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10234976 No.10234976 [Reply] [Original]

Why was the Capcom Five deal considered a flop?

>> No.10234985

because the gamecube was a shitty console no one bought
fpbp /thread

>> No.10234987

I dunno but Mikami seemed to not like Sony much.
Same with Kamiya, same with Itagaki and other japanese devs.
Fastfowarding to current year, Sony turned out to be a very shitty company, so maybe they knew stuff we didn't at the time.

>> No.10235003
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Today i will remind them.
Sony is big pharma tier.

>> No.10235018

I actually remember reading something about Sony getting into legal trouble because of their prone-to-failure hardware in Europe and how that boosted their hardware sales.
I for sure had problems with my PS1 (early model) and knew a lot of people who did.
Then again, you could say, CD-based systems are generally prone to failure, but I dunno, the Sega Saturn I got in 1996 still works perfectly.
And in the case of my country, piracy for PS1 was so rampant that people didn't care if they had to buy another console because the one they had died, because "the games are dirt cheap anyway"

>> No.10235023

Why did Nintendo want to be friends with Capcom after the PS1?

>> No.10235029

did Nintendo ever talk shit about any developer?
Capcom at least published 2 games on N64, Square had 0 games on N64, and yet Nintendo let them release stuff on GBA and Gamecube.
I think it's because companies aren't as romantic as people on the internet want it to be, they don't really think in terms of "betrayal" or "loyalty", it's more about what's practical for each at any given time.

>> No.10235094 [DELETED] 

the left can't meme

>> No.10235170

>And in the case of my country, piracy for PS1 was so rampant that people didn't care if they had to buy another console because the one they had died, because "the games are dirt cheap anyway
The biggest reason of Playstation's success where i live as well.

>> No.10235462
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Because nobody self-contain their stupidity as much as console warriors.

>> No.10235529

>Alanah Pierce

>> No.10235543

>Alanah Pierce

>> No.10235614

Because one got cancelled, three got quickly ported to PS2, and only the shittiest one stayed on GCN.

Nintendo was probably praying RE4 would revive the failing GameCube. Instead people just waited for the PS2 version since Capcom announced they were porting it right away.

>> No.10235624

they only made 4 and 3 of them got ported, 1 so much to the point where people kinda forget it started as a gc game

>> No.10235630

Exclusivity is a bitch

>> No.10235779
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Now we are stuck with a RE4 style RE2 remake instead
Still upset about it to this day

>> No.10235943

LMAO was he really that petty, disliking KH just because it outsold his latest game?

>> No.10235945

I doubt it would have done much better on PS2. The horror market in general hit a sales slump around that time and most titles were struggling to move a million copies when they had easily done 3-5 times that a few years earlier.

>> No.10236030

If there's one thing women do right, is that they don't do console wars. I have yet to meet a female dan XX human that does console war shit, they like the brabd part of consoles, but not the war stuff, they mostly like everything, with nintendo being maybe a bit more popular among them.

>> No.10236040

I wouldn't take western journo stuff at face value. Unless they provide source of that Mikami radio interview.

>> No.10236057

You can go back and find multiple sources and accounts of that interview. Like this one:
Most comments on old forums and stuff where it was discussed pretty much say the same thing too. "No shit a brand new game outsold a remake of a 5 year old game that's already been re-released twice. What the fuck is this dude smoking?"

>> No.10236071

No source on the interview though.
Western journos have a history of making up shit, whether on purpose or due to language barrier. I'd like to see a japanese source.

>> No.10236170

Well they couldn't even complete all five games of the deal as agreed, that might be a clue

>> No.10236859

I mean, it would've been interesting to see 2 and 3 remade in the same way as 1 did, but I honestly rather take a straight port of 1 on the GC to round things off.

>> No.10236905

>Make a game for the PSX
>succeeds because of the PSX
>Has the audacity to complain
Yeah go ask Rare Ltd. what they think of "black companies".

>> No.10237073


>> No.10237516

Only faggots fpbp/thread their own posts

>> No.10237735
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TOPIC REMINDER: Capcom are fucking retards
Here's my Capcom 5:
>Nintendo All Stars vs Capcom
>3D pokemon spinoff that takes place in Kanto and West Kanto
>new joint ip
>Mega Man Legends remake
>Metroid TPS, takes place between Zero Mission and Prime
If I i had to add two more choices, it'd be another Flagship Ltd. Zelda/Kirby game on consoles or some F-ZERO spinoff.

>> No.10237742
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>inb4 zoombas crying "nooo not an new IP!!" despite the fact Crapcock couldn't lift a new IP off the ground in the 2000s
>mfw they gave up on that collaboration with Rockstar only for Rockstar to birth the Red Dead franchise.

>> No.10237751
File: 383 KB, 1920x1210, anderson-gaston-2bf4941c-9d1c-41b0-87bc-a3fb2bd8aaa9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell, i would want to play another Oracle-styled Zelda but in full 3D.
I'll take that over whatever the fuck they came up with Wind Waker and Twilight Princess.

>> No.10237754
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>> No.10237835

>And in the case of my country, piracy for PS1 was so rampant that people didn't care if they had to buy another console because the one they had died, because "the games are dirt cheap anyway"
Ironically it's pirated games that the lenses have problem with. That and Contra: Shattered Soldier for some reason.

>> No.10239213

For PS2? It was CDs and Dual-layer DVDs, which Contra SS was a cd. Disc Read Errors weren't that uncommon because the lens could get dirty, but accessing the laser lens to use a cotton swab and a bit of rubbing alcohol to clean the thing and also realign it took taking the thing apart on the fat models, and it's not like the manuals came with instructions to do that. Whereas on the slim you could access it by just opening the disc drive so this wasn't as much of an issue.

>> No.10239509

>fpbp his own thread

>> No.10239564

ooooo I like this game! Here's mine:

>Legend of Zelda: Oracle of ______
>Mega Man 2D platformer reboot
>Original horror game
>Open world Far Cry style Bionic Commando
>Something fucking awesome with Star Fox

>> No.10239620

The point of the Capcom 5 was to reduce risk. At the time those games were being made, sequalitis reached a fever pitch and basically every game had to be a preexisting IP on its 10th iteration. Nintendo agreed that exclusive games was worth paying some money for, so Capcom didn't have to risk as much money making those five games. Both companies get something out of the deal. Capcom would not have funded a game like Killer7 if they were paying for the entire production themselves.

Capcom was extremely upset at how expensive making PS2 games was. DC, GCN, and Xbox were all much cheaper (actually Xbox could be more expensive, but this was usually because of games that took advantage of features that cost lots of money to implement like online gameplay or HD). The DC died and Microsoft famously failed their business meeting with Capcom where they tried to pitch the Xbox. That left the GCN.

The Capcom 5 could be considered a failure because the GCN didn't sell that well and Capcom suffered poor sales from their exclusive games. It probably wasn't worth reducing risk when it also reduced sales that much. The EA strategy of just being as multiplat as possible was probably what actually reduced risk the most.

Thank god that didn't happen.

All fifth and sixth gen RE games have tank controls, btw. All of them.

>> No.10239739

Just play RE2 on PC with a high res texture pack you crybaby.