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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10241843 No.10241843 [Reply] [Original]

I think it's been a while since we've had a thread dedicated to talking about one of the most iconic characters in video game history. I'll admit right now that I'm quite biased about it, grew up with a SEGA Mega Drive, or Genesis, if you prefer, and we had Sonic the Hedgehog, the original, I recall really wanting to play and own Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 back then, but it just didn't happen sadly... until years later I bought the Sonic Mega Collection on PS2, which had a stellar OST by the way, and got to play everything I missed out on as a kid, this is how I played through Sonic 3D Blast from start to finish for the 1st time aswell, which I wanted to do since playing a PC demo of it.

>How do you feel about Sonic the Hedgehog?
>What's your favorite title from the franchise?
>Are there any memories you treasure most?
>Do you prefer 2D Sonic or 3D Sonic gameplay?

I think I've already talked enough about how this franchise is special to me, I've probably gone and finished all of the Mega Drive, Master System or Game Gear, among other titles, often going for 100% aswell, and I've been loving it for years at this point. I'd say thay my favorite is still the 1st one, because it's the one I grew up with, so it is a biased choice for sure, and my most treasured memory is playing it with my whole family back then as a kid. I still prefer 2D Sonic overall, as his titles appeal to me more, but 3D Sonic to me has the most potential by far, it just hasn't ever been properly used, Sonic Adventure was probably the closest to doing so though.

>> No.10241906
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Sonic 3&K is my fave, partially because as a kid I was just too dumb to know how the combined game worked and never fully experienced it till I was older, which was pretty awesome for me.

I just treasure all memories of Sonic in the 90s even beyond games. It was his era. Everything from lazy days watching his cartoons on TV, always getting the Sonic pasta at the store, playing with Sonic bubblegum containers and Happy Meal toys because video game toys were a rarity back then. Getting Sonic comic books off the magazine rack at the drug store everytime I was sick and had to go get medecine. I remember being at a laundromat and there was a claw grab machine, and my mom got me this plush Sonic thing that was like Sonic curled into a ball with a suction cup, one of those car/window decoration things, just seeing anything Sonic in the world felt cool. At that time, Sonic was just one of the coolest characters in pop culture, he wasn't some icon of internet fandoms and deviantart autism or an underdog of gaming, he just was the unironic coolest.

I prefer 2D all day. I'm not against 3D Sonic but like you said they never really nailed it unfortunately. I don't know why but 3D Sonic has always felt like this weird experimental playground where they're always trying to reinvent Sonic with a mindset of "what if Sonic was like this instead" rather than trying to just make the definitive Sonic game that has all of the appeal of the classics, just in 3D.

>> No.10243081
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>> No.10243170
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>How do you feel about Sonic the Hedgehog?
Big fan since childhood back during the early 90's
>What's your favorite title from the franchise?
Sonic CD
>Are there any memories you treasure most?
Unlocking Hyper Sonic as a kid
>Do you prefer 2D Sonic or 3D Sonic gameplay?
I prefer 2D but some of the fan made 3D games do capture that early 90 art.

>> No.10243227

Holy shit I had those shoes! Recovered memory. I loved them. Made me run faster.

>> No.10243246

Sega made sneakers???? wtf

>> No.10243250

Super monkey ball is closer to what 3d sonic should have been than they have ever gotten

>> No.10243368
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>How do you feel about Sonic the Hedgehog?
It's my childhood game franchise. The first game I played was Sonic 1 on my dad's Game Gear and I've played a vast majority of Sonic's games since
>What's your favorite title from the franchise?
The one I've replayed the most is Sonic 3 & Knuckles. I can play that game in my sleep.
>Are there any memories you treasure most?
I have a memory of finally being able to beat the Marble Garden Act 2 boss after thinking it was impossible for ages
>Do you prefer 2D Sonic or 3D Sonic gameplay?
2D overall, but I like 3D Sonic too. I like SA1, Heroes and Generations a bunch.

>> No.10243380
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There is an entire general on /vg/, though a good percentage of it is /co/ users and silliness. Sonic was one of my first games growing up along with stuff like SMW and DKC. My current favorite is probably Sonic CD. I still remember playing Sonic 1 for hours when I first got my Genesis with 6-Pak, playing Sonic 2 for the first time at my cousin's house (he let me keep the cartridge), going to the store and buying Sonic 3 with some money my parents gave me, and getting Sonic & Knuckles for Christmas probably the same year.

I like both 2D and 3D Sonic, Classic, Modern, w/e. To quote James Rolfe I've never played a truly bad Sonic game, for the most part.

>> No.10243546

Fun Fact: Dr Egg Mans name used to be Dr Robot Nick. Truly one of the games of all time.

>> No.10243632

>How do you feel about Sonic the Hedgehog?
I grew up with Sonic games.
>What's your favorite title from the franchise?
>Are there any memories you treasure most?
Unlocking Doomsday for the first time.
>Do you prefer 2D Sonic or 3D Sonic gameplay?
Take a guess.
I believe that games like Jet Set Radio or Bomb Rush are closer to 2d Sonic than any 3d Sonic game. I have no faith in sega.

>> No.10244342
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He was once a demon and not a man

>> No.10244370
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Mega Drive Sonic 2 is best sonic. Sonic Adventure was good but nothing will ever capture that sonic feel like chemical plant zone.

>> No.10245125

Oi m8 u got sega power

>> No.10246171


>> No.10246364

Sonic is the GOAT and his peak will never be surpassed. The death of Sega's console ambitions with the Dreamcast was effectively the nail in his coffin. Modern Sega is one of the shittiest and most badly run companies in the world and they continue to piss on his legacy to this day.

>> No.10248071

Sonic is a hedgehog actually

>> No.10248078
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>> No.10248723

If only they brought Naka back.

>> No.10248778

>itt: classicshitter wank
I bet you fucks believe in the "sonic always should be silent" and "sonic's shitty friends" memes too

>> No.10248804

Imagine thinking the prequels are better than the original Star Wars. Imagine thinking St. Anger is the best Metallica album. Imagine thinking Space Jam is better than Looney Tunes. That's basically you.

>> No.10248906

I was 7 in 1996 and drew tons of porn of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles before I knew what the Internet even was.

These new furries are something else.

>> No.10249921
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>How do you feel about Sonic the Hedgehog?
>What's your favorite title from the franchise?
Favorite 2D Sonic game: Sonic 3&K
Favorite 3D Sonic game: Sonic Adventure
>Are there any memories you treasure most?
Finally getting Sonic's gameplay in Marble Zone as a kid
>Do you prefer 2D Sonic or 3D Sonic gameplay?
3D if they finally add slope physics back and if they remove automation from loops

>> No.10250875

So who touched you

>> No.10250919

Nakashitters think the random nonsense that came after Sonic Adventure 2 was a better attempt at giving Sonic a storyline than the American Satam cartoon and comics.
Nakashitters can't stand that the American Robotnik from the AoStH cartoon was hilarious and the japanese LE SILLY EGGMAN isn't.

>> No.10251297

Don't being up the cartoons and comics, they'll start bitching about how it was all 90s furry OCs, and that 2010s furry OCs are better cause you know, a green hedgehog with a leather jacket who is mean is so cringe, but a green rabbit who looks like a billie eilish zoomer is fuckin' genius apparently

>> No.10251991

i was 0

>> No.10252890

that looks cool

>> No.10253150
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>How do you feel about Sonic the Hedgehog?
I think he's cool. Sure, Shadow might have a pump-action MP5 and Silver can castrate anyone with the power of his own mind, but Sonic... he's cool

>What's your favorite title from the franchise?
Probably S3&K. It just flows. Speaking of 3D titles this probably might be SA2.

>Are there any memories you treasure most?
Meeting a fellow Sonictard from the Internet IRL and having a blast taking about virtually everything.

>Do you prefer 2D Sonic or 3D Sonic gameplay?
I might sound a little too contrarian, but Sonic never *truly* found a place in 3D that would emulate 2D Sonic's quirks and overall appeal. Sonic/Shadow's stages in SA2 are pretty fuckin cool, but I would call them "fast Rayman 2" rather than "3D Sonic". That title goes to Sonic Robo Blast 2, which opens up nicely as soon as you git gud with its wonky control scheme.

>> No.10254112

Sonic is cool, cooler than all the others by more than 20 percent certainly. It's kind of like Spider-Man, he's cool, you get to his copy cats like 2099 and it's like eh yeah that's cool on paper....he's got claws and fangs kinda edgier, but doesn't beat the classic. Then you get gay shit like Miles Morales and it's like wow you gave him electricity and invisibility powers, you're just trying too hard now, can't beat the classic, and that's how it is with Sonic too

>> No.10255016

>How do you feel about Sonic the Hedgehog?
I find him to be an annoying character, but I do feel like he has gameplay potential
>What's your favorite title from the franchise?
Sonic Advance 2, mostly for the bosses
>Are there any memories you treasure most?
Playing Sonic R PC
>Do you prefer 2D Sonic or 3D Sonic gameplay?

>> No.10255591 [SPOILER] 
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>itt: classicshitter wank
I get why you feel the way you do, but I feel that this is an unfair generalization of the thread and what people have been posting, then again they all are posting their personal experiences and its consequential perception of things.
3D Sonic is fun and has WAY more potential than 2D Sonic... but the execution has never truly took advantage of it fully, like the original trilogy had done for 2D Sonic before. Adventure is when 3D Sonic controlled best, both of them.
It's been over 20 years since Adventure 2, and we still haven't gotten a Sonic that controls as well I think, not in a 3D environment at least, and if we talk about mechanics, level design and polish, 3D Sonic has been a mess by SEGA so far...
I'm hopeful that they'll take the decent core that Frontiers built and make it even better, but it's a shame that we never got a proper 2D Sonic in 3D before, Adventure was the closest, but even that wasn't exactly it, not for me at least.
I was hopeful when Lost World came out, it was a flawed gem, but they ditched the boost and sort of had Sonic back to his Adventure moveset, the Adventure mods for Lost World made me quite a hopeful fan, but they ditched it too.

>> No.10256256

i wish 3D Sonic games had physics based gameplay

>> No.10256378

People who actively hate on classic are the most bitter fucks of any nu-fandom I've seen, and I've seen some toxic ones like nu-Transformers and nu-Pokemon, but nu-Sonic nerds are the absolute worst, because they actually know Sonic was most relevant in the 90s and has been kind of made fun of ever since, so they have this huge chip on their shoulder more than most about the characters prime years being before their time, which is autistic and narcissistic but most late millennials-zoomoids are

>> No.10257738

I agree

>> No.10258478


>> No.10258684

I got really pissed that Frontiers just reused linear obstacles like 3D games have had for over two decades. Boost gameplay + nonlinear open-world platforming / physics-based momentum control for running along and jumping off surfaces = a fun open-world Sonic game

>> No.10259873

Sonic should have had a more vast array of games, and there were quite a few

>> No.10259885

Frontiers sucks but I'm glad they opened up the boost gameplay with actual turning, spindash, homing dash and rail launching. It's baby steps but it is a step in the right direction

>> No.10261272


>> No.10262091

I feel Sonic Robo Blast 2 is pretty close to how a good 3D Sonic would be, at least the core parts are there and it's a fun/complete game. To me it's better than any of the official 3D games by quite a large margin.

I thought about making a thread for it here but I'm not sure if it would be okay as it's both simultaneously a relatively recent release with 2.2 being only a few years old, while also actually being like 20 years old and if you want to really be pedantic also technically just modified doom.

>> No.10262605
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>> No.10262803

1st: Disappointment when it entered it's 3d "hipp and cool" era. but also unending happiness, for the gameplay and music up until Sonic CD (which i never got to play as a kid).
2nd: Sonic the Edgehog 2, because you could play it with a friend.
3: When I beat Sonic 2.

>> No.10262806

4th: 2d. But I hope to see a good 3d adaptation some day.

>> No.10263662
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Have you all tried the 8-Bit Sonic platformers? I used to play them on both PS2 compilations that came out in the mid 2000's, and have revisited a bunch of them lately... they're superb! I love both Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 the most, due to you having to explore to find the Chaos Emeralds instead of getting them in Special Stages... I didn't mind that Sonic Chaos and Sonic Triple Trouble brought that back, and in many ways they play closer to the Genesis stuff, but I didn't find the Special Stages all that fun, especially on Triple Trouble, and level design in Chaos is quite short, also getting 100 Rings to access the Special Stage was not a good idea, since you end up playing way too safe to not get hit, and barely feel like Sonic. I won't talk much about Sonic Blast, since it was the worst platformer by far, Sonic Labyrinth wasn't as bad as I though it would be, until the later stages where it gets very maze like and everything looks the same, and Tails Adventure is a good MetroidVania.

>> No.10264530

i've never tried any of the 8 bit yet

>> No.10264904
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I definitely recommend them, especially Sonic 1, with this one you can't go wrong with either the Master System or Game Gear version, they're all well made, and it's probably the most polished in the 8-Bit Sonic lineup despite being the 1st. Now, Sonic 2's also a good time... on Master System, I can't recommend the Game Gear one due to the resolution, but on Master System? In a few ways I like it better than the 1st... Ancient and Aspect's works are both quite good, and they both did an excellent job on their respective 1st tries. We've also got a 2nd duology, this time entirely made by Aspect, and this feels closer to Genesis Sonic to me, we've got special stages to get the chaos emeralds again, a spin dash, a peel out, a lot of slopes and loops... though I find level design in both Chaos and Triple Trouble to be worse than in Sonic 1 and Sonic 2, but they're both still good and fun to play. I'd say these are the 8-Bit Sonic platformers worth playing, but Sonic 1 on Master System/Game Gear and Sonic 2 on Master System are must plays for any Sonic fan, at least in my eyes.

>> No.10265267

interesting, i think i will need to finally play them. it's funny because these were games i never knew of as a kid, hell i didn't even ever hear of the master system period even though i knew what a nes was, so it's like a whole chunk of sonic history that was hidden from me as a kid

>> No.10265631
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Sonic is Poochie

>> No.10265637

>it has a lot of shitty games, but I have hope on Sonic Superstars
>Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Sonic Heroes
>prolly the day I finished Sonic CD, which is the first 2D Sonic that I finished
>I prefer the Sonic 3D idea, but a few games executed well.

>> No.10266425
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>> No.10266437
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1) One of my favorite chars since early childhood, although that autism really kicked in when I was 13 year old already, thanks SA2
2) SA2. Also SA1, Heroes, 3 and Spinball.
3) Probably that fateful Christmas night when I got SA2 disk from my mom
4) 3D but 2D is cool in its own right

>> No.10267870

he looks bitchin

>> No.10269280

He's a real man

>> No.10270459
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>> No.10270465
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For some reason I prefer SA1 to SA2. I know that in a lot of ways, it's pretty fucking janky but compared to SA2 I feel like it has more of the classic Sonic feel, like a Saturn Sonic game except not on Saturn. It has more of a 90s SEGA feel than SA2