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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 242 KB, 544x470, plok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10248197 No.10248197 [Reply] [Original]

>game is practically impossible without save scumming

>> No.10248206

Dynamite Heady is better

>> No.10248224

Serves you right for playing literal bongjank

>> No.10248384

What would figurative bongjank be?

>> No.10248427

The actual real life experience of the average bong

>> No.10248443

kek Plok rules. Yes, the difficulty is fucked up, but this game is legitimately gud.

>> No.10248550

What is jank about it?

>> No.10248554

Nothing, that anon's just a buzzword slinging tard

>> No.10248578
File: 238 KB, 1000x1000, 1693244840462456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right about the jank but you guys aren't getting the bigger picture. Just because a game has jank controls does not make it bad.

>> No.10248585

I don't know, Goldeneye? By all accounts it should be in the running for the worst controls for an fps game of that budget ever made, but that's just because it was designed around being used with the N64 controller

>> No.10248631

You're in the running for the biggest retard ever made, in large part because you're unaware that you can change the controls in Goldeneye (yes, still using the same N64 controller).

>> No.10248650

OP got diddled

>> No.10248702

I accept your concession

>> No.10249864
File: 248 KB, 603x690, 1670328232282768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remove the logs from the game and it's automatically improved by 900%. I can breeze through everything up to and including Grandpa Plok but the asshole-tier log spawns still get me a few times per level.

>> No.10249868

most PC shooters, especially on harder difficulties
>inb4 some doom autist goes off

>> No.10249979

kek this guy Ploks

>> No.10250130

who keeps making these plok threads?

>> No.10250152

I just started visiting /vr/ yesterday and I'm very pleased to see a Plok thread, kek.
I loved the soundtrack in this game, and the name always makes me laugh when I see it; it makes me think of this really loud, really stupid kid I knew in 2nd grade who pronounced it "plaque" (plak) for some reason. "HAY LETS PLAY PLAK". He'd just sit there and watch me play it, he got amped because he couldn't make it past the first few levels.
Anyways Plok kicks ass and anyone who doesn't like it is, dare I say, a nigger?

>> No.10250163

sounds like your average westajank "game"

>> No.10250406

Please take me back

>> No.10251820

Fpbp. Plok is really nice, but Dynamite Headdy is amazing, it's one of the best games the Genesis had.

>> No.10251823

>Rayman if he a good game

>> No.10251827

It doesn't have jank controls.
People are literally just calling games that are hard "jank" now.

>> No.10251865
File: 320 KB, 498x498, b799310d6744998173baf72235a3b9ec.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was referring to games with jank controls yet are still good.

>> No.10251872

It came out 2 years before Rayman

>> No.10251879

better than any other console fps. it also predated console aim assist that is still used today

>> No.10251886

>I must perpetually shit on an entire nation to hide my own failablities
Miyamoto enjoyed the game. In fact, he said it was one of his favourites. I think he has a better grasp of what makes for a good game than some poorly informed idiot like you that was brought up on not exactly nuanced 100 word reviews. You're in no position to judge the quality of any other country's output. If you think a game is poor, then fine. Just don't bring up flags because you're in no position to sling shit, Captain Industry Crash.

Like all the others, this post will be deleted because Americans have double standards when it comes to freedom of speech.

>> No.10251897

the point stands.

>> No.10252642

Its hard as fuck. But probably doable if you try hard enough.
I still enjoy playing the first two worlds of this game or so every now and then, I play until I get wrecked.

>> No.10252670

Unfathomably based. I'm an American and I approve this message. Well-stated, sir.
Poor Pickford bros. This game was even supposed to get picked up by Nintendo, but they decided to just steal some ideas from the game instead lmao. I don't think they even own the rights, so they could never have whipped up another Plok game for the 64 or something. Too bad.

>> No.10252686

Plok would have been great for a 5th gen era platformer. I was just thinking about that the other day.
It was kind of ahead of it's time in how it depicted an actual world with a sense of history, as opposed to just a series of stages. It would have adapted really well to the collectathon era.

>> No.10252848
File: 14 KB, 256x223, diddled again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10253046
File: 964 KB, 586x817, Ecco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


see also

>> No.10253169

kek this game creeped me out as a kid. I was like 7, I found it very confusing but figured it out. I'm still convinced these old games were awesome in part due to the technical limitations of the hardware. You had to be more creative when coming up with a premise, and could afford to take risks. Games didn't require millions of dollars to render shading on blades of grass, etc.
That's a great point, man. You could've strewn collectibles about everywhere, plus all of the hidden bonus stuff. I still think it's crazy that they did a black and white flashback sequence, great stuff lol.

>> No.10253174

Goddamn the soundtrack really was incredible. Just listen to the bass start to go apeshit in that track at ~0:50 lmao, plus it's over 5 minutes long.

>> No.10253508
File: 18 KB, 432x320, Penelope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly it's not THAT bad, it's just that the difficulty """"""curve""""""" is completely bonkers. It's as easy as Mario World up until the fucking forest level that obscures your vision, and then the curve just spikes up to the ceiling. and then somehow jumps up AGAIN in the fucking Flea Pit. It was several tiers of difficulty crammed next to each other with nothing to smoothe it out a bit. Still a great game regardless.

>> No.10254307

it's definitely hard as fuck. i had it when i was younger and could never really get past the second boss (the inflatable dudes). i beat them a few times but didn't make it much further.

>> No.10254363

the logs aren't the problem really. Just like many games, you need to learn the patterns and after that it's not so bad.
The bosses and the confusing later levels are way more tiresome.

>> No.10256184

This guy Ploks

>> No.10256192

It was pretty good until the devs turned the second half of the game into a roight willyvania

>> No.10256240

Ecco the Dolphin at least has passwords.
The last levels are still very difficult.

>> No.10257697 [DELETED] 
File: 492 KB, 640x960, IMG_0091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


being a fan of any Pickford Bros™ game is suffering

>2 of their games total (Maximum Carnage and Ken Griffey Jr) have gotten sequels
>no original game has
>only their Rare games have been re-released for any platform
>their latest game is stuck on 32-bit iOS devices
>occasionally they'll tease prototypes of games that'll never come out (including a Plok spinoff)

i just want to play Magnetic Billiards on something other than an ipod from 2010 with a dying battery

>> No.10257702
File: 492 KB, 640x960, magnetic billiards title screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


being a fan of any Pickford Bros™ game is suffering

>Wetrix is the only original game of theirs to have gotten a sequel
>only their Rare games have been re-released for any platform
>their latest game ("latest" being a decade ago) is stuck on 32-bit iOS devices
>occasionally they'll tease prototypes of games that'll never come out (including a Plok spinoff)

i just want to play Magnetic Billiards on something other than an ipod from 2010 with a dying battery

>> No.10257789

>game is only cared about because of its soundtrack

>> No.10257802

You could say the same about THPS or Hotline Miamai.

>> No.10258020

you can't just insult Chrono Trigger like that

>> No.10258021
