will ever beat the original's mosaic but of course everybody knows this

>> No.1030936

Hey Doomfags,

anyone released a finished map they care to share?

>> No.1030941


I've been posting little snippets of what could possibly be GoneHomo.wad. I'm currently finishing up some details from the 3rd floor and polishing the MAPINFO to work like I want it to work.

The most recent version is somewhere in this thread, I think

>> No.1030965

I have a few:
That sounds interesting.

>> No.1030967

i meant to also quote >>1030936

>> No.1030976
File: 11 KB, 336x330, 1377154468609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one's posted my glorious message for the archville

>> No.1031053


I hope this guy does videos for more maps. It's relaxing to watch and listen.

>> No.1031178

Where do WADs download through Wadseeker end up?

>> No.1031185

Where the path is in settings.

>> No.1031243

wow that looks tedious, repetitive and autismal

>> No.1031253


>with commentary

Ehhhhh.....thanks, but I think the vast majority would like to hear the game sounds only. Unless you're the creator of the WAD and you're offering trivia stuff and all that shit, I don't see the point on commentating over a run

>> No.1031268

Reminds me of Quake 1 mapping
I miss Quake's gothic style on that note

>> No.1031273

Are there sourceports for Quake 1/2 too or do I need to use an emulator?

>> No.1031281

Quake 2 just werks.

>> No.1031294

Maybe if you posted it people would know what you mean.

>> No.1031309

i'm messing around with decorate for the first time ever, and i want to improve the archvile, what do i need to do to tell the archvile to revive monsters, even if they're gibbed?

do i need to mess with the archvile code only, or do i need to rewrite the rest of the monsters?

>> No.1031310


Archviles already resurrect gibbed monsters, including ones crushed after death.

>> No.1031317
File: 60 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20130829_183253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still learning how to use DoomBuilder, is there a way to make this a transparent wall without getting graphical glitches like this?

>> No.1031371

call of duty

>> No.1031402

Masked walls can't be shorter than their original height. At least in vanilla.

>> No.1031408
File: 100 KB, 250x250, Doom Sweatguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is samsara su/vr/ival still a thing?
Id really like to play but I really really cant into making a samsara survival server, ive tried many times and failed.

also, is anyone interested in having the doompic comp that doc amazing compiled a while back?

>> No.1031475

Do you have it?

>> No.1031487
File: 364 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20130829_191451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1031489
File: 288 KB, 800x1231, cacodemon is still staring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im using it as we speak.
Ill take it as a yes and start making the mediafire thingy right now.

>> No.1031497

I might've fucked up and saved a thing or 2 that didnt belong there, just tell me if there is anything.

Also, it originaly came with the OP copypasta I didnt bother to take the new one.

>> No.1031505


Samsara survival invasion was done to death in the first weeks of /vr/, so we've been trying other things to do with it.
Samsara CTF is fun and a half, and team LMS with Naraka is also a huge blast (despite how buggy it is at the moment).

It's been a while since we did survival invasion, though.

>> No.1031508
File: 178 KB, 1074x762, Doom Beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was there during the first few weeks and stopped coming for some reason.

I agree on the done to death. We almost had a 24/7 server. Shit was cash though.

CTF is really fun but you need a minimum of players in order for it to be fun and to last more than 20 minutes.

Btw is pol.wad still a thing? and there were some talks about wads with other boards.

>> No.1031524


>Btw is pol.wad still a thing? and there were some talks about wads with other boards.

My masterplan involving GoneHomo.wad is to receive feedback from /v/ in regards of difficulty; I'm going to ask them if they want me to create a slaughtermap involved around "checking your privilege" and then I'll try to see how many people actually can finish the level; I'm planning on adding that map after the house jokewad level

Based on the results I'll try to set the bars regarding difficulty for /v/.wad, but FIRST I need to know how many guys do we have in here who are willing to map for the sub-board project

>> No.1031528

that picture is amazing

>> No.1031530
File: 509 KB, 1600x1200, Chibi Doom 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not like I dont want to help you but last time I tred maping it went so bad, doomguy came out of the screen to marineslap the fuck out of me.

Download the pack, theres a couple like that.

>> No.1031567
File: 103 KB, 511x365, free cacodemons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1031581
File: 20 KB, 312x321, 1367922068488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realised I forgot on pic in the pack ill update it later once im done ripan.

>> No.1031605

Look who it is. Multiplayer when?

>> No.1031608
File: 167 KB, 1000x563, Doom Boardgame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just playing, im open atm.
>tfw remembered
all the guys in the irc were like "Hardmode? kinda maybe rings a bell"

>> No.1031638
File: 518 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20130829_161745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet the Jews did this.

>> No.1031642

What am I looking at?

>> No.1031646

>leaving money lying around
I don't think the Jews did this.

>> No.1031647

would play

>> No.1031649

>leaving money lying around
That's just so you can purchase their quality products, silly goyim.

>> No.1031652


Taking a (very) wild guess and say that it's Accessories to Murder, since wweasel was looking for vending machine sprites all over the internet

>> No.1031653 [DELETED] 




>> No.1031657

Nope. Got the author right, but it's a new project. If you hang out on ZDoom's IRC channel, he posts betas there from time to time.

>> No.1031658
File: 83 KB, 625x626, 1366853542600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am unsure with the current procedure concerning baiting so ill just do what i usualy do

>> No.1031659 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 498x742, 1377725092910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigger's a WASP?

>> No.1031669

Don't respond to it. Simply report and hide.

>> No.1031763

hahah this would make such a good intermission screen background

>> No.1031773
File: 43 KB, 640x480, 1377811971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1031785


>Anonymous asked: hey, can i haz samsara odamex version pls?

>You can already simulate real Odamex play by starting a Listen server in Deathmatch.

i'm confused. i can't work out if he's insulting odamex or not

>> No.1031793


It matches perfectly either a simple deathmatch WAD or a Marines VS Demons deathmatch mod

>> No.1031797
File: 469 KB, 682x800, revenant blinded artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think thats what it was meant for, ether way its a really good looking one.

And I like the fact that theyre probably playing space hulk

>> No.1031856


>> No.1031865

the joke is because it's a listen server, nobody will join you

because nobody plays odamex

>> No.1031873
File: 52 KB, 544x548, 6941914821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahaha, that's fucking subtle.

>> No.1031882
File: 458 KB, 500x381, w2VyyQt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well now I feel like a retard.

>> No.1031912
File: 10 KB, 204x136, 1364913871833.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are we just trowling through the fucker's blogs, now?

>> No.1031929

>And I like the fact that theyre probably playing space hulk
Or, you know, more likely the actual Doom boardgame.

>> No.1031948
File: 1.57 MB, 4043x1985, 9624534142_a750b77aab_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1031963
File: 1.07 MB, 5000x5000, GOTTA RIP FAST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know that the doom board game looks like and it looks like space hulk to me.


>> No.1031965

This makes me hard

>> No.1031973

>doom figures sold out already

How many did they have in stock, three? And it's $200. Meanwhile those fucking amazing posters are still in stock.

>> No.1031984

Is Doom the best FPS?

>> No.1031986
File: 1.28 MB, 325x225, 0HpUQes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Item is currently out of stock.



>> No.1031998

They should release them separately. I just want an imp one for my desk.

>> No.1032027

So what is it? Got a link?

>> No.1032046

The gun is definitely from Agent Diaz. Is this a new version of it, or a whole new thing? Also, got a download link?

>> No.1032058
File: 16 KB, 320x212, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was talking to a friend about Doom the other day. He said that he tried to play it recently and didn't like because he didn't get what the game was about. I told him you kill shit and go to the exit, and he said he just didn't get that so he couldn't keep up with the game, whatever that means. Also he said he was very bothered by not being able to look up and down.

>> No.1032060

link pls

>> No.1032062

>Also he said he was very bothered by not being able to look up and down.

>> No.1032063



>> No.1032069

I have no fucking clue how to use IRC, never once used it in my life. I found a link (irc://irc.oftc.net/zdoom), but clicking it doesn't work.

>> No.1032072

Nobody's on the IRC

>> No.1032128

>he couldn't keep up with the game, whatever that means
well you do move very very fast. perhaps that's what he means.

>> No.1032129

also zdoom on oftc is basically doomworld's social channel and is almost entirely off-topic. don't go in there.

there is an actual zdoom irc channel but i don't remember where it is.

>> No.1032132

i am laughing but also crying

>> No.1032136
File: 18 KB, 400x400, Cacomack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone setup a samsara survival server please? I'd do it myself but for some reason it never works when I do it.

>MFW set the server up

>> No.1032135

i am sorry, i saw the link to a different entry in a now deleted post and followed it and found that and posted.

>> No.1032140

Who does all this cute doom art?

>> No.1032145
File: 335 KB, 720x1038, doomguy riding cacodemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea. Some anon found it back when I was still coming here. Its an asian artist thats all I know.

>> No.1032150

Aha, found them
You need an account to view art on Pixiv.

>> No.1032152

Coop would be fun if everyone didn't know the wads already. All that running around and racing to the exit. Works for Cyberrunner, but not so much in doom.

Sick of survival. Waves of enemies. I dunno man. I dunno.

>> No.1032158


Also, her twitter


And yes, that wasn't a typo; keep in mind how hard it is to find japanese dudes who are into Doom, now add it that it's actually a grill

>> No.1032161

pls link

>> No.1032162
File: 291 KB, 650x1685, Sleepytime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really feel like playing some survival. Id probably be play with a friend or 2. Im sick of playing AoW2. Its fun but the players are all hues and they all have a shit attitude.

>> No.1032165
File: 274 KB, 500x502, 1367715111324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just wunderbar. Or bitchin'

>> No.1032189

It's on espernet.


That only took about three clicks to find.

>> No.1032190

okay but don't mention you got it from me or anything geez


>> No.1032192

I'll just tell them I got it from that one anonymous guy on 4Chan.

>> No.1032193

you should just remake the ao oni doom port
that would actually be something worth playing

>> No.1032210

How about I make a /vr/-only clone of that server we've been waiting so long in?

>> No.1032217

I'm up for AoW with /vr/

>> No.1032221

>I've never actually played AoW

>> No.1032220
File: 26 KB, 226x212, come quick larry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure go ahead.

>> No.1032225

It's pretty similar to Command and Conquer Renegade.

>> No.1032232

>I've never played C&C

>> No.1032234

Its pretty alright I guess. It's still early, but I it seems interesting in concept.

>> No.1032237

Poor misled child. One of the greatest game series, up until EA's recent fuckovers.

>> No.1032239


>Well, this seems to be a tricky map at all, all those cybers and archviles
>Suddenly the intermission pic


>> No.1032238

shoot guys get money
use money to get better guns
use better guns to blow things up
it's that easy

>> No.1032240

meant for

>> No.1032245

So it's like Shotgun Frenzy?

>> No.1032251

kinda, but against other players and with more fucked up weapons and mechs.

>> No.1032252

Sort of, except you fight another team instead of demons. There's also autistic base building stuff and babby harvesting if shooting dudes isn't your thing. I dunno why you'd play Doom if you're not into shooting, but whatever.

>> No.1032254

I tried being an SCV one game, its boring but you holla dolla like there is no tomorow.

>> No.1032257
File: 2.28 MB, 480x252, 1376684241101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done it.

/vr/ Samsara BTSX

>> No.1032259 [DELETED] 

Uhoh. How do I turn off deathmatch weapons?

>> No.1032447
File: 105 KB, 500x400, tumblr_mmchckxUPX1r0z06go1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon, my fellow doomers...

>> No.1032601


>> No.1032606

New thread soon, fellow stalker.

>> No.1032879
File: 19 KB, 140x139, p51conceptbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope! The gun is indeed an edit I did off of the gun I made for Diaz, but the project is actually a sequel to WW's old EDGE mod Cold Hard Cash. You use money to buy guns from terminals. It's pretty fun.

We are (were?) working on a sequel to Diaz, but I don't think he's very interested in that, I'm not too sure. It might come some day, but I'm not sure when, if ever now.

>> No.1032995


I wasn't really talking about that... Give me up until 12PM and (hopefully) erryone will know what I'm talking about


>You use money to buy guns from terminals

Sounds great, if I happen to have some free time in the upcoming days I'll give it a try.

>> No.1033001
File: 650 KB, 3594x2396, rhBja9K[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck, forgot to post a bunch of pics from Quakecon's Flickr album a long time ago.

Here's some dudes playing E4M5, which was used for a UV-Max trial that took place at the event

>> No.1033002
File: 729 KB, 1600x1067, 9457345312_234f7e71cf_h[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jkist3 on Qcon while being Deep into the Doom

>> No.1033004
File: 681 KB, 1600x1067, 9457328168_36c0569db6_h[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of DevastatioN; I assume this was taken after the unbelievable first round of the Doom 2 Duel Grand Finals

If you want to check that match go look at the OP, there's a handy Youtube link in there

>> No.1033054

Has anyone else been playing Crossfire? It's a great mod, but there's a few breaking things. Enemies being able to jump down cliffs is a notable one, as it breaks many maps of Scythe.

>> No.1033071 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 500x500, 1365518910.op2_beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you even..
I want this

>> No.1033076

got any more stories like this?

>> No.1033086



>> No.1033106

are you talking about the demon invasion?

>> No.1033250

>August 30th

Space Pirate beta when?

>> No.1033252

Marty said on the 31st, likely.
Patience, anon.

I'm as excited as you are, but try and keep your massive throbbing erection in your pants.

>> No.1033260


S-sorry. It just looks fun.

>> No.1033307

>meet random guy that plays doom online
>"you should check out the /vr/ doom general theyre pretty cool guys"
>"isnt that on 4chan?"
>"well yea but its on one of the few good boards"
>"yea no, i aint getting anywhere close to 4chan"

Sometimes I forget how bad 4chan's reputation is.

>> No.1033315

>people still acting like 4chan is the boogeyman of the internet
Maybe four years ago that'd be true, but certainly not now.

>> No.1033360

4chan is still very esoteric

>> No.1033396

remember, most people still think 4chan is nothing but /b/

>> No.1033410

>four years ago
Try seven.

>> No.1033414
File: 105 KB, 640x480, doom01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone has played Obituary? Is a 1995 wad which came with 19 levels, 3 new enemies and a weapon patch.

Anyway, here's a fixed version compatible with PrBoom:

>> No.1033417

>but certainly not now.

Have you been to /v/ recently?

>> No.1033420


If my memory serves me right, it was featured in the Top 10 wads of 1995, right? I mean, by judging that picture it has more features than your regular map that was released back in the day

>> No.1033431

Yep. is a pain in the ass to get it to work in ZDoom.

>> No.1033481

Has there ever been a custom boss that involved some degree of strategy aside from "circlestrafe the damage sponge"?

>> No.1033538


ZDCMP2's last boss. Won't spoil it because it's fucking awesome and it's so sekrit it's not even in the Realm667 repository (yet)

>> No.1033568
File: 122 KB, 844x681, 7Jtp7Dl[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The map's done. It's fucking ogre, at last.

Allow me to prepare a list of the IWAD textures that I used and export them to the PWAD, and then in a matter of hours I'll post the finished work.

Like I've been saying in the IRC, for the moment this WAD is just the house and nothing else. If /v/ wants it, I'll make a slaughtermap in the same vein as the Happening in /pol/.wad

In the meantime take a glance at the whole thing.

>> No.1033578


Oh boy, I can't wait to see the extent of how far into the ground you grind this "joke".

>> No.1033583

What is the joke, aside from "lul Gone Home in Doom"? I haven't been around much for the past couple threads.

So that's one, then. One over the course of at least half a decade of Zdoom existing.

>> No.1033582

now make something cool

>> No.1033585

The whole shrek thing.

>> No.1033587

>What is the joke, aside from "lul Gone Home in Doom"?

Gone Home can be finished in about ten minutes.

That's the joke.

>> No.1033591
File: 96 KB, 944x712, xvYrFVv[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



also the couple of times impse has posted hints of the map /v/ was squealing like pigs. they would love to have their hands on this

>> No.1033589
File: 7 KB, 400x222, wentworth miller prison break.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still think he looks like the guy from prison break

>> No.1033594

>/v/ was squealing like pigs.

Well, yes, /v/ loves being faggots just for the sake of being faggots.

>> No.1033595


>in about ten minutes.

Make it 47 seconds


>> No.1033598

i still don't get it

>> No.1033602

test, is 4chan broke?

>> No.1033605

pff i could make a doom map that can be finished in less time than that. what's the big deal?

>> No.1033606


fuck, nevermind, is my router

>> No.1033603

Oh dear, anon was off by nine minutes. That suddenly makes the joke funny.

>> No.1033613
File: 221 KB, 421x315, teehee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Gone Home isn't a video game. It's an interactive story."
Are people seriously still getting butthurt over games existing that don't cater to what they think a game is?

>> No.1033614


Because it's a shitty joke that isn't funny.

>> No.1033621


>what's the big deal?

A simple game with an original, well intentioned message but bad implemented and unnecesarily forced all over the game is getting 10/10 scores and being treated as the Citizen Kane of vidya, while games like Rise of The Triad are getting poor scores for unexpected gameplay and compatibility errors.

tl;dr: gaming journalism is dead, have a great day

>> No.1033618

As long as /v/ thinks its funny, who cares.
The wad is for them isnt it?

>> No.1033626
File: 47 KB, 478x750, mdpmeuTNR61qfaobj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, so it's "people are liking what I don't like" being taken to its most faggoty extreme.

How unbelievably fucking disappointing.

>> No.1033624

Gaming journalism has been dead for years. Do you seriously give a shit what the average Mountain Dew swigging, Dorito eating reviewer thinks?

>> No.1033632

It's more "people being butthurt about gaymin jurnulsim" taken to it's most faggoty extreme.

>> No.1033635

But it doesn't cost me 20 dollars to play your map now, does it?

>> No.1033638
File: 100 KB, 500x500, games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey, some guy I don't know likes something I don't like


>> No.1033642

what's the message and how is it forced all over the game?

please, help me out here, i'm just trying to understand what impse is making such a fuss over

>> No.1033645

"Wah, things cost amounts of money that I am not willing to spend!"
You could just...not buy the game.

Seriously, If you don't think a piece of entertainment is worth the money it costs, you can easily /not buy it/. Or torrent it.

>> No.1033648

The protagonist is a lesbian. This is meant to be a plot twist (?), but that's basically the big plot point is notable for.

And I guess there's also stuff about feminism, but that's sort of on the sidelines compared to the lesbian stuff as far as I'm aware.

>> No.1033652
File: 49 KB, 407x385, LSHx8UM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There was a Half Life 2 mod where the protagonist was gay.
Never really said. Never brought up. Game started with you at a marriage counselor with your husband. For all you knew, you could be a girl.

People didn't make a massive shitfit about that.

I guess it wasn't mainstream enough to hate.

>> No.1033658

Judging by prior posts it literally is entirely about it being mainstream, so...

I'm curious as to what mod that was, though.

>> No.1033660

I want to play this mod; moddb pls?

>> No.1033663

it looks like an old school text adventure but with graphics

>> No.1033664

oh i see, well i guess that makes some sense

thanks for the explanation

>> No.1033670
File: 24 KB, 492x251, Doomguy relaxing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone psyched for the new version of brutal doom that's supposed to come out today?

>> No.1033672


>> No.1033674

Wait, today? Where'd you hear that?

>> No.1033678

>I still can't confirm the exact new release date, but it will be either Aug 16, 23, or 30


>> No.1033675

You kidding? Radiator got a whole massive shitstorm.

I thought it was pretty boring.

>> No.1033680


>that's supposed to come out today?

Hi, welcome to 3 weeks ago.

Mark is still receiving assloads of bugs from the latest test release. And he hasn't deleted one of the two main bug-provoking issues in the mod

>> No.1033679

I am now. I really enjoy BD

>> No.1033681

And let's be honest; the latest version doesn't look all that promising, and if it isn't by now, he's just gonna delay it again.

>> No.1033696

Did you see the trailer? Other than the music it looks pretty neat.

>> No.1033697

damn. has it really been three weeks? where does the time go?

>> No.1033702

Hasn't the test version shown that there's shitty guns and a completely pointless combo system?

>> No.1033704

I didn't even know that there was a test version. I'm trying it now

>> No.1033709


Might have to wait a bit for it. I really want to fill it with more content before beta, and I haven't gotten a chance to so much as look at it these last couple of days due to real life. And by a bit, I mean at the most a couple days or so.

>> No.1033712


It's horrible man

People don't actually want to give Mark a hand with the ammount of bugs the last test version has, and they're just expecting the debacle when Mark deletes one of those bug-making thingies that were mentioned in the poll, I mean, deleting one bug makes 100 more on your fucking code.

Please note, I'm not blaming them for not offering themselves to help him, since we all know how often he acts with people.

But shit, it's like they don't give a fuck for the intense drama that is about to occur when that shit happens. This is not your stupid "2DEEP4U" Zygo wad bullshit, it's one of the most well known mods for Doom in history (we like it or not); it will affect the ENTIRE community and not only ZDoom

>> No.1033719

I think the combo system is neat. I'd like a first person beat em up game that isn't zenoclash (not that zenoclash isn't fun, it's just short).

Personally I'd like to be able to pull pipes off walls, and hit people with floor boards and chairs and shit, but doom lacks that sort of thing for the most part, so. throwing barrels was alright though...

>> No.1033738

>People don't actually want to give Mark a hand with the ammount of bugs the last test version has
Even if there were people willing to work through his mess and fix it up, he wouldn't accept their help because of his ego. Remember, if you point out any flaws in Brutal Doom at all, you're a jealous hater who can't make a half-decent mod of your own.

>> No.1033751


>Even if there were people willing to work through his mess and fix it up, he wouldn't accept their help because of his ego

That's exactly what I pointed out


>Please note, I'm not blaming them for not offering themselves to help him, since we all know how often he acts with people.

>> No.1033815

>That's exactly what I pointed out
and that's exactly what you seemed to misunderstand
you said
>People don't actually want to give Mark a hand with the ammount of bugs the last test version has
and that's exactly wrong, people are plenty willing to help, but their offers are refused or ignored

>> No.1033819

>it will affect the ENTIRE community and not only ZDoom
I can't imagine how the part of the community that makes classic maps for Prboom and the like will be affected at all

>> No.1033820
File: 63 KB, 613x559, 1374064180435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will...I will always wait for you.

>> No.1033823
File: 464 KB, 1324x992, 1372283939312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chaingunner has a grey beard

>> No.1033842
File: 126 KB, 640x480, Spider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy who was doing the pistolstart playthrough of Doom here.

So I'm wondering how the hell I'm supposed to kill this thing with so little ammo, and then by sheer luck it hits the Baron and they get into a fight.
Then the Baron proceeds to beat the fuck out of it by stunlocking it in place. It took like a minute but it died and I didn't even get a single shot in. Fucking badass.
T-thanks demonbro.

Wish I made a video of that.

>> No.1033853



This should do the trick

>> No.1033864

It's being delayed? Shit, I was so looking forward to it too, but more stuff to play with is as good a reason as any to wait, it'll be worth it, I'm sure.

>> No.1033872

Not cool enough, I have to make this happen again.

>> No.1033884

No need to worry! I've set the release date to next Saturday (the 7th), but to be honest I'll probably release it before then. The new shotgun has presented a ton of problems, among other things.

>> No.1033897
File: 76 KB, 780x575, 1366649078917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My dick throbs in anticipation.

>> No.1033909

Looking forward to it, m8

>> No.1033976


>> No.1033979



>> No.1033990

I was reading the FAQ on the weebly site and I saw that Darkplaces was recommended for SP Quake. Darkplaces heavily modifies the look/feel of the game, so I'd rather recommend Fitzquake 0.85/Fitzquake Mark V or Quakespasm (both great ports) for purists.

Also, I've been looking for the new speedrun record for Doom 64 but can't seem to find it. Anyone have a link?

>> No.1033996


>> No.1034016

R.I.P. and tears /v/ gone homo thread.

>> No.1034040

R.I.P in tears, Impse's inflamed asshole.

>> No.1034063


>> No.1034095


they seemed to like it


>> No.1034105



>> No.1034118

Yea I saw the reactions.

>Its a .wad dont dl
I laughed way too hard at that.

>> No.1034127


oh shit


>> No.1034137
File: 6 KB, 240x166, sung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are about to get...


>> No.1034154

>Not Lo Wang
Fuck dat.

jk im hype

>> No.1034156


inb4 /nick Terminus|DickOnFire

>> No.1034159

Does that describe the Unreal guy?
Did I miss the prequel or anything?

>> No.1034162


>Unreal guy


>> No.1034168

People keep saying its gonna get unreal. Doesnt that mean that the next addition is the player character of Unreal? Dont know his name if he has one.

>> No.1034172


the main character of unreal was a chick if you don't get it by now

and yes that's who's coming to samsara

>> No.1034180
File: 124 KB, 364x618, Gina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Prisoner 849 was a girl, despite the prominent manjaw.

>> No.1034181



>> No.1034182

I feel like I shouldve known that.

>> No.1034214

Should I make a new thread based on what's (hopefully) about to happen in a matter of hours?

>> No.1034218


what do you mean?

>> No.1034220

Yea sure totaly

whats hepening in (hopefully) a matter of hours?

>> No.1034224

RIP grammar

>> No.1034247
File: 78 KB, 640x960, 1359757010196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it happens, it will be a doomed weekend.

>> No.1034270
File: 63 KB, 337x290, king hippo has a migraine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1034274

god damnit i hate inferno

so little ammo

>> No.1034275

It. It's happening.

Either Brutal Dumb being updated, or Samsara getting Unrealgirl, which will make me squeal like a girl.

>> No.1034278
File: 10 KB, 244x263, nemo-dory[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dory, is that you?


>> No.1034279

You're gonna love the fourth episode then.

>> No.1034282

So he announce it and release it only a couple of hours later?
Thats seems a bit silly.

>> No.1034340
File: 14 KB, 95x120, 1342505520812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generate a level in oblige
>one part of map 2 contains a long, wide hallway with about 4 archviles at the end of it, along with some barons and revenants
>only 2 thin pillars to hide from the archvile with

>> No.1034341

The main character of Unreal is whoever you pick in the menu. Prisoner 849.

It defaults to Gina, (Because Female comes before Male, and Gina is the first female name in the list).

Gina is acceptable as a Samsara character and all, but it's not who I played Unreal as. As far as I know there's no indication that Gina is as canon as any other character.

>> No.1034362

don't feel bad, you can pick your character before you start.

I was always the Skarrj

>> No.1034371

Yea thats what I thought, didnt even know there was a campain. I thought it was an arcade mode similar to what fightings games have.

>> No.1034382

That's Unreal Tournament.

Unreal is a great single player game, and even better coop (in my opinion). so long as you're playing with friends, and not a PUG.

>> No.1034391
File: 157 KB, 640x500, that feel when 6 brazillian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never play Doom for the first time again

>> No.1034397 [SPOILER] 
File: 93 KB, 550x752, corrosion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


THREAD MUSIC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IISjIMpepo


>> No.1034402

My dad pulled me out of 1st grade midway to go play doom in my granddads office.

scared the shit out of me, but when we got our own computers (like a month later tops) I played the shit out of it. And more or less never stopped.

>> No.1034403 [SPOILER] 
File: 86 KB, 256x512, Xan_Mk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga I think you used the wrong image.

>> No.1034404

yeah i played a bit of it

i like to think it never happened

>> No.1034408

gg dipshit

>> No.1034414 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 185x272, UnrealCharacter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please excuse the lack of shading, I am not a good artist.

>> No.1034417


Dude... no... Unreal... Not 2K4. What the fuck is wrong with you people.

UT and Unreal are barely related in the least (though both are great).

Ut99 is best UT, and Unreal 1 is best Unreal...

The others are okay though... But they're way too old for Samsara

>> No.1034423

you have 5 seconds to name a character that looks cooler in Unreal or UT than in 2004
good luck

besides, it's the Half-Life issue. Your character has so little agency it could be a broom with a bucket for a head and it wouldn't change anything

>> No.1034435

Oh wonderful, the one character literally noone asked for, how great.

>> No.1034436

nigga i hope you jokin'

>> No.1034454
File: 36 KB, 288x499, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1034460
File: 110 KB, 690x769, 1373044431333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I threw up 2 servers for everyone's dooming pleasure:

:: [BE] New York :: /vr/ & Friends CTF SAMSARA

CTF Samsara, just like the name says. Random map orders, using idl 2012.

Pass, if one ends up getting put on, will be vidya.

:: [BE] New York :: /vr/ WHISPERS OF SATAN : Fractal Doom Survival

Whispers of Satan, using Fractal Doom. 3 Lives, UV skill. Now including a patch that provides 100% less orgasm sounds when items respawn!

Pass, if one ends up getting put on, will be vidya.

I'll be in the CTF server, but I'm down for whatever /vr/ ends up playing.

>> No.1034464

Fuck off. I love Unreals weapons, and this is literally the best choice possible.

Besides, he doesn't owe you shit.

>> No.1034473

Nice pewdiepie defense there.

>> No.1034489
File: 26 KB, 211x536, lx8u41u1rO1qzfn59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pewdiepie defense


>> No.1034490

Is it normal to have fps issues with projectMSX?
I have a huge slowdowns whenever I fire a gun for the first time in a map for each gun
Must be lacking a buffer somewhere. Guess Doom isn't ready for a Halo TC

>> No.1034494

> Samsara


>> No.1034496

I have little idea who that is.

And I was asking for Unreal since I heard of Samsara.

And why would you want him to go with obvious choices. When you pander to your audience you lose your vision of what your mod/game/movie/whatever should be. Hence him not owing you shit.

>> No.1034513

Samsara Heroes vs. Villains Team LMS when

>> No.1034531

When Naraka is more stable and complete (good so far).

>I have little idea who that is.

You lucky man. Or girl.

>> No.1034534

I think he's referring to

>Besides, he doesn't owe you shit.

It's a common way to deflect criticism without actually dealing with it. "I can do what I want so what you say doesn't matter," etc.

>> No.1034543

That wasn't criticism, it was whining.

>> No.1034569
File: 72 KB, 1270x277, tumblr_ms04kjuI1V1syxgg9o1_r2_1280[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the one character literally noone asked for

I know, right? fucking Terminus not accepting the well-hearted pledged from many dudes out there

>> No.1034573
File: 19 KB, 290x705, Allow me to introduce myself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id like to see caleb

>> No.1034580

Damn, The Eye is a fucking masterpiece. So brutal and unforgiving. The Arch-Viles at the very end are really a pain in the ass.

>> No.1034581

>impse posts updates regarding a silly one-map jokewad directed to /v/
>he does it for three consecutive threads, no uproar whatsoever
>hours before the release he posts a pic of the full map >>1033568
>suddenly people start complaining about it
>thread derails into off-topic discussion and more whining
>thread gets on rails again thanks to a random dude asking for BD
>suddenly a certain undesirable individual which name i won't mention makes a post, which is still up

>meanwhile on /v/, impse posts the map and they give positive feedback (at least while the thread was living)

a reminder that whoever tries to stir the pot in our threads, no matter how insignificant and stupid the matter is, it's the same underage kid.

i would sage my post but we're in autosage mode

>> No.1034589


And yet no one has even dared to make a single demo out of the map. I guess it's because there's not enough circlestrafing BFG strats in the map

>> No.1034591

Some guy on /v/ did

>> No.1034612

This is another common one.

>> No.1034616

It took me 45 mins to beat it, so the demo wouldn't be very interesting. I did stumble on two or three secrets though.

>> No.1034660

>he does it for three consecutive threads, no uproar whatsoever

This is false.

>> No.1034668

patently false

>> No.1034685


>This is false.

prove it, then

>> No.1034705
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 51e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If there's still lots of bugs, it might be wise to ask for some help.

And the wick has been lit

>> No.1034706


Man I didn't even need to fucking dig to try it
Bam, criticism from day one
If you wanna try and make impse look like the ~*~*~artistic martyr~*~*~ you're gonna have to try harder

>> No.1034718

Don't bother. These are the same people that bitched when Scroton received some legitimate criticism for pol.wad.

Criticism that Scroton agreed with, at that.

>> No.1034719

I'm the guy who made that post, I haven't been frequenting the doom threads much recently, and I'm new to the ZDoom forums. Did I make some kind of mistake?

>> No.1034723


Sarge is notorious for not taking criticism or offers of help well.
We're all eagerly anticipating his reaction.

>> No.1034724
File: 133 KB, 700x587, 1372978445547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>everything going great in the server
>bout 15 or so people
>suddenly everyone quits

was it the music?

>> No.1034726

Oops. I did make another similar comment before, but never got a response. Well, it will serve as good entertainment if he responds this time, I'm sure.

>> No.1034728

Yes scroton, it was the shitty music.
I swear to god, if it was metal wed still be super smash 90's fps atm.

>> No.1034731


oh, I'll try to find a better music wad then

that was just what came in the doom league wad.

Were the maps chosen otherwise okay?

>> No.1034734


My internet died. ;_;

>> No.1034736

That wad doesn't use any custom maps, right?

>> No.1034739


kay, allow me to quote the two posts that replied to impse

>Jokewads are shit. This looks to be no exception.

this is an opinion, not a fact. one of the very first wads we played in zandronum (since we moved to /vr/) was mock 2, and as far as i kow, we didn't played it to critizice and shit on it because it was bad.

also, i noted that you completely forgot to mention how someone started to post pics of /pol/.wad being played with a custom hitler mod, while giving hints that he was amused at the fact that he was killing african americans while being hitler

here's the second post

>Fuck off.

such a quality post, i wonder why it got deleted

tl;dr people knew it was going to be directly aimed at /v/'s likings, so they didn't bothered in voicing an opinion about it. i fail to see why there's still some individuals who fail to comprehend the fact that if you don't like a mod/wad you just don't pay attention to it

>> No.1034740

Custom map numbers, I should say.

>> No.1034741


The maps are decent, yeah.
Just the fuckiiiiiiing music

>> No.1034746


What was the music? I'm curious

>Did I make some kind of mistake?


>> No.1034747


It has some MB ones, but otherwise no

>> No.1034749

>hi, I completely ignored the two posts RIGHT FUCKING AFTER IMPSE'S to focus on other ones instead!

>> No.1034752


90s britney spears and nsync pop, interspersed with uplifting piano music

>> No.1034753

LMFAO, Britney Spears, and worse.

>> No.1034754

Maps were alright. Moosic killed it.

Like, instrumental version os pop music.
Last one was a emimen song.
Who does that? play doom with that music.

>> No.1034756 [DELETED] 

>a reminder that whoever tries to stir the pot in our threads, no matter how insignificant and stupid the matter is, it's the same underage kid.


>> No.1034758

The sad thing is that I actually liked one of the songs, but being with the other songs made it seem so shitty.

>> No.1034763


does anyone know of a good music wad?

Would, like, mm2_mus.wad work?

>> No.1034764 [DELETED] 


the quoted post (and probably mine) are about to get deleted, but yeah, right after I saw that pic my suspicions that CZ and that other german faggot are in cahoots increased alarmingly

that fucking segment of the thread was SO damned fishy

>> No.1034768

Hes still around? Really?

>> No.1034775 [DELETED] 

>the quoted post (and probably mine) are about to get deleted


>> No.1034776

I don't think so, because it's not a full 32 map megawad, right?

>> No.1034778


if people stop posting the passwords in the threads and start giving them in the IRC, I can guaran-DAMN-tee he would be likely gone

>> No.1034780


no, it's missing some maps from what I could tell. wouldn't it just overwrite the ones that it does have? lemme try it in single player real quick

>> No.1034786

If I can get a list of the maps, I should be able to put together a quick wad just for it.

>> No.1034793 [DELETED] 


why does the otaku board have a picture of a /doom/ thread?

>> No.1034794 [DELETED] 
File: 1.52 MB, 380x262, Q3OLUct.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disagreeing with impse means you're CZ!
are you serious

>> No.1034796


there's this MIDI metal WAD in the idgames archive, it has some MIDIS that are accurate renditions of the songs that inspired most of the classic Doom songs (for example, Pantera's This Love as D_ROMERO and Pantera's Rise as D_E1M4 and so on)

>> No.1034797 [DELETED] 


Because /j/ likes Doom.
Everyone likes Doom, except maybe /v/, but /v/ is full of faggots.

>> No.1034807 [DELETED] 


/j/ isn't the otaku board


>> No.1034818 [DELETED] 


/j/ is the janitor board

>> No.1034834


I tried to just load the different music, but it didn't work. Then I realized that there was no reason that would work and I felt dumb.

The wad I was using was idl2012-.wad, on


because that was a wad they used for a previous CTF samsara that I saw.

Was thinking about it, and probably the best solution is just going to be to upload a /vr/ version that uses different music.

>> No.1034836

Yeah, that's what I was offering to do.
What are the lump names for the tracks?

>> No.1034839 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 274x386, 1374735937373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1034840


there's the doomtra music pack too, i think it was in the faq or in the /vr/ mods pastebin

>> No.1034846


Just ROTT music.

>> No.1034850

next time someone makes a server, keep track whenever cz joins, and then check the best-ever logfile for his IP. let's put an end to this shit

>> No.1034853


I do not believe that CZ is the same as DKG

>implying I can't sage in a thread beyond the post limit

>> No.1034854

We used to have their IP and it was really frowned upon if you didnt banned them.

>> No.1034857

Honestly, I really never cared.
More often than not, CZ was just fine in the servers.

>> No.1034858


Nah, they aren't; that one pic from the url someone posted reveals that, while they're not the same person, they might know each other.

also we should really start to give passwords in the irc, he's too scared to get in, like that other little fucker.

>> No.1034859

map MAP01 "Fortress Collision - ZDCTF01"
music d_toxic

map MAP02 "Refineries - ZDCTF02"
music d_enough

map MAP03 "Exophase - ZDCTF03"
music d_freak

map MAP04 "R's...Magical Ice Forts - ZDCTF04"
music d_genie

map MAP05 "Data Core Delta - CHAOSCORE01"
music d_life

map MAP06 "Lazarus Revisited - SMARTCTF01"
music d_lose

map MAP07 "Deliverance - THIRTY4-01"
music d_name

map MAP08 "Something Epic - ZDCTF08"
music d_nelly

map MAP09 "Frozen - ZDCTF09"
music d_papa

map MAP10 "Confrontation - IDLCONTEST21"
music d_party

map MAP11 "Tribute - 4CTFEPIC-11"
music d_99prob

map MAP12 "N's...Manse of Destruct. - THIRTY4-16"
music d_wayur

map MAP13 "A's...Base of Boppin' - THIRTY4-13"
music d_crazy

map MAP14 "Generic Gray - THIRTY4-09"
music d_ice

map MAP15 "Sewers Smell Bad - ZDCTF15"
music d_pretty

map MAP16 "Return To Phobos - ZDCTF16"
music d_give

>> No.1034860


map MAP17 "Buntaluffigus - THIRTY4-17"
music d_toxic

map MAP18 "The Old Castle - ZDCTF18"
music d_enough

map MAP19 "Collision - IDLCONTEST20"
music d_freak

map MAP20 "Cold Sweats - ZDECTF2-01"
music d_genie

map MAP21 "RIP Charlton Heston - THIRTY7-05"
music d_life

map MAP22 "Gargantuan Retarded - THIRTY7-22"
music d_lose

map MAP23 "Forgotten Outpost - SMARTCTF02"
music d_name

map MAP24 "Cidazz - IDLCONTEST07"
music d_nelly

map MAP25 "USSR Time Travel Fortress - THIRTY7-10"
music d_papa

map MAP26 "Status: Idle - ZDCTF26"
music d_party

map MAP27 "Angry Face - BPCTF26"
music d_99prob

map MAP28 "Isolation - CHAOSCORE11"
music d_wayur

map MAP29 "Toxic Refineries - ZDECTF2-19"
music d_crazy

map MAP30 "Redemption II - ZDU30"
music d_ice

map MAP31 "Mountain Zero - THIRTY4-31"
music d_give

map MAP32 "Not Kansas - ZDU34"
music d_pretty

map ZDCTF07 "The Excavation"
music d_mb

map MB1 "MasterBowl I - ZDCTF19"
music d_mb

map MB2 "MasterBowl II - ZDCTF08"
music d_mb

map MB3 "MasterBowl III - ZDCTF27"
music d_mb

map MB4 "MasterBowl IV - ODACTF02"
music d_mb

map MB5 "MasterBowl V - THIRTY4-13"
music d_mb

map MB6 "MasterBowl VI - THIRTY7-22"
music d_mb

map MB7 "MasterBowl VII - ZDUCTF30"
music d_mb

map MB8 "MasterBowl VIII - ZDCTF03"
music d_mb

map MB9 "MasterBowl IX - ZDCTF26"
music d_mb

map MB10 "MasterBowl X - ZDECTF2-19"
music d_mb

music d_bundy

>> No.1034863
File: 160 KB, 715x588, 1365815069373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, well I've got my work cut out for me.

>> No.1034865

I dont even mind pubbies as long as they speak english.

>> No.1034874


These are just the track names, some are reused:



dunno if it's gonna be easier to change the mapinfo or the filenames of the songs

>> No.1034891

Anything specific I should change it to?
I've got some songs in mind in case there isn't really.

>> No.1034898


I have no preference.

>> No.1034925

>Audacity won't let me cut copy or paste anything
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.1034932



>> No.1035786

Terminus has said he's never getting added.

>> No.1037763

He also said he wasn't going to add in anyone else.

>> No.1037803

>He also said he wasn't going to add in anyone else.

No, he didn't.