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File: 1.82 MB, 1280x1564, THEstarterPokemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10233576 No.10233576 [Reply] [Original]

Do the original Pokemon games have the most charismatic roster/bestiary in the history of gaming?

Dragon Quest's is too silly/jokey
Shin Megami Tensei's is too dark and edgy

>> No.10234038
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>> No.10234439

I'd say it has some strong competition from Digimon but you're probably right

>> No.10234626
File: 223 KB, 768x1920, Dragon Warrior IV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dragon Quest's is too silly/jokey

DQ games have much, much better in game art for the monsters though. They are full of life and leap off the screen. Meanwhile Pokémons are often messes you couldn't even tell what they were exactly and which had to be redone twice.

>> No.10234630
File: 177 KB, 768x1440, Dragon Warrior III.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and besides the ratio of "silly/jokey" monsters is much higher in Pokémon than it is in DQ, not that "silly/jokey" monsters are a bad thing to begin with

>> No.10234658

Digimon had trouble with its theming an designs. Sure, they were different compared to Pokemon, but standalone they were too broad and didn't have a core identity in my opinion.

>> No.10234793

Sounds like (You)r personal preference

>> No.10234913
File: 1.39 MB, 1082x573, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What they got right is that their monsters fit into the world they designed. They're mostly just animals that have a place in their respective ecosystems. And for the few exceptions, there's in-world explanations that make sense given the setting.
They may have fantastical abilities, but only to define what they do and where they are. It's not magic but a biological function, a tool for survival.

They made it easy for a child to suspend their disbelief and simply not question that these things could exist. Something they got progressively worse at, and dropped entirely later on.

>> No.10235007

I remember when gen 3 started leaking and I was confused about why the pokemon looked more plastic or digimon-like. I loved Gen 3 but the designs since then have felt less and less organic and part of the world they are in.

Now every starter has a fursona final evo and every legendary is some sort of god instead of what used to feel like a real animal in the world that had legends or myths built around them.

>> No.10235012

The design and art for the original games are so good.

>> No.10235225

One thing I will applaud Pokemon(the original) for is the lack of pallet swaps. Even the nidoran families don't share sprites. The dragon quests and final fantasies are ridden with swaps, it really takes away from a monster's core identity.

It also helps that the contemporary weird science setting lends itself to more interesting creatures than the typical generic dungeon and dragons medieval fantasy slop

>> No.10235257

ironically I would have preferred if they added color swaps and stuff like delta species from gen 4 forward than most of the crappy designs they came up with. plus it would be much more interesting and refreshing than "oh another new 100 mons that honestly I don't care for".
shadow pokemon in colloseum were cool because of that. it was a new take on pokemon you already knew and liked.
the formula got so repetitive that any kind of variation was welcome and instead they just kept pumping out new pokemon that ended up just looking bad

>> No.10235932
File: 1.68 MB, 1049x1185, 1694399716551363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed roster

>> No.10235959

There are no FF monsters games

>> No.10235963
File: 733 KB, 258x194, 1682831103196255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shin Megami Tensei's is too dark and edgy.

>> No.10235967

All (j)rpgs have a bestiary/enemy roster

>> No.10235973

One of the reasons it succeeded the way it did was they nailed the perfect mix of cool (mainstream), cute, cool (nerdy), and just a dash of really weird shit.

>> No.10235976

How about TES, a WRPG game series?

>> No.10235995

The parenthesis was there on the j for a reason. In fact most game genres have an enemy roster, just usually not extensive enough to require a catalog the way rpgs usually do

>> No.10236031
File: 104 KB, 450x307, tenKNEELhan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based history changer

>> No.10236069
File: 96 KB, 705x234, 1578273765684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about ratios, it's just that it does it with tongue in cheek sillyness bordering on lolrandom with the likes of earthbound and undertale.
not everything as to be serious but humor can be done in a more nuanced way, if you look at the silliest humorous pokemon like psyduck or slowpoke they are just dopey, they retain a naturalistic quality, there's more to the design than just being a pun or joke

>> No.10236110

Dragon Quest owns, give me the jokes along with the monsters and I'll play any of these mon games and grind for hours and love it

>> No.10236132
File: 263 KB, 840x640, 22353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you can't really catch them or anything, but the PS1 FF1 monsters were pretty great.

>> No.10236134

the first Digimon World has a very solid line up, but Megan's and tons of humanoid Mons were a mistake

>> No.10236328

I hate dragonite so damn much.

>> No.10236394 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 755x452, tranny_Charizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know.

>> No.10236408

>Do the original Pokemon games have the most charismatic roster/bestiary in the history of gaming?
Yes, charizard and Pikachu are undeniably the most iconic videogame "pets" in pop culture, hell, even moreso than Pluto, though 25 years ago that would be laughable to say. Pikachu is bigger than Mario and Mario replaced Mickey mouse.

>> No.10236417

Yes and it's not even close.

>> No.10236461
File: 510 KB, 1745x800, The Virgin Pokemon vs The Chad Digimon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Digimon had trouble with its theming an designs. Sure, they were different compared to Pokemon, but standalone they were too broad and didn't have a core identity in my opinion.
see that's exactly what I think Digimon's strength as a franchise is, that it's broad in what it covers

>> No.10236605

It's more that Dragonair looks badass and then something awful happens to it. Why not make a super elegant serpent to be a nice looking version of gyrados?

>> No.10236642
File: 100 KB, 755x452, 1694468759562728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10236958

What the fuck is this shit

>> No.10237191

Because the GameFreak game philosophists didn't want to give CHARIZARD any clear cut familar competition aside their highly disadvantaged brother starters.

>> No.10237338
File: 303 KB, 1022x1535, 1687068726686221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Digichad, but yes, there was too much variety, you have digimon that are basically a coiled pink turd, and then others that are elaborate anime angels. it just stems from the concept of them being digital information which could be represented by anything, and not mindless beasts to be tamed like pokemon. The digidestined digimon all have designs which make them look like pokemon knockoffs.

>> No.10237383

What do you mean by this? I guess they have their charm but in all of gaming? Hard for me to say really. Are we only counting monster trainer type games or any games with significant amount of monsters?

For the record I love the original 151 pokemon.

>> No.10237421

Just making sure you didn't delete Lickitung.
>deleting nigger Jinx

>> No.10237691


>> No.10237696

humanoid digimon made sense because they evolve from digimon like how we evolved from monkeys

>> No.10237703

Sure, I guess. All the gens have a couple cool mons but even gen 2 was a downgrade imo. Fuckin Ursaring, a bear with a ring on it lol.

>> No.10237705

Is this just Origins or what?

>> No.10237727
File: 116 KB, 320x240, 033164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga never played the goated Jade Cocoon

>> No.10237770

You're probably correct. I bet it had a better third form in the original idea.

>> No.10238379

looks bad

>> No.10238692
File: 19 KB, 88x84, Screenshot 2023-09-12 175742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disrespecting my boy Patdog

>> No.10239000

>Angemon, Devimon, Jijimon...
fine, cool even

>Omnimon, Gankoomon, every armor/knight dude except Gallantmon.
kindly fuck off and die.
I also dislike wargreymon, but liked Blackwargreymon as a kid, so it gets a pass, barely. Shinegreymon though sucks.

>> No.10239051

I tried playing this recently
>hour long intro with the absolute worst god damn voice acting in the world
>resident evil tank controls
>tiny pre-rendered hallway areas
>monsters are all snot colored bugs
>monster fusion makes zero sense and usually makes my guys worse
>holy shit if that guy at the graveyard tells me one more fucking story I'm going to cut my throat
>the game's equivalent of throwing a pokeball is a full minute long animation of the main character playing a magic flute.
Honestly one of the worst games I've ever played for any system. Did I just not get to the part where it "gets good?" I made it to like the third area when these little hanna barbera caveman dudes kept asking for items and I couldn't be bothered to even find a guide to figure out what the hell they wanted.

>> No.10239063

For everything negative we can say about the recent gens, it's clear they still put effort into the monster designs. The entire franchise basically exists to sell plushies and merchandise at this point, the game is just an excuse to introduce the next season of mascots.

>> No.10240103
File: 38 KB, 227x228, slifer (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's ur legendary mon

>> No.10241343
File: 167 KB, 474x599, Mewtwo_RB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brutal mogging