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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.02 MB, 640x617, metaleluecks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10241961 No.10241961 [Reply] [Original]

How different is the PS1 version of SlugX compared to the arcade version?
I only know it has shittier music and a bonus mode

>> No.10242006

I thought the music was fine.

>> No.10242048

The usual: cut animation frames and some sprites such as explosions executed as smaller sprites blown up to size; all this is done with enough savvy so gameplay-wise the game is still basically 1:1 though, plus the Combat School modes are of course great fun.

Not sure if there's a point in playing it as of 2023, but back in 2001 it was kind of a must have.

>> No.10242175

Just emulate the Arcade version. Metal Slug is a game best played with autofire and no slowdown. A lot of the ports are much worse as they have additional slowdown, worse input lag, or are not arcade accurate.

>> No.10242189

It's completely fine to play.

>> No.10242503

The thing I've never liked of this port was the missing blood splash when you kill soldiers with the shotgun.

About the music, unlike the port of 1, X uses the internal PS sound chip to play music, which solves the pauses when the game loads between stages. This had an effect in its quality and doesn't sound as good as the original.

>> No.10242578
File: 60 KB, 739x415, images (57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is best played with auto fire and no slowdown
No it isn't.

>> No.10242596

>posts youtube meme thumbnail of the worst game in the series
fuck off retard

>> No.10242602

Hi ms2fag!

>> No.10242613

Look again Einstein. The shotgun is not a weapon that works with auto fire.

>> No.10242614

i like playing console ports of games honestly, i like seeing what they offer and their limitations.

>> No.10242630

the shotgun works fine with auto fire, what are you even talking about? Autofire doesn't mean you just hold the fire (autofire) button down 24/7.

>> No.10242651
File: 1.24 MB, 220x220, 1694638340710707.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tap autofire

>> No.10242664

Have you ever used autofire once in your life you complete retard?

If a weapon has a fire delay, tapping autofire is the equivalent of tapping fire unless you hold it down long enough until the fire delay is up (outside of rare exceptions with action queuing). Alternatively, you can just have two buttons for standard fire and autofire. Not really relevant here, but many shmups also utilize different autofire rates for pointblanking vs. dealing with popcorn.

>> No.10242794

>to make shoot em ups simpler simply add an autofire, regular fire and a semi auto fire button. If you don't do this you're a retard
I'm amazed by the posters on this board boasting about their scrubbery. What next you have L and R set to save and load?

>> No.10242797

You don't have any clears, no one cares about your input here.

>> No.10242808

This schizo again polluting MS threads

>> No.10242816

its why 1ccs are bad for your mental health

>> No.10243282

>just emulate
>Metal Slug is a game best played with autofire and no slowdown

I own a real Metal Slug Neo Geo cabinet. Get on my level.

>> No.10243292

I hope (you) die violently sometime this week.

>> No.10243304
File: 36 KB, 537x528, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has forced unlimited continues so its giga garbage no matter what
why SNK fucked up this bad is beyond me

>> No.10243319

I have a mortgage.

>> No.10243330

Is that why you're insane?

>> No.10243691

probably because you're meant to get good enough to not have to use unlimited continues

>> No.10243707

The bonus mode was a blast as a kid. I loved it.

>> No.10243867

hes right you know
although i never use autofire
i simbly learned to git gud at the gaem
ps1 sucks for big sprite arcade games
dont you remember being disappointed by marvel vs street fighter?
xmen vs street fighter?
ps1 marked the beginning of the end of gaming

everything became a corporate decisions and sanitized (aka all about money and not fun)

>> No.10243871
File: 215 KB, 932x1280, IMG_8940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you DO realize the mvs boards have SOME slowdown in specific areas
many shmups use the slowdown and are unplayable otherwise?

>> No.10243880

Metal Slug X cart and an MVS board is like a hundred bucks total

>> No.10243971

People bought full price console ports so that they wouldn't have to keep spending money on continues.

>> No.10243990

I've seen you around many times lately, I can't ignore anymore: just cut it. Stop with Vince McMahon webms. That son of bitch indirectly killed my cousin and I can't stand to see that phony and coward face, even as meme.

>> No.10245231
File: 100 KB, 288x216, 288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she cute

>> No.10245591

arcade version has slowdown, no slowdown is inauthentic

>> No.10245689

It's pretty funny you feel this way over some text on the internet from a stranger, but it's also pretty sad. You should go outside sometime and talk to people.

>> No.10245692

Autofire should be the default in every retro shooter. Imaging tapping buttons constantly just to play a game, that's sitcom shit.

>> No.10245694

the slowdown is detrimental to the game. It causes high input lag, inconsistent game feel, slows down the game speed, and even eats your inputs.

The games feel much better running at full speed the whole time, especially 2, which is basically unplayable due to the crippling slowdown, but is the peak of the genre at full speed. If Nazca could have had the games run full speed on the NeoGeo without sacrificing the visual effects and animations, they would have definitely preferred that.

>> No.10245698

giving you the option to choose > forced unlimited continues > forced limited continues

>> No.10245703

You control the buttons you press. You reserve the right to press the reset button whenever you get a game over

>> No.10245790

>The games feel much better
Maybe in your schizo mind but the rest of us want to play retro games the way they were originally made. Fuck off and play nu games if you don't want slowdown.

>> No.10245802

Loading times.

>> No.10245813

You haven't even played them without slowdown dumbass. Metal Slug 2 was literally remade (and the gameplay neutered) to improve the slowdown. If Nazca could have a way to have the Metal Slug games with no slowdown, they would have done it in a heartbeat; the technology just held them back.

>> No.10245817

>the technology just held them back.
Thanks for sharing this useless information. Still playing Metal Slug 2 on original hardware over your rom hack tool assist bullshit.

>> No.10245825

suit yourself retard, not like you will ever 1cc it anyways

>> No.10245850

ms2fag kills another metal slug thread

>> No.10245905

NTA but i use metalslug 1cc as my "super mario test" when testing gaming monitors or vga daisy chains
i get retrobobsaget says its "lagless lol"
but i have to feel/test it myself

a particularly egregious example would be trying to play samsho on a flatpanel tn over component/composite (the lag will literally kill u)

>> No.10245908

>the slowdown is detrimental to the game
this is your (wrong) opinion, not a fact

>> No.10245920

I feel like Contra or a shmup would be a better test for that. Metal Slug runs at 30fps and even on original hardware, the input lag is not really great. Outside of some bosses like Sol, Rugname, or Rootmars, reaction is not really that big of a skill in Slug; the games are primarily about routing/strategy (and even those bosses are miles easier with proper routing for weapon/grenades and proper strategy)

>> No.10245931

i run as fast as i can to see if the screen will tear
i should record a perfect run and make a webm

a few people saved my gifs of mai i captured of my mvsb1 boards

im getting off topic though as i was testing some vga devices trying to get a craigslist score dell 14" vga crt hooked up to my gear

>> No.10246442
File: 56 KB, 173x231, 1000017449.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved this port because of Combat School. I dominated the game just to make her smile.

>> No.10246446

Ban and kill the ms2fag spammer

>> No.10246447

Takes skill to handle loading times.