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File: 595 KB, 1088x1511, Thunder Force IV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10231732 No.10231732 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everything in this game have so much HP? I was under the impression that shmups were about shooting things down, not listening to farting sound effects ring out for five minutes waiting for the enemy to finally explode.

>> No.10231737

Couple it with the sheer amount of bosses whose strategy is about waiting for them to reveal their weakness, and I really cannot understand why it's considered the best 4th gen shmup. I think the game's reputation has to be riding on the SSH cover of Stage 8's music

>> No.10231756

TechnoSoft's legacy in general is rooted in the music. The gameplay is jank as all shit in their games.

>> No.10231791

Thunderforce iv is a good game. Good but not great. The game has minor design issues which you didnt even notice. Like opjects in the foreground being shaded like background objects. And your own ships projectiles having the same color as enemy projectiles. You have adhd.

>> No.10231795

Those are minor issues compared to the enemies all being massive sponges. Once I saw the shitty narrow spaces from the third game return I was done.

>> No.10231838

Which weapon are you using against them? You're obviously not going to get anywhere trying to lame em out with hunter.

>> No.10232050

TFV is actually decent.

>> No.10232052

I agree. I started with V and after 1CCing it tried to go backwards to 4 and 3 but the level design and enemy health are trash.

>> No.10232078

almost every boss in the game can be killed in under a minute, under 2 minutes at most. how about learn to actually play the game before spewing total bullshit.

>> No.10232276

I listened ti the soundtrack first, and I was really impressed by it. Chill melodies alternating with heaviest metal known to man, with bassy Genesis sound.
tried the game, and… it's whatever. most standard shooter that doesn't do anything new. the level design isn't anything special either, and the look of the game is bland and forgettable. the graphics are a mixed bag: the game has fast pace and a good amount of sprites on screen, but has heavy slowdown at times, and the sprites / effects could have been a bit better. then again, it's a 1992 game which is actually very impressive, but it still shows.
it's still alright to sit through and beat, but you don't miss too much if you skip it, it's not some "definitive" shmup of the generation. R-Type and Parodius are way more interesting than this.

>> No.10232305
File: 3.72 MB, 320x224, Thunder-Force-IV-Mega-Drive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a (you) problem. Have you tried getting good? TF4 isn't an easy game, and often you need a specific weapon to more easily beat bosses. The mid bosses in stage 8 for example are nearly impossible without the charge attack you get from the craws.

>farting sound effects
Emulator faggot detected. The original console does not have this problem.

>I really cannot understand why it's considered the best 4th gen shmup

Because it's extremely fast paced and really tough as nails, despite that it is also very long with each level being extremely huge and requiring some exploration, it has 5 + 2 weapons plus the craw upgrade, and it has some of the best graphics and music on the console. I mean let's stop for a moment: can you think of a better 4th gen shmup?

TFV is okay (I love it, especially the music) but it's pretty short and piss easy on anything but Maniac difficulty. If you are going for a no-freerange run, then it's slightly more challenging, but you can still overload the Hunter gun from point blank to kill almost everything in seconds. Unfortunately, the game was pretty rushed in development. It could've used at least one more level and some balance changes.

>> No.10232349

>requiring some exploration
does flying up / down count as "exploration"?
>it has 5 + 2 weapons plus
>some of the best graphics on the console
"on the console", yes (that's not saying much)
>can you think of a better 4th gen shmup?
anything on TG16/PCE. but consoles in general always had worse ports, much like with fighters. the best stuff was on arcades and 5th gen, 4th gen console shmups were just whatever so I guess TF4 had its place. it's just not very original, that's all

>> No.10232367

the only time I had an issue with bosses having too much hp was in stage 8, and if you had blade in the stage 1 boss. Stage 8 it is pretty shit outside of the music, but that's the only issue I had, otherwise it's a great game

>> No.10232423

>can you think of a better 4th gen shmup?
I enjoyed Gleylancer and Musha more

>> No.10232438

That's all TF games, they feel more like odd euro shumps when it comes to health

Best game was Herzog Zwei anyway

>> No.10232580

android assault, which is not only great, but also a good competitor to pce's gate of thunder

>> No.10232971

>does flying up / down count as "exploration"?
It does when every level is 6 screens tall with multiple paths to take, including secrets where you literally have to crash into the wall with a shield to get into.

it means you have that many choices to figure out which works best with each boss, and also factor in that you may or may not have access to a given weapon, depending on which order you take the levels and if you are enough to not lose them. That adds an extra layer of strategy.

>"on the console", yes (that's not saying much)
The first fucking level has like eight levels of parallax alone. Tell me a shmup from 1992 that has better graphics than Thunder Force IV, please. Seriously.

>anything on TG16/PCE.
You did not name any single one.

>> No.10233903

just tried this out today and android assault is great. thanks for the rec

>> No.10233943

The enemies take more hits the more powered up you are. Try foregoing the powerups and see how the boss battles are with minimal weapons.