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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 58 KB, 1643x924, n64_mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10228937 No.10228937 [Reply] [Original]

You are out for your morning jog, then an unmarked van pulls up beside you and the side door slides open revealing a ninja who quickly puts a hood over your head and pulls you in. You wake up distorted some time later tied up on the floor in front of Shuntaro Furukawa, he informs you that your the world's biggest N64 fan and Nintendo needs a list of 20 games to add onto their upcoming N64 mini console. After writing your list down your memory will be erased, what would you pick?

>> No.10228939

holy shit having to pick 20 n64 games that exist I'm going to die

>> No.10228947

As soon as they touch me, I cum and start farting.

>> No.10228953

Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Goldeneye 007
Perfect Dark
Battletanx: Global Assault
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Mario Golf
Mario Tennis
Mario Party 2
Diddy Kong Racing
Jet Force Gemini
Donkey Kong 64
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Beetle Adventure Racing
Starfox 64
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Star Wars: Shadow of the Empire

>> No.10228956

It won't matter, because this is what they will pick to keep everything as first-party as possible:
>Super Mario 64
>Mario Kart 64
>Zelda: Ocarina of Time
>Kirby 64
>Dr. Mario 64
>Super Smash Bros.
>F-Zero X
>Star Fox 64
>Pokemon Snap (no Stadiums because no Transfer Pak)
>Yoshi's Story
>Wave Race 64
>1080 Snowboarding
>Pilotwings 64
>Ridge Racer 64
>Paper Mario
>Mario Golf
>Mario Tennis
>Mario Party 2 (they don't like re-releasing 1 and 3)
And if there's an Expansion Pak put into it:
>Zelda: Majora's Mask
>Donkey Kong 64

>> No.10228957

Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Perfect Dark
Waverace 64
Mario Party
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie (With stop n swap carryover and secrets like the XB360 arcade versions)
Bomberman 64
Bomberman Hero
Super Smash Bros
Star Fox 64
Pilotwings 64
Blast Corps
Jet Force Gemini
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Top Gear Rally (Because my dad loves this game)
San Fransisco Rush

>> No.10228983

Is there at least candy inside the van?

>> No.10228986
File: 480 KB, 680x450, the list goes on 64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10228987
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Nice, there are a few I haven't heard of

>> No.10229000

Blues Brothers 2000
California Speed
Carmageddon 64
Dark Rift
Deadly Arts
Earthworm Jim 3D
Golden Nugget 64
Hey You, Pikachu!
Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero
Polaris SnoCross
Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue
Quest 64
Razor Freestyle Scooter
Rugrats: Scavenger Hunt
South Park
Virtual Chess 64
WCW Nitro
War Gods

>> No.10229047

Animal Forest
Mario Artist set
World Tour
Bomberman Hero
Sim City 64

Custom Robo V2
Banjo Tooie
Rakuga Kids
Zero Hour
Rage Wars / Turok

Snowboard Kids 2
Indiana Jones

Excitebike 64
Shadows of Empire
Jet Force Gemini

Mother 3 chapter demo

>> No.10229779

It would be cool if they used the opportunity to finally release some cancelled or Japan only games

>> No.10229794
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>Mortal Kombat Trilogy

>> No.10230369

1. Super Mario 64
2. Paper Mario
3. Yoshi's Story
4. Mario Kart 64
5. Super Smash Bros.
6. Mario Party 3
7. Star Fox 64
8. Ocarina of Time
9. Majora's Mask
10. Donkey Kong 64
11. Banjo Kazooie
12. Banjo Tooie
13. GoldenEye
14. Perfect Dark
15. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
16. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
17. Battle Tanx
18. Army Men: Sarge's Heroes
19. NFL Blitz
20. Rush 2

>> No.10230381

No, but Rock music

>> No.10230390

marry, kill, fuck and the steal the consoles in that order.

>> No.10230395

ew, I hate stoners.

>> No.10230404

>ctrl + f
>"mischief makers"
fuck you guys

>> No.10230407 [DELETED] 

Reddit as fuck. Stop responding to these shit threads.

>> No.10230409

Since obviously all the first party games and probably most Rare games would be on it by default, the only other games that would even really be feasible to get on it or at the very least wouldn't look weirdly out of place on an official mini console would be Konamis games like Castlevania and Mystical Ninja Goemon. Everything else on this console is weird one off shit by 3rd parties that don't exist anymore, licenses like Star Wars they probably wouldn't bother to work out, and a lot of weird trash. Id like to see games like Chameleon Twist but it probably wouldnt happen.

>> No.10230412
File: 3.45 MB, 1305x1584, Duke Nukem - Zero Hour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duke Nukem 3D
Duke Nukem Zero Hour
Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness
Goemon Great Adventure
Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Turok 2
Turok 3
Mega Man 64
Quake 2
Doom 64
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine
Resident Evil 2
Beetle Adventure Racing
Ridge Racer 64
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

That's what I'd put for myself.
Now imagine all the tears if they actually went with this.

>> No.10230418

there's like 20 games on that darn thing in total

>> No.10230431 [DELETED] 

you only got two of my (You)s fuckface. Apply yourself.

>> No.10230435

Duke nukem port was also kinda good. i liked the stuff they added in

>> No.10230437 [DELETED] 

It's just a fun way of asking for people's top 20 n64 games. Better than a lot of other threads that bait arguments about off-topic matters

>> No.10230504 [DELETED] 

we don't do that here, maybe try reddit

>> No.10230509 [DELETED] 

Bet you enjoy playing D&D. What are you, fucking 3?

>> No.10231450

I'm guessing if Nintendo wanted to include RE2 it would be easy, but if they wanted to include an unlockable RE1, it would be next to impossible? See it would be nice if they could add Castlevania 64 and an unlockable Symphony of the Night, etc. etc.

>> No.10231465

Diddy Kong Racing in every place.

>> No.10231486 [DELETED] 

Donald Duck Gone Quackers
Harvest Moon 64
Virtual Chess
Beetle Adventure Racing
Star Wars: Shadows...
Indiana Jones
California Speed
Lode Runner 3D
Mega Man 64
Earthworm Jim
Diddy Kong Racing
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour
Yoshi's Story
Quest 64 (some sort of expanded, DX edition)
Goemon 1+2
World Is Not Enough
Castlevania: Legacy

If they added Gamecube controller, Wii remote and Nunchuk support, as well as Wheel support for racing games it could be nice. Using a wheel with Beetle Racing or Diddy Kong Racing in 16:9 might be a good start, particularly if they added characters or tracks, but I don't know how the contract would sort those things out.

>> No.10231487
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Based and self-induced psychosis-pilled

>> No.10231497
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Nigga that's like saying it would be nice if they could include Castlevania 64 on the PS1 mini. What are you smoking?

>> No.10231502

Most titles are now so old that instead of simply porting the major releases, the company will have to think about making DX editions of about 5-10 major titles, which might make them eligible for download on their next handheld.

>> No.10231516

Well yeah an N64 emulator couldn't do it alone but if they had a Cube emulator they might be able to squeeze the other RE titles in? I assume they'd want to use the Cube version of RE2 anyway if they were going to include it.

>> No.10231520

Certain titles do appear twice, like Gone Quackers is on the 64 and the Cube, do they include the reduced version only or try to add both?

>> No.10231542
File: 3.94 MB, 1280x720, Orange Cat Thinking.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GameCube titles on an N64 mini
Yeah and Nintendo could have added Super Mario Advance 4 on the NES mini

>> No.10231621
File: 66 KB, 482x677, saiky-habu-shogi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is obvious

>> No.10231651

>no banjo kazooie
>no smash bros

>> No.10233287

I am angry that I laughed God damn.
How you gonna not have F-Zero X on here my nigga
Everybody sleepin' on my GOAT Sin and Punishment
Nobody dropping respek for the kino coop shooter ARMORINES

>> No.10233291

It would be in my top 20 for sure but if you're Nintendo trying to sell a console would you really include it?

>> No.10233294

Hexen in coop on N64 is actually really fucking good, I love how the classes interact.

>> No.10233370

I'd throw in pod racing

>> No.10233686

mario 64
hybrid heaven
sin and punishment
mario kart 64
mario party 2
Pokemon Stadium 2
Diddy kong racing
shake shake
starfox 64
fzero X
pokemon snap
blast corps
bomberman hero
waverace 64
excitebike 64
smash bros 64
paper mario
turok 2
Doom 64
megaman 64